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[Music] Avengers Assemble y'all remember this in 2008 Marvel and Lion's gate dared to ask the question what if the Avengers actually had sex what the hell oh my God welcome back to in commentary where I talk about whatever I want to talk about and you can't stop me and today we're diving right back into Marvel and Lion's Gates Marvel animated features series and this time we might have just reached one of if not the best film in the series maybe the ENT ire premise of this film is original as in it does take from the comics a bit but this isn't some adaptation it creates original characters like torren and James Rogers by the way James Rogers oh man like this [ __ ] is what led me to shipping Sten Nat and Winter Soldier a bit I was like damn are they going to get together like they did in the Ultimate Avengers movies so they're going to do this again right it didn't happen but that didn't stop me from thinking they were eventually going to happen later and then blackw Widow ended up with the Hulk h and that's that's a whole other video also it's not that insane that I thought that they were going to get together because a lot that happens in these movies ends up happening in the MCU later so I think what I thought was warranted now this movie does a lot of unique stuff and I respect the hell out of it because it's kind of like playing in the Marvel sandbox and just doing whatever you want and it honestly leads to some very fun engaging moments and emotion ones too this is the movie I very much vividly remember replaying over and over this one and Hulk versus Wolverine were my jam and let me just say rewatching it it holds up pretty damn well though of course I do have my gripes with it let's just say in a list with Doctor Strange and Invincible Iron Man this is definitely in the doctor strange range that rhymed whoa bars enough talk let's watch this [Music] thing the movie begins with Tony Stark voiced by the incredible Tom Kane telling a story to these kids the story of The Avengers how they were Earth's Mightiest Heroes how they married and had children and how they eventually fell to Ultron with their children being kept safe away from the machine now that's just a super dark children story but the best part is that the kids are like yo Tony tell it again can we hear it again please tell me again how my parents died let's go oh it's really funny that being said it catches the viewer up to speed and immediately poses the threat of Ultron now let me just say this movie has Peak Ultron I don't know about you but I was never really a fan of weeden's sassy Ultron like I get it but you know at the end of the day I want cold emotionless brutal Ultron making a character funny isn't the issue but giving a character a sense of humor inherently humanizes the character and I think humanizing is the last thing you want to do to Ultron unless it's like a big twist at the end that his end goal is something very human which makes ultron's entire existence kind of ironic like emotionless killing machine is driven by emotion you know anyways this is Peak Ultron to me and you'll see later how genuinely scary this character is so the children are James Rogers Captain American black widow's son Toren Thor and sif's daughter Henry Pim son of giant man and the wasp and aari Son of Black Panther and storm probably the coolest looking character in this whole thing the movie then flashes forward 12 years and gives these Slice of Life sequences the children are vibing and we get to meet them and understand their abilities a fun Quirk they gave Toren is that she was raised on Earth you know but she speaks in Old English to feel closer to her father I Know Thee to be real father sometimes she forgets and like slips back into just straight up like regular speaking and it's it's really funny I really like that the point is to not be such a jerk do you think as Guardians really say jerk M there's lots of little things this movie does to endear us to these characters except one [ __ ] character and that's Pim [ __ ] you Pim Pim is so annoying he's not that annoying but like he he's the youngest character and he's just kind of whiny and it really gets on my nerves no faari you didn't give me enough of a head start also for some reason they decided to make him a boy when in the concept art it was was clearly supposed to be a girl and they just changed it last minute I don't know why they did that that makes Toren the only girl in The Avengers it feels like a boy club for like the whole movie and it's like yeah maybe maybe throw in another girl just to like change it up a little bit anyways I'm not a fan of Pim I tolerate him the whole movie did you guys know that the fountain was a secret door because I didn't and I'm way smarter than all of you what's interesting though is that James is kind of annoying too as in the dude dude is this reluctant hero right and we find out later that he is a good guy he's just all depresso espresso you know like at the start the vibe he gives off is like he's one bad day away from like just making fun of everyone's dead parents despite the fact that his