The Paleface | English Full Movie | Western Comedy Family

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[Music] I don't know who you are but thanks I'm going this way you're coming with [Music] us Calamity Jane all right boys wait outside Jane I'm Governor Johnson this is Commissioner of Indian Affairs Mr Emerson and his secretary Mr Martin I'll come right to the point we stay that jail break we wanted it to look as if your friends broke you out we have a job for you Jane a job which requires absolute secrecy how about that point you were coming to a group of white Renegades is smuggling guns to the Indians we've got to find out who they are before we have an Indian War on our hands 6 months ago we sent out two of our best agents their bodies were found horribly mutilated we thought we'd send a woman a woman who can take care of herself like me for instance yes Jane like you we need your help [Music] desperately what's the price tag on this Jane you're facing a jail sentence of 10 years you get those men for us and we'll give you a pardon a full pardon gentlemen I'd like to go on record as saying we can't trust this this criminal I think we can here's proof of my [Music] confidence well it's mighty nice of you breach thanks for the drink Governor Jane outside that window there's no pardon unless you help us the West will be Dred with a blood of white settlers thousands of lives women and children you could stand little practice son I'll take a look at that pardon keep talking you'll take the stage tonight at Port Deerfield contact a lawyer named Jim Hunter there's a wagon train going west you'll both join it Hunter will pose as your husband as man and wife you'll be lost in the crow on that wagon train you'll get further instructions from Hunter we're depending on you Jane I'm depending on you and I wouldn't advise you to cross me up [Music] Jin so she finally agreed to go she'll be traveling as a lady but she's a killer a dead shot I found that out where you get her but get her when you're sure she can't beat you to the [Music] draw [Music] the Mr Hunter Mr Hunter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the the [Music] [Music] way take a seat over there de there'll be one ready in a minute now we take a if you don't mind my telling you it's the one right over on please no clues to spoil all the fun pardon me one can detect an ailing tooth by the dull sound that comes on when it is struck lightly by a hammer that seems logical here we go please ah oh that's it there's the little dial right there now we stand by after discovering the ailing tooth the next thing is to drill away the Decay doesn't seem logical but I'm game what now open open wi this won't hurt us a bit where'd you go steady now wide where's the guy who calls himself a painless dentist hey I got a tooth that's killing me Sit Down You're Next I'll sit down that's what I say You're Next that'll be $2 please never mind the $2 thanks you're welcome hey hurry up open wide that's a happy little dungeon that's an echo in here well never mind about that when it to's no good you pull it please I'm the deadest I know what I'm doing you know he's right all right open wide we did it's all right let's get right into the important stuff here real wide now get something done very I thought you were going to pull it well I have to dig a toe hole for the pliers this won't hurt us at all just please no singing got a tonsil I'm sorry that hair on the inside too are nothing to it at all we're starting to burn a little wood here ready now we're getting warm there you are yeah you now if you just do you mind moving your tongue over a little I didn't think you were that tough I see here don't swallow it don't swallow it don't swallow it please it's funny I have one just like it hungry little thing you well so that's what Horus gy meant I'll be with you in a minute you've got just the kind of mouth I'd like to work on listen weasel I came here to get a tooth po this one oh the one next to the gold one savy I know I know we'll find it don't worry about a thing it's a CCH we get to it sooner or later I'm a very sensitive man don't hurt me all right now just relax what's that well it's laughing gas that's why they call me painless Potter I use it on all my patience is it safe safest thing in the world would you mind paying me now come on the one next to the gold one okay that's good is it coming through yeah feel anything must be a leak around here is it doing it to you huh [Music] byebye come on De you're next you know I pull the wrong tooth got the one with the Nugget in it so you pulled the wrong too how about that I'm going to give you just 15 minutes to get out of town last town they gave me 20 [Laughter] [Music] minutes that scoop no quack pull the wrong [Music] tooth you can't take a bath with their guns on come on this a [Music] lady [Music] you looking for [Music] someone [Music] shoot who are they never saw them before that must be strange I wonder who did the shooting he's still alive anybody got any whiskey dad's got some yeah here L doc get up get up say I must be running out of customers I'm pulling my own teeth don't get up doc hurry they're shooting upstairs come on and do something shooting I'll do something all right I'm clearing out of here I'm going back East where men may not be men but they're not corpses either I've had [Applause] enough don't give your right names warm up kids we're moving again all agent joining Wagon Train Buffalo flat get out get me out of this wait I've been chased