The Path of the Horse - Full Length documentary

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thank you for posting this! I actually donated to a fund to help create this documentary years ago and have since forgotten about it. Very excited it's on my Path again :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/---horsey--- 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2013 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] I used to be a horse trainer I used to be a riding instructor until the day I realized that somewhere I had gone off course my days were filled with training horses teaching lessons and judging competitions I was good at what I did I could teach my students how to control their horses but there was something lost in that process I look back at pictures and drawings from my childhood in the beginning there is a passion that drew me to horses a closeness I felt with these gracious beings [Music] where had the beauty majesty and freedom of horses gone I started to dream if I could go and meet anyone in the world who would it be I looked at the books that inspired me and made a wish list of the authors I wanted to meet these people broke with tradition and focused more on what we can learn from horses than what we can teach them I made a choice to leave behind the life I knew I sold my ranch to fund this search bought a video camera and plane tickets and set out to find a different way of doing things my first stop was Colorado to meet mark ration a tough-looking cowboy with a black belt in Aikido who talked about passive leadership softness and the value of the still mind [Music] Osbourne down in Texas in the spring of 58 built for working man guess that's just my feet cowboy from Colorado for me gives six months pitch me to you the back of his horse went to work that very day the boss and herd can be referred to as the alpha horse and a lot of people refer to that as the one we want to emulate and if you've ever spent any time around any large herds of horses it's really easy to find the alpha horse the boss horse because they're generally off by themselves because the other horses don't want to be around him so for me I don't know why I would want to emulate that behavior in relationship to training and working with horses but in a herd of thirty horses there will be 29 followers and one leader and the leader is generally an older mayor and say in a wild herd stallions come and go but mayor's stay for life and so it's not necessarily going to be the bossy mayor it's going to be the one with all the life experience it's the leader that can be trusted whether it's with people or with horses the way to develop Trust is through consistency if you're consistent then you're dependable if you're dependable you become trustworthy if you're a trustworthy the horse will be at peace with you and if their horse is at peace with you they can become soft softness comes from the inside of the horse or the person lightness is just on the outside you can achieve lightness through training meaning you can get a lot of things done and they look really good right up until they get into a new situation we see horses all the time that people will refer to as soft or light and they'll bring them into new clinics because everything's going fine at home and they bring them into a new situation and everything unravels with lightness the things that are trained into the horse are available when things are going relatively well with softness everything is available all the time the softness that I'm referring to as a feel that the horse has when they're out on the pasture by themselves in Japanese there's a term Mizuno Kokoro which means a mind like still water and if the mind is still like you saw in the morning you go out and there's a pond out there and there's no wind and it's real still the waters like a mirror the mind is the same way if you develop a mind like still water that reflection becomes very clear if your mind is still like that things become a perfect reflection of what they really are instead of us assuming there's something else through training we take all the softness out of the horse and we spend the rest of our lives trying to put it back in and it's there it's still there we just have to look for it and develop it and nurture it and bring it out it's ongoing it's a journey it's gonna take you all your life and maybe even longer than that but it's good work if you can get it my next trip was to Southern California to see Carolyn Resnick her book naked Liberty was a memoir of her years growing up and living with wild horses as a girl in the 40s and 50s she seemed to have found a way to connect with horses in a way that made them fall in love with her horses when they're in captivity are missing out on their activities of being with the herd and it's my desire that we fill those needs for our horses there's two activities horses Sharon herd and that sharing space doing nothing and being together doing something and there has to be a balance just like in our own lives we have to have the balance between meditation and a balance between activity to feel well-being so if we can give that to our horse that we are present and just being around the barn isn't enough you want to go to the horse and say I'm here to be with you for years music has led my way to connecting with horses and probably happened for me inadvertently I didn't really know that that listening to music was going to connect to me with horses but I loved music and I loved horses and in my training center I played music when