Multiplayer Pokémon Emerald [Cagelocke w/ @Patterrz ]

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time it is absolutely time for something you've never seen before and I'm with Pat by the way Pat's here too what's going on every cool intro was that so cool that was sick right that was cool I made it I thought it was you are so talented some realized so let's jump a scene real quick before we do anything we'll say is this something you guys have never seen before all right this is literally a randomizer of emerald but we're both in the game at the same time I can that shift around hey buddy hey what's up yes what's up I want to say very quickly this guy the guy that made this Tema is absolutely insane there's a link to his channel in the description below very very cool guy uh we are in the game and I think we should uh very quickly show them actually the fact that we can change our characters as well is it player boy I could literally go and play his Hilbert or I plays n for example and it would change in real time your boy's here man but I'm out here but we used to be ginger in a Pokemon game facts facts it was funny because we uh ended up landing on the Johto characters because they're just like our faves but like there's a whole bunch of other stuff in this the games are randomized quests there's there's panels I don't know what this is all about to be fair I'm not a clue but you guys have to let me know is the audio okay can you hear Pat okay Pat just just say a few words for me hello am I am I a good level don't say it's fine don't say it's okay don't say it's bearable if it's not perfect if it's not perfect all right you gotta say you gotta stand up and be the change that you want to see in this world also thank you John for the Excel membership by the way buddy appreciate that so part is a little quiet okay okay that's a low okay okay okay okay okay how do I turn you actually turn you up because on uh oh I could I just feel like that makes the audio sound real crunchy um I could probably add some output gain to your voice let's do like an extra actually attack five is probably too much a little bit of three all right tell me how you feeling today I am feeling fantastic because hopefully the audio is better now do we need a little bit more do we need a tad more do we need a little bit I think I think honestly well I'm looking at your audio and you're around the same you're hitting the same area that yeah okay that's better yeah but I've added a bit of three DB they wanna likes the membership I can give you a little bit I can give you a little bit extra hold on I can either four DB I know it's crazy let's go that four DB output ice cream that's it that's exactly what I wanted I'm I'm gonna be just because of the way my microphone is um it's hard to balance because he obviously Discord audio um I don't want the only thing is I want Pat yo Pat yell for me loud okay you're not peeking you're not peeking you're not peeking that's five DB I think that's probably probably ideal but right so the deal is right we don't even get to choose our starter now listen this is this is gonna be a cage lock brother don't know at the end of each badge we will battle each other but there's a Twist in this one because we have this compare there's this Co-op thing going on on my multiplayer what we can actually do is turn on and off a co-op mode um which means that we will battle together so for every important battle in the game uh which will be Rivals and Gym Leaders we'll be battling together and then once we've done that we'll be cage matching after that so we're gonna have to help you know work with each other to get through these bosses and then we're gonna have to uh go against each other it's like a co-op cage lock for the first time probably maybe someone's done it before ever right anyways I'm gonna see what my Pokemon is I'm gonna choose we don't get to see we don't need to choose our starters we don't get to choose yep I have no idea what I'm getting oh Kangaskhan can't yeah all right okay you got favored here for sure you got favored here how lovely thank you very much like the Gen seven or eight move set too you've got [ __ ] air slash and stuff man air slash off the beat is there Mega Evolutions yes there is yes bro but you can't make them hold items because obviously you need to win a cage match before you can make them hold items I forgot that I haven't done a cage lock since the last 2v2 that we did with I think it was with Nexus and Dylan so it's been a while oh yeah has been a little bit of a while right I need to actually bring up my little Excel dot real fast so I can find out if anybody has copped the name for Kangaskhan uh so give me a hot second once I check that yeah just every time Lucas clicks off the game by the way I can't play anymore oh that's right oh that's right sorry right I'm gonna pick a I'm gonna pick a Membean shirtle oh sorry sorry um let's get it I get to do the same thing with my members as well because they can claim Pokemon on my channel so I'm gonna do these names right so the question is actually what I don't know is do the Pokemon have random abilities no they don't oh my God yo link of terms 50 gifties good Lord bro Jesus Christ thank you so much wow thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much so without random abilities but that's all right that's okay it's a little you know it's about time we play a little bit you know normal abilities look we're running beside each other yeah bro I think you can change them to mega X can't you if you like do uh the the setting for it well I I can't do that because I don't have a mega stone yet Luke oh jeez look at us on the first encounter sure man sure what is going on with route one yeah I'm gonna on a mess this guy I want the experience the thing is I actually think guys I think the areas are randomized not by area in this game I think every every encounter you ever get is always just completely random always oh that's more fun I love that that's great okay I'm gonna do my attack speed oh it's already fast my frame's already dying more about any of that cool let's go oh it's already done cool I'm gonna go heal before we uh do this fight with you know who because I don't want to get destroyed by a rival seems you already have balls wait what really no we don't do we oh we do what oh sorry we didn't know that we didn't know that we didn't know we okay we didn't know because that's not usually how it works that's not fair we didn't know I'm getting my first encounter and whatever on the bottom right okay yeah we can get our first encounter this come on man that's funny I study pokeballs though you have 10 o'clock okay that's fair no I like tennis girls I like cooking he's cooking he's a good boy I actually caught mine uh off rip as well which is pretty good but good yes I don't sleep on Sizzler honestly honestly no service watch is good I'm sorry you can't you can you are you playing right now you're able to play no I can't sorry I'm gonna do the XL dock again my bad my bad we're back we're back here we're back in yeah Pat is building yeah is a cancer fiend right now whoa they call me they call me Mr palette facts they do it's true I've had people call it a half bit I see you in chat I'll see you yeah we need I think we need to find a really cool Pokemon we both name link oh yeah true true I mean I the audio keeps changing yours shut up my video is My Stream bro we also start with 10K by the way I don't know if you noticed that but my channel now right so listen I've also I've also noticed by the way there's two options here we have new move and nickname silverless thanks for the membership I do this I'll talk for you okay thanks thanks girl do you see this last do you see this look at this new move and what okay so what tutor wait did you just teach egg moves off rip Pat what wait wait wait where's the guy okay I can't see your gameplay right now the the screenshot's Frozen so I'm not sure what you're doing right now wait hold on I'll check it yo silverlust how you doing thanks for being a 8-bit bro how about now Pat oh no okay hold on oh I can see it now yeah my channel oh this is all gonna be on Luke's Channel oh Link's Channel but then if I hide it it's like not focused okay hold on hold on let me see if I can't I'm off an angle I'm off an angle one second give me a second give me a second I knew this was gonna happen a couple times at least don't worry when it comes to making multiplayer mods of video games that are way too old for multiplayer mods then uh a little bit of I could yeah I can see it okay so look there's egg and there's tutor so if I go egg on Kangas there's nothing on it maybe this is a beta feature it actually might not be available maybe or maybe you've got a lot more moves the further you are in the game maybe yeah that might be it fix Pat's cam oh oops that's right sorry [Music] yeah I might better be a little bit like Emerald Rogue in that case right a little bit I'm just I'm still not used to be honest it's the first encounter one first encounter right up here yeah first encounter up here I hope it's the oh okay okay I found something higher level than me if your boy can get contrary maybe we recorded a video today for Luke's Channel that had a for mantis in excuse you yeah if I get contrary long at Ryan just I'll be cooking my gas we'll be cooking my gas for sure this is in beta by the way so if there's any crash or anything we should probably we should honestly just save every now and again if we can help it should I name this I want to name a Pokemon I have to link but I want to make it a really good Pokemon I don't know if I should name it zangoose after links I think I think they'd appreciate regardless I'm gonna name I'm gonna name for madness big green bug with swords for hands I think that's uh I love zangoose if it helps that's I think you're lying I think oh we get to we have to do this together yes you have to wait for me wait you're away from me bro you got turn on turn on co-op mode in your settings first oh yeah so yes when you when you want to do this you have to go into this little setting area and oh wait where's it's in not that one it's in M play I think options M play options there it is Court mode activate yes all right that's how it's done the hero of Legend link oh no yeah link of course that's what I meant okay uh let's go with I'm gonna bring link out I think wait no what she has we tested this I think she has all three uh Kanto starters last time we did this thing for some reason she has the Canto Stars it's really strange [Music] okay I think I think I set mine up now oh crap is another Pokemon hold up God always wait wait no he's always behind look at him it's a good boy uh I'm gonna grind a little bit yeah that's what I was gonna do I mean yeah we got we haven't got access to speed up because obviously we're linked together so we have to be running a little low pad hello dad little boy okay oh my God oh Jesus Christ he just threw out his Sonic Boom at level three bro imagine losing to a weasel yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna yeah I'll be honest with you I'll be right back bro [Music] yeah I'm out of here you said no thank you yeah I'm gonna go Anita I'm gonna I'm gonna need to go heal bro I'm gonna grief each other and double battle so weak in your enemy we did say that we weren't gonna betray each other yeah we can technically do that but we we did say we unless it's a situation where like I have to use surf to win and Pat's like yeah you're gonna have to do that you have to kill my Pokemon doing it it's like we we have to actually work with each other we can't we can't grief each other because otherwise it's like I mean come on Maggie it'll be a bit messed up you know if we if we did just like each other one of us would betray the other one and then be like oh you broken the seal now I do it to you but then we just lose the battle yeah exactly so it's definitely not uh not something that we're interested in doing for now yeah until until like oops I miss clicked like I literally said that when we're like oh what a folks and Daisy I did not mean to do this actually okay appreciate it love all right listen listen listen listen listen oh I got uh sorry Pat I'm gonna have to take you off control for a second here oh please I gotta update the member goal bro all right we hit the memory let's go we hit the members right they love the link Tunes again all right I'm ready if you if you wanna if you want to dance right now I'm so down to dance oh yeah oh yeah I'm I'm down for it all right let's go I need to put Charizard in the front I'm not doing this with link I can't risk them come on all right I think I've already I've already talked to her right don't I just have to wait and then yeah we just I think we just stopped the battle right wait in front of the player yeah yeah oh here we go and we cannot bring maximum of three Pokemon each so like when we go to the gym battle as well [Music] you know you gotta choose we can already bring three does that mean we can only use three in the cage cage match afterwards you can only use one of those three in the cage match afterwards yeah I like that I like that a lot yes yeah okay all right yeah they have levels do they scale with us solid and kill that squirrel no I have to switch out wrong sorry I can't I have Fury cutter please I'm such a nut mate no I'm switching out I'm switching up so much danger you ass slash Bulbasaur it dies Squirtle couples use Squad always got a bob if you don't kill him now you could have had a slot dead no scorch you could have had a slot dead right now this is your fault Luke you just attacked him oh see tailwhip that doesn't matter does it no but like now our defenses are dropped for the Charmander that's gonna like inevitably slash us I have to lose well listen look I I need to kill this Squirtle now I have to yeah I can call it punch it uh there's no guarantee that's gonna kill it and if I if I lose Charizard that's just double Target squirrel then double Target squirrel I agree I'll speed you anyways you missed no no come on you can't be serious you're safe oh no I get three hits I got three hits on these part oh don't worry you can thank me you can thank me later thank you Luke I appreciate it I think he's got a link I think it's just watch out bro no actually they can't really do much damage as long as you ask why you missed that slash okay you have to land your one in 20 Miss on the Bulbasaur okay yeah yeah my boy gave me the level let's go that could be hard oh yeah oh yeah oh you get a little bit of that two seconds ago couldn't we I got away from yours bloody I got away with your Pokemon level up after this right I mean sorry to mind not