Guaranteeing Your Way Into Heaven

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and Lord I Thank You For This blessed moment I thank you for bringing your people together here in Toronto bless them wonderful Jesus visit them wonderful savior meet every need tonight don't let one person leave the same way they came in may they leave transformed may they leave empowered may they leave strengthened in the Holy Ghost and Lord those who have come needing a miracle physically we are all looking to you Lord you are our great physician I pray you'll heal your people tonight for you're the same yesterday today and forever and don't look upon our sins for we have many look upon your blessed righteousness your love and mercy thank you for your love lift your hands to him say it's Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus there is something about that Master [Music] saviors us Jesus [Music] like the fragrance after the race wonderful Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus let all heaven and Earth proclaims Kings and kingdoms will pass away and keep s and kingdoms they'll all pass away but there's something about that and keep s and kingdoms they'll all pass away but there's something about We've Come To Worship You Lord we've come to bless and glorify Your Name Lord and Glory Glory [Music] glory to the left [Music] Glory Glory [Music] Glory to the land for you our Glory us and worthy to be praised you're the lamb upon the throne alone and [Music] afterwards In Praise you're the lamb upon the throne glorious and worthy to be praised you're the lamb [Music] da [Music] and on to you we lift our voice in Praise [Music] to be praised you're the lamb [Music] up on the throne and I'm not we The Voice In Praise [Music] you're the lamb [Music] unto you Lord [Music] we lift our voice you're the land [Music] just a whisper you're the lamb oh one more time you're the land to thee we ascribe Glory to thee with scrab honor to the West cry power if I closed everyone uplifted to thee we ascribe glory to the U.S tribe to thee we ascribed [Music] to thee we ascribe [Music] power and Majesty holy is the Lord just gently on the instrument to thee we ascribe Glory to the West scribe honor to thee we ascribe [Music] to thee we ascribe power and Majesty [Music] so it's all lift up on high the name of Jesus [Music] magnified [Music] Majesty imagine worship your lord [Music] [Music] now the Lord [Music] to thee we ascribe Glory glory to the US Clive honor [Music] to the U.S cry power [Music] and Majesty [Music] and we vow we will give you the glory tonight all the honor all the praise that's our promise and God's people said amen let's give the Lord a mighty hand [Applause] [Music] you see that [Music] in just a moment I'm going to minister the word and would you uh sound man bring my mic a little down so we have no feedback please so in a few moments I'm going to bring the word of God and the word tonight is very important because I'm actually calling it your guaranteed entrance to heaven I'm going to show you from the Lord something very important Jim thank you I'm going to show you from the word something very important a few weeks ago I was preaching really a part of this message at my uh my children's church in Orlando called Jesus image how many of you ever watched Jesus image wow keep watching it's God is doing some wonderful things with him and I said by the way but still a little loud brother especially here yeah no feedback allowed anyway so I had said many people believe that that Jesus came that he died on a cross that he shed his blood for our sin that he rose from the dead I said so does the devil he believes all that and more it's not believe that it's believed in the difference it's quite powerful Abraham believed in God okay I'll explain it like this and then I'll stop how many of you believe that I exist can I show your hand up high good because I do how many believe in me okay some nice people put their hand up you cannot believe in me because to believe in me give me your soul to keep me your money to protect it for you nobody would do that so if you say I believe in you to somebody you because you really cannot say that to a human being to believe in a human being give them your soul to keep you can't do that can you so only God is trusted with that we only believe in God not in man to believe in is so important scripturally and what does it mean to believe in so we're going to look at that and what the Bible says about it because a lot of people today have false security false peace because they say well I believe no different than the devil the devil does not trust God he believes that there's a God but he doesn't trust him to believe in you have to trust him and more than that so I'm going to show what the Bible has to say about guaranteeing your entrance into heaven how many of you want to make sure you get to heaven put your hands up high well you came to the right place and and I'm also going to use this message so we're being taped I'm sure so all you guys doing the taping make sure you do a good job for the Lord okay now this is I think live for the ministry here correct all right so it's it's it's live it's not live on our platforms it's live on the church's platform but I've asked for the tape because I want to put it on all our platforms because people need to hear this message and the people said now before I do that though I want to talk to you first I want to talk to you so and I don't want to wait till the end of the service because people leave they're tired all that I'm going to ask you today can I have some oh I get it right here I'm fine I asked you today are you positively sure that if the economy collapses tomorrow that you'll be financially secure see a lot of people today are worried about their future financially financially because they hear the news they see what's going on and they're scared rightfully rightfully there's nothing wrong with being scared it's a human response to problems but our trust is in the Lord he said to us he said to us in his word David wrote these words he said I'm old and I was young meaning I've lived a long life and in my lifetime David said I have not seen the righteous forsaken say those words I have not what are you righteous then you'll never be forsaken yeah exactly or his seed because if if David stopped with I'm not in the righteous forsaken that's only half the good news but then he said nor his seed begging for bread now if your seed will not lack meaning your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and great great grandchildren then God will surely take care of you so the Lord has promised to take care of you and your children and your grandchildren and your great great grandchildren financially say financially because David said nor is she begging for bread that's a wonderful promise in the Bible that is such a blessed promise if it was the only promise in the Bible it's enough to give you peace because God spoke that but there's many promises like that now some will say well I don't know if I believe the Bible okay let me ask you a few questions now now you need to listen carefully to this okay because today I hear people say well I don't know if I believe this and I don't know believe that about the Bible my response is how many prophecies are in books outside Christianity other religions think about the all the religions on Earth okay how many prophecies are in them zero zero prophecies in any book outside Christianity so if you go study it how many prophecies are in such a religion's book you'll see none why because if one is broken the whole religion will collapse how many prophecies in the Bible 2 500. now wait wait wait wait you'll even get more excited when I'm done God wanted to guarantee to us that his word is true so he gave us 2 500 prophecies in the Bible and how many of them have been fulfilled two thousand how many now these two thousand provinces have been fulfilled with such accuracy it is mind-boggling prophecies about Israel Babylon Assyria Egypt you name it because God gave the prophets detailed prophecies about those Nations and and the coming of the Lord like 332 prophecies just about the Lord's first coming how many prophecies in the Bible about the Lord's first coming how many 332. now they say if three are fulfilled just three it's a miracle because it's not you only possible not humanly possible even for a few to be fulfilled like three or four Jesus fulfilled 332 already when he came the first time now there are many more that will be fulfilled when he comes back but all together 2000 prophecies have been fulfilled about Israel Babylon the moabites adamites all the ice Egypt Assyria all that from the province 500 prophecies are to be fulfilled about Israel and the second coming of the Lord and the chances of those being fulfilled is extremely high because 2 000 are fulfilled already so you can stake your life on the Bible but God knew God knew that some people don't believe the Bible so he gave us historical proof God is a smart God because he's he knew people say well I don't want to leave the Bible still so then he gave us historical proofs let me ask you a question gentleman all of you behind me on the platform how many prophecies sorry how many documents documents in the world talk about Caesar Augustus Caesar any any of you know nine one two three four five six nine documents documents about Caesar exist on Earth yet they teach in universities and schools that he existed nobody questions that there was a man one time named Augusta Caesar how many historical documents and I'm I'm talking history with you how many historical documents talk about that Jesus Christ lived died and rose from the dead 39 39 historical documents 80 percent of them are not even written by Christians historians historians some were actually atheists who act you can go to any Library your local library and find out what I'm telling is true that historians 39 documents by historians have written there was a man named Jesus who died on the cross and rose from the dead he said that's incredible yeah have you read Josephus it's in there too and other historians 39 documents in history now God knew that some would even question his history so he gave us archeology you can walk it touch it smell it I did in Israel the Bible in in the book of Ezra mentions the steps that go from the pool of Siloam up to Temple mount for 2000 years nobody could even believe it Israeli archaeologists questioned the Bible because they said well there is no pool of Siloam anywhere in the book of Ezra he mentions the steps that go up from Siloam to Moriah well I happen to be there physically me mwah when they were digging in there they found the pool of Siloam by accident if you look at the city of Jerusalem right south of Temple Mount is a is a town named silhouen in Arabic silhouen for silomo an Arab Palestinian man had a pipe break in his house so over two thousand years all the mud came down from the mount okay Temple mount with all the destruction and all the mud it covered the city of David it covered the pool of Siloam it covered Treasures hidden under the ground so this guy had a pie break so he called for the city