The Perfect Character (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad) | Day 1 - Session 2 - Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem

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where is the number of this hadith number 17 [Music] do we have to have this background uh they're fixing it okay inshallah okay uh this is in chapter number eight uh allah curses who curses his parents one of the taberine said that ali even may allah be pleased with him was asked did the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam grant you something special which he did not grant to anyone else so ali said no he did not specify us with something other than the general public except to what i have in my sheath and this is where you put your sword so it's like something that you put in so he took out a piece of paper and in it was written may allah azzawajal curse those who slaughter to other than allah may allah the almighty curse those who change the landmarks of the land may allah curse those who curse their parents and may allah curse whoever gives shelter to death and we will come to mention this inshallah first of all what do we learn from this hadith we learn that the wildly and commonly known as a shia rafilla is the name the actual islamic name oh masha'allah that is rafa sound system are the shia who go to extreme in their claimed love of al-bait and this is a total fabrication and a lie they do not love al-bait they are a big chunk of hypocrites trying to undermine islam and the sunnah of the prophet it their religion is based on total lies and we can have a long discussion from their books proving that but this is not the time so why do we say that this hadith exemplifies illustrates that they are liars because they say that ali hassan hussain and those descendants of them have knowledge of islam that no one shares with them and this is why this hadith is very important to us because we believe that ali may allah be pleased with him it is seeded number four in the best of the companions so abu bakr umar uthman this is their ranking in islam ari is their fourth without any doubt so he was asked do you have anything specific should i pose or do something okay so he was asked do you have anything specific that calls you to be more distinct than others he said nothing everything you have i have except this that i have registered in my paper so one would think that it's a registration of a land piece of land only for him or special powers or that he's the successor after the prophet and something special and when he brought the paper there are four things in them and they're all cursed so they are about sins now what's the ruling on cursing do you have cursing in in malay what do you say okay let me rephrase let me rephrase in arabic the translation curse is not accurate because curse can be mentioning insults and things from the belt below in english curse so when you say something that is vulgar something that is disrespectful mentioning your father your mother insulting them this is called what curse in arabic this is not what is intended the arabic word is all of these are derived from the same so what does it mean the chapter we're dealing with is allah curses meaning allah in arabic the definition of in the quran allah says the curse of allah is among the transgressors the wrongdoers what does lan mean definition of lan in arabic is to get someone out of the mercy of allah end of story why do i say do you have curse in malay not to slander someone's mother or daughter or his honor no this is not what i attend in arabic when i say lan i say allah may allah get you out of his mercy the word the curse of allah is upon you so i am referring to this type of curse do you have it in malay you don't have anything related to allah you have any which is good sort of see when someone says i'm going to curse shaykh asam shahasam you're stupid you are a he's cursing me right in arabic this is not cursing me he's insulting me in arabic if he says this is the islamic word of curse of lan so this is what we or i'm going to relate to when i speak about curse so now please refocus when i say curse i mean to get someone out of the mercy of allah this is what i am referring to when i speak about curse first of all is it permissible to curse someone specifically the answer is no why because if you say to someone may allah get you out of his mercy if he's out of his mercy where is he in hell so this is totally not permissible however there is a difference between individual cursing and general cursing what is the difference if i have brother abdullah here and i say abdullah may allah curse you this is individual cursing this is haram general cursing is similar to what the prophet had said allah first those who associate others with allah second those who are associated by slaughtering those who uh change the landmark the landmark and we will come to talk about this so in the quran allah mentions a lot of the times that may allah curse the wrong doers may allah curse the transgressors the prophet said alaihis may allah curse meaning to take out of allah's mercy so many categories of people one the one who steals two the one who fornicates for women for example the prophet cursed the women who pluck their eyebrows a lot of the women do this don't they in saudi arabia i don't know i'm not talking of malay i'm talking to saudi arabia they have it like crazy they go and pluck their hair their eyebrows either plucking or cutting with a scissors or shaving and then drawing again seriously this is crazy women just want to be beautiful is it wrong no but do it in the halal way so allah cursed the prophet cursed those who do this the prophet also cursed those who connect their hair with extensions in malay they don't have any problems that because their hair is mashallah naturally good in arabia we have like hair like this afros and very very strange so they have to you know put chemicals on it soften it then put extensions and make it big and all of this is haram they're cursed so now in arabia if i see a woman coming with plucked eyebrows i said may allah curse you is this permissible some say yes some say no it's an issue of dispute everything you people ask about say it's an issue of dispute is this issue of dispute so those who say it is halal to curse this woman who has eyebrows plucked raise your hands one two three four oh now they're increasing mashallah five six uh okay maybe five percent those who say it's haram raise your hands masha'allah then again fifteen percent eighty percent undecided or asleep or hungry and there is a fourth possibility they own beauty parlors that's why they don't want to see again we come back to the beginning individually you are not allowed to curse learn you're not allowed to generally speaking yes so this woman who plucks or extends her hair with extensions there are many possibilities that she can be exempted from such a curse no ignorance being forced being this being that at the end of the day it's not for you and me the curse is in allah's hand so don't hold yourself a judge this portion will go to hell this person will go to heaven good for you no this is not for you and me always be on top once you become judgmental and you will go to hell insha'allah then you are in hell seriously those who condemn people to being in hell they will be in hell so this is not permissible likewise see judging people is very easy there are so many people who and we hear this in the media when they come and talk about jihad they say so and so was martyred in the cause of allah is this permissible does he pluck his eyebrows it's not related come on think the positive this is not related a guy died in the battlefield we say he is a martyr in the cause of allah correct no when you say he's a martyr you say he's in jannah you are praising an individual i don't know what is in his heart i say whoever dies on the battlefield or the cause of allah will enter jannah this abdullah individual i cannot judge him if i say he's a shaheed he's a martyr i am giving him the permission to enter jannah and this i do not hold in my hands so it is very important to know the concept of judging people and to say what is right and what is wrong we go too [Music] then okay allah curses whoever sacrifices an animal to other than allah why shirk it's very easy any form of worship you devote to