Supernanny USA - The Orm Family | Season 1 Episode 3

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tonight on super nanny Joe meets the orme family whose trio of wild boys run amuck she has two weeks to tame them with a healthy dose of discipline coming halation into the naughty room [Music] let's take a look and see who we have here hi were there armed family I'm Tammy and I'm Sean Sean and I we met and we were married in three months one of those crazy whirlwind romance is such a short amount of time just the two of us before Chandler came into the picture we went from one to two boys it wasn't that big of a change but then the third really was a big job Sean goes to work every day I'm the one that's there all the time doing this with discipline I always feel like I'm getting cold in different direction do you share with them but they never share with me we are here to talk about our three little boys Chandler's biggest issue is respect you know when did you clean up the toy room well the backtalk Chandler it's all about the attitude cadance boy he's always worn us out Caden or he won't eat anything with the family he usually has to have another meal cooked for him honey we're not having pretty pebbles for dinner I'm making something different Hayden dofus he doesn't like he's food Declan Declan he's just a handful I'm starting to see little things that he does that are just mimics of his brother's behavior he's a little bit of a wanderer he kind of has free rein the neighborhood that fall too dangerous I feel like if I don't get control now I'm afraid of completely losing control later we are asking for your help with our little guys please come and help the auric family consider it done I'm on my way [Music] hello please 3e autocross John Tammi today I met the on family to meet you [Music] pleased to meet you when she walked in the door I was a little scared because she seemed like she had that sternness about her Tommy introduced me to her three sons and they're full of energy and you know definitely a handful tell me what we're gonna do today is I'm gonna watch you and observe okay so I want you to carry on as normal okay I know you've got some issues that need to be addressed in Lycoming well get to the bottom of that and we'll find solutions so I'm gonna step back and just watch you as you normally would be okay sounds good when I first meet a family I observe their family life and the dynamics between parents and their children i watch I listen and I take mental notes within minutes of walking into the house Chandler who's 8 and Kayden who's 6 started fighting hurting one another and then it became a lot more aggressive [Music] Moll was oblivious it was just madness Kayden do you always step over your brother like that do you all right which way is he going he just lay right now so you gotta hit it this way play with your brother for a little bit honey okay meet your help honey who are you gonna play with mommy can't play I skated oh no honey [Music] Kaden who's six years old nobody knows where he is where's Kaizen and Jana and Declan who's 3 years old he goes missing does that normally happen Tommy yeah because they'll run outside and especially with Declan because he never tells me if he's leaving that I'll be running her in the neighborhood searching everywhere for him that's pretty crazy who is that key yeah glad today Declan went missing my word I thought I was gonna have a heart attack because we couldn't find him where's Nick mum hasn't got a clue where her sons are I could not believe the situation we were in where's Declan time is a little relevant [Music] Hey oh honey no that's not good I've tried to think what that boy could have done with a pair of scissors in his hand and yet there was no discipline for taking the scissors in the first place tummy needs to get assertive herself and take responsibility as a mother to look after her three boys one of the big issues in the old family is eating they do nothing but constantly snack throughout the day that can make him hyperactive and then they're going to lose their appetite and they're not going to want any of their meals Shawn came home at lunchtime and it was good to see him do you know my job takes me away on a lot of trips it's homecoming there for somebody from the outside can tell us what each one of us is doing wrong all right little boys of mine you know honey today at lunchtime Caden decided that he didn't want to eat the sandwich that Tammy had prepared for all the other children and he kicked up a fuss you don't get any food right just forget it [Music] I'll make him tartar I just don't think that she's strict enough and she thinks I'm too strict Caden didn't want to eat a sandwich dad said he had to a mum went and made another sandwich they've got different approaches and they need to come together what would you say that you disagree on some of the issues I think he yells too much that's big number one for me yes she does enough when they're doing something right in front of them when you come home you mean that you don't think we're together in the car or whatever I mean they'll be thrown something while she's driving or I'm driving yeah I should just sit there and talk or read a magazine and not doing anything about it do you want silence like I mean if they even like no mom like I told you to be quiet oh my gosh it's just asking me something [Music] Jana Tammy doesn't hold authority with her children they don't look at her with any respect Jan come on don't use me I see oh cool a stream washer we need it I hope they come down on here all the time China's eight years old and he's smart maths his mother all the time and I think that's very disrespectful Chandler funny I don't need that kind of attitude from you tami pleads with her children to do stuff that they should be doing yes Caden yeah Chandler honey don't yell at me sweetheart she picks them it's cringing to to watch [Music] they also seems to be a lot of chaos and it seems very hectic in the household we are in the middle of baking cookies at one stage Declan had his hands in the oven because they were cooking cookies and next minute oh here he is he's catching bugs Kaden was outside the house and nobody knew where he was and now she's got two children that are in the house one of them being three years old which could have his hands in the stove looking for the cookies but mom wouldn't know because she's