The Person of the Holy Spirit | Benny Hinn in Ghana

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[Music] surrender to your [Applause] [Music] highing Walking In Your Love Jesus I [Music] adore give us ears to hear the voice of the spirit give us understanding and depth remove all the obstacles and distractions out of our hearts and Minds we give you all the glory blessed holy Spirit welcome in this place touch our hearts a new make Jesus more real than ever deep in our walk with the Lord in Jesus name God's people said amen you may be seated I want to talk to you tonight about the person of the holy spirit for I believe when we capture and receive this truth it'll change our life thank you Jim when people think about the Holy Spirit as power or influence they see him wrongly he is a person when people see him as power then they want to use him when they seem as a person then they'll cry Lord use me for a long time I did not know the Holy Spirit as a person I saw him wrong because our our the the the church I attended when I was young focused on the power and manifestations and frankly we saw almost none of those manifestations it was sad that people in the church I had attended when I was young could not even recognize a true anointing one young man who was a a part of our fellowship group we had a group that would meet Friday night St Matthew's Fellowship we called it and the young people would sit on the floor and play guitars and tambourines and Worship the Lord was precious but we all knew that that young man had a demon he was always troubled mentally and would always tremble in a very strange way during the fellowship meetings and we would pray for him that the Lord would help him but not you know we did not know know much we had most of us were just newly born again and we did not know much about the Demonic and the part of God but we we all knew that young man was very troubled when I went to Katherine kumman I took him with us one time and he was so afraid to come into that building we kept him as long as we could at the door and as the doors open he ran away frightened and I never saw him since but during one of the meetings in church prior to that experience when I took him with us on the bus to a Catherine kumman service believing God would set him free because they when when I went to Katherine's meetings I saw True Deliverance the power of God was real in our church we had noise in her meetings there was power I remember a lady coming on the platform in in her service at First Presbyterian Church who was so oppressed by demons her eyes were glassy and and you could see on her face she was bound by devils and Catherine in a beautiful way just spoke and said come out in Jesus name on the platform and that woman crumbled just crumbled by that to the floor and when she came up her face was shining tears flowing down her face and Katherine looked at the crowd and said that's the way Jesus did it it was a powerful moment for me and so I had taken we took some of us went on that bus I had some of the young people with us from church on the bus and that young man we took him there he drove with us all the way on the bus 7 hours and we would all believing God would set him free that morning and that poor fell as the doors began to open he was trembling violently demons were were were holding him you could see he was not natural it was not the Holy Spirit and he he and he began to make sounds with his mouth and he began to uh uh like bite his teeth and stuff like that and he ran away and I never seen him since but in one of the meetings prior to that at church he began shaking again and all of us kids from the fellowship knew that was a devil not the Holy Spirit but the crowd around him wanted to take some of that anointing they thought on them and it was so sad watching people in church rubbing him and doing this to themselves how sad you see how people don't understand who the Holy Ghost is where where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty from the Demonic it was December 21st 1973 50 years ago a few days ago 50 years on the 21st of 2023 December 21st was only a few days ago was 50 years to the day when I met the holy ghost in her meeting and I will never forget schum and ministering tremendous Miracles happening and suddenly she stood and began to weep and she put her head down on her arm and began to sob with pain you can hear her the the pain in in in in in her in her cry and now she looked up at the crowd and her face was beaming with power red red red face show on fire almost and she began to beg the crowd not to grieve the Holy Spirit I never heard anyone say that in any church and then she said this he's all I have he's all I got those words are with me till the day God takes me home he all I have is all I got and I'm glued to every word watching her face beaming with glory and the tears falling that she said those words and then she said he's more real to me than you and a Cry came within My Heart Lord to know you like this I cried Lord I want to know you like this we went home that day 7 hour drive to to Canada to Toronto Canada physically I was tired now I felt someone pulling me to pray I was already in bed I felt someone pulling me to my knees and as I got on my knees I out of my lips I I heard myself say holy spirit and I didn't know whether I'm supposed to talk to him no one had told me I could but I said to myself if I'm wrong the Lord will correct me and then I said holy spirit Catherine kumman said said you're her friend now Catherine didn't say those words she just said he's all I have he's all I got he's more real to me than you but I understood that she knew him and I said Katherine said you're a friend can I know you and a few minutes went by nothing happened but suddenly it was like a a blanket came around me I had my eyes closed and I sense such an atmosphere of beauty and glory in my room and I was literally I felt like someone was holding me and I thought to myself or I had died and gone to heaven or I'm back in Pittsburgh because that's what I felt in the service but I opened my eyes and no one was there that I could see and that began a year of visitations in my life the next morning I open my eyes without thinking of what I'd say and all I could say and all I heard myself say good morning Holy Spirit and his presence came again and for a whole year it did not leave I felt like I was walking uh surrounded by a blanket of power and love and that was the beginning but I'll never forget that same morning the 22nd of December of 73 that morning I said I looked up and I said would you please tell me who you are and I heard someone I heard someone say turn to First Corinthians chapter 2 and I did that was the first time I ever saw this verse like I saw that morning I'm sure I had read it before but it just never made sense till that morning and I read the verse verse 9 as it is written I had not seen 1 Corinthians 2:9 Nor Ear heard now that have entered into the heart of men the things which God ha prepared for them that love him then verse 10 came alive it jumped out of the page but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things