The Weston Family | Season 1 Episode 5 | Supernanny USA

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tonight on supratip Joe meets the Westons Andrew sits here during the two weeks with the family they're terrorizing time puts up a fight Joe lays down the law lastly I'd like my drink [Music] [Music] [Music] look I am Fred hi I'm Andre and we're the Westons we have two children Andrew who's four and Sean who's 11 months I'm a school teacher Fred sells insurance for living Andre and I met at church it was like at first sight definitely like life without kids was being invited to dinners with no children going out on the weekends different lifestyle than it is now life with kids can be very difficult sometimes we need your help we have our son Andrew he's got some issues it's painful for a mother to have a child that has a reputation like when we go play it friends who gets hurt he always hurts the other kid [Music] what they're doing Andrew does get a little rough with his brother all the time he tortures his brother doesn't care I put him on timeout he marches right back out you go get in your room I'm just behavior has to stop I get messages saying call your day care your kid is getting kicked out of data they devastated I would love to find the physical they can handle him but I called everywhere yeah Andrew at dinnertime always an experience he will refuse to eat dinner every night he has trouble sleeping Andrew seems to want to come out of his bed of these four or five times a night so please come to our house super nanny and help us out because we need you see it definitely do need me I'm on my way [Music] hello today I'm at the Western family home photo facing each if they were very warm and very inviting for somebody who has a lot of knowledge I would think she seemed to Lou young she's very friendly and young at heart I can tell I'm gonna watch and observe you today I know you've got some family issues that need to be addressed but just go ahead as if I weren't here and Inara she some questions later okay when I first meet a family I go in and I take mental notes and I observe the dynamics of their family my observation began watching mom and the boys playing in the backyard okay Andrew you're done you're done washing out so turn off the water that's it it's still early for water [Music] he's gonna go into his mode [Music] [Applause] [Music] he was firing trays and knocking things over because mums help the water off excuse me ah no no stop stop stop and think Andrew I'm not chasing after you you'll come here I won't talk to you Andrew if I have to walk over there you're gonna be in your room on a long time out don't you talk that way to me that is very nice I'm just temperament needs to be put in check and mums letting them get away with it completely [Music] hello come on me and you had a friend round to play and it gave me a really good opportunity to watch him with other children around they were drawing together and playing started off okay but it very quickly led to his little friend running off crying to her parents [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm just behavior got worse and he started to intimidate this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then he didn't want her to build grabbed her like really close to him and you grab this little girl's face and he started pulling at her and she was so scared and it's this kind of behavior that needs to stop ten minutes later he was acting up again and you go to your room that's not nice finally mom steps in as she takes Andrew for time out into his bedroom what a place it's very sleeps and plays I don't think it's a good idea to place any child in their bedroom for Discipline three minutes I'll be back you think about it I'll come back and get you I'm not gonna I'm not gonna call the door till you sit down when you're sitting down I like over the door so how long should you be standing that sought a half an hour hold in there ah Donna are you sitting down okay open it I'm sorry you're not allowed to throw things you're on time out I'll leave the door open but don't come out you want me to get there did you say in here do not step out mom has got this time out completely wrong this is crazy I'm gonna do step number two it with you because you're not listening so step number two dog at the same time he's meant to being disciplined Sandow Andrews Megan ways control after discipline here he's got too much control and polyandry doesn't even know what to do [Music] have a bite you haven't had touched shirt hot dog yet hot dog entries very picky about what he eats he's very fussy about the quantity that he eats Andrew stop licking it and eat it if he's not being served his favorite meals he will just refuse to eat his dinner we're almost done we're gonna get down and you're gonna be stuck here get back in the chair now the frustrating part is the clock is ticking and things aren't getting done because I'm having a food war with my child every night [Music] Andrew back in your seat getting tired and you're come on [Music] half an hour of messing around we finally finished the hot dog finally Mama's just given Andrew a five-minute warning for bedtime I just also got to put Sean down as well at the moment it's very very hyper let's do little boys that have got to go to bed I'd be very surprised if they goes out straight away oh I like this bed this is a great bet you're tired you gotta go to seat buddy I'm gonna think he's kind of it Andrew where'd you go Andrew get back in bed you're thirsty okay I'm leaky we have your water problem you're not gonna use that excuse again tonight do you understand tonight shiny I love you right [Applause] [Music] back in a bit now that's the second time so how many more times for that happen always I hate that I manipulate throughout the night excuse me back to bed you get your hug get your kiss and that's it you go back to bed already giving you hugs and kisses what Andrew does is so common he's got like a hundred and one excuses so that he doesn't have to go to bed and sleep you the end-user you go you can see Andrew how many times now [Music] what okay I'll turn on the bathroom light you're upsetting your brother how can that step right now Andrew no mommy's getting exhausted