The Only Rengar Guide YOU Need to Climb to Challenger In Season 13 | League of Legends

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you love ranga and if you click on this video it is your lucky day season 13 is here and I'm here to give you the best ranga guide that you need in order to reach your dream rank for the new season these are the empty promises guys I legit mean what I say trust me you will 100 improve from this video no matter what area you are right now if your Bronx if you're a master even if you're Challenger it doesn't matter all you need to do is use information that I'm giving you yo what's up guys my name is [ __ ] I'm a renga player and I'm Challenger on the EOS and the Korean server I'm playing league for 10 years now I started grinding ranking ever since season 7 and since season 9 I'm consistently playing in Challenger Elon I'm playing above 1000 LP on the EOS server my Peak was ranked 20 around 1200 RP and I also have gotten Challenger on the Korean server within 30 days I went there I got 900 LP Challenger and I went back home I also played against literally every Pro player that you might know for example Faker Deft Canyon caps whoever you know I've played against them also I've gotten rank 1 and renga multiple times so yeah I'm one of the best players this game has to offer guys if you follow this guide there's nothing that can stop you from improving legit nothing I mean it you just need to trust me but nevertheless keep in mind that even though your game knowledge is going to be on a whole nother level after this video you still need to practice so make sure to use the information that I'm giving you with this video and just practice practice and practice guys let's start with the basis guys playing renga is the most fun you will ever have in League of Legends especially if you enjoy being the star of the show he's one of the hardest champions in the game 2 Master but one of the most rewarding ones when you play it properly Through The Following part I'll make perfecting renga a lot easier for you I'm not gonna read out all his abilities since you probably already know them if you don't you can just look them up in the wiki but it is crucial to understand how to use his abilities in the right situation at the right time so that's what I'm going to explain to you guys the most important part about renga's Kit is his passive you're not going to deal damage if you don't collect your bones with sticks since each stack gives you more bonus 80 percentage you should do everything you can to get those sticks now I'm not saying that you should enter 1000 gold lead away for one stack but you should overthink your decision making for example if both the mid laner and the top laner overextended but you already have to stack from the mid laner make sure to not just autopilot to the closest lane but rather on Top Lane and collect the stack or adapt your focus on team fights towards the champion whose deck you still need more bone tooth Stacks means easier carry potential what is also very important is a good Ranger player always runs around with 4 stakes in order to do so you can extend your passive codon by hitting plants wads or minions or you can get hit by an enemy Champion or a minion with just the same effect and refreshes your passive cooldown okay look what I did I got hit by it so so my ferocity resets not only will this make it way harder for the enemy team to get a pick onto you but you can also react way easier to a play that is about to happen when it comes to Rangers Q it is pretty basic but it can allow you to pull off a lot of fancy plays since it gives you an auto attack reset for example you can use watts and bushes to surprise the enemy with a fast double jump through your auto attack reset this is especially good if you want to lane gankbot or Top Lane and you have Vision on the wad in a bush you can jump under what then instantly use your Q after you jump on the wad and then double jump onto the enemy and surprise them you can also use this to outplay your opponents by jumping from Target to Target and team fines very quick and Dodge the Spells while also making them dizzy now his W is the part of his kit that makes people hate playing against a good Ranger player you need to make sure to perfectly time your W's to maximize the healing that you get this will take a lot of practice and experience but once mastered it will make a huge difference cleansing the CC with perfect timing while healing to full HP is one of the most satisfying things ever make sure to never waste your W before a big fight or when invading the enemy or if the enemy could also invade you use it carefully since it has a very long cooldown very often you need to be patient with your W and wait until the enemy team tries to burst you so make sure not to panic but be patient and calculate the possible outcome beforehand the same also applies to your cleanse sometimes it's good not to waste your cleanse on something like an exhaust but rather on the hard to see that follows up like for example in multi if you know David's already when it comes to renga's bowler you gotta make sure to always use it while leaping if it's possible use your Bona the very last second of your leap just before you land so the enemy team cannot Dodge it unless they flash away his e also allows you to go for picks even if you're behind because you can get four Stacks before ulting and then snare up the enemy so your team can finish him off you can also use it against Champions with the dash and snare them so they can't get away