1990 Drew Barrymore interviews (Oprah and Arsenio Hall)

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just cuz they were more experienced you know I didn't want to go off and play Barbies I want to go out to a cloud and air also adults when she worked were very accepting of her right they were never critical and when she would come back to school and try to assimilate and just try to be like all the other kids there was a group of kids that was that would really stick it to her very resentful tell her she was fat she was a cow she was ugly I mean this was day after day after day after day and after six hours five days a week of getting non-stop you know putting put down they didn't want to come home and discuss more of it you know I just wanted to try and forget about it so you started drinking at 9:00 to prove a point or to feel good or to get drunk or what well I didn't really know I mean when I was 8 I had had two glasses of champagne and so I was like tipsy and he you know bubbly in her life of the party and I felt so good only problem had seen you know to disappear for that hour that I was out of it and well and I didn't realized that until I was dying I started casually drinking and realized where would you get alcohol from at 9'o parties friends bars clora doing at bars at 9:00 a lot of the time it was for parties that I was invited to a lot of the time I would walk up and they would be like oh it's little Drew Barrymore come right in good publicity you know any you when she was going to parties and bars at 9:00 I was never with her at bars at 9:00 but I would go with her to party there were a lot of industry functions and then private social / business functions and when we got there we would stay together for time then she would go her way and I would go my way and not knowing about the problem I was not as scrutinizing as I should have been you just decided you just let her have some space yes 9 or 10 that's exactly the age where you need some guidance some mission some you don't need a parent to back off and give you space at nine or ten especially if you were where drew was at that time part of it was the fact that I didn't have a dad I thought like my mom was abandoned they make if she was always also at work do you know now how you got to be so confused I mean how does a person born who looks like you do who you know comes from the kind of ancestry that you come from the kind of family and his friends with Spielberg and et how do you get to be so depressed how does that happen how could you not look in the mirror and think you were beautiful how could you not think gee this is a wonderful life and I'm gonna do everything to protect him I never looked in the mirror thar's beautiful I always had lower self-esteem of anybody I knew and I already look in the mirror and think what that I was overweight that I had a you know a round face my eyes weren't good enough my hair wasn't good enough my legs were too short my waist was too big my feet were too big my teeth weren't straight enough I mean just every little detail wasn't right are you at a point in your life now where you can accept that this is who you are because I went through this and it took me a long time to get to the point where I could really just accept that I don't have that that is not what I have this is what I have and I'm gonna have to work with this are you there yet yeah I'm there um it's scary you know cuz I want to stay sober so bad I'm not you know there is a possibility that I could slip again but I feel so confident right now and the fact that I do want to stay sober that I think that I feel that I have a really good chance at achieving sobriety for you know how far you turn seven when she co-starred in et the most successful film of all time at age nine she had her first drink when she was 12 she was using cocaine she told the powerful story of her addiction and her recovery in this new book called little girl lost please welcome drew Barrymore [Applause] it has been a while it's been a long it's been about a year mm-hmm um when people look at that little girl in the film et or when people look at this this little woman now they probably have a hard time believing that you got lost in alcohol and drug abuse how did it happen story yeah really it's a very long story I got to a real bad place in my life and I wanted to do different things to try and cure it a long time when you see a bad place what does that mean is the absence of a father have anything to do with it does this business and it's pressure have anything to do with it yeah um I felt real lonely for a long time a lot of the feelings that I was going through that brought me down so far with feelings that every person in the whole world goes through being lonely being depressed having resentments against certain things that's gone on in your life me I just I didn't do the right things to take care of it and it got way out of control I know you were a young girl and you didn't have a lot of money accessible to you because they I guess they keep your money - you're 18 right where did you get the money for cocaine well I would get like allowance just any money I would get I would spend it on drugs you I don't know it's weird I mean at the time it I was always it was hard cuz I was like oh I don't have enough money for that but I guess somehow you just seem to get it yeah yeah alcohol came first right what did the first drink I was at a party and I got on a dare that I couldn't down two glasses of champagne and I did and I got real life head and I fell over and I loved the feeling I thought it felt great and and then I I didn't drink for a long time and then I went to another party and I had beer and I felt the same way and I just I liked a feeling and that first glass of champagne all with him I was 8 when that happened but the next time they had a drink was when I was 9 what's the worst moment you've ever experienced how bad did it get emotional our driveway drove was first probably was one night I usually got to a point where I couldn't do anymore I didn't want anymore