We Must Be Better - The Beautiful Masculinity of Kratos in God of War

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I must admit this game caught me by surprise oh I'd heard the nice things people had said about it online how its story and world were poignant and beautiful but I was woefully unprepared for the Brilliance of God of Wars narrative I was struck by the incredible growth and transformation of the two main characters how their arcs intertwined and affected one another how Father and Son struggled to connect and yet desperately clung to each other at the same time and how kratos's example of masculinity while certainly imperfect is nonetheless beautiful and has much to teach us so many themes surrounding virtuous masculinity permeate this story The Tale of Kratos and atraeus delves into the motifs of righteous anger versus rage and wrath true humility versus ego or the denial of one's true nature the importance of relationships using your power and strength for the good of others instead of for your own gain pain or ambition and the persistent and unrelenting hope for growth the belief that we can be better than the men we were yesterday you might find all that a bit surprising I know I certainly did how is this hulking brute of a man whose very nature is to deal death and destruction an example of authentic wholesome masculinity the examples of masculinity we've previously examined on this channel are all far gentler and Kinder than this spectacular Spartan specimen surely Kratos should be a model of harmful hyper masculinity well yeah he was the previous God of War Games followed katos on his journey of Vengeance as he sought to destroy pretty much the entire Pantheon of Greek gods brought on by them tricking backstabbing and bamboozling him in various ways because you know they're Greek gods they're all a bunch of dicks I mean Aries drops Kratos wife and daughter into his war path and then the Spartan kills them in blind rage because killing things in a blind rage is just what he does gratos may have been the victim of olympus' schemes but he was was hardly an innocent one he became the monster we see in those games because of the choices he made in particular because of his pride and his desire to achieve victory at any cost old Kratos was motivated almost entirely by the desire for Revenge his guilt and refusal to let go of his failures and of course his unyielding anger however that trilogy did not end with its protagonist despite all his crimes and sins including plunging all of Greece into utter chaos and killing his own father painted as an irredeemable monster instead its climax gave us a glimmer of hope showing the audience how Kratos had come to understand the corrupting nature of power and the need for Hope to Blossom within every human breast that brings us to the beginning of our story there's a lot one could speculate beyond what we know for sure about kratos's journey to midgard and his transformation from bloodthirsty Spectre of Vengeance to quiet Forest dwelling Behemoth but the weight of his past could hardly be clearer after the death of his first family katos is all all consuming purpose was to exact Vengeance on those responsible transforming him into a monster he can never fully escape and yet he tries to do so living as a mortal in the woods of midgard taking on an assumedly human wife bringing a child into the world thus begins our observation of kratos's struggle with humility to be humble does not mean to think less of oneself than one deserves but rather to accept one's own strengths and weaknesses to not be obsessed with one's self-image to have accurate self- knowledge that allows one to look Beyond ourselves turn outwards and seek the good of others katos for the past decade or so has not been humble he was terrified of the monster within him surfacing and thus he distanced himself from the person whom that rage-filled brute could hurt most easily his son Kratos loves atraeus there's no doubt of that but he was so caught up and seeking his son's Survival on keeping his own nature hidden lest he harm a trus that he forgot to teach his son how to [Music] live what she knew show me there is so much meaning packed within that single line one would think especially in this more Primal environment that the father would be the one to Bear the responsibility of instructing the son on how to engage in various traditionally masculine Endeavors such as hunting especially a dude like katos who could probably kill skin and cook a deer simply by giving it a stern look even if Kus did not take sole responsibility for atreus's education on tracking wildlife he should at least have been involved in the process and not have to ask his son if his mother had taught him assumably this family of three has been hunting and foraging for food for the past 11 years and yet during all that time Kratos apparently never bothered to take his son hunting even once where was he what was he doing those questions largely go unanswered throughout the campaign because they aren't really relevant what matters is that Kratos simply wasn't there he wasn't around to see his son grow up and now with the loss of his wife Kratos and at tros are thrust together yet each of them is still very much alone this is often what happens when we suffer trauma regardless of whether others or ourselves inflicted that pain upon us we turn in upon ourselves we get lost in our fear anger grief and guilt we forget that there are others out there who are dying to care for us if only we would give them a chance to do so seeing this in Kratos humanizes him pulling down this incredibly powerful being to the level of any Broken Man and setting an example for how to grow Beyond these wounds that's not to say that the process will be easy quick or painless of course the bond between Kratos and atraeus will develop gradually and the relationship Journey will hardly be smooth it certainly doesn't start out all sunshine and rainbows what are we hunting you are hunting dear Which Way in the direction of deer as much as I love this clip is a brilliant portrayal of kratos's character it also breaks my heart to see a son look to his father one whom he barely knows but his father nonetheless for guidance and instruction and get rustly told Figure It Out Boy not that it's wrong of Kratos to tell a trus that he needs to rely on his own instincts and training to find the deer but rather that well there's a much more fatherly way to do so there's a big difference between simply instructing and actually teaching taking time to connect with your pupil and impart your wisdom through that relationship of trust Kratos and atrus simply do not have that bond yet which is why we get moments like this there it is hold what are you doing now his guard is up only fire Holy Fire when I tell you to fire I'm sorry do not be sorry be better no doubt seeing atrus Rush toward the kill heedless of the consequence quences reminds Kratos of when he acted in like manner in his past a memory that causes his anger to flare in true Kratos fashion seeing our own vices especially those we are still struggling to overcome present in our children is undoubtedly one of the most infuriating experiences for apparent and yet this is not old katos incomplete though his growth may be he has become gentler and more patient there is still a lack of connection in his teaching he instructs in a utilitarian fashion telling at trus what to do with little if any explanation on why or how he learned these lessons he now passes on nonetheless we see that connection is something desired by both parties we can in atreus's eyes see how badly he needs his father how much he seeks his approval and katos for his part is not unaware of his son's need to connect with him and he himself clearly desires that their relationship flourish but he holds himself back fear and guilt are powerful motivators and their ability to keep us from making ourselves vulnerable or Worse making others vulnerable by entering into relationship with them cannot be understated not that Kratos doesn't try he does have wisdom to share and he wants a trus to learn what he knows but again his teaching methods could use some work why are you doing that too slow try again cut it out weak again again again stop it again he's not wrong he's just kind of an about it it's hard to be gentle on someone for a flaw for which you've been so hard on yourself Kratos is clearly speaking from experience when he says your anger you can get lost in it and he has a trus his best interest at heart that is he does not want his son to become the man he was I can hardly think of a more Universal experience for a parent than wanting your child to be better than you are which is as it just so happens a major theme arguably the dominant theme throughout this journey do not be sorry be better however as a parent you also must understand that your child has not obtained the breadth of knowledge that you have and unfortunately that knowledge is often won through the errors and failings the missteps and wrong paths that we take and make as we go through life there is a distinct parental desire to keep your child from making mistakes to keep them focused on the goal