Random Effects EVERY 60 Seconds In Bloons TD6

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no wait no well today's gonna be absolutely crazy in the world of blue star defense six that's cause we found a mod that makes it so every 60 seconds something completely random happens to the game to make it worse we have no idea what these things could be they might add a new tower in you can make your towers move you can delete a tower they can even make your tower stuck to your cursor and the list goes on and on i mean take a look at this normal round right nothing to see here oh my gosh what just happened to the map what is going on dude um so i don't know what just happened but as you can see things get wacky bro that was wild dude i have no idea what's going on right now so anyway if you want to see more things like this click that like button before i lose my sanity all right guys you ready we're trying to beat round 100 with all this craziness going on all right let's do it [Applause] oh right because we're playing a monkey game uh yeah so guys [Music] i need to reload my game let me just screenshot this for you i know what happened three seconds for that to happen jerome really no that's that's where uh my screen was going crazy that's where it left off when i closed out of the round and i guess it just keeps it there forever all right guys wish me luck we're gonna try to be round 100 right now with all this craziness going on now unfortunately this isn't a multiplayer mod so my friends are all going to be watching me play the game which everyone knows is just as fun it's not as much fun okay we're here to hear you watching the game yeah i wonder what's going to happen all right let's put down b just like let's get the benjamin going and auto start on oh this could be crazy i'm jealous of your animations you have for stuff yeah i got a bunch of cool ones i haven't even unlocked all the ones i can whoa what happened today guys dude what just happened to him look at him look at benjamin look how happy benjamin looks you go middle and bottom yeah for fast super fast you usually go top and bottom but drops you think about master can crit fast yeah with the crit with that speed dude that was wild things are things i think they're crazy i i like this mod a lot actually but i want to see what's next so we had flat stanley we had a period where they went super fast and it did it again oh god super speed super speed i don't think we're ready for this i don't think we're ready for super speed i mean you're doing great things jerome put something for leads yeah fire early on while you're a wizard not a blizzard yeah i was thinking you need to get yourself a little bit of the um the banana farm going good too a darling gunner yeah yeah because i guess if you lock him in place it it it'll still aim wherever he's at you're not wrong you're not wrong bro you should just do like a million lasers and it turns into no none of you wait wait i don't know how many lasers cap a million one million exactly a million lasers you say yeah not two millimeters i think a million liters she really wants banana farms but i'm worried when it shuffles and there's just farms everywhere instead of monkeys popping stuff there is a sharpshooter man so i'll get a darning gunner in a second i just want to get large caliber bullets for him and then i'll i'm all for it i'm all game okay sniper monkey is my favorite tower sniper mobile she'd get a different money-making tower like the chinook or something but but but i won't get it wait wait wait wait what are they doing are they stuck in the floor looking up they're trying to shoot oh he dude he knows he knows too much no my tower wait it just sold my crossbow i'm trying steve i wasn't expecting my tower to sell one of them yeah you should put a ship in a pool of water so that whenever it gets shuffled we got ships on land you trying to dupe me here a little just a little you trying to bamboozle smee not the bamboozle okay let's put that other thing here i just hope it doesn't ever get rid of my benjamin you know that's my biggest thing as long as we have to keep benjamin i'll be a happy camper what if he deleted this moment please please don't do this to me okay downdraft there we go is your sniper set to strong uh no he's set to uh last okay thank you i had him in first i put him to straw though yeah yeah there we go there we go way to go buddy now ten thousand dollars we get the support chinook that cappy wanted us to get for oh drops you wanted us to get for money yeah it's never me what happens the farms are just gonna get shuffled steve they're gonna get moved around and then they're gonna delete it and then i'm gonna cry you don't wanna see the banana shuffle bro also i don't wanna jinx myself but nothing seems to have happened for a minute i think we might be okay i think you might need to place a tower for something to happen then either that or the problem could be that being i'm crushing them so much off screen maybe we just don't get to see the fun you know sniper no oh he got moved oh i thought he got deleted wasted money to immediately get him i'm glad because if that was anyone else but the sniper monkey that means that he would have just been useless because he's off screen yeah like only the barrel of his guns on screen so that could have been really bad but it's going to be really bad it's only slightly better it's not i don't think it's bad at all really good well you can still click them so yeah i guess it's fine yeah no obstacles in the way i think we lucked out i think we like that big one um okay support come on you have two clothes already whoa whoa whoa snipers on strong we might need some more though oh man they're going fast oh gosh oh gosh we need we need we need more um um um um um um a panicking fire there we go got it fire oh fire okay is there a faster one even more attacks got it okay there we go one more time so now he should be good