The Cleansing of the Leper | Benny Hinn

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so that's where we go next in seeing j right through verse 7 this is really all one sentence by the way and the Lord spake unto Moses saying this shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing he shall be brought unto the priest and the priest shall go forth out of the camp and the priest shall look and behold if the plague of leprosy be healed in the Lepa then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean and Cedar Wood and Scarlet and hup and the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earth and vessel over running water as for the living bird he shall take it and the cedar wood and the SC it and the hisp and shall dip them and the living bir in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times and shall pronounce him clean and shall let the living bird loose into the open field oh this is so remarkable we have to understand something about the Old Testament the Old Testament is Shadow we see the shadow of things in the old Covenant in the new we see substance substance so this is really talking about justification by the blood real quickly we're going to go back and I'm going to explain this thrilling portion thrilling portion of the old Covenant but let's go to Romans 5 and verse 9 much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him wow now what we're looking at in Leviticus 14 is a most remarkable Revelation that is completely a shadow you know the Bible says in in Hebrews 10:1 uh in fact you know what can we go read it quickly I think it's important to read that one with you Hebrews 10 verse one we're going to go back to to Leviticus in just a moment it says for the law Hebrews 10:1 for the law having a shadow of good things to come but not the very image of the things so we're looking at Shadows here that's why sometimes it's hard to understand but when you clearly see it it changes and can change your life frankly that's what happened to me years ago in the 80s when I began to realize look beyond the shadow look for Jesus in the old Covenant and Colossians 2 also verse 17 and in fact you know what let me let me read a little more than that uh verse 16 and on let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holy day or of the new moon or the Sabbath which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ or the substance is of Christ that word body in Colossians 21:17 is substance so the old Covenant he says let no man judge you in respect to meat or drink or some or a day that's holy or the new moon or the Sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come but the substance is of Christ I love that so when when when you see the Lord let's go back to Leviticus by the way well you see the Lord putting uh seven verses in one sentence there's something very powerful because you have one main truth coming from that so when we when you you study that you you have to remember we're looking at the natural we're looking at the natural stay where you are stay in lus in Leviticus 14 I'm going to read you a portion again from the New Testament you may want to just write down rather than look at it and this is important because it says in in First Corinthians um how the in the old Covenant we we we are looking at uh uh the shadow we are looking at the natural because first comes the natural then comes the spiritual and I love that about the Bible because sometimes you are you are looking at just natural things so let me read that to you real quickly if you don't mind I'm just having a little problem here with my iPad so I'm going to read 1 Corinthians 15 and I'm going to read verse 46 how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual so now we're going to look at the natural and see the depth that's behind it so let's go again lus 14 so it says this shall be the law of the leper in verse two so leprosy leprosy in the Bible is speaking of what a leper is one who is unclean a leper uh represents someone outside Fellowship The Fellowship Of God The Fellowship of God's people so a sinner or one living in sin is not in fellowship with God he's unclean so it says this shall be the law of the leper or The Sinner in the day of his cleansing he shall be brought to the priest so leprosy also speaks of uh separation ation it speaks of disfavor no favor it speaks of judgment that that sin causes of course but God is now providing cleansing for the leper so he will be brought in the day of his cleansing to the priest that's the that's the Lord here the picture of Jesus and the priest shall go forth out of the camp and Jesus it says died out outside the city outside the camp and the priest shall look and behold if the leprosy or the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean all right uh this is important so the Bible tells us it only takes a day uh for you and me to find cleansing to find Salvation let's go to 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians we're going to look at chapter 6 let's look at verse two for he say have heard thee in a Time accepted in the day of salvation have I saved thee or suckered thee help thee behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation but notice it says I have heard you in the day the day of salvation now uh you know interestingly uh leprosy in the Old Testament was cleansed by a process but if you look at the this this portion very clearly it talks about cleansing in a day well that has got to be then our Salvation it's talking about not the actual cleansing of a natural leper because the natural leper was not cleansed in a day he had to be separated from the people and so forth he had to go through a process in the Old