Kyle Cuts Off His Own Hair | Full Episode | Supernanny

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hi we're the park family from west hills california i'm michael and i'm heather and we have three kids kyle who's six farley who's four and pierce who is two michael and i work full time so we have our nanny alejandra full-time parents whoever nanny i know that one all three of our kids hit harley stop hitting guys [Music] i wish that we could somehow get our children to calm down stop yelling stop fighting they don't listen pierce stop it i guess i don't i don't know what to do with them farley i kind of have a discipline method yet it's inconsistent you need to sit and think about things while you're acting like this we think it would be great if alejandra would be able to have a sense of control over the kids kyle what are you doing i think she lets them kind of do what they want to do she tells me that she doesn't feel comfortable doing the discipline i like video games i know you do but stop it stop so if the nanny's not disciplining and the parents are not disciplining who's disciplining kyle has adhd we tried medication for about a month and we just didn't find that he was any easier to work with on medication stop it kyle's in kindergarten and he has been in trouble at school i had to pick him up a number of times for bothering other kids and not keeping his hands to himself homework time usually with kyle is a nightmare yeah back to the table [Applause] [Music] it turns into just a full meltdown and then we force him to sit at the table and do his homework it might be anywhere from one to two hours before we can get a couple pages done send me the paper so this little boy has adhd and he's not on medication oh i wonder what they do do then to help him our kids have problems and we're having problems handling them and i feel like i'm getting angrier as we get on rather than happier we need super nanny to help us make our family happy [Music] super nanny please come help you guys desperately need some help i'll see you soon [Music] hi how are you hi how are you nice to meet you nice to meet you joe what's your name alejandra alejandra so nice to have you mom and dad are at work is that right yes church yeah and who's this little one here badly hi father pleased to meet you i'm jojo hi how are you good it's pleased to meet you and who else we have yes and kyle alejandra took me upstairs to see carl but before i could even say hello he kicked off and he started to punch his sister kyle kyle that is not nice kyla hits me and i don't like it stop not listening it's not funny stop stop going before alejandra could even get control of cole you run down to the side of the house why are you running awake i'm here it's not okay what you did okay go say sorry to your sister over there hey guys i couldn't even say hello to him before farley come along to get a few more licks in okay family stop stop eating her stop don't hit me carl did settle long enough for me to say hello hi pleased to meet you how are you good carl how old are you six but before i knew it he was jumping into the pool and he didn't even ask permission kyle get asked for it he wants to go in the water as a nanny do you discipline the children when they misbehave because right now that's a situation that's dangerous yeah but he's not everything correct so what are you going to do because right now you're in charge how are you going to take care of this little one and that little one don't go in the water in the water this is normal it's really hard because if they don't listen i can't force them with the kids in the pool and a nanny not in control i started to get worried about this kid's safety a few hours later mom came home and before she'd even parked up pierce and kyle had run out of the house no no no no peace i don't want you to go in the street get inside your mom is gonna get home okay get off the car and alejandra couldn't wait to leave hi hi how are you yeah very well pleased to meet you nice to meet you hi so where are you going now you're finished now are you okay okay thank you take care it's your duty as a nanny to let the parent know exactly what kind of day the children have had alejandra's like i'm gone so i arrived this morning yeah and i've already started to observe and just kind of watch the kids and so really what i'm going to do is just carry on and do the same really with yourself you did not climb up there you are going to fall down and crack your head open there was horror on her face before she even closed the front door of our house and once we were inside the home you know i could see why it was a disaster stop it i get home from work and they just go crazy i'm thinking oh my god why did i come home from work you have about three seconds and you're absolutely not gonna have any video games up there one two three [Music] so later on it was time for cole to do his homework can't do what sure i can't you can count the turtles no you can't count count the turtles how to count you can count come on homework with him and it's mostly because he just doesn't want to do anything he sits there and doesn't finish the assignments if carl does sit down it's not for long he got up from his chair out into the backyard and threw an unlocked gate all right kyle say goodbye to every single video game that you have they're all gone they're all gone as soon as your dad gets on i'm telling him take every single one of them away you're done no you're done mum's threats did work carl did come into the house but i wanted to talk to her about carl's medical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder so he was diagnosed with adhd we put him on medication i did nothing and that particular medication wasn't successful right and then the medicine didn't work and they kept just saying up the dose up the dose up the dose and you're making a choice not to put him on medications right but he's definitely getting better i mean he's learned to kind of calm down well routine is definitely necessary for him and i couldn't help but think if carl's behavior is calmer now and it's improved then what was he like before [Music] ah no later on in the day the kids jump back into the pool again