by women before but not while I was awake I'll take over now yeah you drive a while who wants to watch the road I'm going to join that wagon train come on head them any way you like what am I saying that's Indian Country out there well you're not afraid of a few Indians are you oh it's not the Indians I'm afraid of it's their attitudes their Hatchet happy I'm heading back home Washington DC I'm going to join that Wagon Train yeah you can't join him without a wagon make up your mind you going with me you got yourself a traveling companion keep traveling boy can you kiss sorry I had to do that son but this is a big job there's a wagon train going west you'll both join it HW World poses your husband it's not speed that we're interested in its secrecy as man and wife you'll be lost in the crowd on that [Music] wagon [Music] you wouldn't let a girl go on a wagon train alone would you painless you're just the man I've been hoping to meet painless there's something about you that appeals to me wake up stupid I'm proposing to you I'm in love with you I said I'm in love with you and I want to marry you what's going on I sure I'll marry you dear huh I knew the moment your lips touched mine that we were menant for each other you did let me hear you say it again tell me you'll marry me me Tell Me You Marry Me the Way You Kiss How can I [Music] fuse I Now Pronounce You man and wife the ring please the wedding ring is a token of the solemn vows you have just taken this ring is a symbol of your affection sincerity and fidelity ah at last and now the kiss not me you fool fo [Music] [Music] her well hell Howdy Folks welcome uh what's your handle oh Potter Mr Mrs painless Peter Potter I'm Mister glad to have you with us yeah just make yourself to Home Folks oh thank [Music] you I'll un hits the horses and then we can uh talk well I'll unhit the [Music] horses come on let's play hi [Music] see hey Jimmy where are you here I am look what are you trying to do blow yourself up you little shut up come on you kids get out of here told you to keep that canvas lash down tight it's a good thing he didn't see it ahuh just as I thought that wisdom tooth has got to come out he don't look like no federal agent to made but that's the wagon that left town right after the killing I can see you 10:30 Tuesday painless that's my wife Philly to you from now on I probably won't have a minute to myself painless yes oh what are you doing to that poor girl you glorious Beast yes Dar would you loosen my stays a little honey well it's not my regular work but I here maybe I can work it out better this way now you can't do it like that thought it was an idea say they're rugged aren't they made a whale phone just call me mopy dick hey you know it's a funny thing we've been married two hours and this is the closest I've gotten to you well you're so strong silent and unapproachable you want a bet tell me something about yourself you seem so mysterious all I know is that you came from Washington DC I'm sure there are a lot of things you haven't told me I'll unload little information at the time that's the way to keep a girl interested who tied the for you sailor and another thing you never told me why you left Fort Deerfield in such a hurry well I had a little trouble but it's all cleared up now there hey why worry about my past let's work out our future that's how man all right going west in the covered wagon That's My Kind Of Life blazing New Frontiers facing danger privation and death is that my kind of life now remember painless you promis to love honor and protect me yeah let's do it in the order name all right get moving folks we'll get a good early start the sooner we get past that Indian Country the better Indian country do we have to go that way now painless I'll be with you you're not afraid are you no I can always get another scalp let's go all right folks let's get going yaho yah my [Music] husband we'll take this Trail of the right yeah we better that one leads deep into Indian Country well let's get home we got a long haul before [Music] night a Western Ranch is just a branch of nowhere Junction to me give me the city where living pretty and the GS we fin a East is East and West is West and the wrong one I have chose let's go where you'll keep on wearing those Frills and flowers and buttons and bows rings and things and buttons and B don't bury me and this prair take me where the cement grows let's move down to some big town where they love a girl by the cut of her clothes and you'll stand out in buttons and bow I love you in books in or skirts that you home spun but I love you longer stronger where your friends don't to gun my bones denounce the Buckboard bounce and the cactus hurts my toes let's Mose where GS keep using those silks and satins and linen that shows and you're all mine in Buttons and Bows give me Eastern triming where women are are women in high silk hes and peekaboo clothes and French perfume That Rocks the room and you're all buttons and B buttons and [Music] but [Music] in can't you see she's sleeping come on come on you're lagging way behind come on first chance I get them trading in for PR Turtles Get Up Stand come on [Music] Clinton all you had to do was follow the wagon in front of you I think we're going in the wrong direction yeah well maybe this is a shortcut maybe we're way ahead of them oh shut up yes ma'am well I guess we can stay in this black house for the night get our bearings in the morning night morning yes ma'am we're beding down here for the night take them back to