you've set for them and to shelter them from the evils of the world gradually all those desires of katos are worn away while their Journey Begins with these singular purpose of taking FaZe Ashes to the highest peak in the Realms it becomes so much more than that as at trus finally experiences life beyond their protected Forest Home and what an introduction to that wider world the trus receives running into desperate cannibals and being forced to kill one of them in self-defense this is where we get another hint of kratos's deeply hidden love for his son and his anxiety about losing him betrus this is the first time Kratos calls him anything but boy the gentleness displayed here by the hardened Spartan warrior is is remarkable it speaks of the memory Kratos certainly has when he first took a life how he knows the experience is one that leaves an indelible Mark upon a man but it cannot be allowed to consume him close your heart to it honestly it's just beautiful seeing Kratos finally reach out to his son and comfort him the experience they now share creating a bond that allows this father to do what he was unable to do before this scene also provides an excellent setup for much of the rest of the journey as Father and Son canoe across the lake of Nine the encounter many people both living and dead who request assistance while kratos's Focus remains solely on their goal atraeus finally experiencing the world so long hidden from him is eager to Aid all those who ask it of them it's sad the elves can't work things out how if I'm such a beautiful place but War makes it ugly you see with the eyes of a child in war a soldier sees Beauty only the blood of his enemy it's amazing how little Snippets of conversation like this have so much meaning packed into them we hear in atreus's comments his idealism his appreciation for natural beauty and his desire to Simply make the world a better place in kratos's response we not only hear of his past but also are informed of how he views the world now he has a singular purpose from which he cannot be deterred and he will sacrifice everything to accomplish that goal this is another point in which katos will have to grow throughout the course of the story having a purpose is incredibly important to be sure the lack of purpose is a significant driver of the endemic loneliness for young men today but rigid unflinching Devotion to that goal is not typically good or virtuous not everything is war at trus may see with the eyes of a child but Kratos sees with the eyes of a man who has known nothing but War does not yet understand the true purpose of this journey instead he was given an objective and will stop at nothing to carry it out just like any good soldier would contrast that with FaZe War As Told by Kratos in yet another new storytelling hour mother was a Warrior was she in a war too of A Sort her war was to live on to Brave an unforgiving world alone and that's why she has CNR and Brock to make her the axe she had the strength to wield such a weapon and the wisdom to use it for good she found purpose in protecting the weak this introduces us to another of the story's themes a theme that pervades storytelling featuring strong characters with any sense of what virtue is it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak as one of my favorite novels puts it strength does not make one capable of rule it makes one capable of service Kratos clearly knows that his late wife exemplified this ideal and yet he doesn't seem to believe himself capable of living up to that same standard that's not really a surprise kratos's lack of humility at this point in his life story causes him not to think too much of himself but rather too little he believes that fa simply was far better than he was is or ever will be we tend to think far more of our loved ones than we do of ourselves that's that's completely normal and natural and it's clear from the very start of the story that Kratos did truly love his wife The Tender Care with which he treats her body displays that love and in alheim the reality of this genuine affection is made even more evident this sequence where Kratos enters the light of alheim is just plain stunning right away we see fa's ashes float away and begin to hear her music I absolutely love the reoccur musical themes in this game the echoing siren like chorus that accompanies fa scenes is hauntingly beautiful as katos chases after the woman he loves we hear atraeus bemoon his mother's death and being left alone with a father he hardly knows you left me here alone alone with him he always leaves he's never here he doesn't want me and he never will I don't know him and he doesn't know me he doesn't talk to me doesn't teach me it it should have been him do you hear me him not you this reinforces the knowledge we already have if we've been paying attention that Father and Son barely have any semblance of a relationship but that atraeus for his part very much desires one [Music] except I don't mean that you know I love him I just wish he was better I know he can be so if he tries I'll TR when atraeus pulls Kratos out of the light away from F's voice it marks a shift in how each of them views the other for atraeus the act of waiting and fighting all the while increases his fear of being alone while katos Witnesses his son's fear that has turned to anger as he waited outside for seemingly ages terrified that his father had abandoned him and he learns the strength of atreus's Need for his presence a fact that the voices in the light did not betray the two are struggling to understand each other they have a common goal yes but approach it in vastly different ways the light of Alim scene depicts kratos's total Devotion to Fay and how that dedication could even if for a short while cause him to forget about his son to this point in the story Kratos has largely only made any attempt to connect with the trus when it came time to teach him something a relationship between Father and Son cannot be so utilitarian if it is to be genuine and loving Kratos must learn to care about atraeus himself not his abilities or discipline if he to become a truly good father caring for another's mental well-being when your own is so damaged and fragile is an incredibly difficult undertaking hence kratos's continued inward looking nature which confuses and upsets the expressive communicative trus was she in the light who know oh she was not there not like you would even care if she was mind your tongue boy until our journey is over one of us must remain focused do not mistake my silence for lack of grief mourn how you wish leave me to my own I'm sorry I didn't realize no why would you you do not know my ways I love that in every lesson Kratos teaches atraeus there is growth for him as well while atraeus is too quick to judge and thinks he understands his father believing him to be cold-hearted and uncaring Kratos will gives him every reason to think that now now as Kratos says you do not know my ways again there is a gap that must be bridged by both parties at tros must seek to truly understand his father while Kratos must take up his masculine duty of teaching and instructing his son in his ways and Customs it's no wonder that he had been hesitant to do so before kratos's ways aren't exactly the healthiest his way of living had brought him Untold pain and suffering and caused the deaths of All Those whom he loved if there is one thing Kratos does not want his son to do it is follow in his footsteps so why would he bother to teach atraeus his ways his point of view and how he perceives and interacts with the world around him if Kratos viewed himself with true humility he could have embraced what was good about his customs and manners and raise to trus with such instructions but his scars keep him from seeing him self in so generous a light and instead force him to hide as much as he could from his son until fa's death forced him to do otherwise it's remarkable how Central of a role faay plays in the story without once showing her face she is the Catalyst for the entire Journey responsible for bringing Father and Son together enabling them to grow both separately and in relationship healing their wounds and learning to rely on one another indeed it is their shared love for Fay that begins to truly Bridge the emotional Gap between them in the light I felt only moments pass if that is of some comfort to you that's good to know really this is the first time we hear Kratos offer atraeus consolation or Comfort just because there's no practical or utilitarian reason at trus would need to know that Kratos did not realize how long he had been in the light of alheim but Kratos reassures his son nonetheless that he did not mean to abandon him for so long it's a small thing but so so important Kratos has Loved atraeus Before teaching him how to survive and adapt protecting him and watching after his physical well-being and his ability to Simply continue living but now he speaks out of a desire to reassure and connect with his son to strengthen their relationship and for no other reason Kratos could have just let it go the past is the past after all but he spoke up because atraeus needed to know that his father truly does care that he is trying so