The Petscop Investigation - Part 1

Video Statistics and Information

Captions Word Cloud
[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to nightmare master class my name is David Stockdale I'll be your host on this excursion into the dark unknown this is the first installment of a multi-part analysis in which I'll be covering the mysterious video series pets cop in this installment I'll cover videos one through three and the rest of the videos will be covered in subsequent installments and I've got to say this is the series that almost broke me there is so much going on in pets cop and I've had some major trouble even beginning to present my findings in an orderly fashion I can only hope that I do the series justice so yeah here goes nothing pets cop is a video series that documents the experiences of Paul our unsuspecting protagonists as he plays through an unknown and seemingly unfinished ps1 game the enigmatic aliy titled pets cop the series takes the form of an all-too-familiar youtube format the let's play in which a vlogger provides commentary as they perform a walkthrough of any given video game as pets cop progresses Paul's experiences become increasingly strange and disconcerting let's stop for a minute just to a pre the sheer amount of effort that went into this project because this is nothing like your average let's play pets cop is a piece of art that uses the let's play format as a plot device in order to tell a very compelling story and it's a carefully manicured narrative based on an entirely fabricated game an entire video game filled with unique characters and bizarre settings was designed for this one project alone that's true dedication this is the kind of innovative totally out of left field and dark storytelling that is perfect material for nightmare masterclass I'd like to give a quick shout-out to the Pats cop subreddit and I'd also like to thank the faithful custodians of the pet shop Google Doc the findings of which have apprised this analysis substantially links are in the video description my formats going to be a little different this time around I'm going to go through the videos point by point explaining my understanding of the events over the course of the series and occasionally I'll be interrupting the explanation to point out something that I think is noteworthy and after I summarized the events of pets cop up to current date I'll present some thoughts to wrap it up please do keep in mind that this is just my interpretation and by no means do I consider myself the final word on the meaning of this artfully incomprehensible series so if you spot an inaccuracy or think my analysis is totally off-base please let me know your feedback is invaluable I should also note that at the time of this video's creation I'm not entirely sure whether the series is ongoing or whether it's complete there seems to be some contention in that regard among pet Scout fans so with that in mind let's get started the very first video was uploaded on Sunday March 12th 2017 the video description is brief it reads this game I found the video begins with the PlayStation boot up screen a piece of iconography that's surely familiar for a large portion of the audience a symbol appears before the game starts it's the letter G now as you can see here the negative space inside the G is filled in with white and because the background is black the white space stands out I think it's somewhat resembles a fishhook which is interesting in hindsight when the logo has revealed in full we see that the G is extended in a peculiar way and it's pointing downwards it would appear that the game's developer is a company called Guerra Lena the title screen reads Pat Scott and there's a copyright notice by Guerra Lena with the year 1997 footnote time seems to be a very important aspect of this series so I'll be noting each time a specific year as mentioned I'm sorry if this gets a little tedious for you but I believe that establishing a timeline is absolutely essential to understanding this series as a whole all right back to the breakdown note that the game requires a memory card which is true of most ps1 games but here's an unknown variable we don't know how much of the game Paul has played prior to the creation of this video now when the game reads the memory card each of the three profile slots show up as empty so it's clear that Paul is starting a new game Paul explains that the purpose of this video is to show the viewer that this game is real it's not clear who exactly Paul is addressing but one might assume based on the context that it's a friend someone he's told about his experience finding this strange old ps1 game and at this point we're also not even sure where the game came from it's just something Paul found footnote I'm gonna jump straight to the point and say that what we are witnessing can be thought of as a new kind of digital folklore let's consider these opening remarks in such a context and see where it leads us many urban legends such as that of creepypasta lore begin with an assurance that what the audience is about to hear is entirely true this I think is the central purpose of Paul's interaction with the off-screen unknown character that character kind of represents the audience in the context of the story Paul's trying to convince a friend that the game is real Paul's efforts in these regards serve a couple of functions on one level his efforts establish a certain kind of pseudo authenticity highlighting the immediacy of the viewing experience we can consider these videos as Paul's testimony or perhaps his account of events that have transpired but his efforts to convince an off-screen character of the games authenticity also function as a kind of red flag for anyone familiar with the creepypasta genre these narrative levels become all the more impressive when he realized the significance of the games name more on that later when Paul begins to enter his name there's a key for the buttons at the bottom of the screen X's select the start