The Perfect Breakfast Sandwich (2 Ways)

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whether you eat breakfast or not we all love breakfast food bacon potatoes eggs yeah but there's one vessel that is the greatest way to combine all into a nice little parcel the breakfast sandwich [Music] there's many ways to do it right we know the classic new york style bacon egg and cheese on a bagel perfection we all love it we know it we respect it then there's the deli style on toast i'd like to talk about just two main ones that i personally love for one we're gonna run through sort of an egg inspired one alvin if you're watching papa love you and then we're gonna look at more of like a deli inspired sort of one pan breakfast sandwich there's many ways to make a breakfast sandwich but i think these are my top two so with all that said let's make this shall we okay so we're gonna start this one off with a classic the bacon egg and cheese and if you're on tik tok it might be pronounced with a rendition that i believe to be one of the best now let's first talk about bread i prefer to have some sort of like a brioche or a milk bun rather than toast obviously you should make your own okay that should go without saying and this is the exact same recipe that i used for my hamburger bun video which will be in the link in the description it's easy to make you really should do it and i'll judge you only a little if you don't i ran out of space in my mouth to assemble the rest of this you're going to take two sweet onions chop the top and the root off then slice it in half lengthwise then slice with the grain to get these beautiful little thin juliennes melt a couple tablespoons in a medium-sized sauce pot toss in your onions season lightly with salt and optionally a tiny sprinkle of sugar that'll help the caramelizing then cook that on medium-low heat stirring occasionally as they get darker and darker and until they get beautifully caramelized now while i'm doing this you may need to add a little splash of water here and there to deglaze if it starts getting too dry but once they're nice and dark like this you now have caramelized onions also if you really want to be chefo mode you should double check the salt levels when they're done now let's get our bacon ready i know a lot of people prefer the skillet method and that's fine but if you don't know about the bacon method but you literally just line a baking sheet with bacon put it in a cold oven and then turn the oven to 425 and let it cook for 25 to 30 minutes or until beautifully browned and cooked to your level of crispness and that's it just drain it and you're done you've now maximized bacon while minimizing effort congratulations now one last quick throw together component would be a spicy mayo if you desire that papa knows about your desires each and every one of them papa will oblige mix together half a cup or 112 grams of mayonnaise with 1 tablespoon or 14 grams of sriracha or a hot sauce of your choice 2 teaspoons or 8 grams of worcestershire sauce i i did it everybody i did it i pronounced worcestershire sauce can i get a round of applause please uh i'd like to thank the academy um i knew this day would come and uh just so proud of uh practicing so much by saying work disturbed and a little bit of salt to taste and optionally if you want to add some fresh garlic you can too mix that together and that's your spicy mayo okay so we're making scrambled eggs but we're not gonna make traditional scrambled eggs i'm talking soft scrambled and i have a special technique for you we all know the gordon ramsay pan on pan off method but this one is gonna involve a double boiler so get yourself a small saucepan fill it up with just about an inch of water bring that to a light simmer and then place a large bowl on top of it so that the bowl does not touch the water at all and just gets the bottom of it steamed then crack in eight total eggs and toss in two tablespoons or 28 grams of unsalted butter yes cold now do not season it with salt yet or anything now while that's simmering you're going to use a whisk and you're going to constantly whisk this while it's gently getting double boiled and look this is going to take a while it's going to take about five to eight minutes so just keep whisking and whisking don't stalk and then you'll notice it's slowly coming together it'll start to curd a little bit keep whisking keep whisking until it comes together into a beautiful very fine curd soft scrambled egg it shouldn't be runny per se but it should definitely fall off of a spoon and be nice and bouncy like so then take that immediately off the heat whisk in an additional 1 tablespoon or 14 grams of unsalted butter and 1.5 tablespoons or 17 grams of creme fresh and half a bunch of chives thinly sliced then season a taste with salt and pepper and now it's time to assemble get your buns slice them in half get yourself a pan or a flat top get it nice and buttered up heat it over medium heat until the butter's hot and bubbling and toast your buns until beautifully golden brown on each cut side now to assemble get your toasted bun pop that brother open listen that doesn't sound good so with a nice healthy layer of your spicy mayo followed by a healthy spoonful of caramelized onions two slices of bacon that have been folded over and a generous helping of your beautiful soft scrambled egg add a little more caramelized onion top with a slice of cheese of your choice this is cheddar now the way i chose to melt this was with a little blow torch it's easy and it's a flex but you can also use a broiler then just crown your king and marvel in its beauty this is a beautiful sandwich you know it's very reminiscent if you guys know about egg i believe alvin kailan if you're watching papa love you this is a little bit of