to come and help so they came and as they were fixing it they found there's more underneath his house and what did they find the pool of Siloam mentioned in the Gospel of John and then to their amazement and surprise and I happened to be there they found the steps that go from the pool to the temple I walked on those steps and while they were digging the archaeologists were digging they found coins thousands of coins two thousand year old coins from the time period of the Temple and guess what they did with some of the coins they gave them to me with the mud on them 2 000 year old mud I cleaned them and stuck them in my pocket and I still have them I walked in those locations and they've discovered more and more you can go on YouTube just put city of David it's all there you can literally see the sights they have discovered and dug now archaeologists Jewish archaeologists who are not saved use the Bible for archeology they don't even use other books anymore they use the Bible because the Bible now has become the road map in archeology in Israel these are not Christians can you give the Lord Almighty ever that so so my point is God has given us proof after proof after proof that the Bible is his word so when I said the Bible says stake your life on it and the Bible says I have not seen the righteous forsaken you believe that right well you better there's proof for that huh nor is seed begging for bread and the Bible also tells us all is well say all is well what did that shunamite woman say when her son died remember that story in in Second Kings her son was dead dead and she never told her husband the father of the child that his boy was dead so the father said why are you leaving why why must she go to the man of God it's not a holy day what she said all is well to her husband now she's on the way and Elisha was there and she comes to gehazi and she says all is well in the in the natural it wasn't well the boy was dead but to her God is a specialist in the impossible nothing is impossible say nothing say it again one one more time please nothing is impossible with God no no wait wait wait with God it's very important that you understand with not to with nowhere in the Bible does it say even though it's true but it doesn't say in the Bible nothing is impossible to God it says with God why because God needs someone to believe his promise so nothing truly is impossible to God but God has chosen not to do it by himself or Roberts used to say God will not do it without you and you cannot do it without him say God will not do it without me and I cannot do it without him so God needs you to believe that's why it says with God nothing is impossible so if you put your faith in its promise the miracle will happen but if your faith is in your ability no go so you look at the Bible after you look at the trouble out there you look at the Bible say you know what I don't care about that trouble because it says all is well and Jesus said over and over and over and over even when the storm came fear not don't be afraid he said that over and over in the Gospels so he repeats it to us tonight don't be afraid look at somebody and say don't be afraid what are you afraid for come on tell them ask them so what are you afraid for all is well let me hear you lift your hand say thank you Lord all is well well that's the Bible that's his word all right now we can put our trust in the Lord by giving with confidence giving with faith for his work but you see every time we give we're actually obeying scripture keeping is not about money giving is about faith that we believe what he says you go to the store to buy food you exchange your money for food or clothing or whatever you need there's no faith involved there you just give and you buy it go home but when you give to God that money turns into seed it's no longer money it's seed now informing faith is involved faith is not involved in buying something from from the story because you can see it go pick it up in fact you pay on the way out not in if you bet on the way and then you need Faith so they'll give it to you but when you already put those things in the bag you got it with buying we pay on the way out with faith we pay on the way in did you get that we begin with faith when it comes with God's work it's about faith like the farmer when he puts that seed in the in the ground there is Faith involved even in that atheist farmer he knows that that seed is going to give him a harvest even though he cannot see the Harvest when you go to a store you can see your your suit you want to buy or the apples or the oranges or the grape whatever but when it comes to farming in a farm around here they can't see the Harvest they have to sow that seed believing it's going to work and it does every time God is so amazing have you ever looked how many seeds are in an orange papaya oh a lot of seed in the in the in in the fruit it shows you the power of God in it so when you give God your money it's no longer money it becomes seed and that's where faith is needed now so you give in total trust that he meant what he said and the Lord said you'll get the Harvest so we've all repeated and remembered give it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together I'm running over it but nobody really has seen it happen you will though if you believe because when Jesus said it shall be given unto you God imagine press down shake it together and running over he was talking about a lot of abundance he wasn't talking about paycheck to paycheck he was saying if you become such a giver there'll never be an end to the Harvest you'll never lack and your seed not only blesses you but your children and grandchildren and their children and their children it's faith in God that's all it is it's faith in God I can keep you here all night to tell you what God has done with me when I faced a real difficult situation I knew there's one thing to do obey and it worked 50 years of it and it's still working because Jesus said it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together to make more room and running over shall man give to your bosom meaning you give it with your hand and you receive it with your bosom your hands are too small for the Harvest you need to be prepared when it comes so lift your hands let's believe God come on Lord I Thank you for your word and I thank you for your promise for you said I've not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread Lord your people have come trusting you that their future will will have abundance No Lack the word says None lacked among them and none will lack among us when we believe your word to you be all the praise and God's people said all right now if the if the ushers would pass these envelopes quickly then I'm going to minister of the world you can do this real fast if we can pass the envelopes to everyone here and I wanted to sow your seed let God talk to you let God talk to you you can listen to God I'm sure you can let God talk to you and I'm gonna encourage you sweet people that have a real problem right now with your Finance this is the time to sow let your faith come alive as you give to the Lord's work in fact some of you can text your your gift even now while I'm talking from your phone you don't you don't even need an envelope it's on the screen yeah there you go there you go so simple as BHM 4577 right on the phone just it's in it's in the account you can you can text it right now right to the account or you can give like it says up there PayPal and all that good stuff when I began in the ministry there none of that existed now it's all simple huh or you can use the envelope and sow your seed and you people watching your homes you can do the same Hallelujah and you in your homes can also just simply text it BHM go to the website or the PayPal yes PayPal dot me been in ministries so simple PayPal dot me wow that's so so easy to even remember and let's do it now before I bring the Blessed word of God and then yes I will be praying for the sick tonight so expect your miracle and uh Gary would you come a minute Pastor Gary Busey and I think this bike is probably going to work too this red mic I'm gonna give it to Pastor you know um Jen would you mind coming up here please I'm gonna have you sing me a song I know you won't prepare but you're always prepared and Jim and Simeon are great musicians these wonderful people believe it or not began with me in the ministry here in Canada years ago dear Gary Beasley they are very busy I began preaching in his dad's church in 1974. he wasn't there because he was in Bible School that Oshawa Trinity Assembly we it began that was his daddy's Church and he in fact goodness gracious we've known each other now for huh 77 1977. and you begin to sing I know what are you going to sing again he's a pastor in Windsor and they they drove all the way tonight from Windsor and I'd like it just sing a song I don't know what song you want to sing something is your favorite anything you want okay you'll try something I love it oh she's gonna play great Jane used to play for me when we started in Ministry she was actually my musician and here they are again can you believe that after all those years [Applause] oh I love that they're going to sing his eyes on the sparrow and I love that song so I'm going to go sit down while you sing and your wife's gonna sing with you huh please sing with him why don't you use my mic it's better than yours there you go [Music] [Music] when Jesus is my portion as he is my constant friend is he is [Music] watches me His Eye Is on the space [Music] tonight yes I see because I feel free inside [Music] I know he watches [Music] and not your heart be troubled his tender voice I hear and trusting in God's goodness come on he's a good God I lose all my doubt [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I know [Music] why'd you sing with him come on let's think [Music] because I'm happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come here wait wait wait you you're gonna love to hear this Jim Jim no come here Jim have you given the the offering yet oh they haven't let's pass the offering buckets okay Jim and Gary went to the same school Bible College close friends now he was my first musician then he came later in life but I did not know they were in the same College and they've been friends all those years darling you're not done yet go back on the instrument sweetie you used to sing a song while we passed the offering buckets you used to sing a song that's a holy hush remember that do you still know it pardon I think you do know it you're not old yet there's a holy hush coming over this place you remember that yes well don't worry about them they'll just follow you then you remember that song it's been so many years why don't you start singing it yeah yeah foreign it's a beautiful song this place can feed [Music] on your face [Music] oh [Music] and let him touch you today [Music] say it again Gary the holy Ash coming over this place I can see love of Jesus reflected reflect Ed on each face as a speech here in his own space away [Music] let him touch you know that song One More Time [Music] [Music] to Jesus reflected [Music] each face [Music] it is [Music] open