ye the Deep things of God and it continued this life was in these words that morning for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god and what came so alive for me that morning are these words that we might know the things that are freely given to us and suddenly the whole picture cleared up CU I said who are you please tell me and I saw he is the spirit of God that knows God more than anyone knows his depth and he wants me to know what he has found and then I said tell me about God the father that's how it started because when I read that scripture it made it very clear that he searches the depth of God and reveals it to us freely and I asked him please tell me more I want to know more about God Almighty and that's how the journey began day after day and I'm going to share with you here tonight the scriptures that I saw that came alive in my life that I had read pray but did not fully understand them because I began to understand the holy spirit is not an it he is a person and then it was not that same day but a few days later I began reading every scripture I could find about the Holy Spirit to to see who is he and I saw John 14 verse 16 and 177 where the Lord says and I will pray the father he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you now I want to show you something come with me when you and I get saved the Holy Spirit immediately is with us not only in us with us and I did not know he was there I was saved 1972 February February 1472 that whole year I did not know that he was walking with me everywhere I went I did not recognize him I did not pay attention to that fact so let's take a walk come on so everywhere I went he came with me but I did not recognize him I did not even acknowledge him so I went to school he came with me I went to the store he came with me I went to church he came with me and he's waiting all all the time to be acknowledged that's how some of you are and it went on and every day he was there now if I may add he began to walk with me even before salvation to convict me that I need Jesus he was there all the time before salvation he comes for Jesus said he will convict you of your sin so think about someone like him who's been there not just since 72 because when those young people were there at school telling about Jesus he was the one that is that was using them to convict me I didn't pay attention to him so he or he's been there probably from around 19 70 because that's what I began to go to George vaner and now I'm ignoring him I didn't know nobody told I could talk to him before salvation and after salvation but before I got saved something marvelous happened it was he who used every occasion and mean and people and so forth to bring me to the knowledge of the Lord and one day I go to see a lady named Katherine kumman but he's been there all all the time the Holy Ghost has been there all the time but I never acknowledged him even though he he introduced me to the Son of God I never acknowledged him I thought he was tongues I thought he was an emotion I thought he was a vibration not a person where you don't talk to tongues yeah you don't talk to feelings you don't talk to vibrations and whatever else you talk to a person but I did not know him as a person I thought he was only there as a power uhhuh because you don't talk to power you talk to a person so I'm in a service and and he's with me in the service he's been with me ever since those kids in school came at me he's the one who sent them anyways and one day this this lady said the holy spirit that she knew the Holy Spirit I said you can know the holy spirit so that night I turned to him and for the first time I addressed him PR to that I said father oh dear Jesus but I ignored him and I didn't understand that he was the one that Jesus sent to take his place on Earth imagine if Jesus was with you after he had risen from the dead if he physically came to live with you You' at least acknowledge Him I have news for you he does live with you through his spirit and one day Miss scin said the Holy Spirit and I thought oh I can talk to him so I turned around and I said Holy Spirit she said you're her friend can I know you and finally I heard him say turn to First Corinthians 2 so you'll see who I am but then I saw this I saw that Jesus will give me another comforter to take his place and I'm thinking wait a minute Jesus is not in my heart he's in heaven he hasn't left the throne yet I've been saying all all along Jesus is in my heart Jesus is in my heart true but physically he did not leave the throne he ascended on high he sat at the right hand of the father and still is seated so the one in my heart whom I call Jesus is the Holy Ghost who is he Jesus without limit that's who he is as an Billy Graham's daughter said Jesus without skin I like that too he's Jesus without skin and I realized he's the one who's been there all the time keeping me for that moment protecting me from from harm even when I was a child and now finally we become friends and I begin to discover over and over how much I need him because Jesus said he's the spirit of truth that the world cannot receive meaning I'm special to have him I am very important to God because the world cannot have him but I can he is not walking with anyone who who is not a child of God he's not walking with anyone who who's not predestined to be a child of God he's not convicting some people because they're not in the Book of Life W people don't get saved unless they're already in the book that's what predestination means God has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be his so when God wrote the names of every saint in his book it was written before the foundation of the world because Jesus said to his disciples don't Rejoice that you have power over Devils Rejoice that your names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and at that time they were not saved when Jesus spoke those words they were not saved he said don't Rejoice you have power over Devils Rejoice your names are written in the book of life so God convicts only the those who are in the book no one outside the book is convicted that's I'm giving you the Bible if you don't believe me check it out if I say something and the Bible says something different I am wrong and the Bible is right I'm going to say it again if I say something tonight and the Bible says something else I am wrong and the Bible is right the Bible is is always right and the Bible says that we were chosen in him before the foundation of the world to be his and to be holy and to be blameless before him in love that's our position not our condition our condition we know what our condition is and we don't like it but the way God sees us is the position he has given us in Christ Jesus and what he has begun he'll finish now the Holy Spirit does not convict anyone who is not in the book so and he will not give you a burden to pray for anyone who's not in the book meaning if God gives you a burden to pray for someone they will get saved because they're in the book you see those young people came after me because I was in the book they wouldn't give up every day would say come Jesus