BLUE LOCK | Ubers the Most BALANCED Team in NEL

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Italy's Ubers are the first team to play all of their NL matches the team finished in third place with a record of two wins and two losses since Ubers are finished with all of their NL matches we thought this would be a good time to analyze the team's run and their NL campaign Ubers is a team that prioritizes Concepts like strategy teamwork and individual strength as a team they score their goals by achieving complete Synergy on the field their NL team is also composed of many talented players we're talking about Baro IU Nik aru Sendo genin fukaku and a member of the New Gen 11 Don Lorenzo on paper Ubers look like a stacked team and before the Nal even started Ubers analyzed every single one of their players to their core this information was then used to make multiple team strategies to fit their players capabilities by using this approach they were able to utilize their players individual abilities as well as create a wide range of tactics arguably Ubers can be seen as one of the most balanced and complete teams in the NL the team plays as a single organism constantly working together while displaying an ultimate defense and a flex ible attacking play style these tactics LED Ubers to two victories as well as improving the abilities of the blue lock players in that stratum all of the starting blue lock Ubers players were able to scure a high salary ranking and it's all thanks to their Mentor Mark Snuffy in the Neo egoist League Ubers act as Italy stratum team and they are led by one of the best players in the world Mark Snuffy and as an individual Snuffy is a polite and persistent man who prioritizes individual strength over everything under the leadership of Snuffy the team became more efficient and attack-minded and whenever Snuffy Subs into the game he acts as this multi-purpose pivot so he can further support the team and fill in any gaps in the formation you can make the argument that as a coach Snuffy might actually be the best he's a dedicated Mentor who cares individually for his players' mental state along with their individual talents he even participates in philanthropy and he's the one to discover Don Lorenzo Snuffy single-handle discovery that created one of the strongest u20 Defenders Don Lorenzo personally as a mentor I believe he ranks above all the other Master Strikers Snuffy was able to create A system that allowed him to properly handle all of his players individually and collectively as a team however the biggest flaw in Snuffy's Uber's team is their over Reliance on these tactics one of the biggest issues with Uber's formations and tactics is that it does not allow players to go outside the box and one of their biggest Fault In Their formations is that they only allow one Striker this team has multiple players who have effective goal scoring abilities but instead of using multiple forwards they choose to rely on only one Striker their strategies act as a double-edged giving the team less options and making them more predictable when everybody has a designated job and never plays out of that position and this flaw became more apparent throughout their NL matches this issue was clear in Uber's first match against pxg Ubers played their first match against Fran's pxg and they ended up losing that match two to three not much was shown in that first match but we do know that aiku and aru were the only Japanese players play for Ubers at this moment both of them played as Defenders for Ubers and even though that they lost against pxg both aru and iuk were still still able to receive a salary ranking duee to their performances unfortunately it was never confirmed who scored the two goals for Ubers in this match it's clear it wasn't borrow or Sendo so most likely it was the original Uber fors this is important to note because early on the lack of goal scoring capabilities for the ubber team was very evident uers as a team already had great defense and playmaking abilities but they lacked that finishing product in front of a goal after this match Ubers had a byee and Snuffy decided to use this opportunity to address the issue at hand they needed a striker that could reign as their King and top score recognizing the issue at hand Snuffy decided to take Aro sh under his toage after that bye they had ubber had a match against FC Bach and this is when we finally see Barrow playing in the Uber starting lineup unfortunately we did not get to see the whole match between Ubers and FC Bara but we did get to see the score line in the final result after bringing in Barrow as their main Striker Ubers were able to easily Crush FC Bara 3 to1 and B scored hat-trick on their head with the addition of Barrow and other players like niik and Sendo Ubers were able to crush FC bar the performance was so impressive that not only B but the other Japanese players like niik and syo were able to earn a salary ranking at this stage in the NL bar looked like the best striker in the NL and on the surface it seemed like Snuffy figured out the solution for the goal scoring problem but unfortunately the issue wasn't completely fixed it was definitely an improvement