from you after you jumped onto them make sure to always use the fact that your bowler gives vision and reveals invisible targets use it to jump over walls and always use your bowler and champions that can go into stealth like akali or kha'zix Now using your Bola without leaping is very hard you need to be patient and predict your enemies movement they will most likely Dodge in One Direction so try to predict that one or if you know the enemy has flash predict their flash but this also basically applies to every other screenshot on the game the coolest mechanic about the boiler is that you can e-flash and surprise the enemy with the bowler right into the face to get your e flash off you need to use your flash during the cast time of your ear but this only works if you are walking to the enemy and not if you're in the middle of your jump very important when it comes to hitting your Bowlers is to be confident in case you try to predict it and it doesn't work don't get frustrated it will get a lot easier the more you practice it now rengar's ultimate is pretty straightforward but you still need to know how to use it and when to use it properly almost always make sure to have all of your first Stacks before wilting this will allow you to have more opportunities while using it you can either snare the enemy and set up a pick or use your triple Q combo which is the most damage combo you can get of of course you cannot get 4 Stacks every time before wilting but then you gotta make sure that you know how to approach the fight or that you're strong enough to get a pick without it since your ultimate has such a high cooldown and is your only proper gangster make sure not to waste it you have to be sure that you can get a good playoff before using it another cool feature about renga's ultimate is that it reveals invisible targets you can use it as a tool to disable champions from going invisible and allow your team to kill them for example if akali engages into a fight and uses a shroud you can simply just sit there with your ultimate and let your team finish off now that you know how to use his abilities properly let's cover all of Rangers combos when it comes to renga combos they are pretty easy to do but it is very important to know when to use switch combo first there is the basic no stack combo it deals decent damage and gives you your ferocity the fastest in this combo you Q before jumping and use your enw right before you land now you have 4 stacks and can either finish off your enemy with another q one shot them in one second while cleansing the CC if you use W again right after your land or snare up the enemy in case you want your teammates to follow in case you have no stacks and need even more damage you need to use some Auto attacks in between this is the more extended damage combo you jump use your enw mid air right before your land after landing use your Q as an auto tech reset then you use another Auto attack enter your ferocity queue you should use this if you can't one shot your opponent with your simple QEW rotation and you need extended damage to win the fight now going over to the combos that you can use when your full ferocity the first one being the triple Q combo which is an insane damage output you jump press your empowered Q before jumping which is very important so you can get your leap stack then use your e and w right before you land then you kill again after landing to get four stacks and then finish off the enemy with another empowered q and in case you need even more damage you can also use the extended triple cucumber you use your own part Cube before jumping then e and w right before you land after you land you use an auto attack you into another Auto Tech queue with this combo you can get the most damage off in one single rotation the last combo is the snapshank combo which you can use to snare the enemy for 3 seconds in total while also dealing an insane amount of damage this one is only possible though if you are next to a bush you use your Port E before you land to snare the enemy then walk back into the bush and use your first ability rotation QEW to get four Stacks as fast as possible and then use your party again now you should see them for 3 seconds while dealing a lot of damage on top of that now if you don't have bushes around you and you know your damage output very well you can use your snare before landing and then finish off the enemies with a single QEW this is very good against Champions like Echo SRI and Lucian that are very squishy and easy to kill but also have an ability which with they can get away from you I know guys all of this may sound like a lot but that is all a question of knowing your limits so play a lot practice a lot and you're gonna be there no time guys trust me now here are some important tips you can use while looking for picks if you're playing against Champs that can dodge your abilities very easily like that Ultimate Echo ultimate or if they have zhonyas make sure to bait them by walking into close range by doing so the enemy will get nervous and use this ability before he even jumped then you can jump on them after they're wasted their counter play onto you what is also very important to know is that if you jump overwards the enemy will have no time to react to you so if you want to go for a pick and the enemy is behind the wall remember to jump over the wall to give them zero Reaction Time unless they try and predict your jump they can't use any counter play against you most of them will not use the single ability or a single summoner's birth you can use this