The Perfect Start to Minecraft Hardcore

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okay this is Hardcore [Music] Minecraft oh okay oh my I'm on half a heart and the raid is starting that's that's not ideal okay I'm almost dead okay okay uh good luck uh that looks so cool from over here too it's not even fully built oh okay they're all in here uh ooh yeah that looks awesome but before we get into the actual video I'd like to thank Opera GX for sponsoring this video this is your house when using Google Chrome it's kind of ugly you take one wrong step and it's over but with Opera gx's browser your house could look like this it's completely customizable you can put whatever you want in it the team at Opera GX are so cool that they even made a custom mod for me which you could download and use right now they made a custom wallpaper custom background music and they even made it so if you type something it plays a block placing sound effect so if you type fast enough it can sound just like my videos also when you open a browser it's me saying amazing you close it watch it says thanks for watching that's kind of kind of cool but if you don't like some features you can always turn some of the off and even mix and match the features with different mod because like I said before everything is customizable and you can get different mods by visiting the GX store and it's really easy to switch between them all it takes is one click just like that easy they also have a really neat feature where you can limit the browser's use of your computer which is really use if you're trying to not die from lag like how the season 1 world ended last year and they also make it really easy to switch over from other browsers by quick importing all your settings so you can go browser settings import bookmarks and settings then click import and as you can see all my settings are now on the browser very simple very epic thanks again to oper GX for sponsoring the video and make sure you use my link in the description to download oper GX for yourself okay I've spent hundreds of hours on this video so please just enjoy okay this is Hardcore Minecraft and this is a weird spawn believe it or not we'll start off by getting some wood then we can make a pickaxe and then get some Stone very exciting boom boom boom boom there we go hello sheep so the goal is to build a mega base that has everything we'll need to survive and also to get some totems so I don't die again oh that looks cool it's on top of a massive Hill yeah this is a nice spot for a village is this your house h we can kill this iron gold there we go we can also steal their food there a cave with a creeper okay that was a bit close I I need to remember I don't have a totem [Music] anymore actually this Village would probably be a really interesting base this whole thing is it its own Island that's actually really cool so we could transform this island into a Super Ultra Mega Ultra Village yeah I don't know what to call it yet so for now we'll just call it the village yeah so the first thing we'll do is build a little house for me I'll just take some of this guy's house I don't think he'll mind that's a lie I I do think he will mind I think he will care a lot actually but that's okay and we will just start building boom there we go now I know what you're thinking we're going to we're going to make it better this is just to store stuff for now while we go get some diamonds because building a mega base with stone tools would take way too long and we should get some food before going uh listen yeah you just you go over there um yeah he is uh he's just just standing there okay this looks pretty promising yeah okay there should be diamonds here got some iron that's a good start I see a creeper coming towards me that's not not [Music] good ow and now there's also a [Music] skeleton and is there another skeleton oh my ow they just have Aimbot and I'm almost dead I still need a totem but a shield we'll have to do for now and we can head back out oh okay yeah so that's why you get a shield okay we need to find a deeper cave if you want to get diamonds and it looks like this is a deeper cave so I can stop talking oh there we go come on blow up okay looks like we got our very first diamond as there really only one well that that's just that sucked we're going to need multiple sets of diamond tools so we're definitely going to need a lot more than one Diamond ohoh I'm kind of running out of air here here uh where did I come from uh okay uh uh are there any diamonds over here well there are [Music] skeletons okay okay I'm almost dead oh that was cool oh you shot the bat thank you Mr Bat and that was another close call I still need to get used to playing without a totem but we have iron armor now so that should hopefully help uh there are a lot of mobs here oh wait there are diamonds hopefully it's at least two so we can make a pickaxe okay at least we found a dude with a hat that's kind of cool oh okay well we just need one more Diamond I don't know why it's so hard to find a [Music] diamond ooh here we go another Diamond okay is it one oh it's more than one it's two oh wait there's two more that is perfect I just need to deal with these like 50 mobs here I don't know what is going on is that another Diamond okay so these mobs are just protecting all the diamonds I guess cool so we have more diamonds there's two more here well there's even more than two okay perfect and then over here there is another one ow again just one but we have 10 now so that is all we need we can finally make a diamond pickaxe a diamond axe and a diamond shovel so we have better tools and can actually start working on building the village oh wait even more diamonds I don't even need these anymore but I will take them perfect all right now how do we get out and there we go does this where respond yeah it is and there is our village so to build this Village I want to start with building a giant circle on top of the island and then we'll fill up the circle with all the farms and Contraptions we'll need also the baby cow from before grew up feel kind of bad for him he's he's just been standing on that block for his entire life I can steal this guy's wheat then down here I'm glad I didn't miss that bucket clutch come on buddy let's go oh you are extremely slow wow okay okay here get in this boat yep and we are off sorry I killed your dad by the way you kind of look like a Jerry yes I'll call you Jerry and that's a phantom oh I'm almost dead um oh my God to start I'm going to need to grab a bunch of cobblestone I know I'm