out here collecting books crazy did you poke holes in the cookies oh you did / cause and the cookies didn't you mom was really trying to multitask and manage looking after all three boys which she was struggling with Tammy come through look at this Oh fired this is mommy on the floor it's just got a little bit out of hand to be honest in the house but the children are ruling roost when I first meet a family I go in and I observe their family life and the dynamics between parents and their children might take mental notes throughout the day of what I feel is not working and at the end of the evening I sit down and I talked to the parents about what I've observed throughout the day Joe when we were waiting for her to talk to us but longer I waited the more nervous I got I'm super sensitive in the area of my kids and my job is mother I'm definitely nervous I don't know what to expect I would like to say to the both of you that you couldn't find a home as warm as the home that I've walked into and without a doubt the love and the praise that you give your boys in abundance is really a beautiful thing also I'd like to talk about the things that I'm not too happy about discipline needs to be a must there is a lack of discipline on your behalf Tammy you're constantly trying to convince them that they should listen to you and you're the mum you're in charge and there is discipline on your side Shaun which seems so much firmer and sterner where you're more relaxed and because no one's being consistent the children are getting mixed messages Chandler is a boy who's smart mouths he's rude when he smart-mouth back to you he doesn't respect by the way that he talks to you Declan a smart three-year-old you know the day is coming bad when you're walking out into the front yard and your child has got a pair of scissors and you're thanking your lucky stars that you weren't dealing with something more serious Kayden for example won't eat his lunch as we know or is dinner and your complete fear as a mother that your children are going to starve makes you act impulsively now I'm sitting here and I'm watching you feel upset because you know what I truly believe that I'm seen here is is a woman that is taken all of this blame as guilt that you feel guilty Tammy if you have to discipline your children that you feel that you won't be any closer than what you are to put your foot down and let me taste some action your wife's tired she's struggling and she needs your help but she does need your help I want to be supermom right take on everything and I yeah hey I've never asked him to help me very much it's kind of gotten used to that he goes to work every day earns a living I get to stay home with the kids he gets home and he's tired and you don't work you what Tommy oh how you work you work every day you two come together and change your parenting techniques and change your behavior pattern your children will change their behavior pattern and we're gonna go through routines and techniques oh there it is better so you don't think it's too late to backtrack it's never too late it's never too late my words it's never too late okay Joe she's definitely straightforward so a combination of that and me being emotional and me taking so much pride in my job it was a little overwhelming there was nothing that Joe said then I disagreed with it all hello hi I've got routine the routine I felt the house needed because it was very chaotic and it gives a very solid foundation here and an structure for your children which they do need it's definitely is going to take some getting used to because it's been eight years of running things this way I wasn't expecting a routine chart to come out I thought oh my gosh did she have time for my whole high footage chart once she pulled out the list of routines my pharoahe boy I'm back in the military here I've put here snack time which i think is very reasonable because lunch was at 12:30 kids come home from school and they're hungry so I want you to make that snack time for all of the children okay before I start teaching my techniques I lay out a set of rules of what behavior is acceptable and what behavior is not acceptable what I wanted to talk to you all about was household rules okay which I think are very important no more hitting one another because I know that you brothers all love each other very very much when mummy cooks a meal I want you all to behave well and eats your dinner or your lunch Shawn and Tammy when you see behavior that's not acceptable I would like you to give your children are worn in and tell them no stop that behavior it's not acceptable if you don't stop your behavior and and your behavior carries on to be naughty then mommy will put you into the naughty room I would like to use the downstairs bedroom as the naughty room okay yeah we know they are you naughty kidding he's gonna be Joe's challenge for this whole thing because he's a stubborn little guy [Music] I'm really concerned about how the boys become over aggressive when they play that does need to stop Hayden and Declan were painting and Hayden took a swipe at petland that's not acceptable Caden had already been warned by Tammy not to hit his brother so he got sent off to the naughty room Tammy win come down okay give them eye contact lower your tone so that you're being firm and authority and place him into the naughty room for the unacceptable behavior do you hit your brother did I only give you one warning today you have to go sit in the naughty room right now without the attitude for six minutes I sprang to my put me in the room you're in this room because Kaden you're in this room because mommy warns you not to hit your brothers let's go you guys now so balls cases in the naughty room he's gonna have time to think about his naughty behavior it felt good to put Joe's teachings into place normally it's me screaming cannon knock it off I didn't lose it I felt so in control I did what I had to do I did what she told me this time now that you could go and get Cavin remember to say to him let me put you in this room because you hate your brother it's now time to come out and I'd like you to go and apologize to your brother please if he says no I don't want to do it and he stays in there these days do you know why you were in this room what happened for what yeah is it nice to hit your brother can you please go and apologize to Declan and give him the hug and say