to get easy picks off now all of this doesn't matter if you don't know what to build and what runes to go especially since we're in a time where the game is defined by Mystic items it is very important to adjust your build every game depending on the enemy team comp first I'm gonna start with the new patch that came out this season they're pretty cool and give jugma's cool features later on in the game once you have the last evolution the red one gives you damage and slow the blue one gives you movement speed and the green one gives you tenacity and the small shield now looking at all three pets you would think the red one is the best for renga since it slows the enemy and gives you extra damage this is certainly not the case the number from the pets are so insanely low that it is barely any value on renga you always go the blue pit no questions asked it is by far the best pet for renga the movement speed that provides you gives you a further jump range and overall mod Tempo in the game it is literally made for renga and the other two pets don't even come close to it so make sure to not get baited by the red pet but always just go the blue pit it is the most valuable guys trust me having more jump range is so insanely good on ringer when it comes to Mythic items there are three core Mythic items renga can use the first two being the most common ones which you will go 99 of the games being either the split or eclipse the third one is divine Sandra but I will go to Divine Sandra a little bit later so when should you go dustblade dustbat allows you to go for easy picks while either getting out afterwards or it allows you to kill Target after Target while the enemy team can't even see you it also gives you an insane amount of ability haste from its passive which allows you to get more ultimates off and therefore more picks therefore you must go dust plate against squishy team comps or when your job is to kill the enemy backline and let's be honest besides that it is the most fun item in the game there's legit nothing more satisfying than killing the whole enemy team while them not being able to see you at all now when it comes to eclipse on the other hand it's really good against mixed team comes with a lot of melee bruisers or tanks and one or two squishies especially since Eclipse just recently got buffed it got even better on renga they removed the omnivamp but instead they gave ability haste to it which is way more efficient on renga and it gives you way more abilities and more ultimates to use with the ability has the new Eclipse got it allows you to snowball way better than before you just need to make sure not to forget that you don't have to omnivamp anymore your Eclipse spike is way stronger than the dustbite spike because of the bonus damage you are getting from its passive and the bonus shoot that you are getting so if you're fighting a lot early game and you always want to be stronger than the enemy make sure to get Eclipse as your first Mystic item so in conclusion dustbat against squishy comes with a lot of pick potential and actives into Tanki or mixed comps on top of Rangers Mythic items his core items are gonna be crit items his Q skates with crit damage so the more crit you have the more damage you do with your q and since renga mainly deals damage with auto attacks crit also enables you to one shoot everything even though your abilities are on cooldown especially now since they buff the crit items even more it is your core item build make sure to never go letharity on renga the only time you need to SLT items is when you need to adjust to the counter play they have the ability is just overall very bad on renka he has barely any lethality scalings that's why you mainly go crit but if they have Lulu or poppy to cancel your leap or any other Champion that interrupts you make sure to go edge of night they don't then just go crit so just make sure to adapt your items towards the counter play they have for you and there's one item that became extremely popular in season 13 which is ravenous Hydra you go ravenous Hydra when you need to play through the front line with eclipse and can make a lot of use out of your AOE damage or you can also go it when you don't have an efficient sideliner in your team and you need to play side land Hyrule allows you to one shot waves and always life steal your HP back up so you can stay for a long time you can also buy Hydra when you're really fat and you want to sustain and have more clear efficiency it helps you to always be on the map while killing one enemy after another it is a really good item to snowball okay guys so here are my two favorite builds when I play against squishy comps I Rush the split and then go Essence River second item after that I instantly go Infinity Edge if they have no armor if they do I will go low Dominic's three guard third item and then go Infinity Edge after that I got edge of night if they can interrupt my jump if not I will follow up with the death stance for more damage with extra sustain and more tankiness and lastly if I didn't buy edge of night I'll get the bloodthirster for even more damage and even more sustain now I'm at six items and I finish off my build with a red pot and can roll over the whole enemy team with no problem but if I face a tankier comp on the other hand with more bruises and more tanks I'll go Eclipse first item into a Hydra second item then I will go Essence River into Lord Dominic's third and fourth item and after that I'll go to Infinity Edge as my fifth item for even more damage now I'm at 5 items and I have