The Perfect Animated Iron Man

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so if the mcu's Iron Man was all about returning him to the status quo and setting a baseline for how every Iron Man story should be then Earth's Mightiest Heroes Iron Man was essentially building upon that foundation and creating in my opinion the greatest adaptation of the character we have seen brought to light in any sort of animated form and this show starts off strong with this as the very first episode of the show is used to build up Iron Man as a character he's our introduction to this brand new universe of superheroes despite the fact that this show was originally intended to be a Hulk show we're opening with Iron Man and I think it was a wonderful choice to open with this character for the simple fact that Tony's main conflict throughout the very early part of this season is coming to terms with the fact that he cannot just do this whole superhero gig by himself Tony is fairly new to being Iron Man when we meet him in Earth's Mightiest Heroes and he thinks that he has to do it all by himself that he is the only person that can protect New York and can get his stolen technology back and to keep from hurting people this whole first episode centers on Tony Stark being on his own trying to recover his stolen technology and defeat enemies such as Hydra as they terrorize New York now Tony does get concerned stemming from Mostly pepper pots and roie as they are concerned for his well-being they tend to wonder why he thinks that he can only do this by himself especially when the threats that Tony faces are numerous and from multiple angles now I understand why Tony seems that he can only do this himself and that's because he sees himself as partly responsible for why Hydra Is So well-armed currently Tony Stark for years supplied weapons to shield and just about anybody who would buy them that was on the up and up enough but when Tony recognized the damage that he was doing with his weapons making he decided to stop and instead become Iron Man in a hope and in an event to stop his technology from hurting people now this is of course a great idea in theory but unfortunately in practicality it's not going to work the same as Tony had majority of his spec stolen from him and from Shield by Hydra and to make matters even worse Shield doesn't even recognize Tony Stark as a hero they recognize him as a loose cannon vigilante who is potentially causing more damage than good and their immediate initiative is to take him in for questioning and even when Tony tries to explain to them that he is there to help and that he should not be taken in and even when Tony decides to try and help the mandroids that have come to arrest him from Shield he ends up being attacked by them as they assume that he is making a threat against them despite the fact that Tony is trying to save them and when Tony is finally able to not only take down the hydrons but also deal with the mandroids he goes to confront Nick Fury as he wants to make it very clear that he is here to help people but he's also not here to shine up for shield and deal with their bureaucracy and also to deal with their Shady business tactics but Maria Hill really isn't liking this idea that there will be a loose cannon V lante outside of her jurisdiction and outside of the government's jurisdiction even if Nick Fury surprisingly enough is willing to sanction Iron Man to a degree and all this interaction does for Tony is to truly reinforce the notion that everything he does has to be done himself that he's not going to get any help from the outside even from his closest friends yeah it does I mean I know you guys are always there for me but against this who's going to help me but the thing is there are other people out there who would be willing to help Tony if he would simply open his eyes and I think that's what breakout does a pretty decent job of doing is showcasing that just because Tony is powerful on his own and he is able to take out sub seex of villains and C tier D tier list villains he still struggles to take on any sort of actual meaningful crime bosses Andor a list Bist type villains and this episode it really does show us this by starting with him taking down a little Ames arm deal and taking them over to the vault which would be the Maximum Security Prison for the more normal types of villains in this universe but as Tony was leaving the Vault he gets a call from pepper apparently there is a gigantic breakout not just happening at the Vault but happening at all four maximum security prisons that are run by shield and when Iron Man goes to an investigate and hopefully stop breakouts that are occurring throughout at least the Vault he ends up getting absolutely obliterated he is far overwhelmed by more B tier and a tier villains and even some c-tier villains simply because he cannot handle taking on so many of these guys at the exact same time and if it was not for the intervention of Hawkeye Iron Man would have quite literally died in this scene I think this is Tony's first hint that he cannot do do all of this by himself and that maybe he's going to need more help and also a couple more new suits because this one's practically trashed and while Tony is busy getting himself a new suit one of Shield's experiments turned super villains has broken out of the Vault and that would be graviton and he is wreaking absolute havoc in New York and Tony needs to make a break to go save the day at least in his mind but what he ends up finding is that not only is he there but Janet vany Hank Pim and Thor are all within the same vicinity trying to stop graviton from destroying New York and so Tony at least temporarily decides to team up with them knowing that he can't take on this dude alone and with the help of both Hank Pim Janet vany Thor and even the Hulk who to this point in the show has been said to be nothing but a Mindless monster this group of UN likely and ragtag individuals are