go to sleep I'm both children I having trouble sleeping I wonder what Andrew is playing his bedtime games up to 12:45 at night Andrew was in and out of the bedroom like a yo-yo anything he wanted mum gave him and nobody is gonna get to sleep tonight I'm getting tired and upset you need to stay in your bed go I will get in there mum and dad are fully aware of how Andrew manipulates them my question to them is why if they're loud it's gone for so long I'm really looking forward to going in and getting that ball rolling when I first meet a family I observe their family life and the dynamics between parents and their children and I take mental notes throughout the day of what I feel it's not working and at the end of the evening I sit down and I talk to the parents Andre I'm afraid let's go into the other room and discuss what I've observed Joe is observing the good parts of us but she's mostly looking for the bad parts of us and that's a little unnerving I hope that Joe comes up with a plan as soon as possible to help our family and improve our lives Andrea and Fred what energy what energy your family has I see two educated parents you guys know so much about your children we agree good so what I'd like to say to the pair of you is where did the control start to slip you know the and really plates you you know that he Wang calls his little finger and guess his own way when he wants to but the question is do you know why the pair of you allow that to happen I think just having a child is challenging you know he's a is taking the reins in some ways and we've tried to take back in control and we'll try something for a while that doesn't work but when you get yourself into a cycle where bad habits are buried in and your children are coming up to you and challenging you then that cycle needs to be broke those bad habits need to change behavior behavior of anjou concerns me when he plays with other children he's very overpowering he's very controlling and he's very aggressive to throw toys at other children to shout at them Andrew needs to be taught by you guys he needs to be taught how to play and and I feel four years old he's quite capable of being able to play with his friends but he won't know how to do that unless you teach him you know you know I see a kid struggle you know you don't want him to be the ball here you know you want to do what you need to do as a parent so your kid will be successful but you are giving your child love and you are giving your child praise and encouragement but you need to balance that and that's where that's where we fail I don't think it's about failing and I don't want you to sit here as parents and feel like failures because my parents perfect no parent after speaking to the pair of you I can't wait to work with you guys and start implementing techniques and to change this for the better you guys you guys committed to willing to give it a go absolutely definitely for sure I've got something here I want to show you both when I observe a family the first thing I do is give them a household routine and the Western family they didn't have a consistent schedule the priority is but the children are put into a consistent routine so 5:00 to 5:30 Sean and Andrew eat dinner and then bedtime at 7:00 o'clock Joe gave us a schedule to keep us on track as far as eating going to bed I think that's good we've all the rest of the techniques that we can implement the discipline is going to be under control the chaoticness the inconsistency is going to vanish okay so it's great [Music] when it comes to behavior the first thing that I want to address is Andrews aggression towards other children and I've set up the naughty spot technique so that when he misbehaves that's where he will go [Music] Andrew Andrew do not do that Shawn be nice please around your brother he's only a baby okay and he's not you're a big boy yes you're a big boy insurance a baby and you just continue to be aggressive towards baby Shawn love love brain Andrews behaved in a way that is not acceptable I'd like you to give him a warning first with eye contact I'm coming down to his level are you listening what you're doing is not okay I don't want you kicking baby Shawn I want you to give him a warning but you must change your tone of voice so that he recognizes Authority if it does not listen to you I would like you to place him in whatever room you're in I would like you to place him by the wall and turn to sit there as to stay there so you're gonna go over to the wall Lois I realize you're being serious come over here for a minute okay sit gets up again which is now I'm going to show you something okay Andrew go and sit back down here until mommy tells you you can get up Joe's voice caused Andrew to be scared enough to go back to that spot my question to Joe is tell me how to stop that child from playing games for the first 20 minutes with the naughty spot but this is where the consistency comes in you must go back and follow through with the same that you did before okay for what he's doing yes that dragon havior is not acceptable you sit here and you think about not hitting your brother see you every time you're consistent and you follow it through he gets the same message after his four minutes I want you to say to him now you behave yourself and I'd like you to apologize Andrew the reason why you're placed on the floor as you were hitting your brother and kicking him you need to behave or she'll be back on the floor again you need to hug your brother and say sorry is you're hurting your brother this is a sari nice a sari [Music] when I observed Andrea plane with his friends but he was very overpowering and control so to help Mom and Dad I set up the shared play technique so they could teach Andrew how to play nicely with his friends then you can ask for it when you get done with something you can give it to her so she can try and cut something you teach your child how to recognize to play with other children so that they take turns asking each other nicely which is please come happen life Andrew well Andrew say Bonnie please can I have the fault did you hear another ask nicely enough how do you say it's the next level once Andrew knows what's expected of him mum and then allow herself to step back and relax mokou