to go keep in mind i can't see camos wait oh yeah that's fine so camo leds we just need something to pop camo left well yeah we'll need something to get that can pop camouflage later got it getting it got it now we can get this support you're right i can let's go okay and now that's round four we still need to get a wave 100 which is like a bunch of them and who knows what's gonna happen next jeremy you can also do um counter espionage so that everything can hit the uh spiderman dude look at benjamin thick jamin money whoa two thousand dollars we got for that exactly that's pretty good i want to upgrade him to special operations not just for the marine monkey which is super good but also because the dollar amounts i think go up i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure they go up that's a lot of money yeah my favorites wave 90 something's gonna come around ddt's gonna be on the screen and they're just gonna delete my best tower and then i'll be like wait okay he'll be like bro by the way dude so just mirrors it seemed to take a while for the care package to recharge gee willikers batman really does and i'm gonna laugh when it gives you hearts next i don't want hearts next oh money yay also we do have 260 hearts again which is good because we lost so many of the leads earlier oh man oh man this guy's good i think counter espionage is gonna be a good call yeah you should get a plane a plane yeah but oh man if it gets squashed that's going to be hilarious yeah oh benjamin's your benjamin moved he should get like a specter or something but but but okay i want to get special small operations oh never mind no wait i know you're only 4k away you can you can get it it's fine oh my gosh all right i listened to blade last second i got crossbowmaster instead of doing what i was supposed to be doing i panicked i panicked i'm sorry did blade say anything yeah he said crossbowman he definitely said uh that was awesome only because we survived that was almost not very awesome stop doing this game don't know about balloons or 2d i think that's pretty neat so we could give special spot operations or or what just happened what kind of microphone master okay yeah steve sorry sorry bud all right this is gonna be way too hard we gotta go ahead we're gonna put something down here let's go crossbow master this route there we go and uh just to be fair let me just delete a bunch of money here uh that way it doesn't count okay i want to try that again only this time my towers are gonna be [Music] deleted all right there we go we pretty much deleted most of the money would have given us let's do this thing i can't put your money in jerome what are the odds of something like that happening in that exact chunk oh wait the helicopter stays the same oh yeah he doesn't flatten neither does the airplane ah i'm so sad that's so stressful though like what was i supposed to do they just came by you need another big popper i do yeah we need another one up front which honestly you could get another uh crossbow message i could get another crossbar or i could get the spectre like you were saying dropsy either one either would be very good let's go for it nice i think that's a good idea getting a spectre up there and then we're gonna no no no spectre why save the day spectre come on why are you missing every shot oh my god it actually got rid of 20 000 put down another one you're a crossbow master bag yeah another crossbow master oh my gosh it deleted so many towers at once we still have the money for crossbowmaster it's close though oh my god hold out bro this is one of the hardest challenges i've ever done just simply because of how ridiculous things are crossbow like things are just what is that what what is going on bro what is this is it just big is it okay i think that was the big tax shooter guys what are we supposed to do um try and rebuild as fast oh no jerome your helicopter got deleted too yeah i know i don't think i'm gonna rebuild them honestly it was good while it lasted i'll focus on getting another crossbowmaster pizza incoming we lost benjamin i know i lost benjamin blade okay i'm sorry how's it going to seven i pay i i i boosted him i only paid i paid 13.50 to get into double money there we go there we go that's worth yeah we need that double money geez guys this is absurd i mean i know we lost once already i i honestly i i wouldn't be surprised we lose another one or two times you are absurd i think you're ready for a darkling gunner bro you think so do you think i n do you think i should get one or do you think i should save up to get a super good all right we'll do it it's too late it's too late it's too late focus firing laser shock all right which way do we want to go middle now you have to get at least two to middle so you can see camos all right now we got laser whoa there we go and yeah because it locks position i guess no matter where it moves to it'll always be able to hit unless you get sold but you know i'm gonna get plasma accelerator next my friend do it guys things are not looking pretty out here they're really not like i don't know what to do besides sure i've seen this episode of the mandalorian it's been a minute since the last uh effect happened hasn't it steve jinxus i mean no this isn't look at the speed dude do you not see how fast they're flying through oh yeah i guess it has gone a little quick a little steady dude i panicked i thought i lost but i'm like wait where where's everything being shot from okay they're very invisible it's fine that's terrifying that should be illegal okay plasma does plasma accelerator make it it's a concentrated single beam so i guess it wouldn't be like jiggling all around the master move yeah wait where'd he go there's worse places for him to be yeah yeah that's not plasma accelerator oh that's well worth it because now it's not jiggling around everywhere yeah okay next now do we save i think maybe we save our money up for either