The Only PERFECT Overpowered Antagonist - Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)

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Am I the only one who thinks this guy took a little bit too much GT inspiration?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IAmTheGreenVex 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good lord I love this youtuber, thank you for sharing! He deserves the attention! His essays make for great entertainment but also teach something

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FrankCapeta 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
the first thing any youtuber freaking does whenever he's tackling a specific aspect of a specific series that's not the brand of his channel he starts off from this whole tangent of oh so this is from gravity falls gravity falls is a series about a young boy and young girl that traveled it no we're not doing any of that because any of the time in this video that I will not be talking about bill cipher is too much time especially because to be quite frank you don't even need to have seen gravity falls to understand and appreciate this video on why bill is such an amazing antagonist yeah all the zillions and odors of overcomplicated characters ever with the most insane motives ever and I fell in love with this floating Illuminati triangle and whose motives fall more under chaotic neutral than chaotic evil maybe it's because I personally consider myself chaotic neutral and I think that category fits me better than any other category but yeah more on that another time I relate to this floating triangle like a brother okay not really bill falling into the category of overpowered characters that I like to analyze in my overpowered analysis series is far too straightforward the guy's the most powerful being in the known universe and his powers are more powerful than the very dimensional barriers binding this multiverse in place being that gravity falls is a series focused on mysteries and secret codes where one answer just begins to ask more questions bill cipher deciphered part of his last name literally be the definition for a secret code is all too fascinating from the get-go we know that for a long period of time Ford was trapped wandering between other dimensions unable to find his way back home had the most dangerous thing he's met under all of his journeys was bill cipher but not in those other dimensions in his own reality bill cipher cannot take a physical form in the reality we know and love he's merely ethereal and he can travel from people's minds tricking them into making deals with him allowing them in an access to their bodies what makes bill so fascinating is being that he's chaotic neutral and he's doing his own thing more than anything else you can't perceive his actions as sad and therefore if he offers you a deal more often than not it will sound too good to be true even though in actuality every single deal he makes with anyone they will end up regretting it in the long run because what Bill wants far outweighs whatever they can be getting from him calling him overpowered is by no means hyperbole either because as far as brute force goes when he does actually gain access to the real world after of course tricking every character ever at least five times cause he's a smart conniving bastard which I respect he's my invincible no one can output the amount of brute force than he can no one is seemingly as smart and cunning as he is and when I say it takes everything they got to eventually beat him that's not an overstatement in the slightest all the creepy and whacky inventions we've seen throughout the series all the characters and monsters we've met and befriended throughout the series everyone gets together they create a mech out of their mystery shack which was their home and even after all that and all the enchantments that they have to protect them from bill specifically bill is still overpowering them at the very end of every single theme song in gravity falls we see this weird symbol it's Bill surrounded by a circle of markings which ford explains is some prophecy and the only way to defeat him each symbol represents a different character in the universe and the viewers begin to piece this together as they watch through the series an army of Time warriors literally come from the future to defeat bill and they fail he fits all the criteria for this series analyzing overpowered characters done right one of the major issues overpowered villains specifically faced as far as the writing is the unsatisfying actions they take and the unsatisfying actions taken to defeat them either it doesn't make sense it feels contrived just for the sake of the plot or this villain happens to be a total and gravity falls handles this adeptly because none of these are the case I mean we don't get the typical villain well you're not even worth me killing and then the good guy gets up finds a way to defeat the villain and manages to do so no we don't get any of that he doesn't kill Ford because Ford is the only one that knows the way to allow him to break out of gravity falls and take over the entire world so he can presumably then have a massive party which kind of seems to his end goal in life I love him now Ford doesn't want to talk Ford is also clever enough to not allow bill into his mind again so bill realizes the only way he can get the info out of him is to torture his great niece and nephew meaning he can't kill them either everyone else he disposes