Transformed by Joey Campetella

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Micah has the personality I always wish I had so delighted to be with you tonight and I truly enjoy these sessions [Music] something always wonderful and deep and profound happens I just get to slow down and irritate everybody for a solid two hours it's wonderful actually I've heard that there is homemade soup and sandwiches after church so for the first time in my life I have a three minute message such a delight to be here I thank God for this church at such a wonderful time with pastor Soto today his kindness had taken my boy to love to play went down the slide a few times with him myself not brother Soto my son [Music] that'd be funny wouldn't it right there take the relationship to a whole new level but the Fellowship is rich and real and I learned so much being around this man God is truly good to ATC to give you brother and sister Soto as your pastor truly is [Music] mark chapter 12 and verse 28 and then Romans chapter 12 in verse 1 I don't think I've talked about these things here there's a gap in my records and normally keep impeccable records but for some reason there's a gap one of the services last year so I don't know if I've already taught you guys this but if I have I'll just use Paul's reference as I said before so say I now again hopefully it'll help somebody mark chapter 12 and verse 28 and one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he had answered them well asked him which is the first commandment of all which is the preeminent the greatest commandment in matthew jesus answered him the first of all the commandments is hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and let me say end thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength this is the first commandment what's before the end and after the end this as the first commandment Romans chapter 12 and verse 1 had bad timing on my mint thought we had a little more time so much take it out stick it on this napkin for later okay anybody needs a minute there's Romans chapter 12 and verse 1 Paul said I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world don't yield to the pressure of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind everybody say your mind you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God let's lift our hands and ask God to do what he wants to do to my father we love you thank you for this incredible crowd to come out on a Monday night I pray that you would feed them give them something to take home and digest and change with and grow with I pray that the Word of God would have the impact upon us that you wanted to have loosed my mind and my tongue to minister according to your will in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray everybody said in Jesus name would you say it one more time Jesus name in Jesus name you may be seated human existence is a relatively new development in the scope of eternity we know that there were angels before us God had beings there's several different descriptions of them cherubim Seraphim angels Archangels and they existed before us and then in the presence I believe of these angels he created humans angels are spirit without flesh and then he decided to make something that came from the earth in flesh but also his spirit when you look at the current scientific studies on human nature in the mind and the brain they're finding that there is something that maybe undiscoverable no matter how great the technology gets there's a part of humanity that maybe undiscoverable through the scientific method method there's a reality there's a consciousness that exists outside of the physical neurons and the gray matter of the brain and they call the relationship between what they do not understand and then the relationship between what they do understand which is the physical part the brain mind consciousness and there's a problem in psychology and in science called the mind-body problem they don't know how the mind works they don't know how to define what is mind and what they're discovering is what the Bible taught us all along we are not just physical beings we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience we are spiritual beings having a physical and very short in duration physical experience Paul gave us a hint into what we are first Thessalonians 5:23 and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly within w-h-o lly and I pray God your whole spirit everybody say spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ spirit soul body so at the moment of our creation we see the scripture is telling us Genesis 2 and 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul the word soul in Hebrew is nephesh and the soul is the part of us one part of us that we have in common with other creatures and I used to believe that that I had a very romantic picture of us being formed because the Bible says that God spoke and spoke and spoke and then he formed man he came down and he got intimate with man but then I started really studying Genesis chapter 2 and it says a little out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field on every fowl of the air and brought them under Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof and again living creature is the same word in Hebrew as soul nephesh and so when you think of the soul you're thinking of the intelligence