didn't ask permission again and mom couldn't do anything to stop it get out kyle [Music] when farley was running around the pool and hopping over the fence i mean it gets to the point where i just start laughing because i can't believe i'm really chasing a four-year-old around and she's actually beating me get out i roll by myself okay can you tell lies get out they've got these young children at the age of four and six who are not prepared to listen to their own parents and if they can't get a grip on this now they're gonna be in huge trouble huge trouble you're done kyle wait to your dog it's here carl and farley were either hitting their mum or ignoring their mum and i knew that she couldn't wait for the reinforcement to get home michael you can go handle i can't deal anymore did mommy tell you to get out of the phone hi please meet you hi i'm michael hi joe nice to meet you farley come here that did manage to get the kids out of the pool but he did proceed to give him a timeout and first it was farley and then kyle i'm right here kyle no reason to open the door [Music] so what's your take on his adhd because i know he's not on medication at the moment um no he's not cause he just chooses not to listen kyle stop it yeah stop kyle wants to just push my buttons now i'm up i'm getting pretty mad right now dad got really frustrated and he made the situation worse because the more angrier he became the more aggressive carl's behaviour was so what measures have you taken to deal with his adhd as you've decided the pair of you not to put him on medication just tried to get a little bit more structured with him as much as we can yeah joe asked me about kyle's uh adhd and i didn't know how to answer her question because i guess i don't know how to deal with it myself my fear is you know as he's already gotten kicked out of kindergarten if they remove him from school to another type of program that's just my worst nightmare i kind of see that it's going that direction if these parents are going to make a choice to take carl off of his medication when he's been diagnosed with adhd then they've got to come up with some more positive methods to help him because it's not going to go away on its own you're sitting here look at my face do you understand yes i'm getting upset so look at me once michael left i went into carl's bedroom so i could talk to him myself when mommy and daddy shout at you and they get crossed with you does it make you feel sad or happy you feel sad do you want to behave badly if i stayed for a couple of days would that be a good thing to help you because can i tell you something i don't think you're a bad boy i don't think you're a bad boy at all i really had assessed the situation very very quickly so the quicker i left the quicker i knew i could come back and really address the circumstances that needed to be discussed today has been interesting to say the least and we certainly do need to sit down and talk well as joe left tonight i'm a little bit nervous about what she's going to talk about tomorrow [Music] let me start off by talking about the first issue that i saw and that is you have a nanny if that's what you would call her in my eyes she's a babysitter right alejandra is having to deal with circumstances that are beyond her control she's having to deal with children who are unruly who misbehave who don't listen to her i'm not sitting here to to put down alejandra i'm really not because i see the girls trying to do the best that she can but to give her your kids when you can't even control them yourself it's not fair it's not fair on your kids it's not fair on your nanny and i i i i'm just blown away i'm really blown away i have no clue how to control them myself let's go on to the next issue and that is behaviour i don't even know where to begin spitting punching biting slapping what i saw was a lot of mixed messages a lot of empty threats and no follow through how are your kids gonna take you seriously you're a joke you're a joke as far as your kids are concerned you hold no weight you might as well be talking to a brick wall there are no clear expectations that really teach your children but this is how i need to behave this is what's expected from me you know for a fact that the way you're choosing to deal with carl right now is based upon his behavior that is linked with his diagnosis what do you do constructively with your son that helps him considering he's been diagnosed with adhd i guess i don't do anything i mean you both made conscious decisions as parents to not put your kid on medication let's just get real here okay so right now i don't see you doing anything constructively that is nurturing the call that we all know everybody's choosing to react to carl who becomes impulsive who behaves destructively that's absolutely right and unfortunately for him that's how the school reacts that's how outside friends react that's how outside family reacts and his own parents heather his own parents that's my point your kid don't stand a chance when his own mum and dad doesn't give him a chance your own son heather i'm not here to foot around michael i think we're trying but it's not working you're not bad parents you're just a bit lost there are things that you can put in place if you choose not to put him on medication that will help him do i have two parents in the driving seat because i i cannot have two parents in the passenger seat yes [Music] that's where we need to be all right so uh we better start working thank you okay thanks [Music] when i arrived to begin teaching i had a little in store for this family alejandra what you are going to do okay is you're going to release yourself from service the truth of the matter is is that personally from one nanny to another i think there's a lot that you are taking on and having to deal with the part family do have a nanny but it doesn't mean that they shouldn't know how to control their own kids behavior so i'm going to let alejandra go and take a break and mum and dad can take some time off of work to learn i need you guys to know that you can do it by yourselves all right and that having alejandra here is an addition it's a bonus to your family all right when joe sent alejandra away i was