button is to finish the entry and the triangle button is to go back but if you take a closer look you'll see that the triangle is fluttering in a way that the other buttons aren't is the game trying to tell them to go back perhaps this is a warning notably the start button is associated with the word finish which makes sense in the context of finishing his file entry however considering that the fluttering triangle button could be construed as a warning perhaps the start button also has a certain ominous connotation perhaps the game is suggesting that if Paul starts this game he will be finished by it the loading screen depicts a gift box held up by a support beam this imagery reoccurs throughout the first portion of the game Paul hunter is what is called the gift plane the background is entirely white and in addition to a number of gifts a few clouds can be seen in the distance Paul is greeted by a sign which states that the gift plane has closed indefinitely and all personnel have left the sign goes on to state that the gift plane once provided homes to over a hundred quote young pets a total of 48 remain note that the number 48 is fluttering in the very same way that the triangle on the Stars Green was except that the number is read the sign encourages the player to visit their eight homes in the gift plane and quote find some friends to take home with you again the number eight is fluttering Paul demonstrates to the viewer that the game is unfinished the path leading straight ahead goes nowhere all enters a pink building labeled even care which he presumes to be the first level of the game Paul notes that quote this is actually not the interesting part even care is plastered with two flower symbols on both sides of the building the symbol reappears inside the building and further note that the yard is filled with evergreen trees paul enters even care and there's a picture on his left depicting two characters that reoccur throughout the series tone ahthe whose name appears in red and randiss whose name appears in green paul attempts to open a door down the hallway to his left and the game gives him this prompt this door is locked or not but you don't know how to open doors Paul continues through even care and these signs get increasingly troubling when you're choosing a pet pick somebody that you like you don't have to love them right away another sign reads don't be discouraged if they run from you they really do want a home they're afraid show them there's nothing to be afraid of footnote tellingly one of these signs implicitly grants personhood to these so-called pets after all you wouldn't traditionally refer to your dog as quote somebody you wouldn't go to the pound looking for a dog and here the proprietor say find somebody that you like they're far more likely to say find one that you like why is this well it's not that dogs don't have emotions or the capacity to feel pain they obviously do it's that we as a society do not grant them the same moral status as people now you can either agree or disagree with this social convention but nonetheless it's true that we tend to do this importantly this sign seems to indicate otherwise with respect to the Pats in the game moreover it seems that in the process of acquiring these pets fear is the predominant emotional state they experience they're commonly known to run from the player according to the sign they need to be shown that they're not in danger so it would stand a reason that they've previously been conditioned to think they're in danger that's a little conspicuous if you back to the video the very first pet Paul comes across is named amber she takes the form of something akin to a bowling ball with a hat on amber is extremely reluctant to be captured by Paul she jumps from side to side of the cell avoiding pollen every turn that is until Paul gets into the cell and locks it behind him at which point she comes right to him Paul is able to exit the cell by traversing across an unseen pathway so it would appear that Paul has tricked this pet into getting close by insinuating that they weren't going to leave this cell Paul treats this situation as a puzzle to be solved and in a way that's true it was required of Paul to employ logic in deductive reasoning to acquire amber but an element of deception was also required keep this in mind because it's a conundrum that will reoccur throughout this creepy video series now once Paul catches amber he's able to read her description amber is a young ball she's afraid to leave home if her home is good this is not a problem she is very heavy and that makes her life a little harder as well as yours what's the safest place you can put her in you should start thinking about that well if Amber's actions are any indication she seems to think that the safest place for her is in a prison cell it really begs the question what kind of situation must amber be in to think that imprisonment is the preferable option footnote I can't help but think of the Amber Alert in relation to this first pet this is an alert system used in the United States when a child goes missing I'm not sure if there's a direct correlation here but in consideration of certain events that take place later in the series I think it's worth noting here back to the game in the following scene Paul isn't able to figure out how to catch another pet it seems to float over him as he approaches always just out of reach however he is able to catch a few other pets by solving a couple of additional puzzles Paul catches one pet by stepping onto a treadmill which adjusts a keyboard that allows his clone to acquire the pet I know it's very convoluted notably Paul has to set the keyboard to the number 7 in order to catch this one Paul doesn't read the description for his pet instead he moves on to the next part of the game in this section a flower pops up in two different portions of the screen each time the flower surfaces a rain cloud appears over it as it turns out both of these entities are indeed pets Paul moves