going to have to level out this area so I'll just grab it all from here hopefully that's enough now I'll start building the outline of the circle so it'll go this way how is this looks like it could shift this way a few blocks okay yeah that looks a lot more Center that's good now what we need to do is take this all the way around into the other three quarters boom there we go takes up a pretty big chunk of the island now there is this big hill here that is in the way so the first thing we have to do is get rid of it we have diamond tools so it's a bit easier but it's still going to take a very long time yeah this is this is going to take a long time thankfully we got extra diamonds so boom and there's another shovel gone we've made some progress I guess but this is not going as quickly as I would have liked but I realized if there's sugar cane somewhere hey Jerry there's sugarcane over there I'll grab all of this there's a lot of mobs over here ow ow uh okay okay skeletons are good now that we have sugar canane we can make some paper which makes a book which makes an enchanting table boom we don't have any bookshelves yet but we can still enchant like this so now we have a slightly better shovel and now we can keep digging out the hill uh okay that is another shovel broken and we only have one Diamond left that's not very good we'll make another shovel and enchant it and we just have one one more line of dirt and there we go so that's all the dirt cleared out there's still a bunch of stone we need to get rid of but our pickaxe is definitely going to break if we do that so that's not good um at least Jerry's doing well still what are you looking at him for don't look at Jerry oh wait instead of getting diamonds we could just trade with villagers to get tools so we'll need a lot of emeralds and we can get them by trading for sticks but we only have two sticks so that's not going to be enough for the project we're going to need dark oak so we might as well get the sticks out of that we just need to find a dark oak biome uh wait that was that was really close I still need to get a totem I don't know how much we'll [Music] need okay we got a bunch of emeralds now this guy should sell us some diamond tools we can start getting Diamond hes that's cool and we can get get a pickaxe efficiency 2 that's pretty good now using this it's just a little bit faster and the pickaxe is about to break but it's fine because we have the villagers also if we make an anvil we can actually combine them into the ultimate efficiency three pickaxe it's actually pretty bad still but we're making progress wait where did Jerry go um oh he's over here come on Jerry there are bad things out there there are people that will kill cows I would never do that we should probably set up the wall actually make sure Jerry stays in here so I think for each corner I'll make a pillar of spruce and strip it then I'll make a cobblestone wall at the bottom and at the top then some stairs below it then on the pillar I'll have Cobblestone stair a couple more pieces of the wall maybe another Spruce log sticking out like that then we'll make this line here of spruce slabs and I think every once in in a while I'll break this middle path and to replace it with another Spruce pillar then for the top we can put Spruce trap doors and maybe a lantern yeah I I like the look of that oh hey uhoh I looked at oh no uh I didn't know Iron Golems will hit Enderman thanks Mr Iron Golem so when the Wall's in the air what we can do is just bring everything down to the ground but that's the last of the spruce that we have so okay that's what this first ball looks like so far actually I like the two wide Gap better than the one wide so then in the cases in the Middle where it doesn't match perfectly we can just double up the logs I think that works okay I guess we'll just keep going oh okay and we are out of wood I'm only now just realizing how big this circle is uh thankfully I built these big trees yeah this is going to take a lot more wood than I thought and our ax is almost broken so we can go back to our tool Smith dude and get an efficiency 2 axe we can still get it to be a lot better but it's a bit of an upgrade and what if we try using Cobblestone stairs at the bottom here no that looks pretty terrible we are not going to do that it's looking pretty good so far but now we're at this awkward part of the circle where there's no gaps between each block so for this I think I'm just going to build up with Cobblestone walls ow and there we go so that's the first quarter done actually it sort of feels flat what if we tried adding another pillar here then putting another layer of slabs and the lantern okay yeah I think that looks a lot better so I'll make make that change all around the entire thing and there we go yeah I think that looks better we don't have enough iron to make lanterns so we're going to have to do that later but it gets weird at this section here and I think it's because of all the Cobblestone maybe we'll try replacing every other Cobblestone wall with a spruce fence yeah I think that just makes it look a bit nicer so we'll make that change all the way around there was only one part I had to do that on so I didn't it took like 2 minutes we're going to need to do something with the way it looks on the inside but for now we can move on to the next section of the wall that is right here ow so we're going to have to extend the walls very far down that's going to take a lot of wood after this section it should be easy to do the other half of the circle so let's just get started okay well there are all the pillars placed that was a lot of wood now we can start placing in the rest of the design where are you going I'm about to close it up off you're not going to be able to get back okay well good luck I guess oh wait if we kill this guy we can start a raid and get a tot dying that would be cool I'm not prepared at all for this but I mean how many times have I almost died already I need a totem we haven't started the raid yet so we'll make a few tools like a sword and an axe so we should be ready to take on the raid Yep they're ringing the bell they're scared and they should be I think they spawned over here thankfully behind the wall that's kind of convenient yeah and there they are the first wave okay there's one two three and four that was pretty easy but now guys with axes okay this isn't good it's not good at [Music] all okay please don't shoot okay I eat my G I don't know what happened but I think I was on half a heart okay there are no more arrow guys so these