The Phantom of the Range (1936) TOM TYLER

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[Music] hmm [Music] so what is this the ghost old hire more let's get out of here any luck brandon no kelly ellis to meet me at my place all right boys she says meet him at his place hanson all right this is a waste of time chief says call it a night and come to his place just hang out yeah and i'll scare the daylights out of any galut that comes near the place then we can't be wrong we all know that old hire moore had a lot of money hidden away when he died and when he hit it he must have made some sort of map or chart to mark the place but if he did it ain't in the house been over every foot of it so it's every piece of furniture place will be sold at auction a couple of days the price doesn't run too high we'll bid it in and then we'll find the fortune that we have to tear the place to pieces long as we keep our ghosts riding the rain nobody will bid much for the ranch i'll not appear at the sale my foreman will represent me and remember whoever buys the place we split three ways on the treasure we agreed not the best water water water water there's water miss this money precious stuff in the desert i'll say it is thanks hey hey i thought you were dying of first i am but i can last until i get some water in the car camp i'm sorry it took the last draw do you mind not a bit that happened alone you must be a stranger around here there's a good outer road a mile south yes i know about that i came this way because i didn't want any that's all right don't tell any secrets who are you how do you know my name oh i see too bad they don't put them on horses um well thanks for the water goodbye good luck so my name is jerry lane i am from a pecos way i sold my ranch in stock and thought i might buy something in this neighborhood that's fine a bigger place to aim to buy oh big enough to run a few hundred headers tears but it's got to be a bargain i'm buying for cash great i got just a place for you good land good buildings and a good price hey jensen you're going out to the auction no i can't be bothered with that sort of thing now this place i was telling you about mr lane what about the auction why that's all hiram moore's place he died about a year ago and it's a sheriff's sale to pay off the debts and taxes what did you say his name was more you wouldn't be interested the place is all run down say did me have a granddaughter named gene i don't know well i'll have a look at it anyway you better let me show you some real ranch land sure some other time sale is to pay off the taxes claims and debts of the late hire or more i'm going to sell off the furniture first and then we'll put up the property now what am i over for this elegant trap a genuine grand rapids antique 50 cent 50 cents now listen colonel i don't want to have any trouble with you i hear the chair folks that anyone might be proud to own look at this magnificent piece of furniture do you mean to say you offer me 50 cents yes sir 50 cents for this fine piece of furniture right here at allah sold to the colonel for 50 cents get his half dollar gym and i'll bet it's plug ladies and gents there's a painting of the old boy himself i removed one of the real pioneers of this country now what am i offering how much have i been you said you searched all that furniture how about that picture what do you mean before man moore had a favor to hide that picture is a mighty likely place a genuine painting of the old boy himself how much for this fine printing of this fine jerk how much about this five dollars five dollars five dollars friends did you hear that five dollars for this magnificent oil painting of this old gentleman here's a picture of a comment that anybody would be proud to hang in these twilight dinners five dollars for a masterpiece i'm offered five dollars five dollars for this beautiful picture now come on let's shake it loose friends come on shake it loose let's hear some bids five dollars going for five dollars once going for five wait i'll bid ten dollars on that picture ten dollars now there's a little lady that appreciates the beautiful you hear that i was right fifteen dollars do i hear twenty twenty twenty dollars twenty dollars thirty dollars now you're talking folks thirty dollars and said do i hear fifty dollars fifty dollars the young lady says fifty dollars for this elegant painting fifty dollars all done sixty dollars seventy one hundred dollars 110 10 all done going for 110. going for 110 once going for 110 20. 200. where in the world did you come from what are you doing in this stranger why i thought i'd like to buy the picture any objections 300. 500. charlotte this man's making a lot of loose talk you better find out if you can back it up that's a fair question stranger you mean can i make good on my bids yes why sure i'm surprised at you go on with the sale robert 500 do i hear six do i hear six do i hear thick all in sound to this gentleman for five hundred dollars and not ascent too much mister you've got a fine eye for off if you're ready to put up the property i'd like to bid on the ranch and all that goes with it all right folks what am i bid by 640 acres of fine grazing land the house the contents and everything that goes with it everything on the place what about this how much is against it twelve hundred dollars then i'll bid fifteen two thousand two thousand dollars two thousand dollars for ten thousand dollars worth of property can i hear 2500 2500 don't i hear another bid no bids sold to mr jerry lanez if you'll get the papers drawn up i'll come into town tomorrow and close this thing up that's fine i'll get somebody