SOLVING Unemployment with Specialized Industry! - Let's Play Cities Skylines 2 - Ep.3

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hello everybody Darren here and welcome back to City skylines 2 now in the previous episode we built out a new high school and its surrounding infrastructure complete with its own tennis courts basketball courts public transport connections and numerous pedestrian access points we also started work on Specialized industry creating our first industrial farms and quaries and today the plan is to heavily expand that area to really utilize the potential of various fertilities we have out there we're also going to be building up many new services such as the post delivery radio towers and creating various districts and setting up the policies for them most importantly we're going to be also growing the town by adding a brand new college with its own amenities as well as new Estates with a capacity of about 3,000 residents in total first off we just have a quick time lapse of the industrial expansion before then we're going to jump into the gameplay proper a quick reminder that if you're enjoying the series it it really make my day if you like the video and if you subscribed because of the huge support in the last couple of videos passing 100,000 subscribers I've also been able to dedicate more time to the series and get it out faster also if you missed an episode or want to check out how I did something before remember to check out the playlist all right let's begin so to kick things off I just have a very quick time lapse just a couple of minutes here of expanding out the specialized industry that we started to build at the tail end of the previous episode so the majority of the fertilities here are being used for grain and vegetables and then just kind of on the outer edges of those fertilities I've just decided to put down livestock farms and Pad it out all the way to the edges of the road just to make it look kind of like natural and like it's one big farm I decided for the time lapse cuz it is quite repetitive not to just show every single node being placed and pushed up against the road that I would just show you one example of each type of Industry so that was the Farms now we have the forestry huge abundance of wood and Forestry dense forestry in the map here so I decided to put down five Lumber Mills is that what they're called I guess forestry huts and yep these ones took quite a while as well they've got a big radius and I wanted them to kind of push up against each other so we had a clean texture T from each boundary to boundary so really happy with how that's starting to take shape there and then I decided to add a little bit extra Stone as well so alongside the original Stone mine that we have just built another one out right next to it also continuing the project of the outer bypass the idea was that this highway is going to wrap around the town and connect to the northern part of it so it needs another Interchange to be able to kind of come in towards the industrial area as well this is just in order to well we'll talk about it later in the episode but I'm anticipating that all of this industry is going to need to kind of be able to export its goods so you'd want to give them a nice big road infrastructure and access to the highway so they can kind of go north west east or South Without Really affecting the town itself so that's pretty much everything I worked on in between episodes we'll take a look more in depth right now all right ladies and gentlemen the new specialized industrial sector has been approved built and is ready to ramp up production but time is still paused for now before we let time play I wanted to do a quick assessment of our current situation so that we can get a better understanding of some of the problems we face and see some of the cause and effect from what we choose to build where it's placed and the supporting infrastructure it has so let's take a look over in the population demographics tab we have an embarrassing situation happening right now 3,800 total population with an unemployment rate of 17.7% damn people are calling for my head over at the mayor's office it's our greatest failure and I'm going to say our placing the blame on you guys as well even though it's totally pretty much all on me but that's what politicians do they push around the blame so I would say that as we're about to leave summer and enter into fall in the next couple of minutes that our mission statement should be to get unemployment down to I'd say 7% that seems reasonable slash the unemployment rate and I think we're going to be able to do just that hopefully if we take a look at workplace availability we can actually see a heat map now of where all the jobs are so we still have a decent amount ount of open position still here in the center of the Town itself in the commercial sector in the industrial sector we've got a bright new hot spots in the industrial sector that we've just basically were about to open for business another interesting thing in looking at these numbers here is that we have 3,200 jobs we have 2,400 people employed so why don't they just take the 800 or so jobs that are available well education is the problem isn't it effectively we have open positions here for well educated and also for poorly educated that people aren't taking there's actually a lot in the uneducated category that people aren't taking about 300 that's quite an interesting one because it means that we're actually over educating some people and they're moving up the ladder as it were and they're not taking any of the lower rung jobs now they will eventually apparently to their dis what's the word to their dismay they'll be quite unhappy about that and they will complain about it but they will eventually take some of the lower down positions but ideally we want to just bring in people that will take those jobs naturally and give the people with the higher education jobs that they deserve is that the right word something like that anyways that's the time play we're about to roll over into fall as I said we should see the leaves turning colors and stuff like that now I hadn't let time play just yet if we have a look at some of the industries here and just do a quick recap we've effectively got grain grain and vegetables these will be our three specialized industries that are going to require an actual fertile territory or land right beneath them so they're going to be happy with those these ones do not these are livestock and they are not sitting on fertile territory right now that's why they're on the far bounds of the actual fer fertility spot it's hard to see cuz we've built over it now but some people were worried that I was building livestock over it don't think I did maybe a slight bit on the edges but not too nothing too crazy effectively then we've got five forestry buildings up and running as well and again these are all now hiring and open to a lot of new positions and employees coming in they actually ramp up over time so they'll start off with just 20 or 30 spots and then eventually as they level up they typically add more and more workplaces one of my favorites would be the coal area up here 190 positions in total 88 have just been filled so that's pretty damn good so we've now got coal industry up and running out here we have five logging industry and then we have two Stone industry down here another couple hundred positions on that this one was set up first you can see it's level you know two and a half let's say level two cuz that's what it says uh out of potential five that is 109 employees whereas this one is only level one and it's only going up to 70 so I would imagine even just letting time play right there we've already brought unemployment way down to 88.3% that is how you politic my friends so people are going to be loving it so the next thing I wanted to do is actually create some districts to create some delineating lines and policies between our different areas here so we just built out the high school along with its amenities the basketball courts tennis courts and and so on few shops out in the center some higher density living space for people who may be students renting whatever the case might be we set up our first transport routes we have the uh I actually didn't name the bus lines thinking about it but we've got the kind of more green bus going around counterclockwise and then the regular bus the blue bus going around clockwise and they're pretty much overlapping on most streets but not totally uh something else I just thought we should mention on the topic of Industry before I move away from this area right now is we got to think about how we're going to handle the um The increased traffic from all of this this is why I built out the highways and added a new intersection down here a brand new one up here and the plan is to eventually collect connect this road this highway all the way over to the north because what I'm finding and I don't know if we'll see it right now is that a lot of trucks are coming through here no that's a totally fine one this one here we go a lot of trucks are coming through here being a bit cheeky this one's coming from a town called Milford and going to Round Rock it's got nothing to do with my place not even carrying anything it's just coming through my map and my town and my busy streets for free um