guys can't do anything so that's nice and the last guy oh now the ravager is here the ravager sucks I trapped him in season 1 and he was not fun to deal with now if I oh he does a lot of damage and he can hit me from very very far away oh did they kill a villager does he have his arms up cuz he killed them all okay the ravager is dead and I guess this is the last guy yeah they killed everybody oh no well Jerry's still alive that's the important part here yeah that sucks I guess cuz the villagers died the raid ends early so we can't get a totem okay back to building the wall I guess and boom there we go so that's this quarter done this section was really the uh the hardest part there's just so much wood you need to get to build those pillars it was so much wood actually that our axe is about to break I would just buy a new axe from a villager but they have all died don't know how that happened so we just need to find another Village and that's our axe gone this is not going too well I will say that the base looks cool from over here except for those dirt [Music] pillars oh uh I see a path this is a village right oh that's unfortunate okay oh here we go here's a village that's a big one too that's nice now we can get a bunch of emeralds and now I can level up one of these guys and there we go we have an Axe and a shovel so we shouldn't run into any other issues with tools for this project hopefully okay and we're back at the Village I guess it's not really a village it's more just a place for Jerry right now um so I guess we'll call it the village of Jerry J yeah I think that fits now we can finally finish building this [Music] wall and there we go so it goes like this all the way around that took a lot longer than I thought it would take but it's finished now so that is cool let's see what it looks like from over here yeah that looks pretty cool it's really big on this side now it's just a matter of figuring out what to do for the inside I actually need to get rid of this dirt pillar so that was kind of pointless for starters this is supposed to be a village but there's no villagers in here so let's kidnap those villagers we were just with why is he attacking me sideways what was that and we'll bring them through the nether so we don't need to push them like 5,000 blocks that wouldn't be very fun I think I saw a lava pool somewhere over here oh yeah here we go we can just grab a bunch of this obsidian okay time to kidnap some villagers if I use the pickaxe anymore it's probably going to break so I guess we're going to have to go back to stone tools for now yeah we're not doing too great on the resources right now but we are going to have a cool house at least so you know is that okay we're already out of one pickaxe [Music] okay oh okay uh yeah I forgot how d dous the nether is oh they're killing him for me okay thank you that was nice and since I am a Minecraft professional I know that if I build a portal here it should spawn us right in the village perfect I was honestly kind of expecting that to not work now we just need to bring these two guys back to the Overworld and there is a way to do this by bringing them over to the portal and then we just shove them in yeah there you go and there's the other one perfect now comes the hard part please don't jump in the lava no no the lava's right there don't go there okay come on oh there we go and now he's here very cool okay you want this house all right that's fine now we just need to grab the other one no he's not he's not your friend come on come to the block almost there and there you go now we have two villagers here that's very cool now finally we can finish digging out this hill that we started mining like a long time ago [Music] so and there we go we have all the stone replaced I should also get rid of this stuff that's floating oh there we go now we don't have much food so for the first thing we fit in the circle hey Jerry we will make sure that around the edges is somewhat level now we can make a border around the circle now we can grab some wheat and find some sheep there's a sheep there on sheep and there's another sheep here so oh no come back this is going to be annoying at least the circle looks cool though that's something now we'll bring these guys back please don't push each other off and there we go now now we only have seven wheat and we're going to need 7,000 I don't actually know how much we'll need but it's a lot and that sounded cool so it would look cool if inside the Sheep Circle we had a circle of wheat oh wait we need water oh right okay then we can just fill in this entire area with water and I guess while we're doing this we can start planting the wheat there's some wheat that's ready already and I'll make another sheep there we go only like a th000 more sheep to go or something like that so while we wait for the wheat to grow we can just keep extending the farm so it goes all the way around okay there's some more sheep so now we have six that is a start I guess that's the ring farmed I want to get all the colors of sheep in here and I want to split them up and there we go so we have at least two sheep in each section but they're all the same color so we're going to need to collect every D I actually need to take this Tower down we can already make some white dye blue dye and yellow dye and we can get these poppies to make red dye now I just need to get some squids oh there we go and we can make a bunch of dye as well like orange purple pink and magenta all we need to get our Catie and cocoa beans oh there's a jungle there we can grab some cocoa beans and here is a cactus oh and to get back to the Village of Jerry I will make a nether portal because I am a professional uh well I guess we're walking back so we have two of each dyes so we can go around the circle dying each section so there's light gray here's gray then black brown red orange yellow magenta and finally Pink So now that we have two of each color we can just breed all of them and the baby will also be that color very cool he's a flower oh oh my how did he get a double hit Jee okay all of the wheat is planted and all the Sheep are the right colors so it's just a matter of every once in a while going around breeding all of them while we work on breeding them we can start working on the next part of the village so I'm thinking we build a bunch of houses hey Jerry and have each house be something useful for me the first house I think we could build is a house for a nether portal we're going to need to get a bunch of blocks for this I'm thinking we'll need Netherrack Crimson