How do We Embrace the Cross of Jesus | Benny Hinn in Ghana

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fill my cup Lord Empower us tonight to serve you and I just want that heavly sound sh just Heavenly sound not too much strength Comm and quench this thirsting of my soul Bread of [Music] Heaven feel [Music] me here's my cup feel it up f my cup Lord I Lift It Up Lord come and quench this thirsting of my soul Bread of Heaven feed me till I want no more here's my cup fill it [Music] up like the woman well I was seeking for things that could not satisfy but one day I heard a blessed Master Jesus speaking he said draw from my well we've come to do it again Lord that never shall run dry we've come to the well tonight here in our Crow fill my cup Lord I Lift It Up Lord come and qu [Music] this thirsting of my [Music] soul Bread of Heaven see me till I want no more here's [Music] my it [Music] up tonight Lord fill our hearts a new fill our cup again Empower us one more time to live the Christian Life as we should as we must these last days magnify your name tonight as you bless your people with a fresh anointing from Heaven fresh infilling from above in Jesus name meet every need answer every prayer hear every cry Grant every need in Jesus name we give you the praise amen and God's people said can we give the Lord a mighty hand of [Music] Praise You may be seated we are truly in the presence of the Lord here blessed Jesus we worship you blessed Jesus we honor you thank you Lord for your grace and unending mercy I'm so amazed you know by the presence of God here that he would see fit to come and dwell Among Us only Jesus Sweet Jesus can we just look up and say thank you Lord just look up look up and say thank you Lord a million thank yous never leave me never forsake me never leave any one of us and when you're displeased with us don't look upon our sin I pray don't look upon our weaknesses I pray see see the work of Calvary see your love and grace see the blood you shed for us see our hearts for you know we are only dust you remember we're only dust thank you for your love he knowth our frame he remembers we are are does thank you Lord I want you tonight I want you tonight to go to a blessed scripture with me from Romans chapter 6 Jim the holy spirit is so precious and so present right now here what a fitting song you're playing how we need a fresh and feeling I'm going to read from Romans chapter 6 what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that Grace May abound God forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein know ye not that so many of of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were B baptized into his death therefore we are buried with him by baptism onto death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of Life how true for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection these are powerful words knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin for he that is dead is freed from sin now if we be dead with Christ we believe that we shall also live with him knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death ha no more dominion over him for in that he died he died unto sin once but in that he liveth he liveth unto God likewise likewise so we pay attention here now likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but but alive unto God through Jesus Christ Our Lord let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body now this verse is very powerful and clear it says that we as Believers have authority to say no to sin that you should obey it in the L thereof so we have the power to say no I will not let you reain in my body cuz I died with Jesus neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness Unto sin but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God for sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law under grace now the reason I read this portion of Romans 6 from verse 1 right through verse 14 is because I want to explain something to you very important Jim I thank you and Mark thank you and I want I want everyone to pay close attention because we are in the presence of the Lord no doubt we can sense his wonderful presence and touch and I believe that every word tonight that God will speak to us will go deep in our hearts so tonight I want to deal with something very important how do we embrace the cross of Jesus because what this says here if you really pay attention to it i' like many of you to go back and reread it when you get home it talks about the fact that we have died with Christ we identify with his death on the cross but what does it mean what does it mean to embrace his cross to identify with his death so we would live free from sin and the bondage of sin now first of all we have to understand where we stand legally our position in the sight of God very important our position in the sight of God is the way God sees us us God sees us not the way we see ourselves that's our condition I don't want you tonight to look at your condition I want you to look at your position cuz your condition will depress you your condition will not cause you to Rejoice Paul when he saw his condition he said oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this condition I'm in Wretched Man that I am he was talking about his condition but tonight I want you all to focus on your position in the Lord the way he sees you because of of the work of Calvary where we stand legally in the court of Heaven because when you stand in the court of God he sees you differently that's why it says there is therefore now no condemnation because before the judge of heaven we are not under condemnation we've been delivered from condemnation now I'm going to say a lot of things to you tonight I pray that the holy spirit will help you hear it and retain it lift your hands and ask him to help you hear it and retain it to remember it okay I'm going to I'm going to make it as simple as I can when you read the book of Hebrews the book of of Hebrews gives us the Old Testament basically and it speaks of Jesus what is's done for us greater than what the law had done for Israel the the book of Hebrews was written to Hebrews or Jewish believers who were under persecution to be under persecution 2,00 years ago means that nobody would hire you and give you a job to be cast out of the synagogue or the temple meant you are looked upon as a sect or a cult under Roman law 2,000 years ago anyone who was a Jew accepted by the Jewish authorities was protected by Rome and seen as a religious group under protection but the moment an individual walked away from Judaism and was declared an outsider by the Jewish authorities then he or she was seen as someone involved in a cult or a sect and therefore they lost protection from the Roman authorities and were persecuted persecution in those days meant that anyone who would help you would be punished anyone who would give you food would be punished anyone who would give you shelter would be punished anybody who would hire you to do any work would be punished so you lost not only your position as a Jew you lost everything your family could not help you or associate with you no nobody would give you food nobody would hire you or help you or give you shelter so the early Believers having seen the difficulty of their persecution wanted to go back to Judaism and that's why the book of Hebrews was written to them so the book of Hebrews was written to individual that's why it's called Hebrews the book to the Hebrews so when you read for example he Hebrews chapter 6 or Hebrews chapter 10 that talks about if you walk away there's no place for repentance it it was talking about apostasy Jews that went back to Judaism and said no to Salvation in Christ the book of Hebrews used to trouble me especially when I would read Hebrews chapter 6 that if we tasted the power of the world to come and sin we would be cut off if we sinned willfully we would be cut off and it began to trouble me because I'm thinking well now David sinned willfully he looked at BBA and desired her and made a decision to kill her husband to have her that's that's willful sinning all right are you are you all listening yeah because we have been taught and we have believed that we Believers cannot sin willfully we only sin because we are weak well David sinned willfully but yet God forgave him because he was predestined to be among the righteous God will not forsake his inheritance you are his inheritance you are his treasures you are his jewelry the Bible makes it very clear we are his treasured people that's what the word peculiar people means say after me I am I am his inheritance his inheritance I am I am his treasure his treasure and I am his Jewel in Malachi it says that we are the jewelry of God his jewels but the Bible says in the Book of Psalms the Lord will not forsake his inheritance say here he'll not forsake me so when when you as a predestined believer now can you go a little deep with me can you handle a little meat okay now I'm sure you