The Pain of Humanity by Victor Jackson

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[Music] I believe that there are some keys to getting prayers answered in the spirit I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt if you are tired of prayers being unanswered you need to pay attention so what I'm preaching to you tonight because I'm gonna give you something that gives you a key on how to get prayers answered from God there was a very powerful prophet that lived back in the 50s and 60s died way too young his name was verbal beam he was a very powerful man of God he was a man of Prayer he was a powerful man of Prayer he said there were two types of prayers that God answers he said there are two types of praying that will get God's attention he said the first type of prayer that God answers is a memorial prayer it's something that you pray about over and over and over and then God answers it he said like Cornelius when he prayed so many times that's the age of the Lord said your prayer and your giving has come up as a memorial before God he said it was like this he said if a man wanted to buy a suit but could not afford the suit he would go into the suit store with the money he had and put the suit on layaway with the funds that he had next time he got paid he would put some more funds down on the suit he would not leave with the suit he would leave without the suit each time he went in to make a payment but the more payments he made on the suits when he could make them there would be come a day when he would finally pay off the suit and when the last payment was made he could take what he had been paying for home with him he said that's how it is in your prayer life you can be praying about something over and over and over and not take the answer home if you keep praying and you keep believing there's gonna come a day when you'd bring the answer home with you because you've paid it in [Applause] we're so thankful to have brother Jackson with us today such a powerful message he preached this morning amen he's a great evangelist we just want him to come and take his Liberty this one amen everybody say god bless brother Jackson [Applause] [Music] clap your heads one more time to the Lord everybody praise God praise God an honor to be here and stem in this pulpit once again before you appreciate so much what God did in the 8:30 a.m. service and the response to the presence of the Lord so appreciative as I reiterate once again so appreciative for pastor Myers and sister Myers and Bishop Myers and dr. Myers and this wonderful family and their impact not on this congregation but abroad as well and all throughout just impacting our nation and the many countries just appreciative for this local church having such a global vision you can feel that global anointing on this assembly and I give honor to you for that however you're thankful for the apostolic leadership got his place over this assembly amen always been incredibly kind to me and my family I rejoiced so much in their 20th anniversary coming up and as a bishop how long he's been there he said nearly 50 years and so that's amazing how who here I was like you know you've been in ministry longer than I've been alive hallelujah and I'm so appreciative for the Apostolic heritage that is here and the strength of apostolic doctrine that is resident here and it's been here for decades your honor to offer that devoted to my beautiful life Louisa and my son James Asher and I tell you what it's just been such a help to everything that we do they travel with me about 90% of the time my son turns three in January he's been on at least 200 flights and so he tells me what to do at the airport now hallelujah has his Ninja Turtle backpack and crosses his legs on the aircraft sits back reclines this seat that points to the flight attendant water water I'm like son you gotta wait till we get up to 30,000 feet before you start asking for water but they all pray for him he's a little spoiled he likes to be served hallelujah and love him love him dearly why don't we open our Bibles to the book of Romans chapter 8 and verse 26 Romans chapter 8 and verse 26 has just been weight in my spirit [Music] with this theme this morning I didn't preach this message but I was in this vein and I just felt this same vein for this morning's session and I just pray it will be a blessing to you more than anything Romans chapter 8 and verse 28 verse 26 rather Romans chapter 8 and verse 26 yeah I would say men likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities but we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them that are called according to his purpose last capture verse 29 for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren I feel to preach to you really bare my heart to you here this morning and preach on this subject the pain of humanity the pain of humanity why don't you lay your Bibles down everyone close your eyes and lift up your hands let's ask God to have his way more I submit to your room I submit to your plan for today Lord I submit to whatever you want to do wanna as for you to minister to this wonderful congregation for the wonderful leadership that is represented here lord I ask that there would be an anointing that we come down from heaven that would change lives forever lord help me the bear forth my soul to your people God without any restraint without any care Lord but to follow your spirit to a tee and minister into the lives of the hearts of this precious people God do something in us that were chained us changes give us an eternal perspective in Jesus name Amen can you clap your hands to the Lord right now can you clap those hands a little bit louder with the expectancy Oh hallelujah hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus you may be seated in the presence of the Lord there are things and this Christian walk I confess to you that I battle trying to comprehend and understand when I look at certain situations I scratch my head sometimes and I wonder how could God be in anything like that when I try to console certain lives and certain people that endure loss it's tough for me to form the words and say everything is going to be alright as in that moment I'm just going to be honest with you it doesn't look right it doesn't feel right and I know I'm not enduring their pain but I feel their pain when they open their mouths and tell me about the losses they've endured I just came from Dallas Texas on Friday I flew back yesterday and as I'm preaching in this congregation there was a wonderful music director and his wife that I prayed for incredible the young couple that hasn't been married for maybe not even three years 20 years old 19 years old around that age and and I pray for them in the altar as I pray for them in the altar I noticed the wife she just began to shriek as she just cried uncontrollable tears and I just began to pray somehow God's gonna get glory out of what has happened to you I didn't know all the specifics I just prayed and she just shrieked and cried out as the woman of the church gathered around her and come to find out literally last week she buried her child that was born as a stillborn Lorna's is stillborn she right after a wonderful Sunday service two weeks ago the baby wasn't moving they went to the hospital they said man the baby's dead would you like to go home and and and and have you know induced labor later or would you like to do it now so right after that Sunday afternoon after a powerful message there she is laying on the hospital bed having to give birth to a dead baby and I don't know what to tell people when they battle with things like that I don't know how to form the words and tried to minister to that type of pain and as after the prayer after I prayed with her at the altar and we had a fellowship afterwards after we fellowship afterwards they came up to me and they were smiling they were smiling and they said brother Jackson you helped us so much you helped us so much we lost our baby a week ago we buried them and I used to sing to that baby whenever he was in my womb I used to sing to him church songs and I envisioned them worshiping the Lord and I envisioned him being used by God and I envisioned great things for him and we buried him last week for brother Jackson your words really helped us and strengthen us to get through this and she's smiling and as there's joy on her and they said look for the Jackson let me show you the picture of our baby let me show you on the screen saver showed me the baby and a little diaper so precious but it was lifeless and I'm beginning to tear up inside and I'm like God ha ha it's pain come like this in the life and how can I give them hope when they're battling things like this and I have a friend in Texas as well a friend his wife just got diagnosed with leukemia one of the most beautiful young ladies one of the most incredible powerful couples out of friend last year and it was a preacher it was just stepping out to evangelize but one day after 30 minutes after his son telling him that he loved him all of a sudden the house caught on fire and his son died in that fire huh and now is just him his wife and his little girl and he thinks about that boy every day and I thank to God I think God and I realized that in John's life he was he sacrificed to God and he was righteous and he was pure and he sacrificed to God and that got the attention of heaven but it was his pain that brought the action from heaven righteousness gives God's attention but pain gives God's action God sees pain you can't help but come down and get involved and bring healing and peace that passes all understanding I didn't know how they were able to smile after just bringing their baby and I just began to see a glimpse of God as they smiled and shed tears and had joy all over them they said I got a piece for the Jackson that passes all understanding brother Jackson I know the Kazakh control so God's gonna that as we're just gonna keep on serving God we're just gonna keep on being faithful we're just gonna keep on being involved and when I saw that ability to endure a higher dimension righteousness brings God gets God's attention but pain brings God as action God was working in the heavens before job's pain but his pain caused God to move into earth lost everything he lost he lost his family he lost his money he lost everything that was close to him he yet he said Nicky came out of my mother's womb naked shall I return he said the Lord giveth and the LORD hath taken away and blessed be the name of the Lord you have that type of perspective of God when everything is taken away from you you still have God God is the most important thing you can take my money but you can't take God from me you can take my family but you can't take God from me the reason I can well somebody clap their hands and just thank them and I realize that's how you survive the pain you survive the pain because because God is there and I have him to cleave to the same events the same a series of unfortunate events that cause people to leave God is the same series of unfortunate events it caused people to cleave to God ah those same events that cause people to doubt saving Vista cause people to believe the same events that make people give up is the same abyss that make people refuse to give in come on somebody it's just your perspective I value God above everything I value God above every material possession I value God before every blessing