parents are dead too holy [ __ ] okay I I just I just rewatched that bit of the movie just to see like how this interaction plays out he actually insults their parents being dead and is like your dad just doesn't [ __ ] love you oh right sorry there's no point for us cuz our parents are dead your dad just abandon you so there's still hope that's awesome I I can't believe they actually did that though I wrote that in like that's the vibe he gives off but the dude straight up is like [ __ ] you and your parents holy [ __ ] so the plot really gets moving once the vision appears and freaks everyone out Tony takes the vision to his man cave and tell the kids to [ __ ] off but of course they secretly follow one thing I really enjoy about this movie is that not everyone is like always on the same page they disagree and bicker but will still work together they dead ass just go against authority figures like half the movie and it's just really entertaining you know it keeps things fun and like as a kid watching this movie I'm like yeah [ __ ] with the adults say I'm going to do my own thing sadly though James should not have done his own thing along with the rest of his siblings because they straight up activate just like all the Ultron Bots and alert Ultron of their location let me show you ultron's first appearance energy source detection location Arctic Circle energy analysis match designation Iron Man finally that is the coldest [ __ ] I've ever seen like that that's the Ultron I love no emotion just cold as hell so so cool so Ultron reprograms the iron Avengers and crashes into the Avengers Refuge which is basically like this big dome in the Arctic and catches Everyone by surprise so the kids escape with the vision on the quinjet meanwhile Iron Man suits up and takes on Ultron now two things first the kids have only heard of these stories but there's never been visuals so when we discover things with them it genuinely feels really cool something as simple as Iron Man suiting up is made 10 times cooler considering that they've not only never seen Iron Man but didn't know it was Tony who wore the suit now the cooler part is that this movie definitely works as the end of the Marvel animated Universe kind of the composer of this film is the same composer as prior films in the series and he reuses pretty much all the musical cues which means that when we see the Avengers we hear the Avengers not only that but the Avengers roster consists of these characters that we've seen in Prior movies Ultimate Avengers 1 and 2 like Captain America ends up with black widow and now you find out they have a son it's pretty much a direct continuation of the story the only issue is that well giant man dies in Ultimate Avengers 2 which is the only thing that messes things up that being said though spiritually this works as a finale and trust me when I tell you the musical cues really hit at a certain point in the story now the second thing I wanted to say is holy [ __ ] the visuals of this movie are insane is it groundbreaking no it's not but it's really really really good there's parts of this movie where the visuals just go crazy stupid for no reason and this is probably the highlight of the film in that regard this fight scene I mean just incredibly contrasted coloring very intense highlights and pure black shading which really makes everything pop in this really satisfying way someone cooked here also the tone instantly changes when Ultron arrives because you know when they're in this Dome it's like bright and has like a nice sky and everything Ultron crashes through the Dome shuts off we see now what the sky actually looks like it's all gray and it's all like [ __ ] stormy and then like the alarms go off so everything has this red glow [ __ ] terrifying it's awesome we stand till death anyways I can't reiterate enough the action sequence is so cool but Tony loses cuz of course he does and the vision takes the kids on the quinjet to the Savage land I have set a course for the Savage Land The Savage land that sounds horrible the movie mentions yokasta The Savage land uh the quinjets how they get around and stuff like this may seem obvious and like no duh in a post MCU world but prior to that before that you know stuff like this was really cool I forgot to mention make sure to check out Interstellar Ranger commence it's brown table's original animated series uh this is a display of the show you can get it at displate uh the link is in the description for brown table's displate store these are the protagonist hope Griffin and ity REO and you can check out their Adventures by watching the show thanks so much for uh catching up on it there's three episodes out now anyways these kids are like [ __ ] The Savage land [ __ ] Authority [ __ ] you vision and they kill him they shut him off and he dies man what the I'm joking that would be crazy no the vision just turns off cuz he is like in powered Reserve mode or something like his batteries depleted so the kids decide to go to ultra city which is basically New York City but it's renamed because of Ultron they go there because they want to rescue Tony but here's the big thing we have this