heard of predestination predestination means that God predestined you to be his child before the foundation of the world so Ephesians 1 is predestination he chose you before the foundation of the world to be his and Romans 8 talks about predestination but predestination is not predetermination can I say it again predestination means you have a choice to say yes or no so the Lord chose you before the foundation of the world but you have to follow him he will not force you to follow him am I making am I getting through to you because some people believe in America and here too that once saved always saved that's not in the Bible what the Bible teaches is that we have to follow the lord now the difference between the devil and the Lord is quite simple Satan will push you Jesus will lead you so whenever you you feel you're being forced and pushed that's not the Lord because Jesus gives you the choice to follow or not follow so he said follow me then you make the choice to follow or you make the choice not to follow but anyone that has any wisdom will follow as like Joshua said as for me and my house we will follow the lord so we make that decision on our own and we have to follow the lord and work out our salvation with fear that means the fear of God and trembling and I'll explain that in a moment if I have the chance now but I must say something very very clearly the book of Hebrews was written to tell the Jew Believers Jesus is better than Moses he's better than Angels he's better than the law the New Covenant is better than the old and all it said is stay be patient don't leave keep walking the reward is on the way that's the message of Hebrews basically to Jewish Believers that were being persecuted and rejected by their own families and nation and friend for being believing Believers in Christ Jesus Jewish Believers so once you you understand that only apostasy cannot be forgiven apostasy means you make a willful knowing decision to forsake Christ Jesus come and understand put your hands up high so the whole book of Hebrews was written to keep them from apostasy is that clear so far so please understand that in your own eyes in your own eyes you when you see your condition you see your sin you see the flesh you see your wretchedness you see how you cannot live the Christian Life by your own strength and power so you have to come to the place place where you embrace the cross you have to come to the place where you cling to the work of Calvary because on your own you cannot make it the cross is our strength the cross is our protection by identifying with the death of Jesus we receive his life and that's what I just read in Hebrews so sin will not have dominion over you what does that mean it means God gives you the authority to say no you are a predestined people you are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood and a holy nation you are God's inheritance God's treasure and God's jewelry God will not forsake you God will work with you as long as you allow him to he does not give up on you easily he does not forsake his own he looks to save and keep his own he's the one who goes after the lost sheep and all he looks from you is your willingness to follow your willingness to say yes so the Christian Life you got to hear this part now the Christian life is not about trying it's about yielding can I say it again the Bible doesn't say try to live the Christian Life or try harder it says yield your members as instruments of righteousness do not I just read it don't yield to sin yield to righteousness so my job is simple yield what does that mean it means I cannot live the Christian life but Jesus can so let him live his life through me and all I need to do is let him all I need to do is yield my life to him yield my body to him Le and and yield my will to him where I say Lord I cannot follow you please give me the power to follow you I cannot love you give me the love I need to love you with that's why we need the Holy Spirit he's the one who gives us love for Jesus he's the one who gives us the will and the desire to follow him nobody can surrender to the Lord on your own you have no ability to surrender to the Lord but the holy spirit gives you the will to surrender and the strength to surrender it took me years to learn what I'm telling you years ago it began with a man named David dupi maybe many of you have never heard his name how many have very few the old-timers are still here David dupi was from South Africa he was used by God mightily around the world we called him Mr Pentecost because he brought the Holy Spirit to Millions so every you know everyone called him Mr Pentecost and I looked up to him I revered that man and one day I had the privilege to meet him I was 23 years old maybe 24 I was invited to preach at a conference in Brockville on ter by a lady named Marty Phillips who was the Katherine kumman representative to Canada and she was my friend I began preaching when I was 21 and Marty Phillips heard about me and came to our meetings and told Katherine Kum about me that's how the connection all came together and Mari invited me to speak at the conference and David duples happened to be one of the speakers and then Mar said would you be willing to walk him to his room I said absolutely I jumped on the opportunity and I'm walking with him he was a short man he always carried a white beige briefcase and he always looked down to the floor and walked like that he didn't even look at you he just walked like that very slowly so I walked with him and I'm thinking what can I ask him what I I may never have the chance again to walk with such a man to his room so the question I had for him I said Mr Pentecost imagine calling Amanda but that's his name Mr Pentecost I said how can I please God and he put his briefcase down and he pointed his finger at me and he put his finger in my chest and pushed me to the wall of the of the of the hallway and here I am with this man with his finger in my chest and he looks at me and said don't try I just said how can I please God he said do not try it's not your ability it is God's ability in you and then he picked up his briefcase and said good night and walked away and I'm still at the wall wondering what he said I'll never forget that night I'm stuck at the wall wondering what he meant and all he said was don't try don't try well I'm here to tell you don't try you will not win or succeed by trying to live the Christian Life he said don't try it is not your ability now say with me I will not try will it's not my ability and then he said it is God's ability in you say it is God's ability in me now this is what I'm talking to you about tonight yield to the Lord so think about that was when I was 23 years old I'm 71 now well thank you very much but it took years before I could grasp what David dupi said he he he went to heaven years ago years ago I never got the chance to go back and ask him explain that to me because he was an old man by the time when I met him but God showed me what he meant over the years that the Christian life is not about try or try harder yield surrender to the Lord let him live his life in and through you it's so simple e even a child can yield a baby can yield yield so simple you sat on a chair tonight you yielded to the chair to hold you up nobody here turn the chair upside down to to make sure that the that the legs are are are are are tight that they're solid they will not fall and you will fall with the chair that's called Faith you sat on the chair you you didn't bother to make sure that the chair can hold you up you just sat down believing that chair is strong enough to carry you why don't you have faith like that in God if you have as much faith in God as you have in the chair you you'll you'll shake the world you yielded to the chair tonight you surrender to the chair we surrender to the Lord we simply Let Him Live the Life in and through us I know that is difficult for some people to comprehend because you must become a child to surrender you have to be a child in the spirit to surrender and that's why Jesus said only children will enter Heaven why they must be simple we have forgotten the Simplicity of the Christian life it's so simple to believe it's so simple to trust God when people go swimming if they relax they float if they struggle they drown so it's not time for you to drown stop struggling and start floating just yield to the Lord relax relax trust him to do it look you did not not find him he found you and since he found you he's going to keep you yes you did not save yourself nor can you keep yourself saved trust him to do the job from beginning to the end he that hath begun a good work in you will finish it just trust him to do it now you're going to say well I'm a sinner God knows that God loves Sinners you say well I have I have weaknesses that's all right because Adam gave that weakness to you it didn't keep God from loving you and saving you you said well I have problems I have all kinds of things in my life God knows all that and he