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let's put an end to this hold the Pinnacle of swordsmanship today I will be showing you guys how to play and how to build [Music] Catalina Catalina is a versatile melee fighter that uses the Aries gauge Aries is only summoned after Catalina has generated enough segments by using combo finishers the gauge has a total of eight segments and you can only fill it up one half at a [Music] time if you're looking to generate only one segment all you need to do is light attack heavy [Music] [Music] attack the best way to generate two segments at a time is is going to be two light attacks heavy attack so it'll look like this light attack light attack heavy attack for the fastest way to generate three segments it's actually going to be doing a link attack but we won't always have that up if you really need me to say it then I'll say it all you have to do is link attack the next fastest way to generate three segments is to do a Dodge cancel on the activation of either Winter's rain or Enchanted lands it should go like this skill Dodge cancel heavy attack once again skill Dodge cancel heavy attack and if you aren't running either of them or if you have them both on cool down then the next fastest way would be to do three light attacks into heavy attack finish light attack light attack light attack heavy attack finally we have the for been combo seven light attacks and one heavy [Music] attack just a quick challenge for anyone that's watching if you can guess all the inputs of this fast combo I'll pin your comment [Music] [Music] upon reaching Max Aries gauge your next combo finisher will summon Aries allowing you to chain into Aries pack strike with your next heavy attack after you complete an AR's pack strike combo you can use a skill to prolong Aries field time only offensive abilities will allow you to chain into another Aries pack strike whereas using a utility skill will not allow you to chain into another Aries pack strike this clip will show you just how long Aries can be prolonged on the field near infinitely as long as you are carrying the correct [Music] build get them them back one [Music] I next up Catalina has four offensive skills and four utility skills starting with the defensive skills we have Azure sword Enchanted lands Frozen blade and Winter's rain Frozen blade is the best offensive skill not because it's the strongest but because it has a low cool down with two charges making it the absolute best skill for maintaining Aries Enchanted lands and Winter's rain can both be used for Dodge cancelling technique between the two of them Enchanted lands has the highest damage and a low cooldown while also being a lunge whereas Winter's rain has the highest stun but can also be used as a gap closer only if you perform the skill cancel Catalina's final offensive skill is azure sword which will not only instantly fail your Aries gauge allowing you to restart each fight with 100% Aries gauge it will also retain the Aries gauge at maximum for the next 15 seconds meaning that if you mess up within that 15-second time frame your Aries gauge will still be full allowing you to summon Aries again without having to generate the Aries [Music] gauge Catalina has full four utility skills Emerald Shield heal light wall and sacred winds starting with light wall Catalina will cast a 10-second buff of invincibility on herself but if Aries is available she will cast a party-wide invincibility instead next we have Emerald Shield this is very similar to light wall where Catalina will cast a 30-second buff of stout heart and increase defense by 15% on herself but if Aries is available she will cast The Buff on her entire party part instead next we have sacred winds which can glaciate the enemies for up to 4 seconds it is one of the best sources of crowd control in the game and if timed correctly can skip one or more boss phases if Aries is available Aries will increase the size of the skill finally we have heal it is a party-wide heel with or without Aries it felt good to use in the early game but after everyone started to run potion hoarder which is a Sigil it's very easy to see that heal is not as impactful anymore in the end game weapons are really straightforward as you progress through the game you use either Stinger or a fully awakened Ascension weapon once you get Terminus you always use Terminus the Ascension weapon looks the best on Catalina though now I don't have access to the best IMB Stones which as braap would a skill issue true the ultimate Catalina guide co-written by Noah and turri shows us what the best IMB stones are if we go to the weapon and view section we'll see the recommended weapon and view trade Stones the first thing I will mention is that every single one of them is using critical hit rate main stat at level 10 this is probably the most important part of the stone so if you get level 10 critical hit rate Stone just slap it on for now even if the secondary stats are irrelevant next I will point out that the very first imbw stone is very difficult to get but only works if you have the exact stats of 10 critical hit rate seven damage cap and five damage cap I'll go over this later but just keep in mind that it has to be perfect in order to be used you'll also notice that Cascade appears very often this is because Cascade maxes out at 20 meaning we only need four points of cascade on our IMB Stone to cap it out Firm Stance is worth mentioning here because Catalina only wants 20 even though the cap is 30 next up drain guts and auto revive all three of them are quality of life traits that are great at low levels and finally for damage sources the ultimate Catalina guide recommends life on the line and critical damage in my opinion I think Cascade 4 with drain or guts are going to be the best value here but it's entirely up to you these are all viable masteries are staff boosters and sometimes even quality of life upgrades for certain characters and their kits fortunately the game gives us an abundance of Mastery points so much that they expect us to use the extra Mastery points we get to gamble for better over masteries so when it comes to masteries we get everything no decisions to make here pretty straightforward now for over masteries