32 GENTLEMEN WITH GUNS (1946), Buster Crabbe, Fuzzy St. John

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but you let us say that you are in trouble I thought they were trying to burn you out I suppose some people are so dumb they can't tell the difference between a house on fire and a pan of bird biscuits sure but you you can't hold it against a man just because he doesn't know any better I guess that's why I've wasted so much time getting you out of trouble troubles no intelligent person would ever gotten into okay what's it this time Yeah right there's a lot of good farmland in my ranch so I got the idea showing off this farm land of families who want to move in make homes for themselves yeah my feeling that way for us now how does that spell trouble well McCallister owns a big house Bethany wants everything in sight he wants my water right and he's dead set against having any settlers locate in the valley so what tell him you don't want to sell your water right and what you do is none of his business I know but something always happens to folks who talk to McAllister that way yeah well you go right ahead with your plans you can't scare us you sure muddy reckless with my life come on help me get this priced window well you gotta find a woman crazy enough to marry an old goat like you that's what you think listen to that dear Rosie my great big gorgeous monument [Music] I am sure you are the answer to my maintenance prayer you mean to tell me that any woman would pray for anything like you that's what she says right here's a letter read your meeting oh I ain't married yet I don't of what I was right you haven't even met the lady no she telling what she's like you see that's how come we start writing [Music] go ahead and pull head up but she said she's coming out here to marry me and we're gonna have our own little lovin it and she's find yourself here you just voted but kill them bug buzz you've got your neck out a mile you've never even seen this lady and if she's taken as much liberty with the truth and describing herself as you muster you don't know what kind of a package you'll get well I hear you don't seem to understand that I mean what I say [Music] that seems to be the end of the first lesson drop around when you can give us another you'll get a lesson it'll last you the rest of your life which won't be long that's Jim McAllister yeah nice neighbor yeah [Music] if I had my choice between him and a rattlesnake Texas snake [Music] prai's why don't you put that thing away haven't you got enough troubles not without going romantic you know clever is easy is easy I write to her she writes to me well what's the next move boss I don't know yet we sure run head-on into something who is that other fella I never saw him before I've heard fuzzy don't speak about his friend Billy Carson that could be him well whoever it is you wish you hadn't horned in to this party [Applause] [Music] I may be wrong I mean what have a buzzing Jonathan rustling my cattle I said one of my boys over to Scotty's range [Music] [Music] [Music] some farmer [Music] there's no farmer to me well do I have to look like a farmer before I can buy a farm no I guess nuts not running a boutique ah yes yes piece of property over here I'd like to talk to you about [Music] [Music] well this is what I was telling you about [Music] do you mean to tell me you want to buy this land the farm put a fine price enough to buy it you should worry something fishy about it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dead shot through the heart and there's the murder I didn't shoot him or someone else do you expect anyone to believe that here's this gun sheriff there's one of my best boys what I said was scouting this range it's been one shot fired from that gun that's impossible I fired no shot how do you explain it in detail let's take an inch here I'll send someone else in the ranch for his body we'll do that get on that horse sheriff you gotta listen to me somebody else fired that shot you got to look around on that horse before I bend this over your head [Applause] [Music] all right well it's a pastime kind of live with it he sure went for that ketchup on my shirt you're a pretty good actor I like knock myself up what can you do well it ain't funny to me I got a plate that I hang that guy come on let's get out of here hey but what's wrong daddy I was standing talking to a felon boom somebody shot him yeah who fired the shot I don't know sure from Jimmy Callister hat longest then I claimed I done it funny they just happened too long at that time seems like McCallister's having a shirt plays game now you watch your step young feller I don't like that kind of talk come on hey in there you smart hit the road through yourself no good hanging around this valley maybe I can give you an argument on that I don't argument when I say something that's it hey Billy I'm in an awful thanks what am I gonna do I didn't kill that fella but they'll hang me for just sure as I'm a foot high take it easy now first I'll get you out of this somehow even if they don't hang me mal right so go to plot well that got me locked up in here but this from Jim again don't worry about a thing I'll look after everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I suppose that's me look through the bugs gosh Jia I would want her no time in jail evidence I'll cover up for you forget she's my girl [Music] I think your plans with you mr. Philip lat oh you big wonderful man maybe fighting this but I'm not fuzzy Joe no ma'am [Music] where is my fuzzy well you might say that he's he's all wrapped up in some very important business might even call it a matter of life and death I think I better run you want out the fuzz explain make it warm there and then and fuzzy get back you two go ahead with your wedding anything you say is alright with me being alright this is a myself that I do hope you'll be able to spare a little time to keep me from feeling I'll get the buckboard I gotta get out of here you can't do this to me I can try to traffic before I come in and shut it for you I gotta get out it's important maybe the man you killed plums important to keep on learning oh I didn't realize China [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's a lucky man miss Mathilda you're a fine cook thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it yeah that was a that was a great meal well right yes I better be moseying along oh don't be in a hurry have another cup of coffee just saw horrible-looking face peeking in the window yeah act as