the coral hurry quickly bring your own blanket come on come on GRS we'll help look what I'm find M oh Jimmy keep your hands off things go come on hurry up get in all right in there you kids make up your own beds now come on right the best we can do I'm scared Johnny must be the maids day off looks like a likely spot Joe hey crowdface ladies first then me well this looks like it yet how you just think someday there'll be a sign in that door painless Potter slept here well don't put it up yet no I got my hands full now tomorrow night you carry me isn't the Moonlight romantic yeah light the candle caty's romantic too we don't need dust to blow in painless yes would you get me a drink of cold water please water cold cold water well that adds up all right if I'm not back in 3 minutes you'll know I fell in the well excuse me sh for thank you it's your husband darling you I'm back honey got your cold water by you're blushing right down to your little tootsies aren't you cuddles you I'm sorry my but you're an odd girl gee I'm glad I picked the wife with a sense of humor uh is everything all right a but you're a muscular little thing aren't you those dresses are awfully deceiving smooth [Music] smooth oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to tickle you isn't that sweet you put your hair up in braids oh that's nice come on out Mrs Potter I know you're modest but it's all right I'll keep my eyes closed come on do now come close to me Wifey come close to me can you kiss [Music] [Applause] [Music] wake up oh good morning honey you got up early start moving we got to get out of here yeah say I don't know what happened last night darling but thanks for a lovely evening well you're sure easy to please Bo I can't get over your kisses think I married a mental [Music] [Music] case must be a Virginia creeper gotta make myself pretty iow to the little [Music] woman I'm shaving Too Close boy I'm certainly a nervous wreck it's an arrow someone had to shoot who shoots arrows Cupid no it couldn't be Cupid William T oh that's silly it couldn't be William T no app Indians could be Indians [Music] Indi in open up open up smoke get me oh they want to make a pin cushion out of me open up pick up those guns and take care of yourself let me in you're too young to be a widow take care of myself look there's a million Indians out here against one [Music] coward I hope they're loaded I wish I was [Music] too I got him I [Music] think it's a CCH there's a pile for you we was wrong about that dendis Do's some mighty fancy [Music] shooting [Music] bad [Music] bullet let's keep it neat not they started it say how come you got lost what happened I'll tell you what happened he saved the whole Wagon Train yeah he did it by himself I never saw such shooting best shot in the west he know the engines was on your Trail and he decoyed them away from the rest of the wagons I did oh he's right that's what I did I did that you're a hero son yeah you can have my rifle oh thanks Dad I'll knock off a couple of Indians for you he's got eyes in the back of his head my darling you never said anything about being a dead shot well I told you I'd give you a little information of the time hey son on behalf of the Wagon Train I want to thank you for what you done oh you saved an awful lot of [Applause] [Music] lives a minute ladies and gentlemen at this time I'd like to say a few words oh let's get out of here before them Redskins come back those are the words [Music] well you Le Way doctor to be scared of now you got the courage of a lion doctor a it's nothing brave men run in my family hurry up folks we're off to Buffalo flat off the Buffalo flat yaho off the Buffalo flat Yoo off the buffal our hero [Music] get get get a man get a man get a man get a [Music] man get a man get a man get a oh Mr Preston come in come in you come at a most inopportune time well we got some pretty important news oh I'm sure you have somehow I can always sense when one of my associates bungles a job what have you messed up this time there's a new federal agend coming in on the wagon train why did you let him through stranger I like you and I like you red pepper there's J next guy that messes around my gal gets the same thing wagon trains [Applause] Here Eddie drag the gentleman out what's all the excitement out in front given a welcome to that guy we told you about the that this West ever seen please please it was nothing anyone could have done it anyone who was strong courageous and a dead shot is that our fearless federal agent don't let his look fool you he's a coldblooded murderer calls himself a dentist painless Potter but that's just a front it ain't going to be easy to put him away he's got eyes in the back of his head but we can put him away peard do you think you could learn to love a dentist a short romance I don't think it'd be too difficult i' like to be in his I wonder what the cowards are [Applause] doing you and your high heels oh I please Shake Your Hand boy wants to touch you easy girls easy I'm tired I've been fighting Indians all day but I may give you a moment later don't give up oh you're so wonderful and keep cheering what happened to the band we're proud to have you as our guest very happy to be here Mr and Mrs painless Potter with baggage Mr and Mrs would you like a boy oh yes yes boy yes sir boy will you un hit my horses feed him some hay and have some for yourself huh thanks I never touched this stuff all right there you are sir thank you very much we're all set honey room with running water they got a