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hey everyone this is my guide for Rengar we're going to be learning itemization runes pathing and how to piotin Let's jump right into it my preferred setup for runes on Rango is going to be first strike pretty standard page however I like to run Relentless Hunter as opposed to treasure hunter as this allows me to be more efficient on the map I would run the electrocute setup against mostly squishy team comps where I want a stronger early game run this page if you are planning to go full lethality runes for the Rune shards run armor against heavy ad Mr against heavy AP or simply Health against mixed team comps itemization for the itemization I run two different setups the crit setup and The lethality one you want to prioritize going for the crit setup when you run the first strike runes and you can confidently duel people with auto attacks and cues The lethality setup when they are mostly squishy or when you run against counters like Janna and Lily for instance this will grant you access to edge of night which will be very vital to burst out carries and Lulu herself or Janna pathing if you're against weak early game junglers that will most likely do your full clear looking to invade them will give you a huge lead you want to start red in order to get a stronger dueling power early on an important information is to know where they started you can check your map to see if Top Lane or bot Lane at least for them and then adapt your invade according to that here is the pathing starting blue side from your red to enemy Red buff we start red buff into krugs Interrupters entry enemy Red preferably you want to keep your four Stacks after Raptors and use blast cone next to your blue buff to maintain your four stacks here is the pathing from your red to enemy blue buff here's the path thing starting right side from your red buff to enemy Red here is the path thing from your red to enemy Red buff you can invade all these Champions on the screen pause the video if you need a longer time to look at them other than the Champions mentioned you want to look to full clear and look to be careful for their invade now let's talk about ringer specifics Rengar has a few gimmicks that makes him very unique has a jungler and also very gimmicky in a sense that he ganks differently than other junglers and plays differently the reason as to why Rengar is so strong in the mid to late game and High ELO is not because of his damage but because his ultimate grants him longer range Vision on a short cooldown preferably you want to use your ultimate in a smart way let's take a look at an example here there are three enemies you can notice the mark on the closest Target as you can see the Mark will show on top of your opponent closest to you you can look to extend your ultimate to take your opponent by surprise [Music] the good way to use your ultimate is null by jumping on your target immediately as they will give them enough time to react to your jump however if you jump from over a wall you will be able to take them by surprise as they will have a limited amount to react and give them almost no counter play when you look to ginkbot Lane you want to preferably gank from the bushes by Lane ganking you can use a sweeper to jump on a ward by Auto attacking and then using your Q instantly On Target as that will make your combo faster here's a clip of me doing just that foreign [Music] those are some useful bushes you can use in game [Music] [Music] you can use a free passive stack by canceling your Q animation with a blast cone you can cancel the blast cone by using your flash an important thing about Rengar is that ninety percent of the time you want to have four Stacks before ganking with your ultimate except if you really can't and that's it for this guide if you're interested in seeing ring or gameplay you can check my channel out or if you're interested in getting coach you can check my Discord server down below Happy Hunting guys bye thank you
Channel: Sungod
Views: 16,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qyKeufCNOD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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