Can I Survive FNAF Security Breach RUIN?

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foreign ly time I knew this day would come and yet I still feel unprepared so many questions unanswered so many Horrors still haunting my every waking thought and I've put it off long enough it's time to embrace reality security breach got DLC [Music] so yeah Evan's favorite half baked it's surprisingly wholesome horror game Five Nights at Freddy's security breach has new content and of course as a quasi-final YouTuber I am legally obligated to make at least one video about it maybe two maybe four I don't know so real quick if you're new here Five Nights at Freddy's security breach is the most recent game in that video game series about the haunted Chuck E cheese robots and criminals in bunny suits the original games were pretty much all point-and-click type games where you're stuck in a room and have to check security cameras to keep the funny robots from yelling at you but security breach took things in a pretty ambitious New Direction by being a fully 3D free roaming kind of open world thing with tons of new characters and a crazy neon 80s Mall Vibe you played as a kid named Gregory who was trapped in this giant mega Pizza Plex and teamed up with Freddy Fazbear himself to survive the night and avoid getting captured by this creepy woman in a bunny suit named vanny who kept stalking around the place all of which was maybe a bit too ambitious this game was broken when it came out I'm talking like hardcore crashed in the first 10 minutes animatronics glitching through walls skip am I bad at the game or is the game bad at me kind of broken plus there was just a lot of really bad design choices seriously do not get me started on how security breach handles like save states and that awful maze room it was all bad and it sucked I really like security breach yeah uh despite the laundry list of problems I still had a really good time with security breach the game's got a lot of charm and character and honestly the glitches were kind of part of that but now we have more with Five Nights of Freddy's security breach ruin a free DLC add-on to the game that dropped just last month yeah I know I'm late and the trailer for this was real exciting the game looked way darker and creepier and did seem to be delivering on a lot of what was lacking in security breach mainly an actual story and a game that didn't cry and piss itself whenever someone made eye contact with it so let's play it when we last left security breach Our Heroes Gregory and Glam Rock Freddy had the spoilers escape the pursuit of vanity and in doing so randomly found a whole other abandoned restaurant buried under the pizza Plex this actually turned out to be the pizzeria from Five Nights at Freddy's 6 Pizzeria simulator and if you're not a freak who studies FNAF lore like me let me tell you why that matters Five Nights at Freddy's lore history time time so there were these two dudes who built robots one was named Henry and he was chill the other was William Afton who killed like a dozen kids for fun while dressed as a golden bunny very normal all those dead kids went on to possess the various animatronics of Freddy and friends so Henry decided to Wrangle them all up into a fake Pizzeria and burn the place to the ground to set the souls to rest William Afton included so this Freddy's location under the pizza Plex was also sporting a giant blob of melted animatronics and William afton's rotting corpse still stuck in the springtrap Bonnie suit clinging to life and I don't know attempting to escape back into the world or something Gregory and Freddie gave William a good old slap in the face torched the whole place to the ground and ran away now security breach has a bunch of different endings but I'm pretty sure most fans agree this is the real one the one that matters so at the start of Ruin we got a classic time Skip it's been an undisclosed amount of time since the pizza Plex collapsed in on itself the whole place has fallen into ruins and this time around our player character is a girl named Cassie who's sneaking into the abandoned Pizza Plex on a mission to find Gregory who's apparently still here even though I thought he escaped but okay whatever I'm sure there's no reason to be concerned Cassie hops through a broken window at the pizza Flex entrance and starts looking for Gregory having apparently received some kind of mysterious message from him not sure how a kid with no phone is sending out distress signals to his friends but who cares we're playing the game so I explore the pizza Plex entrance for a minute admiring the new Decor grab a flashlight from this dead guy uh still no reason to be concerned and phone anyone gonna get that myself hello oh Gregory how you been I stumble across a Roxanne wolf walkie-talkie and finally get to talk to Gregory he says he's in serious trouble hiding in Roxy Raceway so what's up to Cassie I.E me to find and save him also when I picked up the walkie-talkie uh text box popped up in the menu mentioning that uh Roxy is Cassie's favorite character isn't that cute I'm sure she'll be happy to see her again of course with the pizza Plex all destroyed the elevator isn't working so I manually climb up the Elevator Shaft this is a very long ladder michika in the kitchen meet Monty in the sewers and wake up in the bowels of what used to be Monty's Gator golf okay a lot has happened in a very short amount of time but I'm sure if I just keep pushing forward take a mask take a mask take a mask take a mask yeah I get it we're doing this again fine oh wait this is Lord Thunder there was a clap of thunder right after I said lore it's still going ooh spooky yeah this random security bot just gave me a vanity mask you know the mask worn by essentially the main villain of the last game apparently this is some kind of security mask it's full of wires and beep boop doodads against my better judgment and because the game doesn't give me any other option I pop it on and huh welcome to vanity the virtual augmented neural network integration unit huh that's interesting I wonder what ow yeah so this sketchy Robo Vani mask just freaking poked me in the side of the head and implanted some kind of chip in my brain I think now I got this stupid little purple fredbear named helpy giving me tutorials all the time in my head in my head I'm sure there is no reason to be concerned but this mask is actually pretty cool putting it on activates