The Only video you need to watch about Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinsing.

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Oh beak today okay hello everybody welcome back to my channel so as I promised in my hair science video today I am bringing you the ultimate down-low on the apple cider vinegar herons I have tried this in three different ways until I found the perfect way to do it I am so thrilled to be able to say that I have a sponsor for this video it gives me absolute pleasure to share with you these fantastic design yo prints a couple of years ago I saw a framed print of this lion in a vlog on YouTube I don't know what it was about this image but I felt so moved by it and I looked for it everywhere online but I couldn't find it so I was so happy to find it in the design yo shop like two years later there's just something about this lion his facial expression and the movement of his Mane that feels so incredibly humble so I'm so pleased to now have this image in my home if you'd like to get 20 pipe 20 pipe if you'd like to get 25% off your prints you can use the code Isabella DeMarco but make sure you're quick because this code is only valid for three days and expires on the 31st of October unfortunately not to worry though some of these prints are really quite affordable just on their own you don't have to buy a frame if you just want to use it as a poster does any oh do thousands of prints they do animals cities nature artwork they do the classics they've got a bit of Marilyn Monroe and they do a lot of abstract art so there's definitely something for everyone and in many different sizes and frames to choose from it was so hard to choose but I adore mountains and pine tree forests so I just like to surround myself by images that I find inspiring and compelling I also chose this image of a whale whenever I am stressing or anxious I always find comfort in the thought that somewhere in a vast body of water there's just a whale chillin floating peacefully it just makes me feel so calm you can really make any space look so sophisticated and put together with prints these as well as injecting a little bit of your personal style into a room it's also a very tasteful gift idea so I actually got one for my mum so she picked out these cute black lips with a gold frame a huge thank you to decennial for sponsoring this video it's so wonderful that creators can be supported for what we do and I don't need to tell you guys this but of course I will only work with brands that I believe are worth sharing so I hope that you will enjoy does any Oh back to the ish so in my last video we discussed hair pH and water type and I concluded that my hair pH balance is out of whack and yours might be as well so apple cider vinegar also known as a CV is known for having so many health benefits and it's been used for various natural health remedies since ancient Greece this brown murky stuff is known as the mother this is where all the good stuff is and though I found many blogs saying that it's packed with vitamins and minerals I will say that there were a few articles disproving this due to the fermentation process it doesn't actually keep all of its vitamins such as vitamin C however it does contain natural protein enzymes healthy bacteria and acetic acid so make sure to shake this up before use and if you're AC V is clear it means it's been filtered and may not have as much nutrients so look for raw unfiltered unpasteurized pasteurized ACV now I am NOT a doctor I am NOT a hair specialist so the information that I'm sharing with you today is all self researched based off of the data collected from 13 articles to specialist studies and my own firsthand experimentation I've spent many many extra hours trying to make sure that this information is as legitimate as possible so if that's something you appreciate please thumbs up the video and as usual all the sources are linked below now pay attention to this because this is backed by science so due to the low pH level of around 3 in apple cider vinegar it can be used to help close the hair cuticle by lowering the pH in our hair you may remember in my last video I explained that healthy hair is slightly more acidic with a pH of around 4.5 to 5.5 well the International Journal of trichology released a study on the effects of pH in our hair products they say that alkaline pH may increase the negative electrical charge of the hair fiber surface they go on to say it's a reality and not a myth that lower pH of shampoos may cause less frizzing for generating less negative static electricity on the fiber surface when I read this study everything just made sense high alkaline products and hard water types are higher on the pH scale which causes the hair cuticle to open this is what causes hair to become brittle and dry which in turn causes split ends breakage and the dreaded frizz which seems to be my main issue at the moment so by closing the hair cuticle ACV is known to help retain moisture decrease frizz add shine increased softness helps remove product and dirt buildup which is said to help you go longer between washes it unclogs the hair follicles which may help with excess shedding stimulates your scalp helps with dandruff helps soothe an itchy scalp and con treat scalp infections oh my god my eyelash there are only prime like pi Mike I can't talk today they're just Primark lashes hi Mike some people believe that it can also promote hair growth and prevents hair loss specialist at the Belgravia Center which is a UK facility for hair loss say that there is no evidence to support this however they can confirm it's clarifying ability so it's thought that it's