insane sustain and insane damage to get more survivability of I will buy a death stance as my last item now I can one shot anyone while still being quite tanky thanks to death stance to finish off my build I will either get a red potion if I want even more damage if not if I need more tankiness because they have a lot of CC or just a lot of damage I'll go the yellow potions but guys don't just blindly copy those builds every game trust me they will guaranteed to work literally every game and make you a monster but you should still adjust your bet in every game and adapt to the enemy team comp for example if the enemy team is super AP heavy make sure to go more of my module stud item and then continue secret items if they are full AED go death stands to that item and then you can also follow up with secret items or for example if they have a lot of shields you can also go serpents Fang third item and then continue with your crit so guys it is very important to just analyze the team comp and adjust at the 80 heavy are they AP heavy do they have a lot of counter play do they have no counter play adapt to those team comps with the items I told you and there's nothing that can stop you but also another important thing for you to know is which boots you want to go and when you want to go them if I get fat early game like very fat and I want to snowball as fast as possible I go to 3D boots after my first or second item this allows me to get more ultimates off and even more picks if a play against the heavy ad comp so Champions that use Auto attacks very well or I just need more some stain in general and more armor because the enemy team picked a lot of 80 Champions algo plated series camps after my first or second item this allows me to sustain more in fights and tank more damage than I usually would lastly I will also go Mercury threats when I'm playing against comps with a lot of AP Gems or if they have a lot of CC they allow me to make a few mistakes and not get punished as hard defensive boots in general have insane value when you buy it against the right team comp so make sure to analyze and adjust your boots towards the team comp now that you know everything about itemization it is very important to understand when to go which runes when it comes to runes I go first strike in almost every game no matter what comp I'm playing against or what Mystic item I will go that game I feel like people don't understand how freaking good this Rune is it deals damage to the enemy while also giving you an insane amount of bonus gold this is especially good on renga since he wants his item spikes as early as possible and especially since Chris items and reminiscidra are really expensive First Strike helps you a lot with getting those items as early as possible just make sure with this Rune that you don't get hit by the enemy before jumping on them otherwise the Rune will go and cooldown if you pay attention to that you can maximize the rune's value and get up to 1 000 bonus code by minute 20 and deal up to 1 100 bonus damage even though I love her strike sometimes I still got the good old electric groups if the enemy has a lot of Champions that can Dash away or Escape after eat onto them like for example LeBlanc or Israel I need extra damage from electrocute to finish them off since it deals noticeably more damage than First Strike does but unless that's the case it's a no-brainer for me I just go first strike every game he is my favorite Rune page also called the gold mine I got first strike with magical Footwear to save money for boots then Futures Market to get my spikes even earlier and then lastly Cosmic inside for more Summoner spells secondary iGo eyeball collection with Treasure Hunter for more gold and extra damage now you gotta be careful with Futures Market though you never want to go to depth for a useless item or control what every time you go into depth with Futures Market you lose 50 gold so only use it for good item spikes on your record I use it very often so I can get my duck first base or other for item spikes before an important objective when it comes to the electrocuted room page I got electrocute some impact eyeball collection Treasure Hunter for extra damage and more gold that secondary ego magical Footwear for free boots and Futures market for easy item spikes now that you know my favorite runes and items do you remember when I talked about Divine Sandra also being viable on renga there's one game out of 100 well God for divine Sandra against very tanky team comes if you face a disgusting comp with a lot of tanks and a lot of counter play you have no other option but to go Bruce arenga with Divine Sandra let's say they have poppy top who can cancel your jump sijuani jungle who's insanely tanky with a lot of CC Vladimir MIT who you can never one shot zamira and otilospot who also just deny you a one shot you have to go Divine Sandra against those comps you got Divine Sandra first item followed by death stance on more of my modules depending on if they're AD or AP heavy then you adapt which item you want to go first after that you got revenue sidera into Black Cleaver and the guardian's angel to finish off the build with this bit you still deal a lot of damage not as much as with the other builds but you deal a lot and you take a lot with this bit you also have to adapt your runes you got legal Tempo first so you get more attacks in and it gives you a higher jump range which is really broken Rengar then second you got Triumph followed by alacrity and then Last Stand secondary go magical Footwear with Cosmic Insight