I was training horses and all of a sudden I noticed that the horses were listening to the music too [Music] the horse has desired to be in unity and harmony and match your movements exactly to feel safe and in a community because that's what horses do they actually match each other's movements because it feels good and if you think about it in our culture we have the same thing because we dance and we dance together so we actually dance together because it feels good to share united movements [Music] in the book the Dow of Equus author Linda konanov wrote about how to experience things from the horses perspective using emotions as a language I found her in the Arizona desert and asked her about how she discovered this I got Raza my Arabian mayor as a two-year-old because I wanted to train a horse from the ground up who wasn't jaded he wasn't abused I wanted to find a different way of doing things and my goal was to have a horse who could do some dressage and also do some extended trail riding because my goal was to get as far away as possible from the human race on a regular basis and what I found instead was that my mayor actually had a pretty serious stifle injury and had to be off from riding pretty extensively by that time I was really connected with her and so I had to find ways to be with her and have a fulfilling relationship with her on the ground and not necessarily running her around in small circles or lunging her doing all kinds of fancy training moves because her leg just couldn't handle it at that time and so we spent long hours roaming the desert spending time in the pasture getting to know each other and hanging out together all of that so that was really the start of understanding that being with a horse and being fulfilled in a relationship with the horse didn't have to be about riding I had this odd experience when I was out in the pasture with Raza one day and my other horse noche was out there too and there was a herd of horses and I was standing under a beautiful tree at a beautiful October afternoon pretty much just like today with that luminescent blue sky and Ross and I were breathing in sync and her doing a little grooming and and just going into this expansive meditative state that you get into with horses when you don't have an agenda and in the distance I noticed my horse noce lift up his head suddenly and before he could turn and run toward me what I felt was a huge shock wave fly through the air at a considerable distance and caused my gut to constrict and the hair rose up on the back of my neck and I was poised to run at the same moment all the other horses were and then I looked at what was going on because at that point I thought well what could really be that scary on a beautiful October afternoon and I realized it was a mountain biker and I realized from horse's point of view that would be pretty scary because he had a helmet on that was shaped like the head of the creature from alien and he had on this fluorescent blue shirt and these electric shocks with skulls on them and he was slithering by really fast not making steps but moving like a snake would and it struck me is so funny that I started to laugh because I could really see what a mountain biker would look like from a horse's perspective and I was just about to turn around and tell my horses everything was okay and they had already gotten that message from me because they saw me relax and they they felt my amusement and so they had already come back up and they were looking at him to like oh yeah that is kind of funny isn't it and I realized that emotion travels through the air like sound and that horse's pick up on it as a language and that once I was in the horse space of being tuned with them and the environment that I could begin to use emotion as a language to [Music] while I was in Arizona Linda was preparing to hold a workshop with artist Kim McElroy about the horse as a source of inspiration Kim arrived just before I left and I had a chance to ask them both about the role of the horse as a muse I've been fascinated by them from the time I could crawl I think and I played horse as a child as many girls did some of us on our hands and knees and I can never really say why I began becoming fascinated with them as a child because I didn't have exposure to horses it's like they've always been in me they're part of my soul and I think when I began doing art is when I could really feel more a kinship with them they just seemed so powerful and free and yet they have such an amazing kinship with humans where they really still themselves and become tamed I think just being around something that's a mystery that you can't you know necessarily speak with or get an answer from until you learn what those answers are you know through their own body language in their behaviors and their the feelings you get when you around them and the various subtle modes of communicating with them that you learn I'm so glad that that kind of subtlety is becoming something that people are seeking because that's where you truly can get to know the horse my art is really about that it's about interacting with something that's not speaking back to you but yet it triggers a lot of emotions and people horses have long been associated with inspiration in Greek mythology Pegasus flies up to Mount Helicon the mountain of the muses and he strikes his twig round in the ground shakes and opens up and out of that ground comes a spring called the Hippocrene which simply means horse spring and the spring spills down the mountainside and nourishes artists and poets