The Penguin Tower!

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guys i love penguins penguins is definitely my favorite animal mainly because like they got little business suits on and they're adorable and they're just cute and but the main problem is you don't know which ones you can trust but that is not the case today with our new friend everyone please have a warm welcome to skippy the most adorable tower and balloons tower defense look at how cute this guy is he's adorable okay we're gonna put him down there and mwah he only cost 45 dollars we can actually put down a couple of skippies but for now we're gonna have only one skippy and if we need more we'll get more but look how cute he is he's with all of his friends up here at i'm assuming this is the north pole uh you know something like that but that's besides the point so the first upgrade is we have an upgrade path we can go with him let's see how powerful he is right at the start so he's pretty oh my gosh he waddles back and forth i love it he's not very powerful right now okay we need to we need faster shards he's still not great here let's get double shards and now look at this look at now he's firing two shards like right at the start look at skippy go guys if you like skippy and you want to see more things like hit that like button guys to show your support for the most adorable tower ever guys and if you want to see more custom random towers like this in the future hit that like button guys because skippy is wonderful and skippy is beautiful okay all right we have more shards which cost five thousand dollars that is pretty expensive skippy i i was really like happy because the first skippy only cost 45 how much money does it cost to buy a penguin can you own a penguin as a pet is that is that a thing it'd probably be really cruel to have a penguin like where i live because it's pretty hot and i'm pretty sure penguins like nice cold weather so i definitely don't want to do that did you guys ever see the animated thing about the penguin that wanted to go on a cruise or something like that guys okay all right all right hear me out guys it sounded a lot better in my head when i was explaining what it was i have to find out what that was this is it it was in 1944 is when we watched this it was called the cold-blooded penguin and it's a hilarious thing if you guys have never seen it please go watch it is a huge part of my childhood and i absolutely adore it i watch it every so often i think i saw it like five years ago i need to go back and re-watch it but that's besides the boy let's get skippy a friend the skippy now has another friend we can get a penguin army okay the balloons have no idea what's what's coming for him we got the we got the monkeys now we got the penguins we're gonna we're going to get an entire army to come to fight for us guys we're going to take over the world soon we're going to have polar bears and then we're going to be able to have i want what other i want giraffes okay we need that's what we need here okay while we're kind of worrying about that also i don't know how we're going to deal with a couple of other things let's go ahead and start working on getting ourselves some some banks we need skippy to be stronger you know what i just realized is i don't know about you but i don't think penguins can detect camo balloons oh my gosh skippy penguins can detect camo balloons holy cow i didn't know that penguins apparently have very good eyesight today i learned that penguins have very very good eyesight what about what about lead balloons no there's no way ice is going to be able to there's no way skippy's actually going to be overpowered if skippy can can pop lead balloons skippy and his friends let's see we're going to find out i believe in oh my gosh they're doing pretty well so far actually go skippy okay skippy cannot pop okay skippy cannot pop skip skip okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do a panic thing here i'm gonna panic okay and what we're gonna do is because they can't hit this i'm gonna put on a village force i'm gonna put down a village for for skippy and his friends and then i'm gonna get i need to get mib i'm gonna cheese it guys okay just just so skippy can hit anything this is just for mib that this is just just for mib there we go just so they can hit every single type of tower and nothing more that's all i want okay that has five thousand dollars in it i really want to save up money so that i want to see what the next upgrade does we might oh oh oh oh let's get another i'm going to get another penguin we need more penguins that's what we guys obviously we're we don't have enough penguins right now right now this is just like a kind of a not great dark monkey but don't don't tell him i said that because the skippy is literally my best friend and if anything happens to him i will i will die this is the main skippy by the way i want this skippy to be as powerful as possible this is the i need penguins own the universe okay let's get more shards holy cow how many shards is he throwing out is that four or five i don't know but that's really strong so okay godly power bargaining with the penguins was a mistake wait what i forgot i wasn't reading all of these i want to read them now okay so faster shards penguins slide on their bellies that is true double shards penguins are flightless birds that is also true that's you know guys we've we've learned some fun penguin facts today guys i love this godly power is 32 000 what are we gonna god what do you mean what are we gonna do we do that guys we have to obviously we have to guys we have to get the godly powers that's what's going to be so good yeah this skippy is already look at how many pops he has 4 000 very impressive very actually let's get all of the penguins up to that level it's five thousand each though that's really expensive what's this at this is that three thousand that's okay we definitely oh