loves you still so God is going to do the job and all you have to do is yield say what now yeld now I'll give you something else to think about Jesus said I'm the vine you're the branches abide in me and I abide in you and you'll bear fruit now if you look at at a vine without the branches it disappears if you ever see a Vine with grapes if you take the branches you have nothing left hardly so Jesus said I'm the vine you're the branches without the branches you can't see the vine so what is my job get connected with him stay connected to him in other words hang in there don't walk away just stay in Jesus so simple stay a member of the family so simple so simple so how do you stay in Christ well keep his word in in your heart because if you keep it it will keep you when the word of God is in you it will keep you in Christ Jesus there's power in scripture to keep you in Christ you need to keep the Bible in Your Heart Lord it says David said I have hid your word in my heart that I'll not sin against you so if the Bible is in your heart all is well and then you ask the Holy Spirit to make that Word Alive to make that word live and he will reveal Jesus through his blessed word and then you talk to the Lord any relationship will will die if you don't talk to some to somebody if you're married many of you probably are if you don't talk to your to your wife your whole relationship will die or you don't talk your husband that that whole relationship will collapse communication keeps the relationship alive so talk to God talk to him every day when you get up in the morning say good morning to him when you go back when you go to sleep say good night when you're hungry talk to him when you're thirsty talk to him when you're in trouble talk to him when you're in the highway talk when you're in the car talk to him sing to him in the shower bless His holy name when you're taking a walk just talk to to him God is not religious he's God people are religious the God is not religious he's God he is so wonderful and beautiful and real right down to earth Jesus rose from the dead he rose from the dead and he shows up in the upper room and the first thing he says to his Apostles I'm hungry that's real that's the living blessed real down to earth Christ Jesus God Almighty just been raised from the dead you think he would come with some spiritual whatever he said I'm hungry you've got food around here that's my Jesus that's your Jesus Hallelujah Lift Your Hands Say I Love You Lord that's him that's his love that's his reality that's it's simplicity precious Lord precious savior he walks with you and talks with you and tells you you are his own Hallelujah and all you have to do is keep talking and walking with him keep his word in your heart and don't forsake the fellowship of the Saints how simple is that very simple very simple now since I've said all this to you and I hope you listen to what I had to say just stay connected abide in the Lord all all is well if you abide but if you walk away you're in trouble outside Jesus is sin outside Jesus Devils outside Jesus darkness and confusion in Jesus there is light Glory Beauty and blessings all the time every day all the way throughout eternity and when this world will fall will fall apart you will not fall apart because no power can defeat you greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world no no power can defeat you you cannot be defeated you are more than conquerors but for you to live the Christian Life the flesh has to Die the flesh has to die so what did the Lord say he said okay if you want to make it deny yourself Carry the Cross and follow me but what does it all mean all right we're going to get into it now are you ready I said are you ready lift your hands say Lord I'm ready Lord ready I'm going to I'm going to talk to you about what does it mean to deny self what does it mean to embrace the cross of Jesus that's what I'm talking about the cross is not about a past experience we take the cross with us all the way all the way now we're going to get a little deeper are you are you are you able to go a little deeper okay so Book of Romans let's stop with the book of Romans The Book of Romans can be divided into four different parts and if you get that you'll really get the whole message from chapter 1 to five it's about justification I'll explain that chapter 6 and seven sanctification chapter8 glorification and then 9 10 11 and and 12 uh sorry 9 10 and 11 talks about Israel God's plan for Israel but your part is really four parts there's really five parts in the book but you take 9 10 and and 11 out because it doesn't deal with you it deals with the Jewish people but the fourth part is from 12 to 16 is your duty as a Believer so let's go through it again from 1 to 5 justification 6 and 7 sanctification eight glorification but then from 12 to 16 my duty as a Believer but if you want to put all five together the five parts well include Israel in it then which probably will help you anyway so one 125 is justification and six and seven sanctification and eight is glorification 9 and 11 God's plan for the Jewish people and then 12 to right through 16 my duty how do I live as a Christian on this on this planet in this world but let's let's deal with the first three parts that I think are very important from Romans 1:5 I'm Justified what does it mean to be justified so what is justification and what is sanctification and what is glorification it is very important to understand these things am I saying too much too fast good I'm going to keep going thank you to be justified means that my sins before I was saved before I was saved I was guilty before salvation all of us were under condemnation and wrath we stood guilty in the presence of God and then then we came to the place to say Lord I give you my life at that moment he forgave you your your sin and forgave you your guilt I'm going to come down right now I need to really look in your eyes and I need to say a few things to you and ask you a question or two okay so when I talk and when the Bible talks about justification you you can see me on the screen so so you don't have to see me all right so when the Bible talks about justification it talks about my guilt in the past is Forgiven that's mean that that's what is meant by Justified now many preachers have taught that justified means past present and future the Bible does not teach that no justification deals with the with the past only my penalty the penalty of sin is gone I'm born again God declares me righteous that's what justification means but then I have to work out that life so God declares me righteous now I have to work into that righteousness by following the Lord by cooperating with the Lord by receiving his word by talking to him by listening to him and from day to day I am changed and transformed into His Image that's called sanctification and that releases me from the power of sin all right so when when you got saved you were free from the pen penalty of sin God forgave your guilt the penalty of sin was removed now you live the Christian Life you obey the Lord you follow the lord you read his word you pray daily you talk to him you're working it all out and as you are living the Christian Life you're working into that righteousness God declared you in and that takes all your life so God declares Your Righteous in a second you're justified in a second but you have to work it now and it takes life a whole life of yours before you come to that place where you will not have sin controlling you so I'm free from the penalty when I get saved but as I live the Christian Life the day will come I will be free from the power of sin so the longer I live the less sin controls me the longer I obey the stronger I get are you listening yeah and then slowly I become stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and sin becomes weaker and weaker and weaker and weaker but I'm not free yet I'm not free yet from the presence of sin until Jesus comes and when Jesus comes he will liberate you from the presence of sin so there's three things when it comes to sin there's the penalty of sin gone behind us forgiven there's the power of sin the power of sin as I live the Christian Life I overcome it by the spirit and then there is the presence of sin that I will be free forever when Jesus returns and that's what the book of Hebrews talks about but here's here's how we begin here's how we begin I'm going to ask you a question okay but I want to remind you what it says about Abraham it's says Abraham believed in God he believed in God and God declared him righteous now many Christians today don't understand what in God means so what they believe is well they say I believe that that that Jesus came that Jesus died for me that that Jesus shed his blood that Jesus rose from the dead that Jesus is coming again well that doesn't help you because that that that has nothing to do with anything that God will do in you so the devil says or unbelievers even say well I believe that Jesus came so does the devil