The Pokemon Farmer's Association | 100 Days of Stardew Pokemon #5

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[Music] thank you hello hello everyone hello so sorry for the late notice on this stream I did a member stream earlier today and then uh I just kind of I don't know it's so hot here today that I've just been absolutely dying but hello hopefully people still come I've really apologize for being super late on it but regardless we're gonna have a fantastic time and hello everybody hello hello Natalie and Laura and stare Kylie Mick Mike I hope I didn't mess that up Chloe hello hello Charizard Barber Shop okay thank you welcome Jonathan but yeah we're gonna have a fantastic time I'm excited to see what the like the legendary fishes for the summer I don't know what Pokemon anything is I'm just experiencing it with you and Isabella welcome the first time ever catching the stream welcome to the stream and Kristen as well hello it's I'm so glad you could be here I'm so glad anybody could be here because my game's such late notice but anywho yeah charboch barboat okay perfect thank you so much all right we are going to get into this I did last time if you recall hold on I need good music I I cannot start without good music beautiful so last time if you recall we were caught in like a groundhog day situation I fixed it it is now summer eight so we're where we fixed it and we're fine and also I we have the wood and we have the stone to make the chicken coop also Lewis gave us money which is always helpful music is slightly loud okay let me turn it down yeah I have like a new pc set up and everything so let me know about the levels and I will adjust it accordingly but yes this is our life our little Pokemon life I don't know where the heck I need to organize this stuff so bad where's my oh it's right here it's a horsey it confused me okay I have to water this one this one I'm so bad at watering things but I've got it this time [Music] I've got it I've got it I'm using all my brain power this one oh and then we got this little cluster and then I think we're good except for down there uh one add two okay we're good there so we've watered our plants now I think the thing we need to do is get our chicken coop from Robin and hello back to cat Dad how did I miss this announcement because it was very abrupt and I apologize for that I just I'm gonna be busy next week so I wanted to make sure that I could get in a Pokemon stream because I have been wanting to do this so bad and yes let's see we've got to go get our our little what should we call it our our coat our Coop our chicken coop so let us do that let us start the day by getting our beautiful chicken coop and we are going to be getting a chicken on this stream and I don't know what the chicken is but I'm gonna love it unconditionally and it's gonna be beautiful and Melanie thank you so much for the Super Chat oh my goodness hanging out with my boyfriend who doesn't play Star dude but knows Pokemon he's already confused well you who isn't confused you know the good thing though is that it's just fun to spot the Pokemon so if you know the Pokemon it's probably less confusing than if you only know the star do at least in my head it feels that way here just just for your boyfriend look at all the Pokemon in the water aren't they beautiful I love them but yeah I just I got so distracted I just think it's so pretty looking at the visible Fish Mod it's so cool what first things first where's the frick is Robin oh oops I didn't mean to like shake the entire store oh my God that was I'm really sorry that was aggressive Robin Robin oh oh okay we're good she's on her way I think she's still on on Mondays but I'm still gonna clutch it ready ready okay construct farm buildings coop we're gonna make a coop first we're just gonna do the regular sort of progression I'll put my coop in the boring spot we'll figure it we'll figure it all out later we'll have a good setup I totally forgot oh my house is in a gym like it normally is oh because oh I changed PCS and now my house is in a gym our house will be a gym next time I swear it's okay though let me see hopefully I didn't forget anything else I don't think I did but it's actually good that we did that because Robin literally is not working today so we clutched it I'm gonna just come out and say we clutched it and now with our Coop builds I feel like my next priority is to try and get the Crimson fish I'm just too excited to see what the legendary fish is gonna be what the heck is this spell on I don't I don't know oh it's also Gus's birthday so I'm forming a game plan in my mind we have to get an orange for Gus which I hope that I have and then we gotta try and catch the fish it's gonna be great didn't you catch the Crimson fish last time did I have I been looking forward to something I literally already did it can't be so it can't be so I don't think I did if I did that's gonna be super awkward because that was what I face the thumbnail on so I really hope I didn't whoopsie doodle uh uh I am like racking my brains right now I really don't think I did who even knows anymore not me clearly First cast remember what the frick did I I don't even know anymore it wasn't Crimson fish what first cat when did I catch this thing did I really oh my gosh it was an almost star I've been looking forward to something I already did like a like a big stupid fool okay well you know that's okay we don't we don't need we don't need to get this to forget about the Crimson fish we already did it but we have other things to do I think whoops that's embarrassing I was so excited and everything oh oh crud well I mean it's exciting to have already gotten it as well I guess I think that our priority then should be to go to the mines and I think that we should try and get the uh what should we call it the like the fish from the mines you know what I'm talking about the ice pip the stone fish the ghost fish we should get those because I don't think we've gotten those yet but oh wow that's wow that's that just dampened my mood I was so excited I was like let's get the fish and I already got it so I mean if anything it just speaks to the how our Pokemon Mastery you know plus I redid the day like five times at the end so that probably confused me a little bit and then I had to do it again but we're good we're good we're still going we need to get a lava eel exactly you're right we need to get a lava eel all is not lost it's gonna be good though but yeah I wanted to squeeze in a little Pokemon stream this week even though it's like literally the exact last moment of this week because I'm gonna be a little bit busy in the middle of the week and I didn't want to like go too long without doing one of these because I just I find them so fun and I don't know I'm pleased with the progress that we've had and I have a backpack oh I feel like I caught this one did I it's a relicanth in a gallerian corsola I have the glory okay I caught these ones all my plans are dashed let me see what about this one should I get I didn't get the wait what that's not the ice pip where the frick I think it's 60. this one it's like a Spiel did I get this one yet no okay we'll get the ice pip AKA this feel and then we will continue on then the mindset that will be our plan oh my goodness she lost her mind last dream when she had to call Blade and hasn't gained it back yet you're right honestly it's this is this the Pokemon starter has been like simultaneously one of the most fun and one of the most stressful series that I've streamed just because like everything breaks like David broke the stream what twice I don't even know and then last time I was stuck in a Time Loop and I think it was Mr Pam's fault I don't even know like I just have no idea and then we had the whole Fiasco with the The Legend I mean it's good content but bad for my mental health but yeah hello to everybody that's just making it in apologies for the late notice but thank you so much for being here right now we're just getting the ice pip there's there's nothing nothing big going on another that you've missed you know nothing too important that's happened yet I'm so excited to be playing Pokemon stardew I just love this freaking mod pack it's so fun Mr Pam how dare or no okay it wasn't actually Mr Pam I think it was the stardew expanded mod that broke it I'm pretty sure because my trusted professional mod knower noodles of cat was like looking through things and I was like maybe it's Mr Pam like I don't really know that's the only new one and they were like no no it's it's star to expand it I remember it all now like it was yesterday and I was so shocked I was like oh the deceit not star to expanded but we're good now and master Rob thank you so much for the super chat if anyone asks I'm totally not working I'm totally working and not watching that is good that's always good to be working and not watching a stream while you're working but I won't tell I mean your presence brought the ice pip to us so I can't be mad oh my God hush now dumb fish sorry I didn't mean to call you dumb please don't please please don't backlash after that stop yes okay seems pippy oh we got that we got this this feel I that just made me think of Pippi Longstocking again I feel like I've mentioned that before in this series I don't know why oh my gosh also a small hiccup um as I said 50 bajillion times I just changed my PC and I've been trying to like Port everything over and get everything all fixed up and stuff kind of how it was before I cannot figure out how to turn my animation canceling back on like it's just broken for some reason so we're just going in a little bib today a wee beb but it's gonna be okay because we have so much scale it kind of offsets it you know it's fine yeah it's the animation canceling is not functional but that's fine and Melanie thank you so much for the super chat again this is me paying you to oh my gosh no no this is me paying you to get a backpack upgrade this stream and also to requests we find Mr Pam to show my boyfriend who loves Mr mime I mean if you love Mr mime I don't know if you want to see Mr Pam but I can do those things for you thank you so much oh my gosh oh my gosh if I can live that long I we're fine we're fine it doesn't kill us makes us stronger and I am now very strong beautiful okay it's 5 50. the backpack upgrade wait did I animation cancel no I didn't I was so excited for a brief moment we must see Mr Pam okay we'll we'll get there just gotta get to 65 I feel like we should see Mr Pam in his natural environment and go to the saloon it only feels right and Gabby hello first time catching the stream thank you so much for being here that's so exciting thank you for hanging out oh goodness this is just this is okay okay I'll go see Mr Pam I forget how much the backpack upgrade is but I think it's ten thousand or something so I'm gonna have to save for that celosis is so scuffed yeah you're right Kylie you're right on the money on that one I think it is a little scuffed but it's kind of cute too you gotta admit I just kind of like it are those dust Sprites garlic no that just further shows that the celosis is very very weird looking you are correct ten thousand dollars oh gosh I can do it I believe in myself okay I'm I know I'm historically really oh so sorry Robin I know I'm historically horrible at saving money but I believe in myself this time and maybe that's what was missing all those times before oh okay let's see where is our beloved Miss sir Pam uh keep walking nothing okay oh there she is nothing like a sip of the good stuff to warm these old bones you really said it Mr Pam oh wow oh we haven't given you a gift allow me on behalf of I don't know everybody here on behalf of Melanie here's a lovely refreshment thanks to Millie and kid I I don't know I got I I I hate this again I hate that Mr fam is our highest friendship in this town why I it's fine it's fine really we're fine I'm so scared Mr Pam please everybody it's gonna be okay we're all experiencing it together which makes it less bad but it's it's still pretty bad so sorry and also KJ thank you so much for gifting a membership that is so generous of you I really appreciate it thank you thank you sorry that I rewarded You by probably traumatizing you my bad oh yeah Mr Pam is uh just a lot it's a lot to take in I can't I can't even I can't even formulate words I feel like every time I see them I'm just like wow Beauty but look at me I'm organizing my chests everything is neat and orderly I'm putting my Spiel in oh shoot it's good I don't know why I have like trash in here I'm just so bad at keeping my chests organized but we're today's the day that we change that okay I also need to sell stuff because I need