up and let him touch you today one more time Gary please [Music] there's a holy harsh coming over this place I can see the love of Jesus [Music] reflected on its face as the speed [Applause] moves in his own special way open up and let him touch you today can you lift Your Hands to Heaven Saints there's a hole Lee harsh coming over this place I can see the love of Jesus [Music] reflected on its face as the speed moves [Music] in his own special way open up and let him touch you today [Music] open up and I'll touch you today open up and let him touch you today can we give the Lord a mighty hand wow [Applause] [Music] brings back a lot of memories these songs are life-changing aren't they [Music] would you go with me to Mark 16 [Music] verse 16. [Music] Jesus breaks every fighter Jesus breaks [Music] every fatter you know that old song Jesus breaks every fatter and he says me free lift your hands sing it again come on Jesus breaks every fetter every veteran [Music] Jesus breaks everyone Jesus breaks everything and he says me free [Music] tonight I pray the Lord will set each one free not only from bondage and sickness but also from doubt and uncertainty about heaven [Music] thank you Jim thank you Simeon in mark and please make sure these speakers are on a little bit so these men behind me can hear because when I sat there we could not hear Gary too well in Mark 16 16 we read he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned these are some of The Last Words the Lord spoke before he went to heaven none more important to be spoken to the sons of men he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned these words call our most diligent attention because in them are set the terms of life or death in these words the lord gave us the terms for eternal life or Eternal death so we have to take it seriously because this deals with life and death he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned now in second Peter 1 10 it says make your election sure why because there is a counterfeit faith there is a true saving faith and there is a counterfeit faith it's been there for two thousand years let me show you what I mean there was a man in the Bible mentioned in the book of Acts chapter 8. I'm going to read you carefully the words given to us in Scripture beginning at verse 9 through 13. there was a man called Simon which Before Time in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out that he himself was some great one to whom they all gave heed from the least of the greatest saying this man is the great power of God and to him they had regard because that for a long time he had Bewitched them was sorcery but when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women then Simon himself believed and it says he was baptized but the question is was he saved was this real faith I am showing you counterfeit faith it says he believed and was baptized now Jesus said in Mark 16 16 if you believe and you're baptized you'll be saved this man was not saved why because if you read on Verse 18 Peter now comes and laid hands on the people and they were healed it says in verse 18 when Simon saw that through the Ling on of the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given he offered them money saying give me also this power that on whosoever I lay hands he may receive the Holy Ghost Peter said to him now watch this this is the same man we heard was believed and was baptized Peter says to him thy money I'm reading verse 20. thy money perish with thee because thou has thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money thou has not apart no lot in this matter because for thy heart is not right in the sight of God he is a man who did not really have saving faith he did not have real Bible faith later Peter tells him to repent in verse 22 repent of this thy wickedness hmm wow so it says he believed and was baptized but his heart was not right he was called wicked there's a lot of people today who believe like Simon whose hearts are not right with God how many are listening yeah how well you say all right that's one man oh no no let me show you a little more than one man let me take you to Acts 26. now in Acts 26 and verse 27 Paul the Apostle is giving his testimony to the king named King Agrippa and in verse 27 he says King Agrippa believe it's thou the prophets I know that thou believest he is a man who also believed scripture but was he saved no no the people of Israel in Exodus 14. this is a very important message that cannot be ignored because it deals with your life or death it's a very serious serious question do you know without any question you will make heaven when you die is your faith Bible faith or is it mental faith so in Exodus 14 31 it says Israel saw the great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians and the people feared the Lord and believed the Lord and his servant Moses but those same people were destroyed later they believe the Lord only for a very short time now let me uh let me take you somewhere else that uh I think you need to look at with me I wanna I wanna explain something to all of you because I think it's vital let's go to John the Gospel of John chapter 8. now there's there's another group of people so we talked about Simon we talked about Agrippa now let's look at some some people here that uh heard the Lord Minister the word and I'm going to read for you John 8. and verse 30. John 8 30 says as he spake these words many believed on him then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him if ye continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed in he shall know the truth and that's who shall make you free now we when we read that we don't realize that later they're told that the Lord later called them children of the devil now I was reading that a few days ago and I'm thinking wait a minute this is the same crowd that believed the same crowd that believed but later in verse 44 he called them children of Satan and in verse 59 they wanted to throw rocks at him so did they really believe were they really saved I think I got your attention so in verse 30 it says they believed many believed on him in verse 44 he says to that same crowd you are of your father the devil that's quite a shock those who believed are now being told your children of the devil and in verse 59 when Jesus said in verse 58 verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am then took the upstones to cast at him so were they really saved no so what does it mean to believe Ah that's the question we have to deal with tonight we all have have red and heard about the Jailer in the book of Acts chapter 16. you remember the man in verse 30. he said to Paul and Silas you all remember when Paul was put in prison with Silas an earthquake came and the Jailer comes running and asks them the question in verse 30 and he brought them out and said sirs what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and thy house and they speak unto him the word of the Lord to all that were in his house and it took them the same hour of the night to watch their stripes was baptized he and all his and straight away all the family and all this straight away and when he had brought them into the house he said meet before them rejoicing believing ah this is dekina believing in God not on believing in God with all his house now there is a mistranslation in verse 30. and 31 but I'm gonna I'm gonna just focus on on verse 31. where Paul says Believe on the original says in not on believe in because later it says he believed in God now I asked the question earlier do you believe that I exist and you said yes and I said do you believe in me and some of you nice people put your hand up I said no you can't really win me because to believe in me give me give me your soul to keep you can only believe in God but I think it is important for me to point out something to all of you now are you listening okay now now let's go to Luke chapter eight in Luke chapter 8 we have a most revealing truth in this parable and this is the first Parable in Luke look at me all of you just look at me a second when you read the Gospel of Luke he begins with the birth of the Lord and then the Miracles and then chapter 8 begins talking about the parables and in this parable the Lord says something so important and then he says if you have ears to hear you you better hear it in other words it's a it's it's an amazing life-changing truth you can't miss so he spake a parable in verse 5 of Luke 8. A sower went out to sow his seed as he sold some fell by the wayside it was trodden down and the files of the air devouted some fell upon a rock as soon as it was sprung up it withered away because it lacked moisture some fell among thorns and the Thorns sprang up with it and choked it and others fell on good ground and spraying up and bear fruit 100 volt and when he had said these things he he cried he wanted them to really get this he cries like he shouts he then ears to hear Let Him hear [Applause] his disciples in verse 9 wanted to know the meaning of despairable in verse 10 he said unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God but to others in Parable that seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand now the parable is this the seed is the word of God the those by the wayside are they that hear then comes the devil takes away the word out of their hearts hearts don't don't forget that part lest they should believe and be saved then on the Rock are they which when they hear they receive the word with joy they'll receive with joy but these don't have depth have no root which for a while believe a while believe is that saving Faith no it doesn't last they believe for a short time and in times of Temptation they fall away and that which fell among Thorns are they which when they had heard the word they go forth they start living the life but then they're choked with the cares and Riches of this world and the pleasures of this life and they bring forth no fruit they bring no fruit to perfection then verse 15 but that on the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart having heard the word keep the word and bring forth fruit with patience now let me point something out to all of you and I want you all just to pay close attention and listen very closely to what I'm going to say I have three groups that didn't make it three groups group number one heard the word it got in their heart but the devil stole it now I know people like that and you do too I remember a young man who got saved before I did in Toronto right here he was in the Kingdom before I was he's the one who told me he told me about the people that God used to bring me to the kingdom he was so thereafter was divorced and married a new wife who was not exactly the right wife to marry because he's sitting watching the 700th club and she said what are you watching this for why are you paying attention to this crazy man meaning Pat Robertson and she stole his faith and he stopped believing and today he is not in the Kingdom how long was in the Kingdom about three weeks to a month why did he leave because Satan used his new wife to steal the word right out of his heart you know people like that and so do I now