devil I believe that Jesus died on the cross so does the devil I believe that Jesus shed his blood so does the devil I believe that Jesus rose from the dead so does the devil I believe that Jesus will come again so does the devil but he does not trust the Lord to believe in Jesus in Jesus is the key so so let me ask a question of you do you believe I EX this if you do put your hands up high fine fine that's that's good now how many of you believe in me oh only those who are nice believe in me you wait wait wait you cannot believe in me that's right if you believe in me give me your soul to keep CH my mind that's it if you believe in me give me your money to protect it did you did you get that you change your mind one more time I changed my mind it's a one wonderful because you cannot believe in a human being because to believe in a human being give him all your money to protect it or give him your soul to keep it only God can be trusted with My Soul are you getting it now if you are wave at me all right you cannot believe in a human being you can believe that that that human being is a good man and whatever that that that is so the world believes that Jesus came and died and well so what but they don't they do not believe in him to believe in him means Lord I give you my life I give you my soul to keep it I give you my money and everything I give you all I am and all I have is yours so Abraham believed in God Genesis 15 he believed in God and God said since you trust me you're righteous Hallelujah he did not have to obey the law there was no law to obey he believed in the Lord and God said I declare you righteous that's what salvation is you believe in Jesus I just happened to notice this little thing flying all over the place right here wow this is Hightech here brother Hightech looks like a little helicopter flying in the air okay now are you with me so far yes okay so you are already in Christ because you believed in him comprehend it okay fine you speak Spanish someh you're good so this is important so now we come to that second portion sanctification so I believed in God he declared me righteous I'm in the Kingdom my sins are passed and washed away and I'm free and redeemed but that does not guarantee I'm going to enter into heaven I have now to work out my salvation how do I do that that's what we are going to talk about now so we have to understand the cross now because it's the cross that brings me into that sanctification where sin will not have dominion over me and I read earlier Romans chapter 6 so in that portion that you can read for yourself later but I'll just point some things out this ential portion is about sanctification remember Romans 6 and 7 sanctification so in Romans 5 he begins with therefore being justified by my faith we have peace with God fine then chapter six he begins to talk about now shall we continue in sin no God forbid because we are dead to sin we already believed in God and that sin has no part in our life he said don't you know now that you are baptized you're baptized into the death of Christ Jesus aha so now sanctification begins with death death to self prior to that I was alive but I didn't know I was really dead I was alive to sin I was yielding my members to sin and one day I said Jesus I'm tired of my sin and I believe in you and I need you to save my soul and save my life I give you my life and all that darkness and all that righteousness and all that bondage I give you all of me and he saved my soul and now he declares me righteous and now he says to me that if I identify with his death I will walk in newness of life that's powerful in verse 5 he says if I am planted in in the likeness of his death I'll be resurrected in the likeness of his resurrection so he begins talking about crucifixion in this chapter in verse six don't you know you're crucified with him that you should not serve sin and so on verse eight don't you know you're dead with him don't you know that Jesus dieth no more and death has no dominion over him he died unto sin once he lives unto God likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin all right now Lord how do I do that now Jesus said something powerful in Luke 14 27 in Luke 14:27 he made a powerful statement about death about death that we need to die to the world and the things of the world he said in Luke 14:27 whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple you can't even be a Christian without carrying the cross of Christ and then he said which of you intending to build a tower sits not down first and counts the cost so salvation is more than a free pardon for the past salvation is more than pardon from my past sin because salvation deals with the Temptations that come from within me that stay with me it's the power of God that's keeping me say I am kept lift your hands say I'm kept by the power of God now when you think about the the demon forces without and the corruption within how can you keep yourself you cannot there is a demonic hurricane happening around you all the time there's corruption within you more powerful than a hurricane inside your soul Paul talks about that war within between flesh and and spirit it's a war raging in the soul I live in Florida I used to live in California we had earthquakes in California we have hurricanes in Florida I'd rather have the earthquakes than the Hurricanes now in that hurricane that we went through twice now I've been living there since 2020 and I've gone through two two hurricanes I did not like it at all I live by the ocean those waves were massive we had to evacuate in fear of flooding the winds were ferocious now had I had somebody given me a candle a lit candle and had that candle CLE stayed lit in that hurricane I'd say that's a miracle but the winds were so Fierce they would have blown the candle and me with it there's a candle inside of you there's a light within you and the forces outside of you and inside of you are more powerful than any hurricane and the light is still shining in you if the light of a candle would stay shining in Hurricane I'd say there's power in that candle but there's a storm around us and a storm within us but the light inside of our hearts is still shining why we are kept by the power of God from the storms of life without and the storms of the Devil Within and the flesh within if I took that candle and went swimming in a pool or the ocean and that candle stayed lit under the water i' say that's a that's a miracle that that candle stood shining even under the water we are surrounded today by evil Powers we're surrounded we are literally surrounded by the Demonic and the world and the corruption outside and the corruption inside and the light within us is still shining why we are kept by the power of God lift your hands and thank God we're kept by spout with listen with the storms around us nothing can can put that light out of us to him be the praise I said to him be the praise I said to Jesus be the praise take your seats I am we have to die to self but what does death signify what does the cross speak about you see crosses over Church buildings you see crosses as necklaces where people wear them but they and we forget sometimes what does the cross represent the cross has to do with the execution of a criminal the cross is about death today we would compare the cross to an electric chair or a hangman's rope in some countries because it represents death we have to die to the things of the Flesh and the world Jesus said deny yourself what but what does it mean to deny myself there are priests there are people that in the past would go and live in a cave in my part of the world not wanting to be a part of the world they go choose some some Monastery or a cave in the desert that's not going to help you there's only one way to deny the flesh one way and one way only lift your hands and pray in the Holy Ghost Out Loud come on all of you Hallelujah Lord open their eyes give them spiritual understanding in the things of the spirit give them wisdom in Jesus Holy Name the cross represents shame a few years ago I've always loved history always loved his story I could have told you more about the second world war than anybody could have told you I would sit with my staff after the Crusades for hours and give them details of history about the history of the Middle East the history of Britain the history of Stalin and the Russian Zars and you name it what have I gained from it zero I've always read the Bible I've always loved the Bible I've always lived for the Lord as as long as I can remember even that even when I lived in Israel I was so religious I was in church every Sunday as an altar boy I didn't know know the Lord then but then I got saved when I was 19 years old my whole life is involved in one word or another with the work of the Lord even before I knew him I served him as an Altra boy in church carrying the cross behind the priest chanting in Greek Kon Kon Kon and I'm the little kid back there that was choking with the incense I never missed church when I was