you're sorry thank you Tom I did really really well she follows through to the tee and it worked the boys love to snack on loads of junk food and that can make him hyperactive and then they're going to lose their appetite and they're not going to want any of their meals in order to stop the boys from helping themselves to all the snacks I've brought in a snack box you can most definitely take that into the pantry and clear all your snacks I mean the purpose of having this snack box is so that the boys don't feed on those snacks throughout the whole day so that they don't want to eat come lunchtime or dinnertime oh I see lots of things that could go in this pot Oh [Music] okay even though I've curved the children from eating snacks it's still not going to completely change cadence eating problem because that's all about control there's no reason unless is allergic to any particular food that he shouldn't eat the same as his brothers when Tammy realizes that she's losing control of dinnertime what she needs to do is to separate the food on Caithness plate and explain to him exactly how much more she wants him to eat first I want you to eat this meat and then I want you to come one by the corn just to bite he's gotta have the big pile out you said and then you can get done finish this meeting flipping by the corn that's not still address that situation again let's finish them meet up please just let me right there let's eat that one by the corn opponent keep on him Kaden was still resistant to eat and so I taught Shaun how to set by example Show and Tell check it out dad's gonna get his bite get your behaviour throw it together it's a teamwork one two three go he's trying it when we first sat down together yeah I probably did doubt Joe's ability and the knowledge that she had of kids you know I was proven wrong I mean kidding did a 180 super proud of you honey I think it's wonderful it was the same place for more how well they're doing and I'd like to say well done to mom and dad thank you [Music] this evening dad sat down to do homework with Chandler I'm trying to be there for my wife when you know when she needs help that's not gonna be easy okay so you need to think of a sentence ten pay attention to your work yeah as they were doing the homework I could visibly see that China was getting upset and don't look at me this is your work honey should I have a look there's something I'll just have a look sit down darling let's have a look okay hey Chan we're not gonna do this sometimes children bottle up what they're feeling inside and what you get is a secondary emotion and sometimes that comes out physical with attitude or with aggression to ask you why do you feel really upset talk to Jojo and tell me and then we'll work through it together oh you're not happy then you tell me why you're not happy I just don't see it why is that done know it is there any reason why you like to do it mum and not dad but Danielle's owe me some dope today are you okay listen to that because that's valid okay um um how does that how does that make you feel when went there deals at you it makes me there I'm very pleased that you've said how it makes you feel because that's important okay trying that's important so no yelling daddy okay okay no yelling like the sentence by yourself okay when Chandler told me how I was feeling during homework and it really truly just tore me up inside you know because I sure in the heck don't want my son you know not being able to ask me a question because I yelled at him last year over something in homework listen eye-opener you know it it didn't feel good at all Chyna was saying that he felt that you yelled at him and made him feel upset when he was doing his homework which put pressure on him so I want to open up that doorway so if I can get you to come Chandler in and just say you know buddy I'm sorry if I made you feel that way but I really want to be able to help you do your homework sometimes hey Chan hey dude your dad wants to talk to you yeah dad doesn't want you to feel like the you know that I'm yelling at you everything and I'm sorry that you think I know I used to huh no but daddy's going to change that okay okay if you ever feel that way again you need to tell me okay right when we're doing your homework all right I love you good job ah thanks so I'm gone now for a while and Tammy and Sean have to do it on their own because I can't be around forever I hope while I'm away that Tammy and Sean remember the details of the techniques that I've taught them take care I think Joe's got is pretty close to trained and we'll find out I just hope that they stick with it 100% and whilst they're doing it I'm gonna be watching them yeah Tammy's got to make sure that when it comes to cadence eating time that it doesn't go on forever that's what cadence good at game playing with mum and stall in the whole situation no we're not giving money yes I take a bite you could either spend the good hour that we have of playtime playing or you could spend it at the table which doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me I'm waiting to either buy the beans mum don't buy into it he's playing you [Music] if you take a bite and you don't like it then mommy won't give you pork and beans anymore but you need to try it this is absurd what is going on homework time Hey look stressed chance I really look stressed to go over that word the tricky one because it looks like in you but it says you flute it come on baby Chandler please too hard with me I know you're mad because you had a busy day today baby I told you last night that you had a lot of hard today come on Tommy get in control of this situation just like all the other kids out there anything for more - you know you oh there we go attitude I tried to start this out nicely but if you're gonna have this attitude with me this is your warning are you gonna read this with me all right I fall into the naughty room nohow what getting done tonight that's for sure Chandler has given me a few challenging moments let's go to homeroom nicely yeah I feel like I have no control you're not gonna go do homework nicely I can't regain the control that I need whoa slamming doors again Chandler I think it's hard to tell me having to manage all three boys oh my god where is anybody to look after Declan nobody knows his even outside the house this is too dangerous wanna sit I need to get back to the old family now after