Testament here is it says this shall be the law of the leopard in the day of his cleansing meaning the day of salvation so this is a shadow of a blessed truth so we see 2 Corinthians 6:2 that salvation happens in a in a day a cleansing happens in in a day in the old Covenant the cleansing of a leper did not happen in a day so this has to be Supernatural so now it says that the priest commands then shall the priest verse four here then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean so the two birds uh here one speaks of the Lord's crucifixion and death one speaks of the Resurrection so I'll just give it to you first before we explain it okay and then Cedar Wood speaks of the Cross verse four then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean one speaks of the death of Jesus one bird speaks of the death of Jesus the second bir speaks of the resurrection of the lord it's powerful as I show you a little more later and now Cedar Wood CED Cedar Wood uh speaks of the Cross so that's the second thing that the priest orders two birds and a piece of cedar wood from the Cedar of Lebanon by the way and then it says scarlet and the Cedar and the Cedar of Lebanon always speaks of the work of Calvary how interestingly by the way I add that the temple was built inside with what seed of wood Hallelujah so the work of the Cross was all in that temple in the old Covenant and Scarlet I'm still reading verse four of Leviticus 14 now Scarlet was symbolic of the atonement uh in the Hebrew by the way the word for atonement is cfar the word kavar kafar means to cover so scalet speaks of the blood of Jesus that covers so you see the two birds one speaks of the crucifixion one speaks of the Resurrection C Wood speaks of the Cross scholet speaks of the blood of Christ that covers and his speaks of Faith now this is really amazing uh his by the way was and still you find it in Israel as a plant a bushy plant which flourishes uh in Israel it actually is on on on on on walls everywhere you see it you look at walls of in J you see like a little Bush coming out of a wall and it was used in the Old Testament to sprinkle uh both blood and water so they used hsip or that bush to apply the blood or apply water for example in Exodus 12 verse 22 God commanded that the hiip be used to appow the blood and he shall take Exodus 12:22 he shall take a bunch of hiip dip it in the blood that is in the Basin strike the lentil or the top of the door and the two side post with the blood that is in the Basin now you see also in Numbers Chapter 19 and verse 18 how they also applied water with it so hiip not only uh speaks of cleansing with the blood but cleansing with water it says in verse 18 of numbers 19 I'm going to read that for you and a clean person shall take hiip and dip it in the water and sprinkle it upon the tent upon all the vessels and upon the persons that were there wow and upon him that touched a bone or one slain or one dead or a grave so by spraying water in the in the old covant they were able to clean even a grave or a dead person that's powerful so but what is it speak of it speaks of Faith hip always speaks of faith in the Bible so in the old Covenant they used hisp to apply blood and to apply water but David King David in his prayer in Psalm 51:7 he said something beautiful he said Purge me with hisp and I shall be clean wash me I shall be whiter than snow he was talking then about faith cleansing him he understood the part of faith and what are we cleansed by today our faith in God so by fa faith God declared Abraham righteous and by faith we are declared righteous now we go back to Leviticus 14 and we look at some amazing truth still so let's let's read verse five and the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earth and vessel over running water now the Earth and vessel here is symbolic of the body of Jesus and the priest shall command one of the birds be killed in an earth and vessel so you have the two birds one speaks of the Lord's crucifixion one speaks of the Lord's Resurrection you have the wood the cross you have the Scarlet the blood you have HP faith in the work of the cross and the blood and then you have the body of the Lord so the priest shall command that one of the priest one of the birds be killed in an earth and vessel the body of Christ and then it says over running water look at those seven Revelations I just gave you see the two birds the wood the Scarlet the hiip the body and and and running water and all of it speaks of what well the running water amazingly speaks of the scriptures it's a picture of the word of God but something else that is quite powerful it's also a picture of the Holy Spirit and the Eternal holy spirit that Jesus was offered through the Holy Ghost on the cross he offered himself through the the Holy Spirit it says in Hebrews 9:14 this is really so powerful because you see the the uh Shadow and the substance so powerful so in Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 14 says how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God Purge your conscience from dead Works to serve the Living God so it was the Holy Spirit really who gave Jesus's blood before Jesus entered Heaven remember that the blood of Jesus I've shared this many times the blood of the Lord was shed seven times in the New Testament it was shed first in Gethsemane when his sweat became blood it was shed at the house of Caiaphas when they beat his precious face and pulled his beard off it was shed again when they placed a of thorns upon his head that happened in the plor it was shed again when they whipped his back number four before pilot and the ptor it was shed again was shed again when they nailed his hands that was the fifth