a little boy I would walk when I would walk by any church I always made the sign of the cross we're from the Holy Land we lived in Israel the Holy Land I was born a block away from the house of Simon the Tanner it's in the Bible I went to school right across from his house I was born a literally a block away from where he was where Peter had the vision I was born a block away I could have walked there in five minutes but I did not know the Lord but I knew everything about the Lord I was the the kid in in in catechism I went to a Catholic school that Drew every scene of the New Testament in a little book in order I went from the his birth to his death and I took every beautiful part of his life and put it in a nice book myself I was just 10 years old and I love to know the history of my part of the world and one day the Lord said something powerful to me I'm sitting watching a historical program and the Lord said cancel the channel I cancelled it he said then he said cancel cable I cancelled it he said cancel Direct TV I cancelled for the last 10 years now maybe more I have not watched television I have no TV networks to watch meliki challenged me about the same time to read my Bible three times a year I took the challenge and I've been doing it ever since and now I also decided to learn Hebrew so I really wanted to know wanted to know the word of God so I became a student of Hebrew University and I was in class for three years and I became a top student and the professor told me I'm the number one student in Reading Hebrew and I love that today I can read you the Bible in Hebrew flawlessly I wanted to know everything about God I could I I I could discover I began reading the historical books of Christianity I began reading the early fathers and uh the the great Martyrs of Christianity I I read four times Fox's book of Martyrs I wanted to know everything about the faith changed my life it began to enrich my life and walk but during that whole time this has been 10 years now that was the when I came to Ghana the first time I wasn't in that place yes I always loved the Lord and served him and walked with him but now I'm in a different place to completely I'm not the same Ben here that's why tonight I'm talking to you about this I know many of you you know you want to be healed look you're going to be healed like that let's receive the [Applause] word so I began to search Within Me Lord please help me die to self I remember Katherine kumman she would talk about death all the time when I would go to her early days in the in my early early days when I was in my late teens I was 19 years old and 20 years old when I would go and see Miss kumman and the first time I heard her and I did not know what she meant she said and she was very dramatic you have to die you have to die I had no clue what she meant she said Katherine kumman dies a thousand death before I walk on that platform I had no clue what she meant cther woman died a long time ago I had no clue what she meant she talked about dying dying so I went home I got on my knees I said dear Jesus kill me I didn't know what she meant I said dear Jesus just kill me I have no clue what she's talking about I I don't know how to die so please kill me but now I know what it means and I can put the puzzle together from dupi and after dupy and before dupi and since then and Catherine and cor boom who talked about dying for the Lord Jesus said If any man will come after me let him deny himself hate himself if you don't hate your father your mother your brother your sister your children you cannot be mine if you don't hate your own life too you cannot be mine this disciple it's impossible I'm glad they got it for you if any man come after me that hate not his father mother wife children brothers sisters and his own life I did not understand that when I was saved he is not telling you to dishonor your parents the same God who said honor your father and mother but we have examples of what he meant when his mother Mary came to Galilee with his brothers and they said your mother is out there he said who is my mother who is my mother and my brothers they who hear the word and do it but on the cross when he saw his mother he said to John take care of her balance balance she could not interfere in the call of God on his life she could not pull him away from where he ought to be and doing for the Lord but he never stopped honoring his mother his last request on the cross to John was take care of her dying to self is daily it's a daily death you cannot be a conqueror in Christ Jesus without dying to self and dying to the world and dying to the flesh continually continually you know people love preaching and talking about where more than conquerors through him who loved us I'm going to read for you some of the most beautiful scriptures in Romans 8 that you all know by heart my favorite verse is Romans 8:32 he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justifies who is he that condemns it's Christ that died yeah rather that is risen again who even at the right hand of God and makes intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or Peril or sword and then they jump to verse 37 and all these things were more stop it don't miss verse 36 so they go from verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or Peril or sword and then they they go we are more than conquerors through but stop it in verse 36 it says as it is written for thy sake we're killed all the day long were counted as sheep to a Slaughter then we are more than conquer coner us through him that loved us of course Jesus will never leave you who shall separate us from the love of Christ none can none can it is true it is real who will separate us from the love of Christ no tribulation no distress no persecution no famine no King no nakedness no power all sord why because we're dead a dead man is not affected by persecution a dead man is not affected by tribulation a dead man is not affected by distress or famine a dead man is not affected by nakedness Peril or sword he is more than conqueror because he's [Applause] dead and when you are dead then you can say then and only then you can say all these things I'm more than a conqueror through him who loved me and then Paul declares this triumphant declaration I'm persuaded that neither death or life or Angels or principalities or things present or things to come or height or death or any other creature shall be able to separate me who's me the dead from Christ Jesus from the love of God in Christ Jesus we have to die to self to become conquerors we have to die to self so persecution will not affect us tribulation will not touch us Peril or sword or hunger or nakedness will not affect our life because a dead man is not affected by these things that the world will come against us with he's dead and when you're dead you're alive in Christ Jesus take your seats so we embrace the cross we die and we embrace what do we Embrace The Shame of the Cross when Jesus said yes to the Cross he was mocked he was spat upon he was whipped on the way to Calvary they were spitting upon Him mocking him when you embrace the cross the world will persecute you the world will mock you all that live Godly will suffer persecution but Jesus said when when they persecute you rejoice Rejoice the wonder that Jesus was stripped and nailed to the cross naked for all to see the Wonder is not that the Son of God became obedient unto death but he became obedient unto the death of the Cross because was there ever a death more shameful embracing the cross is to embrace the offense of the Cross Galatians 5:11 talks about the offense of the Cross put that on the screen for them and brethren I Brethren if I yet preach circumcision why do I yet suffer persecution then is the offense of the Cross ceased yes they will persecute you yes they'll mock you yes they'll they'll accuse you falsely because you've accepted Christ Jesus as Savior because you deny the world and all that it offers you you want no part of it a soldier of Jesus should not entangle himself with the Affairs of his life said Paul to Timothy a soldier of Jesus should not be entangled with the Affairs of this life we set our affections on things above if you want to live a mature powerful Christian Life begin to live for the next life in this life begin to live for the next life in this life don't wait to get to heaven and find out how much you missed on Earth many Believers are going to be when they get to heaven they they're they're going to be ashamed of the fact they missed it on Earth so don't get to heaven and find out how much you missed down here the Journey Begins today death to self begins here Victory begins here and the cross represents weakness when you read Psalm 224 and 15 it talks about his weakness on the cross this is weakness I'm poured out like water all my bones are out of joint my heart is like it's like black wax it's melted in the midst that's weakness describing Christ on the cross Paul the Apostle talks about the weakness of the cross