the emotion the intellect the personality of a creature and we are not the only soulless creature on the planet how many of you have a dog how many of you can truly say before God you have seen your dog exhibit emotion how many of you have ever seen your dog be jealous how about have you seen your dog be affectionate how many of you think your dog missed you how many of you think your dog got angry at something how many of you are a cat people we're about to have a war right now this is I feel that feel the bad vibes how many of you think your cat loves you you are totally deceived you are totally deceived your cat can go live with somebody else as long as they feed it and pet it it's good that's just but there are other two bowls of soup hallelujah come on somebody we might stay right here a little bit longer there are other creatures that exhibit soulish traits and obviously there are things on this planet that have flesh besides us when you look at a cow a cow is made of flesh same kind of flesh we are made of if you're buried next to a cowl and you're in the ground for a thousand years and somebody digs up the grave and you're in the cow are there they're not gonna be able to tell much difference between what's that dust and that does it's all dust we come from the same source dust and this essence in us this soulless essence the nephesh has amazing characteristics I read a amazing similarities I read a study that was done in DNA and they found that chimpanzees are a 98% match in DNA to humans and the 2% that doesn't match is not the characteristics that you see let me say that again so chimpanzees look a little bit different than us they're covered with hair and they're just they're weird shaped that stuff matches our DNA 2% that doesn't match is somewhere way down there where it's hard to see we're more similar to these animals than you think what makes us different is not that we have a soul or a different body what makes us different is the Bible says and God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life he didn't do that with any other creature this breath of life it's the neshamah the Shama of life it's divine breath it's the wind of God and and and when you see this and he did this to Adam Adam was filled with the Holy Ghost there's only one spirit right you look at that word breath it's its spirit same synonymous term and there's only one spirit there's only one Holy Spirit right and so when he breathed himself into this creature Adam was filled with the it's hard to say that in it for some reason I don't know and the comparison is there Paul made the comparison I believe it was Paul in the book of Hebrews he said that you have the first Adam and then you have the last Adam one is made in the image of God Adam was made in the image of God which is Jesus Christ and so you see that the spirit there's something inside of us that is working and that is alive and that is cognizant that is totally different than the creatures around us and that spirit elevates us we are simply soul and body that has been elevated by spirit we are sold in body that has been lifted by spirit Bible says at the moment of our death Ecclesiastes 12 and 7 then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it so the body's going back down and the Spirit is going up and the only way you get to go up is if soul is in alignment with spirit spirits going up so when we understand spirit goes to God flesh goes back to the earth and the middle of this equation is the soul the decisions that you make your intellect your personality your emotions and it's important to note that Paul lists these three parts of man in a descending order he said your spirit soul and body the highest part of us has spirit the lowest part of us has body what's in the middle that can go either way is soul the focus of God's attention is the soul the focus of Satan's attention is the soul your decisions is what God wants your decisions are what Satan is after it's the personality it's the intellect Satan accesses the soul through the channel of the body God accesses the soul through the channel of the spirit and it is important to understand that the body cannot survive without its attachment to the earth why it came from the earth unless it is receiving from what it came from it dies and on the other side the spirit cannot survive without its attachment to God it came from God it lives off of only what God can provide spirit lives off of him body lives off of Earth this is why when Satan tempted Jesus to feed his body after his forty day fast Alvah says he wasn't hungered I guess so after 40 days he said listen there's more to being alive and what's happening in my body man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God my soul and my life is not being sustained by what's coming from the earth right now my soul and my body are being sustained by what's coming from above the Word of God and the secret here is that the denial of one aspect causes the other to increase in strength if you deny the spirit its attachment to God body takes over flesh takes over I've seen some people that are so contrary to spirit they act like animals they live like animals there's no difference between them folks then then in an April living in the woods somewhere the decisions that they're making so self-destructive they'll kill you they'll slide sure they live like an animal