if they have a lot of CC you change electricity for your tenacity Rune and you're good to go now that we're done with items and runes what can we conclude from this we can conclude it is very important to adapt your build every game adapt towards the content play they have and the stats of the enemy team has the keyword here is adapting also make sure to play around your item spikes and reset when you have them and then there's nothing that can stop you guys okay since we are done with all the theoretical stuff you should know what Rangers capable of doing and how you can achieve it throughout organization and using its abilities properly all of the information that I just gave you won't have if you're not comfortable with playing Ranger he needs a lot of practice and needs a lot of time invested in term so he can reward you as much as possible therefore you need to practice this jungle clear and it should be your goal to perfect it a good ringer click can save you up to 20 seconds I will make sure you have the First on every play on the map compared to the enemy jungler or any other bad ringer player that does not declare as good as you do having good Tempo is very important and being first on every play helps you to abuse lazy junglers that don't know what they're doing and just autopilot in the following clip I'm gonna show you two perfect ringer Dragon Kisses one starting from Red buff and the other starting from Blue buff those clips are going to be sped up so just slow them down and copy what I'm doing in them make sure when the game starts to cover your top side jungle entry and walk to your camp at one minute and then you can just start clearing just copy what I'm doing and you'll be as efficient as I am foreign still here [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] properly you need to use the skill to get a proper understanding on how to pass perfectly depending on the game there are multiple good passings you can use but the most important thing to understand for you is there is no perfect pathing a good jungler adapts his power thing every game and decides what he's gonna do depending on the matchups and the game state so when should you start redpath and when should you start blue buff you always want to start on the opposite side of the map to which lane you want to play for to do so you need to know which lane is going to be your win condition in that game how do you analyze your win condition you need to have a decent amount of experience to know which lanes are going to give you priority so you can first place while the enemy team is still farming the waves this basically means that you're laid with priority has freedom to do something productive after pushing in the wave while the enemy team has still to farm the wave you have to use your lane priorities to go for objectives or Force any other place to help you understand which lanes are going to be a win condition because of their priority and their good Champions I'm going to give you an example let's say you're playing on blue side and you have the following matchups Top Lane you have mad fight verse on mid lane you have Twisted Fate against Silas bottling your thresh and other videos with Yumi and Ezreal and in the jungle you are playing renga vs Jarvan looking at those matchups it is fairly easy to say that your button is going to be a win condition why because you want to enable your hard carry which is a failures while also setting the enemy bottling behind because you don't want to give Ezreal and Yumi a free landing phase because they scale insanely well so in this example you should start on your blue buff to clear to your botland and abuse the fact that their failures and thresh have Perma push to either dive to any bot Lane go for objectives or invade the enemy jungle now I'm going to give you another example but this time to Elaine there is your win condition not necessarily because there is priority but also because it can win you the game simply because of good matchups let's say the matchups are the following you have jax vs Camille top Zoe against akali in the Middle Lane but then you have Jin and zaraphene vs Astrid and Pike and in the jungle you are facing a Graves as renga looking at these matchups you can say that your button is double ranged and will probably have priority against Azure and Pike but the enemy team comp is really ad heavy and relies a lot on auto attacks with Graves Camille astral and even Pike which basically means Jax is really good this game and there's a high chance that he can 1v9 with your support So this game you play for the lane that has the highest chance chance of carrying the game because of matchups and not necessarily because it gives you priority with your help you can snowboard the game very easily with Jax and take over the game very quickly so if you're blue set again this basically means that you start your red buff this time and flick it to your top lane or maybe invade the grace at level 3 if he's also parting top set and you have Jax's priority just make sure to play with your Jacks and there's nothing that could stop you in that game which is very important to understand the League of Legends is that you are not the win conditioner every game even though you're playing ringer which is a complete 1v9 champ a super insane assassin you are not the win condition every game this is what differentiates a good player from a bad player you should play with your teammates and enable the lane that gives you the easiest win conditions now that you know where to pass it is important to