the bucket to the lower left-hand portion of the screen and it fills up with rain water this abused the flower and dissipates the cloud Paul was able to catch both pets as a result Paul returns to the pet he previously wasn't able to catch now according to Paul when he found the game it was accompanied by the following note I walked downstairs and when I got to the bottom instead of proceeding I turned to the right and became a shadow monster man 613 97 for you please go to my website on the sticker and also go to Brona this room and press Start and press down down down down down right start footnote again the year 1997 comes up oh and in case you were wondering June 13th 1997 was a Friday Friday the 13th interesting that keep this part of the note in mind because it will become relevant later on as of yet Paul hasn't mentioned the website that the note directed him to it's safe to assume that this bizarre-looking creature here with the bird hat is Ronis which makes sense considering that he kind of looks like a hybrid between tonot and randiss Paul enters the code and suddenly the music stops when Paul leaves even care he enters a darkened seemingly empty plane Paul explains that he hasn't been able to find anything in this area but then the video abruptly cuts ahead one might assume that Paul edited this footage for the viewers convenience Paul says that he previously searched this area for over an hour and found nothing and yet now on camera he's found this wooden hatch within 15 minutes he attributes this to luck footnote Paulo tributes much of what happens in the game to mere circumstance it will be increasingly difficult to do as the game progresses Paul explains that he hasn't been able to figure out how to open the door and if the viewers found any potential clues as to how to open it he would like to know video 1 ends there the second video was published on April 1st 2017 there's no description video to picks up where the first one left off Paul was waiting in a darkened field next to the Hat after about 20 seconds or so a strange jingle plays the door opens the video cuts ahead and Paul explains that he was away from the game when this happened he can't account for why the door suddenly opened but nonetheless he sure is eager to explore what's inside ultra versus down a flight of stairs into a large darkened room he finds what I can only assume is a furnace it's shaking which would suggest that it's still in operation and there appear to be various pictures of clocks on the far right side of the room all exits to the left and walks down a hallway collecting gifts as he goes footnote know here's a game mechanic that I think serves a specific narrative function Haugh collects gifts as he explores new areas of the game the presence of gifts is a good indication to the viewer that what Paul is seen is new to him it's new to us as well as such the viewer is given the impression of immediacy moreover we can see a number of gifts Paul is collected in the upper left-hand part of the screen this number can be considered an indication of Paul's progress in the game that is of course if we assume that collecting the gifts is a good thing and that progress is the thing to be made in this game these are assumptions okay back to the game Paul's attention is directed to a ringing phone he walks into what appears to be an office area and answers the phone a prompt reads care has left the room note that the word care is in yellow text Paul looks at a sign on the wall and if you're a fan of Pat's Cup you probably already know what it says there are three symbols each of which appear to depict a girl's face they're increasingly frazzled in each subsequent symbol she's covering her eyes in the third one the letters a B and n LM correspond respectively to each of the three symbols Paul continues onward down a large corridor to his left he finds nothing he walks out of view and comes back empty-handed however when Paul explores the other direction he finds a large picture it displays a small green house Paul moves on and finds another picture it depicts a three-story building constructed of brick an ominous noise plays as Paul looks at this picture Paul then finds a third picture that displays a windmill footnote Paul doesn't seem to think much of these pictures he breezes through this part of the game progressing in a somewhat compulsive fashion moreover Paul doesn't even seem to notice the car that speeds by at this point in the game or if he does he doesn't seem to think it's particularly noteworthy despite the fact that it's the fastest moving object he's seen in the game thus far at this point Paul apologizes for not talking much he admits to being a little bewildered by these findings Paul then finds a strange-looking tombstone which reads Michael Hammond 1988 to 1995 Mike was a gift this is especially ominous considering that gifts seem to be a reoccurring symbol in this game note that the name Michael Hammond is in pink for what it's worth Michael Hammond would have been 7 years old at the time of his death this game is taking a dark turn footnote quite a few people have researched the name Michael Hammond in reference to any morbid sort of events that might have occurred in the years from 1988 to 1995 but I think the name Michael Hammond might be an allusion to something else I researched the name Michael Hammond and found a professor by that name at the University of Arizona he's a linguistics professor now in 1988 he wrote a book along with Michael P Noonan called theoretical morphology approaches to modern linguistics and interestingly in 1997 he contributed to a book called optimality theory an overview he wrote an article called optimality theory in pro city now yes I am an English major but linguistics is far from the scope of my knowledge however I did do a little cursory research on optimality theory and to sum it up it's a specific linguistic model which proposes that observed forms of languages arise from in Iraq in between conflicting constraints