the backpack upgrade which oh we'll do it we'll do it I'm just I'm just like grasping at straws here I'm like I don't know what to sell I sold everything to catch the legend and now I have nothing except I don't know my my deep want to be the very best I don't know if there's anything to forage probably not I don't know and Melanie thank you I think it's only right Mr Pam is number one friend as a Mr mime and joyer I think that is quite a statement I'm I'm glad that you enjoy Mr mime Mr Pam sorry my bad I can't I haven't reached that level yet but I do just enjoy the chaos that it brings us at the very least or the quick little jump scares whenever I turn a corner is it rude to say you and Jaden animations sound similar I like okay and it's not rude it's definitely not rude I don't it doesn't bother me but I also think like so many people have said that to me before including therm he he's like yes you sound like Jade that was the first thing I thought about you and but I just don't hear it I don't know I don't know why I'm just like the only person in the world that doesn't think that but I you're not the first person to say that is the thesis I also think these chest colors are just all wrong I don't this one is usually burgundy and I don't know why these are in here this looks okay I think and then I gotta put these in and this one is gonna be purple that's just how it always is I don't know why um I can't wait to see all the Mr Pam cut scenes oh God I somehow that didn't occur to me until you just said that oh boy well can you show off your chest of Pokemon please oh for sure so this is what we have so far keep in mind we sold most of them to get the taco we needed for the legend but we got a little ditto almost star I love this Appling we've just got a bunch of little goodies in here and I think that our best thing to do for today would be to go back to the mines because we still have not gotten to the bottom and I want to do that I'm trying to think what else there is to do it's just like I don't know I don't know I just want to catch them all is there any summer fish that we can only get when it's raining oh wouldn't that be just great if we fished I know we we don't do enough fishing in this series I feel and I apologize for that deeply oh oh maybe there's like a puffer fish or something I just my brain is screaming puffer fish I don't know here let me just walk along I guess I can just look I am seeing nothing um there's a lot of these little Barrack skew does or whatever walleye oh that's that I think that that's a for sure I think I'm pretty sure that there's like a puffer fish or something hold on stardew puffer fish oh my God there's so many these little dubers down here stardew puffer fish summer days only Sun okay so the exact opposite condition that it is today perfect love that there's golden Magikarp though have we gotten one of those yet and there's like the goribus goribus I don't know how people say that like we haven't gotten those we'll see I guess oh my oh my this one's a little feisty or it was now it accepts its fate shiny Magikarp we gotten that before I don't think we did it's a tuna oh wow that's so exciting to me I don't know why oh my gosh that's so exciting I'm trying to like look at them I'm like have we gotten an octillary I don't think we have we might have to get an octillary too G golly doesn't it just feel great to be fishing again everybody [Music] I just love fishing I can't help it you should 100 stream Untitled Goose game it's not too long of a game I'd be down for Untitled Goose game I've seen people play that before but I've never played it myself from what I understand you're just kind of like a little Hecker of a goose and you run around and steal things and that does I got it it's a red snapper but that does seem kind of up my alley I won't lie now I think the only one that we haven't gotten is the octillary so yeah I think that was what my brain was thinking was we need the octopus so I'm gonna go until I get that we're gonna get one my dad and I decided today we wanted a dog it's a doberman and it'll be ready on June 23rd and we're naming it sprinkles wait that's so exciting congratulations I hope that you you have the best time with sprinkles that is actually so exciting I love that every Charlie have you ever played later alligator because if you haven't it would be amazing game to stream um it's not the gator Island one right because I saw that game and I really wanted to play it but I don't know hold on later alligator I've Gotta See as I wait for this octopus to be caught by me oh later alligator I haven't seen this before I'll have to look into it see what it's all about okay you're being pesky you little fish I'm trying to to be kind please there's just so many games that I want to stream like today I was talking about this in the member stream but I was like I just want to play freaking Mario Odyssey for the first time because I've never played Mario Odyssey and it looks so fun and I'm like obsessed with the idea of playing it right now but I just can't because I'm like if I start another Siri another stream series that's just so much to keep up with like I feel like I should do one and then just do it like every day until it's finished and then start the next one but instead I'm like oh I really want to get I want to play this game and I want to play that one because I have no control but yeah okie dokie come to me octopus this is not an octopus I tell you I did not think it would take this long to get an octopus wait are they gone no there's one right there I don't know how long we have I believe that's not an octopus though it's too slow it's a piece of seaweed I don't understand why seaweed is considered a fish and it's already expand it octopus why was that like harder than any legendary fish what the heck I didn't even have a chance that was devastating we have until 1pm oh rud nugget dude I have like no time what what okay well maybe today is not the octopus day that's too kind to be an octopus oh Charlie my mom says hi hello to your mom thank you for watching I appreciate it and what is the yellow thing you caught it's a shiny Magikarp which is very adorable and lovely and cash reverted thank you so much for getting a membership welcome to spray them I really appreciate it thank you so much oh that could that what has eight legs and belongs to me now [Music] this this is disguise this guy that was the worst moment of my life I really thought that was an octopus and I'm upset it's fine make sure you remember the Dorado let me check Dorado oops stardew when do we need it holy crap that was so loud 6 a.m to 7 P.M summer any weather let's get it right now and it's gonna be great and fantastic you should buy bait while Willie is there a fantastic idea I didn't even realize I didn't have it because I was just vibing I don't know the silence is loud you know I really thought oops I really thought it was an octopus I'm not gonna lie to you I didn't check the time ah but it's fine goodbye wingles okay what wait I want to see is this the crabby get yourself at home no this is the stinky fish right the aroma has been known to linger for up to seven weeks oh my God okay I thought that was gonna be the one where all the crabs come out and start like attacking Willie's shop but no another day I need to keep those two oh I probably need to keep like all of them okay well oops whatever I'm just gonna grab 85. and save the rest for a lovely little backpack that will be purchasing at some points don't skip oops it's just if there's Pokemon in it then I will then I will watch it but if there's no Pokemon I don't want to hear a word I don't want to hear it Willy sorry sorry Willie I I care about you but not enough to watch that cut scene for like the 50th time do a Nuzlocke in Pokemon I do want to try and I've never done a Nuzlocke before so I'm I'd like to try I'm scared that I'm not cut out for it because I'm not the kind of like I don't know I'm not like a challenge Runner Min maxer kind of person but I'd like to try for sure I probably will I also don't see the Dorado the nut because we already have these don't we or is the carvana the Dorado I'll just catch things and stop asking questions we'll see this one seems Dorado like in some ways I would say that's a pike Charlie you were me and my boyfriend's only meal entertainment oh my gosh I'm so honored to be the thing you watch while you eat I feel like everybody has that like a specific YouTuber they watch while they eat I feel like I have that although it like varies a lot no I want the carvana but thank you I'm honored oh it spawns in the same place as the glacier fish I hate that dreaded area but I'll go I didn't know it was that specific I don't know when the last time I potted Dorado is what how do I even get there hello uh 5 p.m it's only out till seven I think oh my I don't even know where that island is I think I erased it from my memory I'm looking though the only thing I see that I I think I've caught a carvana though oh my gosh I'm so disoriented because of the star to expanded okay I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to find it another day I feel like I'm so lost it must be further down below Andy's Farm or something oh geez I have no idea I'll get there one day but right now oh Squirtle there it goes I love the little Squirtles they're so cute for now I'm just really excited to get a chicken I feel like that's where most of my attention's at and let's see we have this guy we do not have a basculine shiny Magikarp they'll love this and no sorry you know we have a star you okay we're good we're good and we have an artifact oh that's so exciting oh my God my apologies why was that so loud can the Thunder chill out please goodness gracious that just scared me so much I don't know I might just go to the mines for a minute we'll see if we find anything who knows who knows and KJ thank you so much for the Super Chat thank you for being such an amazing streamer I love your content oh my goodness thank you I really appreciate it I'm trying hard I keep saying this is my streamer ERA this is where I start streaming consistently which is why I just wanted to do a quick stream tonight even though it was like super off the cuff super I don't know like I feel so bad because usually people need some notice beforehand but I feel like I was like hey guys I'm streaming uh basically right now so thank you all for being here I just wanted to make sure that there was some some streaming to be done this weekend okay it's 7 50 p.m we can we can get at least five floors in that time I Believe in Us [Music] this rock this is the one I meant this was the one oh my God see we're good and I should probably get uh away oh my gosh not having the animation canceling it's rough going back okay okay okay okay hush now I can't stop looking at these things and thinking it just looks like garlic I don't remember who said that but they really do kind of look like garlic oh Memorial day is tomorrow oh my gosh it is I totally forgot about that oh beautiful we haven't gotten that one yet That's so exciting I don't know maybe I'll have to do a little Memorial Day thing I don't know what probably just what I would have done normally I do want to play more tears of the Kingdom I'm I am itching to play oh my gosh ever since I started I've just been thinking about it constantly I'm like I need to get back into it I need to do it again it's just so good I vote tears to the kingdom I I know I might just have to do it I hear bats what do you want from me I'm just trying to live my life trying to get money for a freaking backpack just leave me alone oh my gosh we will be talking to the dwarf in no time and I just realized the dwarf is probably a Pokemon so that's actually really good for us hmm are you streaming tomorrow I might try to I don't really know I kind of don't know what my plans are tomorrow I I'm so like discombobulated so we'll have to see I will definitely give more than 10 minutes notice though if I do and like I always say like the best place to get notified of stuff is probably my Discord because I always send out a little message saying hello I'm Gonna Be Live but yeah I will I'll give more notice I was just I was trying to make the thumbnail for today's stream and then I was sitting there thinking ah should I stream or is it too late and then I was like okay well the more I deliberate the more it just I don't know it gets later so that's my bad [Music] and I also really want to I oh my gosh I've had this like brownie mix in my pantry for so long and I got coffee ice cream on a whim like yesterday or something because it was super hot out and then I don't know I had the brilliant idea of making