guy who run for it isn't this one painless wait you don't want to leave all this well that's all right I can wave to him from the window upstairs come on just too modest to understand you're a legend now a hero A Man Apart yeah and we've been apart too long come on honey look look outside once that was a forest then it became a trail then a town and someday it'll be a city yeah that's what I like progress and I'm not making any someday it'll be a city with a statue of a great man and you know whose statue it'll be yeah the guy who invented Keys let's use it come on it'll be a statue of painless Potter huh and under that statue it'll read painless Potter successor to Wild Bill Hickock and Buffalo Bill Cody the Intrepid Hero who saved an entire Wagon Train by killing 11 Indians 12 so you see dear that's why it wouldn't be fair for me to take you away from these people and not give them a chance to express their gratitude yeah I guess hey wait a minute what's this all about well I might as well come clean painless our marriage won't work you're a hero now and I'm just a little nobody you belong to the people this is the end of the road we're through through say what's going on here you and I just got together you you might just as well face it painless it's over that's all oh oh this is great this is I give up my career I bring you out here in a wagon train and save your life by killing 13 Indians and now you're going to give me the kiss off oh well you're not the only Dame there a lot of other fish in the sea and I'm going out and cast some bait right came it's all right if that's the way you feel but I promise you one thing you'll come crawling back to me in your hands knees and do you think I'll be there goodbye I'll show her find hero through all hi how'd you like a little conversation with a hero well be tickle death follow me you Hank Billings that's what the sign says just came in on the wagon train before I left Fort Deerfield I saw a friend of yours Nam Hunter Jim Hunter seems a shame of man like Hunter getting killed just so you can play kg that trip from Fort Deerfield come up and cool off where did I put my toaca now I know why they sent a woman you know what you're getting into you've landed smack dab right in the middle of the lowest down skunk of a scheme they ever smeared across the West landed feet first too reckon that's how you're going to get carried out of it just skip the big talk all right G sit down somebody is running guns into the Indians enough rifles to Massacre every white man in the hull territory I can't understand why they ain't attacked already maybe they're waiting for this where'd you get that Dynamite two loads came in on the wagon train someone's going to pick it up and we got to find out who what's your plan whoever killed Jim Hunter found out there was a federal agent after him they didn't know who it was I steered him onto the wrong party a husband I picked up in for Deerfield name a painless Potter they'll kill him sure that's right they'll think the Federal instead then I can operate [Laughter] hi where's a high life around here right over in the dirty shame Saloon spread out is he a Dandy he's a home dinner here he comes folks welcome welcome gentlemen gentlemen we have a celebrity in our midst it's a rare privilege to shake the hand of the greatest Indian fighter west of the Mississippi you can include these two son watch it watch it my trigger finger I'd consider a haror if you would join me heard you partner heard you you were saying what do you have my friend never mind the Chaser G to be in town long wait a minute wait a minute don't fight over me girls I'll be around a while take it slow you know this could become Habit foring mve in honey don't get shut up yes sir stand by I may raffle myself off later for me this town ain't big enough the streets ain't long enough for me to get away from you meet around the corn about half honey what will do the West ain't rough enough the joints ain't tough enough to keep me from the one I C meet you around the corner now don't be late you'll see how I behave when we're alone honey you'll be possessing my best caressing I'll be your own honey you're the kind to make me lose my mind one kiss ain't strong enough a kiss ain't long enough got to kiss you night day meet you around the corner any old Corner meet you anytime you say ho ho ho seeing as you new here soon as I'm through here I'll kiss you in my own sweet way meet you around the corner any old Corner meet you any time you say you got a seagar on your sister come on handsome Let's Dance take me [Music] away [Music] hey don't do it Joe this guy has a killer what's the trouble stranger I don't like nobody fooling around my gal yeah well I got news for you I ain't fooling now get you ain't scaring nobody this town ain't big enough for you and me I'll give you little Sundown to get out that's a usual time ain't it at sundown I'll be out looking for you I'll be waiting and I'll be looking he Plum me four fingers of Redeye always feel like a drink before a killing a thumb too nothing stronger [Music] huh [Music] [Music] the sun's almost down honey y this little dollar is just itching for another notch here wear this for good luck yeah but men don't wear these oh yeah sure get thanks Hey listen the man that's after you just killed my brother here's a tip he draws from the left so lean to the right draws to the left so lean to the right son I'll let you in on something long toward Sunset there's a wind from the East so you better aim to