if he tries I'll try it's hard to overstate the importance of knowing that you are loved love is meant to be a selfless gift and yet if it is not reciprocated or if you are not aware that your spouse parent whoever does in fact truly love you the relationship will struggle to flourish this is why love languages are so important Kratos has always loved to trus in his own way providing for him and protecting him and more recently teaching him to survive the harsh world into which they have been thrust but what our favorite hulking Spartan did not realize until this point in the story is that his son needed to be loved differently that at trus speaks a different language of love his son requires kind words and encouragement from his father in order to know that Kratos truly does care his father had always cared for him but now Kratos is learning to show that he truly cares about atraeus that he wants much more for him than mere survival the chill in their relationship is beginning to thaw and father and son are finally beginning to act as Father and Son should this turning point also highlights an important lesson taught by kratos's developing virtuous masculinity no man exists in a vacuum we cannot be good men if we Retreat into ourselves and become isolated from the world from those who would love us and are in need of our love human beings are made for relationship and when cratus is able to begin the process of overcoming his past wounds and bonding with his son for the first time in his life he provides an example for us of authentic flourishing masculinity of course the journey is far from over both physically and psychologically Kratos and at tros have a long way to go both on their quest to the peak and in their pursuit of genuine relationship with one another the former appears to be nearing its end as the two are just feet below the summit and yet even now Kratos has a lesson to teach at tros about patience and preparedness your quiver strap broke when we fought the dragon it's all right I can hold it stop broken quiver will slow your draw pain we endure faulty Weaponry we do not despite being apparently moments away from what they believe to be their ultimate goal Kratos takes the time to gently impart his wisdom this exchange is a sign of how Kratos is warming to his son now becoming willing to teach atraeus his ways pain we endure faulty Weaponry we do not that's a very fatherly thing to say isn't it in this case I actually do mean that in contrast to motherly nature which tends to seek comfort and safety as higher Goods but more on that later speaking of mothers however when the pair reencounters Freya mimir's head and toe we see that kratos's desire to share his ways share the truth about himself and how he has come by the wisdom he now has is severely limited our protagonist at this time simply cannot bear the thought of revealing to his son that atraeus shares a nature that Kratos has taught him to despise a state of being that the Spartan not without cause believes will only bring suffering and death you are God leader of the vaner once yes but no longer you did not think it important to tell me are you really going to lecture me about that in doing so Kratos once again displays his lack of humility and self-acceptance denying who we are simply is not Healthy Growth is not possible if we do not admit that we are starting from a deeply flawed and broken State hiding from ourselves burying our past or our traumas can only delay pain it cannot prevent it entirely eventually if not faced and conquered our demons will come for us in one way or another dread it run from it the past Agony arrives all the same and now for crto sickness fever has returned atraeus begins to fall ill as his human and Immortal nature Clash or rather his belief that he is Mortal clashes with the reality of his godhood now I can't exactly explain the mechanics of this illness or why exactly it's caused by this cognitive and physical dissonance but that's not really important what is significant is this why did atraeus experience Discord at all the answer of course is that Kratos kept his true nature their shared nature from him burying his own past in an attempt to protect his son the sins of the father have a way of reaching the son no matter how deeply they are shoved into a closet Kratos believed that if he could simply sever all connections between who he is now and who he was then atraeus would be safe from the monster he left behind alas that is not the case open the door we need your help woman do you hear me it is urgent I'm still a God go away the boy has fallen ill fre let's pause our analysis of kratos's failings for a moment to recognize something he really does love the boy in his arms the superb tenderness with which he says his voice almost quivering with pain and distress is incredibly moving this hulking brutish Greek warrior cares deeply for this boy to the point that he will finally face the demon he has been hiding from for so long that is himself then I must return home de the pur I swore would stay buried who you were before it doesn't matter this boy is not your past he is your son and he needs his father I can't say I entirely agree with Freya that it doesn't matter who Kratos was before our lives are continual unbroken stories and who we were becomes who we are but in another sense I completely agree with her regardless of the mistakes we have made the sins we have committed and the burdens we carry we are always is called to do the right thing to grow in virtue to serve those who need us often adversity is required for us to heed that call it is typically in times of greatest danger and in the threat of grave evils that men achieve the heights of virtue bravery perseverance and self-sacrificial love so it is with Kratos faced with an unthinkable loss he is finally able to find his humility to think of himself less to accept the reality of who he was without letting his past overwhelm and Def him before he can do so though he needs to leave atraeus with Freya and giving his son over to the care of another God the class of being that Kratos doesn't exactly love wouldn't normally be his first choice but Freya isn't just a God she is a mother I will keep him safe that's a mother's promise I wanted to make sure we note this moment now is not the time for a full discussion of freya's motherly nature her choices and her mistakes but this line makes it clear that at the heart part of her maternal philosophy is one thing protection for the child placed under her care again more on that later the scene of Kratos returning home to unearth the blades of chaos is one that most movie students wouldn't dare put in their films these days because it goes on a solid few minutes without someone yammering on to make sure every member of the audience is aware of exactly what is happening so who is he Ezekiel Sims he was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died shut up get out only a few words are spoken the get out of my head the scene simply lets the audience experience the journey with the character and wonder what is he thinking it brilliantly sets the stage for what is to come as the once bright and vibrant Woods turned dark and cheerless in the presence of kratos's somber Mission this is seemingly our protagonist's lowest point he has so far failed to bring his wife's Ashes to the highest peak he could not protect his son from the sickness caused by his own nature and now he is being forced to embrace the weapons he had buried beneath his home in an attempt to inom the memory of whom he once was with them and yet this is the moment where his Redemption truly begins pretend to be everything you are not teacher husband father but there is one unavoidable truth you will never Escape you cannot change you will always be a monster every word of Athena is calculated to cut to kratos's very heart we hear in her tone her vital in spite the hatred that she has for this man- turned God who killed her her father and her siblings who decimated Olympus and who left her land and ruins how could one who had experienced such suffering and tragedy at the hands of the man in front of her not Proclaim that he is incapable of change and will forever remain a brute and a beast I know but I am your monster no longer katos seems to agree with her that he is still a monster that he cannot change but this line goes deeper than that certainly Kratos has embraced his role as teacher and father and by carrying out fa's last wishes he is proving himself to be a loving husband I know but I am you your monster no longer these nine words are not a rejection of all that he has done over the past decade rather they are finally an indication that he has accepted who he was that he is the same man who decimated Greece and all its gods in the pursuit of Vengeance and most importantly that he can be that man and yet not become lost in the anger that once consumed him but I am your monster no longer kratos's past will always be with him he's beginning to accept that now now but he is now also a new man no matter what Athena may say and while he may always struggle with the vices that drove him to become the monster he once was he has found a new purpose where