Surpass It! | Blue Lock Chapters 253 Review

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so blue lock chapter 253 is finally out a much more subdued chapter compared to all the gas we've been feasting on since the start of this match but in the end it looks like things will be heating up even more and it's finally time for Isa G and the Gang to mount their Counterattack before we jump into the chapter please hit the like button and subscribe to the channel as we climb our way to the world's number one blue lock fan base hey what's good everyone I'm R to 6 and this is blue lock chapter 253 following shida's bullet of a diving header we see him and Charles celebrating together acting like they never licked up before in a panel that's very much reminiscent of is and hiori celebration when they clashed their Vision in the previous game copycats this goal followed the same convention with both Shido and Charles merely clashing their best performances confirming what I actually said in the last review that Charles made that pass blindly putting the ball where he envisioned was the most dangerous spot and Shido similarly made a blind run instinctively to that very spot and speaking of reflexively did you guys see that goal that erling Howen scored in the six through thrashing of Luton Town just watch when he lays it off he doesn't even look he just keeps running knowing that the BR is going to find him no matter what and that's wild cuz that's exactly how these reflexive goals play out in blue lock and really it's something that only top tier players can actually recreate because you have to trust that both players have the same exact Vision that that time honestly that's top class now the big question is whether they can recreate that again and if I'm being honest I actually don't think they can unless they both hit Flo again Loki is also getting excited since it seems like this is the first time Charles has had a real chemical reaction and he believes that with this development it won't be long before he surpasses Noah raichi protests to VA shouting Ren grabbed isi and personally I would agree but as isi rightly deduces the go stands as it looks like Isa fouin first by pulling his shirt but Rin still managed to get the shot off and so Advantage has been played isi tries to figure out the mechanism behind the goal but bro what there to figure out really it's just the same as the reflexive play before but still the pass itself was ridiculous I don't think we've seen anything as high level as this from either hiori Sai Oro now does this mean that Charles is better than Sai obviously not and some of you frauds are really trying it but I ain't having it mate s has too much in his locker to even be compared we need to see more from Charles before we can even put them in the same convo it seems that the key to scoring this game is going to have to be surpassing that chemical reaction which is a tall order just like hiori says if that's the standard then they're going to have hell on their hands and so discussing together hiori and Sagi Didu that the key to the match is hunger and with that they need to formulate an achievable Challenge and then fully immerse into that challenge which should be the key to unlocking flow and form a chemical reaction basically the accumulation of everything they've learned so far but this means that they need to create the perfect scenario to play out their absolute Peak Performance easier said than done after all this it seems to make this work they don't only just need one winning Vision but they need to cross winning Visions together basically recreating their last goal and that's precisely what Noah tells them recreate it but not only that surpass it w I'm getting pumped because it seems like this game we're going to see nothing but Banger after Banger he is also getting pumped up but isugi knows that unless they keep Shido and Charles at Bay they'll only get more uncontrollable and this is his assignment finally we get to see the much anticipated Shido versus kunigami matchup as Noah instructs him manm Mark pink hair over there restrict and still Shido Ria say's freedom and cami's response yes sir okay maybe not quite that enthusiastic but nonetheless we end up getting this super cool Final panel where we see isi kunigami and hiori all pumped and ready to go wild as isigi says counting on you cyborg who responds with piss off as he already says an eye for an eye it's finally time to Counterattack a very wordy chapter this week but nonetheless it's really got me thinking I know this next goal is going to be something incredible right now my eyes are on isi scoring but it could easily be kunigami although personally I think it's more likely for kunigami to score the second goal whilst dunking on Shido speaking of which it looks like shido's time in this match is over now he scored his goal and he about to be marked out of the game by Noel Noah's clone also I love how pumped heor is getting as as for me he's the most technically gifted player on the team and the one most capable of unlocking isugi those two together are sure to light it up differently surprisingly we don't see anything from Kaiser or NES this chapter but even more surprisingly for me we don't see any reaction from the bench I'm sure some of those players are burning to come on and join in this crazy match and finally Ren seeing Shido score I'm positive that he doesn't plan on sitting back and taking it quietly and need to see what solution isi comes up with to get around him I was hoping that Noah would make some changes after that goal but it seems he's still sleeping the next chapter titled is my model the world's model and the first thing that comes to mind for me is Noel Noah being isi's model and maybe even kunigami model which means that this could be a kunigami Centric chapter and he really needs it cuz the past game and the beginning of this one he really hasn't done anything seeing how this game is developing I've got a really hot take here I actually think that isi may end this match with a hattick we've seen Barrow and ren both bag one in the n and my theory is that Nagi is also going to get one in his March against berer leaving only isi and Shido our top five to get one and I think that isugi will be the one to do it while take I know but I'll leave you with that for now and maybe I'll explain more in another video for now please make sure you like the video subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next one take care God [Music] bless
Channel: Raito 6ix
Views: 935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blue lock, Chapter 253, Raito 6ix, Isagi Yoichi, nagi, Rin, shidou, kunigami, hiyori, Hiiragi, sports, anime, manga, review
Id: cn3ognzpj4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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