of instantly and in the most fun way possible he wants to keep Mabel locked up so he creates an alternate reality universe that she can live in where her wildest desires become reality now if everything's going exactly the way she wants it be it's the people she likes be it the laws of nature itself that follow her subconscious desires there's no reason for her to ever leave it's the ultimate prison and also the ultimate task for the heroes of our story to eventually want to leave and break out of not only that but convince Mabel that the real world which is currently undergoing Armageddon well a weird Armageddon but Armageddon nonetheless but still reality is better than this fake fiction despite the fact that everything they could have ever wanted is reality in this world that they could presumably live in forever now that is a trial for a main character to undergo and again it's not that they managed to beat him through brute force they're nowhere near that level when I say that despite the fact that he's all-powerful he's a psychological opponent I mean that so literally it's terrifying this guy's powers include going into someone else's mind as long as they agree to let him in this has been their downfall under numerous occasions whether dipper really needed the secret code to a certain computer so he's like okay I'll let you in for a little bit before becoming aware that you know Bill ciphers not exactly the feller you want to make deals with you will never win out ever and that becomes clear when he takes over the mind of someone in a different time and then uses that space-time power to travel back to a point where a certain character was in a slump so he can use that character's terrible mental disposition at that point manipulating them without even entering their mind so that they can allow Bill to enter reality and he ends up being defeated by being completely outsmarted he ends up entering one of the main characters minds and someone else then erases all their memories it's an ultimate toll to defeat this ultimate villain and seemingly the only way to do so all this is overpowered done right as far as villains go he is ridiculously overpowered and he's defeated in a way that has sacrifice has challenge has difficult trials and also 100% makes sense now all this is why bill is an overpowered character done right but I'm gonna push the envelope a little here and say that this is not why he's one of the greatest villains in fiction what I'm about to tell you is until this point I've basically done a fictional analysis of sorts one that could be done in a formula that can be used for various characters but the reason why Bill is one of my favorite villains ever is the fact that he's a villain on a meta level if you guys like this video I may end up doing a psychological analysis on the mind of bill cipher being that I find his psychology fascinating as well as his life philosophy believe it or not but this is an Opie analysis analyzing overpowered characters and the overpowered missed a pose in the series and in bills case what makes him so wonderfully overpowered is the overpowered as he's posing out firstly subconsciously what do we think of this guy the first time we see him I mean his name bill cipher as I mentioned a cipher is a code this is the guy that shows up at the end of the intro to every single episode with this creepy circle thing go around it not only that but while that image is shown at the end of the intro there's this weird whispering in the intro suspiciously it's the same voice actor that voices bill cipher and some other characters but that's not really the point here and that whisper if you played in backwards it says three letters back or something along those lines and that is the cipher 2d cipher the code at the end of every single episode after the episode there's a funny 30-second clip continuing a gag that was going on in each episode with these weird letters under it letters that seemingly mean nothing and the only way to crack those letters is by reversing that whisper in the intro giving you the cipher while showing a picture of bill cipher to the cipher at the end of the episode and it changes every several episodes again creepy meta stuff going on but even more than that when the screen pans down in the intro from dipper in his room to stand in the basement it goes through the actual structure of the mystery shack and in this weird graffiti like writing on one of the pipes if you decipher that graffiti using the cipher in the intro it says bill is watching this is the creepy meta stuff that isn't actually going on in the show but is also going on the show and it's so awesome look at Bill's character design now that we've kind of deciphered what his name is okay gonna have to step ewing there but she's obviously the all-seeing eye on the back of the one dollar american bill get it dollar bill bill cipher pretty crazy and I'm pretty sure the word bill and his name bill is not a coincidence being that he is the eyeball on the back suspiciously enough what does this I fink I mean this floating eyeball and triangle well it's right next to the In God We Trust and it's known to represent the all-seeing eye of God God knows everything and he's always watching just like bill cipher does throughout the entirety of gravity falls always watching and carefully taking notes of what everything means and how to manipulate things to go his way not only that but this all-seeing eye eventually became the logo of the Illuminati this