who are willing to walk up to that summit for inspiration and what I've noticed is that over the years that people who learned how to ride and interact with horses in respectful ways it's like a spring of inspiration opens up inside of them because they get in touch with a vast source of inspiration which is that other 90% all of those levels of nonverbal communication and interaction with your body sensitivity to the environment and to others when that opens up through working with a horse it's like a spring has started to flow inside of you a spring of inspiration I [Applause] [Applause] [Music] don't think anything in my life up until this point could have prepared me for what I found when I met Klaus Fernand Heflin he was teaching a workshop at his farm on the windy little Danish island of Lu the subjects he spoke about were things of legends and myths of ancient wisdom of bringing together two worlds he spoke about what is required to truly connect with a horse and as if he already knew my questions he seemed to explain why working with horses could be disheartening and a source of so much frustration if we're looking back to our forefathers they say that we have something like a realistic and world things you can see things that can touch things that can use and things you might miss use and we have something here on the other side which might be invisible it's something like the dream word it's something like the symbolical word and wherever we're looking back to whatever kind of transmissions from the forefathers from the Indians from the Australians from the Celtic people from the Y kings wherever it's always the same they're always talking about the same two subject they're always talking about the same line in between and there's a funny thing because wherever you are they're always talking about one animal which obviously has something to do with the border line with the border line between these realistic visible touchable world and the other one whatever it might be the animal wherever in the world they're talking about is the horse or forefathers they said only few people should even be together with horses and not everybody caught it with their wisdom looking back into these times it didn't need a lot in beforehand to be with the horse if this kind of self-knowledge self-awareness awareness of your body awareness of your energy a lot of more things if these kind of structures were not established inside of a person in the right way even you are not bringing dream and realistic world bringing this part of the world and the invisible part of the world together they would not suggest to bring this person together with the horse because the horse in this moment has the job to explain this very clear you're not succeeding it's not enough what you're doing you're not reaching the point getting this information all the time he opening the door of the horse stable the horse is coming the horse is pushing the horse is pulling the horse wants to go to the left you want to go to the right means that the horse is always giving me to to this person the idea you're not enough you're not enough you're not enough what is the picture for the person finally after weeks months or years I am not enough I am not enough this is a big danger if you start to learn to play your guitar you will learn the first day two three notes and there's only nice in the next week you can play the first small song and after one year starting to play in a party with friends already nice songs it means under normal circumstances we have to take care that what we're doing is an increasing energy is increasing trust and is increasing self-knowledge in a positive way in the world of the horses this is not the case in the world of the horses you will realize that frustration and negative feelings are the daily bread people eating class taught us exercises to bring us into the present moment which is where we needed to be in order to connect with a horse he compared a horse to the ocean something that we had to come into harmony with unlike a guitar an instrument created by man until I became aware of how horses mirrored the things in me that I needed to look at I would continue to be frustrated by my expectations the last person I went to visit I didn't find by reading his book I saw his website as I clicked through the pictures I could hardly believe what I was seeing here where horses flying with invisible wings this man alexander nevzorov a former war correspondent wounded in the line of duty and a current governmental adviser researcher and historian had found a way to be with horses who are free to express themselves in natural collection when I read that he worked with the horses without using any punishment force or restrictions on the horses heads in complete liberty something in me was shaken how is that possible that was when I knew Russia would be my next destination arriving in st. Petersburg I was met by my guide and translator Georgie Georgie also happened to be a magazine photographer we went to visit some of Alexander students and I saw them performing the beginning elements with patient and allowing attitudes and horses who are always free to choose whether they wanted to participate [Music] [Music] our next stop was a Russian trail competition the struggles between horse and rider could not have been more different than what I saw from Alexander students [Music] [Music] [Music] when we got back to Georgie's flat he showed me some of the photographs he took for the nevzorov 40 coal magazine his job is to photograph the abuse that