by adding bar as their main Striker but their previous issue with tactics and formations was still not perfect and this issue was further Exposed on their next match against basser nin now without a doubt this match was the most challenging for Ubers they were pushed to their limits and had to overcome many difficulties the main focus of this match was undoubtedly the borrow and isagi rivalry early in the match we see Ubers were able to adapt to isagi and Bast munin after they scored the first goal but right away they're able to figure out isogi's ways of stealing the ball right after the goal was scored isaki tries to steal the ball from Ubers again but this time we see Ubers playing this and as soon as isaki steals the ball the ubber players immediately crowd him and press him and out of nowhere NCO is able to steal the ball from isagi this is the first time that we see players is able to creat counter measures for metav vision by utilizing geneng gang pressing Uber showed us that metavision isn't even 100% effective and after NCO steals the ball from isaki Ubers are able to start another Counterattack ubber easily cut through bass M's defense again once they reach bass M's Penalty Box we see the ubber players play quick passes to try to utilize a blind spot technique tricking gagamaru into a position where he can't see the ball Baro utilizes the blind spot and he immediately scored an equalizer with a screamer of a goal this goal was indeed wonderful U tactics shine and we got to see Barrow show why Uber serve him as their King but unfortunately this was the only time bar was able to score a goal by using Snuffy's tactics throughout the match isagi alone was able to block Barrow shot more than four times isagi outsmarted Ubers in Snuffy's tactics on four separate occasions meaning the tactics and methods of Snuffy weren't completely working and the issue was still going on this further proved our original theory that Uber's main issue is their Reliance on tactics and staying in this box using data and strategy can improve improved players but they cannot reach their Peak abilities if they stay in this box players must be able to break their own limits and surpass their own expectations and this is exactly what bar achieved after being embarrassed by isagi so many times in the dying moments of the star change bar revolted against nuffy he was sick of being embarrassed by isagi and being fed the ball he knew this didn't coincide with his original ego and as a result barro decided to step down from this position as the king of Ubers and he became an anomaly within the team itself after making this announcement he starts dribbling towards Bast J's Penalty Box even wrecking NES in the process further making NES look like a clown but bar was eventually stopped by isagi and Kaiser isagi and Kaiser work together and they tried to block Bar's path ultimately leaving him with only two options shooting at the near or far post however Barrow decides to not shoot as isagi and Kaiser cover any openings further acting as an anomaly or refused to take the shot despite isogi's wonderings and Snuffy's taunts to pass the ball for the master Striker Aro knew there were no openings in front of him instead of cutting in and doing what isaki predicted he decides a dribble away from his opponent and create his own opportunity while getting ready to shoot the ball bar said he was willing to die honorably if he couldn't become the world's number one far then shoots the ball between isagi and Kaiser's legs and it miraculously continues towards goal we see Snuffy was in the way but he does not interfer Bar's shot instead he allows it to go through his legs and an unprepared gagar becomes the victim to Barrow's Menace Bar's shot continues to go towards the goal and it hits the back of the neck tying the score two to2 now this is a barrow that we all knew and love the egotistical King who wants to destroy everything in his path there were many moments where isagi and Kaiser were able to shut down borrow and all these moments were seen as failures to him failures due to listening to Snuffy's tactics and Uber's ideals this irritated borrow and pushed him to his absolute limit and after so many failures he decided to stop blindly following orders from Snuffy this was honestly the best route for Barrow he wants to live and die by his own ideals he wants to follow his own ego someone like barro can't be locked down by Snuffy or anyone else's demands after seeing isagi challenge Uber's tactics and prove that they were wrong bar decided to challenge himself and breathe in new ideas into the Uber's team Ubers were able to grow and improvise new ideas and develop plays outside of their standard strategies and tactics breaking that box that ultimately hindering Uber's full growth we already knew going into this match that the personal Riv between Barrow and isagi would prove to be a huge factor and this was proven to be correct isagi triggered an Awakening within Barrow that helped him become closer to a world class player but in the end isagi was able to prove he was still a bit better than baru after adding y's Vision in playmaking to the team isagi and Hui were able to link