once he was merely a weapon to be wielded by the gods of Olympus or simply by his own rage now he fights for his son and for his wife's memory a man who has not found his own driving purpose is easily swayed by outside forces convinced to use his strength and abilities for whatever objective fair or foul is given to him men desperately need a purpose a reason to work to fight to live all self-serving purposes money Fame power and ego will ultimately leave us feeling empty dissatisfied and unhappy true lasting happiness can only be found in relationship with others genuinely loving another seeking their happiness and well-being is the greatest purpose of them all Kratos has found that now he may still be the monster who caused unfathomable pain but he is no longer longer a Mindless Beast being played like a marionette by Athena Aries and their kin instead katos is simply who his son needs him to be as with all relationships however that sort of service has its limits unconditional love for one's child is a beautiful thing but all powerful forces no matter how inherently good can be corrupting most goods are not ultimate Goods take for example freya's words to Kratos about her own failings as a mother to her son did I tell you that I have a son too at his birth the runes for told a needless death The Babe in my arms was so small so helpless I knew right then I would do anything to protect him no matter the sacrifice what mother would not do everything in her power to stop her child from suffering and dying needlessly isn't that love certainly seeking to protect one's child is admirable and necessary but survival is not an absolute good the continuation of Life cannot be bought regardless of the price we pay of course everything I did I did for myself I let my needs my fears come before what he needed and I couldn't see his resentment until it was too late this is where unconditional love can lead if it is not prudent while no parent should have to experience the death of their child the desire to guard and shelter them should for the child's good not for the sake of the parent avoiding the pain of losing that beloved child this sort of altruism is an incredibly high and challenging call even for a parent and Kratos is only now taking steps on the path to living up to that ideal at tros had always been shielded from kratos's true nature and remains unaware of his past but now that reality has set in Kratos must accept that he can no longer keep his son in the dark and thus avoid any chance of repeating the pain he had suffered the agony he had caused all those years before bet trus for his part and just like about any child does not want to be sheltered his first words upon waking from his illness are don't leave without me I will not for 11 years Kratos left atraeus out of the perceived need to protect his son from himself now atraeus speaks clearly and directly his need to be with his father something that had not happened before we've known all along that atraeus is afraid of losing katos but seeing him speak so readily and hearing Kratos respond with reassurance is just Flatout heartwarming the two have come a long way however I need to touch on the concept of fear as a motivator Kratos andraos are both deathly afraid of losing one another both because they love each other and because father and son have only each other left in this realm without each other they are lost and that desire to remain whole is a powerful one fear and love can certainly coincide but as mentioned earlier acting strictly to to avoid pain can only backfire in the end fear must be tempered and balanced and we must be afraid of the right things for the right reasons why would Odin trap you in midgard Petty cruelty would be reason enough for him but as with all his rash decisions he's driven by fear what is Odin afraid of according to Freya almost certainly he is afraid of losing his power and control over the nine Realms those in Authority frequently seek to cement their dominance by any means necessary especially in mythological stories meant to teach us a thing or two about Good and Evil additionally Kings and rulers tend to see assassins in every shadow and swords dangling by a thread above their Thrones when power becomes one's purpose one's very reason for living the thought of losing even a sliver of It is incomprehensible and so despite their strength tyrants such as Odin live in a constant state of Terror dreading the moment when it will all slip away and leave them powerless and destitute with nothing left to live for the pursuit of power for its own sake or for one's own glorification is a great evil and a vice that we see atraeus begin to slip toward as katus reveals their shared true nature to him one of the Hallmarks of good storytelling is that it does not feel the need to have characters grow and change at the same rate or at the same time while Kratos and atraeus largely experience the same events they each have their unique perspective and thus are affected in different ways I'm a God boy from another land far from here when I came to these Shores I chose to live as a man but the truth is I was born a God and so were you for Kratos this is a moment of release letting go of a secret long held in knowing the danger inherent with accepting godhood but also now acknowledging the need for his son to know who he really is even if that past may bring pain to them both for a trus who sees with the eyes of a child this moment is quite different it is one of empowerment he does not understand all the implications that come with being a God how could he he hasn't been taught them instead he sees godhood as an elevation of his status a sign that he is capable of more than he ever thought and a license to act as he sees fit can I turn into an animal can you turn into an animal no no I do not think so this moment is undoubtedly hilarious and I love how cratus doesn't dismiss atreus's silly questions out of hand I mean they're not really silly this is Greek sln North mythology after all there's much weirder stuff than turning into animals in those stories more importantly this exchange highlights what can happen when power power even just perceived power is thrust upon one who hasn't yet developed the maturity to understand the responsibility that comes with that strength simply put it goes to one's head we don't don't have to go right back to K's Vault do we I mean we're Gods we can do whatever we want right before atraeus has questions to Kratos about what should we do next we're couched in a desire to explore and wonder for the world around them now he relishes in their nature and the authority he assumes that it brings I wish I had known I was a God in Alon I wouldn't have felt so bad about killing so many elves well I'm not sure that's the lesson we had God things to do and they were in the way dragging us into their little problems again are we just leaving that there what's most interesting about this scene is not just that atraeus ego and sense of self-importance are inflated as already noted those are expected when one so young is told he is more than a mere mortal instead I find it inging that mamir not Kratos is the one who responds to atreus's arrogant comments I mean just knowing we're Gods makes me feel so much stronger maybe you feel a little too good right now with power comes a big Choice lad you can either Serve Yourself or put your godhood in the service of others like tear did it's a bit odd isn't it that Kratos mostly stays silent here this seems to be the very thing he feared his son getting entangled in the world of gods becoming obsessed with his own power and being overly certain he is Justified in whatever he does simply because he is not mortal I'm a God and yet he lets mimir do the talking why I would suggest that Kratos simply does not feel ready to respond to his son's words in part because he deems himself an unworthy teacher in this field the boasts of atraeus are nothing compared to the sins of Kratos so maybe he is not so ready to remove the speck out of his son's eye when his own eyes are still quite full of lumber like ly the words of Athena still ring in his ears and his fear of the truth in them holds back his tongue katos also simply isn't the kind of man who offers wisdom at the drop of a hat he's the strong silent type more comfortable leading by example actions come to him far more naturally Than Words do however he still does try one of the most poignant scenes in the story happens shortly after atraeus inflated ego first makes an appearance as Kratos attempts to impress upon him the weight that his godhood brings some a men now like you no we are not men we are more than that the responsibility is far greater everywhere I go I hear his voice great power comes great responsibility seriously though there's a reason this sentiment exists in so many stories about superheroes Greek gods or whatever beings you may have who are Beyond normal human can masculinity is so awes often tied to strength since size bone density and muscle mass and the confidence and assertiveness they often bring are some of the most significant differentiators that set men and women apart toxic masculinity failed masculinity or just being an whichever