stem I think this is called what is happening are they emoting what some Bal and some black stone some of this red carpet would be good that would actually be terrible if we added that that would look very bad so that's why we're not going to get that block I think it makes sense to use the basalt as pillars so the actual portal will go in the middle I think Crimson stem would look cool on the ground no Jerry get out of the nether house this isn't your house and for the floor around it I think it would make sense if it was just like that and also maybe a piece of crimson stem every once in a while to make it blend just a bit better oh okay oh his he had an army that is now after me I feel like I just killed their child or something jeez then I think just alternating between types of Black Stone would be good like that and it looks kind of weird what if we pushed it out a couple blocks like this yeah okay I think that looks better then for the roof we could try just alternating with these stairs all the way around and see how that looks then we'll just keep going up and there we go now on the inside of this I think what would be cool is replacing the floor with some Blended obsidian and nether rack and boom there we go there's one more thing I want to add to this that is a couple of glow [Music] stone um why am I here I guess I'll just break this and then pretend that didn't happen then we could put some glowstone right here and over here I feel like it's a bit too much of a cone on the top so what if we do this wao wait the wall could catch on fire couldn't it okay yeah we should probably go to sleep okay so what if instead of making it a cone we just Build It Up Like This put some stairs below it we can extend it a couple blocks just at the top and that looks terrible wow okay I think that looks a lot better then we can just do the same thing to this side and there we go so that's one house finished and a bunch more to go this whole area is like a village right but there's only two of you guys so we're going to need you guys to get busy I think all they need to breed is some bread and beds so it's a good thing we have all the sheep and wheat that is really satisfying so we'll make a bunch of beds and then just blop them all down and we can toss them with bread and it's not even enough okay I guess we have to get more wheat oh there we go yeah so we can use all these villagers to fill up the houses we make so while they're breeding we can start work on the next house and I think it makes sense to make it a house for the furnace so for this build I think deep slate would be cool and we could also get some iron while we're down here cuz our armor is not looking too good oh thank you for the Deep slate shields in the wrong spot um okay I think deep slate tiles and deep slate bricks would be a good combination for this I'll also make some more armor so I guess I'll make it right here it probably makes sense for it to be long long ER like that and then maybe stone bricks on the lower part then the Deep slate tiles I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm doing something actually maybe instead of the deep slate tiles we just line it with furnaces it looks like it fits in the back what if we tried this block underneath yeah that looks cool cuz it like matches the bottom part of the Furnace then above it we can do the Deep slate bricks I think then the Deep slate tiles I would add Windows here but it doesn't really make sense so instead I think it'd be cool to make it like chimneys almost also in the middle of it I think we can put some of the stone tools and we'll also cover this Netherrack with stairs like that maybe but I do want some smoke to go out of it so maybe we make it like that instead so you can still see the smoke oh that's suck I should have thought that through there we go oh hey Jerry okay well I'll see you later Jerry I think it would be cool if we had lava in the middle here as well so we need to surround it in stone I guess deep sleep bricks would work we'll need to grab some lava and to make sure nobody Falls in it I'll just cover it with iron bars so for the rest of the floor I'm thinking maybe Cobblestone no that looks pretty horrible tiles yeah I feel like that looks nicer then maybe in the corners we have smooth stone that looks interesting for the roof I feel like a really flat roof would look the best oh uh whoops why does it look weird this part definitely needs to not be like this oh wait that's a creeper I very glad I caught that there's like a school running past me what there's so many of them perfect so that is the furnace house finished I'll also put a black bed in here for whoever wants to live here so next up I think we should make an enchanting house now Jerry is the only cow I have so we don't have near enough to make all the bookshelves we'll need so that is a problem but if we go to the nether then get to the Fortress uh okay which I happened to find when I was getting balt it's right over here and we need to find a blaze to kill oh uh we're just going to move past that I hear a blaze over here yeah here we go and no Blaze Rod oh there we go ooh diamonds actually we can use the diamonds to make a diamond sword sword and I won't jump this time and we can head back to the Overworld Now using the Blaze Rod we can make an Eye of Ender and we can use this to figure out where the stronghold is not to beat the game but to get books now I really hope we can make it all the way to the stronghold with one eye oh you are lucky you are a Lucky Chicken okay we'll throw it again okay so it should be right around here o here we go now we can just steal all these books this is so much easier than getting cows and sugarcan and all that okay that should probably be enough I'm also going to need a bunch of clay for this build I guess I could make a portal back that' be a lot faster okay where am I wait actually this works perfect because I do want to get these lights here oh this guy's decked out oh he does a lot of damage too that's not cool and there's a oh my well this looks familiar yeah yeah this is the line the village of Jerry is coming along we have a bunch of people here now that's cool we'll smell SM melt all this clay into terra cotta oh it wasn't me I also think chiseled quartz blocks would look cool here but I will need to grab some more quartz oh hey don't fall in listen Okay okay wow oh my God I just got I got to go actually for this furnace thing it would probably look cooler if I built up a little chimney yeah I think that makes more sense but it's so high that the