thinking oh my gosh i'm like she's sending hernani away what is she doing enjoy my love okay thank you son with alejandra away the next order of business was to establish the house rules all right so what i've got for the whole family are the park family rules these kids get told a lot not to do this not to do that but actually there is nothing visually that these kids can have as a reference to teach them let's place this up here and open the black iron gates of the park short and simple number one ask before swimming so that the adults can look after you the next rule here is keep off the staircase railing be kind to one another and the next one here is be kind with your words and number five is to listen and do i think that they're actually really good and i think that the kids understand them the rules are up here so if they break the rules they realize that there'll be a consequence for that okay [Music] now that the house rules have been established it is going to be important to teach dad how to minimize carl's behavior as he does have adhd and dad does overreact to this behavior michael the reason why i brought these large dominoes in is because i just want to visually show you the chain reaction of what happens with you and carl right so i set up the dominoes and read them out to him as they were placed carl becomes abstinent all right set them up when joe brought out the dominoes she explained to me how an adhd child will react to certain situations and then that reacts yes she does and then carl becomes very defiant yes he does and then you try to control the impulsive behavior okay you want control he's pushing your buttons you don't want to work alongside it he pushes your buttons and you take it personally that feels like a failure and now carr feels unloved the domino's exercise for michael was to really show him that this chain reaction creates nothing but a feeling of failure and hostility between himself and his son for dad to avoid the chain reaction all he needs to do is act differently to carl's outbursts and take out that second domino instead of you thinking how am i going to work alongside this how am i going to compromise you react right if i don't take out that so the reason why we've set this up is for you to realize that as soon as we take out your reaction there's no chain reaction anymore i like that i didn't realize i was doing that you'll be left with no anger right you won't need to control and it means you don't take it personally right you know i think overall if i'm calmer the whole situation comes out better in the end children who do have adhd need a lot of consistent motivation so a reward system in place really does help and that's why i introduced the water work system to give carl some self-esteem and boost his confidence these cups all right have different things on them this one has a good report from alejandra the next one is homework now this is what happens when you do it and you do it very well you get the chance to open it up and fill it up with the water to this ridge okay i know what and then when you've achieved that you then get to pour the water into the tube now if you do all of this that ball at the bottom will start to float and rise right the way to the top this is your touch when kyle saw the waterworks he was pretty excited his eyes lit up so i think he's going to be led in a positive direction of feeling better about himself right give me five you got it you've got it buddy you've got it carl was excited about earning his first rewards so he sat down to do some homework whilst i went through some tips find a quiet spot okay it's a quiet spot only present one assignment at a time which one are you going to do first you decide this one that one okay explain the instructions slowly and carefully and when he's doing well praise the effort that he's making the tools for homework were great it's something that i've never thought of the simple things that would really help a kid kyle look how smart he is how did you do these vlogs how did you do these blocks okay so the kangaroo's on two and we took one away what do we have left one this is too easy right in here carl did really good with his homework but after 20 minutes he started to wobble with his focus backwards do it again oh bum what i can't do backwards i was a little apprehensive about kyle and his homework because usually he you know gets really distracted and decides he's not going to do it i wasn't sure what was going to happen i can't do all right like do three months i'm so sweaty it was fantastic to see heather just stay put with kyle and keep him focused and he went off a little bit and she brought him back again hey you just had one little mistake it's not the end of the world there you go high five well done kyle the homework that he ended up doing and it took us a half hour would take us normally two hours to complete three pieces of homework in 30 minutes a children with adhd suffer from a lot of low self-esteem so giving carl a reward system that would motivate him would make him very pleased and adding an additional sticker book would make him smile carl's homework achievement book choose one of these stickers and you will place it into your book here every time you achieve your homework when i do my homework and to put a sticker on my sticker book my shark homework isn't that on your waterworks yes with real positive support from his parents a sticker book the water work system in place it's really going to give carl the self-esteem and confidence he's going to need to focus on his school homework high five [Music] hello how are you good with carl making progress i now need to increase better communication between mum and dad and the other people in carl's life so is there any way we can sit sure a conversation come on over here kyla has been suspended five or six times you know we're very serious about you know making sure kyle doesn't fall between the cracks we're doing a behavior chart and that seems to be working he has to verbalize how he feels that he did and then i verbalized how i feel he did and we talk about it and then he can go ahead and make the decision whether he thinks he deserved a happy face an okay face or a sad face