secret evil organization that's watching everything behind the scenes manipulating things to go their way and that's exactly what bill cipher does in the actual gravity fall series this is what his character design represents and whether it was conscious or subconscious everyone knows that triangle eyeball thingy on the back of the bill the reason why bill isn't causing his shenanigans the entire time is because he's trapped in an alternate reality where he can only project himself into this one in the minds of other people until he eventually breaks out now being that bill cipher presumably died at the end of the gravity falls series at the end of season 2 all seems nice and dandy but there's like a bazillion theories on how he's actually not dead we don't really need to get into them they're covered by literally everyone throughout YouTube and I'm not a theory channel per se but some theories aren't really theories and they're the basic clues that the writers expect you to put together yourself in the journal that contains so many of the secrets of gravity falls when it talks about them you raise a fire thing oh it says that well it erases memory but visual cues can bring back these destroyed memories so when bill cipher is in Stan's mind when they erase it Stan eventually gets his memories back he starts seeing his niece and nephew he sees pictures of his brother and eventually it comes back to him so bill who was in his mind at that time should presumably be back as well he remembers Bill after all and this is kind of left ambiguous it's fairly obvious that one of the major ciphers that bill seems to be using throughout is this let's play it in Reverse bit the first time he summoned by Gideon a former antagonist in the series of course to make a deal Gideon's incantation if you play it backwards is play this backwards play this backwards play this backwards pretty hilarious stuff not to mention the fact that the whispering at the end of every intro played backwards gives you a cipher to the code at the end of the episode while Stan's memories are getting erased and seemingly bill is being destroyed as well bill seemingly spouts gibberish for about 30 seconds before eventually disappearing and of course the first thing I think everyone did is play that gibberish backwards and what it ended up saying is a xol OTL my time has come to burn invoke the ancient power that I may return yeah if that's not a subtle nod that bill has a trick up your sleeve I don't know what is well in a spin-off book where the main characters are going on an adventure they find this magical axolotl a xol OTL now I didn't find this this is all put together by like a billion reddit theorists as well as matpat who made a video on it but apparently alex hirsch the creator of bill cipher tweeted that despite the fact that the book is non-canon it contains one massive secret and when this axolotl thing I was asked by dipper what she knows about bill cipher he recites some really creepy poetry that in part refers to Bill's past that we are unaware of and I will be using dad for my video on the psychology of bill cipher definitely subscribe but aside from that it also talks about the fact that he can invoke my name so we may return in a different reality in a different time uh bill yelling exo-l OTL while dying about to burn up so that he may return in some other time in some other reality as bill seems to like doing now also suspiciously enough after gravity falls ended Alex Hirsch the creator announced a bill cipher statue hunt we're somewhere in saguaro Dole there is a statue of bill cipher and have fun go find it he gave a phone number that everyone can call and it'll receive the calls in the voice actor for Stan the character where bill cipher is seemingly still trapped in his mind and in eventualities statue was found after all the clues steps and preparations it says hey if you want to make a deal feel free to shake the statues hand as the statue is basically bill cipher with his hand outstretched ready to make a deal throughout the series every time bill wanted to enter someone's mind and they made a deal they shook hands and this is the same position the statues hand is in ready to shake anyone who finds his hands bill in Stan's mind is potentially giving the orders for this entire hunt he's waiting for you to find the statue and shake his hand so he can presumably enter the mind of some unwary person in our freedom world this is a theory as to how Bill ciphers still survived the whole thing matpat made a video on the reddit thread it was very cool definitely check it out all link in the description if I remember but that's a little past the point the point is Bill is traveling from reality to reality and the fact that our our own reality is canon to bill cipher's universe is terrifying now I'm not exactly saying stock up on a lot of water weirdmageddon is coming to Planet er the fact that it's canon to this character to be able to influence our world is so damn cool it's a whole nother level of being an overpowered character in my mind and I'm not talking about his whacky personality I'm not talking about the fact that I'm both fascinated by him and feel bad for his character because all the fun and games he's playing with in gravity falls is clearly a facade for the torment going on in his own mind but that's already on a psychological level and this isn't a character analysis in that regard at all I'm purely talking about on the superficial overpowered character that we know