able to take down graviton in a quite spectacular fashion and are able to prevent any more damage than was already done kind of but just as they're getting ready to celebrate Shield wants to take them down or at the very minimum enlist them and what I think is very interesting is that Iron Man is the first person to stand up and say hey Hulk for example is not the enemy and that they should not be persecuted for the fact that they are out here saving lives but it is Ant-Man who does stand up to Fury and say that it is a bad idea for them to become official Shield agents but Iron Man is the one who decides that maybe they would be better as a team the man who was so adamant on being solo has come around to the team ideology what we did here it can change things the world needs us but not a shield agents as a team on our own together we can Avenge the wrongs caused by all these villains we can be Avenged Avers and that's exactly what Tony sets out to do he recruits as many members as he possibly can to this new Avengers and really wants to build something larger than just himself because he needs the extra support when it comes to taking down the over 77 villains that have broken out from all of the various prisons and of course they gain and lose members occasionally but the most important member that they gain I believe for Tony is Captain America outside of the original core that meant to take down graviton as Iron Man and Captain America play off of each other in a very unique and dynamic way in this show where they're not exactly enemies nor on opposite sides of the spectrum too often but the two of these characters are almost never 100% aligned in the way they want to do things and I think that's very important for Tony's development in this show but there is always a mutual respect between the two of them at the end of the day and I think that's what's most important as the two figureheads of The Avengers but not everything is going perfectly as Tony's past would continue to creep up on him no matter how hard he tried to push away from it Tony had recently bought a company that was owned by Simon Williams now when Tony buys this company he has nothing but the best intentions and that is simply to save the company but because of the way that Tony is and almost the absent-minded nature than which which he talks to other people he ends up getting Simon misconstrued Simon believes that Tony is doing a hostile takeover and is taking away the one thing that he lives for and in fact Tony's not trying to do that but unfortunately that is how it came off and even Hank confronts him about this Tony is very reluctant to do some growth Andor look back on what he said instead defaulting to making jokes and deflecting with sarcasm which is something that he does often but unfortunately Ely Simon having his livelihood stripped of him and the one thing he cares about ends up pushing him to go meet with his brother the Grim Reaper a villain that has Connections in the Underworld enough connections to give Simon the power to save his company but at a cost that cost unfortunately is going to be Simon's Humanity modok offers Simon enough power to not only take on Iron Man but also take on some of the other Avengers but at the cost of not only being a guinea pig but being stripped of his Humanity but Simon loves his company too much to give it up it's the one thing he's worked his entire life towards and it's the one thing that he has and I think Tony understood that and I think that's why he tried to save Simon's company but the way in which he went about doing so was wrong he essentially went for a hostile takeover without explaining why he was doing it or himself and Hank continues to confront Tony about this believing that Tony hasn't changed a bit from the old arms dealer that he was previously I'm a different person now right you say you've changed maybe you're not making weapons anymore but you're still hurting people just ask Simon Williams and that hurt runs deep in Simon Simon is so hurt in fact that he straight up just attacks Iron Man at his own company because he wants his back so badly Simon doesn't even give Iron Man time to explain and I mean does Tony deserve time to explain the way in which he went about handling this entire situation was extremely poor now does that warrant the response that he got of course not because Tony at the end of the day does care a lot about trying to do better and do good in this world and to leave it a better place than he found it but unfortunately because his reputation as an arms dealer as a cruel business bus man precedes him it led to this entire situation and even when Ant-Man gets Simon to calm down Iron Man just escalates the situation once again because I don't think he knew a better solution at the time than to Simply escalate now obviously the rest of the Avengers get involved and Tony has to sort of devise a plan as Simon is completely unstable his molecular structure is degrading rapidly and he is a danger not only to himself but to the rest of the world but again Tony proves that he does care even when faced with certain death he cares enough to still try and save Simon by bringing him inside of a place where his energy can be contained and hopefully dispersed in a safe way that keeps him from deteriorating and when he is unable to do that it's devastating for Tony this is not what I wanted I was trying to explain to him I bought Simon's company to save it it wasn't going to survive I knew Simon had brilliant Tech in development I wanted to work with him to save what he built all I wanted to do was help him I think all of these failures lead into Iron Man trying his best to take command of the Avengers and lead them towards being something better for better or worse whether Tony likes it or not he is the figurehead of the Avengers he is consider considered the leader at least in this continuity and even if that means he needs to get nudges and little helps from his