the brownies and putting the coffee ice cream on top of the brownies so I've just been like thinking I don't know I'm just really excited about it and I was gonna make them but then I was like oh no the brownies take 30 minutes and if I stream then I'm gonna be streaming for a couple hours and I won't be able to get the brownies so yeah you like coffee ice cream I thought I was the only one really is it that like is it that like I don't know rare of an interest I feel like I know a lot of people that like coffee ice cream I thought everybody liked coffee ice cream I don't know coffee ice cream brownies sound perfect right I'm not even I've been thinking about these brownies for like two days straight I'm not even kidding I'm like I'm gonna put nuts in them I have walnuts and pecans pecans it's gonna be great it's gonna be a fantastic experience I already know it if I could find a staircase I'm gonna like die if if this isn't it oh my God okay okay it's fine at least we got some squirrel we actually got two dwarf Scrolls which is very good and um um I'm gonna probably die so it's just you know I'm gonna pass out Charlie no I'm not look it's fine oh it started expanded I totally am I need to get those freaking carts unlocked this is awful you know I'm just gonna die right here I don't even I'm not even gonna try who cares anymore ah and Isabella thank you so much for the Super Chat apparently we're playing started together right now oh my gosh that's so fun I hope that your farm is going well I thank you so much for being here and thank you for the support poppy ice cream is the beans and knees I really appreciate that I like that that is clever the beans knees I'm gonna start saying that instead of the bee's knees I'm gonna say the beans knees oh my God that's so funny I'm I'm literally gonna start saying that Out of the Woods more like camping exactly guys I'm camping camping 555 dollars that's like typical for I don't know renting a campsite or something like it's fine I'm camping quite delightful I do say I loved it I would love it more if I had a sprinkler here and I didn't have to deal with this but you know it's okay I'm I meant this is my roots I need to remember this one day when I have iridium Sprinklers and be grateful all these plants are growing really well though I'm just so excited for our our berries I kind of forget which is which but I know we have a lovely assortment so the weeds did damage to my farm crud I'll get rid of them where are they I feel like there's not much of a farm to damage I don't even know I don't think they did get out of here do I have anything I don't think so it'll be fine okay today is the 10th I think that okay I'm gonna donate the artifacts that I have to the museum I'm gonna open up some geodes and then I'm gonna go back to the mines and keep making my way down because we need the money so that we can get a chicken because our coop is going to be done in in near day one day I think and we've got to be ready for that I'm also going to take these grapes for energy because I just frankly do not care about Vincent you lost an entire plant madam I don't even I don't even know where it was so it's fine it's you know it's if I don't remember it it can't have been that important it's not it's my favorite plant clearly that's okay it's fine oh my gosh my chair how's Clifford we need to know how Clifford is uh Clifford's good um uh trying to think I don't know Clifford's good he's just kind of chilling out I feel like something that he's been doing like lately which is very cute is that uh he finds Little Friends where like it's it's mostly carpenter ants I was trying to think of what bug it was which was like sitting here going uh but I think it's mostly carpenter ants but he's found like two carpenter ants in the past couple days and usually I wouldn't be the biggest fan of that and I would be like I don't want ants in my house but it's really cute because he finds them and then he sits and like watches them and he doesn't even try to eat them or attack them or anything he'll just sit there and like watch them as they walk across the whole like wall and he'll just do that for hours and it's the cutest thing and then sometimes if they get close to him he'll just paw at them so that oh my God we got Umbreon of Echo Hill and Jade Hills Mew holy crap we're gonna need an art gallery I just realized because I need all the paintings in my house I love them oh my God I love them they're so cute I love this Mew one he was so adorable he's got an ant farm going on I know he's he's up to devious things and I don't know what they are but he's cute while he's doing them so it's okay with me but yeah he's good I think it was really hot today because it was the temperature has been very very toasty but I mean it's better than being cold probably not for him but for me I tell myself as I sit in this very hot and stuffy room I like this better I do it's great but okay we need to put our stuff in the house and then we need to go to the mines that is my priorities right now I was forever Trevor the plant I have bad news I I haven't had that plant for a very long time when I moved back to the U.S I had to leave him behind also Annie I was gonna mention that but I'm still grieving I just learned that wickety got the living hat today on our stream and you know what wickety didn't just get the living hat it was like I I was doing my member stream this afternoon and we were grinding for fiber you know as as we do on that farm and then uh yeah I finished the stream and I was like ah well we didn't get it today guys but thanks for hanging out and then literally like right afterward I got like five messages from people being like um wickety just got the living hat in her stream and I was like okay love that and I watched the clip like seven times and I was just like God I wish that was me but it's not so it's okay I sent that clip to Charlie yeah thank you Mac I'm I I just it's hard it's hard but I'll I'll survive but yeah basically in my anti-capitalist series all I want is the living hats and I just can't get it because it's literally like the most rare item in stardew Valley and for some reason I made that a goal for myself and I never should have I literally never should have but now it's just my life what about Victor was that the Tomato's name uh Victor the tomato plant also left in Canada so totally my bad sorry we'll get new ones though because I do want to get more plants I liked having them I ate a lot of um Tomatoes I put the basil in a lot of my food and it was it was lovely so I'd like to do that again for sure once I have a better place to put them where they won't uh get the blight and such but okay we're going and Jennifer thank you so much for the Super Chat I really appreciate it I was just watching your last started Pokemon I didn't know you're streaming now you need to make a video when you finally get a PO Box I crochet and I want to make plushies oh my gosh I would literally be honored to receive a plushie that is so cute oh my gosh I'm so oh my gosh I really am so excited I know once I get like established and I have like a more long-term place I that's like the first thing I'm gonna do is open up vo box and it's gonna be marvelous and I can't wait to see all the cursed items that are sent to me I believe in you I think that you guys will send interesting things I don't know I just get that feeling I feel like I'm gonna just it's gonna be a lot of oh what is what is this Charlie's saying tomatoes and basil is tearing me apart what the how do you almost used my life these days is like Charlie's saying this wrong is hurting me I'm like what what am I saying tomato what am I supposed to say tomato basil I could cry I'm just gonna stop speaking words I can't apparently everything I say is wrong oh good oh good where can I find Clifford I want to crochet him oh my God that's so cute I I don't know I have to either there's probably pictures I know in my like Lolly villager hunt video of uh it had it's like the most recent one I did I'm pretty sure I think there's a picture of Clifford there so okay if you wanted it I think that's where you could find it because Clifford looks just like Lolly so pronounced tumatoi and Brazil okay my bad I've been saying it wrong my whole time oh that's true it might be like they might be from the UK you're so right okay I see I see then that's totally valid it's the different accents I was just like are these more words that I've just been saying wrong because I literally my whole life is just like I can't believe you say Gerudo instead of Gerudo I can't believe you said Tiba instead of Teva I'm like Teba why Tiba sounds cooler it's okay we're moving past it we're okay one day I'll learn to speak but not today probably not tomorrow but still one day I do like the British pronunciations of things like way more though I like the way the things are said it just sounds lovely and KJ thank you so much for the five gifted memberships oh my goodness that is so generous thank you so much I really appreciate all the support thank you oh my goodness one is that say tomatui in Brazil okay I will say that they sound very interesting oh goodness please let me get to 70 at least having no animation canceling is wearing on my mental ability oh there we go at least we got a little bit and Alex Murphy thank you so much for the Super Chat don't worry about pronunciation I'm Australian so I just assume every difference is accent related true there's also the very like kind of radical is according to language nothing is right or wrong like anything is valid if it communicates what you're trying to communicate and it's like I don't know language is just a lot for my brain so I don't know just the way it is like something one of my friends says Dash and instead of Dachshund and I'm like what what is it what fashioned hello like I just mostly I just call it like a wiener dog but like what not gonna lie after that Lance cut scene I want Victor back really I was kind of into it I was like this is saucy Eric Baroni would never dare so funny and I got a master slingshot life is good but uh okay what's a wiener what do you mean what's a like a wiener dog like the little dachshund dogs or they're like really long I just called it a wiener dog I don't know I don't know if that's just me does nobody else say wiener dog now I feel weird calling those little dogs wieners like what do they do I don't know oh my gosh oh my gosh what day number is it I'm pretty huh I'm pretty sure it's like day 36. I can't do the math right now but it's somewhere near there they're wiener dogs like hot dog wieners yeah I that's like honestly my favorite little pet costume is when people put a little buns on their wiener dogs it's so cute because it's like they look like a hot dog and it's cute and I love it I joke around sometimes and say pineapple instead of pineapple pineapple oh my gosh I think I sometimes say pineapple too it's just how it goes Charlie what's it's 28 plus 10 you're so right for some reason my brain was just not having it to be fair I streamed three hours before this and then just laid in the hot temperatures and felt like a blob my brain is not on it today and Alex Murphy thank you so much Charlie out here insulting dogs for fun well I didn't mean to assault them and I really like their Dapper little outfits when they have buns on I think it's cute so I don't know this Emoji new yeah I drew that little because long from Pennsylvania is just kind of like a thing I mentioned like at the very beginning of this channel I feel just out of nowhere because it's like my favorite meme of all time and I was I like was waiting for my Zelda stream like the tears of the Kingdom I think yesterday the day before or something like that and I was just drawing that for no reason and then I was like this kind of has to be a new little Emoji thing I feel my friend has Chihuahua and Dachshund mix it now I'm like how do I say this word Dachshund mixes and called them chiweenies I feel like I've heard of a chiweenie before such a funny name I really like all the names of like dog breed mixes where it's just like we're gonna call you like a a doodle something DoodleBob and it's just cute and then you ask people what their dog breed is that's just like oh it's a it's a doodle bob and you're just like oh okay fair enough I believe you but chowini might be my favorite foreign [Music] okay try to say Chiweenie without smiling chiweenie I literally I just think that it's so funny I just like it chiweenie I'm like dying I need food I need sustenance I have one more floor you're not gonna make me I'm leaving at 12 30 so I don't pass out again but I really want to get to the next floor I cannot