loves you come to church and I ignore them for over a year only people in the book God will go only after his sheep he said to Paul the the Apostle when he went to Corinth he said I have much people in the city he said I have many people in the city they're already in the book so you stay and find them remember it's in the Bible I have much people in this city that's right now the Holy Spirit the Bible says come come I want to show you this it says we know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you meaning you know me already I am Jes Jesus I'm with you and I will be in you so I will not leave you as orphans I will come to you and I began to see these scriptures that just came alive and then I saw this remarkable scripture in John 16 verse 7 and verse 8 well the Lord said nevertheless I tell you it's better I tell you the truth it is better it's more exper for you that I go away because if I don't go away the comforter will not come but if I depart I will send him to you and then I began to see how the apostles knew Jesus better after he left they knew more about Jesus after he left than while he was there because while he was with them he was limited and when he would speak to them they wondered what what he meant when he talked about the cross they did not understand Peter rebuked him for talking about that when he talked about the Resurrection coming down from the from the Mount of transf transfiguration after they saw the glory think Peter James and John saw the glory of God heard the voice of God saw Elijah and Moses and Jesus now tells them about the resurrection and they're walking behind him saying what did he mean what was he talking about because they were blinded without the Holy Ghost we can't see it even if Jesus is there telling us think about Jesus is there glorified the father's voice is clearly heard they see the very blessed glory of God and yet they were blinded because the Holy Ghost wasn't there to open their eyes without the Holy Spirit people are blinded they have no knowledge they can listen to the Bible over and over they'll never get it without the Holy Ghost and look what else it says he says how be it when he the spirit of truth will come he'll guide you into all truth these scriptures came alive in my life in the 70s he will guide you into all truth he will not speak of himself whatever he will hear in heaven and hear from God the Father and Son he will show you he'll speak and he'll show you things to come and he shall glorify me now I had an experience one day The Fellowship of the Holy Ghost was just beyond beautiful it's it's hard for me today to explain what it was like in my bedroom my brother Willie was afraid to come in he and I share the same room he slept on the couch downstairs because he was afraid to walk in the glory of God was lit now I'm not boasting I'm being truthful I would shut the lights and there would be light in my room literally like brightness in my room while the lights were off and I always shut the lights I didn't talk to him without the lights off because when the lights came off my my room was brighter it it actually brightened up people may think I'm lying that's the problem I'm telling you the facts Angels appeared in my room staring at me not saying a word just puzzled they give me the feeling like why is God bothered with this man when they would look at me was like they didn't understand why God would choose me they they had a puzzled look on their face not one of them smiled not one of them talked to me they just looked at me with a puzzled look I can tell you the fact and anyone who tells you that Angels come to have tea with them they're lying Angels do not socialize with human beings they come to do a job and leave all those Angelic visitations you hear about books written it's only about money just about money Angels Are Holy and they come for a season for a reason and they leave and they don't eat with your socialize that's not what the Bible says for the Bible says clearly are they not min ministering spirits send for the Saints the angel of the of the Lord is around you to protect you not to have tea with you sorry I've I've lived too long I've been in the industry way longer than most people if you don't agree with me that's your problem because the minute you see them as friends you'll disrespect them the you talk about them being buddies to socialize with you you will lose the awe you'll lose the a how many are listening put your hands up high yeah but here's something else I saw one day that was also I'm I'm I'm going to send you to your seat in in in in in a second but like you know it it I believe it's it's helping him too oh yeah is this blessing you that's why you were crying and the day came when I realized not only can I talk to him but he's exciting not a dull moment with him so one day I'm in my room and I'm just having the most glorious time just the most glorious time and suddenly I said oh blessed Holy Spirit and I began to glorify him and to Magnify Him and he left like just like that he left the room and I began crying I said please why did you leave and a few minutes later he came back and literally I felt someone touch my arm like this he said it's about Jesus it's about Jesus and I learned and I remembered he shall glorify me anyone who forgets Jesus is making a big mistake the holy spirit is sold on Jesus and you know people who are filled with the Holy Ghost because they are sold on Jesus are you listening the Holy Ghost is all about Jesus he's not about himself people who talk about the Holy Spirit too much and all the time and forget Jesus that's not biblical because if you're really filled with the holy spirit it's all about Jesus that's it he shall glorify me and he needs our fellowship I was in England with the group Shina 1974 summer of 74 we stayed in homes of wamers people from wwam we sit in our lovely home and they took with there was 63 young people and three would go to each house sometimes a little more and I was with some of the young people in that home in the room praying having the most glorious time and I hear the lady of the house who had prepared a a beautiful breakfast Benny breakfast is ready come on down but I'm having the most glorious time Benny can you hear me up there and I could hear her of course and I said I got to go but I promise I'll come right back and I literally heard him say just a few more minutes now that happened to me and I'm thinking he needs me that much he is that lovely to want me and I ate breakfast I ran right up I said did I miss anything Lord did I miss anything it happened again one time when Jim ponter came to take me to the service Jim was a wonderful saint of God that affected my life a freem Methodist Minister who used to go and sing and preach he was a short man but played the accordion beautifully he taught me all the hymns all the hymns I know today he would sing them to me with tears running down his cheeks that prous man so he came to pick me up because he was going to preach in a little church in the country in Canada up there outside Toronto and he was waiting and I could hear him you know honking on the horn you know