other members particularly Captain America so who wants to go first Panther leaders lead thanks cap and being a leader doesn't always mean making the popular choice or the Easy Choice and Tony has to deal with this in his own unique way but he has to deal with it for examp for example when Hawkeye was having his Vendetta against Hydra and wanted to desperately find the Black Widow and stick his nose where Shield didn't think it belonged Tony had to be the one to step in on the Avengers side and unfortunately agree with Nick Fury in that they have way too much on their own plate already and they can't afford to overextend and not only fight Hydra but once again catch the ey of shield and haw hated this and Hawkeye was extremely angry at Tony for this decision but Tony being the leader has to step up and make this decision and later in the episode when Tony finds out that his decision his direct order has been disobeyed he's the one who's going to have to deal with the Fallout of this decision but ultimately he still decides to help them because that's what a good leader does he's down to ride for his team regardless of whether or not they made the choice that he wanted or not now I know this episode is a little bit out of order from the way I usually cover my topics which is almost completely in release order of every episode but I think it's important to put this one here as it really does highlight again Tony's leadership and once again it's going to be dealing with Shield Hydra and Hawkeyes once renewed want to fight Hydra as Black Widow has come out and essentially said that Hydra is building a super weapon capable of changing the entire world and that they need to stop Hydra because Shield will not believe her as she's considered a double agent and a Trader currently Iron Man not only decides to make the tough decision to trust her and Trust Hawkeye's intuition but at this point he's going against a shield in which it has no Nick Fury it has no safety net for The Avengers so he is catching the IR of Maria Hill who is so dead set on destroying the Avengers as an organization and either them to register with Shield or to just straight up eliminate them and put them all in prison cells and Iron Man has to stand on business in this occasion he basically tells Maria Hill look either a you're going to help us or you're going to get out of our way even though Iron Man seeks to not have conflict with shield and actively asks The Avengers to not fight them he's also not going to stand idly by and let Hydra do whatever they want when he knows his team is more than capable of saving the day and I find that this better communication that Iron Man Has as a team leader really does stem from the episode a wonderful world where he fumbled so terribly hard that he ended up creating an entire super villain that wants to hurt the world rather than creating what he believed would have been better which is Simon Williams's company continuing to thrive I think that was Tony's wakeup call to take this leadership thing seriously and to be ready to do something better even if it means being at odds with Shield saved your Helicarrier and probably the world even after you shot at me nothing's changed Stark I'm not giving the Avengers a pass I'm not Nick Fury I'm going to the president and Congress I want the Avengers registered and working for shield and I'm going to make it happen but even as prepared as a leader Tony was by this point he was not not ready to face his next challenge which would be learning that he's not really a man of tomorrow he's a man of today Tony Stark might like to think that he is predicting the future and that he is creating it but the future is exponential and it grows in ways that we cannot predict nor understand no matter how advanced our AI programs are or whatever is going to happen we're never going to be able to fully and accurately predict and or create the future but we sure can try and I think that's what Tony wants to do but in the efforts of arguing with Captain America about that he learns a harsh lesson from the past being in the form of a boxing match with Captain America as Steve is trying to teach Tony that he cannot simply rely on his technology to get him through everything and that eventually his technology will be considered old and outdated and that he's going to need to rely on something more than just what he's been able to build and even though Steve goes about it in I think the wrong way he's at least trying to teach Iron Man this lesson even if Iron Man really isn't grasping it at this exact moment you're still used to the old ways of doing things they say those who forget history are doomed to repeat it and while the two of them are still having this debate King the Conqueror shows up now King the Conqueror is quite literally only there because captain in America spells the Doom of the modern civilization uh Circa about aund something years in the future now granted if you want to hear more about that I have an entire video on Captain America which covers this topic more in depth of why Kang's there but this is a really important villain for Iron Man as for the first time in the entire show and probably Iron Man's life he has met somebody more technologically advanced than him able to do things that Iron Man could only dream of able to take down the Avengers in absolutely nothing Kang doesn't even have to think much in order to take down the Avengers nor does he have to think much in order to take them only 10 years into their own future and to Iron Man this is shocking when he lands in this future all technology he knows and is used to relying on every single day is completely gone he has no satellites to connect to his Jarvis is barely up and running and Kang's technology ology is so Advanced it leaves him in awe and Star Struck it gets to the point that Captain America is straight up willing to offer himself as a sacrificial lamb if it means protecting the Earth but obviously