get to level up too oh snap cool opportunity yo they should do double battles for these cage Mashers Maybe double double battle does that mean both of them die no we that we'd select one that dies you know we could trade as well you know what you could do is we could do it is that either Pokemon dies or you trade it for one of your Pokemon or something like that and end up giving your opponent something so one of the cage match Pokemon I bring then might be traded to you and then you get to use it I see we have some oh she's a tool Shaker not a Charmander what yeah I think I got I think I'm gonna switch I think I gotta switch here but you can air slash Bulbasaur kill it and then no no I have eight points of Palace Luke I have eight points okay fine I'll I'll just I'll just sort out the tool check because I don't think the Bulbasaur's much much scary really the trade Stone thank you Benny for that one I missed oh mate thank you thank you yeah they are they are Ultra targeting it oh it's a hard game uh I mean I use can't be used wait we can't use items we can't use items in these double battles bro this is actually so scary do I switch what do I do uh uh oh it's up to you man I don't make these calls man I don't think I can switch right now I don't think I can if I go into Scorch and he dies like it's over they really don't like you on this field maybe they'll Target me now that yours Angus is like not a threat no they're gonna they see a kill on me they're gonna go for the kill right that's true that's true I should out speed and always speed boost no no out of the gate this is ridiculous uh this is this is not a good start Thomas again okay yeah okay how much damage does this do okay I need I need two more hits I think no anything oh no more hits now I need four hits total you ain't gonna get it oh wait he's gonna be nice Pat oh okay okay okay good bro you can literally just fire move the Bulbasaur you can just fire move the Bulbasaur and be cool with it bro actually I shouldn't air slash I should Amber that's what you're saying if it's only Embers your fire move no you don't miss the one in 20 twice you're not that unlucky do you remember when we did the 2v2 and we use metalcore no I just delete it from memory problems oh no no it was against you you were loving it oh I probably don't need a different memory regardless because I have bad memory I don't remember specific situations though yeah I just want to say this is not my fault [Music] wait it's experience Sharon yeah yeah we've been getting the experience the whole time you get experience which is great by the way I'm so glad that that's a thing yeah in generation three games I feel like an experiential a baby experience there like sword and shield one is definitely necessary my question is is I don't know what the level cap is going to be and like how that's gonna work with the gym leaders because she's level seven and she was level five when we tested this [Music] so the opponents I think they scale yeah I think they scale oh so there's no level caps there's no level caps we are just we're going in with the levels that we have but we just need to be around the same level otherwise we're kind of stuffed that's going to be really hard also I have one Pokemon right now I'm not feeling too good right okay there's plenty of areas there's so many areas guys also by the way guys we are 13 pillow cells away from going into production if you'd like a pillow exclamation pillow and chat night but we'll fetch you a link check out the sale for me with 13 away from being guaranteed uh into production so I really appreciate you guys you can check out for me and when we do hit 200 I'm gifting away uh 50 eShop Card for Americans and I'm also giving away a free pillow so what buy a pillow or forever be uncomfortable see Pat I just clicked on YouTube chat and you're moving just fine that was weird no I mean I can't I it just it Grays out my screen so I can't see anything oh but you can still move okay that's weird that's kind of funny that is kind of weird all right I'm gonna bro can you get thank you sorry let me just deposit my dead link oh someone's telling you to remember to get some Pockets monster balls bro yeah I'm gonna find a new link a better link a stronger link who's cooler all right I'm gonna get some okay but we got 10K in the bag so like wow look at these okay what's the point of buying permeables when I can just get them the other way yeah I don't know why you yeah that's a good point they still give you the yeah they do you might hear the ball Zone that's uh fine I guess I wish the peel balls were such a completely useless ball like you just go back to Pokemon yeah yeah I feel like killbals hillbills will be good in Emerald roguelo that that they have a use in that game so yeah they're huge in that yep yep yep yep yep yep got a blast I need I need I need friends or I am right here I need compatriots I'm right here man you're not an animal that I can use in a fight against another animal are you I could be have you seen me in the ring go go Luke use butter only give us marble oh we sold a pillow I think he would twelve away uh yeah 12 I can count 12 remains what's up Marcus hope you're doing well I don't think the PC is shared I don't think so oh imagine wait we've got a ton of cop mode yeah yeah that's right it's great just like me shut up man it's honestly not even that hard to like turn off either it's just like you know done they killed my cat they did they killed your cat it's so messed up ah they killed your cat it killed my cat he's so dead now I actually am I'm mad for you just so you know oh my God they killed his cat what am I gonna hang out with now yeah it's yeah oh look at that experience I wonder if wait can you turn that off for the experience yet yes misk why would you ever want to I'm just curious I would never battle no I guess not all right no worries please please give me another cat yeah you do need something gas right now oh you're under the cab that's not a cat chat what was the name I gave the Cutie fly in the emerald walkout with with Dylan what was it somebody needs to remind me right now what was his name oh it's uh germa no I think his name was Buddy Brian or something I forgot what his name was that was German key it was Keith you guys are the ghosts you know that I literally you guys are so sick how do you remember that how do you all remember that dude how am I struggling to catch a Sentret because it's you freaking free what's the chance it's catching this [Music] I'm gonna is that that was ridiculous this is easy they're a ton of Keith man like Keith okay centra's not claim so I mean box help box chat do we call the cutify Keith I think we do Keith and box they'll let besties are fired Keith and box I think we have to call it Keith I Love box look at him he's back again it's Keith mate bloody kids bro okay I'm guessed oh that's good yeah I don't have I see gas bro and you know what the best part about this is if I want to I can have Keith on my journey look at this look there's kill me Keith oh yeah yeah Let It Go Let It Go bro bro this Abby Palm is kind of strong I might have to make permanent for Keith I'm not gonna lie I wonder if we fight the same trainer Pokemon or if they're different oh yeah so what did you fight what did you just fight an Amber Palm oh my God the train is a randomized oh yeah yeah and they're they're not that was kind of hard as well I did a lot of damage to me as well so yeah for trainers we're not going to be randomized I'll sit downstairs and say oh crap he doesn't be randomized I mean that would have been fine I think I would have been all right with it yeah I would have read it wrong but like the fact that they are randomized is even more fear okay do you fight an Amber Paul oh no no you don't you fight different things he is going to explode now yeah you think so he doesn't have explosion at that level to protect that's why he starts with a sinisty any sippers yeah there we go there we bloody go delicious da da dude bro that did nothing is this guy holding it over so fast what was that I swear this game is like on hard mode it must be there's no way we did set up to hard mode oh why did we do that because it's it's content baby it's content did said to Hard Mode I think that just means that means of her opponents no there's no way it does I mean I'm I'm not doing as much as I think I would [Music] they probably have IVs and EVS oh no Luke we're so screwed nah listen we have competed in some of the world's most renowned Pokemon competitive leagues pack yeah and how far did we get in those we have not done very well but that's not the that's not the point we have competed we are talented Battlers and we can get ourselves through these fights I'm telling you okay sure no if you think so I just want to be able to make it to the cage fights that's all that's why if we lose I just get to stream the game more I'm all right with bro yeah you know what you could have catch Salamence all you want bro I got I got I got Keith at back you know you don't know about Keith let me tell you what's Keith gonna do oh yeah we don't want to find out I'll tell you that much let's keep gonna do don't play chat tell them about this tell them tell him about I want to flick him I'm gonna let my cat eat them my cat loves eating flies everyone's chasing them and hunting them down and then playing with them oh speaking of a cat I just I just decoloned in real life bro at that comment yeah bro I'm at a sticky web your [ __ ] what you must believe I don't know I know I I well these what's my I didn't know what my attack identity it's gonna be really fun when we're like at the end of the game and they all have like in the Crosman oh my God yeah and imagine we do the elite four but we co-opped in together oh we're gonna do the Elite Four yeah we're gonna do the Elise all together final fight oh my God this is gonna be a nightmare oh that is gonna be a nightmare isn't it well I'm cooking right now you know like my bar now is smashing it is there a way for us to like get items and stuff like that in case we like you know want to get items and stuff like that was a double battle bro there's no healing come on you're not bad in that well I mean no I mean like uh like leftovers for example I don't know okay give my whole items until we win the cage match anyways well I mean when I do I mean when we do when we when we win if I find two I'll tell you right now I will trade you I'll trade you one because I could do that in this game so I will trades down oh oh my God we're eight away we sold four more pillows thank you guys so much ultimate ultimate pillow time ultimate yo tell them about that ultimate pillow Time come on tell me what you know when you when Luke hits his goal of selling ultimate pillow time there will be so many pillows though you will be flabbergasted at how many pillows there are and they will all be soft and so comfy to sleep on so you need to do that guys do you want to see the pillows I've got them right behind me if you want to see them might not be the best product in the world well shop it's the best product in the world y'all want pillow picks right look at this bad boy he big he bigger than my head and my head's big my head is tell them how big my head is his head is this big yeah right it's huge when compared also the size of my head um this this big look how squishy it is no way you could put your head on that and it'll be so good it's cute yeah it's amazing Pat have you picked one up you surely you pick one up haven't you purchased a Game Boy Luke thunderbit pillow already and I might just get another one to be Fair is my head squishy no it's like a melon it like you know you tie elastic bands around it and it's only a matter of time you know what I mean yeah and the only thing that's inside is water so how long are we streaming this for uh an hour and a half but if I sell all my pillows we'll extend it by another half an hour how about that we got eight to go no I'm dead oh you're yeah you're probably dead okay I don't know about this don't worry I'll get some luck for you rub your noodle for luck you don't have that email on your channel but just imagine that you can rub it that did literally no damage why do what a terrible idea if that's the case sorry because it because we clearly didn't do that the first he's double he's double attack bounding me I just got deleted [Music] I might be in trouble that's funny I might be in trouble you're getting killed I might be in trouble okay that's fine that's a special move I'm all right brother oh dear oh dear great that's that's a lot of damage from echoed voice crit oh my God you're doing nothing to it okay okay we can't use that oh wait Pat look [Music] I can't use them in single battles we can't use healing numbers in single battles bro we got it that's crazy yeah I'm not gonna lie I think I'm dead I think I'm dead I think we might have to we might have to reread these rules I don't think either of us are getting very far with this I actually don't think we're getting very far with this at all I think I think it's cooked for me mate we can only reset if you agree that I won this cage lock but it's not true though well you lost I haven't lost I'm not lost I haven't lost yet bro you think you're gonna beat it with Keith yeah bro let me tell you my key for a second he's fully paralyzed Punky Now's the Time the bloody shine crit you have no idea man are you gonna are you gonna do play the rest of the game which is key yes that's my goat fly actually but bro look at my teaching my experience bar it was there for one frame I'm flying in levels first I love struggle bug and now it's actually over that's hilarious oh good lord he's got he need a queen um no I might lose here I'm not gonna lie I'm I I might actually lose here he's got a poisonous thing that's super that's super effective against me though this game that's chalked let's talk oh it's talked it's it's looking it's looking pretty um no no but to be fair think about it right if we actually get any sort of progress in this game we're gonna get bodied we definitely you know we need dude that has done two points do we all I don't know what it is the damage right it's like it feels like it's not doing anything yeah if for some reason we do like much less than we should do yeah yeah it does feel like that yeah no I'm losing okay it's I mean I've got I've got uh a centipede post retirement content yes post retirement I retired it's done I'm done with YouTube It's Over wait so it turns out the hard mode is quite hard yeah we didn't really know we didn't really know oh there's no shot you're being a needle cream half it I don't believe you no I dude it creeped me can we just can you