goes on in the horse world his precise timing had captured the moments that are overlooked by those who think that these signs of resistance are an inevitable and even necessary part of working with horses in order to make them cooperate and bend to our will [Music] when I saw these pictures I saw myself in them I saw the fear of loss of control as hard as it was to look at and admit I realized that it was a world I had become a part of the horses were different but the same pain was echoed over and over again [Music] that was the point when I knew I had to break from it completely on my last day in Russia I finally met Alexander and asked him what could be done as he spoke all of the voices I had heard along this path started to speak as one academic path William callosity and we come to a horse we have to first completely take in account the physiological impression of our affect on her there are mammals we are all physiological beings listening to me was a very big interest but if right now it puts in your pocket some burning coal no matter how interesting I am you will be running screaming and jumping around your camera but not listening to me everything in us mammals has a great dependency on physiological feelings and the art of speaking horse language is firstly a skill to not cause her physiological discomfort or pain will study together with physiologist with Reds and forensic scientists on the effect of bits on the horse's mouth it was found out at the effect of the bits with a jerking force exceeds 300 kilograms per square centimeter where is the typical pool being 80 250 kilogram per square centimeter all these experiments were documented and signed by the very best Russian experts Paulo's install in the past people didn't know what they are doing trainers professional writers they would say it's all right look how big the horse is you can't hurt her it's not that painful for her but actually these devices act on a very small area of the horse's head and it's all wired with nerves which can generate hell of a lot of pain those who want to know about it they can but they still keep on doing it they want to have fun but besides that there were scientific physiological experiments carried out on the tissue of horses back although my ology and muscle construction is almost the same with everyone there are nuances there are differences in innervation and thickness of muscle tissue of course at a compression of muscle and the trauma that it's done to the muscle it's almost the same for every single mammal by some difficult experiments it was identified that the main muscles of the horse's back react without pain to the weight of the rider for the first 12 to 15 minutes 15 minutes at the longest after 15 minutes feelings of discomfort to begin micro circulation gets compromised and was in 20 minutes we get symptoms similar to what you would get in your leg when you sit on it for long enough in an awkward position it's a signal of serious violation of circulation within 2025 minutes we get anemia and strong destructive processes in the muscle itself there are quite dramatic on the point of view of physiology the information was startling how could I have studied horses for so many years and not realize what was going on physiologically I started to look for confirmation of this research I talked to a veterinarian who is an expert in ultrasound her report showed that in nearly all of the horses pre-screen for back injuries ultrasound revealed significant damage to the structures of the back I looked at Therma grams which showed areas of inflammation in the backs of horses who are ridden I looked in veterinary texts and journals and saw that even with the best fitted saddle the pressure of the writer and the tightened girth was well beyond what the horses back tissue could carry without compromised circulation and pain beginning after only a few minutes I now understood the necessity of bits and other devices to control the horse's head they provide a way for the rider to offer the horse a choice either the horse can do what the rider demands or they face the greater pain of a tug in their mouth or on their head a bony area covered with thin skin and a network of sensitive nerves even horses who have been trained to go bridle as' if they were trained with a bridle they have learned that the consequences of disobeying the rider's requests will be far worse than accepting the discomfort in their back which soon enough will go numb I went to a few local horse shows and started looking with new eyes I would never dream of inflicting this kind of pain on a human or even a dog or a cat what made it okay to do this to a horse now that I had seen what could be accomplished without punishment or force I could no longer call this training I had to call it abuse [Music] the requirements for working with Alexander were to give up bits competitions and anything that wasn't in the horse's best interest including writing for at least a year in order to develop the relationship on the ground and to allow the horses back time to heal letting go of bits and competitions was relatively easy once I opened my eyes and saw what was going on but to give up writing looking at his horses there was no denying that he had found a different way I realized I could never have a true partnership with my horses if I was unwilling to give up control through pain if I was going to continue along this path it would have to be on my own two feet the truth is that all of the confrontation between us and the sportsmen it fits into one small phrase we