getting on the same page with kyle's school i think is going to be very beneficial to improving his adhd behaviors i think it'd be a great idea to have a report book going back and forth so that there's this relationship between you both that reports daily what's happening and supports carl if mom and dad can collaborate with carl's teacher and set up a system that's the same at home and at school it will give carl consistency this is great to come here and have this conversation and and just really find out what we can all do for carl with mum and dad more settled it is time to bring alejandra back so they can have more open conversation the communication between the pair of you has got to get better it's got to get better alejandro can i ask you just to be really frank with the things that you're finding extremely difficult when looking after the kids when they don't need them and they try to hit me like tries to hit me so is it mainly carl that's the problem mostly it's really hard to make them listen it just came forth but that's the hard part when joe was having a conversation with alejandra and i about you know where her difficulties are that was good to kind of go over and make that known to me the discipline is one that you can learn just like heather's learning now and i think that's important for you to discuss with alejandro i think with the discipline with the kids you know i'd like to have her do the same thing that we're doing here so that we're both on the same page to help mom and alejandra feel like they're supporting one another i introduced a nanny diary so they can record the events of the day what i have here i want to show you okay is is the nanny diary okay what it does it allows you just to jot down some of the things that have happened during the day all right some of the negative things some of the positive things that you'll be able to read the nanny diary is really really gonna help me a lot because heather will know you know what's going on during the day what's happening with the kids how they're behaving i'm going to give that to you alejandra thank you all right the nelly diary is going to help but carl when he is around alejandra does need more structure so i'm going to go through doing a new routine with heather what i would propose is for you to do homework with carl's dad you're going to learn how we're going to do that all right he's done his homework he does really well he will use the waterworks that we have there yet again i'm expecting you to explain that to alejandra and it helps support carl alejandra and i have never sat down like that before so this is actually better now i think she feels probably more comfortable with me and i feel more comfortable with her i feel that we have a real solid routine that's going to support what we're doing here yeah feeling better yeah i know better thank you i'm leaving for several days carl i want to see you continuing with your homework all right and doing really well keep up the good work with the dominoes all right i mean i'm seeing a big improvement already with joe leaving i'm a little anxious to see what's gonna happen with kyle i still think he's gonna push buttons and mum just energy okay all right it's just about being in that driving seat okay just follow it through seeing jo walk out the door and knowing that she's gonna be gone for the next three days makes me feel a little bit nervous i'm just crossing my fingers that we remember all the steps and we do them correctly and when she comes back we're not like horrified by what we see [Music] after three days away the question is did this family stay calm or did it all blow up who wants to see what i've got here i do huh are you excited yeah we are excited i'm a little nervous yeah okay so um see here we're gonna look at homework this i do want to see okay come on one last assignment and then we can use your achievement book if we can get it done let's see you did two homeworks perfect can you do a third can he do it perfect oh my goodness good tea tell me when i can open them open kyle this is the best writing i have ever seen you do i'm gonna put this one for mom that says amazing that's one of the best pieces i have ever seen in four years of being here in america serious congratulations that was absolutely amazing yeah he he's doing great just his temperament everything that's just a role model absolutely role model so the next piece we're going to look at here is actually just dealing with carlin and how we've been taking care of the situation let's pack up the game and let's go take our shower it's shower time what are you talking about it's seven o'clock when you're ready to come up and talk to me come up and talk come on what happened in there well in there ice cream why because you're upset you can feel upset but you don't have to go scream that loud do you [Music] there i'm glad you realized that and it didn't take very long didn't it to chill out michael you played dominoes while i was gone huh it's been good you took that domino piece out i've been more calm that's for sure absolutely beautiful this is this is a good day okay let's look at the next piece call me if if you need anything but don't be scared to give them timeouts okay firm yell at them put them in timeout okay don't not hit me okay you're gonna get in big trouble okay i am upset with you i don't like the way you're talking to me you gotta stop not kidding me okay stop doing that going the other one right now okay how were they ah good and bad uh oh what happened uh he hit me like a couple of times he was not listening and what about farley and pierce they were mostly like nice it's okay it was hard but yeah you dealt with it yeah i did okay it was great to see alejandra actually come forth and say to you about having the bad day i love the fact that you explained it to her it was lovely to see her actually feel okay about what hadn't gone great with the day when you've left and you've gone off to work she needs to be able to hold that same authority and basically be your substitute in a way when you are at work you know perfect but good stuff and glad to see that it was a nice piece of footage there so i'm going to take a look at how serious you've been