just can you just cut out all right now there's only one way I win and that is bite flinches here we go here we go are you ready for this power flange oh my god dude this actually works power flange flinched okay perfect oh my god dude there's no way double kicked it landed I'm dead I'm dead right okay all right all right well the thing is we haven't saved so we can actually just both reset right now I saved did you actually yeah because I didn't want the game to crash [Music] I was scared okay well I don't think I say it I think I can just hit new game yeah that's true you speed the speed through the process speed through the process listen oh okay no which one do I click that's right I need to oopsie I need to also reset because I actually need to we need to do this together cheats okay so that was a test run uh now we know that hard mode is actually hard yeah we had no idea we had no idea so okay so I can't read it's random random default I guess we just do default right let's do custom let's do custom let's figure out what's going on so choose game difficulty just normal right normal shiny probability I said hi always hi um unlock and unlock areas from the start yep uh unlock all Miss at the start okay yeah that's it I guess there you go all right much better we'll pack in a point do I do I get a point for that uh no you don't have a test from we had no idea what we were going into right and that's all about the randomizer any deaths from now on [Music] that's pretty sick that is you should do that that's really cool that is pretty sick that you no you should I don't like a Sprite I don't like a Sprite oh yeah it's kind of funny did you go do you do all caps you do all caps right yeah I do all caps because I'm too lazy click a button to make it lower close so I'll copy I'll copy it's Sprite is sick I sound like it's OverWatch right but his trainer Sprite is pretty gnarly all right listen so bad I don't look it you tell me his head looks yeah that's really goofy it looks like the male character from uh Gen 4 it just looks really doofy it does look it looks like a backup yeah his hat is far too big for his head bro look at it 203 pillows sold what did we did we really there's no way there's no way you guys did that it's so good I'm waiting I'm waiting for it to refresh it's refreshing in three seconds I wonder if I should just see a number go up oh someone lied to me it's definitely not no it's not oh yeah boy I'm gonna go back to Gold uh Todd on the uh co-op mode name player uh uh or rather we have to go what is it m player it's not co-op mode oh yeah 2p I love playing with my two peas thank you all right let's go see you later can I order 97 pedals do it Marcus do it and you'd be the greatest person wait what did box say ever if they ordered 97 97 oh go on then you could have a room entice updated it says 199 from me this is 204 for other people though that's that's it says 119 it's 199 for me it's not taking again in seven seconds I'm waiting for it I'm waiting if I'm waiting for it I'm waiting for it is that fake news or is it a real news it might be fake news but I mean either way it sounds like we're extending extending bloody stream who did it you did it it says 199 on my screen but I'll take I'll take off for a chat thank you very much for oh Jesus Christ you scared of me you rather me at like some kind of like like jump scare man you don't expect that a Pokemon game to have a character run at you yeah you know like running towards me it was just it was just a redhead kid like thundering towards me yeah I got scared whenever jinders run at me as well I'm like exactly exactly 199 for me yes one oh I'll do it that's insane we have production production thank you guys so much thank you guys thank you thank you all right Carl I need you to excel dock it up for me I want Charizard again thank you guys so much for the support man it's insane I appreciate it guys all right ready three two one [Music] go on come on foreign what bro I can't win this fight wait you actually can't win this fight what do I do no no it's okay because eventually he runs away doesn't he oh please please God tell me he runs away I can't I can't win you know what can you not run away you don't run away can I wait can I run away let's see let's see let's see don't leave me like shut up Birch this what do you want me to do Butch what do you want me to do this do we have balls can I throw a ball wait try and throw a ball yeah try and throw a ball at it items can't be used now oh wow they disable items in normal mode as well oh no why would you do this damn Pat we we collected with each other too so you can't even speed up if you want if you wanted to I know well it's not even a versus so it's not like you get an advantage from this we just have to wait oh I can reset you and you can pick it up and reroll the star okay yeah I think we should reset it's much this is not this is not interesting to watch I don't think yep can you believe that chat can you believe how that just happened look at that boy that was custom it was cut that was custom custom normal listen I think I think if anything I think if anything this is the Pokemon that should be called link all right because it's not taken right well actually Lincoln tapu Coco is a very very close thanks rookie I appreciate you did uh Cal was this one taken not claimed God damn it man uh yeah okay 50 gifted it's definitely worth a lot okay what do I get I get timid or relaxed maybe there's nature Mints not be an instruments in this game yo the fact that tapu Coco is following me right do I have balls I'm gonna wait for you I can tell you what I'm gonna go I'm gonna go pee and uh while I do that uh by the time it takes you to catch up you have to do your best pitch at why people should remember to gain more okay cool I have to I have to pitch why people should remember to you all right well listen listen chat let's just pretend that I made a really good pitch and instead I'm gonna tell you about how my day went today because it was really really good I hurt myself multiple times I heard the door go for an Amazon delivery and in my haste to run down and uh get it I I smacked my knee across the banister of the stair and I almost fell down the stairs I was in a real bad situation chat it was looking not so great there's a chance in a different scenario where I would have died and then there would be no stream and you know what the delivery was you know what I would almost died to get cat litter it was cat litter it was a big old bag of cat litter and I I I feel at my knee it hurts to stand up now just so my my cat can go to the bathroom which I guess is worth it anyway that that was my pitch as to why you should remember the Game Boy look everyone say wow I'm gonna become a member right now before he listens again yo fading music thank you so much bloody like that glad I thought it was a good pitch yeah he likes the membership yeah I I I actually think I've sold it really well there so how many members did you get well we're about to we're about to see there's a remember right there look at the chat they're all they're all convinced what a page okay so I'm gonna go back in my stream and you said okay Chad I need you guys to all type what a pitch when he gets back no that's not that's not true right chat I wouldn't Advocate but you got a little bit of a while before you get it I could just go back and check my stream no well I mean that's I mean I'm already there so you should probably no yeah I suppose I'll check it later on yeah you can check it later you don't have to watch it right now actually wait wait wait wait before you go before you any further going back into Empire mode okay okay see everyone's seeing like it was I I just I did a really good job and I think we should just face it that I'm better at getting members for your channel than you are that just means I have to get you on my channel more if I mean if that's the case bro that's fine well I mean that's fine all right here I'm in the bag give me the bag out the bag come on Pat come on he's just done something with not ghost moves ideally oh yeah that's good that's really good it's got incineries roll out that's so good I love darm onions and much better wow no I rate it I do rate it not glaring a little sad but it's all right I'll live I'll see yo yo what's the ability tell me it's got that mode bro would that even be good like I don't know I don't know thank you guys for the congrats on 400k by the way I appreciate that congrats on 400k thank you man you're almost there I'm almost there half a meal we're almost there half a mil giving it into that damn anything all right I'm gonna move on I'm gonna get my first encounter it's gonna be mew I'm Gonna Be Happy what a star oh hey okay that's all right are you serious check his ability look at this point look at look at his Sprite you see a Sprite look at his face man why does he look like that oh no well you could have had cheer Force but instead got Zen mode this is fine it's usable is what is Zen mode stats like is it good but bro his special attack is 140. but his speed his speed is 30. oh my eternity is no way bro no I'm watching this no way no way no there's no way there's no shot I'm gonna be able to catch there's an alternative [Music] this game is so easy are you [ __ ] kidding me he's [ __ ] kidding me bro always pet your name I just spent 500 balls on a Snivy Kyle Kyle is this boy named [Music] why do you struggle on things that are easy Hey listen you're welcome for the reset by the way what am I gonna call it chat wait I gonna call this it's not claimed I need a name remember now today thanks I got overgrown stavis they're not guaranteed hidden that's weird that is that is pretty Bonkers I'm not gonna lie Greg Kyle [ __ ] what all right Greg I'm gonna name it Greg big Greg on campus I wanna have a look at this uh I'll be yeah I'll be I'll be AWA I'm pretty sure I will be I will be at AWA as well Luke and Pat will you guys be it if anyone so Ed can I get my pillow signed LOL certainly apparently turn this is just a guaranteed cash right yo why is he bold that's a bold spinder bro I mean okay apparently it's 100 cash right because there's a ton of us has 100 cash rate apparently no don't think you're like hot [ __ ] or anything okay you just got lucky okay you encountered that Pokemon okay no no you get the exact counter you need for tapu Coco well you know what they say what do they say apple a day keeps the doctor away it was 100 catch rate long I don't like how Brian says LOL can I be honest oh LOL I don't think you can use you need to test if we can use items in battle part oh do you still think that we can't I have a funny feeling it's a funny feeling that we can't as well oh man that's gonna be tough I have a funny feeling I mean it's gonna attack the first royal battle that's not fair you can't say that oops my fingers slipped and I accidentally stun sport you and then earthquake to you my bad silly me yeah try it try and try and get into your bag in the next battle you get I mean actually three Fair wild battles are different aren't they because they're pokeballs but yeah dude Porygon and I just gotta counter to your Alternatives yes the Steelix yeah that's pretty good actually into it yeah the thing is is like am I actually gonna be able to do any damage to this thing or what I did foreign probably low odds that I'm actually gonna be able to catch a Porygon for some reason yeah but it's one of those Pokemon there's not many gonna be caught in the in the wild right digital creature [Music] I'm trying to keep fall swiping the the bro why is he doing that stop you okay every I don't know [Music] yeah yeah did you yeah did you see that thank you for entertaining everyone for the past 10 years thank you for helping me get through cop and thank you for creating an amazing Community to be a part of cheers to many more smiles [Music] oh my God marry what that was so sweet that message was so sweet thank you so much for watching for so long Maddie is so sweet what a [ __ ] absolute Stellar human being by the way well Maddie has been around I believe Maddie's been around since like twitch days like and that was like when I think about it it's a long ass time ago man like absolutely insane four hundred dollars one for each thousand Subs we've got that's insane oh yeah that's right thank you so thank you so much wow guys get some love in the chat please somebody [Music] that's so sweet be watching since the emerald versus a grant Jesus Christ the birth of Razzle the best Emerald verses that Luke has done on this channel nothing can compete to be fair I I remember that that Gyarados he had called BJ that was a good one I remember that I remember that Rhyhorn he had called horny yeah that's right and uh who could forget the Tauros called jap's eye yes yeah what a good one what a good one he knew how to do it he just wanted he's just a man of his time you know what I mean you never meet another one like that again like that anymore is the problem you see incredible simply incredible fantastic news honestly this is killing me by the way I want to die it's killing me that's crazy thank you guys so much though thank you guys so much [Music] your support is lovely it is fantastic and it's so sweet and I'm so blessed yo how about Xbox kicks your ass it's like like a kick mine well see if you were good you'd know how to fight and explode which is exactly how I'm doing it right now all you need to do is tackle and then follow up with the tackle [Music] crit and then once you've done those two prerequisite tackles you do one more tackle and that's it so if you you've done that then you would have won easily yeah I mean it sounds like it yeah that sounds about yeah it sounds about right because you're wank I am not worth the dirt under your shoes Daniel [Music] yeah honestly I think Dylan might be a good fit for someone like this next time you know what I'm saying I mean I don't well I think Daniel is a good fit for something like this I I think okay I mean like Dylan Dylan has a kid he time for you oh my God oh my God Jesus Christ um I don't know thanks for the membership man uh I'm gonna need a few of those get me through the rest of the stream I think wait you could do three player on this game oh [ __ ] get Gabe it could be me Gabe and Dylan yeah no you could do that oh my God what the hell is that your first encounter no God I wish okay bro I'm not catching this thing there is no way I'm catching this thing it's unreal to me that you've been catching a tuna isn't a Pokeball like that and I say I sit here and struggle on a bloody Steelix yeah you are really having a tough time with that aren't you well too many false wipes I used to get this down to one HP