term you prefer occurs when men use those advantages to their advantage using their strength to serve themselves the stronger you are the more good or harm you can do with that strength to him whom much is given much will be expected this is the wisdom Kratos now feels ready to impart to his son connecting with him physically getting on his level to look him in the eye as he would and equal and you must be better than me understand say it I will be better the inflated ego wants to be the best to feel Superior to look down on others The Humble Spirit acknowledges its strengths but also its weaknesses and the humble man wants to teach his son how to be better than he was this is not done out of Pride or the desire for family Legacy but out of genuine love kratos's challenge is also encouraging and heartfelt despite being forced to reveal to at trus the dangerous truth he still hopes that his son can understand the responsibility he now carries in a way Kratos did not for far too long power of this weapon any weapon comes from here but only when tempered by this by the discipline the self-control of the one who wields it that is where the true strength of a warrior lies it's a beautiful scene a wonderful moment of connection between Father and Son unfortunately it doesn't quite take with the journey nearing its end at least that's what Kratos believes again and having passed his hardw one wisdom to his son katos shares a lovely moment bonding with the trus over some well-aged wine but then as atraeus begins to question his father's origin we see that the kid's ego is still very much not in check you only killed those deserving [Music] right yes ah but who's worthy enough to judge quiet head We Are We Know Better character arcs are not smooth rides well most of the great ones aren't anyway the journeys that are fa characters undergo should be full of ups and downs bumps in the roads and deviations From the Path the trials and errors that characters encounter during their stories make their redemption or the Fulfillment of their potential that much more satisfying if his Arc was constant and unwavering atraeus would take his father's words to heart and be judicious in his speech but you know he's 11 he's fine with the idea of responsibility but hasn't really gotten it into his head that having the mandate to carry out great Deeds does not automatically bring with it the proper judgment to know which Deeds should be carried out and Kratos for his part is still holding back you only killed those deserving right yes yeah that's a lie for all his growth to this point Kratos is still not fully humbl not yet ready to admit his many failings to his son he is still not telling the complete truth still clinging in part to his ways of secrecy and Sheltering hoping that he can spare his son the pain of truly knowing his father which is unfortunate because without that knowledge actually hold that thought because I want to highlight a little bit of Storytelling I think I'm going to like being a god this is the first time we see the roles reversed Kratos wants to take a moment with his son connecting and bonding as their Journey nears its end but atraeus is so caught up in himself and his quest that he completely misses his father's gesture and runs off to turn into an insufferable little twerp and there's not much to stop him because as I just said his father isn't being entirely forthcoming I can tell you a thing or two about Family Matters let me guess your brother isn't as talented as you and his work is junk um those things are accurate your point it's all you ever talk about over and over do something about it or shut up it I see yeah we're sick of hearing about Little People's little problems um all right that hurt a little earlier I touched on atreus's Youth and inexperience making him vulnerable to the Allure of power but there's more to it than that as we've seen throughout the story atraeus has suffered from a chronic sickness that has left him weak and frail and thus feeling incapable insufficient and Powerless when the boy who has felt that way for so long is suddenly thrust a great deal of of power and authority it is no wonder that his Newfound godhood causes atraeus to act so pompously atraeus swings rapidly from thinking of himself as pathetic and helpless to the other end of the spectrum fashioning himself rightful judge jury and executioner wherever he sees fit before he felt ashamed of his condition of his fragile nature but now he is overwhelmed with self-importance and while shame and pride are opposite ends of a spectrum they're more closely related than one might think as Uncle iro puts it pride is not the opposite of shame but its source true humility is the only antidote to shame the prideful person focuses too much on himself putting his needs ahead of the needs of others his desires and goals are his ultimate Goods if he is incapable of reaching those objectives or carrying out his given purpose he wallows in shame turning in upon himself and closing his heart to anything but the removal of the feeling that makes him feel so small and useless only the Wom willingness to accept who we really are can break that cycle of Pride and shame that acceptance need not be a resignation to our vices but rather a recognition that although we are broken and will have to struggle mightily we can grow in virtue nonetheless atraeus was not always overtly prideful his openness and desire to help others during the early story were genuine when he saw himself as merely a boy the needs of others Shipwrecked Sailors seeking a final resting place a husband Desiring to speak with his dead wife one final time as more pressing than the immediate demands of his own quest which is all well and good except now we see that atra's shame had kept him down making him think himself worth less than he truly was because he could never live up to the standard of his father kratos's reluctance to help was never about the problems of others being less than theirs but rather simply that they were not his problems he was incredibly pragmatic about it perhaps to a fault without being dismissive or needlessly unkind Pride causes us to act and speak with hostility the prideful man must assert to those beneath him just how much he despises them and how little they matter to him in order to inflate his own ego and confirm his superiority and ultimately pride is the chief Vice that leads us to all other vices and a great many evils why did you speak to the dwarf like that aren't you sick of hearing about him and his brother of course us but it serves nothing to make an enemy of him you should know the truth even if it hurts it was needless and unkind truth is more important than kindness your mother would disagree she wasn't a god oof I mean yikes you see what I mean about Pride right this was a woman for whom Kratos should have nothing but love and admiration and yet she wasn't a god at least now Kratos is able to reprimand his son and he does so sternly but not harshly condemning the words of trus spoke but not the boy himself and considering kratos's past it's certainly a sign of growth to see him reprove atraeus for merely being unkind I mean the man who once upon a time did this thank you thank the gods you came back for me I didn't go back for you no or this I'm thanking you on your Humanity don't do this please is admonishing his son for saying mean things he's come a long way when it comes to restraint a journey that his son has yet to complete atreus's Pride reaches its apex when the pair encounters Modi once again beaten to a pulp by Thor for letting Magny be killed by Kratos and failing to exact Revenge no he is beaten not worth killing he should pay for what he said about mother I said no but we're Gods we can do whatever we want Pride doesn't just put one's own needs above the good of others it holds one's wants is a greater good than even the very life of another atraeus Longs for vengeance even for the smallest insult and since his elevation to godhood has planted in him a sense of supreme self-righteousness he acts according to his basist desires what are you doing this is a much better knife than others however the blame for this horrendous act cannot fall squarely and only on atraeus shoulders haven't you been teaching me to kill I've been teaching you to survive while atraeus isn't exactly correct as to why some of the responsibility lies with Kratos he is most certainly correct that his father is in some way responsible for his misdeeds nobody cared about him anyways what's the difference there are conse quences to killing a God why how do you know how do you know watch your tone Boy again Kratos does not answer the question he deflects demanding the respect of his son instead of responding with honesty his Arc is also far from complete his humility still developing his ability to forgive himself not fully present even after all this time Kratos still cannot bring himself to reveal to his son the full truth of his past and that failing has allowed a trus to misunderstand the truth that his father has revealed to him knowing a partial truth can be more harmful than simply being in the dark atraeus knows he is a God and Kratos has told him how great