in 2 Corinthians 13:3 and 4 that Jesus died in weakness Hallelujah since you seek proof of Christ speaking in me which to you is not weak but is mighty in you next verse please oh this is glorious This is So Glorious verse four declares for though he was crucified through weakness yet he lives by the power of God and we also are weak in him but what does it mean to be weak it means we come to the end of our resources we come to the end of our strength we come to the end of ourselves to say Lord I can't live please live your life through me I cannot conquer please conquer through me I have no strength of my own he giveth more grace Jim he giveth more grace played for me he giveth more grace when the burden grows [Music] greater yeah sing it he send us more love and power when the labors increase to added Affliction he added his Mercy to multiply trials his multiply his love No Limit his measure SP has no boundaries no n for out of his in in Jesus he G and give and and give again again when we have reached the end of our endurance and you know this is exactly what I'm I'm teaching about tonight we come to that weakness of place of weakness and say Lord I cannot endure I have no strength in my own [Music] let the Lord lead you keep playing though I'm almost done it brings you to the end of your resources to Total dependence on the Lord so not only does it represent shame and persecution and we Embrace and rejoice when they mock us persecute us coming to the end of our strength and so and so Lord I'm so weak I trust you to live your life through me give me your strength when I'm weak I'm strong but it means death means death the cross lies at the heart of the Christian message the gospel was never intended to give you a spring cleaning the gospel NE never came to brighten you up the gospel never was preached to make you a little more like God or acceptable to God the gospel came to finish you to bring you to the Cross why so you can be a new creature in Christ Jesus and when you die oh Jesus I worship you lift your hands and thank him Saint when you make that decision to shut the world out I'm not asking you to cancel cable or TV networks that's your decision but I made a decision to finish stronger than when when I began and I don't want this world to affect me or anything in it I have no desire whatsoever for it I lost my desire for what it offers I've had opportunities in the last 50 something years of my life that nobody's had I've learned that when God uses you the devil will come to tempt you and offer you things this may shock you I have seen the devil twice and I don't want to see him ever again the first time he came he came to kill me I'll never forget when he appeared in my room with such anger it was 1974 but the blanket of the Holy Ghost covered me and I went to sleep but then after the Crusades began and the crowds came he showed up one more time in my room now if you don't believe that that's your problem I saw him like I see you he said I'll give you anything you want if you'll quit the ministry and I and I screamed at him no you say that happened to you oh yes it did it was that same week a man offered me a position in Hollywood he was a very famous producer used to come to our Crusades he looked at me one day and he said I'll make you a big movie star you don't need all this I said I have no interest in what you offer he cussed me with the filthiest words I ever heard I walked out of that room disgusted with this offer oh yeah some preachers have taken the offer that the world has offer them so they would not be persecuted so the world would talk well of them I have decided to follow Jesus there is no turning back though none go with me yet I will follow the World Behind me the cross before me no turning back there's nothing to turn to to whom shall we go Lord you have the words of Life To whom shall we go in John 6 when they said who can handle this who can handle what he said about his body and blood he said to the apostles will you also go to whom shall we go Lord you have the words of life no no I will not finish as one defeated I will not become a trophy of the devil I will finish well for I have decided to follow Jesus no turning no turning no never turning back I'm going to ask you to make the same decision your life belongs to Jesus without him there is no meaning for life itself it's better to have never been born than to live without knowing the Lord you were not born to know your mom and dad oh brothers and sisters you were born into this world to meet the man Christ Jesus for the day will come your mom will go your dad will go your brothers and sisters will be no more your loved ones will be no more but he'll always be there he's the only one who said I shall never leave you nor forsake you my mother would have loved to have said that my father would have loved to have said that but they knew they could not fulfill it only one will always be there only one loves you only one caresses your forehead when you're in trouble only one gives you comfort when you need it and strength when you need it only one will come when the others leave he never leaves never leaves cuz he's Jesus he'll never betray you he'll never forsake you he'll never forget you you may forget him he will never ever ever forget his own give him a chance give him your time come back to him he wants you he wants to trust you again he wants to use you again he doesn't trust many because not many are [Music] trustworthy the eyes of the Lord go through and FL throughout the whole earth to show himself strong for those who need and call on him the time has come to surrender completely to the Son of God and say no know to Satan and the world and everything that offers it's time to shut it out of your life away from your life it's time to get in the scriptures and get to know the blessing and the wealth of the honey in the Bible the treasure in the [Music] Bible the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul psalm 19 the testimony of the Lord is sure yeah making wise the simple more to be desired are they than gold yeah they much fine gold sweeter also than the honey and the honeycom the testimony of the Lord Lord is sure and true enlightening the eyes lift your hands and thank him the Commandments of the Lord is sure it's it's it's just the word of God more to be desired are they than gold yeah than much fine gold sweeter also than the honey [Music] go back to verse 7 my brother the law of the Lord is perfect what does it do converting the [Music] soul his testimonies are sure making wise the simple how about verse eight my brother verse eight please the statues of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart that's that's all I did I just said I'm going to go to the word forget the world and let's get the word so it says come on verse eight the statues of the Lord are right rejoicing and my goodness I've had more joy than I could ever talk about the Commandments of the Lord is pure what enlightening the eyes look look at verse 9 look at verse 9 the fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous all together that's the Bible more to be desired are they then go lift lift your hands yeah them much fine gold worthy more than the gold sweeter also than the honey and the Honey C just gently please Jim more to be desired are they than go yeah then much F [Music] go sweeter also than the [Music] honey and the honeycomb when you when you read the Bible like I have been lately for the last 10 years at least now my life I got to a portion of scripture one day and you know I don't pray any anymore my prayer list I have no prayer lists I have no prayer lists they don't even work I can pray my prayer list in 30 seconds but when I am in the word it triggers prayer so I'm reading this Jeremiah 3:1 they say if a man put away his wife and she go from him becomes another man's wife shall he return to her again shall not that land be greatly polluted now now let me stop here Joshua Pastor Joshua in the Old Testament Kiki in the Old Testament God said to Moses he said you tell Israel if a man puts puts away his wife or she leaves her husband and she marries another to go back to her first husband would be an Abomination the land would be polluted it was against the law against the law of Moses for a man to divorce his wife and then if she married another man to go back to her first husband but I'm reading this one day and it shocked me I said Lord you told Israel not to do that they said listen they say what what he means by they say is it's an old Covenant they say if a man put away his wife and she goes from him and becomes another man's shall he return again to her shall not that land be greatly p loot it well that's what it says in the Old Testament oh my but thou H has played the heart it with many lovers yet return again to me says the Lord and I stopped I said Lord you told Israel not to do this you told your People Israel if a man divorces his wife or his wife divorces him and marries another man she can't go back to her first