a rendition of that in a way yep you ever eat something so good that you just gotta run out of frame that's what kind of antics this will put you at you've got the buns you already know my buns the egg is like melts in your mouth perfectly soft scrambled i don't want to hear anything josh that egg is under cooked it's right no you don't know what you're talking about all right second it's perfect this is my my ideal breakfast sandwich the only downside is eating it is a little bit difficult and messy spicy meals soft scrambled eggs perfect buns this is my opinion the perfect breakfast sandwich so we've done the ultra fancy one now we're gonna do a ultra lazy version okay so we did the ultra fancy sandwich but what if we made an ultra easy breakfast sandwich which would start with any typical slices of store-bought bread or you can make your own store-bought bread which i also have in the link in the description wow look at this marketing now in a medium-sized bowl crack yourself three whole eggs season it a taste of salt and pepper and whisk it together oh my gosh josh is seasoning this salt before cooking yeah shut up heat a 10-inch non-stick skillet over medium heat toss in a couple tablespoons of butter or a knob if you're english and once that's melted and bubbling and nice and hot add in your egg then take two slices of bread soak them one side then flip them over so both sides are now soaked and then just let that sit on medium heat for about one to three minutes or until that egg is cooked nearly all the way through then carefully flip that whole mass over the bread should stick to it yeah that looks crazy right then add in some cheese i've got some gouda and some smoked cheddar some ham which i've lightly seared on the side then fold the right side of the egg over then the left side then fold that sandwich together and that's it pull it out of the pan wait a couple seconds for that cheese to melt slice into it and then enjoy a beautiful cheese pull open that bad boy up and well uh i promise it tasted good despite how provocative this may look now let's taste our seductive breakfast so we got a deli style egg bake we have a we have a deli style ham egg and cheese this whole technique i saw on like one instagram video and i was like that's kind of cool that's one of the few times that you see an instagram clip and you're like i want to do that because most of the time it's like did you know you could take cheetos and crush them and also use them as makeup so one downside with this method this doesn't look quite right it looks like but it still has the essence of what it should be so without without further ado i mean it's good i don't like egg that's gone like full on all rubber i know a lot of people like their eggs like that so this really does taste sort of like an american deli classic i suppose you could say but not quite as good the bread needs to be toasted a little more but man you could throw this thing together in like two minutes sandwich in one pan i mean weighing the flavor pro con solid breakfast sandwich long story short breakfast sandwiches we have two different varieties we got the deli kind sort of made all in one pan and then we've got soft scramble almost egg style both of which very good if you're a breakfast sandwich person you now have one of two choices here it's up to you to decide which is the best but you want to know what else is seductive and edible b-roll [Music] guys and that is it so we made breakfast sandwiches now i think that the first one that we made the fancier version i personally much preferred that one i think the second one could have been much better now the whole one pan method's not something that i normally do actually i would typically probably fry my eggs or do something of that nature which by the way obviously either of these applications are completely doable with a fried egg so don't app me and be like josh you didn't do a version with a fried egg how am i supposed to just fry the egg just keep all the other components exactly the same and just fry the egg please just use a little intuition okay i'm obviously getting a little bit annoyed i apologize i'm getting passionate about this you don't need papi to tell you now when i typically make a deli breakfast sandwich the one thing i would say about the deli breakfast sandwich is two things i would have the eggs fried i would put hash browns and i would put cheese now that is my own particular choice but i thought this one pan method would be easy for the people who want the quick and easy stuff there's a little piece of advice for you if you're looking for the real version of the deli sandwich merch is coming there's more merch coming but i'm working on a bigger project which is why i've delayed merch people that i'm working with we all think that it could potentially revolutionize the apron market so not to flex but that's kind of a big deal to me and i feel like we might be on something interesting here now do i know for sure what's gonna happen no not at all but i do really want to make this something special for you guys whatever it ends up being but until then we will have merch coming anyway bye bye
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,816,298
Rating: 4.9514995 out of 5
Keywords: breakfast sandwich recipe, breakfast sandwich, homemade breakfast sandwiches, easy breakfast sandwich, easy breakfast sandwich recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, sat bawl pro, bacon egg and cheese, bacon egg and cheese sandwich, eggslut recipe, soft scrambled egg, brioche buns, homemade buns, breakfast, how to make a breakfast sandwich, bacon, egg, cheese, sandwich, homemade breakfast sandwich
Id: 5ro6o3gpyAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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