now like I said I'm a little outside the scope of my knowledge here but I think the emphasis on conflicting constraints is important Pro City is a term that refers to the patterns of rhythm and sound used in poetry at this point you might be wondering why is any of this relevant well just wait till the end of this video I think it might start making sense ok back to the video both the tombstone and the building next to it have a conspicuous looking pair of eyes on them Paul walks into the building and finds a giant flower popping up out of the ground he picks some of the petals off the flower and it gradually sinks into the ground each time he does so all stops himself just before removing all of the petals he goes into the lower level of the building and we see the very same girl from the sign she has her hands over her face just in the same way she was depicted previously next to the letters nlm Paul goes back to the upper level and picks all of the petals off the flower it sinks into the ground entirely Paul returns to the lower level to find that the girl has been lowered to the ground but her face is reddened and distorted Paul isn't able to catch her in the same way he caught the other pets he passes through her entirely footnote there is yet another strange anomaly that Paul doesn't seem to notice at 6 minutes and 16 seconds into the second video Paul's feet are obscured by some unknown translucent object check it out I've slowed down the footage so you can see what I'm talking about the lower portion of his body disappears back to the narrative Paul again expresses his amusement at this whole situation and explores the site of the building he goes down a narrow pathway and into another structure this one has a number of drawings on the wall the most pertinent of which being a blue pointed object that repeatedly appears take a look for yourself there are a few other signs each with something written on them but as of yet I haven't been able to discern what they say they might be totally illegible Paul continues and sees a giant pointed object very similar to the one consistently depicted in the drawings except this one is red it Rampal to ask a question he asks what and the object returns with I don't know the message spins around the object as if to taunt Paul he laughs to himself as if he should have known better than to expect anything more specific Paul goes behind the object and the windmill appears Paolo attempts to walk away and the object employs him to quote keep watching the windmill he reluctantly obliges this request and we hear a couple of ominous noises the video cuts forward again Paul explains that he waited there for a couple of minutes and nothing happened he starts to wrap up explaining to the viewer that he'll continue to provide updates footnote who is Paul talking to here Paul is directly addressing a specific person someone he's clearly familiar with he alludes to that person coming home the following month though it's not clear if he's referring to his place of residence specifically in which case I'd speculate that the person he's talking to is perhaps an older sibling or rather if he's referring to a general region in which case it could perhaps be a friend who is away at college or something along those lines if we assume these videos were uploaded shortly after the time of their creation the timeline would suggest that perhaps the person Paul is addressing is indeed away at school after all video 2 was uploaded on April 1st 2017 so the following month would be May a time when the spring semester wraps up for many universities notably Paul alludes to the person not being particularly enthusiastic about coming home the larger point here is that Paul is apparently not intending for this video to be released to a wide audience this is clear based on the way he's addressing one specific person so why is the video on YouTube perhaps this was the easiest means to convey his message but then why make the video public you can privately share videos with other people on YouTube why has this been released to the public back to the video Paul enters another room and it's divided up such that his mirror image is presented on the left side of the screen but one thing's noticeably different the mirror image of Paul's avatar has a different face with a plastered on smile the mirror image follows his movement patterns but there appears to be a slight lag at various points again we hear the jingle that played when the door opened at the beginning of this video Paul takes note of a sign on the right side of the room it contains backwards text Paul explains that the note reads do you remember being born he also notes that the text on the ground reads quitters room and noticeably Paul's on the reverse side of this room the text on his side is backwards while the text on the left side is normal Paul leaves the area and ends up back in the darkened field where he started the third video was published on April 2nd 2017 just a day after the second video was published again there's no description pause a little more talkative towards the beginning of this entry he's eager to show us a new area Paul continues collecting gifts and this is perhaps a good indication that what we're seeing is Paul's first experience with this part of the game Paul begins the tour by showing us a giant display plastered on the wall it reads good grief and alas footnote this is an explicit reference to the dr. Seuss title Daisy had Maisie in which a girl Maisie grows a daisy out of her head towards the end of this book the protagonist begins crying she yells out the words nobody loves me prompting many to suspect that the letters n LM on the sign and video to stand for you guessed it nobody loves me as for what this means in the grand scheme of things well we'll get to that soon enough at this point it would suffice to say that there's a certain rather ominous theme beginning to develop back to the video Paul continues onward and happens upon a brick building with a