Guiding Our Thoughts Of Others - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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what I wanted to continue as the discussion on ayat that were revealed in regards to dignity and honor and how it's so easy to destroy somebody's dignity by starting rumors about them now allah azzawajal describes in the quran you know because these ayat were about our mother aisha radiallahu on her it's incredible that in the quran allah did not mention her name nor did he even referred to her as a pronoun meaning he didn't even say melody Nadja you will FK la hija no nor are they huh not nothing no reference to our mother at all why because there was a wisdom in these ayat that we should be applying them not just to that incident but forever the policies that are being given in these words of allah apply forever and i talked to you in a previous film about the value of these ayats but today i want to talk to you about how and i remind you again there are two groups of people that are sinful in this ayah two kinds of crimes have been committed one group is evil people evil people don't give benefit of the doubt evil people want to say something terrible about someone or they want to create a rumor or they want to create suspicion they can do that by a gesture they can do it by evil words they can do that by suggesting something not directly saying something so they don't incriminate themselves these are evil people people that say either they say horrible terrible things directly or they try to suggest them so other people get the wrong idea but then there's the other group of sinners which we are much more in danger of being and that's the careless people people who hear these kinds of things and they don't respond carefully their reaction is not careful enough now the thing that I want to start with these ayat are very unique in the Quran usually when Allah criticizes something we did it's usually an action somebody who didn't pray somebody who committed the act of Sheikh somebody who killed somebody who stole somebody who cheated these are acts or somebody who said something wrong like backbiting or insulting someone homicidal meza these are things that these are acts that are committed but in this ayah Allah is not going to criticize an action that's the first thing I want you to know Allah is criticizing thoughts now generally we know that even if you have an evil thought you're not held responsible for an evil thought not until you act on it other than that Shaitaan can come and whisper something to you and you are not held responsible so long as you didn't act on their thought you sought a less protection arrow the villa him initiate on the regime good enough but it seems that when it comes to giving benefit of the doubt to your fellow believer especially when it comes to their character their dignity their respect then actually even the thought is something that angers Allah even the thought you haven't said anything yet you've just thought it but even the thought is being criticized by allah azza wajal later on in these ayat we will see that allah will criticize the speech also because if you think something wrong eventually you'll say something wrong but this first ayah that we're going to look at is actually going to be not about speech but actually about thought itself he says lola is similar to moon how come it wasn't the case that the very moment you heard it very moment you heard some rumor about a believer the very second you heard it your immediate reaction should have been London me noona Vaughn Vaughn me noona will mean out to be unfussy him Hara believing men and believing women should have had better assumption and thought about their own selves how come you didn't think better Allah is criticizing now how come you said something or did something how come you didn't think better this is a lost criticism of how much we are supposed to have care for the dignity and character of a fellow believer let's take a step back I need you to understand the sensitivity of this subject in the Quran how these ayat are unique you may have heard before the principle innocent until proven guilty you've heard this before innocent until proven guilty nowadays innocent until proven Muslim but you know regardless innocent until proven guilty the idea being until you show me evidence I will not hold anything against you if somebody makes an accusation they say Norman stole or they say Abdul Karim you know he he broke the law or something you say I don't know until I see what evidence a few seats show me evidence then maybe I'll believe you until then I'm not willing to accept any judgment you don't say that I'm innocent and you don't say that I'm guilty you just say I don't know you just say I don't know but when it comes to chastity or the character of a believer the policy is different you know in all other cases in India a confessor combina in futaba y'know Quran says if corrupt a corrupt source comes to you with news verify verify the information at least yours to say until I verify I'm not going to say anything we shouldn't talk but when it comes to the character of a believer of not gave a completely different policy the first part of this policy was you must immediately not even think I don't know you must immediately think benefit of the doubt you must immediately think that this is wrong now this is something hard to process you don't have evidence to prove that someone's guilty you don't have evidence to prove that someone's innocent you have neither one you've just heard something yes if you've just heard something then Allah is actually commanding you in these ayat that number one you can't even think that they might be guilty you can't even think that they might be guilty and by the way not even enough by the end of this Iowa Khalu hada if coma beam you're supposed to declare this is obviously a lie now let me put this in practical terms for you so you appreciate what I'm saying you went shopping and you went to the mall and you saw this Muslim man and a woman walking together and you know one of them and you're like hey are they married what's going on while you're walking together why are they talking to each other what's going on I'm gonna take a picture why do you picture on you what's that / - a friend you see what's going on over