I've left the household I go away for a couple of days and when I come back I show the family footage of where they need to perfect the techniques that they have found difficult whilst I've been away okay I'm only asking for one bite a minim one way as I am right and there that is where I would have stopped the nonsense your low voice should have come in and it should have been Kayden sit at the table properly and finish the two spoonfuls otherwise you're going into the naughty room because you are not listening to me okay just like all the other kids out there anything for my chance okay I was so done oh sure I was so done I was so frustrated the pair of you were like this ready to pull your hair out so your firm voice could have come in with do not give me attitude do not talk to me like that if you stay calm then you can address the situations that do need to be addressed with his attitude and how he speaks to you but then you can go come on escape done so then we can go and we can relax and hang out together afterwards I'm not happy with watching Declan move out on his own in the street you see the height of Declan in comparison to the car he walked straight out on the road behind this parked car and they could have been a car and he's in the middle of the road that's to me you know my mind wouldn't even imagine what could happen to declan's out on the street while you're indoors and and that is why I feel that you have to supervise Declan because he's too young you've got to be on top of that situation a pair of you okay is that clear okay we've looked through the footage and I'm going to stick around and support you and reinforce all the techniques okay okay so you don't really evening I have bought a door look okay but I would like to establish is your awareness of where the children are I think it's a very good idea that they start coming to you and asking you if they can go out okay [Music] you can hope that okay mummy I want you to explain to your boys why that locks on the door and what do you expect from them this lock is on the door because while we're in the house and you guys want to say do you want to go out and play I need you to come and say money I'm going play outside and tell me where you're going this especially goes to you brilliant Tommy excellent now the boys have to come to you tonight the old family had a barbecue and they invited their friends as usual Kayden was resistant to eat his food again have you taken the bites well you just have to sit here until you take those bites okay you're just gonna have a cup of spoonfuls to try for money and then you can get down look at me I'm giving you one more minute to take a bite of that and if you don't take a bite of that you're gonna go into the naughty room I could see now that's a control thing and he's gonna eat it I was catering too much there we go what a Kayden why the guy's darling Kayden ate when I told him to eat I think he knew that we were serious and we were affirmed he's getting the picture stuff to tell me she did really well she followed through with it and she got the results and it was very successful I was very proud of her come here [Music] my household is so different everything is running more smoothly there's no there's not as much chaos in the house Caden is eating his dinner he doesn't come in now the pantry 500 times a day very much super proud of you honey nobody else has ever had how to be a wave good that was a very good there's been a big change in Chandler his attitude is improving it was not supposed to have two teens mm-hmm like now Chandler wants to do homework wish on and declan's gotten used to playing in the house it's a huge difference there has been a tremendous amount of progress with the own family Tami's got more control over situations when she's managing all three boys and both parents they fight connected and come together and they're working on the same page watching Shaun with the boys it's amazing it's good for the boys to bond with their dad like that okay you want a green guy yes progress is happening slowly but surely and that's what counts and that makes me feel very very happy for them take everything is so awesome I mean I can't even tell you how much you've helped us Wow thank you if they were open from the beginning they were warm they were receptive they wanted change and they deserve every result they're getting every result because they've put the hard work in and it's lovely to walk into a house and see what needs changing and to walk out and see it changed that's priceless I've done what I was meant to do here in this family and I'm off to the next one now [Music] everything has changed this is more than I expected to actually see her come in here and work wonders on our family was more than I could have ever hoped for it was an amazing experience for her for all of us since Joe's been around I think the biggest difference in our family is we're much closer even though we were a tight family it's just seemed like we ever came together you and snugger you know kind of put some sealant around the window basically I am happy that Joe came in I'm so happy but I'm so sad cuz I'm gonna miss her okay start off with you as far as don't buy mr. Lee's butt [Music] she's made me I would say be a better father you know and and help my kids act proper you know what's just gonna reflect onto them and pass it on to their kids one day Joe made a big difference forever I mean on how these kids are gonna turn into three six and eight-year-olds and two grown men and they're gonna be raising their kids and be better parents because of what Joe taught us it's it's it's a chain I mean not only did she affect our life but she can affect my children's life that's it that's an amazing thing to do for somebody for all of us [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 3,604,173
Rating: 4.8261509 out of 5
Keywords: Supernanny, super nanny, Supernanny UK, Supernanny US, Supernanny Full Episodes, Jo Frost, jo frost, Extreme Parental Guidance, Tantrum, supernanny worst family ever, Supernanny adhdautistic kid, supernanny mean mom, supernanny jo, jo supernanny, Watch Supernanny, Supernanny clips, Full Episode, The Orm Family, S01E03, kid with gun, kid with shotgun, Rude back-chat, bedtime, mealtimes, Snack Box, Naughty Room
Id: hk2_99LRmTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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