know when to invade the enemy jungle when it comes to invading the enemy jungler you must consider certain factors and for that invade to be successful you want most of the factors to be in your favor the most important factor is you must be able to beat the enemy jungler in a straight up 1v1 in every scenario even though if you can't get all of your first Stacks also vision is very important so ask your mid laner to watch the enemy Raptors at 1 minute 20 so you know the enemy jungler's passing another very important factor is Lane priority if your mid laner can't move because they have to catch a wave but the enemy mid laner can because they already pushed in the wave you'll fail the invade and lose way too much so don't flip the game at level 3 because of in stupid inbet we pay attention to which Dana's priority you must think about the result of the play in your head even before doing the play this differentiates a good player from a bad player for example if you're on blue side and you have Top Lane and Midland prior and You Know The Enemy jungler started bot side it is better to to invade them on this red puff instead of just autopiloting to your full clear you don't have to kill him simply taking away his camps is even enough in conclusion to parting always adapt again the keyword is adapting never autopilot your passing always look at the wave states where teamer's Vision which lens of Prior what matchups you and your LSA in and adapt your passing based on those factors let's get over to Play Store knowing where to pass and how to pass is very important but can only help you at just so much you need to know how to snowball your lead and what to do in each game State I would explain to you what you need to pay attention to an early game mid game and late game and how to adjust let's cover the early game in the early game it is very important for Rengar not to fall behind but try and abuse his early game strength not falling behind on renga is very important since assassins get punished a lot by being behind in items towards the enemy like we discussed make sure to look out for your win condition at the start of the game look at the matchups and decide who is most likely going to win you the game by hard carrying it is it you your Bot Lane your mid lane your Top Lane and that just place them accordingly to the one who's going to be the most likely one to carry the game this decision on where to path basically allows you to go through the early game very easily you want to play for the lane that gives you prior and with who you can Snowball the game State the fastest with them you will take objectives deny the enemies yes and take all the play things in the game that you can get you want to get the gold teeth as early as possible and keep on extending that lead what you need to pay attention to with renga's early game is you need to understand that he's one of the strongest champions in early skirmishes if you play properly and abuse brushes so make sure to try and force good fights which result in getting an early lead and snowball this lead with your prior Lane make sure to always track the enemy jungler's pathing and spamming their position it helps you to keep track of it and attach your teammates to not die to his ganks as frequently try to monitor your Elena's wave States as much as possible and analyze them to determine the right gank timing for example if your top laner is preparing a huge way for a dive make sure to be there and punish the enemy Lana so he loses all his minions if there's a slow pushing wave towards your Bot Lane try to sit in the first Bush and langank them because the enemy team wants to crash the wave into the turret and therefore they will most likely overstay which you have to punish by land ganking them however make sure to only gank when it's possible avoid over forcing ganks over for some gangs is very terrible for you and your Tempo and renga is all about getting his early Tempo ahead so don't over Force only go for gigs if you guaranteed no it's going to be a successful game this is one of the most common mistakes Lolo players make they try to over Force the gank instead of just full clearing and getting the consistent resources in in games where no one has priority or you can't find any gang opportunities focus on Farming and getting Level 6 as quickly as possible then with level 6 you can look for easy ganks or easy invades with your ultimate of course one of the most important things in the game get every objective if your botanist prior make sure to get to Drake if your topping is prior make sure to go get the Herod if your button can move to Top Lane get the herald get every objective as fast as possible whenever you can remember guys you do not win games by getting killed you win games by getting objectives and overall gold I know guys I'm repeating my selfie a little bit but it's very important for you to understand how to snowball a game with perfect macro a concept that I like to explain my students during my coaching sessions is that they can win the game without getting any kills let's say you have a winning botland and you pass to them make sure to get every play thing and every Drake with them while zoning off the enemy bot Lane by minute 9 you got to hold butter it and the first strike so what is the next play you and your bottling gold top and get the top turret so you go top with your Bot Lane get all the play things as fast as possible and the Herod if the heret is still up then by minute 12 you probably already have to top turret and no one can contest you why