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well didn't you be crazy today the world of blue sound effect six that's because a brand new tower was added to the game recently it's a cute little penguin but be not mistaken he shoots fireballs i don't know why i did that i'm so sorry oh you know i forgot to put my super mask on so you guys didn't know who i was what guys that's me jerryman you know jerry uh i was prepared for like a normal recording not this now of course no superhero would be complete without a name like skippy he's wearing the frosty the snowman head mvp so he seems like he wouldn't be that good but take a look that's his base levels and then you upgrade them they upgrade them and i'm not cooking that until you watch the video well i got to get my views too i want to see godly power well then you'll have to wait cappy you can wait so we decided to put him to the test will he be able to beat wave 100 all on his own we need a little help from some support towers all right minecraft here we go so click that like button or skippy's not going to save the day that's a real threat guys it's serious put him down he's 35 dollars i believe in skipping is it only one skippy i'm all gonna use one skippy for this no no we need the tip you can't have multiple that's like saying i'm a multiple batman so wait there were multiple things all the time that's not you can't use that as an excuse yes i you know what i'm going to drop you on this one oh skippy's been leveled through already we might need faster shards penguins slotted their belly that's what's going on that's literally what it says all right let's do it let's do it so do we think you can actually beat wave 100 guys i think yes skippy's not that good double shards penguins are flightless bird they're just facts penguin facts i think so there we go look at that he's twice as good now although i gotta admit guys he's kind of not going as quick as we'd like i'm a little afraid what if what if money becomes the issue for this i was gonna ask what if uh yeah i can't think of the word camos that's what it is camos and let's become a problem can he can he pop those he shoots ice i don't i don't really know the only reason i'd say maybe is because i think that although it's supposed to be ice i'm pretty sure those are magic bolts so maybe maybe maybe not even then the magic bolts don't pop leads on their own you have to give them fire but he has the spirit of christmas on his side that's true let's be honest i don't think that would make him a pyro no but the scarf dropsy uh guys we're in here big poops did you know penguins have a gland near the base of their tails that provides waterproof oil what yeah penguins spend several hours each day covering their feathers with this oil and gives extra attention to the test before swimming it helps keep them warm that's so cool oh yeah one fact about penguins and that female penguins like receiving rocks and i agree with the female penguins i too like receiving who doesn't though let's be real when i was like a kid and my parents like yeah we're gonna go to like the the mineral museum oh yeah and at the end of the gift shop they have all those like four dollar rocks can i buy this like draw i can find you that outside i want the rock no i want this one i want this specific shiny rock and no other one i'm pretty sure that hit home to a lot of people probably yeah i got my niece a rock tumbler for christmas what's that that's actually really cool yeah it like cleans rocks oh that is really cool it's the ones that you like get from the shops that are still a little dirty and actually makes them the really shiny pretty ones it takes a while but it's really cool oh geez oh geez oh geez the painting tell me you need multiple skippies yeah man i think you might be right here i don't think skippy could do it alone but in the end can we can we make a rule that i have to delete them at least for like the 90s slaves until i get a tier five yeah yeah yeah that's fine okay okay fine so if i did i'll add in another skippy just in case and by just in case he's only 35 bucks he's actually really cheap i don't think it's a problem to put down another skippy yeah it's actually not even really that fair he's like mega mega mega mega man cheap there we go you could have just filled the screen with skippy's early on that's a whole different video dropsy i found your fact in this list of facts dropsy mr popper's penguins huh i found your fact in this list of facts nice whoa you guys getting facts from the same penguin locations no that was yeah did you know speaking of penguin penguins actually they actually move around by echolocation so that's why they could they could maneuver in caves in the dark i thought that was narwhals penguin still no i think jerome just needs to oh no yeah double shards look at how happy that penguin looks look at that guys skippy and skippy fake is doing a great job you can't call him a fake he's skippy fake uh that that one's rico suave you and rico and private and i can't remember the other one are you sure sarge are you sure right now it's not skippy senior skippy junior and skippy at the camo we hit the camel we're good so far oh he did yeah now we just don't know about the lead balloons skippy senior keep up the good work what skippy junior skippy senior and who is gonna be junior here kowalski yeah your first kowalski yeah you know what's weird to think about when you're in junior in the third when someone names their kid after them right they become like like skippy senior then so does that mean they kind of like prestige up and when they have a kid they prestige again like skippy senior senior no it's a generation each level i think it is a prestige level right because it's not junior junior senior senior probably power up anyways yeah they definitely unlock certain abilities that they didn't have i think the newer ones are stronger that's why they get the third that's their third prestige they don't get led not yet we've maybe oh they're probably they're yeah i think for now we have to put this down at the end to pop leads but i'm pretty sure that in their later abilities like the godly lasers i'm pretty sure they'll be able to do it um but yeah so besides the echolocation fact i can give you another penguin fact if you're interested okay so did you know that penguins actually defy all known laws of aviation so when they flap their wings and fly it actually doesn't even make sense i thought that was bees that penguins can slide in their stomachs at such a fast rate that they uh they're they're the fastest land animals on the planet at about 70 miles an hour they run and yeah slide yes but uh 70 miles an hour i do have a fact about penguins and flying apparently they've evolved to fly underwater because they don't have hollow bones like most birds what do you mean fly underwater that's called swimming guys the upgrade i just got for more shards it says penguins own the universe wondering the next fact they gave us is bargaining with the penguin was a mistake what nice what no don't ask questions concern dear