shedding then number six when they nailed his feet number seven when they pierced his side so it was the Holy Spirit who gave him that blood on the way to heaven because that blood was shed in different locations so who gave him that blood to enter in heaven with for it says he entered with his own blood into heaven verse 12 Hebrews 9 neither by the by the blood of goats or CS but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy Place meaning Heaven having obtained already obtained Eternal Redemption for us but who gave him that blood the holy spirit so here we see the water spoken of in Leviticus 14 let's go back to Leviticus 14 this is so beautiful isn't it and so it says that once this is this Hasen happen now it's let me let let me let me read verse six this is powerful so these are the seven Revelations of Jesus already now as for the living bird you know people I want to shout but I want to calm down and control myself because this is so powerful for me as for the living bird he shall take it and the seedar wood because it says earlier in verse 5 that the first word is killed in an earth and vessel Jesus was crucified and killed physically that's the Earth and vessel overrunning water according to the scriptures and now the living bird that's still alive he's to take that living bird speaks of the resurrection and the wood the work of the Cross and the scholet let me just read all of verse six as for the living bir he shall take it and the seed of wood and the scarlet and the hiip and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over running water so think about this now he he takes the the actual living bird he dips the bird in the earth and vessel that has blood already in it from the first bird that was killed he dips in the blood of the first bird the living bird and the wood as it says here the SC the C of wood and the cloth of scarlet and the hisp and then now as he dips the bird the wood the Scarlet in the hiip he lets that bird loose so through the part of the blood the cross is that powerful and the blood and faith that is applied in that blood the that bird now the the living bird is loose it's it it it says here watch this and then it says and shall dip it in the let me reread it as for the living bird he shall take it and the sheet of wood and the scal and the isip shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over running water and now he is to sprinkle watch this he takes that living bird he takes the wood he takes the scallet he takes the uh the cloth and the hisp and he sprays he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times that's what I just told you the blood shed seven times and pronounce him clean and now when he does that he lets the bird loose what is that Resurrection now imagine this bird is taken off with the blood on its feathers being sprinkled over the leper so now that leper has been uh the blood has been applied on him seven times that's the blood of Jesus meaning a perfect work a Salvation complete and now that living bird as a result of the blood being shed shed for The Sinner now there's the resurrection to justify The Sinner and the blood coming comes off the living bird and the feathers of the living bird and sprays that leper wow and he's pronounced clean and as he's pronounced clean that Birch takes off and justifies the leper that is incredible so this picture is so powerful now he's pronounced clean that's what what happens with you and me I want to I want to read a portion to you that I think is just remarkable let me let me read from um Leviticus 16 quickly thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and let's read something else so now as we are cleansed we are pronounced clean but let's look at another picture of the Lord that is connected with all this in Leviticus 16 there we have the amazing truth of the day of atonement that fits very well with the picture of revelation of Leviticus 14 and what we have here is in verse 5 it says in uh Leviticus 16:5 and he shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering and and one RAM for a burnt offering so this is talking about the day of atonement now how we see Jesus now in that truth in verse 7even it says and he shall take the Two Goats present them before the Lord at the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation remember there two birds earlier one crucifixion one Resurrection now we see two goats in chapter 16 and in these two goats we see something quite powerful let's look at verse 15 now for a minute then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people bring his blood within the veil and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bulock on the day of atonment and sprinkle the blood of the goat upon the mercy seat and before the mercy seat verse 16 says he shall make an atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel because of their transgressions and so on and he will do the same thing he will apply the blood of the goat for the Tabernacle of the congregation wow that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness and it says there will be no man allowed in the Tabernacle this is verse 17 when he the high priest goes in to make an atonement in the Holy place until he he come out and admit an atonement for himself his household and all the congregation of Israel wow now on the on the atonement on the day of atonement the annual day of atonement the high priest chose Two Goats uh one which is a a part by the way of a special ceremony uh where one goat had to be killed and the high priest was to sprinkle the goat's Blood on the altar of incense and on the holy place on the Tabernacle I just read it now he turns to the live goat in Leviticus 16 