other than allah is considered shirk any questions so if i pray to i have a sister yo allah i hope this i hope she sees this i hope is this live or it will okay she had sent me literally in the past month more than a hundred emails every email she says is it dutiful to my husband that i am worshiping him she's obsessed by obeying her husband is shirk and i keep asking no are you okay if you're dutiful to your parents are you worshipping them she keeps on re rotating and coming back to the saying there are muslims who are obsessed when i say obsessed i mean they're sick wallahi i feel sorry i have so many questions on ocd obsessive-compulsive disorder people doubting their wudu if i come out of the toilet and i touch the knob of the door and before me was a person and i don't know if he washed his hands or not so is my hand considered to be najis as i say in urdu and if i touch the tv and the kitchen and the couch should i wash all of this what kind of questions do i get well i get hundreds of questions like this and i have to answer them this sister i tell her you are psych you need psychiatric help after maybe 20 emails being soft i went into attack mode said you're sick and you're wasting my time because some these ocd people if you keep on talking to them they take wallahi the whole day from you you have to come to a stand and slap them to wait seriously otherwise it will destroy their lives first it starts with purity then it starts with the food then it starts with their self-hygiene then it starts with am i married or not he comes to me i divorced my wife he said okay she's divorced no no i didn't say it it's in my mind so she's not divorced yes but i keep on telling myself did i say it or not and he keeps on coming i said you're she's not divorced because even if you say it you are insane and the insane's divorce is not valid seriously so now any form of worship attributed to other than allah is what do you have any doubts in that a lot of the brothers in malay in malaysia when they come and shake hands he says what are you doing this is rukur and bowing cannot be except to allah be careful ah this is a custom custom immigration tax offices this is your problem in my religion this is what bowing even if you play karate or judo if you're japanese it is not permissible nodding some scholars say it's haram others say it's okay nodding so when someone says [Music] this is haram because imitating the kuffar this this this is his time nowadays we do this we do this we do i don't know they have so many symbols this is haram so bowing be careful you're my people i love you guys it's against islam to bow straight keep your head and bow kissing the hands of your parents isn't permissible no problem with that it includes bowing you're not gonna break your mother's shoulder and lift you i just wanna no you have to do this but it's not including the bowing process because it's kneeling for the kissing of the hand it's permissible so i just thought that to bring this to your attention so number two changing the landmark changing the landmark how would you change the landmark here now it's probably difficult in arabia in the ruler areas this happens overnight i have a hundred square meters i go to bed i wake up in the morning it's 90. what happened my neighbor came at the night moved the fence a little bit his land is bigger mine is smaller in arabia a lot of killing results from this you wake up you find your property is short you are in dispute you can't prove it you go to the judge the judge says bring me your evidence you don't have evidence you end up killing him his son ends up killing you your son ends up killing his brother and the feud goes on and on this is why allah takes out of his mercy those who change the landmarks this can cascade into so many things because you are cheating you are altering the truth and this is not our topic thirdly allah azzawajal curses those who curse their parents now there are two types of cursing your parents direct and indirect the direct is to go to your father and say may allah your mother may allah curse you and this happens if the man in his mid-50s slapped his mother on the face it would be easier to curse and this would not be imagined except from the very evilest person possible to be this abusive to the parent this is beyond imagination yet the indirect cursing is happening every single day how is that in arabia alhamdulillah you don't have this in your culture in arabia we have it like rice and this is when i curse your father if i'm a dispute with you i say allah cares your father now i feel strange saying this because i never say this in arabic not even in my thoughts so i'm saying it happily because people don't know arabic so it brings joy to me i'm i'm doing something i'm unable to do i like coming to kuala lumpur anyhow this happens a lot especially in fights when people are fighting and driving you hear this all the time in schools unfortunately it happens even with the youngsters jokingly so when they two youngsters in the university or at high school meet one another they haven't seen each other for a long time where have you been may allah cares your father may allah keeps your mother and he's joking happy and he says may allah guess your father as well the other one replies this is indirect the prophet said alaihis was it is a major sin to curse one's father one's own father and the companion says oh prophet of allah who would curse his own father who would curse his own mother he said ah you curse another another man's father and he curses your father in return so this is indirect the prophet says do not bring this to your father by cursing others fathers and it's like to say you curse my mother i kiss your mother you accuse me in my honor i accuse you in your honor if your house is made of glass what don't throw people's houses with stones because once they do your house will be taken down and the final very important is may allah curse whoever gives shelter to a mush death death has a number of uh interpretations one of them is an innovator someone who makes innovation you know we were hobbies we have nothing called wahhabi no one in saudi arabia is called they will laugh at you yet people are trying to tarnish the reputation so that they can keep people away it is called or called salafiyah nothing as wahhabis but when we come to innovation is it part of the deen is it it is totally not related to deen chapter five surat al-maidah verse number three allah said and this ayah was revealed on the day of arafah on the tenth year of hijrah al yawma akmal tulakumdinakum today i have completed your religion and perfected my favor upon you and accepted islam to be your religion if it is part of the religion that was completed on the 10th year of hijrah then it's good do it if it is something not part of the deen then it is what biddah an innovation simple as that and you cascade this on everything we have in life to know whether you're following the sunnah or you're having a new innovation anything so this watch it's a tag ur is it an innovation or not was it at the time of the prophet islam so it's not an innovation it is those who say it is not raise your hands okay it is not an innovation okay alhamdulillah those who say it is an innovation raise your hands masha allah none of them has a watch shop an innovation is related to religion [Music] if this was an innovation how come a salafi sheikh is wearing it what are you talking about this is 11 000 ringgits it's a gift by the way it's not mine someone gave it to me i never buy such stuff so an innovation is related to religion your car is not an innovation because it's not related to religion but if someone comes to me every friday and sends me what's up related to friday and it's a greeting let's go back to year 10 hijrah at the time of the prophet haslam and the companions was it ever reported that they used to congratulate each other on jummah no did they have the reason to do so yes jump out was every week it's a blessed day and it would only be normal that they exchanged greetings if it were part of the religion have they ever done this nope so classification now is it as serious and big buddha as slaughtering to other than allah no of course not but who cares how big or small it is our religion is based on following the footsteps of the prophet alison you follow him you go to jannah you divert