and and same thing happened I was in fellowship with the with the Holy Spirit and and I said I got to go I please I got to go because Jim was just and I left the room and I get in the car and Jim begins to weep and and now he's he isn't moving and he starts oh Hallelujah and he starts worshiping that's said Jim are you okay he said when you walked in the Lord walked in with you and he's he's crying now worshiping the Lord and he forgot all about his meeting I said well we got to go and there was a there was a speaker there that night he was a little dry I must say but but wait wait wait Jim was playing he played the organ and sang and then they had the guest speaker this little Country Church no more than maybe 50 people there I'm sitting with Jim on the front row and I'm beaming I'm beaming and the and the guest speaker comes down and he says young man I don't know who you are but he said you pulled it right out of me I said why he said nobody was paying attention he said the he said the joy of the Lord on your face kept me preaching because that's what happens people see the the the the presence of God in us how many of you want to walk like that put your hands up high well this is your night yes I believe you're going to go home get to your bedroom and meet the Holy Ghost [Applause] yes but he's a person now look I have been many times to a funeral home looking at a dead body of somebody you could would say that dead body is a person they're not a person because the person left you cannot call a body of a dead somebody a person they're just a shell they're the house of the person who used to live there I like to say it's the Earth suit but the man is gone the woman is gone no the Holy Spirit doesn't have a body because we are his body but he is a person what makes a person three things number one intellect number two will number three emotions a person thinks it's what they think a person wants what they want and a person feels emotions the Holy Spirit has intellect because the Bible says he searcheth the Deep things of God what intellect in in the Book of Romans 8:27 it says he has a mind he has intellect for it says in scripture and he that search of the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit he has a mind Jim come sit over there next to Pastor Dan with your microphone I'm going to give you a script just to read to help me go a little faster he has a will 1 Corinthians 12:11 let's go with the with the scripture on the on the screen it says what it says but all these work at that one and self Same Spirit dividing to every man as he will he has a will and he also has emotions in Romans 15 verse3 it talks about the love of the spirit what Paul says to the church to pray he says I beseech you brethren for the Lord Jesus and For the Love of the spirit we all know God the Father loves us and sent his son we know Jesus loves us and loved us and loves us to die for us but do we also remember that it's the holy spirit's love that Drew us to the lord it's the it's the love of the holy spirit that can convicted us that is keeping us right now that has made Jesus more real to us than than our our our own life think about the fact 2,000 years ago the crowd saw him but he was not real to them the crowd saw him they did not love him today we have not seen him yet we know him and love him how is that possible by the spirit how can someone be more real to you than your mother whom you've never seen more real to you than your friends more real to you than your own skin Jesus is real how many of you say Jesus is real in your life put who made him real the Holy Ghost how many of you love him with all your hearts who gave you that love the holy spirit for it says having not seen him yet we love him because he is the Holy Spirit Spirit now let's go please to Isaiah 6 Jim going to read Isaiah 6 verse 8910 and dear Pastor Dan you're going to read the book of Acts ver chapter 28 25 through 27 he is God Almighty he is not it he is God equal to the father equal to the son yet met a different person don't try to understand that your minds are too small to comprehend God we are limited mentally to know God don't try to understand the Trinity you won't understand the Trinity for he is God because if you understood him you have brought brought him down to your level if you understood him you'll stop worshiping him this is one thing we don't understand but one day we'll know as we are known but we do know from scripture one God not three Gods one God three persons say one God not three gods one God say the Lord Our God the Lord is one simple and the Bible says clearly here o Israel sh Israel the Lord our godon the Lord Our God the Lord is one one God three persons father son son Holy Spirit and the Bible makes it clear that the holy spirit is third mentioned third because of his work it is the father it is the father who sent his son it is Jesus who came and died on the cross it's the Holy Ghost who reveals him so we receive of the father not from of the father say of the father say again we receive of the father yeah that's what it means when Jesus said receive of me you cannot receive from God you receive of God come I'm going to show you this Jim so Jesus said and the father says I am life so if you want life you receive of him you receive him not from him so if you want life you take the whole person if you want healing you take the whole person you want salvation you have to take the whole person you cannot walk away no you you are of him not from him so give me your Bible there there hold your Bible so the Lord says I am and he gives us life we take his life okay he is life we cannot receive without receiving him whether it's healing or Miracles he is say he is he is for but he said I am he didn't say I have he said I am he didn't say I have bread he said I'm the bread he didn't say I have water he said I am the Water of Life he didn't say I have a map he said I'm the way he didn't say I have a light he said I'm the light of the world if you're hungry he doesn't say I have bread he says I'm the bread you're thirsty is the water if you need if you need peace he says I am peace I'm the Prince of Peace if you're dead he says I am the resurrection and the life he is he doesn't have he is Satan has Jesus is now remember if you have it means someone gave it to you if you have it means it had a beginning if you have it has an end Satan never said I am he said I have which means he has a beginning and he will have an end but Jesus said I am the beginning I am the end I am the alpha I am the Omega I am the bread of life the Water of Life resurrection and and the life I'm the way I'm the truth I'm the life I am take your seat Well Jesus is now look when Mary gave birth to the Son of God hear me she did not hold the baby the baby was holding her cuz in him we live in him we move and in him we have our being look at that I love invite me back to Ghana I'm loving this the cross did not hold him he held the cross the nails didn't hold him he have the nails and how can the grave hold the one that's holding [Applause] it how can the grave hold the one that's holding the grave how can death hold life that's