The Perfect Japan U-20 Lineup | Blue Lock

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so I'll go ahead of the video on my block you 20 team predictions and that's pretty outdated in my opinion though if you're going back to look at that just make sure you take what they can assault it is unlisted now but I'm pretty sure you can find it in one of my playlists so I think it's pretty much time for an updated list the reason for that being that we've seen all the block characters progress mainly except for the people on the pxg team at the time recording this since they haven't played their debut match on screen but mainly everyone else has gotten screen time we've gotten feeds for every character you know abilities and things like that so now it's time for me to update my list and of course remember this is all just my subjective opinion if you have a problem with my opinion of course you can leave yours down in the comments below and also make sure to check out the pin comment which is from our friends from Rage Shadow Legends if you haven't heard already which I'm sure you have Ray Shadow Legends is a free to play game with over 80 million downloads and almost endless amount of characters and amazing pc-like Graphics all on mobile in Rage Shadow Legends it of course has amazing gameplay but like every game that has to be an obstacle or a big bad for everyone to get over and prove that you've become truly Adept at the game well in Rage Shadow Legends the big bad is the Doom Tower the Doom Tower is basically a prison that the character the Arbiter created in order to entrap a group of bad guys that she couldn't defeat alone A Thousand Years Later the Doom Tower is still up and the Arbiter doesn't have enough power to keep it up for very long and this is where you come in the Arbiter needs you to take over the Doom Tower and defeat all the bad guys in it with a group of Legendary Heroes that you create but not all bosses and enemies are the same in this Doom Tower such as the character the Scarab King who I personally had a very hard time fighting against it's very hard to get big hits on him and if you go at him without a shield buff he'll basically run through your entire team I could keep going about the intricacies of the Doom Tower but rather you guys experience it yourself but if you enjoy shows as well the first episode of raid called the Arbiters out now and to celebrate this raid will be adding some of the characters from the series into the actual game as playable characters one of them being the Fearsome warlord are Tech who will be available to anyone who just logs in for seven days between now and July 24th and if you've seen the first episode of quality Arbiter you'll know exactly who our Tech is but if you haven't I won't spoil the surprise for you and I recommend just go watch it with all this amazing stuff and more coming to raid you have pretty much no reason not to play it use the link in the description or my QR code on screen to get the same bonuses such as the champion Drake and other very useful things such as energy boosters the game is very enjoyable and fun and since you guys can get these amazing boost by using my code I highly recommend it and when you do happen to get on you can find me at the name Outlaw truth and if you're fast enough you might even be able to join my clan so hit the link in the description or scan the QR code on screen and I'll see you on the battlefield now to begin the video I'll start off with the defensive lineup starting with the goalie we obviously know who's going to be the goalie for this team basically the day one goalie kagamaru gagamar has basically been the goalie for luck since day one and he's even played against the Japan u20 team not to mention the new English league showing that he can easily play at a u20 level although gagamar does have his faults such as Bar's most recent goal in the manga it's pretty insane to think that in order to get over this hurdle of gagamaru he needed to find a whole new vision and coordinate with his entire team just to score a goal there also have been some rumors about some Gaga tomorrow ego Awakening which I don't think is impossible but I don't know I just don't see it happening really but I think gagamar is a pretty clear no-brainer pick for the goalie moving on to the left Center back I have radio now we know Rayo is someone who's pretty great overall and everything but we also know he's very valuable defense from what we see in the man shine City match as well as the u20 game even because Rayo has the abilities of both a midfielder and a Defender as we see in the manage Titan City match we was able to defend and keep up with Nagi in a play and even pretty much guys Navi perfectly also in his Flow State he seemingly has the ability to use metavision which would basically be a one for any defender on defense he also has the ability to basically copy any ability that he sees from any other Defenders such as what he did with aiku's God snake copying it to 99 and we see that Hugo arguably one of the best coaches in the block Universe tells Rayo to practice defense specifically in order to compete in the u20 game and even though Rio wants to be a striker I think this position fits him pretty well next up at the right center back is obviously someone we have to include on a Japan u20 defensive line up the God snake aiku now Aiko in the u20 match was impressive enough showing us why he's called the best defender under 20 in Japan but in the new egress League he brings the skill to a whole another level being on the master strategist Mark Snuffy's team the Ubers he's brought up his defense quite a lot and is even seemingly able to use metavision on command as we see in the newest chapter in this chapter as well he's also able to press isagi on offense and even cause his bluff while taking a lefty shot and it seems like honestly he soggy had to get bailed out by yukimiya in this match I feel like aiku just like gagamaru is just a no-brainer pick for defense lineup and him being on the starting 11 of the Uber's team just so is his talent and why he needs to be on this defensive lineup in order to win the e-20 for Japan although he isn't on the level of the ace eater Don Lorenzo who is the best center-back in the u20 world he definitely is a great defender overall moving on to the left wing back I have Nico now before I get into why I actually have Nico here I want you all to remember that