a little bit you say yeah but he didn't do it but maybe he did it and it was not reported to us some people say this he did it but it was not reported to us if it was not reported to us then it is not part of the deed because allah said today i have completed your religion part of being complete that it all came to us otherwise the sky is the limit i can say uh the prophet did this particular sin but it was not related to us the prophet used to beat his wife every single day but it was not related to us this is nonsense religion is crystal clear the prophet said i have left you on a clear sheet the day and the night is separated it's so clear that no one can have any ambiguity in it this is the beauty of a religion you don't need a cleric a sheikh a priest to explain religion to you it's in black and white quran and sunnah where i'm getting this information from from my pocket i'm making it up it's all referenced but you need to do some research and if you do some research then there's no need for me to lecture you this is a big problem for me so this is why you stay ignorant and i will teach you no problem in that seriously islam is a beautiful religion you don't need clerics interpreters to interpret you it's in black and white 95 of it any layman can understand five percent you need fine tuning from people who are more knowledgeable in you or more knowledgeable than you to explain and to bring the rationale behind it so when we come to innovation it's a serious thing whenever you innovate in islam you are actually devastating and destroying a sunnah each innovation destroys a particular sunnah the more the elevations the less the sunnah is and it's a different religion altogether so we move on the following hadith hadith number 18 i think okay it's mashaallah along hadith i don't know if i can manage this but i will try abu dharda one of the companions of the prophet was salam from al-ansar from medina he said that the prophet is me with nine things now it's in bullet points so i hope i managed to read it because translating it would be a little bit difficult one do not associate anything with allah even if you are cut to pieces or burnt two do not abandon an obligatory prayer deliberately anyone who deliberately abandons it will lose allah's protection three do not drink wine or intoxicants in general for it is the key to every evil four obey your parents if they command you to abandon your uh worldly possessions then leave it for their sake this is what we are interested in from all the nine uh do not contend with those in power even if you think you are more capable do not run away from the army when it is uh when it advances even if you are killed and your companions run away spend on your family out of your means do not raise a stick against your family command your family to fear allah the mighty and exalted and it ends by saying sound now this is the only hadith in the course that i beg to differ to me the hadith is not authentic now how can we relate to the authenticity of a hadith the science of hadith is a very high level science it's not for tom dick and harry to comment on when there is a hadith only a scholar of hadith can comment on it so shikhasam are you a scholar of hadith and says no i wouldn't be with you here if i was a scholar fahd that would be in my ivory tower doing my research and giving fatwas a scholar of hadith is a person who had spent so many many years like imam bukhari in researching memorizing analyzing the hadiths and the hadith is composed of two main aspects one is the is nad which is the chain of narrators how did we get this hadith well i found it on 9 11 or 7 11 or whatever shop no there's nothing is like this i found it on a paper no there has to be a chain of narrators so imam ahmad ibn scholars come and say this man whom i met re told me that this man that this man that abu hurairah heard the prophet say allah so this is known as what senate senate this is the chain of narrators it's a science to study each individual so man number one what is his biography the scholars who were contemporary tell us that he used to sell cloth he was married to three women one of them killed him he was this and that he was a truthful person so everything i know about his credibility what the scholars said about him they say he was a plus okay second man yes one of his teachers was so and so one of his students was so-and-so and we go through this now it's a long process it has so many books volumes science behind it the second aspect of the hadith is the actual words of the prophet islam so al-matin is deeds are uh um considered by their intention this is al-mitten it has to fall in line with the other hadith of the prophet sallam of course before that with the quran so if it goes against the quran or the sunnah it is not accepted but who has the ability to reject it only the scholars of hadith who know the totality of the hadith not for you sitting there on your cursive i don't like this hadith why don't you like this hadith it doesn't sound good no so okay shakasam coming back to the question who are you to judge this hadith not to be authentic it's not me there are a list of scholars who considered it to be not authentic and i will come to explain some of the aspects that where you can see that this is uh not authentic for first of all point number one do not associate anything with allah even if you are cut to pieces or burnt does this go in line with the general concept of islam yes i hear no all yes raise your hands if yes yeah you these people are negative where do you get them from get someone active being hyper and yes goes in line with the concepts of islam yes okay no okay no are very shy but there are many and actually it is no this does not go in line with the concept general concept of islam you remember the hadith of ammar nyaser he came to the prophet isam weeping in matka time and he the prophet said what's wrong he said oh prophet allah the idol worshipers took me and beat the hell out of me tortured me did awful things to me until i agreed to say bad things about you and when i said bad things about you they stopped so he is remorseful he is sad so the prophet said how do you find your heart when you said bad things about me how was your heart oh prophet of allah it was in the highest state of iman but i couldn't i was punished like crazy i did kuffur slandering the prophet is what is kuffer so the prophet said if they go back to torturing you go back into insulting me and allah revealed the ayah whoever disbelieves in allah after his belief except for the one who is forced to renounce his religion while his heart in his chest while his heart is chest to disbelief upon them is the ras from allah so allah says that those who disbelieve willingly upon them is the wrath of allah except those who are forced to renounce it but their heart is filled with tranquility and with belief so does this go against this one it does so if someone is under gunpoint and they tell you either you prostrate to buddha or to this cow or to idols or we will kill you he said no i would rather die and they kill you this is not what islam tells you islam tells you preserve your life live another 20 years of productivity do good things for islam and prostrate because your heart is filled with iman so this is point number do you understand me okay alhamdulillah people are awake still okay abandoning obligatory prayer we know that this is the major sin and the most it's an issue of dispute the most authentic opinion is whoever does not pray at all not a single prayer in the whole year is a kafir if you're married to one leave them because he's not a muslim or he is not a muslim if he prays on and off praise two times a day one time a day then he's a muslim but he is very sinful try to advise him keep on trying your level best to call him back to islam and there is on youtube a beautiful because i did it a beautiful uh debate between abu amina bilal phillips and myself we did it about four years ago in birmingham in the uk before i was banned from entering uk this means i'm i'm i'm famous and i'm happy when they ban i'm banned alhamdulillah so it's it's beautiful because the shaykh phillips displayed the opinion that says he's not a kafir i displayed the opinion those who say it's kafir and you can learn a lot from the evidences presented from both and come up with a conclusion