because you are three Champions with a huge gold lead and therefore a huge item lead then after getting the top turret you go mid lane with your butt Lane and get the whole mid lane turret with the heritage before the play things run out at minute 14 you just need to be there for your Bot Lane and cover them now the game is 14 minutes you have 15 play things 3 turrets and every objective in this game without the enemy team not playing once now your 7K got ahead at minute 14 without the enemy team being able to do anything against it and the game is basically one of course guys this would never happen in the real game or very very rare if you play perfect but you still need to understand the point you should make decisions in the game that get you as close as possible to this dream scenario let's go over to the mid game mid game usually starts at minute 14 when all the playthings are gone normal play things to take what do you do now basically the same look on the map and play for objectives while still clearing your camps and getting every resource also make sure to cover your sightliners in the mid game and get the t2 turrets get every Drake that is spawning to secure free scaling and take the second Heritage to get the t2 turret in the mid lane in between the objective timers it is also very easy for renga to get picks on siteland due to ultimate so if your sight line are strong and has a good setup or someone on the sideline is simply of extending make sure to kill them if your team comp allows it and you don't have a second sideliner make sure to go to cycling with Rengar since renga is really strong and cycling and can create a lot of pressure playing cycling with renga helps to generate a solid lead this is also why Hydra is very good here you can push out waves constantly without any issues you're super fast with pushing so once you pushed you can look for a play but the overall plan in the mid game is to get every objective that you can and prepare for a big fight before those objectives so make sure to reset before the objective spawn and get your item spikes and prepare your position the moment the baron spawns it is your main objective as the jungler you have to make sure to never be too far away from the Nash unless your team is strong enough to deny the enemy team rushing the Nash without you being there also crit Ranger can do Baron very fast and without it much struggle so if there's a chance you can try to two man Baron or just rush the baron with your team when you see the enemy team being on the bot side but always drop the baron and try to look for a fight in case they're contesting you never risk a 50 50 unless you're very behind now that you know how to play the mid game let's make sure that you understand how you should play in the late game what many people don't know is that renga skates incredibly well and is very good in the late game when you hit your 4 item Spike you're super strong and can one shot almost every opponent in the game when you're in the late game State you should look for very easy picks and fights that you can carry once you picked up your Infinity Edge you're most likely the strongest member in the game so it's on you to carry it's on you to find those insane picks and to initiate those very good fights when being in this state in the game Ranger just doesn't want to feel kill his games anymore you want to be proactive preferably go to a site then and simply apply pressure since no one can contest you if they don't contest you you can get turrets for free since you almost one shot them Rangers turret damage is actually insane if they start contesting you on site they most likely need at least two members to contest you so create Vision around the sight line and just hold it away once they move this will create a time when for your teammates in which they can force to play on the other side of the map or get a huge objective if they don't respect you you can end the game on sideline this is a tactic I very often abuse in my stream I call it the [ __ ] poo special I just got silent when the enemy team doesn't expect it and now one shot every objective Rangers sword damage is so insane that you can take the whole base in literally 10 seconds I do this often if the enemy team is on the baron and you cannot contest it it is one blink and the whole base is gone make sure to always run around with the sweeper to get some cheesy picks if possible but never risk you dying you even shred tanks at the state of the game so know your limits and don't underestimate your damage but at the same time you shouldn't lose track of your win condition in the game do you need to drink soda in the game do you win the game by team fighting because you have an insane team fan comp or do you win the game by side Landing because the enemy team is much stronger in team fights play around this win condition what you also need to understand is renga is a champ can't really Siege since he has no get close or poke the only way you can have impact this by zoning off the enemy team of their turrets while wilting and pressuring a one shot onto them so if you have Baron but either go on the cycling and pressure the sight lane or Zone the enemy team of their own base and get the turrets with your teammates so this one's pretty easy and basic right guys just get the objectives push all the lanes break their base well if you're ahead it is pretty easy yes but what if you're playing from behind playing from behind is way harder and in order to come back you need to find the enemy team's mistakes and punish them