10 KIDS: Jo Visits Her Biggest Family Ever | The Costello Family Full Episode | Supernanny

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hi we're the costello family i'm amy and i'm dale and we have 10 kids logan is 15. harley is 14. jazlyn who is 12 joelle is 9. 11. 11. corbin corbin was nine addison who was seven nolan five bryson three cameron two and keaton who is eight months my words ten kids one more that's a football team [Music] which one are you going to do my dream in growing up was i always wanted 12 kids to live in the home with the white picket fans and for the most part i filled the majority of my dream did you hear that cameron come on i drive truck over the road and i might take off on a run i'm gone for at least three days maybe four could wind up being going for a week yeah that's enough i'll quit it when dale's home it's harder in some ways because when he's home it totally throws the routine off for me come on come on stop it maybe there's more chaos when he's here even alone with the kids [Music] the difference between parenting one and parenting 10 is the first one gets all of your attention when you have 10 you're stretched a whole lot more jazlyn get down here now who else was doing it it's wild it's it's like a three-ring circus bryson give it up sit up no you didn't oh my gosh hey every day i feel like i get to the breaking point everybody's got to chip in and help these kids need a little bit more direction what we feel them are you gonna feed out um we do put faith in the older kids to help out with the younger kids carly pick up come on down this side mom there is no one down the stairs carly um she does not like to help out around the house she does not like to lend a hand you gotta keep an eye on i know mom she's a very quiet reserved person and a lot of times reacts very negatively to having to watch your brothers and corbin sisters eyes say oh should i go lay him on your bed um you can get your shoes on logan is the oldest so he carries a very difficult role in the family because when dale's gone he has to be a fill-in for me and be my biggest helper get down well then you ask for help look at this 15 year old look he's acting like a dad get your shoes on corbin let go of him nolan let's go i'll clean back him if you clean it backwards it's hard for him to take on a big responsibility act more like an adult because he he he wants to have his own space he has to watch younger kids and he kind of sighs why can't a teenager be a teenager super nanny we could really use you in our household what's supposed to be on it we'd just like some order super nanny please hurry we have 10 kids and we really need your help enough is enough hang on in there mum and dad hey kids i'm on my way [Music] in thank you that's my wife amy hi amy hi good to meet you this is the biggest family that i've ever helped and oh yeah it's going to be an adventure this is a very large family to say the least to have joe come in to my house and observe us it was a little bit unnerving because of course nobody ever wants criticism so you know we all think we're perfect you don't need to hit chaslin no just get away from her stop quit it no typically dad being a truck driver means that he's only home a few days a week but from what i can see when he is home he's not very supportive he doesn't do much guys can you stop that i think the kids have lost some respect in listening to him or obeying him when he's home don't you go stand in the corner no yes i don't think he knows how to handle the kids and they don't listen to him as much as my mom let's go then my dad leaves somewhere like not the house but he's always somewhere else like outside in the garage [Music] it seems to me that mum's just given up asking dad to help out with the kids why don't you feel like you can put this one down and take him over there um because it ends up with a fight in there between like he and bryson or whatever so i'll end up just taking him back anyways well i can't don't deal with it he he i i sometimes i just don't think he i just don't think he does deal with it but there is another family member that she relies on to help her i saw that logan was given the task to look after the kids with mum i mean he is mr mum we're gonna be gone for a little bit logan is in charge in submission i had seen that logan helps out a lot with the kids so what i did was send mom and dad out so i could see exactly how logan manages those kids cameron no you cannot have the bubbles he gets kind of frustrated when the kids are misbehaving when mom and dad are out get out of the office i don't really enjoy watching over that many kids at one time it's just too stressful it's too chaotic corbin corbin chazlin get out corbin corbin stop stop okay how about you try corbin just just go you why'd you go upstairs by the time mom and dad got back logan was absolutely numb from having to take care of those kids it's stressed out i was really eager to talk to logan and so i had a conversation with him that really spoke volumes you're like a like a manny a nanny yeah okay so so when does logan get to uh hang out with his buddies and just chill not very often really this 15 year old doesn't get a chance to be a 15 year old and hang out with his friends so he is robbed of his teenage years at the moment he's got to be raising his siblings you feel like he's your responsibility no i mean they're not my kid i mean they're my brothers but they're not my kids it's i'm not i'm not a parent it's not my responsibility to discipline them to be watching them do you actually say to them or do you feel like you can't it's my parents i i don't i don't i don't think i feel like i can say that i mean it's kind of like i've kind of stepped it in there a little bit and my mom just kind of blows at me just kind of i mean she really gets meth like you know it's your