whole action sequence with Iron Man and Ultron as you know but the kids haven't actually fought anything and so they come into the city with this very confident attitude especially Toren who's like all right back away boys I'm [ __ ] invincible and I'm like a god I am Immortal and invulnerable Ultron holds no fear for me for AAR 2s seconds later she gets absolutely destroyed oh my God what is that and it's very cool to see these characters experience the dangers of the real world after being housed and being safe for so long like they have this already pre-existing notion of how powerful they are and how sick they are but no they're they're pretty they're pretty new to all this and this is especially good for torrin's character as she's always going on about how she's the daughter of Thor and she presents herself in a larger than life way ironically she's saved by the one character that has no superpowers the son of Hawkeye look at little Hawkeye Junior going to cry now Hawkeye leads this little band of survivors in Ultra City and they're like yeah a 13-year-old can lead us I'm assuming they're like between the ages of 12 and 15 they are not older than 15 so it it's genu it like kind of caught me off guard that it's like a child like a genuine child not like oh this is kind of like a young adult at this rate no this is like a child a child is leading uh these survivors and they're like yes sir we will follow your orders uh 10-year-old o it's very funny besides that what's cool is that we find out that the original leader of these scavengers was Clint Barton the original Hawkeye he was one of the few surviving members of The Avengers until he was you know finally killed and I love how everyone just always agrees that Clint Barton can [ __ ] survive anything he's just had a bow and arrow and straight up for some reason the dude survives in every like post-apocalyptic Marvel story like he is always there it's actually kind of awesome he is constructed alternatively anyways the kid avengers are rescued they meet Francis Barton Clint Barton's son who by the way just immediately flirts with torren stay safe beautiful he's got Riz to the Max and they go on their way to rescue Tony to the dismay of Francis Francis Barton Hawkeye just I'm just reiterating Francis cuz Francis is such a such a name that I don't know if anyone will associate that with Hawkeye yes Francis Francis is Hawkeye I'm going to stop now so before we get to this really big scene that I really enjoy I want to talk about how cool these characters are becoming like I said they're essentially family they bicker like one but they also work together and when they work together the movie really shines and we find out slowly that James is actually a solid leader thing is he's just disinterested in training and making an effort in strengthening their relationships because he feels like his life is just going in circles and maybe a part of him feels no connection to his father but he does long for one you can tell he cares because when he sees his robot dad he's like stop dad stop dad can you hear me and it's like oh you you called the robot dad daddy do I look so he has wants but he has to let go of the past and focus on the future which is the point of this upcoming scene now they reach ultron's trophy room this scene is crazy because you see that they Ultron straight up killed everybody like it's not just the Avengers it's like you can see Falcons wings like it's like every super hero involved ever is dead the saddest thing ever is that they play Captain America's theme when we see his trophy case I love that theme I love it as much maybe more than the mcu's Captain America theme and hearing it when we see the [ __ ] up Captain America mask and shield in the trophy case I will cry I'm going to cry they find Tony out of nowhere they straight up just Crossfade and they find him very anticlimactic but whatever they walk into ultron's trap but thankfully Francis has a change of heart and saves everyone along with his group of scavengers so the cast successfully escapes the city and Tony eventually reveals he created Ultron I created Ultron to be a force for peace for Law and Order another thing that the MCU took from these series of movies peace in our time and as we all know with so many movies having this happen and with people that worked on these movies working on the MCU projects it's no longer really a coincidence it's very much probable that the MCU was hyper inspired by these animated movies anyways Tony created Ultron and it led to everyone dying until Betty Ross yep I'm telling you spiritually an Ultimate Adventure sequel she appears and it's like Yeah The Hulk's alive he's just [ __ ] around in the desert the Hulk survived too where where he always goes the desert and so of course everyone's like who's the Hulk and he's like yeah guys he's the strongest man alive I don't know who would have that accent I'm tired and they're like if he's the strongest guy alive why hasn't he fought Ultron yet is the Hulk strong enough to defeat Ultron and so that's what they do they're going to go to the desert find Bruce Banner and have him destroy Ultron and