Nico is the youngest member in bulac and despite that fact he already has some form of metavision although not being on the same level with Kaiser in the soggies he so does have this and will be soggy by his side exagger will definitely probably teach him how to use metavision perfectly or at least on the same level as himself but as clear as day that Nico is supposed to be a Defender he was even put in this position at the u20 game and was even able to stop some of Saiyan shido's Shenanigans and even though say wasn't going all out per se it's still a pretty insane feat for Nico to have at just 16. and with him also being on the Uber's team with aiku they've definitely been getting a lot better with Mark Snuffy and iku might even have a few things to teach in Eco overall Nico's potential as a Defender is just too great for me not to put him on this list and I feel like he just deserves a spot now onto the right wing back I have konagami now I know this sounds absolutely insane just kunigami's ambidextrous and has similar physicality to Noah Noah but if we're being honest with ourselves konigami specs just better fit the defensive lineup the reason for this being we've already seen that he has amazing physicals being able to shake off multiple Defenders at once and the only real thing he's lacking which we don't even know he's lacking pretty much is Just Vision all we know about his vision is that he doesn't have metavision just yet but it's definitely a possibility now if I'm being 100 honest with myself here I pretty much doubt that konigami will be on the defensive lineup but if you were to be on this lineup it would be pretty hard to get past him since there's probably not a lot of people in the u20 world who have the same specs as him or even similar specs we do know the konigami is pretty much only lacking in speed as we've seen his matchup with batra robacha was able to pretty much mix him up and cross him leaving him in batra's dust but honestly vision would probably give him an edge on this type of dribbling since not everyone's really unpredictable like batra metavision might actually allow him to read their dribbles and take the ball from them after tackling them but now also arguably the most critical point in a lineup the midfielders now for the left midfielder is pretty much a no-brainer I have say Toshi we all knew say Toshi was going to make it to the midfielder lineup for my list since he is just blatantly the best midfielder in Japan he's shown his skill to us time and time again so the question isn't is he qualified enough to be on the team it's whether or not he will actually join the team from what we know about say he doesn't really care about anything else but winning the Champions League it only showed interest in the u20 game because he wanted to see what Bula could create but I do think it's definitely probable that say will join the team just as we know the whole city and Rin plot point isn't really finished per se since I didn't get a real conclusion to their plot the last thing we see from them is say telling Rin that isagi might change Japan and Rin just gets very angry but I do believe one day they could reconcile and put away their differences and begin playing on the same team like they did once long ago and since both of them have only gotten better over time it would make for an amazing Duo also with the fact of say having metavision you'll see the entire field and basically be able to control it in any way he wants to allowing Rin to score Unstoppable goals we already know that Rin has pinpoint accuracy passes in amazing offense as well as pretty good shots being better than the a studio Sendo for Japan's u20 team also being part of the new generation 11 which is the same thing that Lorenzo and Kaiser are on Kaiser being respected as one of the best strikers under 20 because of the Kaiser impact and Lorenzo being respected as blatantly just the best center back in the u20 world so the name of ninja generation 11 obviously doesn't come lightly and it takes very hard work to obtain it moving on to the right midfielder that will be Corona now Corona has a right midfielder alone might seem kind of weird but I promise this will all make sense once I get to the strikers we always knew Chrono was pretty good since he did finish top four in the second selection but in a neo-eagues league along with isagi he's shown his true abilities Chrono is basically the perfect pair for isagi with the Soggy even saying that he has a great passing option at a perfect distance that allows him to look ahead and see the entire field going on to say the corona can't position himself in a favorable position for them in an unfavorable position for the enemies allowing them to use their signature Planet hotline coroner is able to play at a crazy high level and even keep up with the metavision isagi and passing him basically perfect passes we also see in current a stat car that he has an s in speed and a and pass and an A in dribbling showing that he's a complete monster on offense and has amazing passes and he was specifically chosen for the starting 11 for the Germany team because of his speed and dribbling ability and because he can adapt to his teammates play Styles allowing him to score her goals so was pretty obvious that he has abilities of a midfielder and it would be wrong to put him anywhere else next up are the Wingers starting with the right winger I'll start with chigiri jigiri as a Winger is a pretty obvious choice he's just a player you want on the wing because of his speed and his ability to get up the field quickly because he has the best speed and luck as of now since we haven't seen what zontetsu can do yet in the new egress League we'd obviously want someone up to Gear's caliber and speed on the wing especially after his training with Chris Prince and man shot City where he up to speed even more and obviously with his dominant leg being the right one we want him on the right side jigiri has a similar play style to Julian Loki being a pure Speedster type that relies on speed for his dribbling and this seems to work more often than not and he's also found his golden zone for his shot after his training with Chris Prince which is 19 meters from the goal and 44 degrees to the left so with him being on the offense he has the speed he has the dribbling and he also has the shot which allows him to score a corner shot which even gagamaru can't block and although he