transporting stuff from A to B right it's not got nothing to do with us now it's interesting because a lot of trucks so basically the idea is if we connect up the bypass I'm hoping they don't go through the town that's the point there before I get ahead of myself I was going to have a look at the tonnage that these trucks carry typically it's 25 tons if we have a look at our production metrics now we can see that logging is up to 4 478 tons per month now remember a month is a day in game but basically a month so one day night cycle that's going to go through that's a lot you know that's 500 and that's going to go up even higher I reckon it could even hit a th000 by the end of this episode and we've added 400 Rock and 400 coal soon to be you know it's at 300 now but it'll ramp up as they fill up their employees uh livestock and so on and so forth the the point is we're adding a lot of trucks potentially now apparently there's like an export bug in the game where things aren't getting exported correctly let's just pretend they are cuz they will probably patch it and fix it eventually if it is broken so don't worry about any bugs right now I'm not 100% sure what even the bug is so I don't want to comment on it because I don't know but if we were to assume that all of that tonnage that we're creating isn't going into any of our buildings cuz it's in the Surplus category then you would expect that we're going to have a heavy Hefty volume of traffic leaving our Town exporting all of this stuff off to the edges of the map or to a cargo train terminal perhaps in the future which can carry a huge amount rather than having just 25 tons per truck obviously I can't remember the exact numbers but I want to say it's like 300 or something on the cargo trains so obviously you want to get that set up in the future and that's what this sort of space is left blank here for feel like a train would work really well in and around this area and be able to carry off a majority of the stuff away and if we travel it sort of parallel or bring it sort of parallel along the high way that could be a great way to get it out in the future anyway just food for thought just so people know where my head's at what I'm thinking of in the future but nothing is set in stone as it were no pun intended right now all right so let's get to creating these districts so we have the area tool the district creation tool I think the very first one would be simple enough we can pop it in the center of the roads actually and we'll just make a little District here for the small suburban area that we have and yeah I guess we'll have to just stop it right around here actually can I get rid of that one there we go I just bring this down to somewhere like here and do they want to have the car park I guess not right so bring this across again down and then just follow the roads out and that'll be our first little District lilac Acres that's kind of nice it's all right I'll leave it for now we can maybe name these in the future the next one will be the big Suburban Row Housing that we have here uh so we kind of want to give that its own thing as well so I guess we could start on the same point create a new District we just go to here follow snapping to the roads is usually the best way to do this all right so there we go Beachwood Gardens that's a very fancy name for what that place ultimately is which is just people packed like sardines in a can together but it's all right it's not too bad actually they have decent Gardens they could be even smaller and we might do that in the future some people have said for Row Housing if you want to go with an authentic English look you would even have the Gardens at the back you would just Zone it to three these are zoned to five and they could be zoned to six uh grids across to give them even bigger Gardens if you Zone it to four they basically just lose the garden bit on the end and they have a bunch of sheds at the back these garages or garages if you're American these little shed things and that can look a bit weird so you can bring it right into just three I think and then it's just the house all the way along so that's really densely packing them now I've heard although I haven't actually tested it that the less land and zones you give a particular home the less value that home has which would make sense and it'll attract people of lesser wealth overall uh which is kind of interesting to think about it's like okay if we make an even denser pocket of these types of houses the wealthier people should go for the ones with the gardens I mean that kind of makes sense but it also depends on location and a few other factors all right so that's just two districts done let's keep going and uh do the commercial sector next and then we'll separate that out from the indust sector so we'll bring this along I guess to maybe uh about there and we'll just cut that across to here bring it straight over all right so we have brierwoods Brierwood Heights not a fan of that name that one's definitely changing um we have elk Street and Kent Street Kent Street actually rolls all the way down this way so I don't know what I have against the word Brier but I'm just going to call it Elkwood Heights which Elkwood I don't even think makes sense but that's fine just something better to look at at least for me uh for a while until we come up with a better name again comments are definitely welcome on that and suggestions I love using suggestions that people have and I've been reading all the comments I read all my comments by the way a lot of people a lot of YouTuber I mean people say that YouTubers don't I don't I can't speak for other people but I read all my comments the only things I don't read are replies um not to me or to anything like that it's just the replies to each other or even replies to me I'll tend to miss I tend to see new comments that's basically what I see and regardless of what video it's on because the YouTube Creator studio app which is like a little app on your phone just for creators will just pull your channel stats and one of the first things it shows you every time you log in is recent comments and it doesn't matter how old the video is it's just whatever the latest comment is and as a YouTuber of my size I get about maybe 40 a day something like that on average cuz I don't upload every day um um so it's quite easy Sunset Town that's quite a nice a name for industry how about Sunset Town um yeah that's quite a nice name for that actually although it's weird gas town would probably be better with all the chimney Stacks it's very Mad Max like uh where was it going with that but anyway yeah long story short I see your comments even if it's like a if you're watching this and it's 6month old and you write a comment I probably saw it you know I probably saw it um I don't reply to everything of course but I try to give them likes if I um agree or uh want to say just let people know uh yeah I've noted this you know stuff like that but I I read pretty much everything so don't be afraid basically to comment because it does uh it helps and I basically do YouTube so I can see what people think of what I do um all right if they took away comments I honestly don't know if I'd continue doing YouTube for reals and I can't believe some people turn off their comments it's like what's even the point if you're just like a regular Creator I can understand maybe some companies doing it anyways right so there we go so we have Sterling Meadows Sunset Town Elkwood Heights lilac Acres I was going to say Shady Acres you know what we got to call this Shady Acres always have Shady Acres in my game somewhere so we'll just call the I don't think even doing this will do anything to do with the Farms if there's any industrial policies but we'll call that Shady Acres all right so the great thing about this is that now we have District policies available to us so for instance we saw a couple of car accidents happening at the roundabout here and there was actually another one going on at the same time here when we looked at it in the previous episode so we want to tell people to slow down excuse me so we can have a roadside parking fee charge people for parking here you could do that and apparently there's like very little benefit if you're just looking to Mid Max the game definitely turn that on but I'm trying to play it a little bit more realistically so let's say like no there's no roadside parking fee for your own estate but there is speed bumps reduces the speed of Vehicles driving within the district this lowers the chance of accidents and brings noise pollution down significantly so I would hope yep that'll cut down on speeding hooray for speed bump says archal Haley where you liveing in a district that has nothing to do with it they're just happy to hear it which is fine in fact they might get their own District that does the same similar thing in the future but for now we'll just make this one District until we decide to carve it up a bit okay so the next one then would be that's Beachwood Heights lilac Garden similar situation I would say speed bumps we can't do the heavy traffic ban yet not that I feel like that would ever happen in here anyway but it would be nice to just assign that kind of thing anyway in the future Elkwood Heights this will have the roadside parking fee because we have car park set up designated areas for you to park and