especially being behind on renga sucks you can't kill anyone and you can barely defend turrets so what you need to do is you go on the opposite side of the map from which the enemy team is and you just push the sideline and get the objectives try to find picks with your ultimate once you've found the pick you can force a 4v5 or take an objective for free since the enemy team can't contest you also make sure to abuse objective bounties slowly get back into the game by getting the enemy team's objective bounties that's where they're literally there they are really broken and can help a team that is 5K got behind to eventually after a team fight get back to 2K gold behind also make sure to abuse objective bounties get turrets with the Bounty objectives with the Bounty those bounties will help you a lot with getting back into the game now that you know how to play the game in every state of the game I will explain to you how to win team fights as renga now team fighting as renga is pretty difficult unless the enemy team is super split up and you can get a pick you need to always make sure to get the flank off in team fights run around the whole team if you have to just to get onto the backlane and kill them very often the enemy team will not expect this also make sure to jump on the person that is in the bush so you can outplay the enemy team with bushes and jump from one target to another if your team is fighting in the middle of a lane without any bushes you need to be patient Let Them Fight for a bit the enemy carries are focusing on fighting and then you come from behind and kill them or take away their focus you just need to make sure to never panic and play fight slowly get flanks off and play with bushes if it's possible also make sure to use the right ferocity spell in those team fights for example if if you know the enemy team still has CC tools available once you jumped in do not use your fourth stack until the CC has come through then you can just cleanse the CC with your battle raw and Escape OK guys now you should be all set and ready to destroy anyone that stands in your way your game knowledge is on a whole nother level and you're ready to go but there is one problem that many people actually do not talk about but I want to cover this topic you can have all the skill and all the knowledge you want but in order to climb and the proof you need to have the right mindset and mental attitude this might be the most important part of them all if you always tilt never accept mistakes and pair my flame you will never achieve your dream rank it is very important to understand that you need to improve in order to get your rank winning does not matter at all all that matters is improving and how do you improve you only improve from losing losses are improved trust me guys I am not saying that you should lose games on purpose but you should go into every game with the mindset to try your hardest no matter what and learn from every every single mistake that happens focus on yourself and not on your teammates trust me guys I'm speaking out of experience if you play to win you will not climb but if you play to improve you will get a better player and the winning comes automatically never look at your teammates mistakes guys and never blame them look at what you can do better in that specific game and what options do you have to carry this game what this means is that you don't spam ping you don't type you only play for yourself and you learn from your losses if you lost 5 games in a row take a break go for a walk go to the gym or just simply watch videos it is important that you don't play when tilted you might not think it will impact you but it actually really does you play significantly worse and only look at your teammates mistakes trust me guys if you're willing to do what I just told you there's nothing that can stop you I'm 100 sure if you paid enough attention to this video and use all the information that I provided you you will guaranteed clamp I promise you that trust me alright guys this was it from me I thank you so much for watching I would appreciate a liking this video since I actually put a lot of effort into it and I tried to provide you guys with all my knowledge that I have I also wanted to ask you guys a favor come back to this video after two or three weeks of playing and then pay me your old Rank and your current rank in the comments please I want to see your improvement I want to see if this guy guide actually helped you guys if something is still unclear make sure to answer questions in the comments as well I will answer all of them or you can just come to my stream at Twitch TV I'm streaming daily every day on Twitch also make sure to check out my other socials subscribe to my channel comment like all this stuff I'm gonna upload a lot more educational content from now on so guys thank you for watching much love I'm out and peace
Channel: Pusi Puu
Views: 235,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pusi puu, how to climp, climb, tier list, lol tier list, league of legends tier list, noway, rengar, rank1 rengar, league of legends, lol, lol esports, rengar build, challenger, korea challenger, riot, riot games, riot korea, twitch, lee sin, chovy, rank 1 lol, league of legends rank1, lol challenger, league of legends challenger, best rengar, best rengar Korea, Korea rengar, how to jungle, jungler, rank 1 rengar, korea rengar, challenger rengar, league of legends season 13
Id: GALOS4tMv60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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