here a snug fit Allah and you send a story about you know I can't believe nowadays how people are etc etc accent okay so if you did this in your head you have evidence in your head you have evidence and yeah the person responds to you I don't know they could be talking about work maybe they're not doing anything wrong maybe you're just assuming maybe you you're passing judgment etc etc they respond like that I'm telling you what you did is evil and what they wrote is also wrong if they wrote I don't know we should give benefit of the doubt we're not sure until we have better evidence why don't you follow them all the way to the car and find out then that's also evil Allah is saying your response is supposed to be think better number one and number two immediately say this is a lie hava if cone mu b this is obviously a lie how is it obviously a lie there's evidence to the contrary there's suggestion to the contrary no Allah is telling us that when it comes to the character of a believer we are we are commanded by Allah to call it a lie even if we don't have an evidence for the innocence or evidence of guilt were commanded to call it if cone Mubeen Lola if severe - moo-hoo London woke me knowing well not me not the unforeseen - well Karl ohhara if coma beam yeah Neil oh la mia Oh Lou hava how come they didn't say this how come they didn't say this is obviously a lie so you're showing somebody a picture and they're supposed to if they understand the Quran they're supposed to say that's a lie no what do you mean that's a lie look at the picture and then you're supposed to break their phone and repeat that's a lie that's what's in your that's this is the command of Allah how strongly we're supposed to be in favor of the character of a fellow believer now by the way this policy doesn't work inside the family this is far outside the family this benefit of the doubt as we will see later on is outside for fellow believers outside inside a husband can question the wife a wife can question the husband you know inside siblings can question each other etc so there can be cases where if you know someone that's something else if you're intimately connected to somebody that's something else but outside of that how the F kuma bean you're not supposed to say a word about anybody else not a word not allowed and so now let's take another step in deeper into this ayah Allah says vandal my noona will mock me not believing men and believing women he specified both men and women even though in Arabic language if you say al mu'minin it includes the German with a curse olive it includes men and includes women when Allah says God Allah Allah won't mean he's not just talking about men he says believers have attained success that believers includes men and women so when he says al Munna 1 Mina - he's high lighting that the way that men make assumptions is different and the way that women make assumptions is different and Allah is highlighting that both of them are wrong that both have their own way of doing wrong the other thing is highlighting is this idea of giving benefit of the doubt is a sign not of Islam but it's a sign of Iman he doesn't say Lundell Muslim una will meet Muslim ah he said well my noona well me not had you been moot Minh had Iman had faith really been apart inside your hearts then you this thought could not have occurred to you the thought against somebody else would never have happened this was a sign that Iman isn't there then Allah adds I mean by the way the example I give you you saw somebody else and you made a statement about them when you saw somebody else who made a statement about them you didn't talk about yourself you talked about them but Allah says loda is - moo-hoo van nelle my noona well not me now to be unfussy him Kayla how come you didn't have a better opinion of your own self how come believers didn't think better of their own selves Allah is not even he's telling you and me that when you make such a comment about someone else in a laws judgment you have actually made that insulting comment about who yourself you've made that comment about yourself Allah is also reminding us of something at the prophets of Allah who I named seldom taught us this Oh mark I just said this entire OMA is like one body so you can't insult your hand without really insulting yourself insulting your body any part of it is actually your part of yourself you're actually insulting your own self when you do this in the eyes of Allah you haven't humiliated anybody you've humiliated yourself and then so vonda look mean own well me not be unforeseen quran qaloo haha if Khan Mubi and they should have immediately said this is a deviation obviously a deviation you're looking at the facts and you're twisting them you're turning them into something your dirty mind goes towards and you want to produce from it the ugliest possible story and spin it that way this is what you're doing this is how you should call somebody out that says these kinds of things this is the quran's command I know you know often it's so easy it's it's interesting to us so I find it really interesting it's very easy to back fight about someone slander someone talk behind someone's back but when they're doing so you and I feel we shouldn't say something in response I don't want to be confrontational I want to be respectful this person's ripping somebody apart that's okay but you standing up and saying the right thing I don't know I want to be respectful or free come some moon allahu allah says among you are those who listen to nonsense you just listen to it and you just do nothing Allah wants you to stand up and actually be aggressive he wants you to be aggressive when someone says something like that and tell them this is obviously a lie that's our way of saying you be quiet this conversations not going anywhere further but what about the evidence I saw them I followed them I saw them coming out of a building I did this I did that I recorded them when you do these kinds of things then what's the next step allows of it inventions he says in the next aisle Ola Ola he BR about showed up how come they didn't come forward with four witnesses Allah is asking you saw nobody cares how many witnesses did you need for the question became among our Dhamma four witnesses to what four witnesses two people talking together four witnesses like I shadowed