why because the attachment to spirit has been totally severed and this is flesh as taken over but I've also seen people who have crucified the flesh and spirit has taken over when the body takes over the flesh the lusts of the flesh guide the decisions of the soul people keep making bad decisions bad decisions bad decision what did what did Paul say if you walk in the spirit you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh because when you connect to one aspect when you emphasize one aspect the other weakens in its influence over the soul or tell you why people backslide no matter what they say I don't care what excuse they give well they were offended they were hurt somebody hurt him somebody did the reason why they backslide is they started denying spirit they stopped praying they stopped worshipping and now Satan uses the lusts of the flesh to control their minds that's why people backslide you can't you can't backslide if you're praying every day I can't backslide if you're praying through every day of your life it's impossible so in the beginning somehow and we don't understand any of their stuff how many of us know what a spirit is what in the world is a spirit anybody I mean I've I've read I've read I read the Bible several times and I'm not exactly sure what his Spirit is we don't know what his soul is we don't even know what an angel is what is this stuff what how can how can something exists without flesh we don't get these things we get glimpses of it and when we we're gonna understand better by and by but we do get to see the workings of these things the dynamics the interactions of these things and we see that in the beginning the spirit of man and the Spirit of God were somehow melded together they were filled with spirit and that became the human spirit that God breath that was breathed into Adam that became his his spirit but after the fall the spirit of man was disconnected from its source a line was drawn that connection to the presence of God was destroyed because of rebellion and now each human that is born after Adam and Eve is born with a remnant of what used to be it's an echo it's something that is a it's a it's a small echo of what used to be alive and well and it's called conscience almost every person alive has some form of conscience you're born with this voice inside of your spirit is out of your mind telling you that's it's not okay to just slap people in the face and walk away it's not okay to to my my youngest he's he's uh he's our honey badger our Tasmanian Devil I've never seen anybody like him he could climb before he could walk that's a little freaky we woke up two or three in the morning in our bedroom on the floor is our one and a half year old child who had crawled out of his crib maybe he was younger than that I don't remember but it was a freaky moment he was down there he wasn't where he was supposed to be and that began the season of Sorrows in our life he's he can climb up the dishwasher and walk on the counters it's unbelievable it's he's gifted but he can't put food directly in his mouth I don't know what the but he knows when he's doing something wrong it doesn't stop him from doing it but he knows there's a voice inside of him that's saying and he has this look I miss my kids as you can tell you this voice it's it's this conscience the knowledge it what is the knowledge of good and evil they took of the ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it's that conscience as the awakening of conscience and and so everybody has this to some some degree but it's an echo of something that used to be when you're born in the flesh when you're born as a child of Adam and Eve you are born with a dead spirit still there but it's dead and when we get the Holy Ghost God again breathes into our nostrils the breath of life Jesus prophesied to his disciples he looked at him and he said receive the Holy Ghost what is he doing well the God that breathed into the nostrils of Adam was standing in front of his disciples and he said boys what I did in the very beginning I'm about to do all over again I'm gonna breathe into you and what was dead is gonna come to life and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty for the first time in thousands of years God was able again because the gap was bridged by the blood of Jesus Christ and God was able again to breathe into us and now when that happens it comes alive all of a sudden that voice that echo is now spirit speaking into you and we are created in His image all over again that old dead echo of the spirit of man is no longer an echo it's a fresh voice from God and Paul explained to the Romans how these these pagans can go from there their immorality to righteousness he said the law the work of the law is going to be written on your hearts there's going to be a voice in your head that's gonna accuse you or excuse you there's gonna be a live breathing voice a consciousness that comes from God that's gonna say that's okay and that's not it comes alive but even after we received the Holy Ghost the flesh ain't dead flesh ain't dead flesh ain't dead until it's dead had a neighbor in our neighborhood my first neighborhood God put me there to to talk to those people and to witness to them and I brought a bunch of them to church and did Bible studies and I worked on this gentleman for nine years his name was Gil Gil was like 92 when I moved