of your own insha allah number whatever do not drink wine for it is the key to every evil what is the hadith the hadith is this is crystal clear so anything that intoxicates you whether it's beer it's vodka it's tequila it's gin it's bourbon it's scotch it's what whatever you know it's all haram you cannot consume it anything that takes your mind if consumed in large quantities one drop is haram obvious and clear inshallah obey your parents e if they command you to abandon your worldly possessions then leave it for their sake this is the essence that you should obey your parents this is why we brought this hadith here and this sentence is correct there is a hadith where the prophet says to a companion you and your wealth belong to your father you know this hadith yes every father knows this hadith by heart the children no is it is it i've heard it but i'm not sure it is authentic yet the understanding of it differs i know a brother whose son is a multi-millionaire and he keeps on asking his son to take to give him a trip around the world to buy him a new villa to buy a new furniture new tvs and buy cars and and the son comes to me and complains and the justification of that father is that my son and his wealth as the prophet said assalam belongs to me his understanding is wrong why because the consensus of all scholars if the son dies who or what does the father inherit if the understanding is as the father understands it the father should inherit everything and nothing goes through the wife nothing goes to the son nothing goes to the the daughter nothing goes to the mother but this is not the case if he has a son the father gets only one sixth and his grandson gets the rest you know the inheritance thing this is not the time but the concept is if you understand the relationship then you go back to understanding you and your wealth wealth belong to your father what does it mean then it means that you should not deprive you should not prevent your father from what he needs you must give to your father what he needs if you have access so a multi-millionaire like myself why are they laughing okay manish i forgive you a multi-millionaire like myself my father comes and says i want a hundred thousand uh ringgits to change the furniture of the house okay i look into my father's wealth and i find that my father has in his bank account a hundred million excuse me why do you want to take from me if i have access and it would not affect me it is a must for me to give him because even if they ask you to come out of your worldly possessions do it but there are restrictions if i am a nine to five worker employee i have my salary i have my wife my children my flat i live in and i want to improve my life i don't have my own property and he wants to take a portion of what i possess that would affect my wife livelihood or my children's livelihood in this case i do not give him except what he needs if his stone broke i have to provide from him food shelter but if he has money and he asks me of something that harms me i'm not entitled to give him it's not my obligation i give you another example i'm rich i have money and he has money but not that rich and he says i need ten thousand ringgits i said with all pleasure my father why do you need it for he said i want to give your brother the money so that he could go for vacation no now you're not being fair to me you want to use you my money for my sibling no for you i give you whatever you wish for your livelihood but when you come and cross the line to take my money for my siblings islam tells you you're not your obligation of course if you have a lot of money like me it's okay it's best to give it to him and allah would quadruple it for you up to 700 times allah will return it to you you did not work hard for the money did you allah gave it to you there are so many people who work 10 times more than you and cannot get one tenth of what you have so the provider is allah azza so don't hold back whenever allah tells you give you give and then allah would substitute you for that and then do not contend with those in power who are those in power hello who are those in power the government the ruler they are in power do not contend with them do not object do not oppose do not riot do not go on protest are you crazy don't you see what happened in yemen don't you see what happened in syria in libya in egypt in iraq would you like your country to be like this don't you appreciate the blessing of allah that you have all the food all the shelter all the infrastructure all the peace that you enjoy weren't crazy yeah they did this they did that and masha'allah when you were in power what did you do i don't talk in politics because i'm saudi so let's not go into these issues but think when you have a life going for you maintain allah's blessing and favor don't change it because allah will not change it until you change it yourself then things will go out of hand enjoy the education of your children the upbringing the peacefulness that we are in that we are able to conduct this learn the sunnah of the prophet other countries they can't recently up till recently in tunisia six years ago if they found you praying in the same masjid five times they will take you for questioning they register those who pray in masjid i have students of knowledge they swear to me that whenever four of us want to come and read a book of bukhari we take a trip from one city to the other so that we can do this in the car if they catch us in one of the people's houses they abduct us and take us to prison you are in great favor of allah do not contend with those in power even if you think you are more capable because once you assume the throne you'll you'll be more evil you'll be more corrupt and you will hire only those who are related to you your friends your relatives your loved ones and all the businesses will pour into your own pocket and you will come on tv saying that integrity honesty is the most important thing stay away from what corrupts your heart don't content and then the prophet says if the hadith was authentic do not do not run away from the army when it advances even if you are killed and your companions run away now this goes against the ayah in the quran allah azzawajal says in the quran oh you who believe when you meet those who disbelieve advancing for battle do not turn to them your backs do not run away and whoever turns his back to them on such a day on the day of war unless swerving as a strategy for war or joining another company then has certainly returned with anger upon him from allah so in the quran in chapter number eight surat al-anfal allah tells us do not turn away and run away from an army unless you're swerving you're it's a strategy so we're head on they're coming we move sideways we're not turning away but we're taking a different position or holy whatever there are so many of them then we have to join another army or battalion or a company in order to become stronger because if we meet them we'll die here the hadith which i consider to be not authentic says you must not do this even if your fellow fighters run away allah says at the end of suratul and fan now allah has lightened the hardship for you and he knows that among you is weakness so if there are from you 100 who are steadfast they will overcome hundreds the previous ayah and the beginning of islam if the ratio of muslims to the enemy is one two how much ten if the ratio is one to ten if there is a thousand of you you must fight ten thousand men if there's a hundred you must fight one thousand or less you cannot run away but then allah made it lighter so instead of one to ten he made it one two to two allah says so if there are from you 100 who are steadfast they will overcome 200 and if there are among you a thousand they will overcome two thousands which means that in a fight if the army is double the muslim army we must stick to our grounds and fight them to the death if they're more allah tells you don't kill yourself preserve yourself protect your islam because this is better than being annihilated and this concept of ratio and the general good is not found with a lot of the minorities of muslims or muslim countries so for example if i'm in an occupied territory and the majority of the non-muslims around me have the military the police the riot police the arms the weapons everything and the muslims are