smoke isn't really coming out very much so we can make some campfires then if we put them in here yeah there's way more smoke and it just looks a lot cooler so for this house I think using spruce wood would be good for the pillars and having them a bit offset like that I think would be cool then we can also strip the logs because an unstripped log is an ugly log we all know this the enchanting table would go right in the middle and the books would go all around it just like that then for the roof I think we could try something like that maybe and we'll just connect it at the top and make the top a full block yeah I think that's pretty cool so we can continue that all the way on the other side then the walls I think for now we could just use Spruce planks like that and we can try putting stairs there yeah that doesn't look too bad but the sides here feel weird so maybe we put something in these Corners we can make some flower pots and we can grow a bunch of these and what does this look like I cannot put it in maybe some Cactus instead it looks a bit better so we're just going to go with it what if we replace a few blocks with the chiseled quartz yeah that looks pretty nice it's just a small detail but I think it works and then maybe we do the same for these sides and we also need some light in here for the floor I don't really know what to do oh okay so we could try using red terra cotta to try to match the red on the enchantment table we could try making a Plus on the floor then we can try making light blue terra cotta and using that for the corners what if we tried wool and then the rest is just obsidian the roof looks a bit weird I think it's just a lot of the same block so we could try having the outline of this dark oak and then the rest of it make it Spruce then we can also add a little nub to the top of it and yeah I like that a lot actually perfect uh but how did you get up there we should probably start cleaning up these buildings they're kind of starting to get in the way wait what am I doing I have Flint [Music] steel okay uh good luck he just slept through [Music] it and there we go now for the next house I think we should make it for Jerry hey Jerry so because the style of the wall is sort of like medieval I guess it would be really cool if we had a massive Castle just in the center of this we're going to need a lot of stone bricks it's a good thing we have this furnace room and I'll actually probably need to clear out this area here to make some room for the castle oh and we're level 30 so we could actually get a full enchantment now wait where's the guy that sells pickaxes was he the guy I killed oh uh I guess we'll just level up a new guy and there we go there's another diamond pickaxe then we can grind Stone it and there we go yeah that is a good pickaxe we can combine these two never mind what if we disenchant it then breed more sheep there's level 30 again and perfect so after we combine them we get efficiency 5 Unbreaking three fortune 3 all we need is mending on it now and then it would be the perfect pickaxe so that is very nice this Castle design is inspired by necraft on YouTube we'll start by just making a circle of cobblestone I also set up a hopper furnace like that then use a lava bucket and load this chest up with as much cobblestone as I can so that way while we're working on building it we get more materials to build with so with the stone brick I'll build up six blocks all the way around there we go oh I also trapped Cherry in there oh that kind of works actually we need to add some depth to it so we can add pillars here and here and do it at the same Spa on every part and I'll also add some stone brick walls then to match what we did with these walls here we'll also add some Spruce fences in between like that then on the flat walls we can put some stone slabs and then Place some walls we won't place in here because this is going to be the entrance but on every other side we're going to add these walls that's looking good so far uh now we can just add a floor there we go we need to have some towers and I think deep slate tiles would look best for this so I think having one oh it's invisible uh okay having one right here and also right here and the one in the front I think we should make it a short one so we could just place the roof right on top of that and I think this would look good and we can place some stairs here to make it smooth then for the tip of it we can add a deep s wall like that we'll add a spruce fence on top and then on top of that we'll add an iron bar let's see what this looks like oh H I need to stop placing water around here yeah I like how that looks but I do think we should add more Spruce to match the top of it so we could add Spruce walls like there maybe all the way around actually then I think adding some lanterns would look good as well maybe just adding them everywhere what if we put trap doors under the fences so here and here so so this will be the main design of the pillars there's only one but eventually we're going to have a bunch of them everywhere oh there a cat you're probably going to be stuck up here so have fun this could be the small pillar this one I think would be a medium pillar um what's going on down here oh so I think we'll make it one block higher then we'll put stairs oh wait oh you're fine okay you are not looking too good so we'll put stairs and then slabs then to the black roof I think using some type of white wall would look really good the only white wall in the game is diorite which we do not have so I guess we got to go hunting for diorite hello fish here we go there we go that should be enough and we also might as well get some iron and coal and stuff since we have fortune 3 now that is very nice so we'll build these pillars here then for the roof we could start with Spruce slabs and we'll put put deep slate here and fill it in the middle then we'll make a ring of stairs then put a deep Sate wall a spruce fence and an iron bar we'll also need to add some lanterns a trapo so people can get up and some deep slate walls along the sides like that another cool detail could be Spruce trap doors along the sides yeah that looks cool actually I think I'm going to do that to this one too and actually I should probably add Spruce to these Corners to make it match to this but I'm already out of deep slate so wait oh I got diamonds I wasn't even paying attention now I'll just do the same thing for this side I wish the blocks would show up but I guess we're just going to have to deal with it oh there we go it's looking cool so far I