if we expand this out we can actually set the fee to be quite High I'm going to bring it all the way up to 30 could go even higher but let's just be reasonable about it it's fairly high but it's not insane it's kind of insane right recycling reduce the amount of resources used but decreases their free time why is that a problem for me I guess they don't go to pay money at leisure places maybe as much yeah you know what maybe recycle actually you know we'll do it in the more bougie place it's not that bougie but a little bit more maybe than them they so they're all about the recycling over at lilac Acres all right Elkwood Heights we have the parking nothing else really needed in there there Sunset town we could mandate recycling in here reduce the amount of used resources but decreases free time don't really get what free time means in regards to an industrial sector citizens are advised to pay attention to their use of electronic devices electricity consumption is reduced by 5% sure in Sunset town I'm supposed to save power but my fridge has the only working light in my apartment so that's kind of sad um well there you go all right Sterling Meadows final thing here I don't think they yeah roadside parking fee for here would probably be fair now we'll leave we'll leave them because it's it's all going to change soon enough so we don't have to do anything with them and then here I think similar thing they don't really need anything but what's cool now is we can actually check demographics of like who's working where so there's 146 uneducated people working 145 positions not really sure how that's happening it might be the case that oh it's just balanced back out so it's kind of cool because you can actually check where people work and where they live and how they not necessarily how they get to work but you can kind of see on residence the education and then for employees you can then kind of see the education as well just for that district and where they're going to take their jobs it's quite interesting I need to look at this a bit longer and wonder for instance at Beachwood Gardens there's only 10 employees yeah because that that makes sense they're only working in the school right so that's totally that totally makes sense there's 10 people working there the question I would have is are those 10 people coming from this District probably not they probably live in other places as well potentially Elkwood Heights being our commercial Zone has nearly 1,081 potential employees at currently at 945 so we can see just in this area what do we need more of right so we're lacking on the well educated category and I would imagine that's to do with some of the offices that we zoned out this way if I was to just take a guess cuz they're the ones that going to be looking for well educated so in that regard you can sort of think of things and think like okay well how do I get more educated people in this region or close to this region so that people's commute isn't as far so you can kind of plan out where you develop and where you place education buildings based on that I think so we'll be kind of using those metrics in the future all right so that's our District's done the next thing I wanted to do is actually unlock the larger roads because I talked about how we're going to have these lots of trucks coming through so we get large roads very wide multi-lane roads I thought about by the way doing what we talked about which was getting a fire station or firefighter helicopter de Depot turns out we don't even have the money for one of those buildings a fire station is something like 2 million so I just don't have the money for it and we're actually losing a little bit of money right now some people suggested building a hydroelectric Dam exporting the power all this stuff again I'm just trying to be like fairly kind of realistic I just don't think we need a hydroelectric Dam right now I think that'd be a bit big for this town although granted some of these are placed in places where there are no towns so I suppose you could have that but I'm not going to rush it Rush towards that or anything I don't think we'll probably even turn a profit until we get to probably around big town is when we'll start actually making money um so if we're not making money by then we've got serious problems but we should be making money by then I hope but also the economy is still in flux in terms of the game's patches and everything so I wouldn't worry too much up to 600 production of uh wood now and it looks like we don't have a deficit in any of these categories so even veget and stuff is getting its demands met so I forgot to mention there is actually another fertility area just here fertile area so we could set up another vegetable farm there I wanted to leave it for a while and see what we needed so it looks like yeah vegetables that kind of thing might be needed over there in the future as it's our lowest producer right now okay so what was next uh wanted to fix some roads now that we've gotten that so basically we have this roundabout here we left room on either side and I did that on purpose because we know that this road may end up expanding in the future uh less so maybe this one although we could always get rid of the path and expand if we really had to and who knows in the far flowing future this could be all a massive urban sprawl but for now what we'll do is just beef up these roads and roundabouts cuz they're going to need it and I would say make this a large one the largest it can be all right so as easy as that now we have large roads we can go with six Lane roads so I think six Lanes here is probably good so it's already got three on one side and then two too so we're not upgrading even that much and unfortunately it does this thing where it wants to move one way or the other but if we turn off that snap and we can still just kind of Center it and keep it the way it was as as it were by keeping that Center Line in the same spot I don't know why it doesn't just let me do that sometimes but sometimes it just doesn't um all right and then we'll just line this one up let's turn back on snapping now and see can we get it to a line no and if I drag even here it's like nope got to be one side or the other uh okay okay so that's existing geometry and Zoning cell length let's turn that one off no what about that one and that one that kind of helps so it's existing geometry means it's still going to try and snap to other things but doesn't really matter I don't think all right cool and the zoning is now aligned anyway so I did that well enough I think right man we've been covering a lot a lot of small things um I don't think we need to upgrade we'll probably have to upgrade this road and bring it down this way cuz we're going to build a college out in this District here before we do that let's check on a few other things and how they're going that we built in the previous episode so we added the taxi Depot which has 12 Taxis out and about right now and also a bus Depo now someone also brought up in the comments that you can add the Dispatch Center allows taxis to pick up passengers from all over the city so I actually it's a great comment because I thought that was just a standard but it's not they only use the taxi stands until you put the dispatcher in and the dispatcher is quite expensive it's like 12,000 upkeep per month it's a damn good salary all I suppose you could say there's a few of them um yeah eight employees at the moment 12 vehicles in use so a lot of them are getting use even though they've only got the one area but a dispatcher will mean that they'll just go anywhere they need to in the city or we could save the money seeing as we're on a bit of a budget right now even though it's getting better actually which is nice and just put down another taxi stand somewhere else uh so there's a taxi stand out here by the high school I think one in the commercial area would be good would make sense I was trying to think should it go maybe near enough to the yeah I'm just trying to think what road will get less use so there's the medical center here seems like a taxi that could get pck people pick people up from there would be a good thing don't you think I think so all right so let's do that then a sheltered one as well they deserve it all right so that's going to get rid of that um kind of grass and stuff we had there but being outside the medical center being Center lined or fairly Central to our commercial area I think is good for them as well all right so we might see some taxis pulling up that way so I'm going to keep an eye on that taxi Depot and just see like 11 out of 20 if it ever gets to I didn't leave myself enough room to expand it we'll just have to build another one I did that on purpose I mean you could change it a bit but the idea was that I didn't think it would fill up really and adding more bus routes and stuff would definitely help so if we take a look at our bus routes uh we've just got two on the go at the moment and they're doing fairly good depending on I I guess time of day it's it's currently 6:00 a.m. in fact let's turn on the day night cycle just really quickly there we go beautiful sunrise um yeah I've noticed actually we depending on the time of day like I said you'll see a lot of people waiting for the bus which I'm happy to see it means that we're at a pretty good number right now where they