I'll make it real simple for you guys head to want 20% critical hit rate because it'll help us hit the fabled 100% critical hit rate that I keep talking about but don't expand on anyway afterwards we want normal damage cap up preferably at 20 as well and that's it that's all I'm going to recommend the amount of rolling you'd have to do to get four of the best overmy stats might make you lose your sanity but if you really want to minmax your build the best third stat is skill damage up not skill cap up and the final stat should be flat attack once again the odds of getting all four of these stats at maximum is very difficult which is why I recommend just being happy with critical hit rate 20 and normal damage cap of [Music] 20 sigils are the most important part of a build there are 12 slots and using the correct sigils can go a long way in helping you achieve what you want Guardians honor does not complement the play style because Theus 5% skill cool down you get from the trait only procs when Aries is resummoned onto the field remember our current play style is to prolong Aries field time without despawning Aries at all already conviction on the other hand encourages our play style because the condition is to have Aries on the field which should always be the case when we're looking to do damage while Aries is on the field Catalina gains a 100% chance to proc supplementary damage or 10% of the base damage alongside damage cap plus 15% Guardian conviction is actually one of the few ways to bypass damage cap so this will be a staple for Catalina next we will talk about critical hit rate Five finally the last critical hit rate piece let me explain a level 15 critical hit rate sigil becomes 16 trade points into critical hit rate trait plus 10 from the IMB Stone we have making it 26 trait level critical hit rate 26 critical hit rate trait is actually 30% critical hit rate at Len has a base of 50% critical hit rate from masteries and then another 20% from over masteries for a grand total of 100% next we'll add four damage cap fives which is suff explanatory then we add our damage boosters Kina actually utilizes combo booster very well if you remember our guardian's conviction trait it has a 100% chance to proc supplementary damage even if it's it's only 10% of the base damage the extra instance of damage will give us an extra stack of combo booster this means every input gives us two stacks instead of one letting us reach Max Stacks much easier then we add stamina and tyranny because they are the best attack boosters it is also worth mentioning that if you want to add a fourth damage booster to your ability skilled assault is a very strong pick for the Aries version of Enchanted lands for the next slot we are running Stout heart it is a very good quality of life trait that Catalina appreciates very much and we have the curios these two traits both have different ways to bypass the damage cap but they are both locked behind the RNG of the curio boxes because of this I recommend only getting one of each or if you don't have either you can place in one skilled assault plus another utility trait until you get blessed by the curio RNG GS onto the utility sigils I ordered these from top to bottom in order of importance in my opinion but cool down and Cascade are both cool down sigils and are very nice to have AIS is up here because I recommended tyranny which should counteract the HP loss giving us 41,000 total HP potion hoarder gives you so many potions it's a great quality of life sigil to have and then steel nerves is a conditional that has 100% uptime because we are running Scout heart sigil this next category is all usable but not as important as the ones previously mentioned above Firm Stance is at the top because it's a conditional if you have the IMB Stone then you'll Ro to use this guts is rated higher than Auto revive because guts prevents going down meaning that Aries doesn't get despawned whereas Auto revive will despawn Aries during the Revival animation drain stronghold and Garrison are kind of on the same level drain has a cap of 500 healing per instance of damage stronghold is better than Garrison but is a curio making it harder to get a good secondary stat Garrison is easy to farm but when you're already that low you might end up getting one shot anyway I didn't mention link together or uplift here because I think these two are best in a team environment where either you all run it or none of you run it so it's up to you and your pals to figure out if you want to commit the sigil slots for it I think this will serve as a great Baseline for any Catalina build you're actually able to open up two sigil slots if you you end up getting Guardians conviction plus an orange secondary stat from the trans Marvel same goes for critical hit rate 5 plus it can also hold one of the orange traits as a secondary orange traits that I'm talking about are going to be damage cap stamina combo booster tyranny or skilled assault just going to leave another reminder that there is an ultimate Catalina guide made by the grand blue fantasy relink Discord I will leave a link to both the Discord and the ultimate guide in the description below thanks for watching this far I've been having a great time with grand blue fantasy relink I sunk in over 100 hours during the first week because I was so in love with the game the combat just feels so good to me the vibrant colors the anime style and settings the music oh my goodness there's so many good things to say about this game I just wanted to say that I am excited for the lucilius boss fight coming up and then the new characters month after I hope the developers decide to keep making content for this game because it was such a pleasant surprise I also hope lucilas kicks my ass and has some cool mechanics you know to keep it fresh
Channel: Nom
Views: 630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy, Granblue Fantasy Relink, Relink, Gaming, JRPG, Katalina, Ares, gaming, jrpg, granblue, granblue fantasy, Granblue, granblue fantasy relink, relink, ares, katalina, Game, Games, game, games, anime, Anime, Steam, steam, PC, pc, guide, Guide
Id: wUfgYm7YkCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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