want to make another pillar bigger this time on this side so it goes from smallest at the entrance and just gets bigger and bigger so we'll do it right here and we'll make it one taller than the other one then with the diorite walls I guess I'll make it also one higher than this one then I'll start building the roof out of deep slate now I'll add a ring of spruce and then put a stair in the middle to make it slope properly then we'll add some stairs just like before a deep slate wall Spruce fence and iron bar now I'll do the same thing for the other side and boom there we go actually looking at this it looks kind of weird what was that oh there's just a massive pit why are there so many creepers oh no well the creepers have been digging it looks kind of weird with the trap doors just abruptly ending there so what if we tried extending it all the way down to the floor yeah I feel like that looks better so it's like a wood pillar I'll just do that all the way around how are you dying oh wait you you're stuck in the wall I'm a hero and there we go for the second story of the castle I think a good place to start would be building a foundation I'll try to just get as close to the edge as I can without it feeling weird yeah so it looks like that all the way around now because these Corners here are square we'll make these the main support so we'll build up five blocks and then we'll fill in in between with some walls like this and we need some more wood actually so we could put Spruce planks there and then maybe wrap it with the trap doors then I guess we could just put some stone brick stairs like that we'll be adding a lot more details as we go but I think the next step is to build the third and final story if we place the pillar here it looks too blocky instead we can use the walls now I think we should place blocks behind and I think we should make it white to match these pillars calite would definitely look the best and we don't have any I think the best way to find calite at least how I found it in season 1 by just taking a boat in the ocean and seeing for any that pops out there's one here yeah I think this should be a lot nicer that looks so cool from over here too it's not even fully built now we'll fill it in with the Cal site yeah I think that looks good we need to add some more detail to this area so maybe some upside down stairs like that and some up top then some lanterns now I'll just fill in this floor with more stone bricks then at the front here I think it would look good if this was like a balcony so we'll have doors like that and we'll make a wall of calite and we need some sort of railing and Spruce fence doesn't really work here we could try using lecterns because from this angle it kind of looks like a bar that's kind of cool we can just put some trap doors on it so from this side it looks like this I think that's pretty nice now on the other sides I think we'll just build up with more Stone fences then maybe just fill it in with calite like this and I guess put stairs maybe like this this could be cool um I mean kind of like this this looks not bad what if we just make this a big window instead so I'll get rid of these stairs and instead I'll put stone brick stairs like that so I'll make this a little window with stone brick walls here and then Spruce fences along the side and I'll extend it out one block fill in underneath it then at the very top I'll add a little nub I think uh no that doesn't look good maybe here instead yeah like that now I also need to get some sand out so I'll just grab a bunch from over here then I'll smelt it and I think light blue dye would probably look the best I mean light blue glass and we can just fill this in here and that was close yeah I think that looks not bad and it'll look even better when we get the rest of the roof in too so I'll just do the same thing on this side and all the other roofs are made of deep slate so it only makes sense to do the same here oh there's lightning that is not good hey Jerry yeah I'm almost done and I want this roof to curve upwards so we'll start it with the slabs then I guess after three of them we can do stairs and then we can do a block and then a stair on top then I'll just fill this roof in with the Deep SL stairs there we go now for underneath this roof I'll try to make it look natural I just placing some upside down stairs and in here we can put another window I think we need more Spruce though I'll try replacing this with Spruce let's see what this looks like well it's definitely a castle I think it needs more on the roof so the roof isn't as flat what if we add a couple more Towers actually I do need to get rid of this pillar so the first one I think we'll put it right here and we'll fill the inside with thorite walls to match the pillars then we'll build a platform on top and just like before make some pillars with the diorite walls deep slay tiles in the middle deep slate tile roof and we're out of deep slate okay that was scary and there we go there's the first one now I'll just duplicate this over here in this corner but I'll make this one just a bit taller than the other one because that's what we did for all the other pillars I'll make it three high on top just like the other one wait there's zombies uh-oh I really don't want no no no oh I really don't want these villagers to die again and there we go okay now let's take a look ooh yeah that looks pretty awesome I forgot the lanterns [Music] actually finally the main Castle's done that took so much longer than I thought it would take so now that we've basically finished the castle we can start decorating it more by changing some of these blocks to Cobblestone and the mossy versions but we don't have any Mossy version of stone brick yet so I'll grab a bunch of vines okay there we go that should be enough now we can make mossy stone bricks and we can put them on the castle and we can also add some cracked Stone bricks I'll also try to put more of the mossy bricks at the bottom because that's where the grass is and that's what the mossy bricks are yep I'll also add some crack stone bricks up top we won't use Mossy bricks up here cuz there's no grass up here yeah I think that looks really cool but what doesn't look cool is everything around it to fill up the space I think what would look best is if we build a bunch of houses in the same style as the castle so I guess we'll build the first one over here we'll do it with Spruce logs and it build up some pillars in the middle and I'll put some calite between the pillars I think that looks pretty good yeah it looks sort