clarifying and unclogging effect as well as its ability to stimulate the scalp is what leads people to believe that it could put your hair in a better position to grow and shed less as a cv is highly acidic it's important not to overuse it and it must be diluted with water to bring the pH up to around 4 for hair answers but the main problem that I found when researching this method was finding the right ratio of a CV to water people's ratios were all over the shop every single article I read said something completely friend this article says one-third of a cup of a CV - four cups of water this one says one teaspoon of a CV - one cup of water this one says one part to one part I mean personally I think this is not right so please don't do this so I went into my kitchen and I measured out every single ratio I could find online from this I could only determine what I thought looked like a sensible ratio to use many of the articles did mention that sometimes you've got a play around a little bit to find what works for you but according to quite a few articles I read dry hair likes less ACV and greasy hair like some more a CV so in the end I went with around five tablespoons of a CV in one cup of water this measures around one ounce of a CV to eight ounces of water so it's about a 1 to 8 ratio after this whole experiment I decided to use even less a CV for my future rinses and I'm gonna tell you why towards the end of the video so keep watching so the method after shampooing and conditioning I poured the rinse over my scalp making sure to saturate all of my hair you can use it warm but I chose to use a cold rinse because this is said to help close the cuticle and add shine generally most directions instruct using it at the end of your routine but some people say you can use the rinse in place of your shampoo or in place of your conditioner because it has both clarifying and conditioning effects but as my hair is really troubled I didn't really want to skip Eva steps so I just used it at the very end now to rinse out or not to rinse out almost every article and recipe I came across instructed to rinse out the vinegar and it seems like the only legitimate reason for this is because of the smell only a few articles suggested leaving it in and to be honest with you I actually believe leaving it in is the better way to do this rinse because water has a higher pH it just seems like I'd be defeating the purpose of the a CV to rinse out and yes it does smell quite strong even with just the small amount that I used but it's not noticeable at all when it dries and I'm gonna show you how I fix to the smell in my second attempt so after so my hair I squeezed it all out I showered off any vinegar from my body because I didn't want to smell and I just let my hair air dry with the vinegar in it on each attempt I do exactly the same thing I gently comb out my hair and do absolutely nothing else to it then leave it to air dry completely naturally and for those of you saying brushing wet hair is damaging it totally depends on how you do it for curly and wavy hair it's actually better to gently detangle with a comb while it's wet so just think about these things before you make claims like this so as you can see my hair was still frizzy still pretty much how it looks like when it air dries normally but I will say it was a little bit softer and less tangled however it just wasn't the effect that I was hoping for so for my second attempt I used exactly the same measurements but this time I used bottled water I didn't realize this when I bought it but this one actually has a pH of seven point nine which is higher than I would have ideally liked I have no idea what the pH of my shower water is but I know that it's hard water which means it's anywhere from eight point five upwards now to help with the smell some recipes recommend adding an essential oil like lavender or rosemary or peppermint was also recommended I decided to use a bit of lavender oil the recipes just say to add a few drops I accidently added about five drops but I found that this massively masked the vinegar smell again though it was pretty much the same outcome as before after air drying it it was still pretty frizzy and as you can see it's drying kind of curly I think my hair is just changing texture I don't know what's going on my hair guys anyway with this one I did notice that my hair looked quite a bit shinier and there didn't seem to be any oil residue from the lavender oil even though I used more than it was recommended it also smelled really nice so I definitely approve using essential oils for this rinse my third attempt ladies and gentlemen is where I noticed the biggest difference and this was simply from just changing to contributing factors now I used exactly the same measurements but this time I had finally bought a water filter so I used filtered water to make this rinse and I also rinsed my hair with filtered water before the apple cider vinegar rinse to make sure I had got rid of any hard water left in my hair the second factor i changed was aftercare now again after air drying it looked pretty much like the same old frizzy curly mess but this time i put my hair up in a protective style afterwards after a few hours i took my hair out and you can see the visual difference in my hair now i hadn't done this with the other attempts for the purpose of this experiment but this is actually something I would normally do daily and especially after air drying frizzy girls out there you will understand the struggle but it would never look this shiny and sleek after taking out so I definitely noticed it was working shortly after this I went to bed and instead of wearing a