were filling up to about 40 and uh that means we don't really need to add any more Vehicles if they're if they're filling up halfway I'd say that's totally fine um but what I want to do is actually name these routes now that we've given District names now there's bu line one and bus line 2 I kind of think it' be cool to name the buses numbers the way they are in real life but I don't know if that' just be really confusing so you could just name it the number one it's a bit boring to start off with the number one I guess I was kind of thinking like the 23 and it's like okay that's the 23 and people just have to get to know it is that too much to ask for people cuz obviously if you're just watching along or whatever I'm going to be like yeah the 23 is taken this for I mean to be honest I'll probably forget the number but I kind of think it'd be cool and then you could could have the 23A or something that's going the opposite direction or you could just call it the 24 and then the other group could be like a bigger number so they're we can tell that these two are grouped because they kind of cross over a lot I don't know maybe this one's getting barely any usage actually and they both do practically the same thing but they go in opposite directions you can see a lot of taxis rolling anyway I'd look forward to seeing what you guys think for naming conventions there cuz in real life you know buses are normally at least in the UK and Ireland it just named like hey it's the 33 and doesn't really say anything else um also some buses are named by their end destination point or their most common street so it's like okay well it could be like uh the 33 Kent or whatever cuz this is Kent Street so you know let me know what you think so we've added an extra taxi stand I'm not going to change the bus routs just yet the next things that we've unlocked in the previous episode were Communications so we can now build a post office with mailboxes and also Telecom Towers or radio masts Telecom towers are a bit further down the line uh but let's just start off with the first thing so post office offes handles local incoming and outgoing mail postans and trucks pick up mail from mailboxes around the city and citizens can also drop their mail off directly at the office so I was thinking that a good location for this would be right here so if I get rid of the infog graphics just for a second this is our zoning grid right we've got a large commercial area here and Industry so it's kind of in between both Commerce and Industry and then we'll put some mailboxes out in the residential sectors to me that kind of makes sense it's quite a compact little area to be slamming this in but I think if we get rid of the path that's on the side here we'll probably have enough room good those buildings stayed intact probably have enough room to upgrade this building I should hope so let's just pause it for a second see where we can fit it in pop it right on the side there is that good yeah that should be fine it leaves five tiles on the left let's just see is there any way I could squeeze that over to the left even further all right nice nice so it actually is clipping over that slightly cuz if you remember I did the bounding box thing there so that we expanded that out all right so we've got two upgrades available for this mail storage extension and a post van garage or garage the garage will fit on the back and the extension fits on the front perfect love to see that all right so 45,000 a month handles mail select it to operating districts we could even tell it where to go and where to stay local to but we'll just leave it as is um it'll probably do with having the two things added on eventually but I guess I'll just leave it for now cuz we're a little tight for money and overspending not for the money itself but for the upkeep I guess all right let time play next up we'll putp down the mailboxes so that acts as a mailbox right people will deliver things here anyway so we'll pop one I don't know somewhere further I don't think it really matters too much like obviously it matters centrally but I mean it's not going to be adding a lot of traffic or anything not like tons of people are waiting here or something so and I I wonder does it just collect mail automatically or do the do vehicles actually drive out of a factory deliver their mail to a box and then that gets picked up I don't think that happens all right so this area here is pretty Central to the industry and then I would put a mailbox so there's a bus stop there so somewhere kind of nearby oh maybe on the alternating path actually so a mailbox here would be good right it's the end of this entire suburb so you guys get one there then let's say there's a couple rows over maybe another one here and then you've got the higher density houses here so perhaps in front of those guys would be good and near enough to the offices as well and the crematorium I guess all right so there's three I'm being very like um what's the word conservative with these you could just slam them everywhere I guess but I'm hoping that that keeps things running just fine do we need one in the commercial area maybe maybe on the left side here so they can circle around that area but I would hope that a lot of people just bring it to this place okay so then we also have this area down here this might change in future I'm just going to put one down almost temporarily to suit these actually there's a corner store here and that I forgot that that is actually mixed zoning so people live in there and there's shops on the bottom so if people are driving along this way maybe just somewhere like there is totally fine as a post box and that can somewhat even handle for that area kind of feel like they need their own one in the future but we'll leave it for now all right so that's all good for mailboxes next thing then I suppose will be the radio masts want to give people internet so the higher up on Hills this goes the better the coverage But ultimately these are quite small they don't have much coverage at all I don't know if they provide a lot of noise pollution or anything do they no it says low so I think it's okay uh but also they lose range the more buildings there are in the way especially when it's in the industrial area so I was kind of thinking like in around the back of the high school here would probably be okay as a fairly centered location so just keep it zoom out there don't know should I have its own little Alleyway that cuts in just for that probably not I think it's probably just fine on the side of the road or just even here as you come in yeah not too sure which one would be better we're going to have to add multiple anyway so I'll tell you what I'm being very indecisive we'll just pop it down if it needs to move it needs to move not a big deal whoops I suppose why not just snap it on right we'll snap that on right there so just a tiny bit further back from the roundabout okay transmits mobile data radio traffic and TV signals in case of emergencies the m are used to broadcast an alarm which allows citizens to react to the event more rapidly had another car crash or something over here oh no it's just an actual fire yikes so if we click that house we should be able to see a fire engine has been dispatched it's on its way guess there's no sirens in this game no oh we can hear it it's just really quiet it's kind of refreshing after City skylines one where would be deafening okay what happened there why did that happen it like went to a junction then the car was just like no forget it fire engine oh my God look at this this is actually a nightmare there's five heres that are gathering people here people have actually died in here waiting for a hear and on fire yikes and it's spreading as well so where is this coming from now then it's just left [Music] again all right we got to follow this guy and see how it goes please don't delete at this Junction again okay good I have no idea why the other ones didn't make it it be kind of curious to know why waiting for that hearse to pull in come on guys hearse what are you doing like waiting for someone to cross that was miles away go go go you're supposed to get out of the way for vehicles like this oh my God the trail of heres man so dark what a blaze wow the place is actually burned down holy sh now I'll be really curious to know like can they just reverse and put these ones out or do they have to oh my God are you going to tell me that you're going to drive around oh yeah you can turn here at least now you're on the wrong side of the road but hopefully it's not too bad it looks like they've got it looks like they've got it took a long time to get there though holy crap if it wasn't for that fir truck getting disappeared I think it would have been okay anyways that was kind of interesting just to see how it all works um what were we doing oh yeah we're adding the Telecom Towers giving people internet so they can actually call for help when their house begins to burn down um yeah so going to pop another one over here by the industry area you want them to have good internet so that's two so now our coverage if we just move this out of the way pretty good they've got pretty good internet we could be a little bit better on the far side of town maybe up this way could even give them internet further out here maybe just somewhere near the coal mining three is pretty