possibly use my pickaxe anymore please please chiweenie chiweenie it gets easier the more you say it because it stops feeling like a word it's kind of like I don't know I feel like earlier today we were talking about the word egg it's like if you say egg enough it just stops feeling real can you make a bomb I don't think so unfortunately no how much energy do I have nine oh I can do this okay if one of you doesn't drop the ladder I I okay that was a little rude I was in the middle of a sentence ladder come um come up this way and please don't do that flatter ladder ladder ladder ladder ladder I cannot believe my existence okay I can't oh no it's 1 30 I totally forgot whatever I'm going camping I get weight now I might as well oh I love I love life I love I love I'm so happy I don't even care Marlon let's go down together still need something to drop into this Festival soup oh crud the Lou house tomorrow oh well that's awkward what am I gonna put in the soup tomorrow oh geez lucky ladder I know that was kind of clutch I I I'm pretty pleased with that oh my gosh what do I put in the suit is this oh these are ready to harvest oh my God are those Nana berries I always said nanab as a kid that's probably wrong everything I say seems to be wrong oh that's so cool I just don't know like do I just sell them Maybe put a Pokemon into the soup thank you Jennifer um okay What Pokemon do we want to put in the soup I can I could also put a NAB Berry I feel like that could work well too I have to water this stuff quick though oh and I wanted to get a chicken but Robin oh I forgot on the festival day It's upsetting but it's okay we'll get our chicken everything is gonna be okay no need to panic and I'm watering and I'm watering pronounced Nene B [Music] I don't think I believe you I don't I don't I don't know I don't know about that one chief let's see hmm I don't know what to put in no eating Pokemon that's bad um but it's a soup sacrifice put soup in soup I don't know I kind of want to put this in a NAB Barry in because I also need these for um like my outdoor little I'm the how do I describe this I'm planning like an outdoor aquarium I'm like dying in a crimson fish pairing anchovy I don't have a flounder or anything so I don't know I'm gonna put this Berry in but I'll bring I don't know I feel like all none of those are gonna do well so I might as well just put put in the shiny Magikarp not the shiny Magikarp I can't put the shiny Magikarp in that's like my most special Pokemon I love him and it also reminds me of uh Magikarp jump I don't know if anybody else plays that game but it's like basically it's like how do I describe this oh my God oh my God the music we've gotta go I wasn't even I didn't even do anything okay tuna does well though we're too late the music is spurring us on we need to just go I love Magikarp jump such a good game oh my gosh I didn't know everybody else played Magikarp jump I've been obsessed with it for like two years oh my gosh oh my God and hello what is Wizard welcome to the chat welcome to the Stream I appreciate you being here okay 10 minutes all right go time also this is a golden NAB Berry which makes me feel as if ah wait are we eating this cast former such as dancing on the table I'm concerned no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no why does this KK song go so hard it like it has no right I like that you can still see the fish even during a festival I despise Mr Pam oh my God my fiance and I love Magikarp jump criminally underrated I am like I get obsessed with really weird offshoot Pokemon games that are really just I don't know mindless it's just so basically the one that I was obsessed with before Magikarp jump I'm trying to think of how to describe it but it was called ojimon and I found it so randomly one day and it's just Pokemon and you have to collect like the original like first generation Pokemon and they just have weird faces and it's the whole game is in like Japanese because it's I don't know that's what the developers the developers are from Japan so obviously that makes sense but I don't obviously know Japanese so I was just like oh God I hate Mr Pam so much I gotta go but it was just such a weird game and then I spent like four years trying to beat it and I got to the end and what's going on here oh my God wait oh my God there's so many what are these free for me well guys this is a are these free if I knew they were free wait what the heck um goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye wait no way what the heck do we get I want a Rayquaza it's just free what the heck dude these are all Pokemon oh Sudowoodo oh this is bad I should have upgraded my backpack oh crud dude Gladius Gladius I said those backwards Deoxys oh no no no no no no fat gaglion doll what is going on oh no okay goodbye slingshot we need these I don't even how did I get that sword I don't even recall okay if only someone told you to upgrade your backpack sooner Melanie I'm poor I tried oh there's so many cool things that I can oh okay well we need to prioritize the PO there's too many there's too many are you seeing this okay well Zigzagoon we don't need wingle we don't need teclion we need curly uh desklops we don't need Kitty we need uchiana we need this is um killing me inside Chuck you can restart the day hmm maybe all this stuff will be available in the catalog that's true it'll probably be available in the catalog but like oh my I even if I restart the day and upgrade my backpack I'm not going to be able to get the things that I want like there's just too much like I might as well just get as much as I can and then oh get the furniture catalog later this is incredible I need a Blastoise oh gosh get the whalmer okay I'll get the whalmer whatever I see I'll just grab whalmer oh my gosh this is absurd I just have to trash everything oh crud oh okay it's right here I was like what the heck was I donating did I trash it but now we're good we're good okay do you really need the sweet peas no no no we don't need the sweet peas but we need is a ride on first certain let's see Snorlax we gotta get a Snorlax hmm oh put something in the soup to free up a spot that is you're so right we'll do that okay let's just start from here we got the Mew did we get the Mew earlier we did not get the Mew but we saw the Mew already I think it's on something else poochiana we got we gotta get the Registeel Regice Regirock we have the Blastoise Charizard Venusaur okay we have room for one more if we put our berry in not even to mention the like millions of decorations that I also desperately want but I'm pretty sure that we're gonna get them with the furniture catalog so I'm not that worried it's mostly just that I whoa they look so cute too it's mostly just that I want them okay where where were we I kind of um oh they're all so cute well okay we have an Azurill as a real I don't know how people say this Pikachu I don't know if we've gotten I know that we've gotten a lot of these ones but I don't think we're gonna get a toe Gippy or Jigglypuff is a definite no and I love those eyes so I'm going with that one okay that was so fortunate did you get the Mudkip one whoa first of all kitsu Curry welcome to the stream second of all there's a Mudkip hold on bye fujiana Mudkip is like my favorite Pokemon ever oh my God there is a Mudkip I need to get Mudkip I'm sorry I just love Mudkip so much okay okay let's start the luau it is time to see what the mayor thinks of our random Pokemon Berry or nanab Berry well folks it's time once again for the potluck ceremony I trust that you all put high quality ingredients in the pot this year oh trust me I did let us see I am nervous oh God oh so he's happy that's a very pleasant soup oh my God yeah whoo tasty oh my guys we did kind of a good job I am proud I am very proud of that if they all pass through your inventory it's technically a catch right that is so unfortunate that I read that um at this moment and not the moment before well it's fine because look at all the fun little friends we have and we're gonna get them later when we had the furniture catalog probably so it's fine this is just like I have so much freedom and I'm scared of it hold on okay I feel like we can do like a Maybe why can't I place you aside oh no no they can only be placed in a house I'm gonna have to fix that no way they need to be outside okay we'll have a Snorlax you can have it blocking the path to the bed and fitting way what the frick did sorry did any did [Music] did I just are we did we all okay um I okay moving on uh um I'm gonna put the Lugia there next to my Mudkip what is going on what is this now I have to put this outside I don't understand whatever I'm just gonna place what I can we've got to have all the reggies next to each other for certain maybe Kyogre no Kyogre doesn't fit very well there Deoxys does though this is like so fun we'll have our whalmer ear these ones like don't go inside I don't know what's going on but we're fine [Music] why I don't okay whatever it's one o'clock I'm aware of the time and I'm gonna not die pseudobudo there I'm gonna have the Jigglypuff says here because the eyes are creepy and I don't want to sleep with it Rayquaza oh my God it's 1 30. I'm not gonna die okay that's all I can do for now oh my God the pseudo Widow dances everybody are we all seeing this that is so cute that is so freaking cute the Sudowoodo dances I love him oh Amber level five farming Pokemon products were 20 more or crops were 10 more we're good definitely gonna have more we're gonna be more of a Rancher because we we just gotta see what all the Pokemon are like of course we're gonna have more animals Pilates and latius together it's a good show no oh my God oh my God okay you go there you go there perfect it's looking good Mudkip has to go by the water I think okay let me just put these ones in there oh I need the Mudkip to actually test that theory let's all the Koop is built this is the best day of my life I can't place it I don't know I don't know why it's so weird I'll have to figure it out Susan's melons are growing like wildfire I am happy to hear it good for you thank you for flexing on my farm but it's okay because our berries are growing like wildfire as well I may have melons this is a star fruit I think and then okay I'm gonna put more stuff down that I'm probably gonna forget the water but it's okay it's only five more seeds oh my gosh beautiful okay Sudowoodo is so cute I know it's so adorable we need to get those Furniture cataloged like that is a huge priority for me but now we have the coop I need to quickly look up silo stardew for The Silo we need 100 Stone 10 clay and five copper bars okay under Stone 10 clay five copper bars okay it is ooh it's traveling cart day so I'm gonna go check the traveling cart and while we're there we're gonna get our first Pokemon this Farm layout hurts my soul it hurts mine too don't worry where's the miraculous doll I don't know did I grab one or did I forget I have no idea you missed some plants top right okay I'll get them I promise I don't don't worry I will get them I'll get him I just gotta check the traveling cart and then get my first chicken because I'm just too excited to have a chicken it's gonna be fantastic what is going on with your little face okay garlic cave carrot parsnip oh oh [Music] what are you what is it oh [Music] what the heck is this thing it's a thousand dollars and all I want is to buy it what even what even is it what what are you really oh my God large green Pokey Egg oh my God I don't know what's going on but I want them all quiet execute the transaction sorry I just really want it it's just really funny wait I kind of wanted to just be in our hot bar like a little friend kind of like clippy from I don't know Microsoft whatever where it's like hello I'm clippy if you need help I'm here for you now we have a little Clippy but okay bird Pokemon oh we go to zotu I wonder if it's different based on the color now it's a Starly I kind of want a Starly hmm killered okay lovely okay what do we name this chicken uh is it an apricot I was thinking that Gabby I have literally no idea try not to spam but it's important that you name a chicken Cena cynical okay we have senorical hey hey Moe Samantha you're choosing a Starly over a zate okay fine we'll take this all too oh we'll take this all too everybody continue with your names okay name it apricot zinc okay as soon as I see a duplicate name from multiple parties I will choose Julius like Orange Julius cynical what is cynical mean I need to know the lore senor what the heck cynical why does everybody love cynical okay fine we'll name it cynical oh my God how the oops how the frick do you spell this so nor goal is this correct oh my