Iron Man does not have any sort of want to do this because I think he really did take Captain America's lesson to Heart earlier because while all the rest of the Avengers are busy distracting Kang trying to give Iron Man some time to do his thing Iron Man does exactly what Captain America told him to do to use the past to help find the answers to the Future and in one case punish Kang for forgetting the past as part of Kang's technology is built off a really old Stark system that Tony happens to have access to at this very moment which allows Tony to take over his chair and to gain the technological advantage even temporarily against Kang but Kang isn't going to go out like this especially not on his first appearance he is going to come back with a vengeance and wanting to one up Tony Stark to reminds him that he is a man of the past to him not a man of today not tomorrow but the distant past and Kang does this by quite literally invading Earth with some of the greatest Weaponry we've ever seen military has no effect on it Tony Stark's technology barely has any effect on these machines and really the most effective Avengers are like Hulk because he is so strong and while all this chaos is going on and Tony is trying to figure out a way to defeat Kang he fails sort of as a leader as he completely forgets that tala's entire country is being invaded all he can do is sit back and watch from New York and when tala expresses wanting to go there Iron Man at first is angry but he's not actually angry with tala and decides that tala should go he's angry at himself because he cannot figure out where Kang is so that he can destroy Kang because he's so rooted into thinking that Kang would be on Earth because there is no space fairing travel in Iron Man's mind there is no gigantic ship that sits outside of orbit in Iron Man's mind he's so rooted in present technology he forgets about the past oh and uh The Avengers activate Ultron as a fail safe to help have an Army against Kang that might be useful later but it's in Tony's development and his want to figure out where Kang is that he has to step outside of his own technological bubble in order to find him and I think that's when Tony sort of starts to get that maybe being a man of the past isn't as bad as it seems because he does find Kang and at the first chance Iron Man gets he build suits for The Avengers to get them ready for space travel Iron Man wants to take the fight to Kang immediately using the Ultron which are their most advanced pieces of Technology at the time as Tony is ready to destroy not only Kang's ship but his military capabilities oh and well Iron Man is trying to access the time stream that Kang uses to travel between time periods there's a really fun scene with him and Jan that I'll go into more detail when the WASP video comes out and yes to the one dude always commenting about the was video it is coming out now when Iron Man does confront Kang he has figured out a way to completely neutralize Kang's technology he has essentially one uped the dude at being a man of the future and the man of the past in this situation has one uped him once again using Ultron who for the record Iron Man was quite willing to just outright destroy not only Kang's timeline by sending him so far back in the future but kill his wife which is basically the whole reason Kang is there now Iron Man doesn't know this at this point but the moment he figures out we see a level of empathy from him that makes sense he wants to pull back and he no longer wants to destroy Kang's timeline even if Kang still wants to fight him and again I think this is a step up in Iron Man's character in the way in which he's wanting to do better even if that means putting this guy behind bar bars instead of sending him back to his original time stream even if Kang would leave him with ominous messaging to finish out the episode but to someone like Kang I'm living in the past just like you the past isn't so bad but the future that's what we're fighting for you've destroyed everything is that so oh yes I know because I've seen what Captain America's actions have wrought his betrayal is just the beginning the worst is yet to come but Iron Man squabbles with things he just quite doesn't understand doesn't just end at Kang it also begins with Thor for reference it is a hot Summer's Day in New York and the rest of the Avengers are out enjoying the day meanwhile Iron Man tchala and Thor are all underground fighting radioactive man now Iron Man and Thor disagree about how to deal with him Thor wants to use water in order to neutralize the radioactive man whereas Iron Man wants to bury him underground and while both ways of solving the problem have their own Merit they also have their own issues Thor ends up doing his and ignoring Iron Man's suggestion which causes a contaminated water situation but Thor argues that putting a man who's quite literally made of all radioactive material underground would do the Earth more harm than good in the future but their argument is soon cut short by the fact that a sweeping NeverEnding winter not only sweeps New York but the entire world and while Tony Thor and tala try to figure it out Tony and Thor once again get into a spat about what really causes more issues whether it's science or mysticism as the two are too thickheaded in order to find any sort of agreement you always complain about technology and science creating monsters and now some magic box from imagination land has frozen the planet do you really wish to take this path how many times have we faced danger created in a lab I don't know but I remember your little blonde enchantress taking down the whole team twice and who was the guy with the axe another Asgardian oh right I remember now and well the two bicker shout out to my man tala he actually figures out what's going on because he Blends both science and mysticism now when Iron Man Thor and do end up getting to find the source of this NeverEnding winter