dude I am just you know what's weird how everything is exactly on a a multiple of ten what is all the experience are exactly on tens all the time is it really did you notice that yeah I I always every time you get experience it's always exactly on like a multiple of ten whatever odd things for you to know is well I think that it's a different experience system in this game oh yeah probably yeah there probably is for sure very strange tobacco easy mode no I'm just really good I didn't I I didn't want to have to do this today to be honest oh he's using the permeable Game Boy Luke we're gonna say what can you what can you say except it just works what can I say throwing balls for 20 minutes it's just you know what it is bro you have to wait for the perfect moment all right raid and then use the X remember let's claim this boy let's go it just works chat it just works right so with raided in my back pocket with oh oh hell yes the best nature of the best ability we are cookies is the power of the pillow foreign [Laughter] [Music] that was [ __ ] terrifying GLaDOS was logged off that was awful I don't want to hear it again that was so funny thank you so much the five Frogger uh guys you can also use the funny text-to-speech bot uh first one of the first links in the description if you donate five dollars or more you can you can send a funny text message that's right okay I'm turning on court mode okay I think wait I think my options Empire caught my progress okay all right I actually I actually need to go do something part two seconds again how about oh two seconds good chat how [Music] over a hotkeyboard slaving away all day to make high quality content and then you just debug us off doesn't even stay the entire stream can you believe this chat how ridiculous how insane he leaves us all the time where is banana that's a good question I was just really about my hand anyway become a member to Game Boy Luke said that was good I'm gonna become a member hi you know you don't have my speakers on the entire time right I could hear what you were saying no you couldn't no you didn't do the makeup for you if that was true oh guys I'm cracking up on a cold one what's that what is it you could get these These are nice hold up to the camera what is that is it cider yeah it's cider yep what flavor it's the cake yeah I don't do drugs I have a cup of tea [Music] okay sorry are you are you queued in or what's going on here I'm logging in I'm ready cool it's time what's that level now what is her level now that is a good question we're about to find out what time is it over there it's eight o'clock yeah and we have one hour left for the stream that's right oh true this isn't like yeah it's not proper verses though is it so level three what okay bro I don't know it's not it's default that's why it's default mode yeah but I was already babied bro this bro doesn't even have a water move yet does he he probably does I'm going to okay I'll go Coco because you can incinerate why are you level nine man you said I'm going to cuckold I'm like same thing well there's two links on screen at link Square oh they hit both that doesn't even kill them but doesn't even kill the Bulbasaur bro that does cost us I'm big and strong damn zadie sorry oh my God oh my God 209 pillows sold by the way chat thank you so much 209 so good at selling pillows after the stream I'll be giving away a free code for a pillow and a free code for uh fifty dollars for the eShop did you hear the story behind that by the way no what's happening I was trying to get eShop codes to get uh Tis of the Kingdom early Australian shot you bought an American one America was accidentally you [ __ ] so I was like all right I'll track can have these then I could use them but I'll give them to chat right listen I can melt the Squirtle right now I just need you to roll out the Torchic don't worry I'm on the case he's on he's on the case I'm on kiss I'll take care of it look at that bam one shot let's go yeah you want to see something impressive I'm three levels lower than you and I can still want the shots on him you want to see something in person I'm gonna kill a half dead squirrel with 100 shots hey shut up man leave it leave it out then we gotta wait through all these experience games that's the only issue with this isn't it yeah it's it's a it's still faster than Edwards and Scotland violent though it doesn't want to speed them up I was considering using it I'd be scared of the game crashing if you did that because it's held together with paper mache and hopes and dreams that's true that's true yo nice 69 nice we'll we'll do how was this made very carefully I guess all right level four thanks to the congrats shadow yeah oh I'm a wrecked bro curse yeah you're what huh huh what was that I said I'm a wrecked oh all right of course yeah of course of course it is a rock hard snake no it's not even rock hard mate it's still hard yeah exactly that's what I'm saying okay it's still harder than Rock yes that's why Steelers super fat range Rock You ding dong necessarily real life water Super Fitness fire fire surveys grass Grassroots super fat water they all make logical sense to one degree or another that's why bugs grounds why is Grassy perfecting its Rock what's all what's all about because grass roots in the earth and what is taking super effective and steel are you gonna punch a [ __ ] piece of metal some uh martial arts are strong enough and honed in their power to to harness the human strength in order to crush whatever is in front of them really okay okay so much Marshall who wins a car is composed of more than steel pot don't be trivial come on a ratio to to pedal boat no it's a little root no oh doubt I'll race you to Old Dale from here and I bet I beat your ass right meet me outside there's wild encounters meet me outside bro meet me outside fine I'll have a foot race it's like in high school I remember having footrest patters has nothing on you you know I can hear that thanks Shadow thanks Shadow I appreciate that shout out to her Channel bro oh Shadow the Hedge oh Shadow the Hedgehog right yeah yeah it's like Sonic three all right three two one go go oh you're way behind mate you're way behind you're so bad bro look at my screen no oh you've done oh you know we're in the exact same place on my screen just so you know okay no no no no come on go go go go run run come on I won on my screen uh it's so delayed it's so delayed I want on my screen it's like oh the RNG oh yeah lumos of the RNG is tied together okay that's so funny though that's wicked all right so so hold on there's another there's another area here we can get Pokemon here right let's get it let me check my agent I need to check my bag oh meow stick okay it's Leo it's literally male meow stick bro it's Leo little small guy it's over here it's over for you how many different nicknames do you have for your pets [Music] how many nicknames do you have for fudge Luke [Music] uh that's a good question I call him floof I call him dumbass idiot um actually to be honest with you I haven't released but I already lived there anymore because I used to I probably used to have a bunch of names I still remember him you know what I mean dude I have so many indicators for Leo that no doesn't make any sense I call him big sniffy big sniffy I call them wait wait wait congratulations on your Victory come celebrate with this cake I'm good no I'm alright actually funnily enough I'm all right I think there may be some food ain't going wrong I don't know I think there might be some suspy activities going on you know what I'm saying Pat I'll give you one try watch my screen right all you have to do is just say the magic words okay okay I'm gonna be honest your screen has been uh Frozen since like the start of the stream I've been looking at the Stream all right you know you could just you could just voice to me I was worried they were just like it would just keep doing it and they would like get annoying to like keep mentioning it over and over again it might do but I could probably put it somewhere where it won't keep getting like annoyingly over it you know what I'm saying so hold on hold on it's working now yeah it's working now yeah okay so I'll put it here instead right so you can see that yeah yeah I can see it cool right anyways we'll try this again go okay [Music] Game Boy Luke oh you said it wait you said it you said it way too late man no no on the Discord on the Discord screenshot I said it yeah that's why it failed you got to do it early gotta predict the second Shake this is too hard it's like a dark souls Mission I'm trying to it's not like a chat will do it for me come on chat no chat will do it it's fine GBL damn it you'll die you're terrible this I got I got chat for this chat do it chat Knows Best all right enjoy they suck this one there I haven't even had a solid attempt yet [Music] I'm not very good at this when you hear this message spam GBL in chat okay vintendo all right here we go it's this one they're gonna if the sinking is up if the sinking is up I'm let's see they just had the message but with the the delay involved [Music] okay listen chat you know you need to be working with me here because this is not they're not even trying yeah you guys you honestly you just you've disappointed me today because normally normally like you guys like on on Deck with this kind of stuff it's it's a little bit saddening oh bro you're still in court mode yeah you can just press R and I'll let you know if I I forgot was in cop mod [Music] [Music] you know what I don't want to play anymore quite frankly what why I've done I've done with this game bro what do you mean it's a Porygon poo man it's a Porygon too porygon2 is hard to catch why my bad bro this one will work all right listen bar note when you hear this message I'm giving full permission to Bono to just Ctrl C Ctrl V okay [Music] and it should sync up with me you'll see it in chat should error quotes right I'm throwing it right now look it's gonna sync up in chat ready but I'm just gonna spam on second Shake guarantee it all right wait hold on anything hold on [Music] oh Bono didn't even type he did there he is there he is bro he's right there bro oh no there he is there he is there he is he got timed out wait today wait did he I don't see that message on my streamer it's so funny it says message automatically hidden hidden by Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie so funny oh my God God's sake man I I didn't name his polygon two taken uh Cal oh [ __ ] I know you can hear me patters but I was just stating facts [Music] why was the crowd gasping bro Patrick's having way too much fun with this man oh that's funny I think someone should get the watch Mojo up for the top 10 times Pat has lost in Pokemon that'd be hard because I've never [Music] are we tied in verses right now how was my win streak right now never doing reverse with you again Luke until the next shiny log uh oh is that oh yeah that's a versus uh okay well um bold quiet interesting I'll take it I'll take it I could get analytic Pat never loses well except for last six times because he had a 6-1 lead on me or something well yeah I mean that I had a good start and then it fell off um but now you're retired you're not gonna be as good so I I should be able to win I just never expect to see another NPC running around doing their own thing in the world so there's what you Scuttle past me while you have a regular conversation I mean it's always so like yeah an MMO a Pokemon MMO would be funny I think well yeah yeah it would be it'd be cool if they did something like that wouldn't it but purple could never I can go back and name the verses I can name them as well I I choose not to but I could well the ones I've won or the ones that you've lost I mean that's the same thing actually isn't it no all of them all the important ones from from beginning to end do you think you could name them in order dude uh probably not to be fair so I can do a few I can do a few it was Emerald first yep and then I think it was the X and Y wander lock afterwards right I think so yeah after X and Y wander lock what was the third one we did oh God you know what we had a whole bloody playlist of these I don't remember was it thyroid Leaf Green no I don't think Fire release was fourth because it was on my channel because the first one was on my channel so it might be emeralds Emerald X and Y when we won the trade with each other when the game was in its bloody Peak yeah that was nuts that was nuts I mean that's my internet disconnects at the exact same time or the recording just the Skype call disconnected at the same time the fire at leafing was actually probably third and there's got to be a diamond and pearl for in somewhere and there's black and white and yeah no you know I couldn't I couldn't land the top of my head there was the there's the elimination lock oh we did do the elimination law that's right though the all the other boys right yeah yeah and all the Pokemon in the the game that's yes Skype dude you remember Skype oh my God doctor said you called it X and Y when Pat got each other Lucario for the esper because I trade off my Lucario got a Brando and got esper which the duplicate and I don't want to trade off my expert hey you got the S phone I got you Lucario yeah and I still lost that was good are you still lost bro you just unloaded bro how do you lose the Mega Lucario bro you just unloaded I know I I'm just listen I'm Zen right now I'm feeling good I'm feeling chill in the zone bro I'm no I have no enemies [Music] I was vibing oh God for [ __ ] sake man I'm reading Marcus Aurelius meditations I have no enemies I have no idea how I beat this next Pokemon [Music] I have no idea how I beat this next Pokemon but it's easy guarantee oh no that's not easy well it's level four it should be easy I am three levels higher than it and they're only a scary just don't have dragon rage the rocks it the tried and true method of killing dragons is throwing really big rocks I missed okay let's drag as dragon breath which has two down paralyzed me I swear to God okay by your Fang on my darmanian oh yeah it's the Pokemon cancel basically [Music] we will see oh my God my team is so good right now this is lovely do you think we'd even get to the first gym in this stream oh I like it I'm going at Rocket speeds so if you can keep up maybe uh well uh I had to fight against Giratina so I'm a little bit behind him I'm not gonna lie so also all the Pokemon I've caught have taken like 12 balls each and yours have been one Bros yeah you you have been struggling on that a bit I've been in the trenches mate oh I got earthquake here for sure I'm scared of my game crashing so I'm just I'm just saving regularly you know that's