of medieval now I'll add some stairs around the roof and I'll try to do something similar to what we did for the castle roof so go one block up and then a stair one block up stair one block up and then guess what a stair actually no not a stair okay that looks really bad maybe I'll just take this down and change it to this yeah that looks pretty nice I'll also add another one in the middle and I'll make it a bit lower than the other two just like that then we'll just fill in the Middle with deep slate tiles and deep slate bricks trying to make it somewhat random I think what if we also put some diorite every once in a while yeah I feel like that makes it a bit better then we'll fill in this side here and we'll add a couple doors that's not where I I don't want the handle to go there there we go actually only one door excuse me like that then we'll fill this in with more calite and diorite actually it probably makes more sense to have this beam going all the way down then we can add two doors then a window here yeah there we go I've also seen people build little patios I guess they're called using campfires so we'll build up a couple pillars that guy is on the roof okay he just jumped over the whole thing so I think you could just put it out right yeah okay oh so if we put the campfire here then put it out it sort of makes an interesting roof for the patio and we can just do it all the way around it's a bit hot but that's okay then we put them all out and we have a little patio oh wait the direction you place it matters no oh I did it again okay there we go so that's a little patio now we can add some leaves I guess around the whole thing then some hay bales probably fit and I guess I'll fence it off and add a couple lanterns then we can add some trap doors just for some extra decoration on the corners and we'll just flatten out a little path here also I should probably go to bed so these villagers don't get killed that wouldn't be ideal I'll just make the floor stone bricks with some cracked bricks every once in a while and I'll add a bit of a ceiling just cuz it feels so open I don't know I don't really like it that looks pretty horrendous where is that zombie is he underground oh okay maybe using deep sleep bricks with the tiles would work well and have it a bit lower on the edges like that no that still sucks okay we keep that and then put wood in the middle yeah I mean I think I like it and there we go so that's one of the houses complete oh wait actually we need to put stuff in here we'll put a furnace and a table with a few chairs that's not how a chair goes again that's not how a chair goes wait what there we go it'd actually be cool to have like a lantern like that coming from the ceiling we could put a crafting table another furnace actually we'll put the furnaces here so that we can take a bed and put it right here then boom there we go so this is one house now finished so we just need to do that a bunch more times but change the design each time I think we can build the next house here oh the tree just grew so we'll start with just building the frame the other one looked kind of tall so this one I'm going to make it a bit shorter so we'll start it off with a stone bottom no you can't can't go in there then we'll add a layer of logs on top of it just like that actually we'll move it over one so it makes an overhang then on top of this we'll build the actual house I want the sides to extend a little bit out as almost like a window I guess maybe I'll put logs there then we support it with some stairs then this can be like a window sill and I'd like to have grass here but we don't have silk touch so I guess we have to build a path for the grass to grow then I'll fill in all the walls with calite and diorite now for this roof I think we'll just copy what we did for the castle roof so we use slabs then stairs if they show up and nothing is showing up that is not ideal and then after the two stairs we go up one block this would make more sense if you could actually see what was going on but I guess that's too much to ask for okay then we do the same thing on the other side oh there we go it showed up so the roof will look like that then on this part that extends here we'll do the same thing but just using Spruce oh these guys just jumped in here we can also add a little tip to the end of it I guess I don't know what you call it but make it look like that I think that looks better now it's just a matter of filling in the middle part with I guess just deep slate tiles and we are out of deep slate so I guess we got to go grab some more oh my that scared me oh is there anything cool oh a name tag wait we can finally named Jerry I think we should use Spruce along the edges instead of stone brick yeah I feel like that looks better and the grass has grown up here so we can get rid of this then we can put some trap doors there and we can just use bone meal on it that's too tall uh there we go I'll fill in the roof here I'll also fill in this front with some glass then on these windows I think we can add fences with Spruce logs above it yeah I think that looks good it would look better with a lantern in the middle though and we'll also sprinkle in some of the cracked stone brick and we can add some buttons on the ends of the logs then maybe we can just add some trap doors to the bottom maybe I'll put the trap doors here too then we can just add some hay bales finally we add the door and the lantern cool now for the inside we can make the floor stone bricks but I feel like it would be cool if we replace the middle of it with Spruce logs and maybe strip them and the second floor will start right here I guess we could make the stair case in this corner and we could just do it like that then up here will probably be the main area so we should fence off the stairs we can add a table with some stairs by the window and we can fill this wall with furnaces like that and I'll steal my stone cutter and place it here I guess I don't know may maybe this guy does stone work I I don't know oh hey yeah okay this this is your house now and we'll give him a red bed I guess we can put some leaves there for decor and we can also add some leaves here cuz why not and that should do it for this house yeah this is your new house if you want to leave you can't so have fun okay let's look at that yeah I think that looks pretty good uh this guy is running on the roof again anyway we can start working on the next house because this area here is pretty empty so over here I think we can make another house maybe make it in the shape of an L