there's the second group that the Lord talked about they have no depth and what is so amazing in verse 13 it says they received the word with joy did they last no because it says when Temptations came they fell away they believed for a while now that one could have been a year maybe two maybe three we don't know but when those Temptations got too much for them they walked away so were they really saved no did they really believe in God so a lot of people today are given false security because the preacher says just repeat after me oh I'm saved are you Jesus made it very clear the way to life is narrow and very few will find it now that tells me it's not as easy as you think I remember Franklin Graham telling me we spend the whole day one time years ago and he called me one day he said I want to talk to you I had just written good morning Holy Spirit and he said Benny would you come up to Charlotte I want to talk to you so I went up there he said my daddy Billy Graham wants me to talk to you that's all right we spent the whole day together not Billy Graham Franklin Graham his son he said focus on souls he said God has given you a Ministry like Catherine Coleman I said well I don't know about that he said well it looks like it and then he said focus on the Lost focus on Souls then God will focus on you he said don't focus on the healings focus on Lost Souls and God will focus on you and that was many years ago and that's when I began giving Ultra calls right up top if you came to any of the of the Crusades I made sure I gave the clear gospel message way before I prayed for the sick now when I read this parable and I think about what I've seen in my life the people I've known who no longer live in faith no longer are in the faith they walked out many of the young people that was saved in the catacombs back in the 70s is a big church called Saint Paul's Cathedral on Bloor Street right by Florida Bay there was a move of God there a powerful move of God I would attend it on Thursday night with Gary busley now I did not know him then with Merv and Muller Watson I was just with them a week ago in Vancouver they are the people God used in my life those early days and Merlot wrote Jehovah Jireh she's 85 years old Murphy's 86. and you can see what we did together on our Facebook it's still there she played a violin beautifully last week but we remember when a man came in a preacher came in through the catacombs preaching what was called then mashed potatoes I know it's a very silly name but it's about submission we're all one in the Lord mashed potatoes that's what they called it but you have to submit to the authority of the pastor but they went too far with that teaching that submission teaching and thousands of young people left the church I was one of them because they brought bondage control was sad to watch some of my friends some of my friends that brought me to the Lord walked out from the faith left the faith some of them went back on drugs I never did drugs I was too scared for my dad before I got saved I I feared my dad if I did drugs you would have killed me so I filled my dad and then when I got saved I feared my dad and God I never did anything because I was so scared of my dad thank God what they used to call discipline then they call abuse today my Daddy really knew how to discipline us oh yeah I got it a few times boy did I get it oh brother anyways some of those young people are no longer in the church they fit with this group here they received the word with joy but now when Temptations come and they did goodbye so how long did they last or the ones I knew maybe three four years I don't know that's it then they left walked away one of them came back one day and I met him somewhere I said Paul wasn't the most important how are you doing well he said I'm going down to an Anglican Church I can't handle those uh born-again people he was one of the strongest Believers I know who walked away from the faith and felt more comfortable in an Anglican church because he said the charismatic Evangelical people were messing with his head and he just walked away so sad to watch but there's a third group you see it's a process the process I do not believe I do not believe in once saved always saved it's not in the Bible now look look I believe in predestination not predetermination predestination means God has chosen you before the foundation of the world yes but you have to cooperate you have to follow him because Jesus said follow me he didn't say I'm going to pull you in he said follow me follow means you choose never forget this one thing I'm going to say Jesus leads Satan pushes say that one more time so Jesus says follow me I'm gonna lead you but it's your choice you follow it's your choice the devil says do it my way you do this and you do that no so it's a process of salvation from Faith to Faith can you people handle a little meat come on can you handle little meat we focus so much on the text rather than the context of scripture so when you read for God's soul of the world we all know John 3 16 I should ask you do you know John 3 14. some say yes Moses say no in John 3 16 for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes will not perish but that word so has God had gotten a lot of people in trouble because it doesn't mean what you think it means the Greek says thus not so like so thus it's the same word in verse 14. so shall the son of man be lifted up as Moses lifted up the serpent thus shall the son of man be littered up that's what it means so you have to look at the whole Bible to understand faith the first group didn't last long second group lasts a little bit longer the third group probably lasted quite a while they the third group fell among thorns it's a lot of people listening to me right now in that third group be careful now the devil has not yet walked away totally and that which fell among Thorns are they when they heard the word go forth in other words they start living the life and are choked why the cares and riches and pleasures of this life and they bring no no fruit to perfection but now there's that fourth group that I want you all to be a part of but in verse 15 but that on the good ground are they which with an honest and good heart having heard the word keep it say keep it say it again and bring forth fruit with patience say patience all right now this is really important okay and I'm going to explain this a little more how many of you are listening keep listening it has to do with your soul Jesus said something very powerful very powerful I'm gonna take you to Matthew 7. Matthew 7. now I know you sweet people many of you came you wanted to be healed and the Lord will do that for you but I've gotta get this through to you the Lord gives us now a beautiful command in verse 13 of Matthew 7. myth in verse 13 and 14 he says enter ye at the Straight Gate that word straight in the Greek means narrow for wide is the gate and Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate or narrow is and narrow is the way and that word narrow by the way means difficult or confined in the Greek so narrow or straight is the gate and now difficult or confined is the way which leads unto life and few there be that find it now when you go down to verse 21 here we see a group I don't want any of you to be a part of this group not everyone that said to me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven many will say to me that the Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name and in your name have got our devils in your name done many wonderful works then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity but then he tells us the key the key is verse 24. and on whoever hears these things of mind and do with them I will liken my unto a wise man which builds his house on the rock and the and the rain descends and the floods came and the winds blew and they beat upon their house it did not fall it was founded upon Iraq now all of you pay attention look at me I want to talk to you I want to get this through to you I want to look in in your eyes and get this through to you salvation is war with the flesh the flesh is your enemy you can resist the devil you cannot resist your flesh there's no Bible verse that says resist the Flesh and he'll flee from you I can easily deal with the Devil I can resist him with the word and he'll run like a coward but this flesh is my enemy because I live with this flesh I hate this flesh Paul says o Wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death and destruction this body fights you every day the devil doesn't fight you every day he comes and goes but this flesh those inner Temptations out of the heart proceeds all the evil you know to fight it be strong against it it's a daily walk it's a daily battle you never stop fighting this flesh never and the lord gave us the secret the secret now if you read Romans I'm not just I'm having a good talk with you does that really get through to you because when I'm preaching out there I was like oh he's up there and I'm down here well I came down to where you are so let's get together when you read the book of Romans it's divided into four parts how many parts good the first part you gotta hear this okay first part is chapter one to chapter five it talks about justification what is justification it's when you believe in God and he declares you're righteous so chapter one to five talks about justification he uses Abraham as an example he believed in God and the Lord declared him righteous and then he starts in verse 1 of chapter 5 being justified by faith we have peace with God good it's a good beginning but it doesn't stop there now in chapter 6 7 he talks about something where you have got to fight now you ought to do it it's easy to be told by God you're in you're righteous but now you what's your name Andrew Andrew now you have to grow into that righteousness are you are you listening so God can say Your Righteous but you have to live it now you have to grow into it now we call that sanctification so in chapter 6 7 it talks about being Sanctified growing into righteousness wrecking yourselves dead unto sin yield your members unto God as instruments of righteousness that is growing into righteousness comprende you grow into the Christian Life so growing into the Christian Life you have to fight this thing here it calls the flesh the old man the old man the flesh and then you have another part when you're done with sanctification there's chapter 8 glorification wow and then there is now he talks about Israel chapter 9 10 11. and but that has nothing to do with you and me but we have four responsibilities we are Justified Sanctified glorified and then from chapter 12 to 16 he talks about the duty of a believer how do we live our duty as believers I just gave you the whole book of Romans chapter one two three four five justification six and seven sanctification eight glorification 19 11 about Israel and God's plan for them 12 to 16. here's how you live your responsibilities what you learn from that is hey just because God declares me righteous it doesn't mean I'm in now I gotta grow into it how how oh dear God I've asked that question a million times myself how it scares me when I