window like enclosure it appears to operate in the fashion of a turnstile Paul suspects that he's supposed to put something in there he is then challenged by a strange puzzle on a canvas one that entails various combinations of eyes eyebrows and noses he selects a pattern and the ground begins shaking Paul was taken aback by this it's beginning to dawn on him that this hidden area is actually a whole game and it's one that he's become fully immersed in he leaves the room and subsequently resets the puzzle Paul selects a new pattern the video cuts forward and Paul deduces that he's supposed to wait out the earthquake Paul enters a bedroom the carpet has a pattern with teddy bears ps1 controllers and stars there's a magic 8-ball on the table along with a red mouth car there's a shadowy figure sitting on the bed it's completely still the pad Paul previously selected is shown on a cabinet above the table Paul explores the room and finds nothing much of note he leaves selects a new pattern and enters the bedroom again this time the carpet pattern contains clown faces and flowers there's a Rubik's Cube on the table and a cute little PEZ dispenser with a teddy bear head on the top Paul figures that the room variations are generated in some way based on the different sorts of patterns he selects in the puzzle but there's a catch with each subsequent pattern selection Paul has to wait a considerable amount of time before he's able to enter the bedroom generated by the game so he's only able to show us a few different variations Paul shows us a green bedroom with a gameboy and again a model car on the table along with a new carpet pattern this one exclusively features ps1 controllers he shows us another variation a bedroom with a purplish hue the room features a bottle of play-doh and again a Rubik's Cube on the table the carpet features a series of orange circles and triangular shapes as well as the same teddy bear face we've seen previously footnote you might be wondering what's going on with all the Rubik's cubes teddy bears game controllers and model cars well I think two major thematic motifs are starting to take shape childhood and puzzles back to the game Paul calls to mind the face pattern on the gravestone the one belonging to Michael Hammond he enters that same pattern on the canvas and goes into the resulting bedroom the product is a room tinted in red the carpet has a pattern containing that familiar clown face a pair of glasses and a few other shapes notably there is no figure on the bed this time there's also a pair of tweezers on the table though Paul can't seem to identify it in addition the table has another more conspicuous item it's a miniaturized version of that same object previously depicted in the drawings the very same object that prompted Paul to ask a question in video 2 Paul enters another pattern the one previously seen on the brick link next to the tombstone he gets a message Kerr is missing you may visit her room this pattern generates a room avoid of color save for the very same pointed object on the as well as a set of crayons the carpet has a pattern with daisies and paint rollers again there's no figure sitting on the bed this time and there's a rather disconcerting note on the wall it reads as follows your wife says care isn't growing eyebrows note that the word care is in yellow you say that's a puzzle note that the word puzzle is in green and the text is fluttering you're secretly very excited to hear this news you're in the bathtub thinking about her I have a guess at which child you'll pick next when you find a room the passage to my right will lead to her she'll appear from the darkness limping and I'll shoot her in the head what am i reading paul asks tiara says young people can be psychologically damaged quote beyond rebirthing the words tiara and also rebirthing are in purple and the purple text is fluttering a young person walks into your school building they walk in with you you're holding their hands they come up crying into their hands because nobody will love them not ever again nobody loves me note that this text is in yellow they wander the new maker plane ok so Paul is clearly confused about this note but he recalls the note that he received along with the game the one that said for you Paul speculates that the you in the first note is the very same you in this note Paul wonders if the game was perhaps intended for someone specifically but he assures the viewer that it wasn't meant for him personally Paul then continues exploring another part of the game but finds that the space is entirely blank he walks off the screen for a bit and then comes back into frame and that's the end of video 3 one final important point that I want to hit in this first video is that pets cap works in some ways as a meta-narrative that is to say it can be seen as a story about stories on the surface level pets cap is a story about a kid who receives a mysterious game and gradually becomes ensnared by it but on another level pets cap is about how the medium of a store can be used to subvert certain tropes and illuminate the human condition in ways that other mediums can't particularly pets cop works to illuminate the lived experience of an abused child I mean that should be fairly obvious at this point but the meta-narrative aspect is important because stories are how we make sense of the world now let's discuss the meaning of the name pets cow this is an oddly specific jumbling of words so I'm thinking there's some deeper significance here but then again you could say that about pretty much anything pets cop related this is going to be an ISO Tareq and somewhat discursive point but I think it's one worth exploring it's been suggested that the name pets cop is a portmanteau of two certain words we'll get into that in a minute but first for reference a portmanteau is a linguistic blending of words essentially it's a word that combines both the sounds and the meanings of two other distinct words for instance the term motel is a combination