to move the furniture back in the house thanks [Music] [Applause] just a minute mr i guess this is what you came for but would you mind telling me why you were willing to pay 70 for it suppose you tell me why you paid 500 for it well i sort of liked your looks and you seemed to want the picture so i so you thought i looked like the kind of a girl that would let a stranger buy her 500 presents [Applause] if you don't want it from the first ditch you come to when you get through come under the bar now pay you for helping a very good seth wait a minute where'd you come from originally from england sir a gentleman's gentleman said i say why'd you quit well so you see it was a matter of ten pounds it was lost and uh they said you stole it oh no sir but they said they might have found it if i hadn't helped them look for it oh mr lane well i'm sorry i said that i didn't mean it the way it sounded i think you were splendid forget it oh please please don't go yet i want to answer your question about that picture it's my grandfather oh so that's the answer you like the old fellow no it wasn't that i liked grandfather i never saw him well then we won't call it a present but i'll loan it to you and you can take it home with you and i can't take his picture home with me because i haven't any home oh so that's the answer maybe i better tell you all about it that might help if you feel like i'm passing mother often talked about grandfather we wanted him to come and see us but he just wouldn't leave the ramp the old gentleman with said ideas got a thing worth taking so i was grandfathers only heir but the taxes and penalties on this place were more than i could cover even though it was worth it so i just never came to look at it you think i get stuck with the place oh no oh please don't shoot again so one shot was quite convincing i suppose you were going to help me define my money oh most of this time i wasn't earnest you see i haven't been able to find me a job and you've got a job now unsettle my horse and put him in the barn then you're not going to jail me sir what do you think oh thank you sir thank you thank you thank you sir that was fine of you to give him another chance i need help if i'm going to run this place oh you were telling me why you wanted the picture people thought maybe he buried his money somewhere on the ranch sounds reasonable but i still don't see what this picture has to do with it neither do i you see i had a notice of this sale and thought i ought to come down here and see if anything could be salvaged then when those men started bidding so high i thought sure i ought to get it same here those three birds know something about grandpa that you and i ought to find out i guess you'll have to do that mr lane you see when i got the hunch to come down here i drew out all my savings and gave up my job you've got a job since i'm going to have a gentleman's gentleman i'd better have a secretary i'm sorry mr lane but i couldn't now don't get me wrong again you're to go into town now and hire sort of a combined cook and chaperone and then what then we'll move in here and try and find out why grandpa's picture's worth so much money is it a go gene it's a go jared i bid for brandon because i thought that was my cue everyone had a hunch and i was right if there's a chart to old man moore's money that picture holds the secret this man laying the girl whoever she is knows it well if you're too sure about it why didn't you out mid lane because i know a cheaper way to get that picture and the ranch too if we need it i'm sure you'll be satisfied with your housekeeping unless she worked for us at the hotel she seems very capable uh where is the sheriff's office just a block down the street thanks it's all thick this more is hard for adidas for a housekeeper good that puts a friend inside the house wayne's over to the sheriff's office they only knew what his game is i'll find out or i'll persuade him to drop it you know what you're to do sure come with me well i'm glad that we got a good substantial citizen on the mower place since the old man died there's been a lot of queer stories about the ranch what kind of stories well now that i got your check lane i'll tell you people say that the ranch is haunted is that right hmm haunted what do you mean just one of those stories that get around you see old hiramore was a miser no offense to you miss moore and there's a lot of talk about buried treasure some people say that the old man couldn't sleep easy in his grave i never saw his ghost i never talked to anybody that did but won't do you any harm except that you may have some trouble getting the boys to work the place well maybe ohio moore will quit haunting when he finds his granddaughter there now mr lane if you just put your john hancock right there on the bottom line everything will be all right hello sheriff oh why i didn't know you were busy i'll come back later hold on hold on come in come in i want you to meet some people this is missing more granddaughter of old hire more how do you do and this is jerry lane who's going to be your neighbor he just bought the moore place mr brandon this place borders yours on the south well that's fine might be glad to have a neighbor mr wayne maybe with folks living in the more house we'll hear less about old hiram's ghost riding the rain what about this ghost mr brandon did you ever see it well i don't believe in ghosts myself but several of my men claim to have seen it men were generally thought to be reliable but you still don't believe in ghosts well i'll put it this way fight over a man who might walk after death he's the man thanks mr brandon don't forget to be