of responsibility that is but he has not yet learned that with that responsibility comes the potential for failure on an unimaginable scale how could he the man who could teach him that lesson has withheld it from him and still refuses to share it with him even though he has just seen the consequences of atreus's incomplete education on the meaning of being a god I've done everything you asked and all I wanted was the truth where did you get your fireb why did you hide them you said there are consequences to killing a god you used the blades to kill one who else did you kill before magma how many do you hear me I heard you and these are not subjects for discussion do not push me boy once again this is beautiful storytelling because character arcs are not meant to be arrows pointing straight to Greatness they are full of plateaus and depressions that stall or undo progress as characters make mistakes and fail over and over I said a few minutes ago that atreus's Pride peaked at the murder of Modi well I might have misspoken because when Father and Son reached the midgard peak things really come to their Breaking Point literally Kratos straight up shatters the portal to yodenheim by bodies slamming Boulder into it that honestly feels a bit contrived which is a rarity for this story dude the ground was right there you didn't have to aim for the big Piller but hey maybe it's meant to be a lesson in the dangers of anger katos certainly isn't immune to seeing red and getting lost in his own rage even now but more importantly this fight is where atraeus loses himself in his anger driven by his pride run CR the Brea no I'm a God too I can do this get off him really showing courage in the face of danger is commendable but atraeus is now instead displaying bravado an unearned confidence created not by reality but by his own ego and that same ego will not let him back down even when it's readily apparent that he can have no effect on this fight get out of here boy yes by all means Junior run away let's ddy do all the heavy lifting for you let's go calm down boy you are not ready for this I am [Music] readyy this is what Pride unconstrained and untempered can do it puts what I want right now in this moment above all other concerns at top the highest peak in the realm atraeus and Kratos are at the lowest point in their relationship as kratos's failings as a teacher and father combined with his son's immaturity and Pride causing at trus to very nearly repeat his own father's deadliest sin where do they go from here how can they heal from the wound that their relationship has just been dealt to kratos's credit he doesn't hesitate in the slightest when chasing after balder and the captured atraeus his son may be unrecognizable but he is still his son Kratos does not just abandon his duty because atraeus has rejected his he still loves him and would readily die to save him that doesn't mean Kratos will go easy on a trus nor should he the anger he displays in helheim is much closer to righteous anger than the anger he showed at the beginning of the story I am your father and you boy are not yourself you are too quick to temper you are rash insubordinate and out of control this will not stand too quick to temper asash insubordinate and out of control you say sound like anyone you know our own vices are the ones we most easily recognize that is if we have relatively good self-awareness Kratos has never lacked that quality he just has had and still does have a problem with self-acceptance and self forgiveness but oh does he ever know his own flaws but he also knows two other crucial pieces of information you will honor your mother and abandon this path you have chosen first katos knows atreus's love for Fay he knows how much this Quest meant to his son how he would stop at nothing to fulfill her last request and so he invokes Fay in an attempt to break through atreus's pride is not too late second Kratos knows that no matter how many wrong decisions we make as long as we draw breath we always have the opportunity for Redemption we can change we can choose virtue where we had so long given into Vice on both these points Kratos could be speaking to himself as much as he is to a trus to honor his wife and to truly be a father to his son he must be better than the man he once was that kind of growth is not easy or painless as I will never Tire of repeating we cannot ignore our past if we are to change for the better we cannot be obsessed or preoccupied with our previous failings but we simultaneously must accept that we have failed and that those failures make us stronger if we are mindful intentional and actually strive to learn from them but it takes time healing is slow and learning to forgive yourself is a painful and arduous process and the longer you wait to do so the deeper the wounds are buried and the more difficult the healing will be but we're gods we can do whatever we want turn away boy at trus has only recently that is today committed the sins for which he will need to atone his failings have not had time to ingrain themselves into his psyche he can see and hear The Echoes of his crimes and say it wasn't me I couldn't have done that because for so long that wasn't him that reality was a flash in the pan a momentary fever dream and snapping out of it can thus be as quick as falling into it was face me Father it is time to end this yes my son it is time Kratos by contrast has carried his sins with him for many years reflecting on them letting them haunt him never truly able to move past them where his son although shaken by the Visions can quickly dismiss them Kratos is struck dumb and left paralyzed only moved to action by a trus breaking through the literal nightmare perhaps now you might think kratus will reveal his past to atraeus the Visions in helheim have shown too much surely there's no reason to hide any longer boy before when you katos is on the brink of letting it all out finally revealing to at tros exactly how he knows there are consequences to killing a god fully unveiling his past and thus truly explaining his present but I didn't see anything you did not see me with someone an old man what old man trus is clearly lying Kratos could see his visions and they could both see and hear balers which we'll talk about in a moment so there's absolutely no reason that trus could not see his father's Vision but remember the sins of the father katos has repeatedly and pointedly refused to talk about his past more than absolutely necessary and those refusals have worn atraeus down smothering his Natural Curiosity and desire to learn that's likely not the only factor atraeus is not an idiot he knows what he saw that is his dad in the midst of murdering an old man who atraeus could assume from Context TR me father was kratos's own father that's not a truth that any son would readily want to hear from his father especially a son who so recently almost committed patricide himself Father and Son now share an uncomfortable unthinkable similarity one that they would both rather leave unspoken even though doing so hampers their Collective ability to heal and bond the sins of the father but let's address that Vision that was tormenting balder and helheim shall we death has no power over you now you would rather die than never SE again yes yes I would rather die yes I love it when foreshadowing is paid off the hints and clues were there and now now the reveal is complete as we discover the origin of balder's curse his invulnerability and the inability to feel pain is not utilitarian use of magic designed to make him an Unstoppable weapon but rather a motherly gift from one who could not bear the thought of her son's suffering and dying needlessly that brings us back to this moment pain we endure faulty Weaponry we do not where fathers tend to accept pain as a part of life as something to be endured and pushed through others are far more sensitive to their children children's pain and seek to prevent it a dad might rough house with his kids leading to one of them getting a bumper or jolt that was a bit too rough and that's when the mother swoops in to save the day I imagine this scenario plays out roughly 8 million times a day across the world heck Bluey made an entire episode about it yeah bet you didn't expect me to reference that in a God of War video neither of those roles or Tendencies is inherently better than the other both are necessary and good depending on the situation and both must be properly tempered with prudence and right right judgment a father might ask too much of his children and a mother might pay too high a price for her child's safety she only hoped to spare him pain and spare herself loss but such impulses can lead good parents to make terribly stupid decisions motherly love is beautiful in its ferocity but when not balanced it can be controlling and indulgent the well-being of a child is undoubtedly a good indeed a very high good for which parents can and should sacrifice but it is not an ultimate good Freya learned that lesson but not until it was too late by contrast Fay knew that atraeus needed more than simple survival she was aware of her son's nature he and Kratos could have simply persisted in their hidden home with nothing