there and 130 when I left I helped him in his house helped him with his lawnmower I believe in evangelizing through serving people boy it opens an awesome relationship opportunity and I served him and fixed his mower and he asked me to come over and help him and every time I would I would say Gil you need to come to church I just stopped beating around the bush with this guy Gil you're old you need to come get right with God who you gonna face Jesus and he's like well I don't know if I believe in God God took my boy when he was young and how can you have how can you believe in a God that would take your boy before you and just had unresolved issues and wounds that he never yielded to the Lord and I worked on it and worked on him I remember right before we left I was helping to move furniture this guy is 180 years old and I look on the ground there's a stack of pornographic magazines the flesh doesn't die the lusts of the flesh don't die until it dies him Paul told us he said you got to walk in the spirit if you're not gonna fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the spirit the lowest part of you is fighting the highest part of you what does that word lust if it's contrary it's fighting it's there's a hostility between the two and the spirit lusteth against the flesh the spirit is actually trying to fight the flesh these are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would but if you'd be led of the Spirit you're not under the law now the works of the flesh once you listen to this the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery work of the flesh comes from the body fornication and cleanliness lasciviousness causing less than others idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murders it's in the flesh I used to I'm not sure if their motives are exactly right for saying it but people would say well that could be anybody that murderer right there he just had a bad life that could be anybody I'm convinced that is the case if this flesh is left to itself it can murder and he goes on and on and he just and then he finishes the statement with an such like there's so much junk in this flesh I can't even go on I'm just gonna saying there's a bunch of stuff like that you can go on and on and on and he said if you walk in these things you do such things you will not inherit the kingdom of God but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace longsuffering general these are not natural these are the highest part of us when you get the Holy Ghost goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit the devil understands this dynamic that's why he has created so many things to entice the flesh everything bad in your life comes from the flesh I got to all rights in it mm-hmm from one of these young men over there because the devil is not that powerful I'm telling you the truth does he have power yes but the human spirit without the Holy Ghost is more powerful than the devil the scripture for this folks we we are when God breathed into us the breath of life we became a creature that is nothing like anything that's ever been created the human spirit without the Holy Ghost is more powerful than the devil I heard Billy Cole say something and it blew me away and it made so much sense he said he said when you see someone in church begin to demonstrate through demonic power he said those type of people are filled with thousands of Devils it ain't one devil one devil does not have the power to change your behavior the demoniac of Ghaderi possessed by at least 6,000 devils saw jesus step off the boat and said in his own human will I will worship Him I promise you those six thousand devils were disagreeing with that decision but they couldn't stop him don't tell me the devil made you do anything lying to yourself don't people blame the depth they blame they give the devil so much glory I wanted to lift my hands and worship but the devil was holding down my arms I tried to start my car but the devil destroyed the battery you left your lights on I tried to give him the offering but I couldn't get my wallet out of my pocket he's stuck I knew was the devil he was holding on to my money I mean I've heard the craziest thing I tried to say hallelujah and I couldn't stop coughing Devils like he's he's writing this stuff down this is great stuff I mean this what else did I do okay that is awesome the devil is terrified of you he is he is terrified of you I do believe in the devil he talks to me and I talk back to him it got totally silent on that one right there I I wish I could take a picture of some of your faces right now I mean there are people like Jesus talked to the devil we don't have extended conversations about life and marriage and things like that I mean I don't that's not what I'm talking about but but every once in a while you see here's the thing about the devil his power comes from the fact that he is hidden the devil's greatest weapon is his ability to hide he's a deceiver his greatest weapon is his ability to hide himself the devil I promise you does not want to be seen because as soon as you see him as soon as you say oh there it is he's scared to death so he mimics you the devil will mimic your voice in your head except it's negative it's logical with a cynical twist it's anti spirit it doesn't directly assault the word at first it just questions you find yourself dealing with these thoughts