neighborly you'll see a good deal of me i expect stop in sometime sheriff i will well that's settled did you get the chaperone a half breed woman homely but she seems capable why homely then i'm gonna start by being jealous i hope no i took what i could get the clerk at the hotel found her for me she'll be at the ranch tonight oh cutie about me and you're having a drink jerry be careful that's all i do come on old man you've had one too many better go home and sleep at all you think i'm drunk hey well what do you think here's what i say i apologize you're not drunk [Music] oh my gosh [Music] oh [Music] i'm not looking for trouble but keep out of my way next time you'll really get hurt i'm sorry this happened folks the man's a stranger here i hope you won't hold it against the community cowboys will get drunk sure they will but he isn't a cowboy and he wasn't running he's a professional pug if i ever saw one you want me to prefer charges against this man lane no just keep him out of my way well you certainly know how to handle him lane yes and i'm pretty good down goes too mr brandon [Music] are you out [Music] so [Music] um come on [Music] eddie eddie parsons your gentleman seems to have other accomplishments i'm afraid he's got too many i beg your pardon so i failed to hear your arrival i didn't know you were a musician eddie i'm very kind of you to take notice miss i'm a bit out of practice but i find my fingers between the nimble touch i've noticed that oh thank you sir i did a bit as a singing waiter in the big london restaurant it paid rather well i'd imagine you'd make it pay pretty well thank you think i am a horse there'll be more in the morning moreover yes more horses well what do we do now his grandfather the third degree jerry maybe it is true maybe what's true maybe grandfather's ghost really does ride the range he was a strange man from what my mother told me never gave up anything that once belonged to him maybe he won't give it up even when he's dead now listen yes jerry when i hired you as a secretary i thought you were grown up not a kid i'm going to be too busy to be sitting up nights telling your bedtime stories well but if there really should be there unquestionably will be if grandfather's ghost comes i intend to catch him perhaps he can tell me about his picture [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] when you finish the dishes for dean you may go to bed if you wish thank you i shall block my god why of course but what on earth for because of the first in this house i didn't afraid at night he rides sometimes through the ranch open a great white hole [Music] oh jerry what was that fly me a benches what is it just the coils it always hollows when the moon is up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey sing one of your london songs righto i'm not a ballet snob you know far from it i do the tasks that set for me of course but i'm a sentimental man and i'm working for a gentleman i age to be a valid to an artist i age to be a valid to an office it fills my soul with sadness and remorse how can the faithful servant feel he's being helpful and genteel when it's a valley valid to at all i can't approve the funny-looking creatures the size and shape and silly equine features i've been footman butler page but whoever thought at my age i come to be the valet to an officer another valley snob you know far from it i do the tasks that set for me of course but i'm a sentimental man and i'm working for a gentleman i ate to be a ballad to announce what's that daring it's there jerry do you think it's a ghost not yet but it will be if it comes in within range well better luck next time piggy pardon said but i think it's a bit of luck that he didn't stop all this hocus pocus is intended to scare us off who's ever doing it knows something about that picture that we don't know it's gone floor blimey if it ain't pretty tough open the door see senor hey moment please what is that senor santo dios you are frightened me what is that music senor nothing i just had a hunch and i was wrong sorry good night good night did a wrong guess it wasn't there well i knew it wouldn't be jerry i'm frightened let's give it up and get out of here yeah yes we might as well oh i'm sorry i know you've done all this for me spent your money and risked your life oh that's all right buying the ranch was just a gamble those fellas were too smart for me they got what they came for i beg your pardon sir but i i don't think they did you're not going to tell me you think a ghost took it well i don't know anything about a ghost sir but whoever took the picture is going to be disappointed what are you driving at when you see sir i sort of anticipated this happening so i examine the picture myself i've found this hidden in the frame what did you intend to do with this well i sort of intended to sell you out sir but i i found i couldn't go through with it i see thanks eddie full moon yeah i took the liberty of looking that up too sir there'd be a full moon a week from tonight a week from tonight uh i wonder you'd be much better off you didn't you're on the wrong side get around on the left until you stand is that so sir of course oh thank you sir amazing sir i didn't know an ass knew which was his left side sir uh when miss moore wakes up tell her i've gone around see the shirt very good sir keep this for me dave may get me in trouble right we found the compartment in the picture frame where the chart probably was hidden but wayne had beatens to it the compartment was empty and secrets hey i do all the dirty work fighting ghost writing but i ain't told nothing you're paid for what you do not for what