beautiful in Spain now I want you to be able to have faith in knowing you can do that with any child you leave Andrew with whilst mum was feeding baby Sean Andrew wanted his chocolate milk warmed up and he threw a massive tantrum over its I can't even understand you you're crying so much when you're done crying you come up and ask me what you want nicely what do you want you want your drink warmed up now ask me nicely I'd like my tree warmed up my dream I want to teach Andrea how to not give in to Andrews tantrums what's going on sure did look very pale Andrea started to catch on very quickly and when he hits her she took him straight to the naughty spot sent me as a parent to see my child become that emotionally upset where he was just almost begging to be picked up at home I want you to listen to what I'm saying because I've been in many many houses where parents have thought oh my god it feels like it's all gone mayhem it feels like it's getting worse the only thing that just got worse was that Andrew just realized that his mum and dad are now in control of the discipline don't hit all I want you to do is say mommy can you warm up my chocolate milk nice nice wait don't pick him up it's our baby don't pick him up don't pass if I mean that way honestly you are not you are not being cruel you're just setting boundaries they will thank you for it later trust me on this order a will okay anytime somebody comes in your house and starts to give you directions it's hard it's hard to accept change it's hard to accept criticism [Music] tonight at dinner I want to put a stop to Andrew sitting at the table and not eating a thing Andrew you need a sit-down and you need to see Lauren I do and I us to use a method where she would give Andrew lots of praise and encouragement for when he was eating at the table and you know what you're wasting don't use your free time tonight use in a positive way come on for more that we can go on and play and you eat your four bites you go pick up your first one let's count what you still have to finish your destroy mommy one ready the boy yes one can you show me one use your finger one good boy that's it every time Andrew eights a spoonful on drier but praise Him and give you more encouragement to take the Lexx before now mummy how so full in this my show before Andrew you know keep a night for encouragement Andrew ate his dinner and he was so proud of himself it's all very well that you give your child discipline but at the same time you need a balance by giving them lots of praise and encouragement - you did a really good job I'm proud of you [Music] no way our Sean and Andrew ever going to get the sleep they need if they continue to share the same room so today we put baby Sean into his own room and gave Andrew his bedroom back look at that you're such a big helper is the first step for the boys to get the sleep that they properly need what I want to discuss with the pair of you is the stay in bed technique so this is how it goes you tuck him into bed kiss and cuddles goodnight he comes out you say it's bedtime darling you tuck him back in you give him a kiss the third time he comes out you ignore and you just take him straight into his beds and put the covers over him and walk out okay and if he comes out the fourth time and the fifth time you repeat the third action which is to ignore him and put him back into his bed you think I'm doing well there needs to be elimination process whereas you can have a little bit of water that the lights left on Nene and the door left ajar so that Andrew simply can't keep coming out for loads of excuses all the time Andrew had his little baby hamster that was nocturnal and decided to do some exercise it's hadn t came up to tell his mum good night back in bed remember the technique remember to tell him it's time for bed darling don't keep in this keep a nice this time to bed darling you get everybody Andrew walked out of his room three times within a 50 minute period instead of 30 times it was very peaceful in the Western household and anybody could tell you that it's never like that I'm going to leave now don't leave us now that I've taught Andre and Fred the techniques I'm gonna go away for a couple of days because it's really important that they grasp how to do it themselves and remember the pair of you it's about the finer details in the techniques go through from a B and C [Music] Restall keep positive Jose making a big difference in our house Fred okay cool it may take a person like her to turn things around yeah I'm not doubt that Andre and Fred are gonna be put to the test I was there doing it I'm gonna be watching him okay slams time let's see if mum can get and retweets set up there you go ready go count out loud for it counts to these boys that's great yeah you can do it started to play up at the table Andrew no you don't do that I'm giving you a warning if you get shot again you're gonna go on timeout the naughty spot Pooh Bear oh here we go excuse me and you focus under nope I told you not teach your brother now you're on the spot I said mom he's not listening on the naughty spot you tell me when you're ready to get back up here and eat your dinner don't ask him tell him I know he's got to stay there for [Music] there it goes doing what it wants and oh he thinks the naughty spots a game you are on the naughty spot Andrew are you going to set the table and finish your dinner now yeah let's go we'll say snap ology trying to get Andrew to play with baby Sean fantastic your turn ready let's go excuse me next time I tell you you're gonna naughty spot that's it next time I have to tell you ready there we go I'm just doing exactly what you want hey can you please shut mouth I told you not to mess up the game and you're not listening you're on the naughty spot a lot of kisses it grow up they naturally can calm down but I don't think that will ever be the case of with Andrew there's just been a constant struggle and behavior that's just wore me down now you don't want it to be a war every day stay on the naughty spot do you understand do you understand yeah I just been aggressive he's back in the control it's been a tough road I think I'd give Joe and further technique stay on the spot we need to get our act together so that Shaun doesn't