helpless no arms no artillery nothing and they rebel revolt what will happen to them we are doing jihad the enemies would annihilate them in no time so no problem no there is a problem islam tells you don't fight preserve yourself spread islam spread the hate try to elevate the muslims instead of killing them what is the use of so-called jihad if you end up by the majority of the muslims being either killed or extradited or immigrating or living in poverty what's the use of it is this what islam calls for bloodshed destruction look at syria six seven years ago they used to travel without any problem they used to go to universities to schools they had three meals on the table they are until today the most hospitable people on earth when you go to their country they're so hospitable they open their homes they host you they give you food what is happening to them now they're over all over the world because of what because of a handful of ignorant people seeing what happened in yemen libya egypt um what else tunisia the rebellions is oh okay we can do the same wait you don't have anything so no no we'll just peacefully demonstrate what is happening now the those in syria are cursing islam because they think that islam brought this to them islam did not bring this to them ignorance did we have to fight we have to do jihad he is kafir what are you doing to the people the millions of peaceful people who just want to pray fast eat and take their children to school they destroyed their lives altogether so this concept is extremely important to believe and to understand and allah knows best thirdly i don't know who counts who's counting spend on your family out of your means this is not our topic do not raise a stick against your family the prophet is telling us not to beat our family our children our wives there are people who use domestic violence they have this you don't have this in malaysia do you the sister is saying yes the brother no do you have domestic violence here these are not men those who hit their wives like this are not men there is a difference between male and man though the category is male but not every male is a man a gorilla is male but he's not man and this is why we do not give justice to an eagle when we say that he's a bird and so is a chicken so this is a very important aspect the prophetism never ever beaten a woman or a child in his life those who hit their wives are not men if you're man enough come and talk to her brother especially if he's my size speak to her father and try to beat him if you're man enough but beating this poor captive woman who's afraid of you because you're impulsive because you're not a man if she defends herself you may say the word that destroys her marriage you're divorced allah gave you this word because you're supposed to be a man if you abuse it and not use it properly then unfortunately you have a big problem so do not beat them with a stick yet there is a hadith that says keep it visible what does it mean keep it visible that don't go to the extreme of being too soft there has to be reward and punishment so there has to be hung in the home a stick so that the children would i have sticks in my home never used it but whenever i get angry with my grandchildren or my with yeah lots of masha'allah grandchildren said i will i will bring that stick and hit you on your feet this is enough you know they see it but if it's not there one of them would say where is it we don't have one but i have two or three hidden here and there and it's visible they can see it so this is what is meant do not raise a stick against your family command your family to fear allah the mighty and exalted so we with this we come to the end of this hadith insha allah we move on [Music] to hadith number 18 is it what is this we finish this 21. the thermostat in this room is a little bit crazy sometimes it's too cold and sometimes it's too hot now it's too hot okay hadith number 21 also deals with being dutiful to your parents the prophet said alaihis allah may he be disgraced may he be disgraced may he be disgraced so the companion said who are you referring to oh prophet of allah this the origin of this hadith the prophet had what is known as mimbar what is the member is the place where the prophet climbs to give the khutbah so it had three steps one two three so he climbed the first one and he said i mean the second one he said amid the third one he said i mean so the companions asked him why are you saying amin he said gibril came to me and he said to me one two three one of them he said whoever attains his parents or one of them when they are old and he does not enter paradise through them may allah disgrace him say i mean so prophet said i mean so if jibril makes supplication to allah and the prophet says i mean is there a chance that allah will not respond to it it's impossible so whoever has his parents or one of them alive when they're old and is not admitted to jannah he is definitely disgraced so you have to recalculate your calculations am i doing with my parents how am i treating them how am i dealing with them now it is sufficient to enter hell to be disgraced but to know that this could have been prevented by being kind by being tolerant so many times if someone says bad things to you it shows on your face it shows that you are agitated this must not be at all with your parents so many times they criticize us don't they they criticize the way we look they criticize the way we eat they criticize our decisions in life sometimes they remind us of i told you not to do this right you still didn't i told you don't marry that woman she's evil she's bad now after divorce look what happened to you you subhanallah this angers you does it show on your face if it does then you will be disgraced because you're hurting her feelings you're hurting his feelings when he's old so many there was a clip i think you've seen it all an old man sitting with his young boy in the garden and he's commenting on something repeating it the father has alzheimer maybe and the son says yes father yes father and the fifth time he says you've said this so many times how many times should i say yes yes yes i've heard you and the father's you know like in his eighties doesn't comment then the second day he brings his memoir the father and in the memoir it is 40 years or 35 years ago when he's writing my son is talking about a small bird and he repeats the same word 15 times and i corrected to him and i said yes yes yes without saying any complaints the moral is look at how the father treated his son when he was young he was patient with him and look how you are treating your father or you're treating your mother they have invested so much in you and if you fail to pay back then their investment was not in its place i hate this okay okay hadith number 32 how much time do you have three minutes 30 minutes i hope lunch is good okay 32. now one of the things that should act as an incentive to you when you are being dutiful and respectful to your parents is that if you don't you are in great danger not only because hell is awaiting you but also because they're dua and the chapter number 17 the supplication of three supplications are answered without a doubt one the supplication of someone who is oppressed then the supplication of a traveler thirdly the supplication of parents against their children now this is serious stuff here he did not say supplication of parents for he said supplication of parents against because the normal trend is that parents make supplication for their children i personally every single salat every single opportunity the priority list is for my children that allah guides them that allah returns them back to the proper islam and to be committed to it and to give them good health and good spouses that's it so it's a priority but when a father or a mother goes to the extreme of supplicating against then definitely this has reached a rock bottom there can't be anything underneath no parent in his regular mind would supplicate now the prophet is telling us that this supplication is what definitely to be answered we have ample evidences from the sunnah and for from daily lives from the sunnah the story of juraj you know juraj those who know him raise your hands masha'allah juraj was a man who was worshipping allah in his ministry he was a monk so he had a special place uphill no one can reach