a good that's a good plan safe once I think I saved before May bro has no fear that's me that's me bro he's got a Joker from the side he's an absolute Joke Man look at him he reminds me of like one of the smaller Titans from Attack on Titan uh yes you know what that's actually that's a great that's a great it's like Titan by the way we're allowed one shiny Peru I would say right [Music] you know bro we put the we put the shiny holds on the art hi I think you might be surprised how often they might show up well yeah I mean they're on high but that's like what one at a hundred I mean that's still pretty I don't know I honestly don't even know what the number would be also anyway we don't know what the scaling is now so we just play till we should play to level clap level cap right oh my God guys can somebody let me know what the uh level cap would be so like what is the um highest level Roxanne has in Pokemon Emerald is it 14 yeah I think it's 14 right I skipped away kids down the line right 15. oh it's 15 15 4 okay no no okay this is you guys aren't very good at this all you have to do is Google the one on serebi or Bulbapedia and we'd all know the answer well Luke they're not here to do Free Labor they're here to watch a stream so thank you [ __ ] Google there's got me it's fine [Music] do free labor yeah mods thank you guys so much they are here to do Free Labor there's nothing in return Thanks what's your time hahaha oh no oh it's I'm cooking um getting the defiant boost got defiant boost but why has he got a [ __ ] level 100 far fish is my class I don't know man Norman just has a level 100 farfetch for some reason [Music] robot team's cooking I I you know what I feel confident enough that I could kick this darkwise I have with a Snivy bro I think it's time we rise up in demand play listen I am all four unions apart from right now above them I don't think monster unionized at all you're [ __ ] crazy man I'm telling you well this dog range to suck a fat toenail how's it going to do that it's got no mouth everything about that here's your [ __ ] favorite Pokemon no no oh canine [Music] that's true that's true my boy he is pretty cool Union bro get your grip like please don't please don't quit please don't quit I do appreciate it Luke you don't have to be worried they get it they know it's a joke they do it's well to be honest with the amount of time that they spend bullying me it's about the time we but be bit back you know what I'm saying oh I don't know I don't know what you've been doing but it's not about time for me it's oh okay it's been too many times now special attack dude let's go oh can I just get this to Arabia wow that's so easy to catch things but you just caught Australia that's actually kind of good it's wrapped her with intimidate um that's lovely it's not that lovely but it is pretty it is pretty good for you there's Pat's camera look laggy Pat will turn around look at me oh yeah it's a little bit laggy but that's probably because guys I'm gonna be honest with you I've been trying for the last five or six years with this guy um he needs a new pc so it's because I'm on Discord screen sharing Discord and you're capturing you have Nitro are you streaming that do you have Nitro I'm a partner again after I'm getting it finally after like six months maybe you should yeah because it's like in 30 frames it's like when you're moving around and like looking yeah honestly didn't I change that no you have to you'd have to like screenshot your camera app or something and get like the full frames out of it I move in a different frame rate just like in Hobie just like Hobie from spider verse he moves at a different frame rate I'm over a difference yeah so so you know how in the first spider-verse movie where Miles doesn't move at the right frame rate because he's still learning to be Spider-Man it's like that where I'm like the full frame second because I'm the experienced you know Pokemon YouTuber this the Claire skill Gap right here and Pat is at like 20 frames a second because he is not quite there yet but he's getting there like he's got a little bit okay I've been on YouTube for like 16 bro I had my first channel four years before that so we've both been on for 16 years I actually had my first channel my first channel was 2006 so it's actually 17 years but there's not your first one was 2000 I have video I it's actually a video uh I won't tell anybody about it only show Friends there's the videos up there that around that era as well you are so fun you don't have to say that [Music] there are things that you just don't have to say to me and that's one of them that laugh had a bit of sadness thanks mate thanks guys guys if you want to see more of this cage lock if everyone in chat gets to the member right now I'd be I'd be a millionaire yeah right now I'd be a millionaire guys listen if you all give me all of your money you wouldn't believe it or your cash out of your pocket right now and some of you don't I don't got any money in your pocket give me your money right now I'd be a gas some of you don't have any money but you should go into trouble just told me they were born in 2006. yo my brother was born in 2016 he's 17 now [Music] isn't that crazy I got lit in my pocket I'll take it come in my pocket I'll take it [Music] what a legend listen Claire is is what keeps streamers around I'm telling you right now that's what keeps streamers streaming I appreciate it specifically yes can everybody inside gift one member right now and Claire's like yeah all right I think maybe I will Smosh started in 2006 and today Smosh was bought again bye a new era baby there is a chance for YouTube after all I'm so I'm excited I'm excited that they do that channel but it's the membership bro and I said all I know is you have to take the ninja approach Pat I talked about this all the time right when ninja was like before he was big he uh was doing streaming to fortnite stuff like very very early on he's getting loads of viewers and hanging out whatever and he was like guys I appreciate everyone being here this is great um but if people aren't gonna show direct support for this game I'm playing then I'm gonna move on to the next and then all of a sudden he blew up from there and he was he was getting like gifted members or subscribers subscriptions and all this that and the other and it's kind of true in a way because obviously we're investing like two or three hours four hours potentially like streaming time doing stuff like this so it's nice to be sure to support for because it just makes me want to I can go stream something else the next day or the day after that but if it was specifically want to see this true then I'll stream this yeah I mean that is the case like every time people like well you do this like will you do more of this I'm like if people watch it then I will exactly that's the point what's the point it doesn't mean like monetarily support things you don't have to monetary small things just like be here and you hang out in the chat and be you know like the stream and stuff like that yeah bro it's chatting bro he's spitting does not have to be on you just just you being here right now and listening to me rambling 1600 view a toner which is pretty cracked that's so many people now I'm nervous nervous 50 more members uh that's like let's say Pat 51 members when we extend again do you want to extend again you wanna extend the gameplay there's no way Link's gonna do it though there's no way it's gonna do don't part no pressure mother he's that he's done enough it's time for the other members in chat to wake up sheeple wake up oh God all right did I get encountered oh I didn't get encounter here yet I said it first I said it first actually first copper I appreciate more than Luke does I said it first okay well did you did you appreciate culpa's efforts on making the new Lightroom for us in blender yep I did he doesn't even know who you are he's never been a call with you in his life that's not true that's not true I have done fast uh mood curl who's got done sparse bro you say you get your [ __ ] ate bro yeah well I tried it whoa where's Mikhail gone oh no okay okay um who's in chat right now is it possible I can't believe you you have your mods telling you what's claimed and not claimed like you can't even type in control F and look for something yourself bro if I do that it disconnects you that's what they're doing here I know I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm just giving you [ __ ] probably thankful thank you medcal I love you I'm sorry about him I listen I was gonna do something really mean for a second now God go and do it please please it'll be funny please please right that's it press one if you want Dylan on the next three days yeah there's a thing stop stop stop stop no yeah as I say oh my God uh thank you for the five uh Labs I appreciate it five Legend s that says I like Pat oh God that's funny Jesus Christ man no you can't tie me out I'm also I also have power in this group no you can't tie me out I'm too strong for you I could time you out oh [Music] he got he got I did that I just deferred so he can't hear me anymore that's the best part about it and I don't think he even realizes because he's looking at me and he's like wait wait am I a bit disconnected I can time him out as much as I want you guys can't even hear him anymore look at his face this boy's struggling right now Ellen mate you're right right correctly dos one oh no you messed it up I'm sorry sorry is that a good time you out and I'm I literally muted the second you started speaking I was like um [Applause] [Music] I said you can't time me out by like just not letting me play the game you can just click off the thing and just I just can't play oh yeah it's true but like I want you to play the game but I wanted you to I just want to stick a hair on you for a second you know what I'm saying so I could have been saying anything while you're deaf and I can't imagine during the mid slur bro that would be crazy [Laughter] wiped off the map thanks man yeah thanks to the council appreciate that I mean it would be you it'd be me oh I can catch this puppy dog puppy dog that's not gonna die to in the center I have no special attack there you go okay what's your accidentally put you in send mode and then you just incinerate this boy just kill him goodbye accidentally goodbye thanks for the fight though frog I'm sorry that GLaDOS didn't repeat your message the way that they you intended them to yeah GLaDOS is going through it right now in fact she was doing some weird [ __ ] earlier I don't think I've ever heard GLaDOS whisper in my ear like that it was kind of scary but also kind of hard at the same time right no I didn't think so either it's almost dog uh that's a puppet no fudge your rollers yeah I'll call fudge isn't it crazy they've still never met fudge guys uh I said this the other day all right you guys need to maybe it's my way of guilt tripping them I said guys you need to come to this you come to the UK like did you just find a [ __ ] quaxley Patterson you might want to try typing in Luke's chat I've even typed out as many times you're out in my chat bro wait really I didn't know scavy Monster in this game oh my God I am timed out you just got [ __ ] why did you do that if you guys like Pat being timed out gift one member right now the more members you give to the longer I'll be timed out we can maybe get two years that's my next thing that's my next thing I'm gonna ask Buddy bit me a bot to time you out and depending on how many members I have it just time shop for a longer duration of dying every time it looks gets a member it adds like five minutes to the timer it's like a summer fun but for timing you out remember chat if I ever can type you lose oh [ __ ] that's so funny that would be mint that'll be proper mint did you get encounter in the in the in the forest yeah I got the dog dude I can't believe quagsly they put scarvy mons in this game yeah thank you frog boy can't wait to not say anything in Luke's chat are you excited to um are you excited to hang out with us at the end of the month yes yes when was the last time we saw each other's on my birthday I think it was wasn't it yeah your birthday in February well I'm super excited it's gonna be so cool we get to I guess I get to meet Skye for the first time as well good God this guy's built look at it he looks like you right now oh I want to be that big would it be weird that's too big right that's too strong uh uh that's too big yeah it's a bit big it's too big guys all right guys you need to you need to bulk bro you you you would look so good sorry 100 calories a day man I'm trying well I wish my metabolism was out there hey it let's go yo Pat sorry you're staying timed out sorry why are the items randomized uh uh I didn't yes no they are they are they're all runways I think they're [ __ ] I picked up a potion early there's no [ __ ] way man yeah and put this item up and it's not randomized I love your head for it I just want a Tyrogue on my encounter why is that Pokeball half open go back up because it leaves it leaves no no it leaves like a half Pokeball when you pick up items no it doesn't shut up look it's that so clearly does bro this guy thought of everything it's like it's like it's like in Pokemon Coliseum where you open up the and they stay open you know I I like that a lot it's all chat I I thought that I only have one ball one ball dude [ __ ] himself outside a bottle okay I'm good wait can you can you use them in in battle yeah I'll check I'll check I'll check Tyro sucks they're not missing out nothing keep projecting Josh are you okay the Tesla yo yo Pat bye hello we won were you well you can I can use the items and battle okay so we haven't been banned anymore we've been we've the timeout's been released but I found another potion but there's no way these arms are randomized I found two potions in a row Luke I lied hey Pharrell yeah I didn't know if you could randomize the items or not I didn't know either to be honest so I killed Tessa oh she's still alive oh she said play nice I'm so sorry well done that Pokeball two seconds earlier well you know what they say go on what no sorry I was just waiting for I mean just waiting for that thing they say well you know so I don't need to well chat I'll say it again well I think the the only time I really laughed at that was when Christian said it packs in the first time ever it was oh my God it came out of nowhere and it was Pete it was so good look kid I hate him because the more the more you gas them up about how fun he is the less fun he gets yeah yeah you know what I mean it's funniest when you ignore him yeah yeah he's if you you questions one of those people that if