you know is that so well there's one man that'll pay me for what i know yes and who is that man jerry lane ever hear of him i'm afraid tex is no longer useful to us i was just thinking the same thing see it ranch perhaps i'll see the sheriff [Applause] okay so who was it man i didn't get a good look at him so please i'm not gonna leave you save your breath bless off this blood you know this fella lane that bought the moore place what about him i just saw him shoot texts flex was just riding along peaceable light he came out of the rocks and downed him with a first shot sheriff wayne threatened to get texts after they had that fight you'll probably head for his place he don't let me see him let's go well follow me are you in the very spot right [Applause] if you got anything to say you better start talking wayne i was hard to beat you up by yes you were hired by get your hands in the air lane jordy get his gun you know i'm just coming after you sheriff this is murder yeah so i heard you don't think i shot him he was shot from ambush from those rocks this a man you saw mark that's him you rode out of those rocks and shut text out of the saddle that's a lie i was 200 yards away when the shot was fired i heard you threatened that man but i didn't think you'd shoot him when he was unarmed no use lane there's a shot fired out of this gun sure there is i took a shot at the killer as he rode off who's this man that accuses me mark graydon my foreman oh so he's your foreman is he he's also a buyer to find old oil paintings in his spare time i don't know what you're talking about but mark's got good eyes and if he says you did the shooting it's mighty certain you did all right sheriff this is a famous i guess i'll have to prove that in court bring your handcuffs along i reckon there's enough of us to ride heard on you shorty get his heart dearborn take tex into town so as a manufacturer i'll have a tough time proving my innocence if you put me in jail the only way i can get the guilty man is to be free myself so [Applause] oh that's what we needed come on we'll pick him up below a clean getaway you should have let me get him in the water you're just a little bit anxious ain't you i want that hell alive shorty you circle around see if you can pick up his trail i'll head to the ranch in case he goes home any luck i couldn't find the trace of him they'll try the house well i ain't come yet miss gene i've been watching the road oh i'm frightened eddie if anything should happen to jerry he's into all this on my account and he has that chart in his pocket that those men want that's right miss i was worried about mr lane so i took the liberty of you you what right for this pockets miss i have the chart put it away eddie someone's coming [Applause] morning miss moore where's lane i don't know why what's happened sheriff why do you want mr lane you two boys searched the house the rest you fellas look the barns over what does this mean sheriff lane's wanted for murder murder my words i have seen it senor no it's a clear case he threatened the man and i found him standing over the body incredible i'm leaving one of my men for your protection miss moore i know why you're leaving him it's very thoughtful of you good morning okay [Music] that officer is walking back and forth just waiting to pounce on jerry if he comes well bobby can't end up with miss that's his job oh i don't care i wish something would happen to him there's deputy barnes get him first [Music] must be just another coyote miss just sit down sit down listen and listen to this i have something nice i want you to hear [Music] what does this mean mr brandon mr lane isn't here we know that you will not see wayne again we've just asked your english friend to handle the paper he took from the frame of higher moore's picture the paper why my dear i know nothing about a paper you must be mad man enough of that hand it over give it to him eddie hmm watch them but there are four of them in there and you ate on you tell the sheriff if i'm not here to look for me at the tower rocks that's clear enough it means the tower rocks the moon's full enough now for our purpose what are you going to do with them tie them up drop that gun greyton so here we are all the picture buyers and mr brandon i'll have a look at that map thanks get back to the rest one of you four killed tex i'm going to find out which one before i'm through with you get their hardware ready audrey sir oh you mean that gun sir all right you are set right here right sorry let's go [Applause] yep so foreign [Applause] oh [Applause] don't look as old that lane needed any help howard dearborn take care of those two fellas oh [Applause] oh [Music] talk fast in 10 seconds you'll drop time's up who killed tax i did i did that's enough lane all i'm up well look who's here help him boys listen listen that's it [Applause] goals my word you could finance a small wall without that loser it doesn't belong to me it belongs to heim war's granddaughter don't talk nonsense you bought the place didn't you i didn't buy a half million in gold did i yes your agreement was for the ranch and all that went with it a big pardon sir and miss gene but i'd somehow come to the conclusion that you were going to uh uh fool your resources well well yourself fellas you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 28,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movie, Beth Marion, MOVIES, classic movies, Robert F. Hill, Sammy Cohen, western, CLASSIC, cowboy, filmstruck, #classicmovies, Tom Tyler, FREE
Id: b4_n5AtKR3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2016
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