good pretty good coverage then that way should be quite happy I don't know if it improves businesses right can be upgraded with the wireless network let's just check so we put one near a business we have a look at its efficiency Network quality negative - 1% I would hope that that's now going to be rectified and I wonder do Farms have that same efficiency need you think that they don't really need the internet as much as maybe offices or factory industry does but I guess it always helps it's just it is a telecommunication Tower it does more than just internet I'm appalled how Healthcare is run in this city yeah so that's actually something else we need to do so there's only 24 potential Vehicles rolling out of that Firehouse so we're going to add an extension more space for fire engines 10,000 and the same for the police station there's five cars patrolling out of six more space for police vehicles 18,000 it's another upkeep cost of course of 18,000 per month so it's just going to expand those little buildings out and hopefully allows to roll more things out when there's problems like that if we go to services and check on fire and rescue was at 80% let's just bring that back up to a hundo now education yeah so in City skylines one you could lower these numbers and it would just basically reduce the amount of vehicles in this game it also reduces the efficiency now what's the efficiency of a fire house I'm not sure is it the speed of which the vehicle can get there is it the distance they can cover I'm not sure you think it's probably the distance right because that's kind of what efficiency means when you're placing the building it lights up the roads to let you know but hopefully that just improves things maybe that's part of the reason why it um those guys clocked off last second you know don't know all right so um that's the Telecom Tower is done the post and mail service is done people are super happy remember we're not taxing them very highly and I'm doing that on purpose 6% across the board keeping it nice and low um in fact we almost want to lower this even further to attract more uneducated people cuz that's what we're lacking in terms of unemployment let's have a look at our mandate that we outlined at the beginning of the game hey unemployment down to 1.2% how good is that lot more people have jobs a lot more money in people's pockets taxes to be earned houses to be leveled up looking forward to it electricity is still viable and totally fine we're still producing more than we consume which means we're exporting a little bit which is nice all right I think we're pretty much ready to begin the Collegiate upgrade uh it's 11:00 a.m. and it's going to take a little bit of planning and a while to figure out so the college building we have to actually unlock right so development education College uh first step towards higher education for teens and adults alike all right it's a big building cuz we built it in my other in my stream playthrough 750,000 we'll be going below a million if we build this can we upgraded with an extension wing and a library the library sits on the side on one of the sides and it improves education uh graduation rates so quite a large building similar actually oh it's actually the same size as the high school huh I didn't think so it just felt like it was bigger but I guess it's the same so I'm going to be building a very similar sort of District here people did mention like you should probably keep your education roughly close to each like roughly in the same area so that everyone kind of kind kind of takes the same commute as it were and you just handle the commute with our larger roads now so somewhere here is the plan but I might have to do a little bit more of a time lapse again the overall idea similarly to last time is car park but maybe a bit bigger uh maybe some amenities on the side the library the building itself and then maybe other little things like the outdoor gym some parks things like that so let's begin I'm going to have to figure this one out we're going to start off by at least leveling the terrain right cuz it's it is a hill that goes all the way up to the back now we did the same thing on the side so just going to kind of copy what that's done which is just level this all the way out to get it started I reckon we'll just use a medium road we can always change and upgrade it a little bit more in the future and just going of continue it out from here this is at Center Point bring this right across the next thing then is going to be determining the size of this particular car park now that one was a medium car park so I want to use a large on this one so quite a big building actually if we turn that sideways how wide is it so it's eight zones wide yeah so being eight zones wide if we turn it to face the inside this one actually has a fence going all the way around it so I don't think cars will just come in from any Direction they can you'll see that with the smaller car park they'll just drive in from where whatever side's best available for them they don't give AF at all all right I'm happy enough with this location I'm hoping that the library fits in nicely to the side I think it will and that will fit on the side nicely yeah it leaves just a little bit of a gap on the side that's okay all right so we created a little compartment then for a way to get in around the back and potentially we could even use a few houses in at the back maybe some of those apartment blocks or something but they will be sort of on a hill if we want to do something with this area I guess what I have to do is figure out the size so the size from there to there is 83 three so let's say it's about 40 is the halfway mark so we turn on our curve tool we can turn off pretty much everything except for 90° angles and existing geometry actually I've got an idea this might be a bit weird but it could look good the we just unlocked in the previous episode the skate park oh fits perfect right so that road is going to wrap around and stop just after the skate park all right so that's the skate park so the skate Park's going to go right there for the high school students to kind of play around with well I guess it's not a high school it's a college actually but that it's fine don't worry about it hey we did it Milestone 6 Boom Town that's 1.4 million we're saved more development points more map tiles very importantly we'll have a look at what else we got soon cool and now we can get a highway which is two lane one way all right it looks a little weird so let's see if we can do something to clean this up now right so I was even going to add a an Alleyway which might be a terrible idea but let's see between these two areas here that's basically as far over as it can go I wish it could maybe just go a little further but it seems like that's going to be kind of it okay that's a little bit better I know it looks really chaotic right now let's I call Strawberry Lane nice uh the idea was that we could put even more little Park things just in there so we can clean this up though obviously removing things like the crosswalks and certain traffic lights if they're just one-way areas and then we can prevent certain turns you are not turning right here that Strawberry Lane is just for buildings and really for people to walk along nothing more you are not to turn left as you come off that you're just going straight and merging on that's all this is and you're definitely not turning right to get onto the highway or anything all right so we've beefed up the highway coming in and then they have that offramp to get out it's good what else could we do here to make it even more confusing for people right so the next complicated thing then that I planned anyway was to somehow bring this roundabout down onto Lake Street here so that people could just merge out and then merge down that actually seems to work really well man the road Tools in this game they're so good yeah that's all right I mean it looks crazy with the crosswalk I don't know who's walking across that but um we can get rid of that crosswalk I'm happy enough with that I I might shape it a little bit more in between episodes or something but not too bad uh but yeah one of the last things that I think I'd like to try and do is if we switch to medium Road and make a four-lane divided Road create a little division point there that looks kind of cool and here as well and the really nice thing about this even though it's night time getting to be dark now we can actually put a strip of grass in the center and also put trees in the center there we go so how how about that huh how about them apples looks really good I love it okay so now that we've basically positioned our College we have some activities for people the skate park and parking we can also now start to think about I wanted to put in Parks here and then we can make a pathway go straight through the middle turn off our uh snapping in fact we'll just start even is there a way to just make that so that yeah there we go got a crosswalk straight away crosswalk here love to see it now what we can do is our bounding box trick as we call it to grab the grass and bring it out so that the park extends the whole way over or at least visually does all right there we go so now we have two parks in place and they actually have slightly different look and feel to them this one has the sort of striped grass