that drain your spiritual energy the devil does not sound like the devil I want you to go now okay okay well if you heard that in your head you were like oh that's the devil and listening to that just got deep right there I feel if he came to you and he had fangs and blood was dripping off his fangs and he's trying to get you to do something no matter where you are you're like no but he doesn't come to you like that where does the devil's power come from flesh I heard and I I'm gonna preface this statement with this was not me this was a great elder among us JTP you know if y'all never heard of him he's passed on phenomenal man of God I got to spend some time with him and pick his brain he treated me like I was the only person he ever met it was unreal but he taught on ghosts what are ghosts that's an interesting topic I promise you he had everybody's attention because we there's a kind of a tradition traditional view of ghosts is that their departed souls still on earth and they appear and people say I saw my grandmother I saw my grandfather and all these things well ghost is a demon that has learned to mimic the human they were involved with and angels do the same thing they take on the characteristic of who they are assigned to this okay I'm nervous right now y'all are just looking at me you can see a hint of this when Peter was in prison there was some kind of knowledge that they had that was just everybody kind of understood it Peter was in prison they were praying for his release Peter gets released God answered their prayer angels brought him out he knocks on the door young girl opens the door slams it in his face runs back to everybody say hey God's answered our prayer Peter's at the door and they're like nope it's his angel they they lived in a dimension where I mean if even if it was an angel I would run through the door it's his angel I want to go see his angel for them it wasn't a big deal to see an angel we would pass out but what were they saying it's it's common knowledge that your angel looks like you I had I had this is fun this is the topics I like talking about so y'all get to experience this stuff but I had an experience I was in a prayer meeting at the church very extended prayer meeting my best friend showed up at the end of the prayer meeting and he started praying in the sanctuary and he heard me praying in the prayer room and he turned around and he saw me and the shirts type of shirts that I normally wear in the pants and I would roll up my sleeves a little bit he saw me walk out of the prayer room and into the sanctuary now this guy's not crazy he's one of my best friends he's he's he's just a normal wonderful guy he he said he went to get my attention and all of a sudden I flew across the church and stopped right in his face and disappeared and when I actually me physically me when I walked out of the prayer room I saw my best friend sitting on the altar it was not himself I said Rick you okay and when he came to himself and was actually able to talk to me he explained what happened that's how powerful God has made us that the spirit realm everything in the spirit realm revolves around God's creation us the devil is not more powerful than you he isn't he does not have the power the only power that he has is what the power you give him through your flesh and he entices you what did what did God say - to the serpent that beguiled Eve he said you're gonna be on your belly and dust shalt thou eat satan's appetite is dust we are made out of dust and the only dust he can't eat his dust that's been nailed to the cross when Satan sees a Sain of God that has crucified their flesh I promise you he takes a wide path around you Sybilla Campitelli what of all the junk I'm dealing with in my life and all this opposition now now God is gonna place you in places strategically to destroy the power of the enemy he's gonna put you in a spiritual position and through your prayer and through your fasting he's gonna put you in a place where you got a sword and you were directly opposing the forces of darkness but if Satan had a choice about it he would avoid you I told the story at life point I don't know if I've told her here but I had an experience a spirit came into my room when I was I came home from general conference it was 4:30 in the morning spirit came into my room it was a very dramatic thing door bursts open and and the spirit came in I was petrified I was scared to death first time anything like that ever happened to me I had prayed through all kinds of people at General Conference I'd been fasting and praying I was begging God God give me the gift of faith to pray people through men I had like the hot hand every person I touch was getting the Holy Ghost whose bring it on I went home so happy and so filled with the Holy Ghost and the devil showed up the next morning and man I it scared me I got up and I was dancing the shot with my hanky I couldn't get up for a while but afterwards man I was throwing oil all over the walls dancing in my PJs I was going at it the next day in the choir I was sitting in the platform in the choir and Jesus spoke to me he said the fear that you felt was not your fear it was his fear he is terrified of you and he will project what he is on to you to see if he has access to you we got to understand the source of the things we feel I I I'm I'm a little bit introspective and so whenever I