beginning at verse 21 and Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat confess over him all the sins or all the iniquities of the children of Israel all their transgressions in all their sin putting them upon the head of the goat and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man Into the Wilderness and the goat shall bear upon him all the iniquity of the land all the iniquity unto a land or all the iniquity of the land unto a land not inhabited so all the iniquity of the nation of Israel to to a land not inhabited and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness this is incredible so one goat was killed as a picture of Jesus offering his life as a substitute sin offering and then he puts his hands on the living go on the living goat and confesses the sins of the whole nation on him transferring their sin to the goat then the goat is sent into the desert to Bear the sin and take away the sin of the nation of Israel both picture the work of Jesus our precious Lord on the cross the first his death for us in the goat that was killed his blood applied on the altar of incense holy place the Tabernacle and so forth the second Jesus bore the weight of our sin and our guilt and carried it all away you see in both uh uh Leviticus 14 and 16 you see the one bird killed one bird loose speaks of death and Resurrection 16 so 16 one goat killed one go loose who takes away our sins to Never Be Remembered anymore and so we are justified by the resurrection right says so in the in the Bible he was raised for our justification in Romans 5 it says and how amazing when you read the Old Testament in that light with understanding in your mind and heart heart so when you look at Isaiah 53 for example and verse 6 now it comes together all we like sheep have gone astray we've turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all that's the living goat who took it away to Never Be Remembered again and and so it says in the Psalms in Psalm 103 see it all fits together now right in Psalm 103 in verse 12 and we've all known and have we have read it but we didn't put it together with Leviticus 16 so verse 12 says as far as the East is from the West so far hath he removed our transgressions from us it's interesting years ago Jim pter pointed this out to me in Canada he said north and south meet East and West do not wow ain't that amazing Chad North and South meet East and West do not there is no place where they meet but North and South do at the Equator the Earth is split at the equator but that is amazing that East and West don't meet as far as the East is from the West meaning you can't find your sin so far hath he removed our transgressions from us I pray this really is blessing you especially this last portion here as far as the East is from the West so far has he removed all transgressions from us would you lift your hands and thank God for that that your sins are not to be found like that goat took that sin of the people of Israel the sins of the whole nation into the desert to never find his way back into the camp I love I love what first Peter also says about this you know there such wealth in the Bible there's such incredible power in the word when you read first 2 uh 1 Peter 2:24 in the light of what I just read who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live onto righteousness meaning you can't find that sin in in your in your life because it's been taken away by whose Stripes you are healed or man Matthew chapter 8 you know the all these scriptures talk about our sins being taken away he took them upon himself away from us not to be remembered anymore and Matthew 8:17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet himself took our sickness to and our infirmities I love it and finally first John 2 2 and verse two you know with such a teach with such a teaching like this I I I cannot overload you I you've got to give you enough just to chew upon 1 John 2:2 and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world oh blessed Lord I give you praise and finally I want to take you to Leviticus 16 back to Leviticus 16 and I'm going to read with you verse 29 this time and we'll be done with the chapter and this shall be a statue verse 29 this shall be a statue forever unto you that in the seventh month on the 10th day of the month you shall shall afflict your souls and do no work therein or at all that's day of of atonment whether it be one of your country one of your own country or a stranger that sojourneth among you verse 34 on that day shall the priest make an atonement for you to cleanse you that you may be clean from all your sins before the Lord and how wonderful that was fulfilled in Jesus in Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 26 we see the Fulfillment of what we just read for such a high priest became ours became us was fitting for us is the real translation who holy harmless undefiled separate from Sinners made higher than the heavens who who needeth not daily as those High priests because they they were to offer it continually and yly for for the atonement to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins and then for the people for this Jesus did once for this he did once when he offered up himself Lord thank you for the law maketh man high priests which have infirmities but the word of the oath which was since the law make the son who consecrated as a high priest forever thank you Jesus for your word thank you Lord for opening up our hearts and our eyes to see you in this beautiful way in Leviticus 14 Leviticus 16 you are Our Redeemer you are our savior you're the one who took our sins away not to be remembered anymore as you said to us in Jeremiah I will remember your sins