if nothing's happened Wow yes we'd better let it cool off [Music] what are you doing here don't you remember I live here yeah I know that but I thought you fuzzy June yes that's me buddy Q June and I'm awfully sorry I wasn't on hand when you arrived fuzzy let me get this straight was that business of yours all taken care of no not exactly nice sort of left it unfinished that may have been a mistake I'm not stupid what's this double-talk all about I have a right to know what I'm walking into yes ma'am I guess you have there then you try to hang fuzzy for a murder he didn't commit who do you mean by lay all right I don't know for sure but I'll gamble did Jimmy cows has a finger in the bank who is Jim McAllister well he's something I've been buried a long time ago think you can run everything in the value make me sell out whether I won or not [Music] [Applause] [Music] I still say we should stop by take a look at the Joe's place it wouldn't be foolish enough to hide out at all looking for him that might be worth looking into that might be just a place you can't be hanging around here chef is gonna be turning over every rough-looking for you you seem mighty anxious to get rid of me don't be foolish now that you've busted out of jail I'd be glad to see you stay out is that what I came out here to marry well he's he's not very good-looking missing he isn't over overeducated but he's got a heart of gold what's the cash value of a heart of gold I like a gal with a sense of humor then don't you worry I'll get out of this trouble and we'll have our little love nest [Music] [Music] let me do the talking yeah what do you want we're looking for fuzzy Jones he's not here they'll make sure that [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's gettin away somebody [Music] we won't be fun from here on out you're smart you'll get out is about it right now [Music] [Applause] nobody makes it I think you will was that Jim McAlister yeah yeah that's him please kind of rough [Music] like we've lost him for the time being have a not for long that was a nice little girl back there [Music] you and fuzzy are pretty good friends aren't you yes ma'am the best you never win a beauty contest but he's alright you could do a lot worse than time for those fuzzy I'm not looking for the worst I guess I'm gonna stick around keep an eye on the place - a little fuzzy gets bad I can bunk out the end of barn comfortably I'll be glad to have you here bye I feel nervous you're all alone you've got nothing to worry about good night good night [Music] Hey [Music] while we're here [Music] bring me some he sure has help yourself [Music] with my horse over there for the rock [Music] [Music] [Music] better stay put up here in the hills try to do them both at the same time but I prefer Kilda you're an infant Mathilde huh well she'll be cheap you have no time for romance until you get that neck are you guys out of danger [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're welcome again I want some information ain't telling you nothing you tell me huh McAllister breed that murderer LBJ get off I don't know anything about it [Music] what's going on here I found fuzzy Jones that he helped him get away I'm hard to get yourself into trouble [Music] guilty we let the courts decide that he wings you will find yourself in jail right with him Lord get your horsemen fine catch up with him [Music] oh I'm getting sick and tired of hiding out in here waiting till I catch that guy and hang him no telling how long it'll be okay I might just as well be in jail what are you kicking about you're getting paid for doing nothing well maybe so when it gets pretty monotonous I wish you'd picked out somebody else to get killed Oh boss we got company and she's pretty to keep out of sight oh this is a fine time to ask a guy to play dead you'll all be playing if you don't do as I say come in are you mr. MacAlister at your service I'm Mathilde bond you don't look like the kind of a girl whose name would be Mathilde bugs that's my real name I use a different one on the stage he has to make sense won't you sit down thank you why did you come here I have an idea we can be of some help to each other in what way you want Fuzzy's ranch I want money funny cold-blooded about it I learned you have to be cold-blooded or being sucker I'm always willing to pay for what I want delivery you came out here to marry him sure and that was a good joke on me now I got set up with the life of an actress and thought I'd grab me a husband and settle down I wouldn't marry any of the trash I meant hanging around the theater so I fell for dad and the matrimonial paper he made it sound pretty wonderful ranch big handsome husband just losing love and devotion you really gave you a song and then you know what I got he double-crossed me and I don't feel like coming out here just for the ride I think we can do business when we catch fuzzy he'll be hung for murder you got to figure some way to marry him then turn him over to the sheriff I think that can be managed as his widow you'll own the property and we'll make a deal I'll be seeing you keep away from here until you're a widow we don't want this Carson to get suspicious Carson is mine is what I thought fuzzy would be but don't worry I never left sentiment interfere with business five goodbye oh boy hey she a knock you dumb idiot but I tell you to keep out of sight I mean it she might be on the level I'm not taking any chances she might have come over here just to spy on us [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I saw you over Jim McAlister isn't well I I thought I'd like to get a little better acquainted well I'm I'm busy now maybe some other time whether you're crazy for coming back here that was a fool to bring you that note well when Matilda sends for me I'll go to fire and water liable to get your whiskers singed and your feet wet you stay here until I check up and see where the coast is clear I heard you were looking for a high-class husband and you know I get by for this one little rancid no money we're gonna get off the gym and what isn't it wonderful that you've just happened to be available yeah it's Carson he mustn't see you here come on out that way [Applause] where's fuzzy couldn't you find him yeah I found him I don't like the idea of his coming back here very much I didn't hear anyone ask your opinion [Music] Billy I seen it go the man they said I killed I see you doesn't plan as I see you know he's telling us you didn't you didn't see any ghosts who was here Matilde there was no one