and love a character so powerful he managed to outsmart the cast of the actual show completely fool them into allowing him access to their real world in a physical form as opposed to this perceived two-dimensional floaty around he thing he only able to live within the minds of others the characters so strong and so clever that no matter what they do he's one step ahead of them his weirdmageddon is seemingly unstoppable and they only managed to defeat him by outsmarting him they swap places of stan and ford being that they're identical twins allow them into Stan's mind instead of Fords so that they can try to vaporize him out of there and that's where the series kind of ended we don't know what happened in the story because that's not where Bill necessarily is anymore the fact that he's latching on to our world with his physical statue in our world now he's not the just the 2d projection we're seeing on our computer screens while watching gravity falls illegally streaming it because it's not a Netflix someone get this on Netflix he's reality hopping and this time he hopped two hours so for all of those reasons the fact that he's so crazily overpowered the fact that he's not defeated by force he's defeated by cunning even though he presumably didn't make any mistakes he was outsmarted the fact that he's a villain that outsmarted all the characters to come into existence and was outsmarted to be brought back out of existence only to be hopping to another reality in this case let's be a little meta it's ours damn it this is why bill cipher is an overpowered character done right if you like this video I would like to make a psychological analysis of him because this is only superficially why he's one of my favorite villains ever the psychology department is why he's so fan loved and why I freakin relates to this overpowered nigh invincible borderline godly floating two-dimensional triangle so with that said whamon and gentlewomen feel free to subscribe if you're interested in the psychological analysis as well as other overpowered analyses let me know overpowered fictional characters you'd like to see me analyze in the comments and also check out my other psychological analyses overpowered analyses or satire videos also let me know if you want more gravity falls content because it's freakin awesome as well as overpowered analysis on Rick I do appreciate all of your time slap a like on the video if you enjoyed and link in the description to my twitter feel free to follow me there I also have merge feel free to pick some up as as a patreon any support you could give me there would be greatly appreciated all my patrons are invited to the discord server where I hang out and speaking of patreon I would especially like to thank James Patterson King beat my meets David and only gets no gas burning bush arise Warren sage of snake Willis and Fletcher team Sparky 65 the uh no no Taku lazy Ronin Cathy worm Jim Allison Stricker the wolf of gar JD Fincher cosign pitch shifter Z laser the Ethan King tank games Kevin McLean frisky dingo white noise and nasty Frank's BBQ talent Michael Hensley Mitchell garnet Miriam Ramirez chezy Q praise Lord - Gilligan measure Billy Thompson cereal flex offender JJ slave Rams the nitrites sergeant malarkey LJ Elijah D Borden Kaiser wanna crazy beats divine reins tear Kui Skyler leg Karma and TM Philly I wanted to thank the Lord Twigg ranked me zgz Anthony booth nitrous 13 Matthew yang MD Adria peak Everest buried minitor 6 Emperor Misha and kiowa warrior thanks to the guruship rank dark element Eduardo Flores rogue robot Studios poozer ker morphic necro sunny parks and maurice louis-dreyfus Thank You Shane Hardin for having hashirama cells Thank You mitochondria and Kremen for having a bigger dick van Grumman thank you to the man the myth the legend Steve and the man the myth the legend exiled I genuinely appreciate all your help thank you all so much for pledging thank you all so much for watching if you haven't seen gravity falls yet and you can't tell by this video I highly recommend the series it is a hell of a lot of fun being that I didn't really talk about what the show is about until this point for like 20 seconds let's spit something together boy a girl first summer camp go to their grunkle Stan who's basically a con artist with a mystery shack of all these fascinating mysteries that he makes up so obviously the very mysterious it's a ton of fun it's light-hearted comedy the parody is great the overarching storyline is really deep in places you wouldn't expect it to be the characters are a ton of fun and so is the town I highly recommend it and also bill cipher is one of my favorite villains in all of fiction and with that said and the weird fact that I somehow relate to bill cipher so much even though he's a triangle with a bow and a top hat um remember to stay weird fam [Music]
Channel: Nux Taku
Views: 1,586,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, gravity falls, bill Cipher, bill Cipher gravity falls, Nux taku anime, Overpowered anime, overpowered, Nux taku Overpowered, op done right, antagonist, overpowered antagonist, gravity falls episode 1, bill Cipher is alive, bill Cipher best scenes, what is bill Cipher, bill Cipher overpowered, gravity falls season 3, gravity falls season 2, bill Cipher statue, overpowered character, anime, chaotic neutral, choatic neutral antagonist, overpowered anime fights
Id: Jg_gwMew_RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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