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well today's gonna be an impossibly difficult day in the world of blue sour defense that's because we made it so every single round gets harder and harder and i'm not talking in the traditional way the best way to explain it is just watch blues can have random effects on any single round and even come in at the wrong times like look first round there are camo regen balloons and blue balloons and sometimes you can't even pop the blue balloons with traditional towers like look he's not popping basically it means you're gonna have to get crafty and things are not gonna work out for that reason we're setting our goal round 50 only once again don't make fun of us it's a lot harder than it looks kind of like my head he could take rocks he didn't even feel it adam would have a special effect of a rocket might maybe you should commit and just get a rock from outside thanks cap i'll get it right on all right so what's the strategy here i feel like we all do benjamin's we'll probably just die although benjamin could downgrade some balloons if we use the right one this will be worth it for us i know what towers normally are fine so should we all use benjamin or some of us shaizadora or we could split it up like i i kind of want to use gwen i'm not gonna lie okay so then why don't i okay so then you use gwen i won't use a dora i'm gonna use i think churchill the tank yeah yeah yeah all right let's get rocking and rolling did you know puko is actually a word in esperanto esperanto what is that all right so right off the bat i'm thinking in order to stop these camos i'm gonna drop down a sniper monkey and allow him to hit night vision goggles and i feel like that's going to be a huge advantage for us uh to begin things because when i was doing like the practice round camos came round one uh we don't like that one bigger there was there's a camo right there was it really yeah there's the heart camo oh there's another all right who's benjamin that's me steve here you go pass the remaining money over to cappy maybe yes we'll do because we're gonna have to take my money yeah we need all the money we can get honestly because we're gonna need to be constantly on our toes keep in mind like one round camels might be the problem the next round lens might be the problem you never know um you never know yes so cash is going to be the most important thing in the world for us right now it's not a lot of blues that is that is i think that's normal though yeah blues at this wave it was the greens that are actually too early but i mean that just felt like there's a lot of blues also i feel like we don't do as i feel there's other effects too like i don't feel like we don't do as much damage as we should but why do you think that because yes or maybe they're just coming in more also possible also popsicle okay should i grab some banana farms um if you think we'll survive long enough yeah yeah go big go big or go home and i'm choosing to go home see you later okay bye also why does it lag at the end of every single round it's kind of weird isn't it it's picking out the balloons it wants to torture us with uh also i think about what the mod actually does what does it do what do it takes it takes the balloons that you have and decides whether to make them camo or regrow or both oh i don't know what it does to my labs yet but i hope it doesn't make a new regen regrow you camo moab floats through the screen yeah i wouldn't like that very much no way okay uh so what else should we be doing i feel like spike factory at the end might be amazing that'll be good i agree on the bottom so i can also do a spike factory i might well i want gwen to level up as we go along all right i'm just worried well i could do same thing i have oh wait i'll do churchill first and then let's get my church chill down and leveling up then i'll just focus only on spike factory i feel like okay there we go killer hear me out here ring of fire i mean it's good but you can't eat camos so you need to have a monkey village nearby or just not care that doesn't hit camos or get a wizard that can see him and have fire still wait yeah who's in the front if you can get shimmer dude can you get a wizard with shimmer no okay well that solves that then yeah of course i can i feel like shimmer is one of the most op for the price abilities out there because it permanently reveals them and you just put one or two down at the front for like two thousand dollars and you're done you're like okay good yeah oh [Music] what is this i saw it there for a second and then he was gone that's so weird i wonder why i did that okay well i still need dude captain churchill is fifteen hundred dollars what he's the most expensive hero but he's also so powerful there you go jerome oh thank you kind sir all right here we go captain churchill yeah he's mega powerful because key money has camo abilities and explosives you get a camo leds yeah yeah he's no he's no mess around her that's for sure yeah i just said i was sure could you not be for sure so how many uh monkey farms would be putting down steve uh as many as you want me to 400 please okay that's fair well guess how many i wanted and i think 400 of them would be nice if it was possible i will get right on it there we go wait a minute if it chooses random things about it do you think wave 40 with the moab has a chance to become like a bfb or a zombie or probably oh no my ninja it could be any it probably upgrades it in some form so it could i don't like that i don't like that one bit sam i am what if it gives the the the moab just wait until we have ceramics and they all become regrow ceramics oh my goodness regrow ceramics will be the death of me those things are insane okay uh let's set up a tech bot i'm gonna have a tech bot just to go off of my uh my good old churchill guys i have an invisible monkey on the field really where oh you just appeared but if my ninja monkey was invisible for me oh wow i think it's if you place anything down at towards the end of the round or like during like this transition phase i think it just deletes it yeah let's get some white hot spikes going we're actually doing a lot better than i thought for super hard mode guys yeah things are going swimmingly i would say so wave 24 is the first wave that's supposed to be camos yeah and it's only the one that it sends easy all right white hot spikes good then i'll start working on getting smart targeting i think three is going to be the most i'm going to be able to was that purple yeah that's purple i mean three steve you're gonna make a lot of money like we kind of overkill it you realize when we do like the five or six yeah that's fair three is so much money like that's plenty and we're also holding out a lot better than i was expecting i didn't think we'd be able to beat wave 50 to be honest i mean to be fair we still don't know we could lose weight 40. if it becomes a ddt or something instead of a regular moab we're kind of cooked i would agree i got shimmer by the way nice dude all right and captain churchill over here he's a little four already doing great things guys we're doing great things i want him to get his moab barrage ability though barrage the moabs yes yes yes more fire another spike factory nice yeah i figured two would be better if we had two permanent spike ones i'm pretty sure that's the ultimate way to eliminate most dangers in this yeah yeah all right guys the moabs are coming next wave so let's hope