he makes a good joke it's so funny but you have to hold in the laugh you're not allowed to you're not allowed to laugh him because he just get that shiny man wait Luke look what did I just beat Kaizo Iron Man with slow bro [Music] what was his name Incarnation what was his name is his name bloody Dave awesome Tucker oh my God bro Taco was a woman so this is trans Tucker trans Tucker I'm with it I'm with it I'm with it trans doctor let's go from slow Queen to slow King I'm with it bro I'm with it wait wait the worst day everyone today it's also my birthday and because it's my birthday again to introduce you to my girlfriend who is amazing bro bro bro you remember when you're in Leeds to say Happy Star Wars day everybody today is also my birthday which means I get to introduce to my girlfriend thanks the tank I've ever actually seen that actual video I've just heard other people make reference bro that Tick Tock is is class bro all right happy Pride happy Pride GBL Pride if you see my pride tomorrow it's so cute no where is it post a chat I want to see it it's a little mute oh there is I have I think I have a pride emo as well I like the five [Music] I had to put talk on my team right now right now [Music] I played this after the latest update and only the Gen 9 moms in this are the starters so no Evolutions ah okay well I mean that's still pretty cool guys I love how inclusive I love how inclusive we are you guys are [ __ ] awesome let's go With Me Love Is Love bloody lovely you're right I was getting really excited about scariest LEGO um I wish that was a um historian unless oh my husra is so much better than this isn't he isn't he precious it's lovely I love it so much pressure fraction bro yeah I'll be a dragon racing through the next week I really like this idea oh thanks you can reach you got laced he got laced you got laced he's putting his own mode you're [ __ ] Duncan and I was like you can just kill him you asked me hey wait no I mean it's Dragon Ridge claws though right we're not playing Dragon Age claws oh oh now we're not bro you're not what are you doing no that doesn't do that dude that's gonna use Dragon rage anyway like no if no if you're in this situation you'd be like oh no it doesn't count right situation ranges before this it's before the second gym so we usually don't count any kind of dragon race if you die to Dragon rage yes I would have given you I would have been like yes you chat if this was Luke would he say oh no that was my fault Dragon rage colors we usually play Dragon rage claws before the second Gym it usually doesn't count because Dragon rage is really powerful early game it display points of damage and there's no way you can really get around that so usually what we'll do we'll just we'll just describe to Assurance not Dragon rage you could have switched into [ __ ] any five of your teammates to which one I thought was gonna go for Dragon Rage which is spamming Dragon rage no I send the chat all right I'll do it am I supposed to switch hold on hold on does I'm fine with this being a death as long as every single one of you admit that you would not count this as a death you would not count it I I'll I'll kind of as a death if you admit that you would be like no I don't count that because I know that you wouldn't that's fine I don't mind go on it's looking pretty even right now it'll be fair admit it is clear all right we got 328 votes we'll stop at 500. all right Chad go ahead get your votes in we need everybody to vote Yes right now if you want it to live vote honestly with your heart knowing that you have collected selected what you would hold yourself accountable to [Music] God okay okay so many people are like getting with the wording I'm gonna do it again I'm gonna do it again does the Dom get to live right that is the question I'm gonna do the poll again right read the poll before I answering it just knowing that there's no point in me switching all healing if I thought it was going to Dragon rage again because if I healed I would have died if I switched I also would have died so [Music] vote with your heart what do you truly think is the correct answer chat what um I have I I have two I have two pokeballs bro yeah good luck with that [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's no there's no way I have two balls hello sister oh [ __ ] off you've got draining kiss you rat yeah you're not getting this mate there's no shot what did you say to me you're not getting this there's no shot [Music] and no way say again bro say again and no way all right I think chats made the decision mate I'm sorry I don't believe that anyone that usually uses Dragon Ridge claws wouldn't count that they'd be like oh no there's Dragon rage it's gonna use Dragon rage again if I switch out everything's gonna die we usually use Dragon well no because you could have switched into autonomous taking whatever attack it was and then killed it because you out speed oh wait hold on I would have done okay it was in green health I don't know if it would have killed it like is dead is cooked you didn't write a dragon Ridge I don't I don't think no I I I'm willing to all right you know I'll let it slide [Music] how much people does draining kiss have Freddie kiss I think has like what 50. no it's not it has 50 it's ten there's ten oh it's a healing move bro it's like those there you go that's what I want to say once they're confusing Josh thanks for the 43. holy [ __ ] that's a big ass Pokemon Bro oh my God you're going to a Pokemon Center real quick just just for science whoa God damn okay try here we go listen to me right [ __ ] now everybody in chat either spam the gbo ye or say gbo and shirt I'm gonna catch this thing I've got one poke one one great ball [Music] oh there's no hell no hell no dude ain't no way my paddle bug encounter is gone because I only have one great there's no way take no way yeah I I saw that one coming I ain't gonna last a long time oh my God it's like yeah I was gonna say I can't believe I found a shiny Layla that's mad bro well you know what they say what do they say about well if you find a shiny Lele you won't get it no way way way no way way they say we are playing Dragon rage claws though up to the second gym so just got to establish that real fast interesting [Music] interesting I hope I hope you fight something with dragon rage so we can all see how consistent you are yeah well I said what I said yeah yeah yeah well you know in every single Dragon rage encounter I've ever had in my entire life I've always played to try and keep my Pokemon alive if it kills you with dragon range it kills you a dragon rage just like okay it's all right off that doesn't count but if a dragon raised me and then assurances me what do you have done in that situation hey ass [Music] true true I'm saying but you spitting facts can't Augie all right how did Pat get a tennis oh it's a 255 cash rate so it didn't take many skills to be fair skill and talent skillage remember that one skills absolute tatters not tackling in Zen mode [Music] bro I told you that boy's got 140 special attack and you chose tackle bro oh it has Dragon rate you know I'm [ __ ] done with this conversation we beat him chat we beat him we beat him I can't believe you've got a bloody shiny Slowpoke man you said you were I wonder what the odds are oh puppy dog it's one in 32 I think isn't it bro you just pulled that number out of your ass where the hell did you have one in 32 from so the chat said it oh okay never mind sorry yeah but I want to know what the hell not this time [Music] um kind of curious what do you have for dinner but I had a hello fresh meal and it was really good it was like uh so you make this mess chill out all right I'm not sponsored I was sponsored wait someone sponsored again before you bring her so we have an unnamed brand that you got food from you're like yeah you got them so I have where I got yeah and you make these wonderful mashed potatoes and you kind of fry off the chicken a little bit there's these chicken breasts and you butterfly them and then you kind of fry them off a little bit to get a little bit of sear on it and then you put them in the oven with these carrots that you're roasting the carrots as well it's lovely and then you make a peppercorn sauce you drizzle the peppercorn oh good potatoes and the chicken and and the carrots and it's absolutely lovely it's like sounds pretty good I honestly I don't enjoy cooking to be honest with you um there are moments where I have because I used to cook a little bit with a brand before um but I now actually get a different one I get a meal prep stuff uh and I had what was it it was parsnip Mash with meatballs it's like green beans and a little bit of like a was it red onion relish or whatever it was and it's always lovely Red Onion best type of it's already it's pre-cooked so I just got a dirt bag it in the oven for like 16 15 minutes or whatever but it's just like high protein stuff so it's good for like gyming yeah it's great I love a little bit protein you know a little bit of chicken breast [ __ ] this rich [ __ ] with this [ __ ] Rich ass Fuller store for your rich [ __ ] looking [ __ ] Mewtwo with your stupid smelly [ __ ] whoa hey hey Luke billionaires have feelings too oh what what did you say just because they're billionaires doesn't mean you should make fun of them if you say you're the best one-liners part I'll say it I'll say I'll be I I will be the first to say it man the best the best best one-liners you just say things everyone's thinking you know I say the words that people also know good Lord you know what's crazy forever because we've been an hour and 41 minutes and neither of us have gotten a bloody rust bro yeah we did you get to spend the first half an hour absolutely just balling about yeah completely destroy everybody else in the field but you know what we end up re reconnecting anyways because you can't exactly progress without me so that's right number 15 level cap by the way 15 is the level cup well I'm not even close so hang on you get your encounter for this route you get your encounters route I think I bungled it you bungled it I think I bungled it no no it's the it was the Slowpoke oh but wait wait isn't that shiny so you get another one yeah but did you get you've already bumped have you bumped into a regular Pokemon oh yeah I think I bungled it I think I bungled it not not thinking about that if Molly bro [Music] can Pat grow a beard to be honest with you I am the sort of person that would love to see Pat grow a bird I don't think I don't think I'm alone though it's all bum flop and sadness I think you should try no I have tried I've tried for weeks you should get a hair transplant for her surgery from the back of your head for your face bro no Nosh no way man I can use some of my followers I honestly don't even think I have a full flesh beard before but I'll get some follicles from from Shady yeah Shady got spare to be fair could you imagine me having like half of a shady beard but his color hair and everything that would look so thank you for buying a pillow you're welcome cheers me anytime always support my friends hey look what you think of the one piece action trailer I've never seen one piece in my life it's okay Mom I love one piece I I live for Luffy that's what you've done look what you've done look what you've done I think the trailer looked really goofy and funny and I'm really looking forward to watching it even if it's the greatest show in the world now he's now he won't shut up look what you've done so I think that some of the CG was a bit a bit silly instead of when the gum gum when he didn't put his hand back it looked a little bit ridiculous but you know I think that's part of the charm of one piece is there is a little bit of goofiness and there's a little bit of silliness and you know what I'm not going anywhere with with high expectations I'm going in there with Rock Solid low expectations because that's right that good you know I just want to have a good time that's it oh I'm dead Aegis what do you mean it's a level six you're fighting level six yeah but he's got Dragon rage bro hmm so there's no there's no need for attitude as that I didn't say anything I didn't even I didn't even say a word but if we it's 15 minutes left how long have you got left of the day [Music] I know you got you got something to do after seven years so I do have to record as many because I did completely miss a recording time yesterday I started playing undertale [Music] gamer things I guess uh I did I said I would recall with Vinnie at 1pm EST I finished my stream at I think two or half two because I was really stuck on the last undertale boss [Music] he did a fastest runner no it's my first ever playthrough I've never played before so I just played it so I killed one frog and they don't let me get the good ending one frog I killed one frog in the entire game and they're like oh you're a bad person I'm like shut up undyne one frog doesn't matter it wasn't that important anybody didn't even have a family the monsters are friends though so it's like no Pace it's okay you can bail on me again we got the green light hey no no no wait wait no I would not speak I feel so bad if I didn't know I can't I have to record Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie my my thing is right is I don't think we can end the first stream without doing the first without doing the first gym fight in the cage match her feelings but not Nintendo apparently come South come South come South meet up with me for a second let's just remind the people real fast let's just remind the people real fast hold on let's remind listen listen talk to me talk to me he's not gonna [ __ ] you bro Vinnie all I'm saying like all I'm saying is that okay if we can do this first stream without doing this first gym battle all jokes I keep going past all good hit me up after three more plans there you go mate M stream we've got to do at least yeah level 15 though we don't have to grind bro do you think we're gonna win this gym by just like willy-nilly yes if wherever he's setting by the way and going back on hard mode I'm gonna I'm just gonna fight frustrating and see how it is what do you mean if it's too easy we're gonna reset again [ __ ] that I'm not going into hard mode you kidding me see how hard that was you got it wait Did you get an encountering where's my cave oh no I didn't soon yeah can we get red candies does that thing no unless we unless the vets that have played this game before no eyeballs thank you so much siren uh I need you guys to you guys need to need to tell me is it possible to get him because we don't know we haven't played this game before if we can mod the game to get them then sure will tell us but