here he must have seen a ghost he must have seen a ghost Hey I'd sort of like to run into that ghost and going out and see if I can find him I can stand up to anything human was that ghost putting you're scared to pants off of me you've got something more important than a ghost to worry about yeah what your friend Billy what about Billy he doesn't want me to marry you you mean to tell me I hate to say anything about your friend but I think we should get married right away what a fine friend he turned out to be I never thought he'd cut the ground out from under my feet [Music] I couldn't find him and get away there's something else in bottom meme until then what were you doing at the McAllister ranch I was never at the McCalister ranch no I saw you riding in that direction doesn't mean anything there's a lot of country in that direction you've gone far enough I won't have you down Matilda's work and I never thought you'd and pulling a dirty trick on me I'm dirty trick on you fuzz are you crazy I may have been but I'm not now get going maybe you know what he's talking about you know as well as I do what are you doing out here mr. Boggs asked me to come said it was very important very important who delivered the message red Cassidy McHale was just warming he was just a passing cowboy I didn't know who he was fuzzy and I want you to marry it young woman don't you know that plus he's an alcohol that doesn't make any difference to me hey you're supposed to be in jail I know but I figured on getting married that's the same as being in jail Liv come on stop Judy darling around customary giant got longer lingered around here all right I had a Marion job in a long time I hope the sheriff don't interrupt the ceremony grab her hand now but don't you be in a hurry you won't stand for that will you fuzzy you're darn tootin I want you're not walking here now get out I'm sorry judgement there's too many lies tied up for this marriage I'm gonna get this straight a bit before it goes any further you won't get away with this strongarm stuff you can't stop me from marrying fuzzy anomic you sorry ever tries why don't you try to be a nice girl both you sit down I'm gonna make sure you stay put for a while over there [Music] I can keep you from getting hound fuss but I can't keep you from making a fool of yourself so I guess jail is the only safe place for you [Music] [Applause] welcome home how can evil use for this person you'll thank me for it someday but come on get in there good plan must have worked out all right I'll stock the bowl I'm glad the sheriff thought that murder head Slade was a good boy was he Jones murdered him in cold blood I haven't favor of seeing that fuzzy jaws doesn't get away with another jailbreak bet you stay put this time but it's just so stubborn and pigheaded you won't listen to reason if you want to get rid of anyone you take a shot at me then I wouldn't have to stand around here and think about you doing this to me oh why she got it all wrong I'm just trying to stop you from making a foolish mistake there's something wrong with you being rushed into that marriage this is the only way I know how to stop it don't tell me that my lies gone away and leave me alone first I'm sorry you feel that way maybe someday you'll understand no one is more in favor of law and order than I am a murderer even when you catch him red-handed is entitled to a fair trial when you got a sheriff that can't even keep him in jail something should be done he breaks out again we may never get best break I ever had in my life cowboy has to come along and throw up monkey wrench well you'll not stop me from cashing in and I'll make him sorry you're stuck his nose in my business must be kind of disappointing to have a weddin end like this you sit there like a bump on a log why don't you try to get free and help me why wear myself out getting nowhere no the only thing that bothers me right now is a pesky fry that wants to sit on my nose I wouldn't mind if he just said he wants to keep walking around all the time [Music] say I'm fuzzies description you look like the man he's supposed to have killed where suppose I am er I don't know what you're talking about no you're the lightest looking corpse I ever saw what do you mean course you heard what I said oh you're out of your mind yeah beause I am let's take a little ride to town that fuzzy have a look at you I am NOT going anyplace with you and the best thing you can do is you know offer this rash [Music] dad wasn't killed in the fight it was murdered I suspected that fuzzy John was wrestling my cattle so I sent out over to investigate that was the last time I ever saw him alive it was a friend of mine and I'm gonna say today's murder gets what's coming to him [Music] how do you feel now about a tip to town have you changed your mind you'll wish you'd never come into this business you could be wrong get on your horse [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] far enough be smart sure nobody wants to hurt you buddy you can certainly try to take a prisoner out of my Jail you let that murder escape once before we're making sure that it don't happen again you know mob law in this town well I'm sure they'll be given a fair trial bound young he'll be hung [Music] you keep them down in that crowd I've called my friends so help me I'll blast the first one that tries to rush this door be smart don't be fooled following in the name of the law what about your goodness [Music] [Music] all right get down off that horse hey that's the bonus head IQ you ain't much alive it ain't that either that's right plus there's your ghost I'm trying to share Sheriff Lucky's two minutes I'll think of some chance to bring against him McAllister framed this whole thing to get fuzzy hung for murder the counselor did that to me that's right buzz stand back blush he's my meat all right get in there you two [Music] and the fuzzy Jones nice of everybody to be so obliging [Music] I came here to pay you [Music] [Applause] next time you want to hang somebody be sure you know what you doing now tell you up the bar the drinks are on me I know what you're trying to say fuzz forget it [Applause] hey that's Mathilda where you going home you're not gonna leave me flat not a bad idea [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's what I call even in flat [Music]
Channel: Wm. Thomas Sherman
Views: 65,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Fuzzy St. John
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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