read verse 22. oh in Matthew 7 22 many not some many will say to me in that day Lord Lord many Lord we prophesied in your name we've cast out devils in your name we've done Mighty things in your name and he says I don't know who you are I don't want to be in that group and you don't want to be in that group how do we get ourselves in a place says come in Beloved of my father I have made a decision I want you all to make that that same decision we must finish better than when we began lift your hands say father help me finish better than when I began say it again father in Jesus name Empower me to finish stronger and finish better than when I was saved amen you see salvation then it's a process we go from strength to strength from Faith to Faith so we have to make Jesus the center of our life very important and we also have we have to obey second Corinthians 13 5 Paul says examine yourselves whether you be in the faith put it on the screen please second Corinthians 13 verse 5 examine yourselves check it out with your own heart whether you be in the faith now it's making more sense when you read like Proverbs 14 and others like in Proverbs 14 verse 12 there's a way which seems right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death okay looks fine now all is well now but that's false hope that's false peace that's false security it looks fine now I mean no you're not because the end may be death there's a very strong scripture in proverbs 30 verse 12. proverbs 30 12. it says there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes but they're not washed from their filth there's a group that the Bible says is a a generation that believes they are pure but they're only pure in their own eyes and yet they are not washed from their filth now maybe there's somebody here tonight who says well I'm pure I'm clean but does God look at you the same way are you cleaning your own eyes only you see what we're looking at here is faith that doesn't save I'll give you example after example Simon the Sorcerer King Agrippa John ate all those people who they believed in then they will told you the children of the devil no now there's more that I want to say because it's important I have asked myself oh Lord how can I guarantee and then one day I'm reading Matthew 11 28. come on to me all you who labor are heavily and I'll give you rest it mean to come like when Jesus said labor I'll give you a rest take my yoke upon you it's light it's easy you'll bring rest your soul but what does it mean to come what does it mean well it's not a very easy answer you probably won't like this one I love it because that's what I want I want to finish strong so we talk about come on to my audio labor now wait a minute listen to these words if any man come to me and hate not his father his mother his wife his children his brothers his sisters and his own life you cannot be my disciple so Lord wait wait wait wait now you told me in Matthew 11 28 if I come I'm in now you're telling me if I come I gotta hate my family my children and my own life to make it uh-huh you can't even be my my disciple he said so we can say come unto Jesus give him your life today what does it mean to come okay boy I still got your attention now in Proverbs 28 and verse 13 we have the beginning of this or verse 13 have the start he that covers his sin will not Prosper but whoever confesseth and forsakes will have mercy I not only have to confess my saying I gotta walk away I gotta completely say no never again no no and no but what gives you and I the power to say no to the devil and to sin and to the flesh it's only one power the word in you now wait a minute wait wait I'm gonna come down again I'm going to come down again because see when I come down you all kind of get in there any of you ever had a new car can I serve him new car okay but it's no good without gasoline now let's say let's say I said to one of you what's your name brother okay let's I said I'm root okay I'm rude I said I'm root I'm going to give you a new car he would have oh my he'd shout for joy so I give him the key it's a new car for you here's the key for you Bank come back sit down up there no no I don't need you down here you want to be down here fine don't don't worry about him so now I say to amrut I said listen here's the key brand new car but you need to go to the gas station I'm not gonna give you the gas you go buy it so God gives us a gift calls life eternal but he says you go to the station and you get the gas he told Israel he said I'm going to send you manna but I'm not going to send it to your tent you go and look for it are you listening so I'm going to give you the Mana but you go look for it you get out of your tent and go search out there and that manner went for miles and miles and miles do you know something have you ever thought thought about how far they stretched around that Tabernacle that's three million people Gary three million people they had enough animals to sacrifice every day it would fill 20 trucks today 20 truckloads of those trucks you see on the highway that's how many animals they offered daily daily in the in the wilderness it's a lot of animals to show up but they had to go out there and look for the for that manner just like you and I have to go out and look for the food for the world God will not take the spoon and feed you he says go get it yourself there's the food there's the word come on get on with it shake a leg and do it so so so so God's word is the gasoline it gives you life and says get the gasoline the word but it's still no good without what ignition you can go to the station and fill the gas you're still there nowhere till you turn on that key and that's called prayer are you learning anything you want your car to move like the Christian Life God gives you the car you get the gas and you ignite the ignition and you're on but a lot of people they have the car they may even have some some gas they just don't like to use the key and they're going nowhere nowhere all right so coming to Jesus means repentance so when Jesus said come on to me all you live and look look the Lord is not asking you to hate your family come on the same God who said honor your father and mother doesn't want you to go and hate them can I give you the example what that means how many will like it okay remember when Mary came to the Lord's meeting one day he's preaching and they said your mom is out there he said who's my mom who's my brothers they who hear the word and do it but on the cross he brought balance he would not let her interfere when it came to his work she could not interfere when it came to his ministry but on the cross he looked and said to John take care of her he honored his mummy so we honor our parents but Jesus has the priority Jesus is number one in our life because Mom and Dad one day will go Mom and Dad one day will not be there my mom would have loved to have said to me I'll never leave you Benny never forsake you but she could not why because her body gave up got old she passed on she's with the Lord there's only one who says and always fulfills I will never leave you nor forsake you I'm with you always so coming to Jesus means repentance coming to Jesus means turning away from sin coming to Jesus means leaving all confidence in self behind me I cannot trust myself I cannot trust my heart I cannot and I will not trust my heart yes it fails me every single time the heart is wicked the Bible says in Jeremiah our trust is in the Lord and I have to renounce all love for sin and the world and I make Jesus My All In All so it begins with a decision in Colossians 2 puts it so beautifully verse six and seven Paul the Apostle makes this wonderful statement as you have received as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord walk in him be rooted in him verse 7 be built up in him be established in the faith so you want to really be a Christian you have received Christ Jesus not walk in him be rooted in him be built up in him be established in his faith that's what it means now I'm going to say one thing to you washing your heart it's not as easy as washing your hands those who say okay I'm in there are no different people who wash their hands that's easy stuff that's quick stuff there's an amazing scripture in James 4. it says wash your hands and your heart you wash your hands and then purify your heart put James 4 8 up the Forum and the tough part is the heart not the hands drawn eye to God he'll draw an eye to you oh well like that cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your heart you can cleanse your hands from sin Allah with the King James says I don't know what translation this one is but let me read it to you from the King James because the King James is more accurate than any other translation in my opinion draw night to God he'll draw an eye to you cleanse your hands you Sinners and purify your heart you double-minded Jim would you help me that beautiful instrument with you there so Jesus said in Luke 13 23 24 5. can you put that scripture up for him Luke 13 23 24. so they asked the question they said Lord are there few that will be saved how many will be saved Lord but a great question to ask the Lord verse 23 then said one unto him Lord are there few that be saved he said strive to enter into the strait gate for many I said you will seek to enter in and will not be able so Lord are they all going to get saved is that strive to enter in through that narrow gate so how Lord what what what is the key here help me with that baby back there please salvation is much more than pardon of sin in the past because salvation deals with the Temptations that come from within I just told you earlier that flesh do you want the answer if you want the answer put your hand where if I want to see it okay real real gentle gym like real hush you know four things please you you've got to hear this please number one embrace the cross you embrace the cross because Jesus said you take it with you in Luke 14 he said If any man will come after me let him deny himself carry his cross and follow me then he said you've got to count the cost you can account the cost I'm going to read that for you in just a second no you know what I'm going to read it right now because I'd like you all to really really get this help me with that baby back there Marie now I don't even want to want to hear nothing this is so important to God's people's lives and Eternity Luke 14. 