The Perfection of Giorno Giovanna

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Giorno Giovanna is a perfect character oh sorry got a little ahead of myself there mmm let's try that again JoJo's Bizarre Adventure isn't exactly a work that would at first glance lend itself to nuanced and grounded characterization however series author hirohiko Araki is actually known to be someone who puts a lot of thought into every fiber of his work in his book manga and theory and practice he lays out just how much work he puts into creating the crazy and weird people and inhabit his wacky and bizarre universe with a massive immensely detailed spreadsheet being used to catalog numerous aspects of the personality and role in the story while it would definitely be fun to properly explore a rock his general approach to character writing that video already exists by the wonderful exports so if you're interested you should go watch that instead I however would like to talk about one very specific character part 5 protagonist Giordano Giovanna Giordano is a bit of a weird case when it comes to Jojo as he's one of the least popular characters in the series often being called boring uninteresting and bland and while there are a few possible reasons to this I believe the main cause is that Journal's character works off of something that many people simply do not expect in Jojo and therefore immediately dismiss without a second thought and that something is subtlety yes I know but hear me out most mein JoJo's have one standout feature that defines them Jonathan had his justice boner Joseph had his line prediction Jotaro had his yo-yo Rosie and josuke had his hair so when Jorah appears and has no single immediately defining feature it's easy to see why people are put off they simply do not expect the character to not have these immediately recognizable aspects of them even his dream line which many people mean is actually only in the series three whole times so it doesn't quite compare to the character defining traits of other JoJo's before him but if you decide to detach yourself from that preconceived notion and pay close attention to how Journal carries himself it is actually pretty easy to find that Jonah is among the most compelling and interesting characters Iraqis ever conceived at least in my opinion or you could just watch this video and see if you agreed to what you want I'm not your dad giorno is introduced to us as a bit of a crook stealing luggage scamming tourists and skipping school this lad seems relatively unruly this is further compounded by the information that he is in fact the son of do big bad of the whole series however all this information also clashes with aspects of his actual attitude and behavior he is outwardly friendly charming and generally seems quite well nice so from the get-go we experience a conflict between these two poles a conflict that continues to define Journal and a conflict he himself seems to be somewhat aware of as he seems to build various facades and masks to resolve them when boot karate begins his interrogation and tram Araki uses that scene to actively show these facades one by one when Bruna first approaches him Journal is relatively relaxed and friendly as he would be with just anyone giving an honest answer to Gujaratis bizarre question while still retaining a very relaxed posture however after Bruno mentions the possibility of him being a police officer Jonah shrinks before tensing up building a first facade of more reserved and careful young man and once Mucha Rotty reveals his intentions Jonah fully transitions into dispassionate called persona much more reminiscent of what we saw prior in his confrontation with Luca this small scene basically summarizes what giorno is about his character revolves around the dichotomy of a kind-hearted soul living a life that requires it to be cruel and cold or in more poetic terms Jonah is basically a Jonathan that lives in an environment which forces him to be do as his reaction to the death of Super Mario in the Black Sabbath arc shows us he is fundamentally a righteous and just individual yet those qualities are conjoined with a cruel indifference towards those that oppose him and journal central conflict revolves around fully resolving and fusing these aspects of himself into one complete unique personality which at first he does by using the aforementioned facades fake it till you make it is the name of the game Journal plays it resolutely in the world of gangsters he puts on a tough persona and channels his do traits were remaining superficially dispassionate also being an imitation of the mafioso who saved him this is our a consequence of the abuse and neglect he suffered as a child internalizing that showing emotions such as crying is pointless leading him to default to putting up these dispassionate fronts but fronts are all they are as he at heart remains a teenager who is way in over his head breathe moments of panic and exasperation cracks in a mask show us as much the anime actually goes a step further by having his spoken dialogue be mostly reserved and calm whereas his inner speech and thoughts are consistently emotional and expressive both in sub and dub Kakaako stage cherished or dead