they find that it is malikat a half dead half alive dark elf who wants to bring his people back to fruition all around the globe and whose only weakness is iron great there's Iron Man there but not really because dude's suit really isn't made of any iron so what it ends up taking is Iron Man weakening malath as much as he can while having Thor used the rest of his powers in order to save the day what ended up being needed was a blend of both mysticism and Technology just like tala used to figure out where the origin of this never-ending winter was and they're able to save the day as Tony has to learn another valuable lesson and that simply is his limited view of Science and Technology only needs to be broaden well previous ly with Kang his scope was broadened from trying to create the future and ignoring the past into being technology of both the past and the future this episode serves to open Tony's mind to blending technology with the mysticism that he sees from his allies such as Thor and this is important for later because right now Tony has to deal with a problem of his own creation and that being technology so remember how I was talking about Ultron earlier and how they activated his combat mode in order to help deal with Kang the Conqueror well eventually that would come back not only to bite him but the rest of the Avengers at the beginning of the episode Hank is extremely reluctant to even want to be a part of the Avengers anymore simply because he feels that they have gone too violent and part of him feels like he is guilty for allowing Ultron to be violent as well and Tony seemingly just is okay with Hank leaving and abandoning The Avengers simply not believing there to be a reason to hold Hank around and instead wants to focus on helping Thor find a way to get back to Asgard as he is currently locked out but while all of this is going on Tony is basically completely oblivious to the fact that Ultron has not only taken out Hank but has destroyed almost all technology in the mansion by taking it over for itself and that includes Tony's armor the one thing that he has at his disposal at all times the technology that he needs is now being controlled by another device that being Ultron another being has taken control of his armor and is using it to try and fight Thor with despite Tony's constant protests that he does not want to fight Thor actually as the two have to come up with a plan to shortcircuit his suit in order to get it usable again but this was all part of ultron's plan not only to distract Tony but to strip him of the technology that he values the most in order to make him vulnerable as he believes that Tony has not done anything to expand his technological and scientific reach outside of his armors and eventually when Tony has to go find Hank Pim as the two of them both created Ultron together by that time Thor has been presumably killed by Ultron and this weighs heavily not only on H Pim but on Tony in the Ant-Man video I talked about how heavily this weighed on Hank but I never really spoke about how much it affected Tony throughout this show we have seen Tony not only grow as a leader but grow in his own personal life and that was through various means such as accepting the fact that the past and the present must be Blended in order to help shape the future or the fact that there is more to life and more to the world than simply science and that my ism is not your only enemy but this all comes back to not help Tony almost at all when it comes to dealing with Ultron he looks to the Past for armor and that was practically useless in the fight against Ultron he looked to mysticism with Thor to help him and in the process ended up getting one of his best friends killed by a technology that he created and even when they are able to defeat Ultron Tony feels this guilt in this heavy weight on himself that Tony knows it's not completely his fault but it's hard for him to feel that Tony feels that if he had never wanted to use Ultron as a military project and had never tried to attach weapons to Ultron in the first place this all could have been preventable even if there were certain flaws with the way in which he did it and even though him and Hank are trying to figure out different ways of why this went wrong there is something more pressing that's going on this isn't Ultron 5 what this body it's not the original one the programming has been uploaded into it according to this data stream as it turns out Tony's past not only comes back to bite him for another time in this series it comes back to bite hard as Ultron has uploaded his Consciousness not only into a brand new body for himself but into every single Iron Man armor that is at Stark Industries that is all in an effort for Ultron to distract The Avengers while he tries to hostile takeover the entire world by essentially going to shield and activating their nuclear program and even when Tony and the rest of the Avengers are able to defeat his armors and get back to Ultron who is on the Helicarrier Tony's technology fails him once again his current technology is completely useless by Ultron his future technology in Ultron is absolutely destroying the Avengers even when Thor does come back from the supposed dead and his past technology is completely destroyed and all of this while Tony is trying to stop nuclear strikes from completely destroying the world now Hank Pim eventually does find a way to stop Ultron and Iron Man does find a way to stop the nuclear countdowns it's kind of too late the damage has already been done at least to The Avengers core members with Hank basic basically wanting nothing to do with the Avengers believing Ultron to be his fault and Iron Man trying to basically understand that he messed up as well and everything he's done has only led to a potential darker future that Thor talks about but there is slight hope and that's the fact that Iron Man is finally stepping into his own as a true leader and this finally starts