he is most important and that's what pain brings me to pain brings me to that realization that God is the priority and the power that's in my life told Abraham he's at Abraham I am your exceeding great reward I am giving you a promise sign Isaac look what God said but Isaac's not your reward Isaac's your promise I'm your reward and when I told you to leave everything behind in Mesopotamia the end result wasn't you having a son Isaac the end result is you knowing me and I used Isaac to lead you closer to me as the only reason why I gave you Isaac is for you to have an undeniable trust and who I am and when Abraham started his journey before he would immediately receive the promise but after 20 years he finally gets the promise but he started the journey as Abram and God changed his name to Abraham because Abraham was growing on the journey to the promise and the promise was only there to make him into what he needed to be in the journey he said I am your exceeding great value isn't me the gift must lead to me the value is not the miracle I only give you the miracle to lead to me if the miracle never leads to me huh then the miracle did not work its purpose the miracle is supposed to lead you closer to me huh blind Bartimaeus after he got healed the Bible says he said I'm your exceeding great reward and now that I'm giving you the promise Abraham I want you to put that promise on the altar and I want you to sacrifice him because I've got to know that I'm still first and foremost in your life I've got to know that the reward is greater than the promise I've got to I've got to know if you still a sting me is more valuable than what I have given you and I want to know if you're willing to put down and sacrifice what I gave you so you can have more of me all of us must come to that realization that he has started us on a journey to know him and he doesn't want us to build Tabernacles hop around what he gave us and what he did for us he wants us to get into his presence his walk closer to him and know who he is and that's why God and His grace and mercy huh gives us miracle signs and wonders huh you know what he said how disappointed he was when he said you know what he said you know what he worked miracles huh you did this you did that you prophesied in my name but he said I never knew you how many of those miracles yet never know him or even receive those miracles yet never know him what God was saying was I only gave you that ability to lead you to me I gave you that miracle to lead you into closer relationship I gave you that anointing to lead you to become more like me that doesn't happen come on somebody you wasted what I gave you huh because what I gave you was supposed to lead you into me come on now hey somebody's gotta tell God today huh God you can't take everything away from me huh but take not thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit [Applause] he said that I am your exceeding great reward he ministry even those that are involved in ministry those that have a future for ministry he told the Levites who were the ministers he said look ministers I'm not giving you anything in the promised land he said Levites ministry you're not going to have one thing of inheritance in the promised land he said your inheritance is me and I am more valuable than anything that you possess and you are so privileged looks like you don't have nothing but if you have me you have everything the ministry is God and nothing else that's the Lord I think about whenever Lazarus and the rich man died and Lazarus is in heaven and the bosom of Abraham but the rich man is dead and he's in hell and in hell he lift up his eyes he said Lazarus bring me a drop of water on my tongue and Abraham said no he's not coming to hell no that's not going to happen and look what this rich man says he says well why don't you send Lazarus to my brother's because if they see one rise from the dead though they will believe you know what Abraham said he said no they have Moses and the prophets and if they believe not them even the one rise from the dead they would not believe he said what they have is the word and if they don't believe the word even if I do miracles they still would not believe I've seen a lot of people leave God after getting miracles but I've never seen a person leave God when they had the word hid in their heart the miracle is supposed to lead to the world don't interrupt your miracle allow it to lead you to becoming like him Romans 8:28 you can put it up there it says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose we know we like we quote this scripture wrong a lot of time because we like to say and we know that all things work together for our good doesn't say our good he says we're good this is not man's definition of good this is God's definition of good because you and I have different definitions of what good is if I was homeless and someone blessed me with a about this big I'm gonna look at this and be like man God's good I've I've been living in a mansion all my life and they gift me that same shared after I've lost everything I'm gonna look at the same and say this is a curse you and I have different definitions of what is this it is making you into somebody cut their hands for their revelation come on somebody lift up your voice and thank God for that revelation sitting here I am becoming more like and that's why that woman could smile her after she lost her baby because she knew that God was using it it's a make her more like him so she can minister to others and others be affected by the pain that she endure how do you know what she didn't regret it because it molded her into something as a matter of fact she couldn't smile like that before it was until the