26 to 35 If any man will come to me I had not his father mother wife children brother and sisters his own life he cannot be my disciple whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple for which of you intending to build a tower sits not down first and counts the cost whether he has sufficient to finish it less happily after he had laid the foundation is not able to finish it all that behold it began to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish what king Gone Gone to war against another king sits not down first and consults whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that comes with twenty thousand or else while the other is yet a great way off doesn't send an embassage and desires conditions of Peace So likewise whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he hath he cannot be minus okay now I I've I've asked myself what guarantee can I have and I found this when you and I'm not going to give you the whole message but this is the message that we see through the Bible embrace the cross what does it mean what did Jesus mean when he said carry your cross number one cross represents shame what is shame the offense of the Cross Paul mentions that in Galatians 5 he said the offense of the Cross persecution in other words to embrace the cross is to embrace the shame when Jesus died they mocked him they spit on him and when you read Galatians 5 11 he talks about the shame of the Cross when he writes these when he writes these words in Galatians 5 I'm going to read for you verse 11 and here's what it says and I Brethren if I preach circumcision why do I yet suffer persecution then is the offense of the Cross ceased The Shame of the of the Cross is persecution they persecuted the Lord on the way to Golgotha they mocked him spit upon him they came said if you're the Son of God come off that cross so then we will believe you shame The Shame of the Cross means we are willing to be persecuted with joy when they say all manner we will against you rejoice 300 million or more today are under persecution in this world in Many Nations they've embraced the cross and said I'll gladly suffer persecution to please the Lord number two it represents weakness in second Corinthians 13 verse 3 and 4 Paul talks about that Jesus died in weakness weakness and I'm going to explain that to you but listen now second Corinthians 13 verse 3. since you seek proof of Christ speaking in me which to you which to your word is not weak but it's mighty in you for though he was crucified through weakness yet he lives by the power of God for we also are weak in him but we shall live with him by the power of God towards you what does it mean to embrace the weakness of the cross it means you come to the end of your resources you come to the end of yourself you come to the end of your strength and you say Lord I am completely dependent on you I cannot depend on myself or anyone else I embrace the Cross by saying Lord I cannot trust my own soul come to the end of your strength end of your resource and of your abilities and trust him and finally death because the cross came to finish us and I love what Paul as I close says to us in Romans chapter 6. I'm going to read chapter 6 verse 3. and Jim at the cross at the cross when I first saw the light no ye not that so many of us as we're baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized us into his death verse 11 says likewise reckon also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ Our Lord look at verse 12 sin then will not reign in your mortal body let not sin reign in your mortal body that you should obeyton the last thereof and I love verse 13 neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness Unto sin but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God it's at the cross at the cross he's in our gym where I first saw the light and the burdens of my heart they're all the way it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day now hear me out I've been there the week I got saved I was invited to go to a supposedly prayer meeting some of the kids from church invited me to go to his apartment on Dawn Mills Avenue in Shepherd but those kids were not therefore a prayer meeting they were there for sin and I walked out first I couldn't believe it that those same kids in church were wanting to have some so-so whatever activities or not holy at all so I walked out by myself I looked up I I was just there last night I was driving down dominoes and I was telling those guys with and I said I looked up I said dear Jesus I don't want that life I want you and I felt a warm blanket of love surami the devil was trying to steal that word a week the same week I got saved years later when I was in the Crusades a guy came from Hollywood who did the movie on Mandela and said I want to make you an actor I said no I don't want it he cussed me out with the most foul language coming out of his mouth I walked out I said how dare you walk out I said goodbye I had a dream at the time when the when the when the devil appeared in a dream and said to me I'll give you anything you want if you leave the ministry I screamed at him no in my dream that the same week that guy from came from Hollywood to offer me that position for a movie star I said oh come on man you see the devil is always wanting to bring you back I have made up my heart not just my in my heart no turning back there's nothing to go back to like Peter said to whom shall we go Lord you have the words of life and today in this world out there who wants to be a part of that forget it there's only one life for us only one life tribulation it's gonna come it says with much tribulation you're going to enter the kingdom with joy Lord with joy they're going to call you names they already have let them with joy I was I was speaking a few days ago up in Seattle for a very big Ministry a dear man young man named Russell Johnson big church young people a lot of young people they must must have had seven eight thousand you those guys were with me up there and the Monday Monday later the day after they brought their key pastors came about over 100 of them sat with me and one of the pastors said you are the most hated preacher I think I know he said Pastor Benny he said so many people have hated you he said at one time he had known this whatever and he said he said you know he said getting to know you it's the end of changing I'm changing his mind is so what sort of thank God for that and another guy came up later he said he said I want to apologize he said it was a time I just hated you I said well it's fine I said my best friends today at one time were my enemies it's okay and one guy said how do you handle this how do you handle the attacks Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus that's how you do it that's the only way to do it I was about to be attacked by NBC deadline and I'm on TV on TBN I'm rejoicing and one guy called he said are you for real he said they're they're going to destroy you tonight I said brother do you remember what Gamaliel said in the book of Acts if a work be of God you cannot destroy it you don't need the news to destroy you if you're not called by God you'll be destroyed by yourself but when God is in your life you cannot be destroyed when Jesus is there impossible you can't nobody can bring you down except yourself so there's really only one answer Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus come on look for sing it in his wonderful face and the things of this Earth will grow strangely including the enemies in the light of his glory [Music] stand up and sing it one more time turn your eyes upon Jesus look for in his wonderful and the things of this Earth including the people and the things and the enemies too will grow strangely damn in the light of his glory [Music] there was an old song Come On Gary wonderful wonderful Jesus you are my friend true to the end you gave yourself to redeem me Jesus [Music] wonderful Lord you sit with us but that is when it's too high for us wonderful wonderful Jesus Jesus you are my friend Lord you are my friend true to the end through to the end you gave your life to redeem us you gave your life to redeem Jesus wonderful Lord Jesus wonderful Lord and where he leads me I will follow lift your hands and sing it where he leads me I will follow where he leads me where he leads me me him I'll go with him with him all the way oh Now sing it to him where you lead me where you lead me I will follow where you lead me Lord where you leave me where you lead me Lord where you leave me will follow I'll go with you I'll go with you with you oh and I want to remind you you stay with me he's not angry with any of us not one of us yeah yeah we all fail repeatedly we fail because we're still living with this flesh we hate this flesh and he understands he remembereth that we are dust he knoweth our frame he remembers were dust so he forgives so we go back and say Lord I'm so sorry please help me and forgive me he does but we grow into his likeness every time we open the Bible and talk to him lift your hands to him thank you Lord wonderful savior thank you thank you Lord oh it is Jesus it is Jesus in my soul for I have touched the ham of His Garment and his blood makes me whole oh it is Jesus [Music] yes it is Jesus Jesus it is Jesus in my soul for I have touched the Hem of His Garment for I have touched the Hem of His garments and his blood has made me give me some extra volume on my mic please yes it is Jesus [Music] yes it is Jesus it is Jesus and my soul it is Jesus Jesus [Music] for I've touched the Hem of His Garment for I have touched the hand s [Music] and his blood me [Music] Jesus oh Jesus Jesus oh Jesus Jesus oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus oh Jesus Jesus your presence [Music] mix me home Jesus [Music] oh Jesus [Music] Lord Jesus [Music] oh Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus oh Jesus your presence makes me [Music] Jesus oh Jesus Jesus Lord Jesus Jesus [Music] oh Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] makes me [Music] your presence makes me foreign [Music] Lord I receive Lord I receive all things are possible [Music] Lord I receive [Music] Lord I receive Lord I received all things are possible [Music] holy holy holy are you Lord holy holy holy are you Lord foreign Worship You Now holy holy holy are you Lord [Music] holy holy holy heart you Lord holy holy holy are you Lord the elders and Angels bow the redeemed Worship You Now holy holy holy are you Lord holy holy holy are you Lord holy holy holy Lord the eldestinations by birthday Worship You Now [Music] can you hear the Son Of Heaven like the sound of many Waters it's a sign of worship coming from the throne the cries of adorations as a man from every nation live the voice to make your glory know may I be one of them Lord [Music] your lord [Music] holy holy holy are you Lord [Music] the elders and Angels by but it is [Music] [Music] praise I give you praise you're Jesus You're So Glorious thank you Lord preparing us your temple we are born as living stones [Music] where you're in throne [Music] as you Rose from death and Power come rise Within our worship rise Upon Our Praise let the hand that saw you raised please Lord clothe us in Your Glory draw Us by your grace oh the glory of your presence [Music] we are Temple [Music] give your evidence [Music] so rise [Music] to your rest and be blessed by your praise as we Glory Glory in your embrace [Music] as your prayers [Music] oh the glow of your presence Lord [Music] just a whisper now we ordered give your reference so rise to your rest [Music] and be blessed my praise [Music] the Lord [Music] in your embrace your lovely presence [Music] Hallelujah me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] Hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] just a whisper now [Music] heal your people Lord your word declares was wounded for all transgressions for our iniquities chastise without peace and for our peace the stripes