the allahu todd on her walking back you know with Safwan ml mark ptolemy she's on the camel and he's walking her back lots of people saw them combines more than four witnesses there's 100 people saw them come together that's way more than four four witnesses to what and there's pretty much agreement because quran has mentioned this earlier on in the same surah that for witnesses committing the act of zina itself until you see four people you have for people who say i saw them commit commit the act of adultery until you can say that you have no right to open your mouth this was a large way of protecting the dignity of people you may have miss Li heard that in Islam there is very severe punishment for zina it's not the punishment for zina it's punishment for zina in public where at least four people can see when you commit a crime against the public that's not a crutch that's not a personal sin that's a crime against society you're spreading far out in the open and that's punishable that's physically any law there are laws of public show of indecency that goes along those lines so here in these ayat when Allah says Allah Himself questions also you saw huh where your four witnesses well I don't have four witnesses but that doesn't mean I'm lying well actually maybe it does because Allah then says for if lumia to be Shahada and if they can't come forward with four witnesses of the act of zina itself o Allah Iike inda llahi whom will Cathy Boone then those people as far as allies concerned are the liars it doesn't matter what they saw now the fact that they made a suggestion by the way they don't even do it the Quran doesn't even use the word it T hum or is there a claim or an accusation it just says if they just suggested something a little bit crooked they didn't even say anything I don't know what's going on I'm just saying that's enough that's enough for Allah to say about people like that where are your four witnesses before you even make such a suggestion and as far as the law is concerned those are al-qaeda mooned the ultimate liars munna occur in the LA he who Mulcahy people now think about what I just said think about what Allah has revealed in these ayat and how far we are from this policy of the Quran how far we are not because we're evil but because we're careless because we're careless and we don't know what Allah says we don't know how strict this policy is and you know what these ayat I mentioned in the in a previous code but these ayat came after 30 days of the Ummah suffering 30 days we were looking for what what to do with the situation a scandal has spread all over Medina we don't know how to respond and when finally these ayat came because we didn't know the Muslims didn't know Allah revealed in the next ayah and this is the ayah i want to conclude this table with allah azza wajal says wahdahu la fabula here alaikum wa rahmatu who feed dunya well had it not been for the favor of Allah in this life and in the next life I'll come back to that phrase the favor of Allah in this life and in the next life Lamas succumb fimA of Optima he aadhavan Ali because of what you do in - because of the kinds of conversations you pour it into if Allah in Arabic is when you take a glass and you pour water out in the water goes in every direction on the floor that's a father like a few lumen - a father on the spore where people are pouring in the time of Hajj is like water ports so he uses the word he father here he says because of the way your mouths were pouring in every direction you were just talking casually like it's no big deal had it not been a special favour of Allah on you in this life and in the next life then a then a great punishment would have touched you already because of the way you casually ran your mouths because of the way your mouth just went in every direction that's a special favour of Allah but this favor of Allah is not in the alfetta like you know we think about first of all decent the sin is unique because Allah is criticizing not just speech he's criticizing thought number one number two he didn't just say the punishment will happen in the next life he said the favor of Allah we're in this life and in the next life what that means is that when people commit such a crime when people become careless like that Allah slaw is to make them pay the price in this life and then again in the next life this life and then again in the next life you look at other sins in the Quran Allah will talk about the payment that they will make in the next life when Allah talks about people who commit shirk the payment for that the sin is not in this life that is in the next life Cofer you pay for it in the next life and so you have crimes that people got away with in this life and Allah says you know that they and yes be hakuna that those you know hasib alladhina amanu no sorry say yeah and yes buena sera maya who the people who commit sins they think they got away no no they have a terrible decision they made because they will be paying the price but not here in the next slide but when it comes to this when it comes to making evil assumptions about people when it comes to just running your mouth carelessly about people and their dignity in their character then allies saying it's only a special favor of Allah that it hasn't hit you in this life and then in the next now here's the scary part of this the scary part of this is for those 30 days which you know these are kind of taken from the words of a Shah Pahlavi allahu ta'ala and her herself that you know when she was sick she said when a so you feel una you feel una nestle Colima fear koteas Habakkuk she said while I was sick I had no idea people were pouring their mouths out talking about the kind of rumor the scandal that evil people had started meaning people were careless the evil were just a few the rest of medina was just careless for thirty days you know Allah is now saying had it not been a less favor because you didn't know any better now the ayat came later on had you known had the ayat already been given and you still did this then you would have paid in this life and in the next life now the thing is these ayat already came it's been a while so you and I have very little to no excuse to say well you know special favor of Allah on us we had no idea if we had no idea whose fault is that the book wasn't given we didn't have