and this one doesn't that kind of bothers me but I am happy about everything else though the colors are different for the tiles on this one and this one so it just breaks it up a little bit and flipping their direction also just kind of tricks the mind a little bit and thinking that from a distance it's just like two big parks uh but yeah it would have be nice to be able to actually connect in the pathways just to seamlessly join them on you know you can do that in City Skyes 1 actually and I'm guessing if you had some sort of Anarchy which I think you can activate in the options I I don't want to really do that in developer mode that's a bit too extreme for me just in I be worried of a break or something uh you could uh bring those across to each other but we'll leave it pretty happy with how that looks I think that's kind of nice big park outside of the college and uh we have our parking lot for people to go to so the College library is going to extend right on there and it'll actually look like the parking is part of that which would be nice so what else needs to happen in this region I guess um I also wanted the outdoor gyms to go out here so we've got outdoor gym that can fit in three outdoor gyms just like that and uh yeah again we could do the bounding box trick and just bring our grass out to the very edges here all right so we got that problem again where one of it striped grass and the others aren't but I might fix that between episodes we can also do just cover it up a little bit with some trees and pathways all right so there we go there is nobody here by the way but there we go we have a little outdoor gym area skate park couple of big parks here our big college uh We've improved the road infrastructure again I might have to fix that road a little bit cuz it's gone a little wonky in terms of its shading and geometry but oh it's fun totally functional I saw someone using the offramp a moment ago people are using this area to get out which is nice uh so yeah I'm quite quite happy with the the turnout for that entire area now what we might want to do is just check in on certain things so money is still going down at about that 10,000 rate we're still gaining a slight population is anyone going to the college yet we've got 41 students I'm actually happy enough with that uh efficiency is at 84% not enough employees yikes yeah I think it's time we actually just start expanding and get more people in because it looks like we've overs solved the unemployment issue we're at 0.1% now so everybody has a job basically which is great but yeah we need to bring in more people so I'm going to start developing out U maybe this little estate here just a little extra little bit of extra housing in this area and then we'll start thinking about where the more more densely packed Row Housing is going to [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] all right it's a pretty small development but um just a few extra houses that have been slammed in here along the Applegate Street and then a couple of shops actually just on the corner uh this house is a bit of an outlier I guess but yeah I'm happy enough with that we should see how it goes and then I'm just leaving this as like a sort of just the trees will kind of come in the path will go through it it might change eventually I'm kind of been starting to think about like where the bridge is going to go across and I was thinking like this main road is probably going to come down and eventually well maybe even sooner than that cut across somewhere along this almost dotted line here maybe this could come across or maybe just further up I don't know I have to start thinking about that because they're going to be like high traffic points if we're going to have Bridge connections leading across the city like that uh so that's obviously just a very small amount of population moving in we want to bring a lot more people in so I'm going to start doing another uh Commerce area here I think along this Main Street but then behind it start doing some more Row Housing similar to these ones so if we have a look at the contour lines we've got that steady decline the whole way down or steady incline all the way up uh so we're going to be kind of matching that and I've already kind of Gone with the five deep kind of look and feel here so going to stick with that although I would like to add in some row houses eventually somewhere that are a bit more compact I'm just trying to think the way I'm designing this I'm like okay if if this is a commercial area here a lot of cars and people are going to be trying to get there I could build the houses up where they go up in rows like this all right so it's going to be a series of culde saacs with commer here and a path going between them all right I'm pretty happy with my zoning right now it looks decent to me trying to think if further down the line we have a similar thing but they can actually merge onto the highway again as a main road and even come in from there but that might be a project for the future an ore deposit down here don't know if we want to be tapping that or not at least maybe for a while and then it's like oh when the city really starts to grow you could leave it and build over it or something that's a maybe but it is tempting because of course it could be used for the actual ore mining we have coal we have stone we don't have an actual fertility for something like ore one thing I pretty certain of though this can just continue over for now and just connect this up and that way you've got a nice compact area again for some more row houses right so I'm thinking here that we have small little shops just 3x3 or thereabouts a pathway cutting in between them just around the back maybe even a pathway going through the center be probably good and then a path that goes through probably just continue that over actually goes through this area as well all right I'm not too sure how that's really going to look and turn out we'll see in just a sec just going to Zone this now to be all Row Housing pretty much all right so I've just added in a little Plaza and a little dog park there just to cheer people up a little bit I do quite like the jeel plaza look when they're near each other so I'll just leave it the way it is we'll just bring a path in between those two areas there H I just noticed a sort of a logical weird thing going on here um but I don't know if it's the worst thing so let's say you're just going to the shops right you want to go to the commercial Zone here so you're traveling left hand drive you're driving along and you want to go to one of these shops so let's say you pop in there you get your bread and your milk you hop back out and then you have to follow the oneway road now that would basically bring you onto the highway or you can turn and go into the high school and you can take a right and go around and get back out but that that's just one of those things where I see a problem there right it's like oh I'm forcing traffic to kind of go into this way and come back down and around if they want to get out is that the worst thing maybe not I don't know tough to say you could also I suppose just do this you could turn right go up here then Bank left and you Circle back around your go your golden now they might actually even be able to do a 180 here few people might do that we'll see um all right anyway so let's just continue zoning all right so I've basically done a little bit of public transport overhaul even just here at the beginning and I'm sure it'll just change episode to episode as we add and expand more things but effectively what we've got now is three bus lines we've got the 23 33 and 43 super easy easy to remember huh it's the blue line red line and yellow line for now if you want to think of it same numbers correspond so the Blue Line will be the 23 and it's pretty much how it was at the beginning right so we go through Beachwood Gardens now named and pick up a bunch of people from the Row Housing we then collect also from the uh kind of more dense uh housing here more medium density housing here and then we continue down into the industrial area with a couple of stops along the way to um actually that one's not even used but a couple of stops in the industry and then we come down back around and we Dro people off again just outside the high school and also there was row houses here I don't know I'm kind of tempted to think that this could be shops in the future but anyway drop them off there or pick them up and then loop back around so that's it right so it's just a a fairly small closed loop of hitting Beachwood Gardens District Sunset town and then Sterling Meadows so it's kind of like delivering between those three so the next route is the 33 and this one's definitely going to change but I just thought I should show you where it's going right now I definitely need more nuanced routs cuz right now I'm trying to do catch all rots with them and you'll see why I think logically it doesn't quite make sense but happy enough just let it run for a while and see where we need to adjust it in the future anyways it's the red line the 33 so uh the 33 starts at 63 Kent Street right so we're starting at Kent Street here where there's a bunch of parks and there's going to be a bunch of Row Housing on either side so a lot of residences here I can kind of filter out onto this one if they want to and the first