with The Last Arc for him in this show which is finding a way to get Thor back to Asgard Iron Man through not only his understanding of current technology past technology but also his understanding of mysticism is able to successfully create a plan to get Thor back to his home World it just unfortunately isn't perfect because Amora the enchantress and Loki have other ideas and send villains to every location in order to get the Avengers off track and to get them to destroy the norn stones which each Avenger does mind you as they believe it's the best course of action at the time but unfortunately that's exactly what Loki wanted Loki's entire plan was to get the Avengers to destroy the norn stones in order to help further his plot to take over Asgard go figure that's what this entire show has been building up to and this leads to Tony being stranded powerless without any sort of Technology of his own in a place that is completely unfamiliar that being Asgard as he is surrounded by a bunch of dwarves that he does not know and well Tony does agree to go with them in hopes that he is able to hopefully be able to do something in order to help the Avengers a brute who was hired by Loki is standing in the way of Iron Man and the dwarves getting to the great Forge that they need to and when Iron Man essentially watches this brute destroy two of the dwarves he still tries to fight him knowing that he has very limited power Tony still decides to pick a fight with him simply because it is the right thing to do and it is what needs to be done and even when Tony's only weapon which was his one repulser on his right hand is damaged he has to make a self-sacrificial act in order to save the day and that would be to deid his Arc Reactor and dump whatever remained of his power into destroying this brute in order to save the day Tony was willing to use what little of his technology had left in order to save the day Tony Stark in this show is very interesting his character isn't necessarily stagnant but you don't see great leaps in bounds like you do with say hulk for example you see small incremental increases throughout the entire show until you get to the end of the first season where Tony's Arc feels satisfying and complete it's kind of strange because it's not done the way the rest of the Avengers are where you see spurts of huge growth Tony's is extremely slow and very well paced in my opinion and for all of Tony's efforts we finally get to see the culmination of everything we've been building to for his character while the rest of the Avengers are getting their butts handed to them by Loki Tony is building an armor that is comprised of not only techniques of the future the past the present but also a level of mysticism that he now is able to look at and agree with and when Tony shows up he is in a suit of armor that is well not able to rival Loki with Odin son's Powers but is able to at least contend with it long enough and be a long enough distraction that Ant-Man is able to damage the tree that holds all of the Power and restore it to Odin and with Loki being defeated by the hands of Odin being distracted long enough by The Avengers that's it for Tony's character Arc in this first season it's not this huge expansive thing like I explained earlier it is little incremental increases that we see from the start of the show all the way to the end of the show in which we get I would assume to be a satisfying end for his character now this show by absolutely no means reinvented the wheel on Tony Stark or Ironman or rejuvenated the character the way Robert Downey Jr did but instead it suck to build on what RDJ had laid as a foundation for Iron Man at the time the showrunners essentially wanted to build on top of it and tell a more Avengers Centric story and at the expense of making all of the other characters character Arc so Grand and great he's one of the characters that sort of suffers from stagnation for bits and pieces of the show and honestly I think that's okay the wasn't a whole lot you needed to do with his character to make him so much better than he already was because I think he was pretty well done as a character in this show and I think his little incremental increases were done well also I personally really like this version of Iron Man but I wouldn't say he's my favorite for example right but I definitely still think it's better than his 1960s show or even his 90s show which I am partial to personally because it was one of my first Iron Man shows I'd ever watched now I just want to take a moment to thank you all once again for watching this video is nearly clocking in at 40 minutes or maybe when I'm done with this has clocked in at 40 minutes and to me that's kind of ridiculous that I had so much to say about a character that I felt kind of stagnated with his growth yeah it got a little off track with that but again I just want to take a moment to thank you all for watching you guys are what make this possible I mean we're closing on 9,000 Subs here on YouTube and to me that goal seemed so unimaginable just quite literally 1 month ago so once again thank you all so much for watching if you like the video leave a like if you dislike it please tell me why let me know down in the comments below and if you're really enjoying my content and you want to see this early and unedited or if you just want to support I do have a patreon but do not feel obligated to go support me there that's only if you are financially able to and want to support me as a Creator and now it's about time that I shout out my $5 and above patrons shout out MC bomb 27 Dakota rosson Donovan Gomez and of course Golden Boy 420 thank you all for supporting me on patreon and if you're still here I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic day
Channel: Venxous
Views: 136,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rPT2qOiUh_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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