responsibility as the oldest it's too much sometimes to the point where it's like uh you know i've gotten sick over it where you live with migraines panic attacks i mean would you i've had one panic attack before yeah for a 15 year old child to have this because the burden of the responsibility they're given at such a young age to me is is just not right i do have thoughts like i gotta find somewhere else to go you know i'm out of here because i shouldn't be living a life like this [Music] so do all the kids play outside yes and who takes care of them outside usually the older kids are supposed to keep an eye on the younger kids right i went out to have a look what do you like anymore the kids were just roughhousing but when mom saw what was going on she just flew off the handle with carly you stop it i'm not doing anything beautiful you stop it from happening you're the oldest one out there you don't just sit there and watch it these parents are not taking on their responsibilities instead they're allowing their teenage kids to take on the responsibilities that they should be doing right here me being 14 is hard because i have so much responsibility like with the kids no you don't want to help but now you're not going back outside you chose to come in a while later carly and chazlin wanted to go outside but mum was having none of it they can't help outside they can't help inside that's what they do is what they want to do but you're feeling what what you're feeling why i get mad at them because they're the you know second oldest third oldest you expect them to look after the kids outside and they've not done that and inside and they're not right and they can't do this either yeah they can't do see there they stand someone just got hurt cause you were talking oh you know what right now i need to take a breather i think for the first time in doing this super nanny show i i bit my tongue and i had to walk out yeah i was angry i was angry i was very angry this mother has ten kids it's her responsibility to make sure that her children are safe how can she have a go at these children for not babysitting the kids when they're kids themselves [Music] so i actually sneaked upstairs to speak to carly and chazlin to find out exactly what had happened what mom had to say what do you feel about that i'm really angry because i i do help out with her and i do watch the kids when i'm out there my mom doesn't know like half the thing that's going on around here carly's very upset and she's angry because i don't feel that these children feel they can say what they really do feel if she knew how you felt do you think she would give you time of day just to better reach out and give you a hug look the fact is mum and dad chose to have 10 kids but the older ones are paying the price for that because they're neglecting them if mum and dad don't start talking to these kids then they're going to start moving further and further away from them at a crucial time in their life for most of the day dad wasn't involved with the kids but then corbyn started to irritate him and we saw a different side of that what are you writing corbin what are you writing corbin she wrote me did you throw it away throw it away throw it away corbin it's corbin throw it away throw it away now turn it up throw it away now throw it away now i i didn't do i mean it's not throw it away now dad had hardly grumbled all day and then all of a sudden that flew off the handle i mean it's very unsettling [Music] later on in the day i did have a chance to talk to mum about the obvious family planning it's unbelievable to me that this lady still wants two more kids to make 12 when she's seriously struggling with the tin that she has already it's crazy you had this dream i didn't want in 12 kids yeah you're at 10 now so are you gonna go for the other two you know i would like to yeah but you know i think that's dale and i are at different stages dale just had his 50th birthday and i think he's just realizing you know i'm 50 i'm getting older so i think we haven't he and i haven't come to the agreement with that yet so you're having safe sex at the moment no no all right okay so you could end up coming you could have another one these parents are not resolving this conversation and at the same time they are sexually active and they're not being responsible what happens the inevitable then what [Music] i'm off for the evening okay i'll see you tomorrow morning shop okay and we'll have a good family meeting night night sweetie oh look at me he's absolutely knackered i'm eager to come back tomorrow because these pirates are going to get a stiff talking to there are some serious issues here after all i've seen yesterday i need to get straight to the point good morning let's talk about logan he's 15 years old he can't even be a kid he can't even hang out with his friends as a 15 year old because he's too busy playing dad around the house logan do this logan do that logan take the children the boys had a panic attack ever had one of them no no the first thing you think when you have one is that you're dying is that fair no right now you're in cuckoo land the pair of you you're in cuckoo land you know carly really needs to be able to talk to you she needs to be able to look up to you what you wanted to take from you i would hope carly would be able to say you know my mother inspired me because she understood me because she lifted me up because do you want to see you think she didn't say that right now i don't think right now she could say that but you know what if we were to be really truthful you probably didn't have a mum that said that with you didn't you so as a mother why don't you take what you didn't have and give that to your daughter so that they can have so that your daughter doesn't have to grow up and have loads of babies to get the same needs met right [Music] what are we