the West Cross theine so lean to the right there's a wind from the East so better aim to the [Music] West I know this Joe like a book he crouches when he shoots so stand on your toes he draws in the left Seline to the right there's a went from the East better aim to the West he crouches when he shoots so stand on your toes [Music] thanks hey Miss parter your husband's mixed up in a gunfight well that problem's taken care of draws to the left so stand on your toes there's a wind from the East better lean to the right crouches when he shoots better aim to the West he draws from his toast so lean towards the wind ha I got it watch it watch it better warm up a little [Music] wind [Music] shifted either way he wins [Music] [Music] draws from the wind Seline when you stand no stands on his Crouch with his toes in the [Music] Wind [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] potterer poter who for p po how like that fool me didn't to the wind what's the idea I nearly made a mistake there's an old saying when you're hunting a mountain lion stake out a goat yeah the lion gets the goat and and we get the lion we' better get rid of the dynamite get a hold of yellow feather now you try and find out where they're hiding that dynamite and I'll round up our goat got got him sooner but a tricks has little work for you stick around and make you wealthy hurry boys I may have to pose for a [Applause] statue told you that time didn't I I have to be a hero oh you great big wonderful man I told you my gter would bring you good luck oh thanks lucky thing I had a gun too how about a great big smack for pepper well sounds like a good idea I don't want anybody pulling with my man I've come back to you darling what's that stranger I didn't realize how much I loved you until I saw How brave you were please forgive me well you didn't come crawling back in your hand hands and knees but I'll weaken you may kiss my cheek should we go to our room dear that seems fair my arm Mrs Potter nah over here that's my shooting side be right with you honey there that ought to take care of the [Music] tourist gee I never thought I'd find a girl who would fight over me boy when you hit her with that right remember honey I'm on your side well of course dear I'm your wife oh yeah I almost forgot yeah come come close to me wifey oh that was delightful let's try another one huh you poor kid I'm sorry I had to do that it's a matter with me I must be getting soft good Dynamite Undertaker's party you find the man is [Music] through painless painless wake up wake up he crouches when he shoots so aim to the Jane Painis do you love me oh I'm I'm Yours body and soul will you do anything for me without asking questions naturally daring well then listen carefully there's Dynamite hidden in The Undertaker's parlor someone's going to come calling for it tonight and I want you to go down there and find out who they are oh easy G are you trying to get rid of me again please painless I Can't Tell You Why now but this is important you must go I don't must anything any other girl would be Tickle Pink to be alone with a guy who's killed 14 four but not you every time we're alone you try to give me the old heave hole 20 years of my life our whole life together depends on this will you go and what if I don't what then well I couldn't blame you but all I can say is that I'm depending on you more than I've depended on anyone else before ever please all right I'll go but it's the last time you'll make a monkey out of me and you know that statue you told me about well tell him to carve on it painless Potter Schmo I'll be seeing you you too hey look hey what's that some other guy you kissed I'll explain lady there's no time for questions now please trust in me oh I don't understand this whole situation you got please all right I'm going don't get the idea that I'm scared or nervous be careful wait a CU I'm not [Music] [Music] sh get out of here before I sick a mouse on you sh [Music] sh he [Music] [Music] hey they got Dynam Joe [Music] [Music] fool [Music] come on we got to get this stuff out of here fast we're using the dentist Wagon in case there's a slip [Music] up [Music] [Music] come on hurry it [Music] up [Music] take it easy wait you varit or I'll tattoo you the hard way ahuh I know all about you and your Dynamite you were going to give it to the Indians huh well now I'm going to take you down to the Sheriff's Office and have a little talk about your future if any I get going painless Potter Rides Again I [Music] [Music] w and then I found out that you were captured too I've been meaning to tell you anyway and here in those drums I figured this was my last chance then it wasn't me that shot all those Indians and I didn't even shoot Joe and any minute I could have been killed now I worry saying I'm sorry is like spitting in your eye but I'm saying it me a hero boy I couldn't save a clam from a bowl of chowder I bet I handed you a lot ass what a sucker I been what a boob there ain't low enough words for what I've done to you painless there are now I just thought of a couple of new ones and all the time I thought you were about the finest thing that ever came into my life that's what sticks in my craw painless what now there's one more thing I got to tell you I got to tell you that I love you is this another l no I think you're the kindest bravest man I've ever known oh sure and I want to tell you this now because we may not get out of this alive yeah well if it hadn't been for you he oh what do you [Music] know what's the