protocol is then over at the college so we're going up taking a left turn circling around and coming back out to then do the same over at the high school so we're cutting in getting to the high school and then coming back out then we're continuing along to the residential area the sort of mini suburbs here of Meadow Street and Applegate Street picking people up here if they want to go further on into the town so as they do that they're going to be cutting across the industrial area and there's a bit of a connection Point here where the three lines actually intersect uh basically right next to each other so hopefully people can kind of make some connections if they want to they can kind of already do that in certain places here like if you get dropped off let's say at the high school you can easily just walk across and get to this one to go in the other direction if you need to just make one quick transfer to get out to there something I don't know just as an example uh they they can walk a little bit to go somewhere anyway as we continue along we then arrive at the commercial area which is going to be Elkwood Heights right so our first drop off then is just there Elkwood Heights I haven't let time run by the way the buses that are around are just the ones from before at the moment um so at the edge of the commercial area dropping people off at Alid Heights and then at the other Edge we're picking people up or dropping them off again I keep saying that I don't know what other word to use there's a stop here I guess then we come back around we come down the roundabout and we close the loop so that's effectively the red line now the 43 is the yellow line it's actually could do with being a bit brighter couldn't it maybe we could brighten that up a bit make it Bolder cuz it's kind of hard to see I guess it's yellow is kind of hard to see against this type of filter anyway uh but anyway yeah so this one is to take people out to the far industry the specialized industry that we have so if you want to follow this one again basically uh where do we start well I guess we'll just say that we're starting here at The Farms right so we're starting over at The Farms it comes down along this road drops people off picks people up it's a stop and then we come along take a right turn and then we have a stop at the mining so there's no way to get into the forestry that easily but people do walk pretty far so if they tend to get a bus and they get out here they can kind of walk to any of the four that's next to this area bit of a distance but not too bad it's like a 10 10 minute walk I guess uh anyway continue along to the next or industry in case people are lazy might as well put a stop there we come back up and around we're back heading towards the town and then we drop people off or pick them up again for coal then we go along our main road here and then we cut in through the Estates and down straight oh yeah and then we actually join on to this spot here so it's a crossover spot for them as well and it's next to another red line we continue back down same goes into here and then that's it it's going to come back out and a around it links into this area comes back out and then it goes back out to the the Farms so it's kind of interesting I was getting confused for a sec because I guess the two colors are overlapped so it actually makes its own color it's like yellow and blue so it's kind of a darkish grayish purpley color it's kind of interesting um that it did that cuz it looks like its own line it's kind of confusing or hard to see but I guess it just kind of lets you know in a way that two lines AC are on top of each other uh but anyway yeah so that's kind of it so let's just let time play the houses are going to come in now we'll see what people are saying and how they're feeling we'll let time speed up to times two it's still 900 p.m. actually and then we have to check on how these buses are actually going to be handled as it were because I'll be curious to see how many get put on each route this by far is the longest route so I but I don't think it needs that many buses let's put it down to six it's the one that goes out to the industrial area so just as a reminder blue line is the 23 Red Line 33 and the yellow line 43 yellow is easy to remember because it's industry it goes out to the specialized industry so it's yellow the blue and red is just two random kind of colors so we can see and identify the buses from a distance so you'll see probably yeah there we go we've got some yellow line buses now the 43 heading out to work to get started just keep letting time speed up obviously a lot of people aren't going to go out to work till like 6:00 a.m. maybe so we can see if perhaps that um encourages them to do so meanwhile we have all these houses coming in now our smaller Estates here as well with the more random normal is houses not the row houses the low density uh residential then we actually have a few shops along the sides here these ones are all very extremely uniform actually considering what they are and I guess we're on a hill so the textures have kind of broken a little bit on the sides there but if we could cover up some trees it wouldn't look too bad I don't think um we could maybe the bounding boxes are these European they look American to me or something did I done it wrong no it's European yeah I don't know I guess I guess so I guess the American ones would look more like I always uh reference like Malcolm in the Middle like that kind of house from Malcolm in the Middle those would probably be the equivalent of the low density for the American theme all right uh people have told me to pay attention to chirper so let's do it I'm in love with how our improved homes look says rosty Johnson Deon Hopkins the smog is just un bearable someone should really deal with the air pollution saw them complaining about that before couldn't find any though air pollution does blow away from the town and industrially in terms of the industry it's all blowing out that way there is the crematorium blowing smoke over the offices so maybe it's the people in the office who saying it I guess we could find out by seeing where that person worked God they talk so fast what time is it now 2341 the smog is just unbearable that was Devon Hopkins where do you work at wmsb and that's in the maybe he's just complaining about it in the actual industrial area in Sunset Town see how this is doing 26 employees soon as we got that cash injection I say just go for it we'll put down the library now cuz we know we're going to eventually nice oh yeah it's a very old style English style Oxford esque College building I suppose looks decent wait for a little bus stop someone's waiting oh they actually sit down wow it's the first time I've actually seen an animation in the game I noticed there was one for at a gym as well someone was actually like working out so maybe they're just slowly adding them in and not telling people or they were there already and I didn't notice um yeah cuz the people they they Ain they ain't skating I'll tell you that much but they might be lifting weights I definitely saw someone doing it before they were like using pull-up [Music] bars taking a little selfie at the gym Maria she's like yeah I'm at the gym takes a photo and then just like yeah screw that I'm obviously not going to the gym head goes over to short Market get some uh milkshake that's enough gym life for a day huh sit down take a break Maria I don't know why I'm so harsh against Maria it's just the idea of someone going into a gym to take a selfie and then walk away which is quite funny all right the 33 it's got six passengers on it love to see that so it's going to hit the high school next we'll just follow this around for a while the hell is that person doing oh they're pulling in there is that a mail van oh it is it's a post fan and they're going into the back of the building that's quite interesting isn't it destination Treasure Trove Comics don't they hit aren't they oh yeah you know what I actually didn't give them mail this way thinking about it but I was going to say don't aren't they supposed to just go collect from uh what are these called mailboxes I was going to say mail storage sites anyway I got I I I need to take a break anyways so yeah so I thought that's cool that they're going again Us in the building and everything but yeah I guess we'll have to put Place one of these down in a moment I won't do it right away though yeah interesting going to pick up their stuff and then they come straight back out nice to see all right we'll continue the journey this is an old oh no it's not an old bus it's been recolored again red light let people cross no big deal and now we're coming in to drop people off or pick them up from no okay just went by that stop I guess there was no one that's actually interesting so there was no one waiting and I guess no one was getting off there so they just drive straight past that's cool that's realistic like to see it this is actually kind of interesting info view where we can actually see the lines without changing the color too much I think you can do that actually clicking this and then just pressing I yeah there we go so what do you up to now so one you actually dropped off people over there then cool what's our problem high rent your guys problems not enough customers well we're we're connecting customers to