we are healed heal your people Lord [Music] Hallelujah [Music] because once again gently now Softly [Music] those second body place your hand on your sickness it's only the Act of Faith as I pray for you you're going to feel God's healing touch on your body wonderful Lord heal your people your word declares you are wounded for our transgressions for our iniquities chastise for our peace with your stripes we are healed and now Lord I step into my office and I rebuke that sickness in the name of Jesus I rebuke that plague of disease in the name of Jesus I rebuke that pain in the name of Jesus you will declare surely bore our sorrows our diseases and our pain heal your people Lord that the same Mighty power that raised you from the dead flow through them now I rebuke that demon of disease I command that Spirit of infirmity to leave in the name of the one whose I am and whom I serve in the mighty name of Jesus begone be gone now from God's people precious savior blessed Jesus touch them now the word declares as men as touched your middle today we'll touch with our hearts and faith yeah touch your people lift your hands now to him Lord I receive Lord I receive it's happening now receive it all things are possible Lord somebody with a skin condition to my left has just been healed Lord I receive Lord somebody's neck injuries it's been healed all things a back injury I rebuke it in Jesus name Lord I again Lord I receive law somebody just felt heat go right down your body you've had troubles with your lungs all things are possible Lord I rebuke that cancer in Jesus mighty name Lord I receive D Lord I see somebody's left leg a lot of swelling all things the swelling is going down even now while we're singing [Music] sing with me that song of Faith Lord I receive Lord I somebody's eyes glaucoma has been healed a spinal injury asthma I rebuke it arthritis I rebuke it is to my left especially in your arm then it's just gone a blood disease in the back just been healed I see somebody's legs both legs a lot of pain the pain is leaving you [Music] many of you feel like warmth on your body right now [Music] very very gently very quietly very softly One More Time Lord just just just the people whoa some of you feel that heat on your body now All Things Are there's a muscle problem being healed to my right Lord I receive Lord if God is healing you check it out right now do what you could not do before don't wait for me to call that healing out many of you are being healed all things are possible Lord I one more time with hands uplifted Lord thank you those who are being healed those who feel that Healing Touch come out of your seats now line up to my left over here quickly come only if you know the Lord is healing you now the Lord is healing people now as your singing Lord I receive he's touching you Lord I see cancer to someone's stomach the Lord is healing that and you feel like a gentle warmth come on you if God is healing you and only if God is healing you come and stand over there to the left now everyone lift your hands and sing it again Lord I receive if God is healing you come quickly and stand right over there an infection in someone's ear keep singing keep singing Don't Stop somebody with an infected ear has been healed somebody needs needs a I see the left the left knee the doctor said you need an operation no you don't the Lord's done it now if you feel the power of God on your body and you know the Lord has healed you tonight or is healing you now get out of your seat come and stand in that line over there lift your hands sing it again that healing anointing is flowing ask him to touch you he will ask the Lord to touch you and he will right now and Marie begin to check the healings now Chad helper now Lord I receive Lord I receive D Jim I want you down there dear Jan can you take Jim's place right now please I want you in the line quick quick quick come on it's a lot of healings you keep playing Simian you keep playing all things are possible now listen listen there's a great anointing right now flowing here lift your hands and receive Lord just play those strings quickly yeah just gentle Lord [Music] if God is healing you you come sit in that line right there Jim begin to call out those it is for me one by one Lord I receive [Music] Lord Lord all things are possible Jim what what is going on come now listen listen the anointing is still flowing lift your hands and sing it again Lord don't wait for me to call out the healing just when you feel that healing touch you just come up bring bring that man up here quick all things are is back [Music] you mean he he could not walk like this before Backpage thank you Lord thanks hello [Music] Jim what happened to him for months now it's gone tonight possible Lord Jackson's action I'm gonna have you back here foreign again Lord pick him up what was wrong with your neck brother so in 2015 you've had a problem thanks all things [Music] come come Lord I receive keep singing it don't stop and what did she feel honor Jim chronic fatigue fibromyalgia but what did she feel honor when God healed her she [Music] said I couldn't do anything and subtle exhausted Lord thanks hello everybody goes just walk by by yourself here come on back [Music] thank you Lord take your seats but keep singing the song [Music] let one of your men help us David let one of your men help us to just help him down all right with you and and you're one of your people what happened to the lady Jim [Music] arthritis throughout her body terrific pain it left her as soon as she stepped out of her seat what was wrong with you stand on my foot always have pain in my back on the YouTube I was feel like I'm a very sinful woman since I see you on that YouTube every day two years what happened now too no no I can man [Music] oh thanks thanks thanks thanks take your seats their passes Jesus your presence makes me whole quick Jesus oh Jesus Jesus [Music] help him down please come on come on brother help him Jesus your presence thanks thanks Gary you yeah help thank you Jesus what happened to her gym glaucoma [Music] but thanks for your power I love that Gary thank you Lord no more glaucoma say Amen people [Music] he's here right now I'll put up help her up help her up he's here right now we don't need to wait you don't need to beg and what was wrong with her again Jim a lot of back pains are not being healed Lord thank you for all this gentleman help her out help her down he's here help us sir wait wait wait wait this girl is having a spiritual experience here keep playing it Simeon she's having a spiritual experience that is so great leave her down to meet your needs what happened this man was involved in an accident three years ago the tendons in his ankles were torn he couldn't stand run that again by me he had he had it ripped apart he couldn't stand for any period of time he's standing he's walking he's running [Applause] [Music] help him up Jesus Jesus there's something about that name now you leave her down here you feel fine now thanks a lot he had asthma for many years asthma [Music] that's exactly what happened to that he's breathing freely come on brother how old are you 23. Lord thank you for healing this young man of asthma to never suffer again in Jesus name somebody say praise the Lord help him now like the fragrance what happened to him cancer in the neck he has his biopsy report right here with him he had paid and he couldn't move his neck he could turn his neck freely right now the pain is gone so wait wait you had you you had cancer one more time you had cat gotta be wow where are you from Egypt hey by the way by the way tomorrow easier tomorrow I'm preaching to the Arabs here and if you want to come I'll let you it's going to be held Marie come and tell him [Music] there's a conference for all the Arabs in Toronto so I was invited first for that then I said to Marie and my staff let's have another meeting and she got hold of brother Kumar that's him right there right Kumar how how do you say your name golmaal hey by the way can you give this man of God a big God bless you because a lot of you sweet people go to his church right here so listen listen how many of you are sensing the presence of God here then we need to come back Marie to Toronto before the end of the year a game and uh so listen listen I'm coming back in August to be with Bill prankard for a youth um what is it conference or yeah so I promise you I'll be back in August maybe maybe wait wait wait wait maybe to this building or one like it I love this pastor yeah so we'll see what what will happen but I want to talk to this Egyptian man brother come back thank you all right so you had one more time carcinoma type of cancer in the neck here and was very hard and very step to to move I felt the Heat and I felt the presence of the Lord's um what is this you're holding in your hand this is the the biopsy reports basically saying it's positive wow stretch your hands towards them Say Never Again in the name of Jesus no cancer never again in Jesus name Say Amen let's give the Lord Almighty hand come on so so very very uh wait wait wait wait wait I want you to come back tomorrow to the service it's going to be at Bayview Glen church or you're coming tomorrow oh you have reservation okay Bayview Glen Church 300 steel Avenue East in Thornhill Ontario that's tomorrow 7 PM Bayview Glen Church on Steele Avenue East in Thornhill so you're invited say um back then in 1992 I heard about Benny Hinn I never saw him before one day I was just flipping watching the TV and they sold any hand but I didn't know it was Benny hen but in my spirit I felt this is Benny Hinn the one I heard about and I started to read the book of the good morning Holy Spirit as I was reading just the presence of the Holy Spirit was so real and it was just a beginning of just eye-opening to really deal with the Holy Spirit as a friend and as a person so we love you so much love you too what do you do for a living [Music] you have an organization called Canadian Harmony and inclusion Network just help newcomers I love it so I'll see you tomorrow with all the wonderful Egyptians and jordanians and syrians and Lebanese and all the Arabs I love it okay Jim just a few more minutes please yeah train because of a peace that infected her whole body she couldn't walk wait she had what in her suspects blood poisoning my whole body from a piece of pace I carried it I hear it nearly killed me the pacemaker in fact infected your body a heart the lungs the kidneys I was whole body poisoned and you you came on a train with my grandson my grandson where's her grandson come up here come on Quinn sees his name Quinton Quinton come here Quinton so he brought you they come to come to Seattle for Easter but I was afraid to go through them all the moms on the train for supper I prayed God would send somebody to come with me Quinton said I'll go with you grandma God bless you Quinton for bringing your grandma and and what happened how do you feel oh just wonderful the muscles were so tight and so stiff and I could hardly move in pain your muscles were stiff and tight and go to Brad um I was a mess I had to come I knew when I saw you and you said come for Easter that I couldn't at Easter but