strong Vision this is supposed to be some kind of AR security mode but uh I don't think this is how augmented reality Works everything goes purple and suddenly I can phase through objects like physical objects that are blocking my way in real life with the mask on I can just walk through them I don't I don't know I I don't know I'd like to see matpat explain that one and before I can even wrap my head around this crime against the laws of physics I get stuck in a second Monty golf My Only Way Forward is a door that is both locked and electrified which I tried it didn't actually hurt me rip off all the while uh what's left of Montgomery Gator is crawling around waiting to attack huh how did he lose his legs again oh yeah me Gregory chimes in on the walkie-talkie telling me to shut down not just this store's security system but all Security in the pizza Plex I'm sure there is no reason to be concerned and here's where we kind of get the main gameplay Loop of Ruin running around using the vanity mask to find and deactivate AR security nodes around the pizza Plex to shut down all the security and make our way to wherever the heck Gregory is but of course it's not going to be that simple yeah most of the animatronics might not be as much of a threat as they used to be but we're dealing with a whole different reality now we're hijacked into the security grid dude and they got their own problems mainly yes bat a big glitchy rabbit monster in the Mainframe that will jump scare you and send out a distressed Beacon drawing in any nearby animatronics which means [Music] obviously so I can't just blast through the whole game in security mode I gotta be able to balance between the two even though the AR mode is honestly really cool like look eyeballs isn't that neat anyway I shut down the security node unlock the electric door and eventually work my way to the daycare wait what what was the what was the deal with the daycare again right the daycare is the domain of the Sun and oh the daycare is the domain of the Sun and Moon animatronic now I'm sure you remember this guy flipping between a happy friendly dude when the lights are on and a creepy monstrous moon man when the lights were off in the main games daycare section I had to crawl around this gigantic play place looking for actual generators to power the lights all while this Moon guy was creeping around waiting to jump scare me and it took forever the play place was a freaking Labyrinth and if you died you had to do it all over again no Auto saves it was just a pain man so I I kind of think the developers just wanted to redo it and maybe make it a little less infuriating so this time around I get ambushed by moon man but the sun side takes over begging me to turn the lights back on and reboot him so they can be whole again luckily I picked up a fast wrench earlier yes that's actually what it's called and this thing can operate a bunch of the different systems around the pizza Plex so once again I'm crawling through this Maze of a play place looking for generators and wondering how this place ever got away with keeping heavy machinery inside the daycare but this time around the game actually takes it easy on me a lot more areas of the play place are blocked off making it easier to navigate plus there's these little drawings on the walls that uh not so subtly tell me where to go there's only two generators this time I think the main game had like three or four and as I get the lights turned on moon gets stunned so he can't actually chase after me and things get really interesting when I finally make my way to the top of the play place to reboot the guy I shoved my fast wrench into the back of his fast skull and give it a little fast twist and boom dude reboots as it Clips yeah I guess this is how the dude was always meant to function both of his eyes light up he wishes me a happy birthday weird and then very kindly flies me out of the daycare oh yeah I forgot to mention dude can just fly now I don't know so eclipse tosses the small defenseless child out of what is now probably the only safe place in the whole building and now I'm in the no welcome back endoskeletons I hate these things stupid crusty skinless cretan's death to all of them my least favorite part of the security breach main game was the endoskeleton section these things only move when you aren't looking so you have to either be constantly glancing behind you or what I did just walk backwards for an entire level or else you'll get jump scared and have to start all over and look just look at the sheer number of them they expected me to deal with at once that's a lot and trust me the game was way too broken to pull this off I hate it I still hate it and I will hate it forever so when I turned around and saw these decrepit Bionicles were back I won't lie kind of didn't want to play the game anymore but actually uh these guys don't seem to be moving even when I look away they just keep sleeping huh all right not gonna complain about that find the security node deactivated I knew it I knew it so here we we are again deactivating the security nodes then activates these endoskeletons and it's just like old times except they actually manage to make it not infuriatingly broken hooray yeah honestly they totally fixed the endoskeletons 100 and it's all because of the Vani mask slapping this thing on my stupid face makes me basically invisible to these guys I turn around and see them sneaking up behind me pop the mask on and they just turned back around and Mosey along wandering around aimlessly like idiots yeah I can only assume this is because they now see me as part of the security system instead of some kind of unidentified Intruder but either way it makes these guys much easier to deal with but you can't just Spam The Mask the whole time obviously there is still the bunny thing to deal with but all of that combined took what was in my opinion one of the most frustrating parts of the main game and actually balanced it all out to a real Fair challenge I'm serious once I got the hang of the Rhythm swapping between real life and AR mode to keep both threats at Bay this part was actually totally reasonable I'm genuinely impressed with how ruin made the worst part of security breach actually fun anyway all of this was just to open a door literally that's it so I opened the door and found myself in a theater room no immediate threats no obvious Way Forward so I just do some random security tweaks