man uh yeah oh holy cow okay we let's upgrade that one and then we need oh yep we got it okay we just barely got it i want this one upgraded to more shards as well and then with this one upgraded to more shards like this is pretty powerful not gonna lie like skippy is amazing i need to know what happens when we upgrade to the godly power without penguins uh oh uh oh ceramics ceramics looking a little bit spicy guys okay only one red balloon got by that's okay maybe we need to upgrade we need to get this godly power as quickly as possible i think it only cost 32 000 so this is at 8 000 we're gonna be able to get that i think let's see about getting this godly power so that's okay okay we can collect all that's 32 000 okay so we can upgrade and get godly power now if we want to all right let's let's upgrade and get godly power for the first skippy guys there's no going back on this one are you 100 certain you are able to handle this power i don't know what do you guys think are we strong do you think are we able to handle this power guys there's obviously like obviously what's gonna happen if i say do it like obviously like i want to say yes but but i'm kind of not certain okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do it guys if i should guys if i should hit do it and we should get the power and we should see skippy's true true power hit the like button right now on the count of three one two three okay guys i'm gonna hit do it let's do it um we don't skip he doesn't need anybody else skippy doesn't need any of his friends anymore skippy's good holy cow skippy is literally the strongest penguin ever he's broken okay what's the next one transforming penguins for 200 penguin strong 200 000 okay we need we need to get 200 000 i have to find out what that does what does 200 000 for transforming penguins let's have skip here look at this look at all these like hey ladies how's it going like look how fashionable skippy looks with his hat and and his nice scarf like skippy is like you can tell skippy is a ladies okay he's a ladies man all right like he's he he's a ladies man for sure you know he just yeah he's just like hey girls oh he tried talking to her she didn't she yeah they're like no i don't want to talk to you he doesn't have a sun god temple strength yet i don't know what's gonna happen if we get to the next the last stage though like what is gonna happen there we go that's 75 000 do we wait for the banks to fill up one more time yeah well how much money is 221 000 so we'll be able to see how powerful skippy is skippy is too strong guys look at this penguin go you see those you see those eyes those are the eyes are killer look at them there there is no remorse in skippy's eyes okay he's cute and he's adorable but when it's time for for business he gets it done okay he's on the front lines of the balloons war effort okay this man has seen bloodshed okay he's ready to go we have on our hand though fifteen thousand dollars we're skippy holy cow this is a very strong penguin this penguin has been working out now look at those fins look at them that guy this guy lifts all right this is not looking super good though like skippy is starting to have a little bit of problems here he's definitely not able to pop everything on his own like some things are getting by and i'm not happy with that i don't like that some things are getting by we need to get the transforming penguins upgrade what does that mean the penguins transform does it just make them even stronger not entirely sure but i am excited guys oh my goodness yeah look at that he can take out the bfes like no problem look at that he's got a hundred thousand pops so we have forty five thousand dollars all right we can do this and now we can sell everything okay now that we sold everything guys we now have the money we can get transforming penguins guys let's do it penguin strong let's do it we got it guys what did it do wait oh look what it does it turns all the penguins into super penguins oh my goodness okay so we need more penguins we need we need more penguins so what happens oh my gosh that's so good okay so we need so we need to get all wait does it turn oh my gosh does it turn all of the i have to find out guys does it turn every single penguin into it there's gotta be a limit is there not a limit to his power skippy can turn every penguin oh my goodness skippy this is so cool this is so cool and they're like he's so tiny you can like basically fill them anywhere oh no we've reached the limit finally no how sad i love this upgrade it turns all the penguins into super monkeys if anyone ever asked me like what's your favorite balloons tower skippy okay guys whenever someone asks you it's skippy it's always skippy look at this so oh no we're having a little bit of troubles eh oh we're not having any troubles anymore i want i want us to like actually get into like a pickle here and then be able to like use this it just melts all right boom literally you just push that button you push the button and then everything just dies round 80 guys three two one and boom i love skippy monkey star he's not a monkey he's skippy subscribe to the channel we're trying to get to a million subscribers soon
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 428,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Penguin Tower, Bloons TD 6 Penguin Tower, BTD 6 Penguin Tower, Bloons Penguin Tower, Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons, BTD, Penguin Tower tower, Penguin Tower strategy, Penguin, bloons td battles, btd battles, Mobile game, iphone game, Tewtiy, skippy Penguin, BTD 6 Skippy Penguin, Bloons TD 6 Penguin, evil tower, funny, gaming, Bloons Tewtiy, Skippy, Skippy the penguin, btd 6 skippy the penguin, penguin tower, btd 6 penguin, new tower, new btd 6 tower, modded tower, hacked tower
Id: brl_tvOSn0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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