it's a room and he worships allah there 24 7. nothing no movies no music no partying nothing every day his mother comes and from below she chit chats with him for half an hour an hour and she leaves she loves her son one day and the hadith is muslim one day she went there and said juraj and he was praying so he was confused should i continue my prayer or interrupt it and answer my mom it was voluntary praise not fart so he thought i will continue the second day same thing happened the third day the same thing happened and his mother got upset and said may allah not take your soul until you look into the faces of prostitutes youngsters are saying wow it's good now we have fun no it's not this is for someone who feels allah is a serious thing the prophet tells us allah see this is something that came out unintentional maybe but it came out the result was the people in the community was discussing how righteous and pious juraj is and they were envious how is he righteous and we are sinful they wanted to destroy his reputation so a prostitute came a woman said i can tempt him and seduce him so they started putting bets no no you cannot this guy's too uh righteous he will not look into you she says no no i can so she went and called him and tried to soften her voice to rage and the guy said what the hell he continued praying she softened her voice you know wear her high heel and click clap click nothing put her perfume uh gucci or whatever you know nothing worked so there was money on steak there's betting so she went and saw a shepherd a man so she said hi and the girl the guy was crazy and he they fornicated and she became pregnant and whenever someone asked her who's the child for when she gave birth she said george is the father so that she can make some money the people when they heard this got outraged so they came to his chamber and started breaking it and he looked what are you guys doing he said come down so he came down and they put him in chains and they took him to the ruler dragging him he doesn't know what's happening and i i don't know what is causing all of this on their way they passed by a a whorehouse a brothel and you know they were displaying their merchandise outside so he looked at the prostitutes don't don't i'm not going to do this he looked at the prostitutes some but he might be offended huh he looked at the prostitutes and he smiled and the people dragging ah this evil person he's smiling at the faces of the prostitutes it's even worse so they took him to the ruler and the ruler asked him why did you do this did what he said why did you have this son out of wedlock he said is not my son but let me pray two raka's please so they allow him to pray to ragas he went to the infant who is only hours old and he poked him in his chest and he said who's your father and allah as a miracle made the infant speak my father is the shepherd everybody says allahu akbar he didn't say this but any this is theatrical point of view i'm adding it this up they will not clap of course and so they said allahu akbar and they realized his innocence they asked him when we were passing by the brothel why did you smile he said i remembered my mother's supplication may allah not take your soul until you look at the faces of prostitutes as a punishment and it was fulfilled a story from contemporary times this happened to one of the saudi dais this name is muhammad bin he has a very strange story and he always tells us so this is not backbiting when he was in high school he used to smoke and his father would sense the smell of smoke and he said do not smoke if you smoke i will be angry with you i am not happy with you i will not be pleased with you one day he said my father came out and he saw me with a cigarette in my hand my father out of frustration said may allah break your neck he said the following day we i went to school and in the middle of the school day we ran from the wall with few friends and went to a guest house which had a swimming pool so we skipped the school day and we went swimming with the boys one he said when i wanted to come and swim i jumped into pool not measuring the level of the water i hit my ground my head in the ground and broke my spine and now the gentleman is paralyzed neck downwards he goes to masjid from masjid to masjid from country to country giving dawah on a stretcher he cannot even move his neck jesus like this you can see him on youtube some of you may might have seen him in arabic only his name is or abdullah i'm not sure so the man is saying that look what this statement of my father was made a reality in less than 24 hours allah broke my neck therefore if you have children beware of supplicating anything bad because allah will respond you never know when the heavens gates are open and allah azzawajal answers your dua always be positive why when you make dua you say may allah break your leg may allah do this for you for your children why not say may allah guide you even in frustration this doesn't fulfill your soul but it's good it's positive may may allah correct you may allah fix you may allah put you in paradise it's not like may allah break your leg doesn't fulfill your soul but it is better because if allah where to accept the dua then it would be in the positive insha allah azzawajal hadith number 44 mashallah this is from the print house it's just brand new and the chapter is a man should not call his father by his name nor sit before him uh nor walk ahead of him this is not a hadith from the prophet this is a hadith from the tabiri from the sahabi a point of information the hadith that is related to the prophet islam has a terminology in the science of hadith called murr for so any hadith you read this word marfur or rafa who uplifted it or rising high this means that it is related to the prophet allah that the prophet is the one who said it but when you you hear or see the word of classifies it as the hadith of the companion not of the prophet so which hadith is this [Music] this is so what is it allah be pleased with him saw two men walking together so he said to the younger one who is this to you who is he so the man says this is my father so abu hurairah gave him three etiquettes that must be followed with the father one he said do not call him by his name two do not walk in front of him three do not sit ahead of him or before he does [Music] now again this is the arabs culture sometimes my father's name is lukman so sometimes if i were to my father died 40 years ago so i vividly remember him i was like maybe minus 20 years of age so i don't know um so if in arabia sometimes a son may joke and feel close to his father to the extent that he calls him by name hey look where you want to have dinner tonight so this and the father might be good with it the father might enjoy it this is disrespectful it is always respectful to show your father the respect needed especially in front of people this real is realized when you call him in front of others o dear father this is how the companions used to call their parents secondly do not walk in front of him out of humility you always walk behind your father he leads the way if you need to open the door for him open it and he goes in but you do not walk in front of him and he follows you like he's your servant is the other way around so a proper child does not walk next to his father always behind him one or two steps just in case he wants to say something you can don't walk like a mile away no close to him but behind him and the third etiquette is that when we visit someone it's not the first person to hit the couches the sons usually when they're young the first thing they do they sit and their father may not find the seat and say you don't have a seat no this is not the proper way the appropriate way is for you to be respectful wait until he sits then you go and attend him would you like something to drink should i bring you something this is the way that a real muslim is to his father and to his mother like a servant whatever i can do to serve you to be close to you in arabia it's part of our etiquette which is not dealing with islam but it's etiquette that the son is always standing when the father is sitting with his guests he's standing whenever his coffee is hot huh like like now especially when you speak you need coffee all the time no problem no problem i'm not complaining am i no so whenever the