pop the mask back on and oh okay if you're wondering what this is and why it is so am I I don't know just when I put the mask on there was a giant endoskeleton bursting out of the stage and clawing the ground well the only reasonable thing to do now is jump down his throat well now I'm an event jumping down that robot's throat led me to an air vent that then broke sending me tumbling directly into the gondola ride above Monte golf again I have to question how big is this pizza Plex well anyway this here is actually one of the more interesting bits in the game when it comes to you know the lore first we have the Vore now we have the lore huh can I say that I don't know I don't know if I can say that that's fine I don't think there's a snap YouTuber who doesn't talk about Vore occasionally [Music] the game turns into a Pokemon Snap for a bit and I'm just on Rails being slowly taken through one of those like amusement park dark rides where we see of all things Glam Rock Bonnie I never really touched on it in my main playthrough but security breach kinda ditched Bonnie you know Bonnie the bunny animatronic that is like a staple of Five Nights at Freddy's since the very first game one of the original four the one that's the focus of the thumbnail for the very first Markiplier FNAF playthrough video Yeah Bonnie security breach just kind of got rid of them and replaced their spot in the band with Monty but still left Clues throughout the campaign implying that Bonnie was part of the Glam Rock crew until something the ominous and unexplained happened but now ruin is giving us our first look at Glam Rock Bonnie and conveniently an in-universe explanation as to why Monty took his place in the band it's not much of an explanation kind of just looks like Bonnie saw this Gator could play bass and just said I don't know your turn yeah yeah I don't buy diet this is way too wholesome of a story to be real definitely seems more like Monty probably killed Bonnie to take his place in the band I don't know how an animatronic robot can kill another animatronic robot but the weirder things have happened so I'm not gonna rule anything out oh uh side note though apparently you can actually find the real Glam Rock Bonnie in this game yeah it was supposed to be an Easter egg for completionists but uh the entire quest to unlock it is glitched and doesn't work that's the security breach I know some things never change but of course with some modding people we're able to find the room Bonnie's in and uh yeah dead very very dead what are we talking about oh right I'm on the gator gondola foreign crashes sending me tumbling into a concussion and now I'm on the catwalks above Gator golf slowly but surely forgetting what I'm even trying to do here luckily Gregory calls in and reminds me oh right I'm trying to take the longest possible route imaginable to Roxy Raceway so I can walk right into whatever obvious trap this game is building up to I remember now this part on the catwalks is not gonna lie boring I mean it's fun in game but like when it comes to things to talk about and it's not a whole lot happening it's the same thing as always running around switching to AR mode and deactivating security nodes to find my way out I think Monty was supposed to be crawling around and stalking me the whole time but yeah I don't know I never saw him straight up just never showed up there were all these camera systems around but I didn't see him once so I don't know oh I'm lying one interesting thing did happen in this section I found out that uh apparently this vanity mask lets me teleport oh these guys definitely don't know how AR works but after just blindly hopping into one of these teleportation portals I wind up on this super long neon bridge in what looks like a completely different room there's nowhere to go but forward and I can't take my mask off sounds like a perfect time for the glitch bunny thing to show up and oh the evaporate apparently yeah uh Gregory and helpy somehow found a way to get rid of that thing Gregory straight up says it quote won't bother me anymore a bold move for them to remove the only real threat in the game right at the beginning but don't worry much like me the game was lying the bunny thing shows up like five minutes later after I finally leave Monty Golf and reach the kitchen area you know that place where chica got squashed by a trash compactor by no fault of my own which means I'm probably going to be dealing with her soon and yeah there she is and There She Goes a whole lot of not much happens while I'm going through this chica section to be honest hey chica doing all right you need anything just more nodes more stealth more AR Shenanigans etc etc whatever I know I've complained about security breach being frustrating even just in this video but uh being real I think ruin might be too easy right now I I don't actually feel like there's much of a threat even when chica is stalking me which most of the time she isn't not gonna lie I got kind of curious about this so I went and checked Markiplier's playthrough up to this point and I noticed chica was following him around a lot more I don't know if that was his game glitching or mine but considering I also never saw Monty in the catwalks uh I'm not I'm not entirely convinced that I'm not doing something wrong here oh I appear to have entered The Zone and I think we're gonna have to leave it there for now I know I know but I don't want to rush through this I've been waiting forever for this game so I want to take my time with it and to give this playthrough the full detail I think it deserves we're just gonna have to do a two-parter so join me next time for the thrilling conclusion of Five Nights at Freddy's security breach ruin now if you'll excuse me laughs [Music]
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 283,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys, fnaf, fnaf security breach, security breach, fnaf security breach ruin, fnaf security breach dlc, fnaf ruin, fnaf ruin dlc, fnaf security breach ruin all endings, fnaf ruin all endings, fnaf ruin trailer, fnaf security breach ruin trailer, fnaf security breach ending, fnaf lore, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's security breach, ruin dlc, ruin, ruin gameplay, new fnaf dlc, five nights at freddys security breach, fnaf recap, footofaferret
Id: D2sqYzuvpQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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