Predicting Every New Gen 11 Member In Blue Lock

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future superstars All below the age of 20 years old the new generation World 11 is a group of international youth players deemed to be the next generation of football Superstars selected and recognized by FIFA these are the 11 players destined to take over the football scene due to their skill and level of talent despite their age 11 Superstars one for each position how can our main characters possibly compete 200 chapters into this manga and we only introduced to three members and these three members are three of the best players in the entire story I do believe that once we arrive at the u20 ark we are going to be introduced to the rest of the New Gen World 11 as they will be the major antagonists of this Ark and I can say for certain that people are not ready for how good these young folks will be the top five members are likely to possess skill far beyond the likes of itoshi Sai Kaiser and possibly the comprehension of our blue lock players however for now all we can do is be patient and make our predictions in this video we will be analyzing the story of Blue lock and making predictions for each and every single member of the Newen World 11 their positions play Styles and nationalities if you enjoy speculation videos please hit that subscribe button let's get this channel to 5K I'm honestly too old to do this anymore but let's begin okay so let's first start off the list with our defense so we already know about Don Lorenzo from Italy an amazing player an amazing talent the dude was literally taken off the street at like age 13 14 15 somewhere around that range and Snuffy literally made him in into a world class Defender at the age of 19 absolute units and I'm very excited to see his role in the u20 World Cup the second Defender will be a Netherlands player I believe he will have similarities to Virgil Van djk instead of being a Shifty and versatile Defender like Don Lorenzo he could possess Amazing Power great heading ability which allows him to score goals from a simple corner kick he's going to be an absolute monster on defense that you cannot get around no matter what someone that can stalk you and steal the ball from you at any moment I believe this to be the case because on average the tallest humans in the entire world are all from the Netherlands on average they have the tallest men and tallest women he could also potentially be the strongest player in the manga a physical monster oru's Defender could also be an interesting character a Defender that's quick and able to cut off the pass passing lanes and intercept almost any pass block shots and even push the ball up the field at incredible speeds he could be inspired by real life player Ronald aru by the way I cannot pronounce a lot of these names so just ignore the bad pronunciations as for our Center defense mid I do think it's going to be that one random mysterious guy from pxg I think his name is try based on his appearance he's clearly inspired by zavi Simons we have already seen him in the story however we're not sure about what his role is going to be with the slight chance that pxg does have a new gen 11 player I do think he will have a very interesting personality he's probably going to be a solid allr player capable of doing everything on the field but he keeps a nonchalant attitude mostly letting we do all the work as he rather just not do anything if he doesn't have to he's probably super young and only tagged along because Loki wanted to I do think he plays for the France national team as for our midfielders uh what don't we start off with itoshii so we already know a bunch about itoshii but I think people kind of underestimate how truly talented he is like in football a large pool of talented players are both from Europe and South America around 90% of them if you don't believe me look at the statistics in this story for yourself 2/3 of our new gen 11s are both from Europe the world five has three members from Europe two members from South America Master Strikers have four European players One South American player and every New Gen 11 team so far is a European team so as I said before the best players with the most Talent mainly come from Europe and South [Music] America okay so let's continue with our midfielders Gabby SL pedri inspired so some of the most talented players of all time Gabi only being 18 years old signing a professional contract with Barcelona the Spanish player is the definition of apology his counterart Pedro might be the better player however the story of Gabi might be the one that gets referenced in Blu loock I also believe that the reason itoshi side changed his mind was due to a Spain new 11 member it's highly likely that this guy was so dominant in Real Madrid's youth team that he showed sigh that it is genuinely possible to become the best in the world as a midfielder I also think that it's a high possibility for the new 11s to have multiple players from one nationality however for the sake of this video and fully fleshing out each major Nation I'll only do one okay now from Spain we move on to England our final midfielder so I do believe that the England midfielder will be a very dominant player probably the best player overall for the New Gen 11s I think he's going to be a physical unit think of him as having more skill and talent than Sai while having better physical stat hat than someone like boru this is an absolute Prodigy I think the author could possibly reference Jude Bellingham for this one it would be an amazing character no doubt there's also a slight chance that he could create a center attack Midfield based off like Phil foden or someone small and Shifty just like itoshi saai and this could be his new gen 11 rival but that's pretty much it for our midfielders okay now for our forwards I do think that blue lock being a striker manga the forwards will be the most dominant players so I do think it's fair to say that out of the entire group Kaiser will probably be the weakest link out of all the strikers this could also be the reason as to why Kaiser is so insecure that he only picks on those weaker than him because the other new J 11 Strikers are so far out of his League that he doesn't even try to compete with them anymore and he rather just compete with randoms or retired bumbs I could go in depth about ka's insecurity and irreparable ego however that's for another video Brazil okay so I'm sure we all saw this coming it is super necessary to have a Brazilian Prodigy in this story as a new gen 11 he would be a very skilled player very Shifty probably similar to someone like vidus Jun from like real life I think that would be his inspiration and I genuinely think that this guy could be a top three new 11 player at least he would be an absolute monster for sure lastly the okay the last new 11 player will have to be from Norway in my opinion and this is kind of a stretch but at the same time not really I think he can be the final hurdle for the blue lock 11 before Julian Loki a absolute demon of a striker someone who was forced to carry his team no matter what not being from a talented europian country like Germany England or Spain he was forced to compete against these top TI teams all by himself a striker that's so dominant that he's considered to be a Unstoppable Force oh yeah and also so we do need a lanky black African man with insane goalkeeping skills he's definitely going to be the new gen 11 goalkeeper so yeah as for AR mentions okay so this is kind of tricky I know I didn't have Argentina here which is kind of trippy as I do believe there probably will be four Strikers in a striker manga so Kaiser and the Brazilians on the wing furthermore eating the Rivalry between Germany and Brazil Norway having the physical Striker that seen as the Unstoppable force and the other Center forward being from Argentina being the small player in the league he could easily be like a better version of isagi to like be is sagi's future rival or something I don't know as for the Lesser AR mentions um Korea is pretty good you know Korea is known for having very talented young players and fullbacks South Korea came fourth last year and the year before that they came second place in real life and 90% of their 2022 World Cup team consisted of u20 players like that is absolutely crazy so their young core is really good so if the offer was trying to be realis istic there would definitely be a new gen 11 player from South Korea imagine our current blue lock team entering the official World Cup against Chris Snuffy Noah and all those guys and actually competing and doing very well qualifying getting out of the group stages and actually playing in the round of 16 it would be insane as for the other countries I'd say Israel isn't a bad option their u20 team is pretty good as well same for Ukraine also lastly this is a stretch but if the author actually did this it could be the best move in the entire blue up manga imagine a new gen 11 United States player so hear me out we all know that United States people from the United States are absolute egoist like bro if you if it's so if block is so crazy already and we haven't even seen a single player from us imagine how insane it would be to have a egoist from the United States that dude would be an absolute Menace I it's going to be absolute Madness so if he actually does that that would be amazing but yeah that's pretty much [Music] it set reg St on your tail on just friend you type of big but it's acting hard as man you ain't got the detail you don't move iend you where you at me gy
Channel: Truther
Views: 14,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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