The Pizza Shop That Changed the Neighborhood | THE PIZZA SHOW

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Pizza is the world's favorite food I'm a pizza man so you can imagine I eat a lot of pizza this is the best breakfast I've had all week but there's still so many styles I don't know about in so many cities that I haven't been to because there's too much to ask from a New Yorker to eat it with a knife and fork pizza toast find great pizza all over the world South Korea making pizza with Mr Pizza who the hell would have thought while eating great pizza is definitely a perk people that make a great Pizzeria he's been eating too much peachy starting to slouch I'm content I found my Niche seems like the American dream to me for American Nightmare I mean you know it's all perspective honestly there's so many great pizza cities in the world that I haven't been to but first i'm starting in my backyard Brooklyn when you think about a neighborhood Pizzeria you think about grabbing a slice on your way home from work after school in and out kind of place that's so ingrained in the community it feels like it's been there for 100 years then there's robertas the pizzeria that just isn't part of the neighborhood it literally created one Where it All Began man huh yeah this is it right here being in the section looking at the wood fire ovens it's something really relaxing about looking at the flame it's like awesome like really in the true sense of the word it's like awe-inspiring to cook with fire yeah it's amazing it's like the light of the Sun that was stored by the wood and then it's released through like chemical reactions Super Rad I remember when bird is first opened I came here and we walked into Roberta's and from the outside you know you you can't really tell what's inside and then you walk inside and it's just this like wonderful place yeah I mean this was all just like a wrecked car lot like there's this guy Asha this was his mechanic shop and then when we took it over the cars came out and we just put a bunch of dirt down there started throwing parties in the beginning because we were all bartenders from before and that's how we you know attract businesses by throwing a party and there wasn't really anybody in Roberta's in the early days you know it was pretty slow just to see what's happening around the neighborhood it's been really wild and this restaurant is Iconic in my opinion because it came here and it changed the neighborhood like people moved to Bushwick and moved to this neighborhood specifically because Robert is yeah like the real estate agents love to say like it's right around the corner from Roberto there was no master plan of like first we're gonna take over this building then we're gonna move and then everyone's gonna move to the neighborhood and it's gonna be like the next big thing I mean we're like boiling water in the wood oven it's like Controlled Chaos at best and [Music] all right we gotta go check this out see what's going on right here oh there's the ankle yeah these are uh wood delivery guy go walk out can you go in front so what do you want to do now [Applause] I know let's do the delivery but can you go in front of their gate Yanko man I gotta get this guy's number yeah sure yeah I'll hook you up with the ankle I do love my wood guys though you know it's important to have a good wood guy it's a key ingredient right just like the water or the flower or the dough I mean we had the same wood guy forever and it would come in Big Blocks and we would chop it ourselves this guy's like boom as you can see he's a professional in and out it's nice though it's cut nice dude yeah double triple cut yeah we don't have to do two we just use it straight up like that ankle what for about 20 years 20 years so you know the business well huh he's the best let's make some pizza yeah let's go make some pizza when I think about Roberta is one of the pizzas that comes to mind of course is the Millennium Falcon that was like the second pizza that I got on the menu I mean the story goes back to my Sicilian grandmother and the pizza that she used to make and breadcrumbs are like a crucial part of Sicilian Cuisine since we're making the Falco we're gonna do like a ladle and a little more than a half Ladle because there's no mozzarella on this pizza so you're not gonna have the moisture from the Motorola so you you put a little extra sauce over pizzas and dry out yeah exactly so now the bread crumbs I'm just gonna kind of get in there into the Saucy areas [Music] and do you remember the first time that you made this pie uh I remember no I don't remember much from the early days a lot of drugs and drinking and it just kind of happened out of The Ether but I mean look at the beautiful leoparding on the side of these pieces I think is what Robert is is sort of known for like so the Falco is what what it's all about is this middle action here that sauce it's not bread crumbs it's like everything all come together right it smells delicious a little more Farm on the Finish the sausage is so good the breadcrumbs a little bit of heat from the pepper I mean it has that all the things you want pizza to have [Music] Pizza is that's the table and then everyone else is welcome to come and bring their part into it Roberta is not like a little Cathedral of pizza where there's one person doing their thing and you enter that place I love to see people like Mark icono doing his thing I got to take a pilgrimage to defara's but we're out there trying to blaze new territory Cheers Cheers bro yeah man thanks for thanks for coming out
Channel: VICE TV
Views: 588,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frank Pinello, The Pizza Show, best pizza nyc, best pizzas, brooklyn, cheese pizza, chef's night out, chris benoit, dark side of the ring, documentaries, documentary, food, independent, most expensivest, new york city, new york slice, new york style pizza, nyc pizza, pizza, pizza challenge, pizza slices, pizza taste, pizza test, slice of pizza, the best pizza, the pizza show, underground, vice, vice tv, viceland, weed, where to eat in new york, yakuza gang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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