feel something I'll think who have I been around who have I been talking to what and typically I can trace it back to a specific second that's where I started feeling that right there those words that were spoken or this moment and you can find the source once you find the source you reveal the spirit and once you reveal the spirit you've got power over it I'll notice that Paul said that we have the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked when you when you get this picture Paul is giving you this this picture of a castle and the fiery darts there you ever seen those medieval castles they have the slits up in the upper stories even tiny slits that can stick a bow through and shoot those arrows and sometimes they were lit on fire that's a fiery dart and the purpose of those darts is what to defend the castle walls from anybody encroaching and he said there's there's the strong man you got to bind the strong man the strong man is in charge of the stronghold and the closer you get to the stronghold the better target you make for a fiery dart if you're a hundred yards away it's gonna be hard to hit you you may get hit may not if you're right up at the wall knocking on the door you're a perfect target push the closer you get to the source of the problem the hotter it's gonna get but if you stay faithful the door is gonna open the gates gonna open because the Bible says the gates of Hell shall not prevail his defenses will not work against someone who is persistent and faithful that doors gonna open and then you're gonna be face to face with the spirit that has been behind all the junk that you've been dealing with and guess what you're the only one with the sword [Applause] we got to crucify that flesh what crucifies the flesh prayer crucifies how many of you like to pray in your flesh don't lie man I'm telling you this flesh doesn't like to pray it doesn't like to pray carnal mind is enmity against how many of you in your flesh like the fast this flesh don't like the fast I mean it don't like the fast whatever I fast I can smell things that were cooked three days ago it's amazing how the flesh just before the McDonald's arches are like over the highway I can I will think I go on these crazy kicks when I fast my mind becomes so elaborately detailed on recipes that I will cook after my fast is over I mean I can taste the spices in the fresh I'm in my mind I'm growing an herb garden when I get off this fast I'm gonna have everything fresh and it's gonna simmer for four days and just be perfect that's the flesh prayer and fasting it will crucify the flesh you can get to a place in the spirit where the things in your flesh that used to hang on you no longer affect you I'll say it again you can get to a place in prayer and in fasting where the struggles of your flesh they don't have the same power of you they used to what used to totally bind me I scoff at now what used to totally do I have your attention what used to totally bind me I'm telling you I went for years bound by the same junk cycle after cycle after cycle this flesh was powerful but then I begin to focus on prayer and begin to focus on fasting and I want to tell you something God has given me dominion while Satan has no access to the soul whose flesh has been crucified jesus said the prince of this world cometh and havent coming cometh and hath nothing in me he has no power over me he has no part of me why because before he was crucified on the cross Jesus was in the garden and he crucified himself and now Satan has no influence whatsoever you can get to a place through prayer and fasting where your spirit lifts the body and lifts the soul and lifts you out of the place where that flesh is constantly pulling and fighting and battling and being [Applause] sometimes it takes hard work for things to get easy my pastor's wife sister Barnum said if you live for God easy it's an old saying what's the rest of it it's hard if you're barely praying young men I'm gonna tell you to your face if you're barely praying two minutes a day five minutes a day you won't struggle in your flesh young ladies but if you live for God hard I'm hitting it I'm gonna hit it with everything I got I'm a praying hour I don't care if I say hallelujah for the whole hour I'm praying the whole hour you live for God hard I'm gonna pray for two hours I will pray for five hours I'm totally convinced you can overcome anything through prayer and fasting I'm a witness to this folks I'm telling you there were such spirits in my life and such bondage I was if you ever saw a bound person I was bound I was bound and the Lord kept calling me into prayer and I realized an hour didn't cut it for me two hours didn't cut it for me I had to stay and linger why because God was taking that sword and just slicing off this flesh and and the longer I stayed the less flesh would have power over my mind I would I would go into the prayer room depressed and ready to give up and commit suicide and I would leave the prayer room and my mind was on fire with possibility and hope and joy and it happened over and over and over until they got that that depression got less powerful that addiction got less powerful until finally I was standing on top of what used to be hanging over me you can overcome anything if you're willing to crucify the flesh if you're willing to crucify the flesh quiet Saints are weak Saints inactive Saints are