pain occurred that God began to adjust that smile where it was an authentic smile it was not put on it was not a church facade it was something on the inside joy began to move in her heart and in her spirit because my trowe made me more like him and the next verse says for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed into the image of his son my trowel is conforming me into the image of God the fire is conforming me into the image of God and don't judge my success by how early look on the inside something has happened to me is something has transformed me something has touched me I can't explain it but I know that is working I know that is working in me [Applause] like Jesus I am a of his suffering when it comes to be like Jesus that's why I'm not here because of the blessings that have been in my life I'm here because there was a young boy there is a five-year-old boy that was beaten and abused and neglected and victims of domestic violence that's why I'm here I'm here because I had a stepdad that used to beat the daylights out of me everyday that's why I'm here I'm here because I felt like a failure like I can never be anything but he's the lockni in causes huh lock me in storage rooms up and tell me they wish I would die that's why I'm here it's the pain that made me what I am naughty huh it is the pain there's something in me that nobody can ever understand [Applause] [Applause] as a creature he created the world he saved the world with his wound let me show you my scars let me show you the handprint let me show you the wound at my side and he said my Lord and my god when I heard your word I couldn't believe but when I saw your wound showed me something I never seen before it is the womb I need somebody to take a praise break right now huh and I want you to thank God for every struggle every trial somebody in this building [Applause] [Applause] just because it didn't work out like didn't love you know he loved you enough to change be something that changes is gonna be something that folks something that you never knew was there bah-bah-bah sit say hey I want you to stand on your feet right now huh and I want you to you right now there's somebody out of their life with you he's just working on you the whole city be here whoa hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah aha new year that's it that's it all my miracles all of my pain is leading me to become more like him you gotta thank God for it before you leave this place god I think out for the wound because my wound is what made me pray huh huh Saint Paul for my pain my pain made me worship Jesus cries fill the healing balm in this place I want you to grab that pushes him and I want you to bring them to the front right now everybody come to the front as fast as you can huh there's about to be a powerful outpouring of God's Spirit and refreshing and renewing huh won't ever run up here everybody huh don't talk to the person make sure you just grab their hand huh and you run up as close as you can and I want you to clap as you come forward because I feel something changing in the atmosphere from the front to the back everybody come up front from the oldest to the youngest come up front and cut those hands to the Lord right now hit up about city Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] bah-bah-bah [Music] kabab of [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] hallelujah [Music] for a little bit right now I'll give you instruction in a moment but why did you so open up your mouth I just began to pray [Music] I feel your touch more oh I feel your touch Jesus Oh Oh what I don't understand that I feel your touch bar [Music] good for me give me interior edge Lord above a kaya I feel you changing me Jesus [Applause] I feel you changing me Jesus Lord in your faithfulness you have afflicted me Lord I went astray if I had not been afflicted I would have gone astray the Lord it's the wound that keeps me close to you Jesus it's the pain that keeps me on my knees Lord when I was blessed I forgot all that you did for me huh when I was blessed I forgot all the doors you opened for me huh but when I got wounded it brought me back to your faithfulness Jesus it brought me back to your name [Music] a lot of soap I want everyone to lift up your hands where you are right now I want you to close your eyes and lift up your hands and as you lift up those hands you're what you're showing God is that you're giving him those hurts and pains this morning anymore you're giving it to him so he can use it to change it that's it lift up those hands right now [Music] Jesus give it back to your Lord just use it to hold me just use it to change man just use it God just use it Lord just use it Jesus to forgive us if we've been our pain we're gonna ask God to washes and cleanse us have we've been against him for his spirit to flow of fresh on our lives I want you to lift up those hands one more time and I want you to open up your mouth and ask God to forgive you if there's any pain that you have to leave to that have and has made you go astray and ask him to forgive you there's been anything that has caused you to be more forgive me Jesus I'm sorry pain - distant me from you make me more distant for me Laura apologize Jesus if it's caused me to about blame you Jesus I'm not blaming you are I'm not gonna blame me anymore I'm sorry if it's a thing that my worship I'm sorry if it's a thing that my praise Lord I'm sorry if it's cause me to sin me of all sin cleanse me of all unrighteousness Lord I'm sorry if I blame you I'm sorry I've been affected my worship I'm sorry if it affected my service I'm sorry if it affected my faithfulness Jesus forgive me Lord I don't want to blame you Jesus I give it back to you now