so they locate The Hulk and honestly I I [ __ ] envy this dude he is just chilling in the desert in this cave growing like his plants he's got like a little garden going on like dude you are so chill I I want I want a Vibe I want a Vibe with you please for your own sakes you have to get away from me Bruce it's me it's get out of here Stark actually never mind oh oh and I forgot oh my God he still simps for Betty Ross I think the one thing that will always happen with the Hulk is that he will always s for Betty Ross as he should though she kind of bad and at this point James has not only recognized the events of the past but he's recognized how important they are like they as The Avengers children are like they've been told stories of who their parents are and who they're meant to be but he never took it seriously because I mean it never felt serious he has no real visual connection to any of these stories so once he recognizes what happened and how it's affected not only the people he loves but the world he goes sio mode and by sio mode I mean he gets his [ __ ] together we owe it to our parents we're all that's left of their legacy so they devise a plan to make Bruce Hulk out because he's been suppressing his Hulk side because they need the Hulk to defeat Ultron but before they can do that knowing Ultron can track technology they activate a ship so Ultron can triangulate their location oh [ __ ] and I forgot really really cool part of the movie Torin loses her sword in Ultra City so she's powerless for the entire second act of the movie she has an immense amount of faith in her father and her culture and after talking to the sky to no avail the whole movie she does it one more time at her lowest moment calls for help from her father and her sword [ __ ] flies out and Trav travels all the way from Ultra City and crashes down right in front of her the sickest [ __ ] ever so cool so so cool so the iron Avengers locate the heroes and a huge fight begins and it's very well done like look at this [ __ ] Thor just Chucks Torin and she can fly so she straight up just floats in the air and then flies back up it's wicked now how the fight is handled is that the heroes fight their resp respective parents that's cool it's very symbolic it is also [ __ ] insane I want to smoke whatever these writers were smoking because that's cool but it's also like Jesus Christ because it's very cool it's very symbolic like Captain America has to beat Captain America at the same time it's like ah my first big super villain I'm going to go [ __ ] kill my mom but like I love it but it's like [ __ ] up a little bit you know what I mean um these kids need to go to therapy also hear me out the iron Avengers the coolest thing black panther can actually turn into a panther so cool again spiritual successor to the ultimates and as this battle is happening James tells Pim to get to Banner and make him Hulk out which he does and here comes Hulk X mchina the Hulk in this movie is awesome only issue he's too awesome he's too op so the Hulk destroys a couple of the iron Avengers which is kind of a bummer and then takes on Ultron alone Ultron is freaking insanely powerful him and the Hulk are duking it out and he's kind of kicking the Hulk's ass so the next Avengers are fighting their parents as this is happening and then boom the Hulk goes down and so the Avengers scramble to defeat Ultron for like a minute and I know what you're thinking oh [ __ ] now the next Avengers have to figure out how to take on Ultron alone they have to figure out how to do this like maybe ultron's weakened so now they have a chance of defeating Ultron somehow uh but no you want to know what actually happens pimp just goes up to the Hulk and is like hey yo [ __ ] I know you're not taking a break right now and then the Hulk is just like [ __ ] you Pim and he goes Super Saiyan and just kills Ultron in like 30 seconds he defeats Ultron on his own like there is no big teamup battle against Ultron it's just it's just Hulk defeats Ultron alone and ultron's done that's it like dude can we at least have the next Avengers help out something maybe the Hulk is doing most of the damage the other characters have to do something but they they really don't they don't even leave a mark on this guy and dead ass that's straight up how the main conflict ends and look the journey was cool but this part of the ending is kind of weak and it's not like in The Avengers when Hulk beats up Loki and it's like hey he did that essentially to Ultron but no Loki and the Avengers by the end is not the main obstacle the main obstacle in the Avengers at the end is The chitauri Invasion and the portal and the nuke in this movie Ultron himself is the final obstacle that's it it's just Ultron and this dude just straight up gets beaten up by the Hulk and is ripped in half and it's like it's a little underwhelming but thankfully we do get a very cool resolution because Ultron will self-repair and so torrin's like no I'm not no you're not who ult Ultron who I'm so Rusty I haven't made a video in like a month this is really hard it is it is really hard to add Li I I haven't like gotten the I haven't gotten