gonna do make a big change just let our kids be kids just let me have fun what i've had to say today has touched a raw nerve then i know i'm talking to two parents who've got feeling and that's a good thing because that means we can work on all of that okay thank you [Music] the first thing i do need to do is to sit down and have a frank conversation with mum and dad about family planning because it's obvious they're not talking we brought up in the meeting the importance of becoming more consciously aware of your family planning and i do think that something that needs to be spoken about and something that needs to be resolved it was nice to have somebody like a third party kind of like a mediator i'm happy with 10. okay i do feel like i can't you know take care of him like i should or attend as much attention as i should i just always wanted a large family i always wanted a dozen i love kids it is hard for me to hear dale say um enough is enough i understand your view i you know my dream was my dream and i'm not you're not going to take it away it's painfully obvious that mum wants to fulfill her dream of having a dozen kids and she doesn't care how she gets number 12 or what has to be sacrificed as long as she gets number 12. you said that your dream was your dream and nothing's going to stop you that just means you can't take away my dream i can always have my dream whether or not it's fulfilled or not i can always have my dream i'm allowed don't pop it i'm not it's not you're taking it personally well why should you know that's his opinion i'm allowed to mine i don't agree with that but everybody has dreams but you've got to be realistic with some of those dreams as well okay and i'm saying you know we're willing to make changes or at least i'm willing to make changes for that and if i have to carry more of a burden that i'm willing to do that it's just not you carrying it though your kid's always going to carry it and you have to be able to resolve that you have to otherwise it's irresponsible it's obvious that they both want different things but what i feel is very important is that they're actually talking now and that's a good thing i haven't really seen dad interact with the children and i know mum doesn't fully trust dad to handle the children so it was important for me to let mum go out so that she could see dad is capable of looking after the kids just for that short period of time that one belongs to you logan um the green one i've got here belongs to yourself carly but there is one catch i've given the four elder children t-shirts to wear that say off-duty so dad can't rely on them [Music] bye as dad found out looking after 10 kids on your own is more than a handful you'll play with your brother i'm going to warm up lunch come on come here get in here buddy nolan you hold it for one second it's good just he's off duty okay nolan get in here right now what are you getting into [Music] you know dad did handle the kids with confidence and it didn't did an okay job but now i'm even more puzzled at why mum really deep down doesn't trust dad with the kids who was that there she is pretty good [Applause] now that dad's found this new confidence with the kids what i want to be able to do is set up a technique so that the children realize that the parents appreciate them getting this quality time what i want to do with this calendar is basically to jot down with the kids a particular event on a particular day that you guys know you can stick to many times when the kids say hey you know i like to go go go kart okay yeah okay let's go next week and it's just like it's kind of like forgotten by us logan what would you like to do let's take that chick out isn't it yeah it's that girl isn't it you want to take that girl out right to the cinema take that movie i put on the calendar uh going out with a friend you know ice skating the last time i went out to live a regular 15 year old's life i re i can't even remember corbin what are you gonna do man amazon or the movie amazon what's amazon let's see what's happening like a play place where they have games and they have laser tag there's no backing out of those calendar days because it's something that we promised them and i think you know the scar would be a deep scar you know if we didn't follow through with that okay so let's pin this calendar up i mean i want these kids to know that we mean what we say there's no time like the present and it's so important to give kylie that time with her mother that she's so desperately craving [Music] last time i ever did anything with my mom it's like about a year ago sometimes she'd say that being her wouldn't go out like mother-daughter thing that never happened carly and amy let's go out joel see you later [Music] are you here for your manicures and pedicures yes we are [Music] i like that that dark one carly do you mm-hmm which one's your favorite one yeah my mom and i went to the nail salon it was fun having time to talk to her now you can bug mom to do this more often yeah i think it was good that she and i had an opportunity to talk together and just enjoy even the quiet moments together we thank carly did that feel good yeah i hope that the pair of them continue to have these little mother and daughter dates because it'd be healthy for the pair of them this afternoon i have turned my attention to logan so mum and dad can see exactly the undue burden that has been put on him looking after all of these kids so we've got more work this afternoon for the pair of you we're gonna go into the other room here okay logan's afraid to speak to his parents so what i have done is set up a curtain so that he can freely express himself without feeling intimidated by mum and dad's reactions i mean i don't want wine but the responsibilities you know have been a little too much i don't want to seem like you know i can't handle them