weak Saints it may be dead Saints will just say weak to be nice Saints who don't praise God in the dance you're dealing with a weakness why don't we leave all the dancing up to these freakish young people I love y'all these kids every time music starts they're up here dancing my God if you got legs and you're healthy you ought to be dancing why don't we do it well it's a little bit uncomfortable we get you know some of the things we're dealing with we're trying to find all these complex things oh we got to dig in we're gonna need a psychologist to be psychoanalyzed and we're gonna get gonna get 18 different books on this issue and you know just try up in your spirit action just a little bit up up your spirit effort just a little bit it's amazing how things just clear I'm getting some spiritual feedback right now from some people you know like what I'm saying most of you do but I just caught a spirit from a few of you you're your issues not the devil and anybody else in this room it's your stinking done crucified flesh and if we could ever learn if we could ever met I'm gonna every time I come to church I'm gonna find a place to dance every time I come to church I'm gonna find a spot to wave my art I'm gonna do it until I'm a little bit uncomfortable because if I'm not uncomfortable my flesh is happy but if I can ever get to a place where my friends ain't really happy that means my spirit is gaining influence over my soul I don't feel anything but the capitellum will keep it up and you will I promise you I promise you you will [Applause] you can be seated do it again while your seat and let your voice sound and just do whatever you feel [Applause] [Music] this is the culture this is the culture I was blessed to be raised in it's 8:02 we're probably supposed to be done right now right can I have five more minutes you you're officially dismissed if you want to go but I'm going to talk for five more minutes actually I don't know if that's the case there may be some announcements I'm in so much trouble I'm just rabbit-hole it's a culture that I come from we just knew in our church you know brother and sister Varnum are phenomenal people sister Varnum she's a powerful woman she's a prophetess and brother Varnum he's an apostle and so they're gonna kind of know what's going on with you in the spirit and sister Varnum went through seasons she would fast literally fast every other day that's right I said every other day one day she eats the next day I'm talking for a month after month after month spirit spirit there is a difference between trained flesh and crucified flesh sometimes they look similar but they're not the same crucified flesh can only come through spirit action jesus said the greatest commandment is here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart soul mind strengthened this is the greatest commandment the faster Soto started teaching that there are three persons in the Godhead and we've started baptizing in titles in the popular formula we would say there's something really wrong happening here something's off because we are obviously violating the first commandment here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord it hopped in a hot can mean unity of one but when Jesus quoted it in the book of Mark used the Greek word ein which is numerically singularly one we understand it's easy to see when that commandment is violated but Jesus put these things together understand perceive that there's only one God and thou shalt love him with all thy heart soul mind and strength this is gonna take your emotions it's gonna take your intellect and it's going to take your body all of your strength all of your strength when is the last time that you gave God in praise all of your strength and you went home sweaty I mean sweaty when's the last time you praise God until all of your strength was gone it does something to you I'll tell you one more story and I'm done I was looking for a breakthrough Jesus and his service told me to dance and when I saw it in my head it wasn't like a pretty dance cuz we have pretty dances and then we have crazy dance you know and I saw myself doing a crazy dance just flipping out I wanted to get drunk on the Holy Ghost I had never been free in that dimension just totally plastered I wanted to be I wanted to be in the spirit so completely that he just had total control and I was a freak and so he said he kept telling me praise you the Lord in the dance and I just was like man I need I don't know if that's it I just and I would close my eyes and see myself am I am i I think I've told you this but anyway in my mind I saw myself with my hanky just going ballistic I saw brother Steve Willoughby laughs y'all know who he is Steve Willoughby would dance like a complete Comanche Indian every service no matter if you're dancing or not he's up there dancing he's got this his hankie out what's he doing he's praising the Lord with all his strength strength so I saw it and I said okay I'll do it and I started doing it I danced I think longer that night and I never had in my life didn't feel nothing it was crazy didn't feel a single thing danced up and down this side wall right here dance dance dance my stomach was on fire that not that tells you you're out of shape it was on fire man my pulse was boom my head was pounding and I had taken off my jacket my shoes had my hanky and was going at it and every