we can't regen them in because it won't work I'm pretty sure if we opened this save file in uh PK hex the game of backflip bro it's Pokemon quetzel it's about q-u-e-t-z-a-l a your question just snapchatted me this can you read that oh wait hold on let me let me let me make that bigger actually [Music] what the [ __ ] is [Music] oh Jesus is it Emerald bass ROM I think it's the uh decompilation ROM yeah [Music] but the save data obviously has uh inclusions of Pokemon that aren't available in emeralds the last time I opened up a save file like this in the PK hex it like ended up like messing up the entire save file because it was like oh you know there's data in here that shouldn't exist yeah it freaked out it went wrong this is wrong pkx is not very good at them opening stuff like this oh we could just use a rare candy cheat that is a good point if anyone has a game shot code for a rare candy cheat that would be amazing I didn't think about that yeah game shot codes would be good that'd be a brilliant idea [Music] I'm just killing these gym trainers right now I'm oh swallow sport pillow thank you you're slaying them are you she went into cheat mode wait can you can you just go into cheat mode if you went into cheat mode you can get oh apparently rare candy code is like what what's cheat mode oh it's at the start of the game remember those cheat mode do you remember there was option of default random or cheat is that only at the start of the game yeah I guess so who designs a game the area Chico is your first start and there should be a menu uh I can spectate you um that's funny mask eggs and play a cop mode soundtrack oh wait wait cries [Music] My Cries have been turned off so I was like wondering text battle anime style on over Pokemon follower player maybe the next membership quests and misk [Music] oh how am I supposed to kill these things Miss eggs oh yo there's a [ __ ] Xbox that's sick um PC that's cool you know how do you activate cheat mode oh I got items hey okay 45 boxes okay uh I can I guess you can access your box from your [ __ ] menu by the way wait oh my God we have fly but we'll fly we have fly already that's so good that is sick that's gnarly there's no way I'm gonna be able to kill us it's gonna be a long time yeah I think we've been a sludge at the start but I mean we fumbled the bag that's really dumb oh mate I keep getting these [ __ ] legendaries wait no no these have a good couch right do they I don't know if they do it's like after game when you fight them this is the real fudge the D the defense Doge true [Music] the defense Doug IE can I spark him do you think guys I bought guys are you watching the stream I don't get it oh my God Matt yo relax what a legend I want to spark it so bad it has dauntlet like a sparking Pat you can spark him out no bother Chad you're going to spark him 30 chance I didn't get it so much we appreciate you kidding bless up thank you very much so excited to see a new series especially with a king-like passes get your crown buddy get your crown come on that'd be mint all right okay you know I need a Pokemon that's got like a fax ball so I can put this wish to sleep you'll be here for a while I'm gonna be here for a while watch this okay I'm me fighting this Jirachi oh wait what's going on talk to me dude it's just like confusing me it's just not I have nothing but it's your wish and rest if you've not got a ground dark or Ghost Pokemon or fire nope bro's got metal clogging it's slandered right now dude he's not creating me you prick the best Pokemon wait does this thing have a fighting move yet there's no way right nah nah no way zombies gonna have a fine move oh that's a little bit scary I'm not gonna lie he's got howl we've got a rock steel Steelix so it's like [Music] oh I I'm so mad you got to turn at us it's not helping me out that much right now [Music] come on hit yourself Jirachi you stupid idiot well I wish I could speed up right now bro yeah same I love being confused think about it it's your best best snack when you do a long stream hmm I don't eat on stream yeah I don't really on stream either I was like you have to unless it's like I'm a bevy guy I love like a beer oh like a drink or whatever normally good snack protein shake ass fella Taco please I'm begging you talk your police fairy so the the pillows get [ __ ] from a warehouse not from me but if you see me at an event I'd sign it I'll be going to AWA in Atlanta if you want to meet me there I will sign your pillows if you want me to assign them I'll sign your pillows Easter Ranchi I've been here for so long oh my God it's all right you carry on bro it's all right don't stress because I'm still having a fight there's Amazon and I want to catch this Amazon bro I want the dog I need the W dog yes finally I'm level 15 I did it I want the puppy dog episode 13 creatures for five [Music] Jesus Christ Pat if you weren't here I could speed up right now okay no I don't mean it physically do I come on now you're not stupid well I wouldn't know I want you guys though he stood he stood to the side of his door he didn't actually leave the room he stood to the side of his door and now his cats walked into the room Game Boy bloody Luke God damn it it doesn't work oh my God look at him ask him to speak [Music] [Music] [Music] the noise [Music] boy I can show a monster because he doesn't have a collar with with my address on it anymore oh yeah the attack don't he he has an air tag now yeah so I know where you are in the back ever that's probably the best way to do I've had tags on everything dude whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa John I gotta be honest with you I've thrown everything in the kitchen sink at this Pokemon and I'm catching it don't think the kitchen sinks very good at catching Pokemon to be fun I will drop get gear in the chest 400 miles away good luck all right look at my screen okay do you see the red and blue and gray dog on my screen yeah all right focus on the focal that I'm throwing watch it watch it Rock to the side watch it walk to the side again uh-huh [Music] if I had some more support from my chat room right now my chat room right now that would be amazing if everyone said you can do that I'd actually catch it if I had support from my chat room you can do it I love you Game Boy look you I love you so much if my chat was saying that right now I would catch my Pokemon right now I said I [ __ ] love people look so much I love him so much yeah if that's what they were saying right now then that's what I would be doing right now is catching this Pokemon right now you know what I mean put Leo on screen Leo Leo will get me this oh he's gone he ran if he's left he's gone okay well I have I have a I have a premier ball and a dream right now my first that's a species called bro I mean I I don't know if I wanna I think I want to get it though okay that's fine oh yeah no no I I yeah yeah yeah well it's optional you can choose it if you don't want it if you want it you want it yeah I want him personally I think that's a mistake how is catching a Darumaka ever a mistake get your next encounter right now [Music] uh link oh yeah that's called link two links get your get your first encounter right now second yeah get your so get your encounter after this that would have been just like that would have been your second encounter that's gonna be a buy Great Balls I can't get Great Balls Zachary Parsons they're not available yet this is what you could have had wow do you have a dusk stone Luke because I don't [Music] that's like a bloody question how do how do we evolve the stone evos and the trait well I just got a Sweet Apple bro we have to oh no we're gonna we're gonna have to talk to NPCs I bet NPCs have been like hiding the good stuff there's that guy getting that regular and that guy that guy gave me uh they give me the Sweet Apple to evolve uh airplane into what do you see me into I think the answer is yes well how was your Father's Day by the way my father's day yeah you're good see you Dad I saw him like a few days ago and he's also coming up next week because we're gonna go to a steakhouse and it's gonna be sick they're all coming out for the night oh lovely lovely restart and enter cheat mode what reset the save file you got me again you got me shucked up pal the next time listen when Pat loses we'll put it in cheat mode don't worry so I got you [Music] so whenever [Music] you can cheat in your Pokemon and cheat in cheat mode so you won't lose progress damn bro all these progress though we made a mistake we we made yeah we'd have to like get back to where we were just waste time oh well no we could do that we AK dreams though point we could do that in between streams that's true [Music] we just yes we'd have to like do a little recording or whatever of our team so we know exactly what they're the only thing that'll be wrong is their IVs I don't care I guess so we just we moved from that right so just just record a video of like your months and their their natures and their abilities and stuff like that and then you could I guess we could use cheat mode to put them in yeah you can't have a randomizer with cheat mode at the same time man that's a good point well there you go that's yeah so then we can't put cheat mode in then this is this feels like Nintendo made it because there's so many arbitrary weird rules that don't need to exist it's like oh yeah that should be just a button in the menu right that just lets you cheat that'll be Bass hey hey Tamara if you're listening to this bro I've got some ideas for you I got some ideas oh yeah no this game is fantastic by the way it's really good it is very cool it is so sick I have my eyes on this project for a good while now who's your favorite gym leader uh Claire done who's your favorite gym leader [Music] um [Music] no I think they're all a bit [ __ ] Claire it's my fave oh she's so whiny though she's like you beat me I'm not giving you the badge same as Whitney yeah I hit Whitney as well Whitney sucks okay then who's your favorite I know they're all kind of bad big shot I don't know most of the gym leaders don't really do anything like I can't remember most of the gym leaders okay so I'll wait I've got time I'll have to do all this anyways I think Clay is kind of cool because he does stuff Audi we're gonna arrest these here criminals oops couldn't arrest them they're gone so he didn't do [ __ ] always what you said but he tried you know what and that matters that is what really counts oh you know you standing there is lagging the [ __ ] out of my game can you please move or something thank you thank you thank you my game is now running at full speed thank you very much what is wrong with your game I don't know but you standing in that position and in in like it still was just making my game Run like 30 frames a second but you know what's crazy and the time that it takes you to beat those trainers get your encounter and come back and get be ready for the gym I can probably do the shorter thinning yeah so you're telling me you want to leave stream real fast to do that could you imagine if that you could sure oh no he's not he's not he's probably not already he's probably not around I was gonna say man I stream halfway through to go and record something else because you're gonna take a while ridiculous I don't know who the [ __ ] you think you are that's so funny then lose I leave Luke gets Dylan to join yes yes messing up your frames is really funny you know I'm gonna talk to the NPC safely got anything interesting honestly there might be something there's gotta be in there talk to the guy that gives you quick call normally I bet he gives you something new yeah I'm gonna go do that right now I think that's probably something you get from us oh he didn't even talk to me how rude [Music] don't even use this use this nope unfold what if I go get cut man oh cut man's a good idea he won't give it to you after you've got the first before you got the first badge though I think well I've got words for him wait never mind I'm simply too big strong and intimidating oh we gave you a razor claw interest in Internet interesting so oh you only get you only get different items from the TM hm givers so are there any more TM givers in rustboro we're good it's a good question uh from what remember there's one in the mark that gives you false weight or is that all ass that might be orus that's that's definitely not in the skin there's no way oh Chuck anyways check them out anyways where you going bro check the mark man that's not that's not the most social leave is alone that's not the mark go to the Mart man I know where the shop is I'm just talking him there oh my Pokemon evolved there's a lot of HP though hmm interesting did anybody ask Ed I don't remember it so is there any way to turn off the experience here because I'm now level 15. we'll come back do you do the well I want to get my encounter first patters well I don't care okay I'm sorry I know you've got mate you're lagging me again by standing there thank you is that even like helping you what your game is just lagging in general no it's when oh God I could be in I can take him I can take it it's mid-summer a thing in the UK I don't know what that is to be fair Midsummer we have some assault we have a summer solstice I've heard of the the movie midsomar where it's like the horror movie and they go and they have like a festival and then there's murder around you would have watched one on that wouldn't you well I didn't watch it I'm just I just know they exists that's not wrong with you genuinely [Music] because I know a movie exists which wow Midsummer is yeah what is what Define mid-summer because we might use a different term over here yeah what is it that seems to be the case with a lot of things Americans say it's like oh have you got this it's like have you got a trash can and it's like no it's a European thing I think oh midsummer yeah yeah it's it's got Pagan pre-christian roots in Europe it's for the pagans uh the pagans yeah you're a pagan I'm a pagan as well right Pat talk to me hello I guess I'm in bro what did you mean I don't know what you mean I'm gonna go I'm gonna go into the I'm gonna go into the cave name a Pokemon I'll encounter I don't know if Pokemon that I want to encounter and then if it's either one we give a hundred dollars to each other tentacle Mew imagine if it's technical I will lose my mind if it's technical I get two encounters I get two encounters [Music] it's close but not enough still a squid contrary Malamar superpower German superpower contrary bro that thing was a menace thank you for buying a pillow I remember when malama was relevant [Music] oh I can nailed it where's midcal is this boy been named it's been named the upside