it back yet I don't think anyways she [ __ ] yeets Ultron into space she flies out into the atmosphere throws him and just it goes so hard but she's not invincible so she starts choking freezing and dying and it's a bummer but of course they're not going to kill her she meets her dad and Thor's like warm glow appears it's it's so cool and he's like daughter you're so [ __ ] sick you have done me proud tan and at this moment I'm feeling very emotional because this is so sweet but I am having one thought and that is where the [ __ ] have you been bro you're alive you let the Earth die dude he's like oh the Earth ah I'm like King though like I kind of I'm like busy like uh can we like rain check the death of my friends real quick in my head like he just let the Avengers die like he can just by Frost to earth right am I crazy dude why would you do that like it's an incredibly heartwarming moment cuz he's like I want you to learn what it means to be human cuz humanity is a powerful thing you learn what it meant to be human that is why I left you with the Avengers but at the same time you left Humanity to die still though it's a great closer to torrin's journey and it's really sweet and uh he guides her back to Earth after she says yeah I can't go with you to Asgard because Earth is my home my home is with my family on earth when I was little I thought this was the sickest [ __ ] re-watching the movie it's still the sickest [ __ ] torren comes back absolutely dripped out in Gold [ __ ] head to toe gold dude she looks so [ __ ] badass I thought it was the sickest thing I still think it's the sickest thing and we get a really cool ending Francis Barton is like yeah uh there's still like a bunch of robots in Ultra City that we have to [ __ ] up and then James says the iconic line Avengers Assemble and that's it the next generation of Avengers is here and they're going to kick ass and oh I forgot to say hulk just kind of [ __ ] off with Betty I'm not joking like right after the battle he's just like Betty let's get the [ __ ] out of here and then he just carries Betty and they they [ __ ] off I don't know I don't know how to feel about that they just kind of just like okay bye they're going to have a kid I guess that's going to be next next Avengers after watching this movie what did I think I still think that doctor strange is maybe better than this movie but that's like debatable I really really really enjoy this movie this is like very much in the upper levels of the Marvel animated features um and man it just took me back to my childhood man like I remember as a kid I wanted like aari's Powers but I wanted to be like James but I also had a crush on Toren because like she's so [ __ ] sick I remember thinking Ultron was like the big Avengers bad and he kind of is he he kind of is I was like dude I want to see Ultron in like a movie like this kind of Ultron just like so scary and cold the visual style of this film is one I genuinely really liked I much prefer it to like the very realistic style of like say the Ultimate Avengers ones so I really enjoyed this one and again I I I feel like I really connected with this one because like I was a kid and I connected because the main characters were kids not that only as a kid you can only connect with kid characters I'm just saying that like it gave that perspective that I was like oh this is cool I just really enjoyed it man I thought it was it was it was a good time it's not perfect at all it's not like a masterpiece but it's very solid all these movies have been solid so far and I'm so excited for the next one cuz the next one is genuinely like I remember watching it and my parents were like that is so violent that is Hulk versus that's Hulk versus Wolverine and yeah Hulk versus Thor and I'm really [ __ ] excited for those all right everyone make sure to check out interstyle Ranger commence Brown tables original animated series three episodes are out and the fourth one is on the way thanks so much Derry Pope for this art of Jazz from the show she looks absolutely awesome I just I love the lighting I love that she's tinkering like she always does and yeah awesome thank you so so much thanks so much patrons for supporting the channel y'all are awesome and remember to like subscribe and turn on notifications to become a chair and sit at the table thanks so much for coming to the table and I'll see you all next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Browntable
Views: 829,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Browntable, Analysis, Analyzed, Review, Critic, Critical, marvel, marvel animation, animation, animated, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, superhero, film, movie, movies, iron man, ultimate avengers, marvel animated movies, spider-man, cartoon, Ultron, next avengers, heroes of tomorrow, Avengers kids, kid avengers, next avengers heroes of tomorrow, hulk, thor, black panther, wasp, giant-man, ant-man, hawkeye, captain america vs ultron, avengers, The Avengers Had KIDS And It RULED, Captain America, ultron
Id: 2OYPnpqzQLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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