time I wanted to give up I just told the Lord I'm gonna praise you in the dance I'm just I'm done I'm done always living I'm done living in a continual Christian experience that I can always explain do we know what the Apostle said Paul the Apostle said I was praying and I was in the trance Peter's Peter said Peter said I was praying and I was in a trance it some pretty some pretty out-there stuff and this is where we get our doctrine from these guys that lived in trances and in John the Beloved he wrote a whole book about the ocean and creatures with 18 heads and leopards and eagles and grasshoppers with fiery things coming out of their and we read his book and try to live right these are our founding fathers these are were built upon the foundation the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone these people saw stuff and Paul talked about I was carried up into I knew a man carried up a third of it I don't know whether I was in my body or out of my body I can't really remember it was all so blurry I was just I don't know if I was in on the earth or out of the earth er anyway that's what I wanted so I kept dancing kept dancing and at the end of the dance I was soaked from the top of my head of the soles of my feet totally soaked went over sat down and all the guys were sitting right here sat down right in the middle of him and I leaned back and it was during the announcements and they were it was everybody was done dancing and done praising God announcement time for the next service and I leaned back and I said God I've given you everything I have I have no more strength when I said that power God said Jesus just said okay I fell out of the seat and instantly I went from zero to totally drunk in the Holy Ghost never happened in my life up to that point I was I was slammed I started I started rolling and laughing hysterically like a girl I was laughing so hard my voice was went totally falsetto and I opened my eyes and the whole guy section was on the floor drunk and the Holy Ghost the whole girls section was on the floor drunk and the Holy Ghost then it started going like this across the church [Applause] I'm telling you everything everything everything everything changed for me in that moment it changed for me I was walking on air for a few days folks just just 2 days after that I was sitting in a living room by myself and Jesus walked through the door and came around the back of my seat sitting in a recliner and he sat down on the couch next to me I lost it all over again I fell on the floor I began to scream I'm telling you a door into the supernatural opened I don't know I don't know how the Lord or how to explain it scientifically but somehow I reached the end of my flesh for that season and I was launched into a place in the spirit I had never been in my life now there may be some people here you don't like what I'm saying maybe you're in tradition to use like your Christian experience so but but these young people are looking at me with wide eyes I want to tell you you can have it if you want it don't settle for don't settle for a Christianity you can always explain you need to get lost in God you need to get drunk in the Holy Ghost shut up AHA satara bah hiya why don't you do it ever you feel for a moment I'm all done just however you wanna praise him however you wanna worship however you want to talk to him just hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah shake our rocket Allah Baraka Sheila Bakker and Oliver Hezekiah to Lahore Rakesh Ayala Mahuta in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I released to you the gift of faith I released to you the gift of faith in prayer I believe see you the gift of faith in the spirit I believe to you the gift of faith in your pursuit of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus God let it be said of 80c when people look at us when people look at us god help us to fit into that day of pentecost paradigm these people are drunk these people are drunk they're all in something up they're under the influence of something yes but we're not drunk as you suppose but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel in the last days saith god I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] that's it young people get out of yourself go beyond what you normally do that's it young ladies young men press beyond go a little bit farther [Applause] one God is a treasure chest understand the one God you open up the treasure chest of other great gifts from this God in Deuteronomy 6 and 4 Moses told that the daily diet of the Jews would be to here every morning here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord thousands a few thousand of years later Jesus is asked by some men would you tell us what is the greatest commandment of all the first and the greatest he said it is hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord there is no disputing the one god doctrine throughout the Bible thousands of times over seven thousand times to be exact the Bible refers to God as being one God one Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 4,808
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), christian theology (field of study), Lee Stoneking
Id: 6vLBEv4QRvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 2sec (4022 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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