but the elements to bother them for as long as they desired being Immortal and all that but Fay knew both father and son would need far more than that to truly live not just survive they would need to come to know and understand one another by having Kratos remove the trees that held together at the protection Stave F essentially forced her husband to finally take up his fatherly Duty and carry out her final wish yes the journey that they would embark on would certainly be dangerous but Fay understood that the safety of her son was not all important to her rather she desired most that he have a real relationship with his father that the two love and protect each other wish Mom was here to see [Music] it love can never be self-indulgent where love exists so does the potential for pain we have to be vulnerable to be authentic and genuine in our love refusing to open ourselves up to the possibility of sorrow and grief simply closes our heart to True self-giving love ultimately this is a concept that Kratos comes to understand to be fair to Freya she seems to as well at least to some extent but her realization only comes well after the damage is already done of course everything I did I did for myself I let my needs my fears come before what he needed this brings us to the game's final battles the physical conflict between Kratos and balder the emotional struggle of balder and Freya and of course Kratos finally conquering his own fear of his past for the sake of his son in balder we see what at trus could become if his father were to refuse to acknowledge the full truth of who he was causing his son to resent Kratos for holding back needlessly protecting him not trusting him to have the strength to handle the truth I've spent the last 100 years dreaming of this moment I rehearsed everything I ever wanted to say to you every word to make you understand exactly what you stole from me if left to Fester some wounds become seemingly impossible to heal after A Century Of Constant torment inflicted upon him by his mother balder simply does not have forgiveness within him we saw earlier in helheim that he was not always quite like this the vision of Baler there stopped short of killing his mother even as present day balder urges his past self to carry out the deed perhaps there was a time when Freya could have broken the curse and received her son's forgiveness but that time is now long gone however Kratos does not accept the idea that balder's fate is chosen for him that he must act according to how he now feels this path you walk Vengeance you will find no peace I know we always have a choice maybe balder cannot find in him the peace needed to forgive his mother but choosing to kill her is another step entirely Kratos knows this he has learned that lesson through unspeakable pain it's it's an important recognition for all of us even if we cannot attain the highest good due to something lacking within us we can choose a lesser good or at the very least choose to not do evil no matter our past our pains and our traumas we always have a choice who we were yesterday does not dictate what we must do today acknowledging this and striving to live up to this ideal is the only way we can grow and change being better than who we were remains a constant theme throughout this story even in the little moments that we might miss if we dare to Blink when Kratos is trapped by freya's Magic defenseless against an approaching Boulder atraeus simply stands his ground for once he recklessly charged at the invulnerable acier God his pride and ego driving him forward he now simply States I won't let you hurt him that's love right there and since this is a mythical tale with a moral doing the right thing and acting out of Selfless Love tends to pay off in fantastic ways no no Adreas you're bleeding breathe boy breathe not my blood I wanted to show this scene because one it's just plain stunning and two it highlights a fact we know from earlier Freya hates ml toe she hates it because she knows what it is capable of now I'm not sure how long she was aware of its power in the original myth balder's mother does not seem to be aware of mol's refusal to promise not to harm her son and so doesn't stop Loki from fashioning the spear used to kill balder wait Loki breaks the spell of balder's invulnerability H point being Freya knew how to remove the curse that her son so badly wanted to be rid of had her love for him not been self-indulgent had she not been been more afraid of her own pain than of him not being whole perhaps she could have sought him out and granted him his wish before it was too late before his resentment took permanent hold but to the end balder's survival and the defeat of the prophecy regarding his death remained freya's ultimate and highest goal which of course backfires completely but not yet he's beaten father not a threat I was getting a bit ahead of myself this line from at tros of course Echoes the lesson his father tried to teach him earlier no he is beaten not worth killing violence like love must never be self-indulgent really no action should be self-indulgence is a manifestation of pride of seeking one's own desires regardless of circumstance or the needs of others restraint is one of the most necessary traits for the strong it is only through Temperance and self-control that power can be used used for good however that doesn't mean you can't let loose and kick ass every once in a while let this be your reminder that you are watching a video essay about a video game about Greek and Norse gods there's going to be some phenomenally spectacular action taking place and this is probably as awesome as one can feel during a QuickTime event really it's just so satisfying to see Kratos and atraeus working in harmony to witness father and son coming together as a team the fluidity of their actions demonstrating the bond that they have form wared over the course of their Journey but that Journey has not quite ended yet Kratos and atraeus have several steps to take starting with this one you've seen me dead will make things right I won't stop you why why do you even care you you could have walked away the CYO ends here so much is acted into these few seconds freya's failure as a mother her overwhelming Zeal to protect balder ends up costing her the very son she sought to shelter from harm at his birth the runes fortold a needless death prophecies and fantasy certainly have a way of coming true no matter how hard characters work to prevent them don't they then we have Kratos breaking the cycle proclaiming the cycle ends here must be better than this in those few words he acknowledges his role in that cycle of viol accepting it as a part of his past but refusing to let it restrain his growth any longer and finally as the light Fades from balder's Eyes Two flakes of snow land and melt on his cheeks even in his dying moments balder is taking joy in feeling reving in The Sensation that was stolen from him relishing being alive even as his survival comes to its end simply living can never take priority over life itself with all the pains and sufferings that may accompany it this is the lesson that Kratos has been absorbing throughout the story and one he is finally ready to pass on in fullness to bet trus you are just an animal passing on your cruelty and rage you will never change and you do not know me I know enough does he we hear in freya's agonized words an echo of Athena's accusation you cannot change you will always be a monster what's remarkable is not that the two goddesses cannot see the change that has in fact happened within Kratos whether they knew him or just knew of him their perceptions were going to be fixed and static we do not change our view of someone as easily as they change themselves and growth largely happens within the human heart invisible to those who do not truly know it us no the remarkable thing is that Kratos does not try to convince Freya letting someone believe awful things about you allowing them to perceive your righteous actions through a spiteful lens takes incredible maturity and humility Kratos knows that trying to sway freya's opinion of him would be futile and pointless instead he turns to his son finally ready to Brave whatever pain the truth of his past may bring boy listen close I from a land called Sparta I made a deal with the god that cost me my soul I killed many who were deserving and many who were not it's a poignant moving speech Kratos opening up who he was to atraeus trusting that his son who has come to know who he is now will not abandon him decrying his own father as a monster but there is one final unimaginable truth that must be revealed and for this Kratos must turn to face atraeus nothing can be held back not even the pain present on this Spartan Warrior's face as he admits his gravest sin I killed my father Zeus usurped imprisoned and enslaved his father Kronos Kratos murdered Zeus at top the midgard peak atraeus loosed an arrow into his father's chest these gods are by definition incredibly powerful beings and power is one of if not the most corruptive forces in existence the temptation to use strength and Authority for one's own desires is far too much for so many it's no surprise then that some of