why he destroyed death take your seats he is because he walked on water listen to me the didn't hold him he was holding the water that's why he could walk on it and it is the Holy Spirit who Reveals All that to us so he is God the Holy Ghost is God Almighty equal to the father equal to the son so it says in Isaiah 6 8 n 10 please Jim also I heard the voice of the Lord saying who shall I send and who will go for us then said I here am I send me and he it's the Lord who said the Lord keep going Jim and he said go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not and see ye indeed but perceive not make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear hear with their ears and understand with their hearts all right now let's go to the book of Acts 28 now we just read those wonderful words in Isaiah where the Lord spoke to Isaiah and Paul said in verse 25 and when they agreed not among themselves they departed after that Paul had spoken one word so well speak the Holy Ghost by Isaiah is Isaiah says the Lord spoke and Paul said the Holy Ghost spoke the same scripture why because he is Jehovah he is God Almighty you put Isaiah 6 and acts 28 you see it's the same God called the Holy Ghost he is God Almighty yes Lord and the Bible tells us he is omnipresent look at Psalm please 1397 8 n God Almighty the Holy Ghost who omnipresent please Jim no you did it for me there preacher Psalm 139 verse 789 whe shall I go from th that's why I like whe shall I go from thy SP that's why I love the way you or wither shall I flee from thy presence if I Ascend up into heaven Thou Art there yeah if I make my bed in hell behold Thou Art there keep going if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there shall thy hand lead me he said where shall I flee from your spirit where will I go why do you speak in tongues while I'm preaching what where shall I but I love it don't change don't change don't change you can speak in tongues oh all you want with your yellow shirt and gray suit I don't care where shall I flee from your spirit the Holy Ghost is omnipresent but look what also it says in 1 Corinthians 2:10 please Captain Dan read for me First Corinthians 2:10 and then you're going to read Isaiah 40 13:14 but let's go but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yay the Deep things of God you can see that all the way back there with pleasure you have marvelous sight than now let's go to Isaiah 40 but you see the omniscient he knows the very depth of God that's incredible knowledge now look at Isaiah chapter 40 13:14 Dan let's go who has erected the spirit of the Lord or being his counselor hath taught him who hath known with whom read wait wait read that again who who have directed The Spirit of the Lord or being his counselor have taught him that's right I keep going with whom took he counsel and who instructed him and taught him in the path of judgment and taught him knowledge and showed to him the way of understanding keep going behold the nations are as a drop of a bu before him the Nations before the Holy Ghost are like a drop in a bucket before the Holy Ghost who has known the mind of the Holy Holy Spirit who hath known the ways of the spirit it says it is the Holy Ghost it's talking about in Isaiah 40 because he is Jehovah God Almighty keep reading give me the bucket keep going behold the nations are as a drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the balances behold he taketh up the aisles as a little little thing keep going and Lebanon is not sufficient to burn means means all the animals in Lebanon are not enough as sacrifices keep going no the Beast thereof sufficient for a burnt offering keep going all nations before him are as nothing and they are less than nothing and they are counted to him less than nothing and vanity who is that talking about there the Holy Ghost God almighty God the the Holy Spirit yes yes yes and in in Luke 1:35 he is called the spirit of the highest the power of the highest he is the power of the Trinity he is the power of the Trinity God spoke it Jesus did it and the Holy Ghost is the power behind it he is the power of the godhead tonight you came into this building someone said turn the lights on someone turned the switch but the power came from what the generator yeah the father said turn the lights on Jesus put the switch up the Holy Ghost is the generator he is the power of almighty God he is the generator of Heaven he's the part of God he is so mighty that he took God and turn him into a seed think about that he is so mighty that he turned God into a seed and put that seed in the womb of a virgin and the angel said that Holy thing within thee is the Son of God he is called the child of the Holy Ghost if if the Holy Spirit can turn God into a seed think what he can do with you he took the Lord God who inhabits the heavens and earth who is the I am who's who has no beginning and no end the heavens of Heavens cannot contain him he took him and turn him into a little seed in the womb of a little young lady named Mary from Nazareth yeah yeah born in Bethlehem he is from from Everlasting to Everlasting Hallelujah ladies and gentlemen lift your hands and thank God for the Holy Ghost thank God for the Blessed blessed Holy Spirit look at verse two Micah 52 come on read that for me Micah 5 th Bethlehem though thou be little among the thousands of Jew Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler Israel who going forth have been from old from Everlasting my how about Isaiah 96 my brother For unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given get on that instument and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor the mighty God the Everlasting father the Prince of Peace that child is God that son is God it's the Holy Ghost Who Came Upon Mary the Virgin and conceived God in the body of Jesus Christ yes yes yes yes in the person of Jesus Christ God In the Flesh by the power of the holy ghost ghost it was the Holy Spirit who took God turn him into a seed in the womb of a woman who became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the power of the Holy Ghost unto us a child is born Jim from handle's Messiah Jim if you don't know it don't worry about it the coming all right just wait a minute take take your seats I got to keep I got to keep teaching the coming of the somebody can can somebody please shout hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah it's not by might it's not by power by my spirit sayith the Lord of [Music] hosts next to the coming of the Lord to Earth the coming of the Holy Spirit occupies the second highest importance in the Bible because Jesus came to give us life yet it is the holy spirit that executes it that administers it that gives us the benefits of the life Jesus is yeah Jesus is life but we would not know him without the Holy Spirit he's called the spirit of Life Hallelujah I said Hallelujah we would not know the the the Plan of Redemption without him he's made Jesus more real than our skin and our life sit down all of you he's the one who created The World God Almighty the spirit of of God moved upon the face of the waters and God spoke into the breath now hear me well