gosh what's going on oh my God okay wait it's spelled different there oh gosh I kind of like that spelling more senorical okay we'll do we'll do I I I I don't know okay we're doing synorkle but spelled that out just a little bit different and Kat thank you so much for being a member for a whole month I really appreciate it checking them while I dye my bangs ooh also I love apricot for a pet shoot well name me Starly apricot is a better Starly name I feel so we'll keep that in mind but thank you so much I appreciate it Merlin because they're magical that's kind of cute too it's an oracle a cow I just felt like the kle it made me feel things inside get a Starly too okay fine I'll get a Starly I'm gonna name it apricot because I feel like that was just a lovely suggestion I feel like I it's got to be apricot one day he'll get a Samantha true we can we can name something Samantha I feel like we're gonna have a lot of animals because they're also different I don't know we're just animal I don't know why it shows a Combusken but then it gives me oh that's not a Starly okay that's also not a Starly come on now Starly okay and it's apricot correct let me check apricot that is an adorable little name for a bird and I love it okay little apricot okay so here's the thing super glad that we got these chicken things I don't get me wrong but we cannot feed them I'm gonna leave the door open and just let them roam but I need to get a silo so that I can actually get the hay because I'm not growing that myself my sister said you sound like jaded animations too I don't know I don't get it but I'll take it I guess I appreciate it whoa she does sound like Jade I just don't understand oh my gosh what the frick [Music] is this egg speaking to me wait apricot can you just move what how is it moving in there that's I don't think that's how birds work oh my God apricots today oh I love it I love it so much okay be free My Children okay good God I don't okay I don't have any words to to talk I there's nothing else to say about apricot it's really unsettling it feels like it's looking at me and it doesn't even have a face oh my God okay okay go find food I don't know there's food over here come come this way Go Get It Go Get It I don't know what to say go find it eat it yum yums uh okay I need clay to get The Silo I have the Rocks I think I put them away because I'm a large fool I have the Rocks I have the copper I have the money obviously because it's only like a hundred dollars and then let me see I just want to make sure that I have everything and then I just need 10 clay yeah okay simple enough I can do that ten pieces of lightweight I need my hope I got my hope and let us get the clay this is gonna be excruciating to watch given that I don't have animation canceling on but that's okay you need to put the hay in the coop I know I don't have hay I don't want to buy it from Marnie that's too much money absorption how's the egg gonna eat with no mouth Yes osmosis that's yeah it'll be fine they'll be it's fine you know it'll absorb through the shell I don't know it's gonna be just peachy do [Music] you just hit it with your sword I thought you had to have a silo first before you could do that maybe I'm mistaken [Music] oh my gosh can you incubate your execute I mean seeing as it's a fruit I really don't think so it's there's this is all very confusing okay come on just gotta just give me one piece of clay come on now it just takes one and then I'm off to the races please oh my God I'm so bad with the luck for this like just give it to me oh my God the shiny Magikarp is like mocking me it's laughing at me I can feel it Charlie which came first the Pokemon or the egg apparently the egg I don't know isn't the real answer the egg because like oh we've done it okay one two three I hate it here one two three one two three then why has this happened to me I just making sure why why oh okay oh no this is so excruciating why is this happening oh no no no I watched the video once they said the Proto chicken came first yeah that's what it is the Proto chicken I don't why why has this happened to me I did I did it wrong I did it wrong I did it wrong okay it's okay I'm moving on I'm just gonna continue going until I get 10 pieces of clay because for some reason it's like partially working maybe it's just luck I'll just make it look like I'm really good at clay farming and then we can attribute it to that oh just all in a day's work come on I just need like three more faces oh come on now this is excruciating okay now I'm just gonna give give me the clay this is not the most elegant strategy I will admit I don't know why it didn't work it just broke but sometimes it'd just be like that I guess Charlie you've broken the pattern I don't care about the pattern anymore I just want the clay give oh my God I don't even have animation canceling I'm just like a little fool digging up the beach I only have one grapes worth of energy please please please please oh shoot maybe if I try to do it from the pattern so that's where I would have hit it uh if I was good wait I can make a little path hold on let's see if I can sleuth this so it was from here one two oh my God my brain here one two three one two three and now I need to hit it two three one one two oh that's what this is so scuffed that's one two three four five six oh my God she's done it okay I don't know why my pattern broke before that was so annoying oh and then here oh now now I'm really doing it I'm gonna freaking die though okay hold on okay I'm good I'm good I'm good [Laughter] I'm cooking look at that I have 24 pieces of clay okay I don't know how my pattern broke the first time because I do know how to do it I guess I just I don't know just bad RNG I'm gonna say it I'm really uncomfortable with this execute in my inventory but I also kind of love it I think it's adorable but also very creepy at the same time and it's kind of bad to like reserve that spot just for the execute but I I just kind of like it there it feels right let's let me see I'm checking I watered everything I watered everything we're good I didn't water that there oh forgot that I had like literally no energy but we're good okay perfect so now we can make a Silo tomorrow so that we'll be able to get food for our little chickens and it's gonna be great oh my god wow I forgot how much we decorated our little a little house it is it is packed full make execute Jam I vote execute wine you people we can't we can't turn our execute into Jam it's too cute makes a cute wine has two votes guys it's so adorable though it's our Clippy it's our version of Cliffy we can't we can't get rid of it what the heck is this dear Charlie congratulations on becoming a Pokemon farmer all new members of the Pokemon Farmers Association are welcomed with open arms and presented with a challenge you can collect all 13 different Farm Pokemon we will reward you with a special Pokemon that's only available to a select few members Pokemon Farmers Association oh my gosh That's so exciting okay so I guess we have to collect all of them oh that's so cool oh no these guys are gonna starve today that's really no good unless it's an auto craft for the uh The Silo which I'm not sure about people have spoken oh my God why would we turn it into wine we don't even know what it is yet like look at this I've picked up I picked up a peach I picked up like every type of fruit and none of them are eggs acute we don't even know it's it's a new species I vote for an execute shrine oh okay I do like the idea of a little execute shrine oh fine we'll find another one and we'll make it into wine I hear you I hear you we'll make one it's just got it I just like this one this one I'm a little emotionally attached to but I'll get another execute and I'll make it into wine like probably the traveling card is gonna have another one tomorrow anyway so it's moot essentially oh my goodness such a benevolent streamer I've got you I've got you I'll find another execute that we can turn into wine don't you worry I'm also really needing the money for the backpack upgrade because I want to be able to carry as many Pokemon in his in my pockets is as I want to I want lots I just have like no money though I'll sell some stuff up here while we're waiting oh my God he's not open if you put six executes together will something happen I don't know I assume no but I don't actually know for sure I kind of love this execute though it's very cute it's very exit cute pocket says reminded me did anyone else try the Golem game it was so bad okay I haven't played it but I did see some screenshots of it holy crap I did see some screenshots of it and it gave me a hearty chuckle I'll say that I do feel bad because it just seems like what the Frick's going on spell on seeds belluberry tomato what smell what am I missing here why is everything spelled weird well okay uh okay we're growing all of those right now okay okay perfect I'm gonna sell this stuff because I don't need it that was a pretty good chunk of money but we do need 10 000 we're only like a little bit over halfway there how quiet this spelled so weird that's what I'm saying I was like huh the trees Pierre has he has like apple and tree and um cherim and a couple other interesting ones but we definitely have to get some trees too okay let's go ahead and construct a good old Silo silo perfect and I'm gonna put it here because I think that's cute oh oh it's one of the multi-day things oh that's so annoying okay well my chickens are just gonna like starve to death tonight I guess that's okay hear me out put the execute in a seed maker oh my gosh I am I am a little curious I I'll admit I don't even have a seed maker wait what am I talking about I don't have a seed Baker I can't put it in there I'd love to I really would but I can't I also think that we should go to the mines today I think that we should keep getting deeper in the mines and uh we should bring our little friend with us if it's a tree fruit it won't work oh that's true yeah because we don't really even know what this is like it could be from a tree or it could be I don't know just some random fruit that you grow we have no idea yet we just found it I do love it though it makes me happy and I'm putting all my food on the opposite end of the hot bar so I don't accidentally eat him because that would be the most devastating thing in the world I love him is Grandpa a Pokemon I don't know I don't I don't actually know we haven't seen grandpa yet so we'll have to find out we know what it is it's an eggy see this is what I was talking about all that time ago when I said eggy it wasn't jet lag it wasn't a bad guess I just knew what was coming he must be a drampa oh my gosh Grandpa the grandpa that's actually kind of iconic I love that can we name him Mr Egg yeah I'm into that Mr Egg we have Mr Pam and Mr Egg and they are both equally as cursed I feel actually no not at all Mr pan is much worse but okay we're on floor 75 oh wow good guess let's see give Mr Egg to Mr fam I can't do this I can't there's too many functions that you're asking for I can't use this same egg to give to Mr Pam and turn into wine and turn into jam and put in a seed maker I need more eggs next one will be Mr stir fry that's so sad but probably Mr complete breakfast it's okay they knew their fate when they became an egg can you please stop being annoying go away thank you we need to keep Mr Egg forever I honestly intend on keeping it in this hot bar right in that slot for the rest of time we'll find other eggs that we can experiment with but this one is special this one is mine okay if we can find gems I think that'll be super helpful because we still need to get the backpack upgrade and we do not have that much money because we bought two chickens and a coop but we're on our way I want the special one to be wine what is Wizard that egg must be wine what if you die in the mines and your egg gets confiscated oh my gosh don't say these things I would cry forever and then cheat one back in and pretend it never no I'd probably reset the day before anything could save I'm not even kidding I would for Mr Egg oh my gosh these bone swords they're dropping left and right oh my gosh please killing Marowak seems cruel you're traumatizing a whole generation of Cub ones that's a great point if they weren't attacking me I would feel a little bad but you know I gotta do what I gotta do that's why you make it to into wine and drink it so it is one with you okay I must say that is quite a compelling argument I feel like you're on to something there oh Cub ones cue bones I thought you meant like the Cubs as in the babies I just read that wrong oh gotcha I do not say Cub one I say Cubone I swear to you I just I think it was a