the greatest and most virtuous leaders in history were thrust into their positions of power rather than seeking it out for themselves those who covet power tend to be the least deserving of it but Power even supreme power need not be a curse is this that it always ends Sons killing their mothers their fathers no we will be the gods we choose to be not those who have been who I was is not who you'll be we must be better we always have a choice the past informs us shapes us and deeply affects us but it does not define our futures as as long as we draw breath we have the ability to grow and change to seek Redemption and to forgive others this process is never easy and the road to healing and wholeness will never be smooth but humility Mercy especially for ourselves and Selfless Love make it possible for even the worst of us to become better teachers better husbands better fathers better men one final thing before we move on to yodenheim in the end of our story I touched on the music of this story very briefly near the beginning of this video and and I'd like to do so again now have a listen I'm from a land called Sparta I made a deal with a God that cost me my soul we will be the gods we choose to be not those who have been I can hardly express how much I love the transition from the deep almost harsh chorus of kratos's matif to the soft tender violins of phase the music in this scene speaks of healing of acknowledging the past but moving beyond it to a better future the musical themes are in perfect Accord with the themes of the story to the point where even a musical plebeian like me can recognize them and that's just plain awesome but now we should finish this journey while I still have strength any good story knows how to provide an emotionally satisfying ending even after the action and character development are done the audience or the player needs to see the reward for all the pain and struggle that our heroes have gone through for some 20 hours now depending how long it takes you to play through the campaign we have we have watched kto struggle with his past failing repeatedly to reconcile who he was with who he is with who he wants his son to be this massive Spartan warrior was so afraid that his sins would always stay with him and be passed on to his son that he distanced himself from the boy who desperately needed a father only through the wishes of his late wife is he able to embark on the journey that forces him step by arduous step to embrace the painful reality of his past to forgive himself self for the unimaginable and to resolve to be better for the sake of his son now that all of that has happened what are you doing I have nothing more to [Music] hide what an incredible release for all the emotion that is built up throughout the story this this is genuine humility accepting and acknowledging that we are flawed and broken men but we always have the ability to grow if only we accept the lessons however painful that our past might teach us can we go now we're so close I love how at trus is just like Dad stay focused kids don't have the perspective of adults obviously and I appre apprciate how much atraeus just remains a kid throughout the game regardless of all the incredibly messed up stuff that he Witnesses and yet he has grown and Chang so much going from weak frail and nearly helpless to a raging egomaniac drunk in his own perceived power to a humble yet capable boy whose Selfless Love for and fierce Devotion to his father proves to be the difference between Victory and defeat he has earned this boy [Music] [Music] [Music] carrier F of course is the reason for all of this she was the target of balder's hunt her last wishes sent Kratos in a trus on their journey and her wisdom in doing so becomes even clearer as Father and Son reach the room that foretold their Journey though he never knew these prophecies existed Kratos followed his wife's final requests nonetheless out of love and respect yes but also out of trust love is a two-way street one spouse Wills the good of the other and trusts that the same selfless desire is reciprocated for all his failings Kratos never doubted the goodness of fa's heart nor the power of her mind however much he may have desired to remain safe and hidden he accepted that his wife might know better what he needed than he did because he knew she loved him despite all his flaws and failings what gives this scene weight is not just the implications for the future of Kratos and atraeus but how it Paints the beginning of the story in a new light recoloring our view of the entire Saga as events that are not merely significant because of the bond they created but for the impact that they will have that Fay and her kin knew they must have on the future of all the Realms but that story is not told here instead our tale ends as it should with fa's Last Wish finally accomplished father no we do it together son you knew it had to happen after a thousand iterations of boy this moment was inevitable and yet it's still so poignant beautiful and satisfying affection from a parent is such a natural and normal thing and yet from the reserved and reluctant Kratos it means so much more goodbye F I love you m and yet with the end of every story comes the potential for a new one my name on the wall the Giants called me Loki Loki what is the name your mother wanted for you when you were born she must have called you that to her people I wanted to play that because what follows is one of my favorite scenes of the whole game Fay wanted to name her son Loki perhaps in accordance with the prophecies but Kratos desired a trus for the name and now we find out why so why do you want to name me a trus I know it can't be for a god huh no he was a soldier a Spartan a great warrior all Spartans are great warriors we trained from birth our lives were discipline Duty battle and death life was grim and we greeted it grimly h but atraeus of Sparta was unlike the rest of us he wore a smile even in the worst of times he was happy he inspired us to hope that though we were Machines of War yet there was Humanity in us goodness when the day came for him to lay down his life in battle his sacrifice saved countless others and turned the tide in our favor I carried him home on his shield and buried him with all the honors of Spartan custom his memory was a comfort in dark times the overarching them that dominates the story is simply be better be better than you were yesterday be better than your sins tell you you are are be better for the sake of those you love the Spartan atraeus was better he saw more in life than the Grim reality of violence blood and death in him the da Kratos who once proclaimed in war a soldier sees Beauty only in the blood of his enemy is able to see Beauty in life itself Kratos did not name his son after himself or even some great Noble figure but rather after a truly good man a man whose example of ultimate sacrifice is a model for how to live an example he hopes his son will follow we can be better through learning to temper our passion and anger with patience and prudence humbly accepting our faults and sins along with our virtues growing in relationship with those who need us and whom we need and persisting in the hope of redemption we can be better the masculinity Kratos displays is not just through his raw physical power but more through his rejection of the urge to use that power for himself through the lessons he imparts and the relationship he forms with atraeus and most of all through his gradual painful growth in virtue as he strives in every moment to be better that is what this incredible beautiful story that reaches deep into our hearts is all about this was an incredibly ambitious undertaking for me I enjoyed the story when I first experienced it and upon going back and re-examining it I found more and more just how wonderful it really is how meaningful every cut scene is and I fell in love with the AA of Kratos and atraeus I wanted to leave out as little as possible hence this video being twice the length of any other on my channel if you made it all the way here just know that I'm so grateful you took the time to do so I genuinely love talking about these sorts of topics and we'll certainly continue to do so whether or not future videos are of similar length depends entirely on how much I have to say on the matter but what I have resolved to do going forward is not cut my videos shorter for the sake of sticking to a schedule as long as my cont content still resonates with you good nerds I will create what I want to create in the manner that I desire even if that completely borks any semblance of an upload schedule and thus the algorithm comes to hate me so no idea when the next video is coming out nor even what it will be I've got ideas for Andor Theoden Spider-Man 2 and breath of the wild all jostling around in my head so we'll see what wins out thank you again for watching and whenever it may be I will see you in the next one
Channel: Master Samwise
Views: 824,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A1akAO-6fUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 21sec (4881 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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