didn't make it to a striker position him being on the seam as a Winger is definitely something you need now onto the left wing on the wing might seem Odd as well but I feel that he doesn't meet the core requirements for a striker for this team but he also doesn't need to be binged macho would definitely be useful for breaking through the defense of the opposing team with their free form dribbling he attained after training with libina after his training with lavinio Bashar gained a very much more matured style of dribbling giving him basically infinite options for where he's gonna go but even though he does have so many options he plays more passive allowing his opponent to make the first move and for him to counter-attack in an instant breaking past him and because batra has such amazing speed dribbling and an amazing shot mind you since he's of course one of the strikers for blue lock he just needs to be on the field but just not as a striker but his passes are also pretty great as well so for him to be on the wing so the strikers know that he's there for an assist but also knowing he has amazing shot potential leads for a very deadly combo now onto the real most pivotal point of this team since if we're being honest nothing really matters no defense offense nothing matters if you can't make goals the strikers now the first Striker I have on this team is rinitoshi in a specific position I have him on is lined up with his brother seitoshi so they can make their combo plays rinitoshi has been hyped up since literally day one of blue lock being blocked ranked number one after the selections and mainly being the reason that they won the u20 game but before we go into Ren's Flow State let's go over what he does in his base form in general Ren just has very amazing shots and his first goal that we see is an amazing curve shot from the Middle Line it completely sinks it on the Bullock man goalie and also being a rivalry soggy the main character of the series he has to have some potential as a striker not to mention the atoshi blood that's running through him unlike isagi though who just has direct shot at an S tier rinse curves shots of water implied to be his best asset and also unlucky soggy until currently Rin has been able to hold his own in physical battles and shoot shots even while being contested in physical battles but his shots aren't the only thing that he has that are A1 he also has pretty amazing vision and I wouldn't be surprised if in the PHD game in the new egress League that it shows that he actually gained metal but we know from the novels that he's always been able to see the game like a drone looking on top of the field but what you might not know is that he might have some level of Predator Vision we see in the final selection matches of blue lock Rin is able to hide himself behind people in order to be hidden from the goalkeeper and take a shot while the goalkeeper is completely blind of his movements which is the exact same thing that borrow does in the newest game although it might not be to the same caliber as baro's Vision it still definitely is something to think about and consider when going for the perfect Striker so with Rin having all these amazing abilities and this amazing shooting technique he obviously has to be one of the strikers on this team now on to the final Striker the main character of the manga everyone saw it coming isagi oichi now this might be crazy since everyone's for some reason thinks that he saw he should be a midfielder but the way that manga is shaping up to be now isagi is definitely going to be the best striker in Japan and probably won't be settling for being a midfielder anytime soon since as we've seen already he's got an offer to be a midfielder for Noah Noah and he simply declined it even though Noah Noah is his complete Idol someone who's been watching and mimicking since he was a child since I don't want to make this video too long I'll just go over all of you soggy's skills and whatnot just to quickly get over it isagi has a death metavision being on the same level as Kaiser and above the level of people like Nico allowing him to view the field at a way that no one else really can and predict the future of the field which ultimately is what allows him to be at the perfect place at the perfect time isaki also has an amazing direct shot it being at a literal s tier in the series and his main offensive weapon and while his main foot is his right foot he is able to use an amazing Lefty shot which is about 40 percent as good as his right shot at least according to aiku mind you this Lefty shot was gained with only 5 days of training and preparation which means that it could be even developed even further before the u20 games isagi also has pretty good speed but when people talk about isagi's dribbling they do say he's lacking which I kind of agree I guess but he doesn't really need dribbling when we see that he has people like Chrono on his side who with the Soggy is able to break through the best defensive team on the neoegoist league the Ubers just with their amazing coordination in their Planet hotline and in conjunction with all this isagi also has his egocentrism egocentrism basically allows The Saga to control the ego or protagonism of a character that he chooses and if he plays his cards right he can allow them to play in a predictable way that he can use to his Advantage such as what he did to Yuki Mia to surpass Kaiser in one play in the new egus league but yeah that's pretty much my lineup I have it on the screen scrolling as I speak right now just so you can get a kind of a visual for what I had going on and if you disagree with my lineup of course drop some comments down in the comments Down Below on what you would change and also don't forget to check out the link for Ray Shadow Legends and download it but that's a lie for today goodbye
Channel: Outlaw Truth
Views: 27,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue lock, blue lock anime, blue lock manga, blue lock reaction, isagi yoichi, isagi devours barou, isagi direct shot, isagi first goal, bachira, bachira blue lock, rin itoshi, rin vs sae itoshi, u20 blue lock, blue lock u20 animation, kaiser blue lock, new gen 11 blue lock, sae itoshi, kaiser explained, braou, pablo blue lock, soccer anime, blue lock ranking, truth blue lock, blue lock u20
Id: mmqSdDUJLXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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