husband but you are God and you're telling Israel that they have married other husbands but you want them back I said what kind of God are you I said Lord you're amazing what love is this what Mercy is this that you want your people back even if they're polluted that's what it says that's what it says I have decided to follow Jesus you know why H because I've seen his love I have decided to follow Jesus will you decide with me I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back sing it the cross before [Music] me the World Behind me the cross before me sing it the World Behind me the cross before me the World Behind Me no turning back no tur back though none go with me yet I will follow though none go with me still I will follow though none go with me I will always follow lift both hands no turning back tell him my message is really quite simple yes we're just Justified and we're free from the penalty of sin but we must conquer to be free from the power of sin we cannot disappoint him anymore we cannot grieve the Holy Spirit any longer we cannot be holy on our own strength only he can live within you that Holy life to total surrender to the Lord embracing the cross and its persecution mockery and shame coming to the end of yourself to say Lord I'm too weak to even know how to follow give me the strength and the will to walk with you help me die to the things of life and the world that you will be all my all in life and all and I won't just sing I won't just sing it I'll mean it I'll live it I surrender all I'll mean it I mean it you have no idea the peace I have found oh the peace I have found in my soul it doesn't mean the thrs of life cease they actually get worse but peace I like my hiding place where I open my bible and I'm gone into a Haven of Rest a place of such beauty and joy and contentment I have felt many moments of on platforms around the world where I thought my body would explode with joy I have felt the part of God probably more than most people but I have never known joy in my heart and peace in my soul as I do now because that you take with you to heaven no I have not made it yet cuz Paul the Apostle wrote he didn't make it either in Philippians he said I count all but loss for the Excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus he says this he says I can boast yes he said I've been circumcised I'm of the stalk of Israel I'm a Hebrew of the Hebrews as a Pharisee I was blameless I was so zealous I persecuted the church but what things were gained to me those things I count but l Lo yeah doubtless I count all things but loss why that I might know the Excellency of the Naes of Christ my lord for whom I've suffered the loss of all things do count them but dong that I may win Christ be found in him not having my own righteousness no no which is of the law but that which is through faith that righteousness which is of god by faith because all I want to know I want to know him the power of His Resurrection The Fellowship of what his sufferings I want to be made conformable to the image of his death if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead but I have not attained yet I'm not there yet but I follow follow after if I may just apprehend that for which also I'm apprehended of Christ he wrote those words precious people of God in prison he was tied he was apprehended by chains listen to the words listen to the words he said I want I want that I may apprehend I want to capture that for which I'm captured in Christ just like those chains have captured me I want to capture him that I may capture and apprehend that for which I'm apprehended Brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I will do and I say the same forgetting this those things which are behind me reaching forth to those things which are before me I'm going to press toward the Mark I want a prize he is my prize the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus so as he said to us I'll say to you let us therefore as as many as be perfect be thus minded if any and if in anything you may be otherwise minded God will reveal this to you too and I believe God has revealed that to many of you here tonight let us walk by the same rule let's mind the same thing be followers of me and mark them which walk so as you have us for an example because he said I'm writing you weeping that that there are enemies of the cross out there who want nothing to do with the cross but we've decided we will carry the cross lift your hands to him when I Survey the Wondrous Cross on which the prince of Glory died my richest gain I count but lost and pour contempt on All My [Music] Pride forbid it Lord that I should boast safe in the death of Christ my God thank you Lord see from his head and his hands and his feet sorrow and love Lord mingle [Music] down close see from his head see from his head his hands and feet sorrow and love flow me SLE down did ever love and sorrow meat or have you ever seen composed so rich a crown and so we say today to you Lord when I survey the wonderous cross on which the prince of Glory died my richest gain I count but loss and poor for [Music] contempt on All My Pride my Jesus I love thee I know Thou Art mine for thee all the fallest of sin I reside my gracious [Music] Redeemer My Savior are thou are thou If Ever I love thee my Jes Jesus tears I loved thee in life I will love thee in death and praise thee as long as thou lest me bread and say when the death do like I cold on my brow my brow If Ever I love thee my [Music] Jesus is now lift your hands to him I love you I love you I love you Lord today because sing for me come on Jim in such a blessed way and yes I praise I lift you up I magnify your name that's why my heart is we stand with eyes closed everyone standing please everyone standing for you every eye closed make that commitment to him you sang it earlier now in your heart say it to him I will not turn back Lord to whom shall I go you have the words of life you are my everything you are my all just gently Jim please just Heavenly sounds now you are my everything yeah both Great and Small you gave your life for me made everything new you are my everything Lord I love you you are our everything you are our all all of us you are our everything both great and small you gave your life for every one of us made everything new you are our everything Lord we love you Jesus Jesus Jesus there is something about your name tell him Saints you're my master Savior Jesus like the fragrance after the rain lift your hands call his name Jesus out loud [Music] Jesus let all heaven let the Earth [Music] Proclaim and kings and kingdoms they'll all pass away but there's something about your name Kings and kingdoms they'll all pass away there something about Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus there is something about your name Master savior like the fragrance after the rain lift His holy name Jesus Jesus Jesus let all heaven let the Earth Proclaim every the instrum come on J and King Kings and Kingdom and all pass away but there's something about Jesus you're the sweetest name I know and you're just the same as your lovely name that's the reason why we love you so for Jesus you're the sweet [Music] name holy holy holy are you Lord holy h holy holy are you Lord the elders the Angels byow dir holy holy holy are you Lord holy holy holy you Lord [Music] holy holy hly you Lord the elders and Angels the redeemed Worship You holy holy you Lord can you hear the sound of Heaven sound of many Waters it's the sound of worship coming from the [Music] throne there are cries of adoration as men from every nation lift the voice to make his glory known [Music] holy Hol holy are you Lord holy holy holy you [Music] Lord the elders and Angels the redeem we worship you now holy holy holy you holy holy holy are you Lord holy holy holy are you Lord the and Angel let we worship [Music] you you are Jesus you're Jesus You're So Glorious preparing us your temple we are born as living [Music] stones where you're enthroned as you Rose from death and power come rise within our worship rise Upon Our Praise let the hand that saw your R clothe us in your glory draw by your [Music] grace you are Jesus So Glorious preparing us your temple born as living stones where you're enthroned as you Rose from Death in power come rise with him our worship rise Upon Our pray let the hand that saw your R please clothe us in your glory draw by your grace oh the glory of your presence of your pres we are Temple [Music] give your reverence give your so arise so arise to your rest and be blessed by [Music] prise [Music] [Music] you are [Music] Jesus so glorious please prepare in us your temple born as living stones where you're in [Music] Throne as you Rose from Death in power come rise within our worship rise Upon Our Praise let the hand that saw your clothe us in your [Music] glory draw Us by by your grace tell him oh the glory of your [Music] presence we your temple we your temp give your rence [Music] soise to your bless bless our as Glory [Music] we in