guest's cup is empty they go and fill it and stand until the guests themselves feel sorry come on no no this is my duty this is what makes a father proud when his sons are men taking responsibility doing whatever in their possession to give him pride unlike the poor father who's every couple of weeks is being called from the police station your son was in a fight your son did this and people are complaining of him cheating or uh mis dealing with their daughters and this is a disgrace so abu hurairah is telling us how to show our respect daughters should do the same with their mothers when their mothers have guests in the house my daughters are not all alike some of my daughters are the guests seriously they sit and eat the croissants and the sweets and the chit chat one or two of my daughters are like bees going to the kitchen bringing this cleaning the tables just what can i bring for you any more jews if they keep on going around you can see and tell that the mother is proud of this one and not as proud this is what bring brings pride to a parent's heart okay we move on to hadith 49 and how much time i have 20 minutes okay this is a different chapter now which deals with kinship so after going through the duties of the parents we move on to the duties of kinship what do we mean by kinship in arabic it's called and the word okay let me give you a commercial break i need to drink water this is open is it you opened it because sometimes they put something in it and out of security so if i misbehave you know it's not me now when we come to the word in arabic refers to the womb of the mother it's arabic called so it is derived also from allah's mercy ar-rahman so it's all related to mercy to the womb and this kinship is a result of only your relationship to your father and mother so the kinship you are ordered to connect to and prohibited to sivir is your relationship through your father and mother which includes your grandparents your siblings brothers and sisters your nephews and nieces your uncles and aunts your cousins from both sides mothers and fathers all of these are called what kinship and it is one of the mandatory things for muslims to connect and to uh try to reconcile if severed ansari may allah be pleased with him said that a man a buddha a bedouin came to the prophet islam while he was traveling the arabic word is meaning that he interrupted and came in the way of the prophet islam and said to the prophet alaihis islam tell me of something that would bring me nearer to paradise and further away from hellfire and the companions used to love when a bedouin comes and asks the prophet also why the companions had so great respect to the prophet islam that they were hesitant not everyone would come and ask the prophet had this posture this status that if i want to go and ask i would think twice no he's so great he's so yeah a prophet i cannot ask him not me i'm sinful so whenever a bad one comes bad ones don't have knowledge they don't have etiquette they live with camels and in the desert what do you expect from them like me i don't live in the desert but i have the same mentality so they love it because they come and ask direct questions hadith may allah be pleased with him he says we used to love it when bedouins come and ask the prophet abedwan came to the prophet and said o prophet of allah a man loves people but he cannot do what they do so he's referring to himself and the prophet he says i love the prophet islam but i cannot do your forms of worship and prayer and you're so close to allah azza so the prophet said al-salaam i have an individual a man a person is with whom he loves on the day of judgment anna says we the companions were never happier than after hearing this hadith because we are all not as great as the prophet allah but knowing that because of our love to him that we will be with him this is the greatest hadith on earth and it says and by allah i love the prophet and i love abu bakr and i love umar and i pray to allah azza that i will be with them on the day of judgement so they loved it when the bedouin came and asked a question so the bedouin straightforward no spices and sugar and salt and pepper straight forward i want something to get me closer to jannah further away from hell don't give me a lecture just give me a few points total prophet hassan told him it's very easy uh what is this okay sorry okay worship allah and do not associate anything with him our greatest asset in this life is our tawheed we have nothing to show on the day of judgment we don't have jihad we don't give our money for the sake of allah azzawajal we don't do a lot of night prayer we don't fast on these thursdays and the white days we don't offer our assistance and help to any muslim we see we are concealing so much to ourselves the only thing that we can come and be proud of is our heat and this is in great danger if we do not preserve it so the prophet told him easy first of all worship allah and do not associate anything with him and perform the prayer so prayer is essential there is no escape you must perform your prayer on time pay zakat if the muslims paid their 2.5 zakat over their wealth there would not be a muslim who is poor but why muslims are manipulating their assets 11 months and 28 days after they possess the money they take the money and buy property two days before zakat is due and two days before the second year zakat is due they sell it and cash it into money and then they buy stocks and then they are evading paying zakat and this is why we have poverty all over and finally among the things that the prophet has associated with tawheed with salat with zakat is maintaining the ties of kinship now it is extremely important to know what are the limits of maintaining the ties of kinship and why do we say this a lot of the people have confusion how do we connect the ties of kinship and so many of them complain that they have problems what is this i mixed apples with oranges end up having smoothie no problem connecting to your kinship is mentioned in the quran and severing your kinship is associated with corruption in the land for you to learn today is to take your mobile phone and see your uncles and aunts your siblings your cousins your nephews and nieces and see when was the last time you contacted them well i know of siblings living in the same city not meeting one another and telling their children if you go and give salam to your uncle i will kick you out of the home why is that because 40 years ago they had a dispute over a silly thing he invited his friends and left his brother and not invite him for dinner his brother got angry it escalated to what we see today this is an extremely important issue that we should not take lightly because the prophet islam associated it with the most highest three good deeds which is to hate salat and zakat moving on to hadith number 50 in the same chapter may allah be pleased with him said okay the messenger of allah said that allah azzawajal when he created the creation kinship stood up so allah azzawajal said to it what is it the arabic word is what's this i think in the book it says stop is a question mark what is this so the prophet is telling us about something that took place before we were created in the unseen when allah created the creation the kinship stood one would say is kinship a human being is it a creature of allah all these immaterial things that we know of are at the side of allah creatures so is death a creature yes life is a creature how do we know this allah says in ayah number two death and life are of allah's creations so likewise is kinship kinship stood up and as the prophet said arose what is this so allah said what is it so kinship said this is the stance for one seeking refuge with you from being cut off so kinship felt and sensed that the what allah had created would sever the kinship so she is seeking refuge oh allah do something so that people would not siver me so allah azzawajal says are you content or are you not content that i should maintain connections with the one who maintains connections with you and that i should cut off the one who severs you kinship said yes indeed my lord allah says you have this this is granted which means if you succeed in connecting your kinship allah azzawajal would connect you what what does it mean that allah would connect me that allah would have mercy on you that allah would