typo and I read it and didn't put the pieces together I promise I don't say that I promise I say it right and Jesus Charlie gave me a heart attack with that one no no no no no no no no no no I don't say I I've never said Cub one in my life I just read it because it was spelled that way I swear just zoomed in how did Charlie get that little egg boy I want one welcome Arky so uh we we've been discussing this this little egg boy is Mr Egg um and we got him from the traveling cart for a thousand dollars oh that's a ladder okay here I go cup one is Charlie Cannon now oh God nobody's gonna watch my videos anymore because every word is just gonna be said wrong I'm gonna be like so I was walking to get the dollars and then I saw a cub one click off immediately but also it's understandable and good night KJ thank you so much for all the support and hanging out for a bit I really appreciate it I hope you have a great rest of your day thank you so much um okay which one of these feels like a staircase this one is this a Marowak though I kind of thought it was a Cubone I don't even know anymore they kind of look the same to be fair the design isn't all that different and the ways that it is different you probably can't tell on a Sprite level I wouldn't click off I'd try to understand what you're saying and that is what we call retention I know it's Charlie dictionary as merch oh my God it's just a thing now I guess looks like a marowacked me maybe it is a Marowak they are Fierce I feel like cubones are kind of cute but mare wax are like I will kill you at least in the anime or the cartooner but it is give me a stare I want to get to floor 80. I guess it kind of does look like a Marowak thank you and we got the booties if you get the bone sword sell them to Marlin for money true the only reason that I didn't last time I like this one it matches my hat the only reason I didn't last time is because we found a bunch of Pokemon plushes so it had to be sacrificed for the greater good also I'm not gonna get far here so I've gotta upgrade my pickaxe also I have zero energy look at me going home at a responsible time 750 who am I to be fair with the roundabout route you have to take to the mines the next and star to expand it I'm like probably gonna get home at 1 30 anyway what Pokemon game should I get for the switch hmm oh sell sword I can do that I don't know if I'm part of the adventurer's guild yet but I'll try I enjoyed Legends Arceus I thought that was really fun I also enjoyed uh scarlet and violet I thought that that was really good I'm still working through it but it was a good time this is my first time entering cool give me money I'm gonna keep those boots because I don't know what I want to do yet sorry dummy girl thank you so much for hanging out I really appreciate it and I hope you have a great rest of your day foreign Charlie I need to decorate my juggling clubs what do I write on them am I you're what wait stop like like like the things you juggle the little like bullet pin things is that what's being asked because that's so cool and I think you should write um um juggling clubs are not for juggling they're not what the heck is a juggling Club wait juggling pins oh gosh I don't even know yeah right Club one on it in memory of Cubone one is club one one is Mr Pam and one is Mr Egg and then you always have them with you at all times it's the only way this is the way I've forgotten that I want to start integrating that from the Mandalorian into just my daily I don't know vocabulary and just start saying this is the way in a very serious tone I'm gonna forage a bit and sell stuff because I just it's 10. I have so much more time to do things don't listen to back there for juggling oh my gosh I was I've never heard them called like juggling clubs before it's just cool I've never known anybody that can juggle so I'm just like wow I'm Amazed I feel like I've always wished that I could juggle because it just seems like a cool thing like when people are like oh look look at me I could juggle and then they're like throw that vase at me and they keep juggling and you're like oh wow and then they're like throw that at me and they're still juggling and you're like oh my God I wish that was me that's how I feel when I see people juggling I just think wow they're so talented I wish I was that talented stuff would grow because I really want to get the money for the backpack and I want to upgrade our Coop because we need to get whatever the special Pokemon is for getting every single there's like 13 oh my gosh this is gonna be time but I need to get the special Pokemon I just gotta do it the house is such a mess we need to upgrade this too okay level five foraging double harvests of forage items yes please plant the mixed seeds we could plant the mixed seeds for sure that would be good I think I have a couple of them it's raining again thank goodness I do not wanna there's a rumor that Joe Jamar will begin selling Slowpoke Tales this exotic treat is enjoyed by many who live outside a pelican Town Slowpoke Tales have a subtle sweet taste that many enjoy when eating raw or when added to stews casseroles and spicy curries there are some trainers who protest eating Slowpoke Tails including a shopkeeper in Pelican town they believe that Joe jamar's manager Morris is selling them out of pure spite the shopkeeper in question may or may not keep a slow poke as a cherished pet could it possibly be serpierre oh Mr Pam wants a pale ale I can't wait to never make that for them the Oren berries are done and the lumberries it's so satisfying it's so satisfying and the pizza berries this is the best day oh that was so fun okay and now we have sprinklers that we can put in other places meaning I don't have to do as much work and I love that for me okay so this is doing those yeah uh I have an extra seed here so I'll do this okay let me see if I have any mixed seeds I think I sold the ones that I had I have 20. it is the 14th so I guess I'll put some down I'm just gonna do it like so and perfect beautiful we have to make pale ale for Mr Pam we have to make that oh gosh really oh freaking heck okay how do we even make Paleo I have to put up the freaking potato in a keg or something Melanie thank you we have to make a pale ale for Mr Pam fine fine okay we have to get hops when when do you even it's not a potato clearly I've never made the pale ale for Pam uh okay hops summer it takes 11 days oh fine we'll go get the stupidest freaking hops no it's fine and I'm gonna sell all these berries while I'm at fears too so it actually works out wait traveling cart I don't know if she has time to grow hops now it takes 11 days so we do have just enough time I've had grown hops before but I just don't like them because what's the point of the Hops except to give Pam the pale ale like there's literally no point to making it otherwise like otherwise you're just making star fruit wine or ancient fruit wine or something like I don't know we I always wished I could sit on this swing I kind of hate that I can't I feel excluded okay Holly white Essence Rainbow Shell Sun Fisk slime large Go goat milk okay why was that trash why was that absolute garbage thank you for nothing hops grow every day and are a very good food source oh really NASA on hopser op oh my gosh have I been sleeping on the Hops maybe I should have been growing hops this whole time I grow hops for food am I the only one out here not eating hops I feel so dumb I'll get a couple [Music] oh a potion cookies no cookies you can sit on the swing at the playground though you're so right about that I do like that swing okay I'm gonna get two hops things and then I'm gonna sell all these oh we're almost there shoot oh pops are not for eating I don't think in real life but in Sardi Valley apparently it's a delicacy that I have not tried yet I'm gonna try and do some foraging oh my gosh I'm gonna try and do some foraging because I really want to get the backpack upgrade today there's just nothing to forge oh it's Sunday it's the reset so there's not going to be anything it I definitely wouldn't eat it for real I do not think that would taste good at all I'm just gonna say oh I have my hoe I can finally do these artifact spots a prehistoric hand ax love to see it and okay and Rin thank you so much for the Super Chat first stream I've ever caught you're awesome oh my God thank you so much and thank you for being here I really appreciate it welcome welcome to the stream right now what are we doing we're planting hops which apparently have you ever eaten a hop in stardew Valley because apparently I'm the only one that has it you should plant at least three hops because you need five to make a pale ale you need five oh my God this is the place why do I have to five hops oh my gosh pops aren't real I think hops are real are hops real I think they're real the five is just for coffee oh you need one I don't think you need five oh okay perfect I was not about to buy more from Pierre I did not want to do that I want a backpack but I can put the Hops nothing is real Charlie wake up this is all I'm I'm in The Matrix or something there my hops will be there I think they're so cute why am I like this I'm so sorry it's okay sometimes things get mixed up I feel like I totally get it um I I hate to say it guys but I really feel like the best thing for us to do right now is to do some fishing because I want to get the money for the backpack upgrade and it's just gonna be easier to fish I also I can't stop looking at Mr Egg I just love him it's just adorable this looks so Resolute too it's like he's on a mission or something I just love it how long are you streaming probably uh probably for another half hour or so I'm fishing you haven't done any fishing in this series yet I know it's it's a new thing for me but I just I want to try out all the different stuff in stardew so yeah just what it is also I think I should be going to the oh I should have tried to get the octopus it's 110 now though dang it I mean it's not a big deal if I don't get it because then um I can always get it at the the Winter Market so there's a caboodle cabuto up there I'm just gonna say everything in any way you could possibly say thank you I always said Kabuto and then I said Kabutops and I just don't know if that's right I'm self-conscious and I want an octopus sacrifice Mr Egg to our lord lord and savior Mr Pam we can't do that we need Mr Egg that's not an octopus we missed it again well I'm getting this okay as a piece of seaweed I'm so disappointed okay perfect oh what's in the chest though a single piece of bait why why this music stresses me out and Wren thank you so much for the super chat again all hail Mr Egg you know it I feel like see we've got a lot of Mr Egg lovers here we can't just go throwing it in the ocean or giving it to Mr Pam or turning it into Jam that rhymed she beat his op make sushi rolls true I love sushi I used to like just eat raw Nori as a kid like I would steal it from the packet and my parents would be like can you please stop like please stop we need to make the food and I was like it was like a gremlin you promised you would make eggs acute wine yeah but not with this execute we gotta get another one this is my special egg [Music] we gotta first find where the Cricket came from because I don't know and I saw someone asked to read the description I will read the description I just gotta catch this please what are you what what horrible monster are you starfish great and another piece of I hate it here okay um Mr Egg even though it appears to be eggs of some sort it was discovered to be a life form more like plant seeds what does that mean and Melanie thank you so much for the Super Chat can we please end the stream by evolving David I don't think David can evolve anymore at least I hope not it sounds like a horrible idea though I can I don't know we'll check if it's possible and if it is we can do a vote on it that seems fair I love how the little corsola's eyes move they're blinking very slowly [Music] Charlie does your view of Mr Egg change if he's if wait sorry I was fishing does a view of Mr Egg change if I say he looks like a soup dumpling that makes me love him more because I'm I love soup dumplings that also makes him a little bit more scrumptious in my mind but like still I can't eat him okay we now have the money for the backpack I don't think we're gonna be able to get it because I think Pierre closes at four but on the off chance he closes at five we will get it I named my stardew horse Charlie after you oh my gosh thank you I'm so honored somebody else named their like stardew cat after me today and I'm just like today is just the day for me I feel I'm so honored thank you backpack we've done it