no more we give you all the praise for it Lord a million thanks you know I want to just bless you with one more verse I have a few more minutes I want to share Micah 7 with you and I love this portion of the of the old Covenant Verse 18 says who is a god like unto thee Micah 7:18 who is a god like unto thee that pardons iniquity and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his Heritage he retaineth not his anchor forever because he Delights in Mercy he will turn again he will have compassion upon us he will subdue our iniquities and thou will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea wow kodoom used to say God has thrown our sins in the depth of the sea and he puts he put a sign that says no fishing I was teaching earlier um on overcoming the devil how our faith overcomes the devil which is for the daily teaching and I pointed out something in Luke 22 when the Lord said to Peter I'm praying for you he said Satan wants to sift you like wheat but I am praying for you that your faith will not fail interestingly right after that Peter said Lord I'll go with you to prison I'll I'll die with you and Jesus said no you you you're going to deny me today how amazingly the Lord didn't did not say to him I'm praying for you that you will not deny me he didn't say that he said I am praying that your faith will not fail look it up in Luke 22 he said I'm praying for you Peter that your faith will not fail cu the devil wants to sift you like wheat but I'm praying that your faith will not fail that's what we need to do make sure our faith will not fail but that's what the Lord is praying for us about that's what he intercedes for that our faith will not fail because our faith overcomes the world and as I'm teaching and showing you Jesus in the old Covenant I'm praying that your faith will get strong and be established in Jesus so thank you for being with me today for this beautiful teaching didn't you just love that Leviticus 14 Leviticus 16 it's all about Jesus and I pray this has been a real blessing to you and I'm going to ask ask you right now to give to the Lord's work I'm going to ask you to succeed in the work of God because you know giving to the Lord's work has become more important now than maybe you know ever in the history of the church because we face today such Danger on Earth the collapse of the economies of the world now is is just around the corner no doubt and the world is shaky today people are afraid today but we have nothing to fear nothing to fear whatsoever because we are investing in the kingdom of God we are sowing seed in the work of the Lord the Lord Delights in the prosperity of the man who obeys him so the Bible is is clear I've not seen the righteous for seconden or receed begging for bread but we have to give it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall man give to your bosom I told you the story years ago when Oro Roberts was was in the church with me OCC and he said canot talk to you like my son I said of course he said today all you talked about was the seed why didn't you talk about the Harvest I said well please why don't you tell me more he he took me to Luke 638 he said read that verse and so I read it give it shall be given un you good measure press down shaken together run over shall man give to you a bom he said how many times did Jesus say give I said one time he said how many times did Jesus say receive I said I don't know he said look at it one more time and I did finally he took my fingers like this he said Jesus said receive seven times it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall man give to you a bosom I said do it I said do it again and here it is seven times the Lord says focus on the Harvest not on the seed it's the Harvest it's all about the Harvest you give and you receive the Harvest I think it's time you and I believe God for the Harvest ask him for the Harvest thank him for the Harvest because Jesus said it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall man give to your bsom it changed me completely when oral gave me that and he said what do you want God to give you I said well I never thought about it he said well Jesus said focus on the Harvest what do you want for your Harvest I said I want to pay off my home he said then you tell God that and every time from there on when I gave I said Lord get me out of De I want to pay off the house 6 months later that's exactly what happened a man walked up to me and gave me a check that PA off my house I was amazed it happened but it works it really works works and now when we give from here on let's have our mind on the Harvest let's believe God for the Harvest let's thank God for the Harvest Lord we bless you for the Harvest come on lift your hands and thank him Lord I pray as they so see today give them the Harvest they're believing for for you told us to believe for the Harvest you are the lord of the Harvest we give you the praise and God's people said amen all right you give right now and thank God for the Harvest in fact ask him what is it you need financially because God wants us to believe him also for finance and watch what he'll do as you begin to thank him and praise him for the Harvest all right can show your SE on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website or you can simply text BM 45777 and praise the Lord for the Harvest but remember asking for it first then praise him I'll see you tomorrow fabulous teaching tomorrow oo you're going to love it bye-bye
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 11,440
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: tBunjp99CYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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