time to open it we didn't know what the policy is by allah azzawajal we didn't realize the kind of price that was paid by the Sahaba by the prophets own family sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what are the allahu taala on which my we didn't know the price they had to pay for these ayat to come down we didn't realize its value whose fault is that whose to be held responsible for that though we got to say well we didn't know any better it's okay but at least we realized while we're still alive if you if you realize about yourself in by the way it's so easy when I give these kinds of club buzz for your mind to go to man I know someone who really needs to listen to this we never think of ourselves we think a man I'm gonna I hope this is on YouTube I can send them a link because they really need it because we don't need it you see our mind is programmed to assume the worst about others and think about others who need advice and all almost always consider ourselves immune from advice like we don't need it I have to identify this in myself you have to identify this in yourself because being careless is all too easy if this is something that happened in all of Madinah under the training of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa said them before the coming of these i ahte i shall own words or the allahu allah that the city is talking about everybody's talking about it and now so you feel do not feel cold ears high belief this in Bukhari so when if that's the case then you and I are not immune from becoming careless and we have to take a step back and really ask Allah as I would have to forgive our carelessness when it comes to talking about other people it's so easy to do that now you can just make a couple of comments on social media you can just send a message and you know it's it's so scary to me that you know back then people used to say something maybe one person heard it they forgot but now you post something and people come back and read it and the angel writes a sin against you again and then somebody else comes and reads it and they write us in against you again and then people screenshot it and send it to others and the angel right set against you again these little taps of these fingers they become very pricey it's very easy to move your finger on the screen and just write something but the more people are creating evil assumptions about others the more you're spreading indignation towards someone else the more it's being written against you over and over and over and over again you know the idea of sadaqa jariya a deed that compounds it gets better and better and better share something good so your rewards increase but when you share something bad when you say something evil about someone that you didn't have to say you didn't have to insult anyone because if you didn't insult them nothing would have been taken from you no tsk of yours would have been taken away no your life didn't get any better by insulting somebody by accusing somebody by humiliating somebody by suggesting something evil about somebody nothing in your life improved except angels are now documenting every time somebody reads those filthy comments every time and this has just become common practice this is just it's like a nothing and so Allah Azza WA JAL reminds us in these ayat first of all to control our thoughts to give benefit of the doubt to a fellow believer you know in in that famous hadith when the prophet's life Salam was going around the Kaaba describing how much he loves the Kaaba you know and he says that the dignity of a believer is dearer to Allah than you and mentioned this hadith to you before the last part of this that hadith is that you know what is more what is there to Allah and you'll under be Halon that a believer nothing but good should be thought about you should think nothing but good of a believer you know terrible things about somebody else it's better for you to not think about them don't think bad things or think of the one good thing or something and leave the rest alone just leave it alone leave people be but protect your thoughts and your tongues and your hands nowadays from committing the kinds of sins that you and I cannot afford to pay on Judgment Day we cannot afford to pay those sins on Judgment Day you know this is not a small thing and these IATA aren't even done this is going to be a continuous thing discussing these ayats i bunched these three ayat together because they're one conversation but Allah is not done telling the careless people what they need to be thinking about if this was just one time subject or one one ayah was enough to just guide you know us and we get it you know point gotten across you know let's move on from this to learn about something else Allah would have done that well I said we just hammered this over and over and over again ten eyath came down one about evil people nine of them about careless people nine of them are by careless people which tells you where the real problem is it's with us when we become careless so then in sha allah allah and in the next coming club buzz when i'm here we're also going to discuss the coming ayat' that complete the subject matter and how important it is for us to appreciate the value of each other's dignity may allah azza we don't make us a source of peace and safety for others realize we don't make us of those who fulfill the words of the prophet sallallaahu earlier salem al muslimin sadly - meat lasagna he will UD he that the Muslim is someone other people are safe from their hands and other people are safe from their tongue and I would add in light of these ayat that all the people are safe from their thoughts also Azam didn't make us people a benefit of the doubt of giving dignity to others in our thoughts in our words in our action well ours and will protect us from becoming careless and Milan will make us of those who can rectify their mistakes if they made them in the past and accept those as a Talbot or you know towards him and a reconciliation between broken hearts barakallahu li walakum Coronel Hakim when a felony we accompany RT was the Hakim
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 185,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: SaG78Hp3MR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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