crossbowmaster or in case of the event that something gets deleted last second we need to put one down you know to save the day i'd save money yes for right now because everything you have can take care of the upcoming rounds but what about that's not a problem i mean you could but then you could could also get sold oh gosh oh my gosh spin one this can't run around [Music] it's a weird i'm getting i'm getting sick guys i'm getting a little queasy oh i actually sneezed sick all right dude be careful man i know my face could have fallen could get ring of fire if you wanted to drop we just said we're saving money for the night yeah i know but it's only like 2k but the night drops actually is getting the night or saving up for the crossbowman crossbow crossbowmaster that guy's already moved once are you sure he's not going to move again he might well he's fine where he's at and if he moves again we'll just have a crossbow master wherever he goes another one plus once you upgrade him again his range will increase again and he'll hit where the other one is don't forget to use benjamin durham oh this one yeah that's the good one i wish you put a tech bot on him you can make it so he doesn't use the other one or can you yeah i know oh it does all abilities he can dang that's annoying like abilities that you don't have to target that's what it does wow um all right well you know while we have the chance here did you get all the money back i feel like i didn't i feel like i got cheated a little bit there to be honest well i heard like the changing of money and then you had 40 grand definitely get that specter back up though yeah as soon as we can we're 6 000 short invisible okay i thought it was all over i thought it was all over if i beat this challenge only losing one time i'll be very impressed i'll be very very impressed okay things are looking good i don't care if they're invisible i don't need to see it i don't need to see it to believe that my darling gunners and monkeys are gonna win okay spectre again there we go now we got a lot of money look at the poor tech bot head just floating there mall [Music] [Music] the more dark monkeys i put down the less likely it is to select a good tower to delete that's fair that's fair unless it does a mass delete like it did before yeah but yeah just decoys all around let's just give it a try let's see what happens nah yeah it's definitely worth it because it's only the 170. if i was going to do this all those decoys was only a thousand dollars yeah that's like that was worth it i think let's see a little over a thousand yeah it might work it might work okay things are gonna delete your darling gunner next that question is do we want the speedy boy or no the elite defender yeah snipers are good that's my favorite tower full auto ah the best part is too when you do the elite defender and you get to go the top route because you have a monkey village like jeez man he's unbeatable like look how fast he shoots man why didn't you do that then jerome well because if i put a monkey village next to it one of the odds that just gets deleted in one second one exactly yep okay um i put down a swooper guy um no not this bruh no no no what's going to happen after is it stuck let's forever well i guess we'll find out yeah there's only one way no they're gonna drop to the track hold up all of those moments i literally can't oh my god dude stuck there on the track oh no no wait no they disconnected there yep oh my god super no yeah jerome yes yeah the supermarket fan club is super good right there oh they're all just looking at you hi super monkey fan club give them uh yeah there we go camo all right wave 911 i'm really digging it yeah i don't think i'm gonna get the 42 000 within the next eight waves so we could probably find some other way to put the money down like um oh not this junk really dude i hate this i hate this so much there we go oh no no no no no no no no no no look at him in all his glory that's interesting though so do you think they spent the time to make the 3d models for the mod or do you think they always were 3d models what do you mean like do you think balloons tower defense six always had them as 3d models always has 3d models yeah yeah it's a 2d map with models on top absolutely i wonder if you could throw them into a thing like blender then i'm sure you could there's some way hmm can you click on that other super monkey what are the bats that's a no the bats those are the knights friends have they always been in the game oh no no it's a skin thingy i got come on come on come on don't give up don't give up towers your boy barely me nice job let's go that was the hardest one right there that was it oh come on let's get this win here jordan's like that was the hardest one that's it and then it wipes the whole entire thing right steve stop stop it steve do it okay we're killing the game now we're killing the game [Music] and let's go and lock in our missiles right there do a little bit of extra damage to the uh to the towers okay and there's not much time left but i'm gonna rocket storm and hook them up to this tech bot here looking good might as well just do whatever we can invisible invisible good i thought it deleted them all i was like no that's gonna be games um this is really not good question mark what is going on why are you going downhill so quick why did everything go downhill so quick don't forget to use benjamin ability all right this is it the final one it's the final countdown i don't know how i lived i got so lucky with 85 lives left not his last 20 health come on let's go someone got deleted you're fine you're fine i think that's just a monkey you're okay yeah gg let's go challenge complete
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 416,815
Rating: 4.9373722 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: PXLCk_piH1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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