up and beat Ubers with isagi scoring the winning goal even though Ubers did lose this match it did prove to add a lot of value to the team as well as its players after losing to Bast munin Ubers were finally able to successfully fix their issue of relying on the same old system this match improved Ubers as a team and pushed their players as individuals throughout the match many Uber's players achieved some form of Awakening for example Nik and aiku gaining meta Vision bar regaining his king-like ego and perfecting his predator even though Ubers did lose to Bast Moen this experience brought a lot of positive aspects to the team overall thanks to this loss they are a better team and this was proven in their last match against manine City unfortunately we did not get to see this whole match but we did see the ending moments it's 2 to one and manshin City are getting completely outclass by rers we see Augie win the ball in the air and he's immediately given orders by Chris BR he orders Augie to pass the ball to Nagi and of course AI seems annoyed by this request but reluctantly he's going to listen to his coach and he passes the ball to Nagi once Nagi gets the ball he is met by Nico and aru from here we see Nagi easily weave through the two of them but unfortunately Nagi runs straight into Don Lorenzo Lorenzo taunts Nagi and you can clearly see Nagi shaken up by Lorenzo's presence we even see Rayo in the background yelling at Nagi to stop hesitating and just focus on the goal this snaps Nagi out of his momentary lapse and he decides to challenge Lorenzo shooting contested shot towards Uber's goal aiku appears out of nowhere and blocks his shot and to add further embarrassment aiku ridiculed Nagi even further after after blocking a shot after the block the ball Falls to borrow and he starts a Counterattack for Ubers he charges past two manine players and passes the ball out to Nico to prevent Rayo from stealing the ball Nico then Returns the ball to Barrow who runs straight towards man shine's goal he activates his Predator eye and shoots the ball but out of nowhere shigui dashes in and blocks Barrow's shot at this moment it seems like manine City can catch a break and restart another attack but to everyone's surprise Sendo arrives in The Penalty Box and he's chasing down the rebound hungry to score a goal and prove himself as a striker before the nl's Finish Sendo runs to the ball and Smashes in The Rebound with that sendro scores the winning goal of Uber's final match Uber's defeats manine 3 to one to be honest this result is much better because it proves the team has evolved and successfully solved the team's main FLW of only having one Striker right earlier in the video we mentioned the flaws of Snuffy's ubber teams at the beginning the issue with Ubers was their over Reliance on the same formation same systems and sticking between this box but after losing the Bastion munin we see that Ubers decided to break this Norm they decid that breing new ideas into the team and Sendo broke that idea of only having one Striker by chasing down that rebound and proving that he himself can also score goals thanks to that send was able to break the curse with that Ubers have played all their matches in the NL and overall Ubers have been an amazing team their whole journey in the N the lessons within themselves it's a beautiful story and I fully believe all these Japanese Ubers players deserve a spot on the Japan u20 team they can become the heart of the defense and players like Sendel could be great additions Off the Bench or even in the Midfield just like Nico and at this moment I think it's very possible that all of these players can stay within the top 23 yeah I wholeheartly agree I think they do have solidified positions definitely IU and aru as well as Nico I can't see how like the Japan u20 team would want to miss out on players like that of course baru as well I think all these guys have solidified positions right now I know pxg and bason munin have to play as well as FC Bara and Man City but I still fully believe uers are going to keep a spot on the Japan u20 team what do you guys think about ubber overall as well as their players did you enjoy Journey are they your favorite team and and if not let us know who your favorite NL team is in the comment section and if you're enjoying the video please don't forget to like comment or subscribe and also do not forget we have a community Discord and as always it's Lotus it's t thank you for sticking to the end peace catch you in the next one
Channel: Hikiko Studios
Views: 4,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blue Lock, Blue Lock Italy's Ubers, Blue Lock NEL, Blue Lock Neo Egoist League, Blue Lock metavision, Blue Lock Predator Eye, Blue Lock Barou Shouei, Blue Lock Aiku Oliver, Blue Lock Niko, Blue Lock Sendou, Blue Lock Aryu, Blue Lock Marc Snuffy, Blue Lock Ubers vs PXG, Blue Lock Ubers vs FC BARCHA, Blue Lock Ubers vs Bastard Munchen, Blue Lock Ubers vs Manshine City, Blue Lock Review, Blue Lock react, Blue Lock manga, Blue Lock spoilers, Blue Lock Chapter 248, Ubers NEL
Id: qsX39uRURxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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