know and believe that the horse is absolutely conscious that she has amazing intelligence our iris don't believe it that's where the bits and bows all and haka more arise and people have a relationship with the horse why she's a scary mysterious living piece of meat which you can use for your own pleasures there are a lot of things that happen when we start to realize what horses need to be healthy emotionally as well as physically and even spiritually and there's a lot of things that human beings have done with horses over the centuries when we thought they were virtual machines or that they didn't have feelings or that they didn't need families and herds and friends to be happy horses get abused because it worked so well if you take a horse and you force a horse he will give in and he will do what he's told and so that brings an important question up and that is just because we can as human beings should we when you're training a horse when I'm talking about reprimanding a horse for behavior if we reprimand him for something that we wanted him to do that is a self-serving act and upon reprimanding a horse for not doing something we need like bigger movements and Hsia purposes or whatever the problem is that we're having generally we'll correct it incorrectly because it came from a self-serving need how to correct that behavior is to understand that when we're on the back of a horse we're in the horses home it's an invitation we must when we're in the horses home be really respectful and follow what is adequately right and it's not telling the horse how to be the inner will of horse to perform to live to enjoy each second shown by a high performance by a big energy which is produced this picture is very quickly converted into something which looks somehow grainy which looks somehow have the sad so the horses they're stopping dancing nothing is alive anymore it's like people sitting on an on a being where they can feel why they're not dancing why they are not playing anymore why they are not showing these beautiness like they do it in wilderness this is the reason why we started obviously in the beginning to be with the horses I started along this path full of excitement and hoped that I would find something better than what I already knew I went around the world to meet people who I thought held a secret yet I found myself faced with something I hadn't expected I gave up my source of income my national titles teaching and judging engagements all over the country for what to sit around with my horses it was utterly humbling as my former students went on to other trainers and they and fellow boarders would watch as I sat in the arena with the horse facing away from me not showing the slightest interest in wanting to be with me I felt like the horse now given a choice was passing judgment and I was found unworthy in that darkness there was something that told me to keep going that the way forward was through that door of abandonment there was something within myself that I still needed to find I started to listen more closely to what I was hearing partnership begins at home in the biggest sense of the word at home in your own body recognizing that your body is the horse that your mind rides around on in the past we've treated our bodies like we would treat an unruly horse we would reign in our instincts in our emotions and our intuition and and mistrust it and treat it like it was not at all a source of wisdom horses just want you to be authentic if you have some abuse in your background and you have some unresolved grief and anger about it and you start to let that out in a constructive way and and begin to really be present with that they're willing to be present with you but they're not holding on to that or any way because it's the next moment you're authentically happy or authentically peaceful they're interested in that too at Linda's I worked with her Marisa or maybe Raza was working with me I learned that by not being afraid to fully experience whatever was happening the horse naturally wanted to connect I thought of how little I understood my emotions how could I let them be my guides I began to realize that this path wasn't about how to do more things with horses it was about connecting to a greater power within I saw how horses could lead us on a path between external and internal realities it was a way of stepping out of the world we humans have created and into theirs to experience the world in a different way what you're wanting to do is to make a connection and then understand what it means to stay within the connection and that it's okay to have disagreements with your horse and it's okay to tell your horse what it needs to do for you the part that is not okay is making your horse do something for you so the connection doesn't always look like peace harmony and love sometimes it looks like a whole host of emotional expression but emotions and connection and disconnection is perfectly fine have with your horse if it's done in a free environment so if you ask your horse to do something and he turns around kicks up in the air runs around and leaps and squeals and leaps and squeeze off you just let him leap in the squeal all he wants it's just that he used to do it on his turf rather than yours so that means you would just keep him away from you and allow him his expression and after he said everything he wants he'll come back and just fit in your pocket but you won't know that unless you try that's what freedom is about it's about experimentation because the thing that's so interesting about horses they're the