guys he will destroy your soul i i think he will steve that's the problem that's why we're so scared although i'm pretty sure his next upgrade godly powers should definitely be able to pop leads because if there's anyone who ever came up he goes i'm a god and he can't pop lead balloons then you know what i think he's fake he's not a god maybe he's a fake queen this is my favorite a big fat pony what's your favorite cappy oh this is just my favorite update the club penguin rest in peace club penguin right all right more facts did you know that being they access foods from such like like that are like really hardy on the stomach like you know like giant leaves and stuff like that from the prehistoric era they actually used to eat rocks to help digest food in their stomachs they were their own mini tumblers i'm just waiting i'm just hoping someone's following along the comments section and actually saying what all these facts like what animals these are all that's a about jerry did you know the smallest piece species of the penguin is called the little boo-boo penguin it's only about a foot tall what yeah it's only about a foot though jeremy we've got to figure out a better solution for these legs yeah well i'm about to get godly powers in like a wave i'm going to get golly powers in a hd actually any of the balloons because they're all making it through i know he needs god you know what skippy's a little camera shy steve this is his first time think spider-man saves the day while on feature film huh yeah not no well not at first actually he's kind of bad at it yeah yeah steve you heard dropsy he's the worst superhero that is not true you take that back his story is one of the greatest here we go wait are you 100 certain huh there's no pulling back on this one are you 100 certain you're able to handle the pow do it what do you guys think his last upgrade looks like nothing good or it's too good um penguin strong yeah penguin strong penguin together strong i feel like i'm gonna come to regret this but let's see how he fares now i want to see him face off against a lead just to make sure you know he's all good now i'm pretty sure i'm pretty certain there's no way he doesn't know yeah i'm with you there i'm pretty certain he's got to do it in the face of this godly power i feel like there's some fun facts we could talk about like did you know an emperor penguin can dive up to 1850 feet wow really yeah the longest i've lasted like he can't pop purple because of the laser so we still need yeah we will either need a village or i don't know okay if you get the village factory yes yeah yeah okay he's within the range there so we'll just save up to get that one right there and boom all right so now we should be able to hit them for now but once it gets transforming tonic i'm going to take the village away and even little christmas elf in the event that he uh actually can hit it anyway you know just in case just just in case so so far he's powerful he just has a couple of drawbacks don't we all all right guys we've seen the crusher at work against all the balloons and all the moabs but will he survive against a bfb on wave 60. i mean i think it's obviously going to be yes but is the crusher his new nickname yes crutcher crusher look how fast he has crushed that pizza well it's a crusher i think we need to take him to the next level the next level okay here we go penguin strong wait he gets the ability now i told you guys we had to test him out well that test failed so right now looks like he's not all powerful what a jump he can only do so much man he's trying his best clearly not hard enough okay so what do you think the ability does here we go what so just because like a bolt of lightning instead look at that it should do it again that is a really short keeps going wait put a tech block down i'm pretty sure it's just perpetually going at all times okay jerome the skill was called transforming penguins could you put another penguin down and see what happens can i put another penguin down another one yeah like do you think maybe whoa cappy wait is that permanent um i don't know it's technically permanent because of the short cooldown how many do you think he can how many think it works on no this is ridiculous yes but also less penguins so i'm sad what is going on why is he transforming all of his buddies into new things oh my god they're super penguins they're not monkeys i swear but the tale says otherwise no they're they're they're super pink wait this is outrageous why are you shortening the cooldown even more i think he's dying i don't know if he's out of range i think there's a max number yeah well you got that one never it's not a max number it's just that he was out of range no no this is wrong this is wrong on so many levels guys i hope you know that we've created a monster did you guys know that a group of penguins is called a raft really yeah group of rafts all right guys we're closing in now on the big ddt waves we decided to keep four of these bad boys all around him just to keep him safe we'll see if it actually does anything um i'm under the impression that he's gonna be able to shred wave 100 which makes me terrified because can you imagine what happens when we god boost skippy for a future video oh god penguin god penguin oh praise mega penguin mega penguin he'll be the true emperor penguin oh yeah he's the hero we need but don't deserve penguins look at him go well we already destroyed the first ddt wave i can't imagine i'll have any trouble with the next ones but oh my gosh look at skippy go look at him so proud of him that's my boy he's so skipper i want to see my little boy there he is oh look at he's so cute okay do you guys have any more cool penguin we know facts oh movements are objectively one of the best animals to exist yeah that is a fact they are they are oh my gosh 95 here it is this is the big one the big test so the only drawback of skippy alone without any support towers that he can't eat camels besides that he is like an impenetrable fortress bro is that about 95 i don't even think he needs the backup of these guys i don't think they're shooting here's a fact you'll never see penguins and polar bears together in the wild well yeah the planet oh the penguins i i just meant because penguins live in the south oh and polar bears live in the north and penguins would eat all the polar bears that's why they're extinct in the south steve did you know that like penguin couples locate each other with distinct calls yeah like bats echo location well this is cool hashtag couple goals penguin feet i just want to screech and have enough penguins to walk long distances believe me cappy when someone yells scout you'll know i don't know i think you'd react even better than that one oh my god 100 it's melting hey it's melting penguins they make a delicious snack wait what
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 312,013
Rating: 4.9524693 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: M7RaPeCuDmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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