I knew I had to come now okay stretch stretch your hands towards the sweet sweet lady Lord thank you [Music] thank you for touching the sweet woman of God Your Vessel [Music] let your anointing flow through our Lord [Music] oh my my that I know and it's so beautiful ah thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord you feel that too I'm feeling it on me darling you used to sing I'd like I'd like a praise to God you used to raise the roof what did you sing what songs worship songs how long have you been saved oh how long 50 years next year 1974 same year as you let's give the Lord the mighty hand come on Saints bless you thank you for coming pardon will you come to Saskatoon Saskatchewan you know I I came to Saskatoon a long time ago but since you're asking I'll make it [Music] so maybe you know I was telling I was telling Gary that I need to come and do a little tour of Canada and and you know you know wait wait can you play another song now yeah uh I'm Canadian like you you know that right wait wait wait wait how many of you knew that how many did not know that I'm gonna sake I'm a Canadian I'm doing what they call dual you know but I couldn't come during covertly because just shut the whole world down but now everything is fine and I love Toronto very much God bless you darling and says I'll come to Saskatchewan okay so that's good okay now you're gonna tell Bill pranker we gotta work it out okay let's give a big God bless to this lady come on wow [Applause] Jim Jim what happened [Music] for tonight all of the pain left she came on a walker she's walking freely without pain tonight Lord thank you where are you from where are you from yeah Hungarian Hungarian but you have no pain now no pain how long would you have pain for oh my oh are you are you with her come on your son your son God bless you brother Lord bless them both in Jesus name please Lord [Music] thanks thanks thanks thanks guys would you people stand up Jim would you mind going back to to your instrument [Music] and Marie what happened to this guy right there you tell me cherry just you know check it out I wanna what happened there Chad come come Lord heal that young man in Jesus mighty name we rebuke this sugar diabetes in the mighty name of Jesus leave him now in Jesus name be gone out of him now go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Applause] oh God now listen to me you can help him up gentleman help them up at the cross at the cross help him help them both up help the other man and this gentleman hierarchy gym help him up there now thank God for the people that have been healed [Applause] now listen be carefully I came tonight with a message on my heart that I had to present to you and the decision is yours and now the time has come to surrender to the Lord and Jim real gentle on the instrument Jesus thank you for the cross but real gentle please real gentle Softly and I want you to think very seriously about this question if my heart stopped tonight if my heart stops tonight will I enter Heaven well you will if you make the decision that I talked to you about tonight embrace the cross make the decision now to say Lord I will gladly Embrace persecution I will gladly embrace your weakness that I'll come to the end of myself as you did on the cross because when I am weak you're strong for it says he died in weakness Jesus came to the end of his resources answered father into your hands akimet my spirit my trust is in you is what the Lord said basically and we say the same words Lord I don't trust myself my trust is in you Lord the last words that Stephen spoke into your hands I commit my spirit we all want to die the death of the righteous let me die the death of the righteous the scripture says because you see this life will come to an end one day yesterday I went to visit where my mom and my dad are buried here in Toronto and I can tell you my mom and my dad loved the Lord love the Lord and when my father passed away when he was 58 the glory of God was on him same with my mom my mom was worshiping worshiping when she was dying and I looked at her weeping I said that's the way I want to go we all want to die the death of the righteous but there's a price we pay now now we must deny self we must say no to self and the world and the flesh daily because Jesus said you carry that cross daily meaning we say no to sin daily no to Temptation daily you see how I told you the word of God is your gasoline that gives you the power to say no prayer enables you to live the life of a believer a righteous life the Christian Life is not about trying it's about yielding nowhere in the Bible does it say try or try harder it says yield your members as influence of righteousness so the real headline of the Christian Life is surrender yield your life surrender your life to the Lord that's that's it you you cannot try or try harder because you'll fail when you try you have the Lord say Lord live your life in me and live your life through me I cannot live the Christian Life you Lord live the Christian Life in and through me and all I do is surrender to you that's it if you've never done that it's time now you do it right this second right the second so when we sing the song Jim as soon as you start singing this song Lord I Thank you for the cross I'm going to have those of you that want to really surrender now maybe many of you already have but some need to surrender tonight real surrender to the Lord okay okay Jim thank you for if you want that you come right now and stand right here so I can pray with you come on thank you for the price you yes you can kneel if you want to of course sing it with him Church come on Grace [Music] thank you for all your love Lord [Music] thank you for the price you pay come on bearing all of my sin and shame in love you came please [Music] [Applause] seated [Music] Crown you now [Music] [Music] high and lifted up Jesus saying again [Music] now you see Jim just easy now I think what I'm looking at is a miracle so I'm going to pray that God almighty will set you free from the world and all its influence lift your hands say father in Jesus name I come to you and I thank you for sending Jesus to die for me on calvary's Cross thank you Lord thank you for dying for me thank you Lord Jesus for shedding your blood for me and I believe you rose from the dead [Music] you're alive and Alive forevermore and right now I Surrender totally completely to you Lord [Music] the best I know how oh blessed Holy Spirit blessed Holy Spirit give me the power and the will and to live the Christian Life as I should live it in Jesus name Jesus now let me pray for you father I pray that they will finish the race strong stronger than when they began you're able to keep us all from falling you're able to present us before your throne blameless with joy we give you all the glory and honor and we thank you Lord for the cross and tonight we make a decision to embrace the prosecution of the cross the weakness of the cross the death of the cross to live only for you your word declares reckon yourselves dead unto sin but alive unto God and we're going to live that life we're going to reckon ourselves dead to the world to send to the flesh and live on to you give your praise just one more time Worthy is the Lamb Seated on the throne we Crown United [Music] with many [Music] years [Music] [Applause] Jesus Son of God Jesus Son of God the treasures [Music] [Music] now would you sweet people stand up please just stand up before I say good night I have to do something [Music] Gary please come Jan please come please foreign just gently please [Music] you are the Lord My Healer you sent your word and healed my disease you are the Lord everything just whisper quite just quietly now you are the Lord that healeth me [Music] Touch Your Love feel alone Jesus name [Music] I want to sing it one more time just a whisper you sent your words [Music] you are alone [Music] one more time [Music] you sent your words [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] you sent your word and healed my disease [Music] he's able you are able I know you are able I know my Lord you're able to carry her through for you healed a broken hearted and set the captives free you made the lame to walk again and cause the blind to see you are able you are able I know you are able I know my Lord you're able to carry her through now Lord I pray for everyone in this Auditorium who's facing a difficult situation bring them out of it lift your hands and ask him so Lord bring me out of it only you can I trust you for a miracle in my situation dear Jesus let it be behind me in Jesus name the clouds will go the sun will shine again in my life no longer no more will I allow this situation to remain a miracle is on the way for me and my home in Jesus name amen amen amen do you know [Applause] come come here do you know when when we speak like this under the anointing it's sealed that happens so whenever you face a situation come to where God is or let the presence of God manifest in your own life or bedroom or home and declare the scriptures and it's going to happen every single time so before we leave because the anointing is strong lift your hands and ask for what you want holy holy are you Lord [Music] ask now for what you want what is it you want tell him the Lord said ask he'll receive you'll get it it's that simple we ask and we receive without struggling without doubting it's gonna happen is that simple [Music] trust them he will never let you down he'll never disappoint you ever ever I see such beauty on your faces all of you such beauty on your faces Pastor please can you pray and bless your people then you can dismiss the service sir father we just thank you Lord for such a wonderful wonderful time we've had in your presence under the anointing of your word o God Lord when we leave this place father we're taking the anointing with us oh God we're taking our healing with us oh God we're going to share it Lord God with everyone that we come in contact with because there's no God Like You Lord we give you all the praise we give you all of the honor we give you all of the glory we rejoice in your faithfulness oh God and Lord we know that you're returning sin and now Lord God there are so many that are ready and waiting and rejoicing Lord God at the days that lie ahead father we pray for our nation we pray o God that you will sweep across it with a mighty move of your Holy Spirit Holy Spirit move and for all Lord to traveled outside of this country Lord to be here today every Pastor every friend every partner Lord let let your Mighty hand of blessing be upon them [Music] give them traveling mercies we pray o God and Father we look forward to that time when we will gather together again with one another because we are the body of Christ and the body of Christ is alive and well it's your kingdom and we give you all the praise the honor and the glory and everybody said amen
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 205,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: 592QLwPirzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 11sec (11471 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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