most forgiving animal on the planet they're young you can always take a horse that you can be 21 years old and you can change that horse that day to an entirely different different understanding of life they're so flexible so sometimes it's better just to go ahead and have the disagreements and allow your horse to be who he is and experience the no factor as long as he's given freedom he will always come back and experience a different side of himself that will fit into your pocket into unity into harmony and everything you want but it's about speaking your truth and staying the truth once you've experienced how you feel inside you can make the adjustments to be who you knew you needed to be but you've got to experience it first [Music] if you can control the horse in a nice way not in a way of abusing putting them down no controlling them in a dancing ballet in a way of understanding cooperating and communicating this is a signal that you are starting to become conscience about these important parts of the cell when a person decides that motivation by force pain or threats of pain are no longer acceptable something else must be found a new level of creativity is demanded of the human this budding of creativity is so fragile especially when working with an animal that can be as powerful and intimidating as a free horse I began to see the prison I'd created around myself needing to control the circumstances in my life in order to feel safe as I started to dismantle these psychological bars the horses seemed to come alive what do we have in common what makes all good horse trainers able to be so successful with horses that are difficult it's because we're comfortable with not knowing what we're doing it is very difficult to say what I use or what I don't use all those sort of happens in the most natural way coming out from the personality in a way it's a process that's not dependent on myself [Music] I don't have a preconceived notion of where I want to go you know it's I you know then I would be so focused on that that I would miss the flowers on the sides I think it used to be at one time about what I can do with the horse but it's not that way for me anymore there's a certain way that I'm trying to go through my life and over the years there's been a shift for me in that it isn't about me and the horse it's about what the horse is bringing to the table that can help me get to where I need to go you love the Aleutians even a siege of Caputo I did you don't need to put horses in different category they're not aliens they're exactly as we are and they're the same kind of mammal we are similar in almost every physiological parameter and also it's quite dangerous to put a horse into some cosmic range of incredible and unseen alien as to put her down to a mere piece of sports equipment but a close Noble and concerned relationship with any living creature always gives you amazing results [Music] everything in life everything that lives in this world has the same rights for life for freedom love happiness and horse gives these possibilities through human you only have to hold your hand out you just have to understand the secret of relationship was the horse is that you just stopped being a creature there is allowed to give somebody pain to take somebody's life to give somebody sorrow you get into a completely different position [Music] well you can see here when I'm together with the horse and which is giving you this idea there is something special it's not a method there is in reality something special but the entrance to do this is for many years only one question you would like to add something from this supermarket of energy to become easily stronger to become nicer to become famous to become better and the problems you're creating will become bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger oh you're really allowing yourself to be the weakest being on the world this is what I am and to finally on the end be let being we being like leave in the river the river is strong but if I am relieved in the river I'm going the way down to the ocean so the first thing coming home understanding something from horses from the world from authentic tea is to lay down to relax and stop doing something because we are doing too much we're doing too much we are doing too much this is the first entrance at the clinic I watched Jazmin a woman who's a professional making her living with horses as Klaus was working with her I knew he had been speaking just as much about my own life because as a profession are you expecting something from you you're expecting something to teach you're expecting things instead of being we have a picture of the horse riding coming standing being calm and we are disappointed the horse is not there PFA or whatever the horse should do this means that the picture is always negative wherever the horse is it's negative and the starting point is to get rid of this being can't be professional being is complete it's in the nighttime in the daytime it's living it's a complete thing you remember the age of six stay there stay in the age of six and go back with these pictures and do with your horse what you would do and then let's see what's coming out he's strong inside and soft outside not not decided okay I would like you to be strong clear and so anything else of these movements will kick the horse away from you you can drag the horse you can do a lot of things but the horse from inside will not come so just it's not necessary to me or you the Hat can be like this going back to the picture closing your eyes just