a lot of people today confess the word the word of God was not spoken till the spirit moved for the spirit moved and then God said let there be light he spoke into the spirit's move people that confess without the spirit speaking and moving in them will see no results you can say I'm Healed till you're dead cuz you won't be healed you you you can confess scripture and it's all dead for there's no wind behind it there's no wind behind it without the breath nobody can even hear you God did not say read my lips he said hear my voice you can't hear a voice without breath behind it the Holy Ghost is the breath of God's voice he the Breath of God are you listening to me God never said read my lips we need the breath to hear his voice and the breath is called the Holy Ghost without the breath there's no delivery imagine if I was now moving my lips nobody would even would understand the thing I said how how would you even hear me if I hope but I'm not there's no breath he is the Breath of God it's the breath that carries the voice of God the breath that carries his word to your heart and God spoke through the breath the spirit of God moved in God said let there be light when God speaks he always speaks through the spirit and so it says in job 26:13 read that for us take your seats please I love it when you're standing out excited I love Ghana yes yes thank you go go go job 26 please by his Spirit Heath garnished by his Spirit by his Spirit CU it says in Genesis 1:2 the spirit moved upon the face of the waters and then God spoke and N job said what by his by his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens that's right his hand hath formed the Crooked serpent that because he is the Creator and job 33:4 the holy spirit is here the Creator the spirit of God hath made me the breath of the almighty has given me life yes now now now I'm gonna I'm going to do something come here Dan come here come come come come come Dan come brother Dan blow wait wait wait blow and blow till you can't blow now that was a bad 10 seconds the Breath of God is [Applause] Everlasting he doesn't stop blowing upon your life he doesn't stop releasing the breath upon your mind and your heart and your body and your future in his breath there is life eternal that's why the word has no end God's word has no end because the breath carries it eternally so your breath my breath can only last what 10 seconds the bigger you are maybe a few more seconds the smaller you are like Jim and I may be 5 seconds but God's breath is eternal it never stops breathe he never stops breathe breathing on you when he breathed upon man he became flesh Jesus came and breathed upon the apostles they were born again and the breath came again on the day of Pentecost Like A Mighty Wind I have RS for you the breath is here tonight in arra his name is the Holy Ghost that's why I say breathe upon Me Breath of God earlier play it again give me a good highkey please is he is the breath of almighty God breathe upon Me Breath of God whoa breathe upon me come on tell him Spirit of the Lord as I lift my hands and surrender to your name most high I'm healing healing across to your spirit I'm in [Music] your and we adore because of the bre [Music] [Music] you Holy Name take a seats it's the Holy Ghost according to Psalm 10430 that renews the face of the world the holy spirit is the one he's the one now he turned to Zechariah there quickly there my brother I'm feeling fire in my soul right now would you read for me Zechariah 12 vers1 please then let's go the burden of the word of the Lord for Israel sayeth the Lord which stretcheth forth the heavens and layeth the foundations of the earth and formed the spirit of man within him stop he formed the spirit of man within within him that's why Dan that's why saints of God your spirit cannot die yeah because the holy spirit is the one one who formed your spirit read that again Captain Dan read that again of the word of the Lord for Israel sayith the Lord which stretches forth the heavens and layeth the foundations of the earth and forth the spirit of man within him that's why the spirit of man goes upward uhuh and animals go downward the spirit cannot die for God formed it within you and when you read Ecclesiastes 12:7 look what it says then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God you cannot die stop fearing death your spirit walks out of your body you know if God decides tonight to take me home don't try to resurrect me because I will walk out of my body and I will look at it laying there still and I will see you all and hear you all and I will fly away that day is coming with all of us all of us you are going to come out right of that suit the yellow shirt will stay behind and the suit will stay behind and the shoes will stay behind and the socks will stay behind and that's right and the towel will stay behind but God will give you a new robe as you come out of that body white shining as the light Hallelujah Hallelujah lift your hands and thank him ladies and gentlemen I'm not done preaching yet I just want you to thank him that's all just just thank him for who he is take your seats Hallelujah and and he's the one who instructed the prophets of all he was there think about this the creator of all things I just showed you that he is the creator he's God Almighty but let me show you in the life of the prophets okay Jim get back here quickly with your mic Run come on Zechariah 712 come on Dan Zechariah 7:12 and Jim 2 Peter 1 120 and 21 first Zechariah 7:12 yay they made their hearts as an adamant Stone lest they should hear the law and the words which the Lord of host hath sent in his Spirit by the former prophets so who was speaking through the former Prophets The Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit and now you go to neamiah 9:30 please there Dan and Jim second Peter 1 120 and 21 Nehemiah 9:10 right after that let's go knowing this first that no Prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation keep going next verse for the prophecy came not in Old Time by the will of man but the holy men of God spake as they as they were moved by the so every word in the Old Testament was given by the Holy Ghost through the prophets how about neiah chapter n come on dear Dad yet many years did thou forbear them and testify Isaiah 48:16 for you keep going then one more time yet many years did thou forbear them and testifies against them by the spirit in thy prophets he was testifying against them by his Spirit through the prophets through Isaiah and through Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Daniel and Hosea and Joel it was the Holy Ghost speaking through the old testament's prophets and look at Isaiah please Jim let's read Isaiah 48:16 that says Come Ye near me hear ye this I have not spoken in secret from the beginning from the time that it was there am I and now the Lord God has sent me his Spirit has sent me this is Jesus talking that the spirit sent him read that again Jim here come here ye unto me hear ye this I have not spoken in secret from the beginning from the time that was where H am I because this is Messiah talking and he said what he said now the