soon a stole shimmered co2 through Takata crazy low Murphy however once he enters the life of Stan battling this duplicitous mechanism begins to fail him while bravado and confidence are certainly important they alone could not make you prevail when pitted against the likes of the squad Eliza could see ona a central theme of part 5 is the ideal accepting oneself and one's fate and facing them both head-on on the turbo what you might encounter and making no excuses and just like the rest of the cast Jono too is forced to confront this idea in the early fights Jonah remains relatively inconsequential and faces quite significant barriers his confess odd fails to convince a balk you to cooperate during soft machine he is basically useless against cuffed vac bumbles about cluelessly for the majority of man in the mirror and has his ability be mostly unhelpful during white album his experience simply outweighs what little goodies facades can do for him some people like to call Jordan or Mary Sue or Gary Stu an overpowered flawless character that faces little adversity and is therefore uninteresting this is already an incredibly misused term but applying it to giorno is simply absurd journals fatal flaw is his inexperience and actually backing up his hard-boiled gangsta bravado a Florida causes him to get pretty roughed up and hurt in almost every fight he's in having your arm split in half and your ribs obliterated doesn't really sound like little adversity however as we discussed in our big golden-winged video a consistent element of part 5 is that to succeed you have to be willing and able to face your fate head-on not running from it and that those who managed to do that are inevitably rewarded and Journal simply embodies this idea his experience [ __ ] him over multiple times but every time his resolve turns those fuck-ups into victory and opportunity by not letting his failings stop him and instead diligently and relentlessly pushing forward giving all for his dream of a drugless Italy he manages to turn all of his fuck-ups around and come out victorious he is not a flawless character but rather a character who consistently overcomes his flaws by ways of creativity and ingenuity in every fight he's in journal either wins or creates an advantage by overcoming his fears facing his adversary and using his powers in new and creative ways that the enemy couldn't have predicted although he is absent for most of the fight his quick thinking allows me to find Salah in Capri and while he bumbles about cluelessly for much of the fight in pompeii he manages to create the final opening by transmitting the virus onto a loser even in a fight like White Album where his power alone isn't enough to fully defeat gacho he makes the winning move by sacrificing his arm revealing gently weeps eyes shards and inspiring Mistah into one last shootout Joan are consistently outsmarts and outs being willing to go to extreme lengths and suffer enormous pain to achieve victory essentially he's just more of him [ __ ] mad lad than his enemies and thanks to that he can overcome his own limitations and move forward despite his inexperience even as people die as he suffers he moves forward undeterred determined to face his fate and to face himself and who he is and finally become whole alongside this he also develops and deepens his understanding of his stand goal experience throughout part 5 Jorah comes to adapt his application of world experience quite significantly while he at first only really used the life-giver as a means of escape or distraction he continuously improves his utilization of it becoming more more creative and smart in how we use it from his life shot to the [ __ ] bike hand and while every shown protagonist in Everly improves their abilities here in Jojo the context of the power system is very important Stan's aren't just random powers but manifestations of the soul the very essence of the users being goal experience isn't Journal's power its giorno given spiritual form under that lens his continuous growth in wielding his stand becomes a lot more interesting Jornal gaining a deeper understanding of his stand is symbolic of him understanding and applying himself better as the part goes on and his mastery of gold experience improves he becomes more honest with himself and who he is being able to more freely transition between his Jonathan and do parts not hiding anymore behind facades but instead being generally more real expressive while also being a lot more useful and dangerous in combat he still gets hurt a lot he still is overall somewhat reserved but he continues to face more aspects of himself and his power and turning them into strengths a great example of this is his fight against Bailey phase where he applies his stand in a completely new and never-before-seen way which teaches him how to heal wounds paralleling him slowly developing a more kind-hearted persona while dropping the Gangstar act he also used that ability to immediately kill the stand equivalent of a newborn showing that his deal side is still there but it that it can coexist with kinder aspects and abilities but all of this finally comes to fruition during his second to last fight where he faces chocolata as he now