yeah yeah that looks like an L then just like normal we can fill it in with calite and diorite we'll leave some spots for the windows as well I think that would be good now for the roof we'll do the same thing we did over here and wherever there's a log I think we'll do the same design oh Jerry's here oh wait actually we have a name tag we can name him now okay we'll name the tag Jerry and boom Jerry is now Jerry and he's he's leaving now get there there we go then just like the roof over here we can just fill it in with some deep slate tiles and bricks and there we go I'll fill in the windows with some glass then we can add some leaves along the outside add some extra in the back don't know why but I feel like that would be natural did you did you do that now just like before we can add some campfires then we need to put all of them out why doesn't that work now we need to do the inside just like normal for the floor we'll just replace all of it with some stone bricks and I'll also throw in a few crack stone bricks every once in a while and maybe a few Mossy bricks as well then for a bed I think we could just build a little thing like this then we can seal one of these beds and put it there I feel like we need a backdrop actually uh we can put bookshelves on the back maybe and then maybe we can put a trap door there that way we can put a lamp uh a lantern on it yeah I think that looks pretty good oh okay I guess this is his house now and actually we could replace these three with uh excuse me with some furnaces fer ey actually the middle one should be that way and then maybe this the ones on the side should look like that yeah so so it has like the side texture then we can make a table with a couple stairs and we'll put some Spruce trap doors on the sides for like armrests now now for this part here I want to make it like a work or study area so we'll put a lecturn and we put a book on it uh I can't put a book on it why can't I put a book on it how to put book on lecturn oh I need to make it a book and quill okay so I need a feather and an ink sack now we can make a book and quill that was a lot of work for a few pixels but we did it now we can put a couple barrels there put some trap doors more barrels and maybe some fence and add a chair oh that's not the right way oh we could also add a lantern there yeah it's like it goes in the book but that's okay now I want to add something in this corner and I think I know the perfect thing to put there so we just need to make some bricks then we can make a pot and boom but we're going to add more to it we just need to bring some shears to a desert these villagers keep like stepping all over my crops look he's he's right there he's stepping all over it I'll remember that okay here finally there's a desert now we take our shears and nice I was a bit worried that wouldn't work oh we could also steal this Bell so the reason we got these is because we can put it in the pot and it looks kind of ugly like this but when we put some leaves on top then it starts looking like the stem of a tree that's this house done so yeah I want to add a bunch of details throughout the circle uh hey Jerry so for the first one we can add little stations for villagers to sell things then we'll get some trap doors boom boom and we'll build up the sides then connect them with some wool like that I think we'll alternate between yellow and white and then we'll grab banners and place them along these sides like that now we need to find a villager oh okay so now he's trapped in here now now we could just go ahead and build a bunch of them all over the place boom there we go there is the second guy and there we go so we have four little areas like that I also think a fountain here would be cool hey herey Jerry a chain here and a cauldron and there we go so there's a little well it's kind of nice uh the pathway kind of terrible I tried to do something with it it didn't go as planned but that makes me think there should be a lot of paths going everywhere around here connecting everything so we're going to need a bunch of gravel then we'll make a bunch of coarse dirt so I'll try using Spruce coar dirt Cobblestone Stone and Spruce trap doors and also some stairs to make it more IR regular and I'll also throw in some oak logs I'll also build up some rocks and stuff just to add more detail I guess like that and I'll also put Spruce fence gates every once in a while and surround them with leaves to sort of look like bushes yeah I think this is starting to look good so I'll be adding designs like this all the way around the rest of the base but it feels kind of weird doing all this building without a totem in my hand so before we finish this we should do a raid and after what happened last time I think we should get diamond armor first okay so we got 45 diamonds which is plenty so we can make a helmet a chest plate pants and some boots boom finally we can throw out all this armor and put on the diamond armor now that we have armor we can finally properly take on a raid hopefully this time without having all the villagers die I guess we just have to run around until we find a Pillager your [Music] Outpost oh oh here we go so we just have to kill one of the dudes with a flag so the raid is starting okay let's try to make sure nobody [Music] dies there's the first wave done okay there's the second wave done oh okay they're all in here the third wave okay now I'm on half a heart and a raid is starting that's that's not ideal yeah okay that's easy enough and then I need to quickly kill him okay and now we finally have a totem of undying so my skin can go back in the corner of the [Music] screen I kind of want to just let him pop my totem yeah and now we K perfect is anyone going to thank me no okay Jerry all all right well and now that we finally have a totem we can finish adding all the small details around the base which normally is what ties everything together [Music] so f finally that's everything finished it definitely looks really cool but that'll be the end of this episode also if my voice sounds different I am currently on zero sleep I pulled a bunch of all nighters trying to get this video out and my voice Probably sounds a bit different as a result of it uh but regardless I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys next time
Channel: sandiction
Views: 5,894,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sandication, sand minecraft, sandtion, sandacation, sandition
Id: 8R7qCrRok4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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