backpack backpack backpack we got the deluxe pack and now we have a whole pack whoa it's been a while since I played with a full backpack I'm not gonna lie to you I feel like I have too much power oh my gosh so much room for activities you're so right this is like too much for me I can't believe it I've got a full backpack because of my anti-capitalist series I don't I'm not allowed to upgrade my backpack but in everything else like I never progressed far enough in the game to actually do it so this is like the first time I've had an upgraded backpack in in decades [Music] you know such random food okay I think I'm gonna go to the mines for a little bit just to hang out you know just hang out oh I can't go to the mines never mind I'm gonna upgrade my pickaxe tomorrow though okay I've just gotta make some copper bars and then we'll be good this is going so well those toast up though I might just get rid of these stumps I don't really need them [Music] Charlie do you think your Mudkip could be a sprinkler upgrade since you can't place it anywhere oh oh hold on let me try no what are you it says Furniture it sleeps by burying itself in soil at the water's edge but you don't want to be buried what are you but the night I don't understand I'm upset oh it's so hard and unruly I have so many inventory slots now but it's for the best ultimately I believe try putting it on the wall oh okay that sounds potentially very good too hmm [Music] because see it says on the floor it's green but then it says it needs to be placed on the farm I think this Mudkip is broken I don't understand I don't understand it's hurting me I don't get it whatever fish tank I don't think it goes in a fish tank I don't know oh my God I solved the mystery Mr Egg is a coconut because execute turns into a palm tree you're so smart it's a coconut oh I'm so happy I love it I think it's broken the data file must be mixed up Maybe that's okay though I love him I love him all the same oh my gosh it's totally a coconut I'm in love and hello artichokie oh come I love your name uh what year you want and what day I'm on year one day 28 plus 14 which is 50 2 42. it's Sue I need to I it's fine we're fine it's been a long day and it's hot it's hot 42. I doubted myself Haley must love Mr Egg no Mr Egg is never going to Haley Mr Egg is ours Charlie do you like Pokemon cards are you more into the games I'm into both of them I I have had like obsessive phases with both things and I really really really want to do like a a box opening of Pokemon cards because I find those so fun to watch and do like I've done them before but I just haven't made videos or anything on it and I'm definitely gonna do that once I have like a stable place to live not like I'm in an unstable place but just like a place that I'm not gonna leave in a month or two have you tried digging next to the pond and seeing if the Mudkip will go there I could try that that sounds promising and I saw somebody say to put it in the water I could try that too I think this thing is an enigma both of those do not work oh my gosh I don't know I think he's just he doesn't want to go anywhere he's just content in the chest and back to the stumps I think Mudkip might live in the Box forever it's unfortunately looking that way [Music] I'm happy to be clearing out the farm a bit though I feel like we haven't done much of that we've just been so focused on finding the Pokemon did that just like almost strike me was I almost struck down by that lightning I think so oh and kitsukuri thank you so much for being a member for a whole month my cat's purring is making me sleepy so I'm taking this as a sign to go to sleep enjoy the rest of the stream and all hail Mr Egg thank you so much for being here I really appreciate it and that's understandable I feel like when Clifford says it's time for bed it's time for bed the cats know what's up but thank you so much oh goodness Mudkip is a pocket dweller true we're just gonna have little pocket Pokemon pocketmon Pocket Monsters it'll be like the Japanese cards which I was obsessed with is this just me or like growing up when you're trading Pokemon cards with your friends everybody thought that the Japanese ones were like rare but they're really just from Japan like they're not that rare there's nothing really different except that it's in Japanese but for some reason they were like a coveted item I remember I had like three Japanese lickitungs and I like held them hostage and I would trade them for all the cool Lugia cards that I wanted because I was obsessed with Lugia [Music] dude [Music] okay oh [Music] I just clicked a weird button okay here we are okay I have to check if David is evolvable as I said and if he is we will take a vote he is not he he does not wish to be evolved and I will respect his wishes good morning egg and not egg Charlie don't understand back in 1997 getting anything in Japanese was so rare and difficult that's true I guess like it's not the same as things are now there's no like Amazon or something you have to go through all other routes I guess so but just like I remember I had so many japanese cards for some reason because all of my cousins were super into Pokemon and they like gave me their cards when they phased out of it and I was like oh baby you have given me capital and I will profit and our melons are done so exciting and now I can move these sprinklers to more useful spots such as literally right here thank you oh that's great I don't think I really need the melons for anything like my goal for this isn't to really reach Perfection it's just to catch them all and be the very best so it doesn't matter nothing else matters [Music] okay everything is watered we're good love to see it uh okay uh-huh I'm gonna sell all this for money oh my gosh I missed so much uh let me see how do I get the Horse flute Mr chi I think I don't know I think you get it for Mr T Pokemon cards are as valuable as gold I feel like it was it used to be more valuable like they're in covid oh there's a silo now dope let's get some hay for our animals so they don't die um but I feel like in in during covid it was a much bigger thing like Pokemon cards were kind of popping off at that time and like uh like the prices for them were absolutely absurd and then I don't know covet ended people went back to real life suddenly nobody wanted Pokemon cards anymore I still do but it's not like as big of a thing I feel it's kind of like how like some types of like like I feel like Animal Crossing was a huge thing during covid and then now it's like people still play oh that Squirtle is so talented he was just jumping over the rocks I feel like it's just like things changed [Music] okay let's see feed your chickens I'm on it I'm just trying to fill the silo with hay duki oh my gosh so much to fill okay we've got the hay I'm putting it in no no they will be fed and there we go hmm what this is so weird I'm never gonna get used to this what the there's a train let's go to the train let's go to the I but the train okay train time sorry egg apricot a apricot egg okay I work in manufacturing and apparently with Pokemon cards people would steal them at work so the what the what what is this cut scene sorry I just got so distracted what is this [Music] I think this is an expanded cut scene hi Charlie well there's astonishing sure is I like that we're looking at the sympolion fountain though I think that's what it is did you notice that a fountain is 30 years old it's maintained and repaired by a technician from grappleton I've definitely watched this before it was lovely looking at the fountain with you all aboard we're going we're going will this cancel the train oh my God I hope not I will be so mad at Dimitri as I will never forgive him I was so excited and prepared seal the fountain I cannot seal the fountain but I captured it with my eyes and you know that's good enough okay okay okay okay okay come on [Music] I'm begging you [Music] did that cancel the train did it cancel the train oh Fiddlesticks that's so upsetting I'm actually very sad about this oh man probably just didn't drop anything I choose to believe that Demetrius is an evil mastermind and he stole all of the goods I'm sad it's fine [Music] I'm fine I'm really fine oh shoot I need to go bring my uh pickaxe to Clint it's already 1 10 p.m what did I even do today nothing okay we're going I'm Sorry Charlie it's okay I think I'll live I just never get anything from the trains and I always miss them and it makes me sad okay oh you need to do this you see those dollars oh my God no way oh my gosh that paneer just scared me so much okay you fed chickens you did something this is true I suppose I'll look on the bright side oh no I need two thousand dollars how am I supposed to get two thousand dollars a dollar I guess I'll just forage I don't have my fishing rod right now can we plant the mixed seeds I planted all the mixed seeds so they should be growing now we're just waiting on them [Music] I know this is a starting stream but I just learned that at animal crossing the Mario warp pipes teleport you between pipes that is actually so sick I didn't know that I kind of want to experiment with that now oh my gosh thank you for that information you have 19 mixed seeds in your pocket ma'am I I forgot about those okay I'll plant those two whoopsies my bad oh okay so the glacier fish place is definitely down to the right there I think have we unlocked any hats from the Pika Mouse nothing exciting nothing that brings me excitement hmm okay we have a grape that is always good I'm just hoping that there's an usually there's so much forage here so I'm hoping it's enough to give me the money to get the upgrade I need 2 000. it's not that bad I'm not gonna lie to you I also have like anxiety whenever I'm like getting rid of weeds all this fiber stuff and a different file from my anti-capitalist one because I'm like if I get the living hat in a file that is not that one I will have run out of luck and I will be miserable for the rest of my life like that and that's a fact did we get that recipe or am I mixing that up with a different series what recipe I forget oh there's a slow poke yeah I there's I there's new fish there's a little what are you what are you wait there's another okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I gotta go I gotta go I have to get my fishing rod I need to know what those fish are and I need them for my collection Orange if you get the living hat on the Pokemon Farm I will scream trust me I will scream too that is my worst nightmare I've had actual nightmares about that like I can't have that happen yeah if that happened I would have to create some sort of like multi-dimensional Charlie verse timeline plot where the me from the Pokemon stardew series gave the hat to the me in the anti-capitalist series so that the timeline would be complete because I swear that would break me it would just not be good but I do need uh I need my fishing rod because I want to see what those little fishies are and I still need money to get the pickaxe upgrade I don't know how I'm gonna get that I don't think that the forage I got I got like three sweepies actually no that's not gonna be two thousand maybe I have something at home I don't know foreign [Music] and thank you so much for hanging out Gabby thank you I really appreciate it and I hope you have a great rest of your day thank you so much I would support that timeline Charlie Doctor Strange confirmed exactly exactly do you have the tea sapling recipe I don't think so no I'm not friends with Caroline I'm only friends with Mr Pam unfortunately okay I'll plant some mixed seeds I just have to oh I guess I have spots open up I love how organized all this planting is I'm sure that it's just beautiful to behold look there was just enough spots too it was meant to be I feel well nuts I know I know Wiki got the Hat in today's stream I don't want to talk about it if you knew how many times I rewatched that clip I was I was in awe and shock and amazement and I was sad but I'm happy for wickety just sad for me you know I'm like dang that could be me one day but it isn't this could be us what you playing but to the living hat that's how I feel every single day [Music] let me see um okay perfect let us go to bed and I think that this will be maybe our last day I like don't even know what time it is yeah this is going to be our last day and then I'm gonna make my brownies that I was mentioning uh one of those fish looks like the original Bullhead Trout from expanded yeah I think that some of them Mr my Miss thirsty I hate I hate that title good I want like a shirt that says that good Lord brownies can I have a piece if I could send you a piece I would give you a piece