you just used it Jesus just use it to mold me just use it to change me Lord I'm not gonna hold you I'm not gonna blame you for it anymore forgive me wash me cleanse me out nothing without you I need you to touch me [Music] hallelujah but I knew you I feel I feel that there are some some tender hearts in this place that are ready for God to pour out something on you right now I'm going to pray over you and I'm telling you there's something that's about to happen in this place if you don't normally linger in the altar I'm going to ask you this morning to just kind of linger and the altar because there's going to be wave after wave of the healing balm that goes throughout this place that begins to touch us on the inside in a powerful way we're gonna do is we're just gonna lift up our hands again I'm gonna pray over you I'm gonna pray bring glory out of your wounds and out of your hurts and out of your pains I'm gonna pray that God's Spirit would come on you in a mighty way I'm gonna pray that God would pour out his spirit on you if you've never received the gift of the Holy Ghost while you worship and you're gonna feel yourself want to speak in something you don't understand that is the Holy Ghost you just allow it to come down and take that step of faith and speak it out if you have the Holy Ghost when you shout at a moment you're gonna feel it and speak it out again just let it go it's gonna refresh there's gonna be a joy that comes on the inside God is molding us here together I want everyone to close their eyes and lift up both hands one more time I'm gonna pull your prayer of faith when I'm done I'm gonna shout with expectation I'm Lu's gonna shout hallelujah when I shout hallelujah I want everyone in this building to shout hallelujah believing God for healing believing God for restoration believing God for a fresh touch that's it close those eyes and lift up those hands Jesus by the authority that's in your word and by the power that is in the name which is above all names the name of Jesus Lord Jesus I ask it's elusive healing balm in this place Lord there are people here it is traveled from near and far that have needed this word because they've been bitter and they've been calloused and Lord asks for your word in your spirit to work together and be mixed with their faith right now I release the power of the Holy Ghost I release joy unspeakable and full of glory I release are refreshing upon this congregation I release eternal how where they would never be the same I release a joy I release some I release them into everything that you want them to be right now and Lord as a sound of faith we're gonna shout with expectation we're gonna shout believing God to make a difference hallelujah aha [Music] [Applause] I said let's let those funds go that's the Holy Ghost Allah heal ABBA ha ha that is the refreshing that is the healing ha ha oh I feel it in this building huh oh I feel it in this building he's gonna use your pain right now to minister to somebody else I want you to lay your hands on the person next year I want you to grab their head if you can I want you to put your arm around their shoulder and I want God to use your pain right now some Minister there's somebody else that's it lay your hands on it just close your eyes and just pray that God would bring glory out of your pain to minister to the person beside you [Music] [Applause] [Music] all over [Music] by the words of my ha and by the words of my [Music] [Applause] my [Music] and [Music] me papa I can live by [Music] hey Milo [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] contact the prayer is a current prayer he said a current prayer is the second type of prayer that God answers it's a situation that you do not have you don't have a long time for God to do this you need God to do it now does that make sense yeah you can have a lost loved one you can that's a memorial thing you just pray until God does something but you could have a situation where you need God to intervene now and when you have that type of prayer at Memorial prayers know what you need you can't just go bring the name up or bring the situation up in passing and say god I'm making another payment on this I need you to come through when the situation is desperate it requires desperation in your prayers a current prayer you can't come with a situation with a grant that's tragic and real and severe and come to God and give God a you know Lord what we're going through right now and I need you to come through because the deadline is this week and we need an answer we need some peace we need a miracle and walk out that's there's no desperation there you're giving God the right facts but you're not giving God the heart behind the facts you're showing God I'm really not serious about this because a current prayer requires desperation it requires you to be I need an answer now I don't have 60 years to pray about this we need a miracle in our house that is desperation that's a current prayer and a current prayer God will hear and I want to show you something that that the Lord answers prayers while you're praying them I know that we've got God in this box that if I pray today he can come through by Thursday or he can come through by tomorrow he can come through by next month but actually God the Bible said I can hear you before you and say what you're gonna say in fact I need Jesus I know what you're saying before you even ask [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 3,526
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice), Victor Jackson
Id: 4XDDrTY6Bwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 37sec (3217 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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