protective hairstyle as I usually do I tried a silk cap for the first time and this was the result okay I've just woken up after wearing my hair in a silk cap all night I didn't put it up I just twisted my hair and put it in that I haven't even touched my hair yet this is what it looks like it looks smoother man I never wake up with my hair this smooth what's going on so oh damn oh man oh man yeah there's like a few little you know waves in it where I've slept on it but overall it doesn't smell as much as it did yesterday but look how shiny it is dude look how shiny and I'm so impressed I think that was the one that like got it my hair felt sleek it was glossy it was bouncy and the individual strands actually felt stronger I was really really so surprised it was soft and it was not tangley at all it was just like a whole new head of hair so weird so it definitely seemed like the aftercare played a huge factor in the outcome and yes I do use these after chem efforts regularly and I don't notice results quite as nice as this so I know that the a CV played a huge part in its glossiness and its texture it may very well have been the filtered water that made a big difference as well also maybe just the fact that it was my third a CV rinse that week now I wouldn't actually recommend doing three a CV rinses in a week but it was just for the purpose of this experiment so here's a recap to make sure that you get the best result from an a CV rinse please note that if your hair is color treated you may want to find an alternative rinse or just use a lot less a CV it said that because the acetic acid in the rinse is a strong clarifier it could strip your hair of its color but I did find another article saying that it's not strong enough to affect your hair color so I'll leave the articles down below so you can do your own research on that one use filtered or distilled water in your rinse filtered water is going to neutralize hard water which tends to be more alkaline so this will maximize the effect the rinse has on closing the cuticle because it keeps the pH down and distilled water is actually fairly acidic already because it has no dissolved solids in it so if you can get your hands on distilled water that's probably going to be the best thing to use in your rinse use your rinse cold if you can stand it I'd always recommend to do your final rinse with cold water it is known to help close the cuticle and add shine which is just gonna maximize the benefits of the rinse getting the perfect ratio between one to four tablespoons of a CV in one to two cups of water seems to be the most agreed upon amount but to be safe the main rule is to make sure your rinse is brought up to a pH of four I could not test what the pH level of the rinse that I used was I'm going to update you in the description once I have tested that just remember that it's recommended that for dry hair you use a bit less and for greasy how you use a bit more but it's worth experimenting because everyone's hair is different how often to use the rinse I could not find any scientific or legitimate advice on how often to use it but most of the articles suggest using it anywhere from twice a week to twice a month totally depending on how your hair reacts to it although I will note that specialists from the Belgravia Center state care should be taken to avoid stripping the hair of its natural oils doing so can make the hair appear thin and brittle leading to hair breakage in some severe instances so with this in mind personally I would use this rinse about once every one to two weeks if you are going to use this as much as twice a week I'd recommend just using a smaller ratio maybe one to two tablespoons one to two teaspoons per one cup of filtered water and if you have short hair I would just divide this in half another interesting thing I found about hair pH is that the pH of your hair is actually very different to the pH of your scalp according to the International Journal of trichology study the hair shaft itself has a pH of 3.67 whilst the scalp is slightly less acidic at 5.5 which I'm guessing is why the general hair pH is said to be four point five to five point five fixing the smell you know if you've got your girlfriend or your boyfriend round you don't stink up the shower because it does smell so strong it's nice to know that you can just add essential oils and finally proper aftercare protective styles always help in decreasing frizz and as the results show it worked particularly well to really show off the benefits of this rinse so there you have it practically all of the information I could find on apple cider vinegar packed into one video hopefully this video has armed you with a few more helpful facts and just a better idea of how you can approach using it but remember that it's worth experimenting if you liked this video like it please do subscribe for more also a huge thank you to DES Ennio for sponsoring this video make sure to check out their prints they are awesome I love mine feel free to share your hair discoveries in the comments start conversation maybe you can help somebody out we're all in this hair journey together we can do it we can get nice hair we can figure this out thank you so much for watching until the end and I see you in the next one bye
Channel: Isabella Demarko
Views: 792,137
Rating: 4.9376397 out of 5
Keywords: Apple cider vinegar rinse, Herbal hair rinse, Natural hair care, Haircare, Hair styles, Curly girl method, Hair routine, frizzy hair, Acv hair rinse, how to get shiny hair, grow hair fast, apple cider vinegar
Id: TjwCXJqeYrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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