Lord God meaning the father and his Spirit has sent me how many are seen the Holy Ghost a lot clearer right now but in the life of Jesus in the life of Jesus let's go to Matthew 1:18 please Dan Jesus needed the Holy Ghost for there we see something powerful in Matthew 1:18 please now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph therefore they came together she was found with child of the Holy Ghost wait a minute it child of child of then the Holy Ghost is his father he is God I'm trying to show you he's God and the Bible tells us in Acts chapter 10 verse 38 Dan and then Mar uh in Matthew 41 please now God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power Luke 41 after that go ahead who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him he says we we we just read conceived by the Holy Ghost anointed by the Holy Ghost yes sir Jesus anointed by the spirit yes and now it says in Luke 4 verse1 Jim please and you're going to go to Luke 41 18:19 right after him go ahead and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit not only born not only anointed but led by the spirit led by the spirit okay now then how about same chapter verse 18 and verse 19 says what the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he have sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach Deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set in Liberty them that are it's the work of the Holy Ghost through Christ Jesus just read that again the spirit of the Lord is upon me because Heath anointed me to preach the gospel to the PO who was preaching the gospel the Holy Spirit ATO wait hold it who was preaching the gospel who was speaking through Christ Jesus the Holy Ghost yes keep going to preach the gospel to the poor he have sent me to heal the broken heart who was healing the broken hearted through Jesus the Holy Ghost keep going to preach Deliverance to the captives who was bringing Deliverance to the captives through Christ Jesus Holy Ghost keep going and recovering of sight to the blind the Holy Ghost where he is miracles happen it is the holy spirit Hebrews 9:14 please quickly there Dan it is the Holy Spirit who is eternal also Jesus offered himself through the eternal spirit read that for me how much more shall the the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God Purge your conscience from from dead Works to Ser Ser the Living God offered himself when he offered himself before the foundation of the world God the father had said son will you go and Jesus said father just a second he looked at the Holy Ghost and said for me to go I need you to go with me I need your power I need you to turn me into a man I will be a man I need you to anoint me guide and Lead Me and resurrect me from the dead and he came right on time at the in the River Jordan and baptized him and anointed him right on time fulfilling his promise to him it is the Holy Ghost Eternal Holy Ghost came upon the life of the Son of God and resurrected Jesus from the dead the very words he spoke in John 6 he said my words are Spirit my words are life meaning the scriptures he gave the sermons he preached were all by the spirit and then he rose from the dead let's go to Romans please then chapter 1 verse4 and then chapter 81 but look at chapter 1 verse4 and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of Holiness by the resurrection from the dead and when people say that Jesus is not the only way to heaven they don't know the Bible am my question to anyone who believes that Jesus is only one way is this who else was raised from the dead who else died and rose again no it's a lie there is listen here the Bible is clear it's not fact to say Jesus is one way to heaven because there is no other way but Christ he said I am the way I am the truth I am the life why because he died and rose again and that is the guarantee he is the Son of God my son Joshua came one day to me he said he said dad my friends want to know how come Jesus is the only with Heaven I said because you tell your friends he's the only one who died and rose again and that's what gives him the the the the that's why he's he's declared be the the you know the Son of God only one I said who else wrot you ask your friends who else dad arose he said it's a good answer so well you go tell your friend the resurrection qualifies him to be the savior of the world and Romans 8:11 says but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also Quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you now the Bible tells me in the book of Acts I want you to read for us acts 1 verse 1 and verse two that he gave the last instructions he gave he gave by the spirit now here is the resur the resurrected Lord giving last instructions still needing the Holy Ghost if Jesus needed the Holy Ghost after he rose how much more we need him before our Resurrection can I say it again yeah if Jesus needed the holy spirit before his resurrection and after his resurrection how much we need him now and after our Resurrection read that for me the former treaties have I made o Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and teach until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the Holy Ghost had given Commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen now here it's clear through the spirit he gave Commandments but something else people don't realize when he returns he'll need the Holy Ghost again because he will destroy an an Christ by his breath and who is his breath but the Holy Ghost how you and I need the Holy Ghost lift your hands say I need you bless the Lord and He is the Lord but the spirit is the Lord 2 Corinthians 3 says he is the Lord and where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty Hallelujah now the spirit is the Lord and where the spirit is there it is 2 Corinthians 3:17 the Lord is the spirit lift your hands say you are the Lord You Are God thank you for being here thank you for being with me and in me never leave me you're the one who makes Jesus real in my life never leave me never forsake me it is he that regenerates us John 33-6 it is he that baptizes us in one body 1 Corinthians 2 1 Corinthians 12 12 and 13 it is he that indwells US 1 Corinthians 3:16 it is he that seals us Ephesians 1:13 and 14 but i' like you to read Ephesians 3:16 it is the one he's the one who strengthens us within read that for me that he would Grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit and he's the one who infills us read Ephesians 5:18 please and be not drunk drun with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit now Dan my dad used to tell us kids when we would walk to school we would walk about close to four to five miles to school every morning and my dad always said to us children I was a little boy when I was would walk to school with my brother and my sister and my father would say now if you ever see a drunk man cross the street to the next to the next side I never went up to a drunk man and said let me smell you he walked drunk he looked drunk I didn't have to spell him don't know if he's drunk so everything about that man was drunk I knew it because alcohol controlled him it is just as silly