for the best here that's a regular just good old-fashioned moab we don't know for sure we can hope we can help we just don't know for sure sure you have 11 000. this is a regular moab dude we're saved i know i don't know that extraordinary broke into ceramics [Music] that always happen i don't think they break into ceramics at the base moab level um i could be very wrong but so it looks like the moabs don't change it's what's inside of them that changes that's honestly very poetic all right well i put out a bunch of deadly spikes here um literally i think we're gonna have no problem i think we lift the 50 rule and i think we go for wave 80. let's go 80 80 years old and we don't stop there we keep going yeah all right guys so the next wave of moabs is coming in hot in two waves and after that point it's all downhill we're talking mullet after more aftermarket morph after boy it's a lot uh anyway steve can we get some permanent spikes down just in case things go awry yeah we can do that dropsy here's my money oh let's go to permanent spikes the funny thing is dropsy still doesn't even have the money i don't have enough i still need ice dropsy send him some money there you go oh you're at he's actually really close there you go thank you perma-spikes go also that first moab got absolutely shredded like he didn't stand a chance the first what the first mode no moab stop it it's not a mobe steve mobe steve i don't even know what that word means it's that you can hear what he does away from me okay shrapnel shot which is good um i should get if i go shrapnel shot now they have the ability where shrapnel shot actually bounces between moabs with main moab uh that upgrade or sorry that update to the game made it so that using the middle root and the fully to the top root of the sniper monkey are actually good things before that though i'm not convinced of it uh mobe no yeah the mobe mode steve it's not a mobe oh gosh it is lagging a lot now out of nowhere let me slow it down for you it's actually the mass amounts of money that i'm sending people oh really is that it's the yeah yeah game cam everybody but you oh no well dropsy actually you'll be able to get another you'll be able to get the second permanent spike here yeah oh my gosh oh here there we go and i guess i'll keep saving up for maine moab and all that or actually you know what i want to do i want to do a monkey village here and i want to go the other route i'm going to get an elite defender that just shoots super duper quick who still has the base monkey up front you like my little elf [Music] how do you have him what does he do how do you have him look at him he's a little cutie i've never cared about cosmetics but i want him how do you have him trophies dropsy you need trolls look at him he's so adorable [Music] he's doing little he's making toys and stuff for saying it so is he just a baby monkey or is he an elf monkey he's an elf that's an elf monkey yeah that's a real difference okay yeah that's an elf monkey okay so that implies the existence of a santa monkey yes correct no the big man of course he exists i would rather get presents from santa monkey yeah the big man you mean yeah man no big man not yeah man yeah yeah man jerome what is that effect every time you place down a tower oh oh that's athletic yeah it's a cosmetic steve i use a bunch of trophies on stuff i also made it so that you know you know z omgs or watermelons i didn't know if that was an effect or if that was from the grim reaper video we did ages ago nope nope nope that's an effect i was thinking that could have been contributing to the lag you know that there's one that makes him a pizza what and yes i do because i already did that but you thought as the pizza comes on screen it's like played new it's like you know or no i mean flaming pizza is all right not too crispy though no you can never have too crispy of pizza you can definitely absolutely yeah yeah you can totally all right this sniper monkey now i gave him large caliber suit is 20 day or what is that is that 20 damage a shot and he's about to get semi-automatic as soon as i can afford it i love it absolutely oh my goodness that's crazy yeah all right 62 we're moving on up in the world and so far honestly hard mode really is kind of disappointing it's not that it's a joke it kind of is dude it makes the beginning waves much harder but then as time goes on it it just i feel like it's fine like i feel like it's not that big of a deal i think it would be better if they started sending like double them and giving them like two times the health or three times the health yeah things like that would really change the tides i agree with you are those lead regrow balloons maybe yes i think so cap those were i hate it steve i love it can i have four thousand dollars for fully automatic sniper rifle no please well since you asked nicely yay fully auto sniper rifle guys i think we're just too good i mean we kind of are dude at this point yeah man we can think we're the best balloons players ever all right guys we have five waves left to the challenge and honestly things are really going our way at this point i have a ton of money already saved up here i'm almost at elite defender uh i need like 1 000 more steve you have 29 grand i got you yeah i mean i do but like do i want to use it or do i want to invest it what does it even mean steve we have five ways left use it buddy use it i was thinking about investing it though you really well you really should consider the monkey economy yeah jerome come on can i get a crossbow oh crossbowmaster can actually be really cool for drops let's go there you go send it along elsewhere yeah i'm gonna do something else with it i gotta do drops get another crossbow get another crossbowmaster yeah and put them as close to the front as you possibly can let's see if we can pop them one more i sold my banana farms uh well because we only have a couple more rounds and i figured somebody else could use the money like you here's thirteen thousand dollars oh okay i'm gonna buy a chihuahua you know it wouldn't surprise me you see the flower guy flowers there we go flowers and okay locking his shots over there now we're talking okay focus firing check advanced targeting faster barrel spin plasma accelerator there we go we are crushing them before they even get on screen this is hilarious look at him go that isn't that isn't even a plasma accelerator for me oh really what is it for you it's just a railroad dartling gunner that's shooting off screen oh gosh it has been lagging a bunch this mod clearly yeah it's a bit laggy there it goes all right one wave left until we beat the challenge will we do it we do it we'll do it i'll really poop our pants try flowers uh i don't that's the level of effort we're putting in here no no no no no no am i allowed to not participate in that one yeah sounds like trying too hard jerome there's my money thanks steve i appreciate it i hope you're ready though bought these pants what am i supposed to be ready for uh well for the z omg who knows what'll happen with him steve it's a watermelon no he's a dead dude that was so easy well overall i guess guys hard mode makes it very difficult in the beginning and the later waves it just genuinely doesn't matter
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 193,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft
Id: OU4S9MwsV8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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