I'll eat one and I'll I'll I'll I'll think of you as I do and hopefully that suffices okay and we have plenty of money for the pickaxe you're so right this is going so well oh there's a sprinkler I I dumb there's a sprinkler there too I I doubled them okay that is like water retaining soil or something because I I did not water that but for some reason it's still thriving okey-doke this that boom assessing I've done it okay now I'm gonna put this away I do not need all 481 of my rocks in the slingshot so I'll take those out and I'm gonna go upgrade my pickaxe foreign okay Mr mime needs some milk I don't like Mr mime the wheat by the scarecrows aren't watered they are they're watered I watered it like twice yeah oh my gosh look at you that little Patrick or very large patcharisu it was actually very large oh that Quest is literally called Pam is thirsty I just changed the name Davis we know it's just horrible it's just awful it just I don't know it's not even it's just the fact that it's like that and then it changes to Mr Pam and it makes it 20 times worse you know it's like no I don't think Mr Pam's allowed to be thirsty I need Mr Pam to calm down okay 8 40. yeah and all the trash cans [Music] foreign who is Mr Pam oh God I sometimes I forget not everybody knows of Mr Pam I'll have to show everyone shortly once I upgrade my pickaxe okay so essentially Mr Pam is an Abomination okay true rude but true um so essentially it's Pam but Mr mime wait I've never seen the little Toes that hang off the couch that's awful oh I hate it oh God oh it's Miss Charlie do you need my help or something no I need you to go far away oh Lord so that's Mr Pam glad that we had that little meet and greet I think what I'm gonna do for our last day is grab my fishing rod and go get some of those fun little fish that are through the woods because I know one of those is the King's salmon and there's a bunch of other stardew expanded uh fish as well I almost just said stardew expanded shoes and then I was like that's nope those are just fish they are not shoes okay but that way Mr Egg our faithful fishing companion and we're off [Music] okay beautiful there's no one stopping you from putting fish on your feet though you know you're right I should to be fair if I was allowed to put fish on my feet in this game you know that I already would have like 10 times over just knowing me and oh imagine you could put a different flush okay starting over imagine you could put a different fish on each foot like you could have a a largemouth bass on your left foot and uh a nice carp on your right and and and what if you what if what if it gives you gave you if you had what if it gave you like Buffs like a largemouth bass made you like I don't know it increased how much the food you ate gave you like if you because its mouth is large so like if you had something that had plus 10 energy then it would be plus 20 or something and then the carp would do nothing because carp is stupid and basic fish just made you large just made your left foot large that is also a viable option I like this like fish feet buff idea I feel like this should be made into a mod and I also feel like it really shouldn't be but I'm kind of I'm having a seizure trying to understand what you're saying I'm having a hard time understanding what I'm trying to say basically you put a fish hour six of streaming basically put a fish on each foot and it gives you abilities ghost fish makes you stealthy so no one sees you digging in the trash I agree it's absolutely not be made into a mod why options I'm dying think of all the options you could have um a Dorado I feel like would make you faster for some reason that's just okay I wasn't ready for that I feel like a Dorado would make you fast and like if you had a a stonefish on it would slow you down but it would make you more powerful and if you had you had an auction [Music] hey oh if you had an octopus on your foot it gives you more arms or like more inventory slots so you can hold more things Charlie I think it's time for your brownies hear me out hear me out guys I really want this fishbeat mod why does nobody understand it's like nobody is as into this idea as me I feel like this is genuinely a good idea I genuinely I'm not even kidding like I feel like this is a good idea I'm so ahead of my time nobody understands me fish feed thank you no oh I understand I know it's just what is this what would you do on my feet no stop what would you be what would you give me stop what powers do you hold I need to know stop oh no I'm never gonna be able to fish again they're same way I'm gonna be like what would this fish do if I put it on my foot in like 10 years and people are gonna be like what the hell is she talking about it's a puppy fish but it's a slow bro or a Slowpoke and Alex thank you so much for the Super Chat have a cup of tea and calm down that is what I intend on doing when I finish but for now I'm on a different wavelength what would you do on my feet I don't know what a puppy fish would do on my foot probably nothing I got a bull trout dang I feel like I got every fish that oh no there's like this little mystery or something I don't know what that is what I want I'm not even kidding I genuinely feel like if this is a good idea if I was like wickety I almost said Lickety because I saw somebody say lick not Lickety if I was wickety and I could make like super cool mods I would make that mod for myself is a birthday gift to myself are you crying because of how bad it is or laughing I'm laughing because I feel misunderstood like I genuinely hold I genuinely feel like there's there's worse Concepts out there oh my God this fish does not want to be my companion oh I'm putting so much mental energy into this please can you just let it please oh my God please get in my pocket and On My Feet I got it it's a butter fish oh my God that makes so much sense actually oh that's really cute that makes a lot of sense okay I'm looking and I think we've gotten every single kind of fish that we can so I'm gonna take these all home or I'm Gonna Keep fishing for a bit just for some to sell too oh my God and Jesse thank you all thank you so much for getting welcome to spray them I really appreciate thank you so much it means a lot I will catch this fish for you oh a carvana I don't even think I have one of those in my chest let's see and what is Wizard thank you so much for the Super Chat The Fast and the fishiest exactly that's me if I have two Dorados on my feet The Fast and the feet I'm dying [Music] ah I'm okay oh my God it's fine it's fine oh my gosh is my birthday coming up no my birthday came and went unfortunately so no fish foot mod for a while but oh boy but yeah my birthday's in March so next march I'm releasing a fish foot mod stop I'm releasing it it's gonna probably take me that long to figure out so you can you can put code I'll learn this is such an ambitious idea I don't know oh my gosh what are you streaming again I don't really have a schedule I just kind of go when I my heart feels like it's right but I have um sorry I'm choking I have a I have announcements in my Discord so if you join my Discord server which is in the description and you get like the little roll for it then you'll be notified of every stream which is pretty handy dandy and I always announce it there this is the most I've heard Charlie laugh since the SpongeBob video with therm honestly it's probably the most I've laughed since we recorded that SpongeBob video that was the funniest thing ever oh my God I love that video I want to finish that game oh gosh this fishbeat mod coming March 2024 [Music] talking and they're like oh God I can't wait only a couple more months it's like tears of the Kingdom oh my gosh I can't wait the fish feed mod is coming in a couple months this isn't that funny I need to stop it's it's just cracking me up I don't know why I really believe in this idea guys I'm gonna make it 2024. Charlie would you have two different fish on each foot or would you have the same fish on both feet well here's the thing is I feel like having a different fish on each foot would allow you to have a different fish on each foot would allow you to have like a diversity in it in like the Buffs like you could have a fast one on one foot and then you could have like a increased storage on the other foot but kind of like in breath of the wild if you have the same fish on both your feet you have the same fish on both your feet it it increases the ability you know like where if you have like the full armor set it like makes it more powerful it's like that I integrated into the Frog like in the builds would be insane you're so right I can't oh my God I'm legitimately crying so much right now um I love it surely you need a nap my mom thinks you need a nap probably it's okay though it's okay if you worry for me just think I'm gonna take a shower and it's gonna be great because it's so freaking hot and then I'm gonna make brownies and then I'm gonna just lay and probably go to bed ah I'm a mom who thinks Charlie needs a nap probably I'm probably like falling off a sugar high because I was at IHOP I literally I went to IHOP this morning and had like breakfast with my family and I had like an absurd amount of strawberry syrup because that is what I get every time I go to IHOP it's just pancakes with strawberry syrup and then I did the member stream right after that and then I did this so pretty much I just like sugared myself up and then sat down for like six hours and streamed so you know what would be I'm pancaked up right now I'm pancaked up I got two fish on my feet let's go baby I'm okay I can't get through let me through I don't have a sword I didn't think about that when I came oh my God and now you're making brownies Melanie that's a fantastic point and if I wasn't looking forward to these brownies all day I probably wouldn't make them it's just the way it is but it's okay I'm good I'm gonna be okay oh my God I don't know why everything is so funny to me right now amazing oh my God I'm good I feel like every time it's at the end of a stream I just lose it especially when I've been fishing I'll stream I can this has been so fun though I got two chickens one of them I named snorkel and the other guy named apricot don't I still don't know why it's named snorkel but I'm happy about it wow oh my God what a day what a day on the farm okay so we oh let me put the fish in here first so we got a bruxish which we don't have yet this one is non-supe form guys and then King Salmon seeking puppy fish bowl trout uh I'm gonna put a silver seeking butterfish Pravana we're gonna need a new Pokedex chest soon the minion and old trout we already have okay perfect our Pokedex chest is filling up nicely and I'm pleased about it uh okay lovely why does this music just fit the mood perfectly it kind of does it makes me feel like a little fool which I am oh goodness gracious okay okay [Music] let's see let's go let's go say oh guys I'm so glad I came outside look apricot apricot is a real bird now and not just a little rolling egg it's so precious oh my gosh I love it well that is all we have for today that is all I have inside of me to put out but thank you guys so much for hanging out I had a great time it's been super fun and oh my gosh and I feel like we accomplished a lot I mean look at how many Pokemon we caught like look at look at all these little stuffed animals and we can get so many more we're gonna get the furniture catalog it's gonna be absolutely nutty and we got our Coop we got our chickens we're doing well so yeah that is all that's all we have I'm gonna probably try and stream as soon as I can like I said the Discord is probably the best place if you want to be in now like notified that's the word notified of when I'm gonna be going live and yeah I hope you enjoy the rest of your day the rest of your night the rest of your morning whatever it is and I will see you guys next time goodbye oh wait goodbye foreign
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 15,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, valley, stardew valley, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley playthrough, stardew valley charliebarley, charliebarley, charlie barley 100 days, stardew valley 100 days, stardew valley charliebarley 100 days, pierre, joja, mayor lewis, stardew valley speedrun, stardew valley mods, stardew valley mod, charliebarley stardew valley, charliebarley stardew, charliebarley stardew expanded, stardew valley pokemon, pokemon mod, stardew pokemon, stardew valley but it's
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 2sec (9782 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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