throughout me being away yeah got here kyle is that what you do with scissors is that what we do with scissors okay what do you think or does a hairdresser cut our hair [Music] oh my god [Music] oh dick you can't cut your hair because now you have a funny spot and everyone's gonna say what does that kid do [Music] common sense common sense where was your common sense that could have been everyone could have poked his eye out the first thing would have been to have taken the scissors straight away out of cole's hands you take what's unsafe out of arms that's your job as as a parent that's crazy okay today we look at safety i have to say i'm very encouraged to see that the way you have chosen to do homework has totally supported carl a hundred 100 i love love michael love your relationship with carl here i mean it's just so mature it's very very positive and it's certainly going to build your relationship with khan and allow it to grow as it should with father and son so um it's been much easier well that's exactly how it should be you know and that's certainly what we're seeing now which makes me a very happy nanny all right let's get going okay [Music] after seeing carl butcher his hair on that dvd i knew it was time to teach his family just a little bit more safety safety is a priority number one we need the backyard gate secure and we need the front door secure as well all right there's no safety catch on the front door there's a backyard lock that the children can open very very easily and i just feel that they have not taken the time to scan the house and realize you know how we're going to make this child proof this one here will be for the front door no no no no i don't need to go in the street and this one here will go on the other side of the backyard gate how get in here right now [Music] we've done safety for the front door the backyard's been bolted that was a really good thing that joe suggested for us huh there are certain things in place for safety but we still need a little bit more i mean let's face it when carl picked up those scissors and started to chomp his hair up my god it was my worst nightmare draw latches okay all right where are you safety scissors so please we need that all of you all right because you shouldn't have been cutting your hair or your brother's hair [Music] i felt it was a lot safer that we brought in some of these safety aspects putting locks on the doors putting the knives up higher look at that i mean i know these blocks are meant to be up here but yeah just get a drawer the house is much safer now because of what joe helped us do with the house apha and mom and alejandra communicating more there is still one thing i need to do and that's to teach alejandra how to discipline these kids by herself alejandra how's parley been in pierce uh she was hey charlie put a rock with me she hit me in the head she hit you in the head i was so not pleased when i heard this and so i said to alejandra you'd have to time out with her that behavior is totally unacceptable do you understand me you do not hit anybody for you to think that it's okay to hit your nanny is appalling my main objective was really making sure that alejandra would respect herself and not allow one of her charges to do that to her take her straight to the step let's get them out as their nanny this is about her taking a stand for herself alejandra was all she was needing was permission to do it i'm gonna stay here because you hit me in the head and i was like slow down so right now you see your voice your voice is like you talk to them all the time do i sound like i'm happy when i'm talking to you no i'm not happy so she needs to know that okay through the voice that you use [Music] we are not happy with the way you have chose to behave you will stay there young lady okay off we go i didn't really know how to do that you know with anti-male and i didn't know how she'll be there for five minutes okay keep an eye on the time okay okay then i want you to come back and very firmly like i'm doing now very firmly you have been put here because you hit me and i am not happy with that i want you to tell me you're sorry okay okay she gives you the apology hugs and kisses then you get her off the step i was a little apprehensive about how alejandra would take this whole whole experience and whether she'd be fully into it like we are and we need her to be in order for it to work well in our family the reason why you're here is because you hit me in the head and you had to get time out and that was not okay okay now i need an apology for you sorry okay [Music] okay i was really glad that she was firm and she put her on the spot and she did it it was great [Music] so listen guys i'm going okay i've got to take my hat off to any parent who even when they feel that they are at the lowest find that strength they really do and that's exactly what the park family did that the children are happier you can feel that and michael and heather are far more confident than what they ever were when i arrived they're proud of themselves and so they should be i think what joe did for us first and foremost was deal with kyle's adhd and how to get him in check with homework with with everything with the things we couldn't do i thought she had a really good perspective on what was going on inside his mind every day i see that you just become more and more confident i know thank you so much for helping us out i appreciate it if i had one thing to say to other parents that have kids with adhd my new experience tells me that patience is the key hey carl i am pleased with you yes i'm pleased with all of you the most important thing that y'all helped me with how to talk is to respect me keep growing okay take care and then it really really meets you she's the best enjoy thank you i think what parents will get from watching the park family is to recognize that even when you feel your reserve tank is empty it's always just a little bit more [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 2,986,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism, the park family supernanny, kyle cuts his hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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