down no it's just the monitor go to my PC outside all right not claimed all right I love my all right solar I see you love Malamar I got you oh what about Matt golo yeah how do I evolve it it's a bloody good question I guess second encounter yo Shiny Pokemon are sick which Shiny Pokemon is real [Music] the new it's actually oh take that cause he's a good boy let's Vine wet bit oh you are in sync right now go on keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] you're cooking that was embarrassing I didn't mean to do that no you were cooking you were cooking bro you were cooking sometimes I just like to let loose you know go crazy oh I actually volume whipped I missed [Music] you blind I don't know what's wrong with you recently but you've been like really running me the wrong way by the way you've been talking to me bro your face oh God I need to show you this thing uh I showed JD right so if you get a camera your phone right the front facing camera and if you put it like right in front of your face and let it focus on your eyes you want me to sit no you can't do it right now you can't do it right now so you do that and you hold it there and you start recording and then you're looking at the actual camera in the middle of your screen and then you defocus and focus on the wall behind behind the phone and it makes your eyes so your focused your eyes look like they're straight so you're focusing on the camera lens but then you focus on the wall behind you in your eyes like Veer off I said I said to JD on FaceTime I was like JD look at like put the camera here look at me it means that you look at me and he was like this all right he's looking at me like that and I was like I was like no I was like now look at the wall in front of you and he looked at the moment his eyes defocus it just looks so funny why can't I [Music] don't know so good dog I have such a shiny nose it's crazy you do have a bit of a twinkly nose you got a greasy face but you do some uh some cleansing think I don't Luke you I I wash my face I use face wash even he's moisturized face attacks for 40 months of Pat Daddy I don't have a perm Christian why'd you say that yeah it's a little bit messed up all right uh mid-cal not claimed okay okay I see near in chat I do come closer I do come near [Music] it's gonna be crazy if we made it all this way and died to the first gym we need to decide with the three parts oh yeah well I I assumed it would just be the normal pucks of like you know so so it was so Puck bro you like my game out you're liking my game please stop please please I'm taking bro please can't do anything in this game anymore so the first so the first part is TMS the first the other Park is uh hold items and the third perk is what just the revive classic revive that's big classic revive okay yeah all right I'll take a revive okay all right let's uh enter co-op mode because I'm gonna Dodge all the trainers oh Dodge an hour I'm already over level bro interesting bro what is going on with us he's a big ladder what is going on we don't want me once the cage matches yeah yeah of course option mode activate yes oh here we go chat it's time for the first gym [Music] she says would you kindly that's a Bioshock reference all right I remember these three Pokemon are the ones that you have to bring to the cage match okay each match age match [Music] I can't oh wait no I no entry ah okay no entry okay here we go [Music] me and Pat versus Roxanne baby here we go just three Pokemon okay that's not bad oh alolan gear dude wait so it's not randomized I guess not interesting okay maybe your team is randomized but it's just randomized the rock types oh yeah it might be actually okay okay I'll tell you what you dragon tail The Rock rough and I'll curse I already did the Jew dude I knew he was gonna set up can we talk our plays through before you end up like just you know just throwing [ __ ] out well yes okay honestly some people oh okay well we don't want to switch out a little bit of tactics is it you missed come on Greg you're embarrassing yourself in front of Luke's team okay okay okay okay uh I'm gonna rock tune The Rock rough because I'm here I I just dude why do I bother I said wait and we'll talk our place out man I'm gonna wait next turn I'll be flinted you how do you come Flinch with rock throw it's even a thing true okay he's dead still probably kill the rockruff yeah he's dead see there you go all right there you go straight right yeah stress exactly thank you are you here this time so sorry yeah I was just uh giving them a false sense of security you see so what's the last Pokemon if his last Pokemon was not 15 I'm Banning sniff it's gonna be level 14. I bet it's gonna be level 14. I'm Banning sniff as this vocals I love of him you're being banned from my live stream the only issue is the experience that we've got to wait for the guy that again 30 experience points is it the nose pass Aerodactyl 15 um bro I'll come one shot him easy no no no we double into him no I can literally one shine man no I'm going last anyway so oh yeah yeah I forgot your Dragon Tales neck priority idiot no one no one is interested no one is interested bro no one cares wait if I kill him understand we don't want to attack oh no oh crap come on don't do this man I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry nah he breaks through those all right so we got uh we got a free turn I don't know if you want to switch out or if you want to use Ram oh we have Cruise away cool oh my level 16 yes oh those rocks oh wait we only play 1v1s anyways probably a relearn down the line you know what I'm saying maybe later it could be useful what I'm trying [Music] also I suppose only other two Pokemon in our party that are getting the levels up right now as well yeah yeah the other ones don't um it's like Alternatives it's lighting a Turner beam oh could you imagine I didn't want better shock though nice move step huh yeah thanks man I made it hey Adventure carrying a scary one you can't poison me yet though so that's right I have toxic and divena shock so each Pokemon has one life in the cage matches by the way just so we know yeah yeah if it dies it's dead yeah if he dies he dies okay I'm gonna curse because he's got another ton of biting left and you're gonna confuse him oh you could toxic him I suppose yeah but I didn't nice nice confused right confused I'm confused where are you I feel like anyone could be like one of those like midterms come on man where are you you know I'm so sorry [Music] this ligers are killing me on the inside it unleashes energy but it failed and then you finish him off with the Veno [Music] wow no shot away is that gonna be enough I think it is [Music] let's go first gem conquered baby was this this is multiplayer Emerald yes sir where we also do cage locks okay guys that's the first it's the first cage match now cage match yes sir make sure you are cage well let's do it bro [Music] we can just jump into the game right so bear in mind I'm gonna tie my monitor off Pat now I want to see what he moves so I'm turning on it off okay I'll close the stream because I already can't see what you were doing on Discord anyway just so you know if you go if you can I don't know if it works now but you can teach uh egg and move to a moves now are we just allowed to do that that's no like if it works if it works well you [ __ ] antenna is just like lagging behind you I'm gonna get to the puzzles that and heal see let me know if the tutor stuff works bro what the what God damn yeah there's so many moves oh my God okay well then okay okay if there's a lot of move okay so then we do we do two moves afterwards then in that case because now there's a moves I think we unlock them out of the gym so maybe we should wait until after the gym before we can do that right in that case if there's a [ __ ] ton of moves you can learn right now yeah there's there's so many it's okay okay okay okay okay because I can't see your screen we'll wait right and we have the three Pokemon that we brought so I'm gonna take a leak and then we're gonna queue up all right okay it's time to go I wonder who Game Boy leagues chat is voting for let me have a look at the old poll oh it's almost 50 50. you know what I'll take that I'll take 45 I think that's a massive Victory on gay boy Luke's Channel I thank you I appreciate it guys thank you for being so nice love you Pat Dylan can't replace you Dylan's not didn't know Dylan is not replacing anyone Dylan is a supplement because Dylan is the nicest person in the [ __ ] world and I love Dylan with all of my heart I think that he is absolutely tremendous he's incredibly talented while being an amazing father and husband what a fantastic guy that he's never said a bad word he has never been mean okay you see I'm more winter is right okay so the three Pokemon that we brought yeah so M player Coliseum single battle oh all right wait did you start the battle oh we need to put in our party first we have to put our chosen Pokemon in our party okay okay okay that makes that makes that makes more sense that makes more sense that makes more sense that makes more sense so out of some members out of the three Pokemon switch both run so I have the three Pokemon that we brought mine was just so you know was tapu Coco Steelix and hold on I mention my time my party hold on tapu Coco Steelix and Porygon too were my options so now you have to go ahead and make the choice of which of those three you're gonna bring yeah um all right I had a ton of this uh I had meow sick and I'm pretty sure I had Porygon a turn is Meowstic empori got just regular Porygon yeah I don't have an evolution uh this is a tough one [Music] um I'm a little etana is stuck Porygon meow steak [Music] okay God deposit your Pokemon takes along is there a deposit okay this is faster [Music] okay okay I'm ready wait we know oh we know our choices okay well I mean we have to go in the battle we have to go on the battle oh yeah but also we can't change our decision now we made I didn't see your purple in the Overworld you didn't see mine until we left the box so that nothing's changed we just we just know what we're bringing like that's okay that's okay that's okay next time we'll just turn off the following Pokemon beforehand that's fine well it doesn't make a difference it's fine it's fine actually I think it's cool to see the video of all before the game yeah we'll just have to make sure we stay in the box and leave the box at the same time next time so we can exactly accidentally like be like oh okay okay I knew they were gonna bring this as a counter teotonous I can't bring a ton of it's also you're a level ahead of me that's that's kind of cringe um oh wait yeah this doesn't go to 50. that makes a difference yeah maybe sometimes they're different that's not great get a confusion if I get the confusion yeah the confusion it's gonna make a massive difference I did six I did six damage to me no oh he's constantly I need the confusion oh my God I need so bad I wish I'd Serene Grace yeah it's a one it's a one in ten chance man ah no I can do this I can create I can get the confusion it'll be all right oh do I want to do straps here no I don't really stress I'm just gonna be angry smart but no confusion no confusion you can't kill my cat please don't kill my cat he was awesome you said it okay hello to you before on stream please don't kill my cat please okay it's good damage let's get damaged let's get damaged I think that's the thing I think three is the 30 percent I love him I I love him so much please here's the light of my life I I don't know what to do without him come on shut up man no it's not over till it's over I can still confuse you I'm out of speed you know Leo Leo you okay come on please please no no confusion no confusion please please please please please please please please please please no no miss miss miss miss now let's go yeah that still looks a massive counter to your team bro it just was [Music] sorry bro oh yeah that was a tough one that's a tough one layer's gone bro I'm sorry uh yeah that makes sense though [Music] I'm sorry bro okay sorry so so your meow stick is dead and I'm gonna give Steelix hold items I think [Music] is that all right you got that all right as if I haven't I don't realize battling like this without the levels like that it makes like citrus berries and like orange berries berry juice like actually used them all the early game oh yeah that's true oh yeah oh I didn't even think about orange but you have to be able to wear an item how often can a Pokemon come to a bow as well uh twice do I feel abandoned my cat now you have to release it oh you have to box it in dead yeah you have to box it oh you have to box it should have brought the you should have bought the uh it's gonna do look at them funny yeah probs so swallowed to me I've got uh hold items activated on your boy which uh I don't know if you guys understand but like these guys are giving us some pretty good holdout um yeah that's uh and they can come twice to a cage match so that means I can bring it once with a park to get a second Park and then it's done after that but you know it's funny that you took out the one answer I had to Steelix with your interesting rule set that you just made up today regardless yeah it's their mode I want to outsped you and then rock tunes you again after a stone you're slowing you down you weren't dead either way it doesn't matter listen I would have won it doesn't matter I thought you were if you guys want to see a stream again soon make sure you sub make sure the notification Bell I don't honestly know when the next stream is going to be but I'm obviously not trying to stream the same thing twice in a row um so me and Pat will let you know make sure you are uh supporting the streams though I do appreciate it of course and we'll get to you again very soon with the series it has been a lot of fun guys we do appreciate a [ __ ] ton and uh we will see you guys uh next time all right peace peace guys support love you be safe bye
Channel: GameboyLuke
Views: 83,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameboyluke, pokemon soul link, pokemon randomizer, gameboyluke soul link, pokemon 3way, pokemon 2v2, pokemon shinylocke, pokemon shiny cagelocke, pokemon randomizer cagelocke, gameboyluke shinylocke, randomizer cagelocke, pokemon versus, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon bdsp, pokemon bdsp nuzlocke, pokemon sleeplocke, pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon xd, pokemon xd randomizer, pokemon colosseum, pokemon colosseum randomizer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 50sec (8810 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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