usually I stopped after a while but one night I just kept going and going and going and nothing you know I was partying for like ten hours straight or 1215 hours straight and I just didn't stop and didn't stop and I did you go to your mom for help um no um I kept it from my mom for a long time I would walk in drunk and just play it off manipulate do whatever I had to do so she wouldn't find out um I didn't at first it was because I didn't want to hurt her and after a while I just all like I just didn't want to hear it from her so it sort of turned around has your mom ever had a problem with alcohol or drug abuse yeah so this is not something in your case that's genetic it isn't well I mean in your case I have I'm wondering because I've heard that it can be genetic but I'm wondering in your case was it I don't know I'm not really a doctor and I was you know I always wondered I thought well you know considering it every person on my dad's side the family keeled over from drugs and alcohol and maybe that might have something to do with that yeah but then again they weren't there holding a gun to my head to do it so I think it was probably a cross between a lot of different things but but that leans towards it being genetic me yeah just a little bit I'm glad you came by I've been trying to get you on the show for about a year only because my kids are 12 2:34 the to it were the demographers tell me and I just think it's real important for them to know what you've been through and that you're back there's somebody out there who really need this conversation we'll be right back with you very much you actually went in for rehabilitation and came out with announce that you were cool and slipper how did that happen I think you were you were sober for six months right um and on my six-month day I celebrated by getting loaded yeah really way to go Joe I I got loan at that time because I wasn't doing it for myself at all I was doing it to like not really impress everybody but it had gotten out month before that that I had a problem and it was on the cover of the tabloids and everything and I was so sick of hearing about it I said okay I'll just prove it to them and I'll shut them up and I'll do this so when I was saying so over that time I was doing it for everybody else yeah and um you just can't stay sober that way because you have to want it for yourself you can't have an hour ulterior motive for it and that's why I got loaded is that one of the things they teach you while you're in that you have to do it for yourself and what else do they do they it's like it's a real you know emotional experience they they sort of like open you up and examine everything and they make you look at you know just every aspect in detail of why you're feeling these this this way and um it's it's the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me in my life but it was also probably one of the most painful to open yourself up again an exam and all the things that you've pushed down so far for so long and that was real hard for me to do really hard but do you worry now about slipping back is every day as struggle um yeah you can't um you can't really like wake up in the morning or like go through a day and just like sit there oh don't get loaded don't get loaded you know you just you've got to be really positive you know and you've got to make sure that you are gonna be with people or be it places you know that you know you just don't put yourself in slippery situations you go to meetings you know you do things that make you happy did you change all your friends yeah so peer pressure is tough and you are a product of your environment you know some more than others but if you it's very easy to stay away from - and I mean if you're strong-willed and you don't want to be around it it's very easy to stay away from but it's also hard sometimes because you can get really caught up and if you don't know what's going on David Crosby of Crosby Stills Nash Fame was very instrumental in creating a different environment for you him and his wife um well after I got out at the hospital that I was in I moved in with them and I lived with them for a long up for a while and it was hard to adjust to at first because I've never had a dad and no he's alive but he's just never been around you he used to live yeah you still alive I haven't spoken I've spoken to him once and eight years and what was that conversation like or about um he wanted money from me no yeah he he's he's real like messed up and he's he he if he was aware of his life and he had had he if he had his stuff together he wouldn't be like his it's just that he's such an emotional wreck and he's like ruined his life of drugs and alcohol that he's not really aware of what he does it's like he doesn't really want to purposely hurt anybody but thinks he's so sugar Nath doesn't really get it that's a good Easter I think so dad anyway let's talk about David so I moved him with them and it was like hard to get used to at first cuz I'm not used to answering to a father figure mm-hmm and it was it was so scary looking up to David you know this big guy getting the courage up to just ask him if I could go out to dinner with somebody was frightening at first and after a while it I really adjusted to it and it was really nice it was neat to be in an atmosphere like that because that's what I had hoped for for so long is that kind of parental atmosphere and it was really nice it was really nice to be able to get a taste of that well I'm glad everything's together I read a little bit of this they sent me one of these guess a couple months ago Matt it's very interesting and very educational kids we should check this out good luck hang tough I'll give you a number if you need somebody to talk to you can call me at the Korea okay okay - very much
Channel: Bhawgwild
Views: 575,102
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Keywords: Drew Barrymore, Little Girl Lost, Arsenio Hall, Oprah
Id: esM90ipkHHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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