matter no stars [Music] maybe hey what's the matter you're trying to dirty my scalp even before you get [Music] it oh not so good me yellow feather the chief of tribe me greet paleface Warrior well I think you got the wrong person she's a yeah me very big pale face warrior you strong here yeah Heap big Heap he face more Brave than all white Warriors well thanks thanks a lot yellow FEA know you kill 11 his best Braves 15 painless tell him the truth 11 that's not what I mean yellow feather he didn't have anything to do with this I got him into this let a breed pale face warrior get much praise My Tribe make big honor fine yellow feather please no not that not to him oh yeah I'll let you know yeah I don't know what he said but it didn't sound like he was inviting me to a picnic what did he say I'd rather not talk about it yeah but I don't like surprises am I going to get shot by arrows burned at the steak boiled in a pot am I getting warm painless can you take it no but tell me anyway well with Indians the bigger hero y are the greater the torture yeah but what can they do what's left two trees they Bend one tree down then they bend the other tree down they tie one of your legs to this tree M and they tie your other leg to this tree then they cut the ropes that's me if I were a chicken bone I Could Make A Wish yeah we a time like this he has to be off key don't pull you'll get your [Music] half forgot yeah that's your story [Music] I think it's time I told you I'm not this Brave just think I'll be traveling East and West at the same time painless pain oh don't worry honey maybe in the next World you'll meet two nice fellas look close they'll both be [Music] me let's be fair J [Music] Gina [Music] Tower medic B shame us with white squa go you are not come [Applause] [Music] back help help help [Music] help [Music] I better get going Jane she's still there and it's up to me to save her hold it impulsive those Indians grab you you know what'll happen to you we don't like that do we what are you man or Mouse I'm not a mouse and I'm not a man I'm a dentist yeah but the girl loves you yeah yeah and I love her too if they get me my life won't be worth a plug nickel what your life be worth without her oh no don't get sentimental with me let's look at it logically if I go back there those Indians will part my hair clear down on my toes how can that help Jane suit yourself don't you think you can spend those long evenings just thinking about how you might have saved your it's all right with me oh stop stop I'll go but don't forget I'll always hate you for being so stubborn besides I have to pick up my other boot how now you like to trade close me take those huh I get why [Music] you I got him I got him how how well Chief this completes our part of the bargain you bring long rifles Dynamite an ample supply all is in order EX you low down stinking little coyotes are you're the one well that's your federal agent what are you going to do with her learn take more than a Governor's pardon to save you now what this I [Music] up come we talk [Music] [Music] sh [Music] hubby hubby hubby hubby East is East please don't crack this is your hubby painless hubby hubby hubby hubby medicine man come back burn him burn him with white squa orista [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey [Applause] I don't know what you're doing don't worry I'll save you who are they going to burn over there the medicine man serves them right for practicing without a license Yoo I got a food all right yeah they think you're the medicine man they're going to burn at the state me w [Music] don't move I'll try to lead him [Music] away something might work [Music] [Applause] out [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter with [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow sorry man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh didn't I tell you I'd save [Music] you smells like somebody's been cooking cauliflower in here come on come on get out of here I'll see you [Music] around you fellas wait for me [Music] [Applause] grab a rifle and start shooting yeah [Music] give me one of those guns yes ma here take any size you want honey why will'll get the get back it's not safe yes ma'am they're walking right into our [Music] trap a Vineyard PR tricky those [Music] foreigners where's my [Music] rifle they want a dynamite huh I'll give it [Music] all must have been a [Music] dut [Music] he [Music] hey bter they're gaining on us hey get up and front you're supposed to be cing hey jump painless jump if I jump I get killed it's a dynamite bring your mortars here I come get Mar off that [Music] wagon that's the last of [Music] them darn it there goes my dental diploma here they come now [Applause] excited I'll be back in a year so don't worry hero oh I'm sorry Mrs Potter silly girl you got to expect this type of [Applause] thing let's not overdo it I know I deserve it but steady man take it out of the bags fellas honey I'll drive yeah you drive and I'll watch finally going on your honeymoon am I [Applause] Yahoo what do you want a happy ending
Channel: DDF: Movie Collection
Views: 167,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, WesternMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, The Paleface, Western, Comedy, Family, Norman Z. McLeod, Bob Hope, Jane Russell, Robert Armstrong
Id: Bo8yHXhzst0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 40sec (5320 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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