i mean i can just not for the time period that i've been it makes me like angry and upset sometimes i just can't deal with it you know it just kind of gets me to the point where i just kind of want to want to walk off what do you mean by walk off well i guess leave so you felt like running away from it all yes and if you felt like you've been able to come to mum and dad and tell them that not so much dell i asked you to pull back the curtain i i did run away logan when i was i was probably about 17. i felt as though that my dad really wasn't listening to me i just want to keep the communication open just say hey we got to sit down and talk i'll take responsibility of the kids when i'm home rather than unloading on you that's my job i looked at logan's face at the end of the discussion and i did not see a sense of relief and i knew what that was from i have to speak up one other issue too that's been a huge source of contention you know that has honestly caused logan to be in a situation that he shouldn't necessarily have to be in and i think dale knows what i'm getting at this family had been holding back something from me whilst i was teaching and now i was about to find out exactly what it was yeah i was curious i just felt like i owed it to both logan and to dale as ugly as that skeleton is i just felt like that was very important to bring out i guess at first i was hoping it wouldn't come up everything else was brought up to joe so i thought well there's no sense of that being hidden um drinking has been an issue dale uses that to help with his stress forcing logan to grow up and see things that he shouldn't have to see when he does drinking it gets out of hand things happen and there have been a couple times when he's actually had to gone to the hospital logan and i have had to take all the kids to soccer games so my dad was in the back of the van passed out so alcohol for you led you in a place where your family became the victim of that as well is that correct okay yes if dad doesn't deal with his drinking problem promptly and directly he's going to continue to affect this family and that's no joke this to me is is a a major breakthrough because while you're prepared to suffocate yourself you will take everybody else with you i was glad that my mom brought the the issue up with my dad now i hope that he does consider getting help for it i'm sorry okay i do love you okay don't ever forget all right the seriousness of dad's drinking problem is affecting every member of this family and this can only be changed by him i'm actually gonna go for several days okay it is time for me to leave this family and let them get on with what they've been taught however going away means that i can really start to look at solutions and get the proper information that's necessary in order to help dad move forward see you when i get back okay when i come back i'm gonna need to talk to dad more about the drinking issue and where he's going to take this now that everything's out in the open okay bye-bye so i've been gone for a few days you guys have been left to really get on with it without me and what we're going to do is take a look at this so we know exactly what's going on here here walking i'll hold your hand but if i fall i'll let go ready ready you got it you got to hold it okay ready it wasn't so bad well this is not as bad as i thought it was going to be like that little girl like can like do like twirls and like that's pay backwards i know right don't show off so what else is new nothing nothing a real boring day i was really looking forward to this really yeah oh that's so cute i mean really i mean what we're looking at here we're looking at your teenage son having a chance to to be a teenager you know he's got his little first love there and he's taking her out ice skating really cute really nice and and really to the point that we realized the importance of logan having that time just to do the things that he wants to be able to do like a normal teenager would do so i'm very pleased to see that i very much um he can have some juice i'll be back get your feet up here we go look look okay i know oh watch your legs [Music] faster nail i tell you right on the head there you can get a break yeah that logo is just chilling how sweet is that what do you think about what you just saw yeah how would you like about that yeah just being out there with it with the kids you know just being the kids uh you know just are you proud of that man you just saw because that's you i mean seriously daryl look what you're look what you are capable of doing i hope this is a real eye-opener for you there it is you know the man that that you are and there are certain things that you know what you need a kick out the back side to get rid of so that you can continue being that father seriously that's so rewarding to see absolutely let's take a look at the kids concerns because i think it really elaborates on what i've just been talking about [Music] she actually gets it let me get it from there she just gets it like she doesn't get an experience and what's gonna happen when they leave they they have seen the changes they they want it to remain and and they're worried about that in a way it's it's them saying indirectly please please find the strength for us please promise us that that you'll do what you're supposed to do because we expect you to provide safety for our stability for us to know that we can count on you and if right now you go where am i going to find the strength to do this for myself then you know what find it for your kids right now find it for your kids i have to do this for my kids i want to do this for my kids there's no room for you to recognize the beauty in in raising the kids because your own critic was too busy wanting to put you down with the drink and stuff like that so there's no room because the drink don't