to say let me hear you speak in tongues prove to me you have the Holy Ghost talk in tongues no my brother it's the way they live yes sir it's the way they walk it's the way they behave by their fruits you'll know them not by their gifts by their fruit you know them the fruit of the spirit love joy peace meekness tenderness Faith Hallelujah and he liberates us Romans 8 verse two it's the law of the spirit of Life read that for me for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the LA law of and death and look at Romans 8 8:14 not only liberates but he even directs us read it for us for as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of God and how about this acts 13:2 he's the one who calls us into the ministry as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work where unto I have called them look how involved is in our life he's the one who gives us new birth in John 3 he's the one who baptizes us into one body in 1 Corinthians 12 he indwells Us in 1 Corinthians 3 he seals Us in Ephesians he strengthens us in Ephesians he fills us with in Ephesians he liberates Us in Romans 8 he directs Us in Romans 8 and he calls us to service and acts but look what else not only does he call us into service he guides us where to go and not to go yeah look with me please at acts 8 27 2829 he directed he directed keep going and he arose and went and behold a man of Ethiopia a unic of great Authority Under Candace Queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of all her treasure and had come to Jerusalem for to worship was returning and sitting in the Chariot read Isa Isaiah the prophet then the the said unto Philip go near go near and he ran and he ran and he ran he was guided he knew if he missed that moment he'll never come back this way again yeah not only does he call us into service he guides us into service he tells us where to go and not go and when to go in 1 Thessalonians 1: 15 he empowers us let's read that scripture first Thessalonians for Our Gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power power and in the Holy Ghost and in much Assurance as you know but it's the power of God that gives us Assurance of the truth preached and how about Galatians 5 22 and 23 that he produces within us christlikeness the Holy Ghost but the fruit of the spirit not from the spirit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness Faith meekness Temperance that's the Holy Ghost he not only calls us into service leads us into service empowers Us in service but he produces christlikeness in our life it's his work and I love Ephesians 1:17 revealing the riches of God to us please read that for me that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of Glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom lift your hands and ask for that the spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him keep going keep going the eyes of your understanding being enlightened only by the spirit can we have our eyes enlightened that she may know what is that hope of his only by the spirit can we know the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of only by the spirit we can know the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints he wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life he marked your life he set his heart upon your life and he said mine forever it's amazing why sometimes a relative and a friend who not saved things were all crazy to believe I had an uncle who got very angry with me when I said you're a sinner said how dare you call me a sinner I said Uncle the Bible says all have sinned I was witnessing to him I was witnessing to him as an uncle the Bible says you're a sinner I didn't say it like that I think I said the Bible says you're a sinner he got so angry he said why I said the Bible says so he said I'm a good man I never hurt anybody I didn't do anything wrong to anybody how can you say I'm a sinner that's what the Bible says you're a sinner he became so angry he he he began to insult God he said God would send me to hell I said without Jesus yes ladies and gentlemen it was I might as well be have been talking to that speaker right here he could not see it when his wife was dying with cancer dying with cancer my mother went to pray for her and she said I don't want your prayer my mom said you're dying can't you call on the Lord she said I don't want to but you're going to die you're only minutes away from Death literally minutes away she said no I don't want to talk to him I never have and I don't really need him and she died and my mom said to us she said she looked like the devil when she died why is it not in the book of life that's why there are people that you know they'll never see it they'll never understand it they think you're crazy to believe it why they're not predestined to be his God saw their hearts before the foundation of the world he saw them rejecting the gospel before the foundation of the world and he did not write their names in The Book of Life think with me a minute the apostles did not see the resurrection happen they they weren't there in the morning when the angel moved the stone they weren't there when Jesus came out of the Grave they believed when they saw him but they did not see him rise think about the day will come when the whole world the whole world will see two men resurrect from the dead two men Elijah and Enoch that's what I believe some believe it's Moses but I don't believe that Moses can die twice it's appointed unto men to die once if Moses should die twice then it breaks scripture and if Enoch should not die then Enoch would be the first fruit of the Resurrection but Enoch cannot be the first fruit of the Resurrection because Jesus is so Enoch has to die so it is Enoch and Elijah who will be killed by Antichrist and raised from the dead and Ascend to heaven and the whole world will still blaspheme God why they're not in the book see without the convicting part of the Holy Ghost men will never accept the gospel you are a treasure you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation that you might show forth the Praises of him who had called you our abundance for you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a PE people who should show forth the Praises of him who has called you out of Darkness out of Darkness out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light Into His Marvelous Life Lift Your Hands to him come on for we are a chosen generation a royal priesthood our holy nation your people that we show for the Praises of him who has called us out of Darkness out of Darkness out of Darkness into this Marvelous Light Into His Marvelous lift your hands to him thank you Lord for saving my soul thank you Lord for making me home thank you Lord for giving to me thy great salvation so rich and free Jesus I just want to thank you tell him Saints Jesus I just want
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 36,614
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: gkiR-HcCk2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 46sec (5506 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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