mean closing your eyes and being this six years old girl in her way of being decided her way of being strong her way of being and go on even wider because it's so nice that you don't have school you don't have anything yes and get rid of everything yes like this and now even a bit more even a bit more in the same elegance all you do but even a bit more because you have the whole feel for you the whole world is waiting for you and you are waiting for the world yes [Music] shall I come to you are you promising to continue like this yes I'm promising this is me this is the young child in me you want to be use me you want to do the same thing with me like people have been doing with you and you serve with you look how how software look how weak we are look how weak you are then I'm coming to you and then I'm there and then I'm opening and with you this is what I can do for you [Music] now you see the horse like the horse is yes me a young small girl with a lot of dream still with a lot of dreams she would like to connect with this young girl I now what is still there and from here on with this feeling you could be like the leave in the river no job no profession being feeling seeing and the next step will be offered from [Music] if we look at the animal for what they are they have a lot more to offer us than we do to them it's that idea of being humble if you come from that place then you don't drop down to it that idea of what do we have to offer the horse starts way up here somewhere when we really need to be way down here you know allowing the information that the horse is trying to bring to us allowing that to come through courses are so subtle so incredibly subtle that we are light-years away from what they can do we aren't even scratching the surface they've carried us around on their backs for centuries waiting for us to notice that they aren't here just to help us evolve in terms of mastering nature and moving around the planet they're actually waiting for us to get to the point where we're ready to evolve to a higher level of consciousness and awareness coming home I watched and re-watched the video footage and spent long hours simply being with my horses allowing the message to sink in more deeply I found that the beginning of this path was about letting go of what I thought I knew about teaching training writing in life it required an openness responsibility and willingness to create a better life for the ones we love even sometimes at the expense of our own pleasures the rains came new grass pushed through the earth and I found myself walking in this field filming the horses playing in the water I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time this feeling didn't happen because I went chasing after it and caught it it was a gift a glimpse of what it's like to experience each moment in all my travels I saw that the most important journey we can take is to go within and see ourselves for who we really are the more freedom within ourselves the more freedom the horses have and the more we are awake to the source of life the horses are our reflections [Music] we know really well that every horse has an amazing personality that they have intellectual and psychological gifts that they are clever as soon as you treat them as conscious creatures they respond right away you don't need any time special abilities or magic it's absolutely Elementary [Music] the real potential of this work in the future is for people to really learn how to open up and thrive and become more creative learn how to become more fluid and adaptable learning how to dance not just with horses but dance with life learning how to expand relationships and learning how to expand creativity and leadership on all levels [Music] once our mind is quiet and still and we can see things for what they really are then we can start to develop that's office in us and for me it comes from the heart it doesn't come from the hands it comes from the heart and something that you have to want to do it's not something that you can achieve through technique developing softness comes from a willingness to want to do no harm at some point life becomes totally autonomous to where it's only between you and the connection it's something you don't share with someone else it cannot it's too personal and we could be looking at the same mountain but we don't experience the same mountain [Music] small small things one leaf touched by the Sun one small smell when we are dying I promise you the memories you will have in your last seconds is about these small thing touching our skin one leave one moment with your child not the big things we will remember the small things these small things are added to a fulfilled life or not not the big things [Music] maybe you're asking yourself some questions maybe you see things a little differently now the next step is up to you return to what you know or find a path where you can join in the dance I called out to you waiting long between the worlds [Music] you [Music] Sharon joy [Music] [Music] sherry enjoy it silence [Music] with me now first you must beware [Music] beauty [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stormy May
Views: 2,252,774
Rating: 4.7757945 out of 5
Keywords: Alexander Nevzorov, Klaus Hempfling, Linda Kohanov, Mark Rashid, Kim McElroy, Stormy May, Carolyn Resnick, natural horsemanship, bitless, liberty, horses, freedom, love, peace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 7sec (3667 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2012
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