care about that drink don't want that the dream wants to destroy everything so these kids are going to need to know that you guys are are willing to continue to make the effort and and keep things the way that they are so are we ready to create more stability for them yeah because we do want it right yeah all right let's get on with some more work then okay okay [Music] dad's drinking problem is affecting the family we know that i need to sit and talk to dad about this and see if he really understands the consequence of that really the the abscess that had erupted and left all these surface issues that needed to be resolved that's what i want to talk to you about now okay because as i'm talking to you i can smell alcohol on your breath it's it's a major major concern and ultimately everything that's been put in place here is going to drown right i leave this family thinking god you know if del don't want this enough then everyone's going to pay the price for that you've got to want to change it you've got to want things to be different do you think that you need help i do guess i can't do without it before the alcohol in a couple of days i was off i did some research and even tonight there's a support group that you could go to if you wanted to if you wanted to get help but if you want to i'll tell you one thing i'll come on the car journey with you i'll come with you okay and you know what if we get up to that door and you go i can't do it you know what i ain't gonna judge you you know when somebody's offering you that kind of help and support i mean not not a whole lot of people do that i guess the reason why i don't sound too eager because i'm ashamed it means you're feeling if you feel ashamed it means that you felt you're not in denial you know amy just asked me well if you had one legacy to leave to your kids what would it be i said i i can't even i can't even think so you feel bad about it but at least you've owned up you should chat around and go you know what i feel bad that i did this but you at least you're saying you know why it's brought you that much closer as a family to feeling you know what let's get help with this let's change this i mean to me this is this is so much bigger right you've got beer stash in the house should we go and clear it out dad's been secretly drinking and hiding beer all around the house and what we need to do first is to clear out that beer because it's dangerous there are kids in that house [Music] where is that one i took that one out already [Music] for me watching dad collect all these beer cans it was a clear illustration to the depth of this man's problem all right so now what do we do first tell my wife all right right i'm behind you it took a lot of courage for this man to come clean be accountable and to take responsibility for his actions and the first person that he wanted to talk to was his wife hey i'm going to go to the support group tonight tonight yeah good you know joe's going to ride with me okay okay good all right i'm sorry he told me that he was going to get some help for abuse of drinking so that was a huge step for him so that's the first step that's what you mean to do i know and then of course it was time for dad to speak to the young man who had basically picked up the slack logan come here for a minute he's he's he's a good kid i i kind of hate to see him have grown up as fast as he did i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to support group tonight all right okay good i'm sorry for everything okay that's okay i i think my dad's taking a big step of trying to you know resolve his problems and i really uh i'm proud of them [Music] ready i'm going to be taking dad to his first meeting and this is a huge step for him that's in an hour okay all right thank you bye-bye bye i was just glad to go in and just see other people in the same same predicament so i was like well i guess i'm not the only one hey dude hi baby i think it's very encouraging that dale's family see him taking this first step because it's going to allow them to feel that he's actually doing something about it amy just said to me how did that do i guess i'll show yourself ask him yourself tell me you met a few people about eight eight others in there i i guess i feel very very happy that he did that because again that's a good first step in the right direction towards him healing himself did he feel good yeah yeah we're glad you went yeah good i am really proud that this family had the courage to open up the cupboard door on a really dark secret that they had been keeping for a very long time i want a big group hug from all of you yeah come here seriously i would say there's a happier house i believe i am better dad yeah it's gonna be uh something i will [Music] yeah continue if joe had not come here i don't honestly know what would have happened it could have led up to the kids and i leaving it could have left led up to premature death on dale's part you know it a lot of ugly things certainly could have happened give me a hug for a hug you're not too big for a hug i hope that uh you know my dad continues to go to this group and i hope that you know we all start to get along better and we can work to become closer and you know enjoy each other a little more it's okay all right i love you take care take care of yourself mate take care of yourself take care of your family i just hope that this family continue to find the strength and the courage every day to move just a little step forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 490,211
Rating: 4.9272475 out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism, costello family supernanny, costello family supernanny update, costello family supernanny where are they now, family with 10 kids
Id: lIezrW6tRnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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