of the words motor and hotel which makes sense considering that a motel is essentially a hotel designed specifically for motorists interestingly the term creepypasta is itself a portmanteau serving as a plan the term copypasta which is itself a portmanteau of the terms copy and paste is this confusing enough for you yet my underlying point is that this playful yet ominous wordplay seems to have some kind of thematic significance in Pat Scott if we consider the term pets cop as an artistic combination of both sounds and meanings we just might be able to gleam some basic understanding of where all this is going now that's a big if but stay with me here there are two elements we need to discuss so we know the word pet refers to a domesticated animal like a cat or a dog that one's pretty clear though what's not clear is what the word pet actually means in the context of the name pet Scott but I digress for now let's focus on the old English word Scott because this is one that is a little more complicated according to a history of oral interpretation the word Scop is an old which term used to refer to a certain kind of poet ass cop was typically attached to a specific court in the same way we might think of a court jester serving at the pleasure of a particular King it seems to me that the medium is rather important in this context ass cop is thought to have relayed their poetry through the oral tradition it is said that they often recited recognizable stories such as that of old pagan legends originating from Germanic tribes but they also composed their own original works depending on what the situation called for for instance a Scot might have composed a eulogy to pay tribute to their deceased master but importantly there's some contention about the historical accuracy of this term and the way it's used professor Seth Lehrer suggests that perhaps the distinctly oral quality of Old English poetry was itself a kind of fiction perhaps the anglo-saxon oral poet this so-called scoff that is the point of our discussion never really existed in the first place yes there is an oral quality to certain works Beowulf being the most well-known among them but there's not much in the way of historical evidence that would indicate that poets actually relayed their stories in this way the term could have just been a literary device one that allowed poetry of the time to give the impression of orality and performance or at least professor Lehrer thinks that's a possibility this web series is a kind of video manifestation of the creepypasta genre moreover it's a kind of theatrical fictional iteration of the let's play format so with this in mind recall the contention over the term Scott and further recall the argument that perhaps the so-called Scott was merely a literary device to give poetic works the impression of virality this I think might just be the function of the term Scott in relation to the title of this web series think of pets cops format in the same way the let's play format is just a conduit through which the story is being told the medium is one that many from our generation are familiar with it's a modern narrative device used to give the impression of immediacy and given the tone of pet Scott it's even endowed with a sense of poignancy and think of Paul in the same way I believe that he too is merely a conduit and this will become more and more apparent as the story unfolds I believe the series itself serves as a meta commentary on the creepypasta genre and the let's play style of vlogging as we get deeper and deeper into it we'll see that there's a kind of archetypal path laid out for Paul in the narrative and due to the format it's one that we two must reluctantly traverse along with him over the course of the next month or so I'll be releasing subsequent installments relating to the pet scape webseries in the next video I'll be discussing Paul's scientific outlook and how it relates to the broader themes of the series I'll also be getting a bit into the character design in the meantime I want you to think about something think back to the subject of Professor Michael Hammonds paper optimality theory and pro city think about how the rhythm of poetry might be a kind of metaphor that we can use to understand pet Scot after all things seem to relate to one another in a way that can be said to rhyme in a narrative sense moreover recall this idea of conflicting constraints in relation to optimality theory and think about how that could possibly relate to the game mechanics of pet Scot alright that wraps it up for this installment of nightmare masterclass thanks for watching and good night [Music]
Channel: Nightmare Masterclass
Views: 323,628
Rating: 4.8954716 out of 5
Keywords: petscop, creepypasta, petscop theory, petscop analysis, nightmare masterclass, paul, ARG, petscop investigation, care, nobody loves me, toneth, randice, roneth, let's play, gameplay, gaming, video game, /r/petcop, petscop interpretation, tool, PS1, playstation, Garalina, good grief and alas, Daisy-Head Mayzie, linguistics, prosody, optimality theory, michael hammond, rubik's cube, gameboy, creepy, copypasta, portmanteau, lets play, walk through, critical analysis, 1997, friday the 13th, puzzle
Id: Crvn5-LOUFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
Reddit Comments

Needs to tone down the self-indulgent editing and make it more concise. The intro alone was over a minute. Oof.

EDIT: For those seeing this comment down the line, watch it and enjoy it. It's a good summary of the first half of Petscop.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Lessiarty 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2017 🗫︎ replies

Very beautifully done. I was waiting for some more discussion on semantics and the structure and editing is absolutely amazing. Curious where you're heading with this! :)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/_Waves_ 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2017 🗫︎ replies
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