your embrace in your as your presence as [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your Hallelujah he here saint Jesus is here the Bible says and I John I John was in aladas and I turned to see the voice that spake to me and I saw one standing in the midst of the candlesticks whose eyes were like fire who Shone brighter than the sun whose hair was white like wool when I saw him I fell as one who was dead and he laid his hand upon me and said fear not John I'm the first and the last I'm the alpha and the Omega Our Savior when of these days are I shall see him and our hearts Will Rejoice forever Hallelujah hallelu [Music] lift your hands and surrender to him [Music] Hal [Music] [Music] hallelu Hu [Music] hallu [Music] [Music] [Music] huuu [Music] he's here lift your hands and love [Music] him let him bless and touch your [Music] life [Music] hallelu [Music] hallelu hallu Hallelujah [Music] the presence of Jesus is here everyone shown hands together but not in the aisles join hands together please clear the aisles gentlemen ushers ushers no I want no nowh in the aisles clear the a please such a mighty presence of God here Lift Your Hands to Heaven above as you join them together oh Jesus your word declares and suddenly there came from Heaven the sound of a might rushing wind it fill the house let the same wind of the Holy Ghost come into this room now touch your people now touch touch touch touch touch everyone lift your hands and pray out loud in the Holy [Music] Ghost in the Holy [Music] Ghost join hands right here quickly there some mighty any one here receive it in the name of Jesus clear the a clear the a clear the a the a receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive [Music] it clear the eyes please join hands right here please receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive the anointing receive the anointing receive the anointing receive the Holy Ghost receive it receive it receive it receive [Music] it receive the anointing all the pastors all the the preachers get down here now all full-time ministers get down here now quickly everyone in Ministry get down here [Music] quickly take that take it [Music] back dear God dear God dear God Dear God here goes here goes here goes here goes here goes here goes the anointing the anointing the anointing the anointing the anointing the anointing of the Holy [Music] Ghost receive it receive it receive it receive it receive the Holy Ghost receive the power of [Music] God Pastor Joshua come here quickly [Music] [Applause] [Music] please lift your hands and ask him for more Much More Much [Music] More Much More Than This let your fire Al Lord Let Your Fire Lord [Music] O [Music] just to receive the anointing it's [Music] here the presence of the Lord he here let him be adore he's here to worship Him such a sweet reward he is here in our midst he is [Music] here surely the presence of the Lord is in this place I can feel his mighty power and his grace this is the time to lift your hands and ask him for the biggest request you [Music] have ask you for the biggest request give him the biggest request hold nothing back don't limit him don't limit him such a moment will not come this way [Music] again what is your cry what is your request said the king to Esther I'll give you half of my kingdom how much more will the King of Kings our heavenly father say to us there were cheap words then I Shar surely didn't mean it to say to Esther I give you half of my kingdom but our wonderful heavenly father says to us it is my pleasure to give you the whole Kingdom not just half the kingdom there were the empty words of aerus a king of a nation that no longer exists but our King our King says it is my joy my pleasure to give you the kingdom all of it and Jesus said for the kingdom of God dwelleth within you so ask him for one of these days you'll judge Angels one of these days you will rule the world with him for the kingdom of this world shall be the kingdom of our god of his Christ forever in Daniel it states and the kingdom shall be the Saints for the the Saints of the most high shall possess the kingdoms of this world it goes beyond this world much farther than this world it's an eternal Kingdom he gives us for the asking if any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow but what do we get Lord [Music] he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us how shall he not also with him freely give us all things more than just a kingdom no the greatest thing that my brothers and sisters I stand in all you Lord the greatest thing is to inherit him he is our inheritance he is our inheritance and we are his to be one with him come here the one with the glasses that one there's a call on your life there's a call on your life I saw you last night there's a blessed treasure inside of you use him Lord please bring him closer when I look into your Holiness when i gaze into your liness use it use sanctify him onto your use don't let him lose not a moment of life to this [Music] world I give his life to you as he gives his life himself to you and I declare him to be your servant your soldier Your Vessel as it stands and blesses your servant Joshua D and those around him use use [Music] you these are Men of Honor Men of Honor who will honor you and serve the Lord Faithfully Lord let them all be men and women of Honor will serve you Faithfully every one of them Saints what belongs to us is beyond the scripture young people you sweet wonderful people of God standing there you young men and young women what belongs to you is beyond comprehension or even explanation that God should dwell in you and you in him eternally that he will be your inheritance and you will be his inheritance that you and him will be one United forever there'll not be two of you there'll be one of you just one in the Lord the Bible says even today he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit within your heart is the Son of God through his holy spirit now before that it was your spirit but now it's the Holy Spirit your spirit is hiding in him come here because now we are hiding we're hidden in him there's not two in our hearts there only one he that's jointed to the Lord is one spirit the reason I'm calling you up is because I saw this man last night and the Lord spoke to me about him I don't know even know his name I think I know his I think he told me I'm not sure no not him this man there it's Daniel isn't it yeah I sanctify you Daniel for the Lord's use for the rest of your days every moment you live Every Breath You Take will be for his glory you no longer belong to yourself or the world or your even your own family you are the Lord's treasure the Lord's vessel his own forever his own forever they are are your own forever Lord they don't belong to themselves nor the world nor the natural families they belong to you keep them as the apple of the eye hide them under the shadow of your [Music] wings protect them from the oppressors their deadly enemies for the rest of their life life let them live in that blessed secret place your secret place I pray no plague will come near them not one a thousand will fall at their side and 10,000 at their right hand it will not come nigh them with their eyes they'll behold the reward of the wicked it they are yours surely goodness and mercy shall follow you people of God all the days of your life and you'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever and today I bless you may the Lord bless you may the Lord keep you may the Lord cause his face to shine upon your life and and give you peace for the rest of your days for the rest of your life now Lord I seal your blessings on their life on their Destiny in you in Jesus name as I stood here tonight and I sensed his incredible sweet tangible presence I thought I died and gone to heaven I was gone I was something happened to me physically mentally earlier and as that that anointing began to sweep over my soul and your soul earlier God sent me here for more than just ministering his word I can tell you by the spirit a new man mentle is coming on your life don't lose it don't let anyone steal it how many of you tonight sensed something come upon you I did I felt something on my head earlier I felt a a blessed powerful force over my head did any of you feel the saying wave if you did I believe God is placing on you a new mantle lift your hands and thank him just audibly thank him and the Lord is going to use you in a mighty way here in Ghana and Beyond Ghana so I had planned to teach tonight on embracing the cross I did my job and how many understood what I said and how many will do it you'll live it you'll embrace the cross that's it and you will win over the power of sin as you embrace the cross
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 41,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: Vh835peM0go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 41sec (8921 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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