stands at the precipice of his final fight with Diavolo Jonah must overcome anything and everything that holds him back and fully embrace who he is if he wants to conquer the Requiem and that is exactly what he does Jonah uses every bit of intellect and creativity he has to knock chocolata out and then for the final blow he finally becomes whole by tapping into a heroic speech about letting chocolata live if he surrenders he challenges in her Johnathan perfectly but by betraying this speech and killing chocolata after he lets his guard down he uses his deal aspects by doing this he successfully marries and combines his two halves into a full whole finally becoming his own full person instead of switching between the two constantly this development allows him to seize the requiem' arrow and finally become a true gangster someone who accepts understands himself and whose radiance has and continues to inspire those around him the masks fall off and his true self can finally shine and bathe Italy in the golden glow of justice and this is where we could conclude this video however I am [ __ ] insane obsessed with his fictional 15 year old kid so let's go further so far we have talked about journal as the character as the emulation and representation of personal qualities and growth but now let's look at journal as a narrative element because like an every good story the characters are also crucial elements to push the narrative and thematic ambitions of the work while journal is working on discovering his own true nature and disbanding Ennis assad's he continues to serve one singular purpose he is a beacon of light whose radiance illuminates the path towards the gangs ultimate fate or in less flowery terms he is the guiding light that inspires his friends to push forward Eva through his masks his uncompromising resolve to see his actions through to the end is what drives the people around him to continue facing their fates as well journals endless determination is most catalyzes his team into action making him a sort of a savior a symbol the promises change and justice to those that follow him essentially Giorno Giovanna is Jesus Christ okay okay I know look I know I'm increasingly starting to sound like an insane person but hear me out with the parts set in Italy the center of Catholicism religious symbolism is very hard to avoid so wisely Araki decided to just go full force on it Giordano is the son of do do is Italian and means God and is often used to refer to Christian God specifically meanwhile giorno means day so we have is the Son of God bringing about a new day a new dawn so yeah Jonah is already conceptually a good candidate for a Jesus figure add this to his role as a guiding light and the fact that he can bestow the gift of life and heal the wounded and yeah this reference is getting pretty [ __ ] obvious and you too but his best part this isn't just there to be a cool little reference but rather it pushes the themes of the part even further Jonah's bestowed with the role of a savior the mantle of the guiding light of resolve that carries his team to victory but he himself isn't really ready to take up that mantle as he still initially struggles to combine his deal and Jonathan's sides into one meaningful whole but precisely because he moves forward despite his troubles does his resolve shine bright enough to lift up his comrades by facing himself his characteristics and his role in the story as a savior head-on Jonah achieves truth and is granted the Requiem by fate and ability made to vanquish Diavolo who himself is named after the Italian word for devil in front of Castel Sant'Angelo the tomb of a once powerful but cruel King in conclusion journal is not the most profoundly written character in all of existence neither is he the focal point of poems upon poems of characterization but what he is is the archetype of a savior figure given context and executed to perfection Araki took two of the most iconic characters in all of manga Jonathan Joestar inti Oh Brando and combined the personalities into an inherently conflicted pile of justice and cruelty he then forced the role of protagonist and discount Jesus onto his creation which causes an even more inherent conflict and the character overcoming that conflict and moving forward towards destiny despite it is then a natural emergence from his creation which then furthers and develops the central theme of facing your fate much like part 5 as a whole journal is an idea polish to utmost brilliance and efficiency Jonah's mere existence his conceptual birth already creates a natural embellishment of par fives themes and message while still retaining journal as his own character that is simply good writing or I guess in short Gordo experienced Requiem Giorno Giovanna is a perfect character [Music] you
Channel: Oceaniz
Views: 342,902
Rating: 4.9321566 out of 5
Keywords: Jojo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki, Golden Wind, Vento Aureo, Part 5, King Crimson, Giorno Giovanna, Giorno, Diavolo, Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, Anime, Manga, Analysis, Oceaniz, Oceaniz96
Id: ZdIMtjRz71w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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