become the same way Spray one you guys are missing the small details I gotta get back there one of the questions I would ask Joe is just how to handle Andrew on his naughty spot you know what your free time is ticking away how much to correct and how much not to correct and what to say focus on I love the part where I walk in with a DVD because I like the parents to clearly see the mistakes they've made so that we can fix it yeah I've got some footage I'd like you guys to see okay guys take a look now you're on the spot yes you did stay on the spot do you know why you're on the naughty spot because your behavior is not T okay the whole episode is about the details and the details are is that when you give a warning you must come down to Andrews level and give him that I contact you see here how much taller you are we don't want to make children feel scared of you or intimidated now stay on the naughty spot do you understand do you understand now there I would have said and stop that stop that cheek and then I would have walked away if he mimics everything that you say once you've got him on the naughty spot you say to him stop that smart-mouth in now it's not acceptable and I do not like that behavior and when you walk away you then ignore that the smart mouth talked that he gives you if he's saying people head or whatever he say because that's the reason for Angie to try and engage you back to get his attention through verbally communicating with you in that way are you going to set the table and finish your dinner now yeah let's go like we start the naughty spot technique we must end it as well okay so we've got a start and a finish so when it's done is time make sure that when you then relieve him from the naughty spot that you say right up you get now I want you to apologize for what you just did and in hugs and kisses afterwards all of the smaller details is what makes the naughty spot technique work I want you guys to carry on as normal and what we're gonna do is we're gonna work on that Andreea and anything else that i see that needs enforcing and we going over hey since becoming a parent I think I've used my children's behavior as an excuse for a lack of good parenting technique it didn't clicked until somebody could come in from the outside and say this is what you need to work on it's got to get better I kind of find a way I've got to find a way to make it work I've tried I do believe that you can do it but you know what you need to believe yeah I'm excited about it 2016 yes I love that little boy and I want him to grow up to be a successful human being that is happy yeah you know he's very happy in life but he's not perfectly happy if he doesn't get on home with his friend so he's me mr. Barnes so I just want to see him slowly change over time we've Andre she's recognized a lot of things about herself that she needs to change for the better so that she's a lot calmer so that she can address her children in that same manner [Music] come to the table bagel you want playtime right let's finish eating using the positive right so mommy won she said be positive Joe's big on rewarding with words and I picked up on that since working with her you ready put money mouth hold up one finger one good job Andrew boy that's it dinner's been quicker I've had to be more of an energetic cheerleader but it seems to paid off share with your brother that's your brother's toy about rim can you show them how to do it yeah games like this are very good you're playing a game where they can both be involved and at the same time both children are learning to share your attention try to stop sibling rivalry andrew is an aggressive kid it's gonna take every ounce of discipline to get him to realize that he's not the center of the world and that other kids want to do other things it's deep I think slowly and jewelled on how to interact with his friends in a better manner [Music] when Joe came to my home I was really focused on Andrew but the reality was the challenge was with of mother and the father do you know why you're here you didn't listen to Daddy did you next time you listen to Daddy okay show me Andrews changing and it's because mum and dad are embracing the small details in the technique and it's working for him time for bed let me get you a harder time for a version do you want your special pillows we once had a little boy called Andrew who used to get up endlessly of a night time when he was put to bed this evening mum said quick come here what Joe taught me the most is that fear can stop anyone it's true so I think I'm trying to look at that as there's no such thing as failure as long as you are positive and you stick to it right thank you very much Johnny it's hard to leave the Western family they are a family who clearly love their children very much I feel really proud of Andrea and Fred they've made really positive changes in their family and I can only be a good thing I'm glad they're choking and give us tips and ideas consistency that we really lacked meal time and the last week is consisted of Andrew being able to sit at the table eat a variety of different foods and basically have fun what Joe taught my husband I it's working every night that I walk away from Andrews bedroom and that child is sound asleep 20 minutes later is a night that makes me feel victorious I am a lot more confident now when I was a week ago a lot more I think it's definitely changed us and I think this changes for the best I believe 100% what Joe has sent my family this experience has made me much stronger in the area of parenting and as a woman as a whole as a mom definitely I perceive success and the Weston household [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 7,177,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supernanny, super nanny, Supernanny UK, Supernanny US, Supernanny Full Episodes, Jo Frost, jo frost, Extreme Parental Guidance, Tantrum, supernanny worst family ever, Supernanny adhdautistic kid, supernanny mean mom, supernanny jo, jo supernanny, Watch Supernanny, Supernanny clips, Full Episode, The Weston Family, S01E05, Eating Technique, Mealtime, bedtime, Aggression, jealousy
Id: 2fx29jXwkRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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