provide for you that allah would take care of you that allah would give you protection all what you need from allah by connecting to you if as a result you connect the kinship abu hurairah explains may allah please with him he said if you wish you can recite why is the cursor following me is this cursor related to this i think if someone is playing with me that's nice if you wish you can recite allah's ayah so would you perhaps if you turn the way cause corruption on earth and sivir the tides of of your relationships and your kinship which means that they are related kinship allah associated it with spreading corruption on this earth or in this uh land we have time for uh one more question one five minutes yeah one more insha allah hadith number 52 in the excellence of maintaining family ties now this hadith is a little bit scary but it's beautiful so many times i think we have another hadith that is referring to this let me check yeah hadith 68 is related to this but i will mention it here and then when we come to hadith 68 we will go so in the remaining four minutes can you please raise both hands those who are asleep yes both hands both hands stretch stretch yes smash on law now i get a cramp okay you will have inshallah a whole hour and a half to stretch and eat and sleep and let your hair down even you sisters no problem on your own inshallah a man comes to the prophet and this is exactly what is happening to all of us we have similar relatives of ours like this so he says oh prophet of allah i have relatives with whom i maintain connections while they cut me off i continue to call them to visit them they close the door in my face they completely cut me off i am good to them while they are bad to me they transgress upon me while i am forbearing towards them so give me some logic why would i continue to do such a thing the worst thing on earth is when you're kind to someone and he's evil to you how long can you go usually not long so a sister goes to talk to her husband nicely he's abusive he never compliments her he never says a good word to her after a week or two she gives up who cares about him likewise if you have relatives and you go out of your way to call them to invite them to your uh occasions to try to be nice but they're bad they're abusive and you're kind to them and you tolerate them and you try to give them gifts instead they are is this lunch time instead they are not reciprocating so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said these beautiful words if things are as you have said it is as if you are putting hot ashes on them the more you do this the more you are scoring a point and as if you are putting hot ashes not actually burning them but it's hot and it's ash and you are sort of insulting them or as they say killing them softly i don't know why they're laughing uh okay and you will always have a supporter against them from allah a supporter who would that be an angel allah appoints an angel next to you whenever you do this you don't see the angel but this supporter allah would have him against them from allah as long as you continue to do that what does this supporter do this supporter whenever they say something against you he says no it's against you if they curse you he curses them back he protects you as long as you maintain your relationship the the angel the supporter keeps on oh allah forgive him oh allah grant him wealth oh allah makes him successful oh allah protect him do you see him do you see the supporter but you believe because our prophet told us assam that this is happening so whenever you're hesitant don't care about what shaytaan says because this supporter is with you i have a number of relatives that i try my level best to call every other week those who i can visit i visit mainly i just take the mobile phone salam alaikum kaz how are you what you doing and says oh you always call me i never call you and they're apologetic and it feels good why does it feel good because i'm worshiping allah azzawajal and i'm doing it for the sake of allah and for something else i will tell you after why that's why how i came multi-millionaire so i do this one of my relatives a cousin i keep on calling him every other week or sometimes every week after a while he said awesome don't call me after today i said why he said if you call me and this is literally what he said and he said it in english he's saudi but he said it in english we have a problem of trying to be someone who we are not people see the muslims think by knowing english that they are better people they're sophisticated i'm you know i speak english no i can speak it in different accents also so he said asam if you call me to score a point with your god don't call me this is exact words he's a muslim he's a saudi what is this by saudi not meaning nationality all saudis are muslim by default we don't have uh saudis who are christians so when i say he's a saudi meaning that he's born muslim don't get me wrong it's not something racist so he's muslim he says if you want to score a point with your god don't call me if you want to call me because i'm your cousin go ahead i of course i could not tolerate myself i cursed him a little bit not in the islamic way in your way i said i i so many beeps and bloopers so so i said whatever who you think you are to prevent allah's rewards coming to me if allah did not order me to call you i would not even cared about you so the hell with you and what you think and this is my and since then he's straightened out i my relationship to my cousins to my uncles to my siblings to is governed by islam if islam did not tell me to connect with them i would not even look at them seriously so islam is what drives me to be kind to them to tolerate their ignorance to invite them and to answer their invitations otherwise i'm a person that is unsocial i don't like to go to gatherings i would not allah even look at them but i have to because allah tells me to do now the extra bonus is this angel who comes and defends you who makes dua the relationship between us and angels began before the creation of adam when allah told them i'm going to leave as a successor on earth they said would you live in it someone who would shed blood and do this corruption so on allah said i know you do not know even before you were born when an embryo is four months old the fetus angel comes and says oh allah what's his name how old he will live how long he will live what is his provisions is he in jannah or in hell and he writes all of this down when you're born he's there to protect you one on your right writing the good deeds one on your left writing the bad deeds they protect you when you go to pray they protect you when you are in your home they pray to you they ask allah azzawajal to make you among the people of jannah when you pray at night the prophet said allah when you want to pray at night use the miswak why the prophet said use it because when you start to pray night prayer an hour or two before fajr nobody is around you you don't call people hi selfie i'm praying no you're doing it for the sake of allah nobody knows sometimes not even your wife you start to pray and you recite quran the prophet tells us the angel comes and puts his mouth in over your mouth so whatever quran comes from your mouth enters to him an angel does this do you see the angel no do you feel the presence of the angel if you believe in the hadith yes i do how will your prayer be five seconds zero to one hundred it would be with concentration contemplation alhamdulillah it comes from the heart because you know this supporter is with you he's a different one but the angel is there so whatever comes from your mouth goes into his this relationship brings us to the actual reality of being bashful of being shy because they're all around us even if we are in our rooms locking the door they are around us so let's work hard on getting the support of this angel may allah make life easy for all of us and make us among those who connect to the next of kin i think we have a long break allah
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem, The Perfect Character, moral, guidance, mam Al-Bukhari’, Straight Path Convention, Assim Al-Hakeem
Id: pToP9no_op0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 15sec (6375 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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