you so you should be okay in the future um yeah I actually we got rid of most of our zoning I did mean to Zone just a little bit more factories over on this side side so let's just do that now real quick um do we want them to latch onto this side yeah I guess so all right so let's just get rid of this door zoning nice big thick Factory right in there all right cool I could probably do something else in future it comes out of it unnecessarily far but let's me a bit more demand let me have a read of um I've not been reading chirper very well especially when time is playing fast all right let's see what other people are saying so many people are getting sick the the shitty the city should really look after Health better people in the city are not looking well uhoh the city is incredibly noisy everyone just complains all the time Sher Spike we're happy to announce our new Factory I'm seeing plenty of good-looking luxury items our education system is amazing we have overabundance of electricity and we're selling some doesn't feel safe to go out at night all right let's check on a few of these things let's turn off a few of these things ambulances herses all that go away citizen health so that's our citizen Health metrics from so let me read it it affects their happiness which in turn affects their work efficiency and other Behavior areas with bad Health indicate indicate that citizens living there don't have sufficient access to Healthcare Services providing adequate healthcare services and controlling air ground and water pollution are ways to improve it so water pollution h surface water flow what's that one ground oh it's the groundwater deposit we don't need to see that groundwater pollution so oh I see the groundwater deposit that's under there has been completely polluted by the industry we built next to it but that's okay no we're not using it so it shouldn't be shouldn't really be a concern the water pollution sources and ground pollution sources yeah that's all fine average water pollution is zero though so like what's the problem there nothing I would hope right noise pollution U average noise pollution is zero I mean is that even can that even be accurate it can't be 0% so this is the noise pollution terrain color there's a little bit over there so average noise pollution across all the households so for households it's zero okay that's fine by me I'll take it I'll believe it I mean I'm seeing a difference in color here on this house and this one this one and this one so I'm surprised it doesn't say like 1 2 3 maybe 5% or something but it is what it is ground pollution also zero again that affects households and that does look right so I don't see why they're complaining there and then air pollution also zero so I'm going to Discount anyone that's complaining about any of that if that's all the pollution effects though why would Healthcare or average Health be at 61 because if we have a look at our Clinic there's 12 patients out of 100 so I don't know what the problem problem is only one out of five vehicles in use and when we had to look at this the reach the HealthCare coverage is really good you can get everywhere from this one clinic and there's only 4,700 people Liv in here one Clinic is reasonable I think but apparently not all right all right so it's 9918 a.m. I actually kind of missed the rush hour thinking about it I wonder how we're doing so let's check on our usage m now so 48% for the Blue Line the 33 sorry the 23 that's all right so the 23 why is that so popular huh picking people up from all these Row Housing and bringing them down towards the school area the high school area that could be part of it there's three vehicles assigned ticket price $8 23 people on that one 25 on that one it's coming back here what the hell oh that's the noise of the Mast that's pumping 5G into to everybody yeah okay I got another one right there and there's people waiting next to their stop that's good that's all right could be better I would like to see it a bit more full bit more people using it maybe it takes a little bit of time before they get used to the idea that they'll be using taking the bus I don't know I wonder how many people start to use this one though so 20 passengers for the yellow line going out to the specialized industry I mean I'm kind of happy that anyone's using it I mean seven people on a bus is seven people not using their cars speaking of what the hell is all everyone parking here for yeah see I feel like if we banned parking completely out this way I guess there's no problem with it I'm trying to think of like I can't think of a logical reason why I would but yeah they're just driving out here and then they go to work I guess work at the logging right so her destination is soft ends that's a strange name for forestry wow it's five out of five nice actually see new um new trees appearing as well we have a forer here and then what do we have here a wield Harvester people are working in their various little buildings that's great I'm happy to see that it's working at least library is looking good we now have 258 students that's not bad at all and the graduation rate is going to be improved thanks to the library it says that time to graduate is 6 months and this speeds it up it just says provides a chance of better uh to improve graduation I think it's 10 months by default so that's pretty nice all right I think that's pretty much all there is to kind of cover so I'm really happy with especially the lighting here in the morning how everything looks uh might want to try and clean up some of the parking if we can you know it's a bit much where they use every aspect of the street a street like this I feel like we could get rid of the parking on and just let them park down the actual kind of rows as it were and that's fine and then we'll provide some bigger car Parks or something for them to use use I'm really happy with the college area especially here in Fall the way we have the leaves turning color we got the multiple Parks we have the library now in position people are actually using the parking of the building itself which is super nice so good patch good on the devs um we have that big car park there not many people using that very very busy Junction right here wish I could have made it a roundabout like to have roundabouts everywhere but um yeah I guess it just is what it is it's not really I said that a lot actually in the last episode but yeah when I say that I mean like not going to change it it's going to just have to deal with it for a while perhaps in the future we could add an asymmetrical Road here that would actually clear the Parky on either side and allow them to turn and free up the lanes a bit so you can turn right straight left might clear up some of the traffic piling up the junction High skills looking good Telecom Tower is looking good haven't really seen much going on with the post fans although we did spot one or two going around before quite happy that we got that in there we've got new factories in there as well cleaned up some of the suburbs out this way pretty happy I think the town's coming along quite nicely and of course now all of our specialized industry as well so we are a boom town indeed quite happy with it overall money could be better still losing nearly 10 grand uh an hour uh so yeah that's going to be no it's 240,000 a month so yeah much bigger and much more important um but yep it looks like our ore Industries have just leveled up to the max super quick very last thing to check production wise we're making over 1,000 tons of wood in Surplus and 800 tons of stone in Surplus and 536 of coal in Surplus So in theory our Coal Power Plant should be burning our own coal it's got 20 tons stored in there right now and I would like to see at some point a truck going from out here delivering it over to our old our own coal power plant before exporting the rest that'll be the ideal anyway all right that's going to have to be it please do let me know what you think of everything that's been built so far please do give me naming suggestions that's the most important thing I would say and then obviously just suggestions in general of what you'd like to see and where um and yeah just want to also say thank you the support on this has actually been really crazy and really just really humbling so just appreciate it a lot just know that if you made it all the way to the end here especially do appreciate you dropping a like on the video really does help and you carried me over the threshold for 100,000 subscribers so I appreciate that a lot um and yeah you may me very happy towards the end of the year here so thank you all right that's going to have to be it for me thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 120,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, Cosmetic DLC, cities skylines 2 cosmetic, cities skylines 2 dlc, empire of the skies, cities skylines 2 how to, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 guide, cities skylines 2 what darren plays, cities skylines 2 darren, cities skylines 2 modded, cities skylines 2 best mods, cities skylines 2 beginner, cities skylines 2 tutorial, cities skylines 2 graphics, cities skylines 2 best graphics
Id: nsyFDnuvFx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 43sec (4363 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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