Ford Pines 30 Years in the Nightmare Realm FULL TIMELINE! (Gravity Falls Journal 3 Lore Explained)

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this video is sponsored by raycon stanley stanley help me oh no what do i do stanley friendly do something in the early winter months of 1982 scientist and gravity falls paranormal investigator stanford pines was thrust into his interdimensional portal by twin brother stanley pines without the proper resources to fix the portal stanley would spend 30 years masquerading as ford assuming his identity and transforming his house into a tourist trap known as the mystery shack it wouldn't be until the late summer of 2012 where stan would finally gather all three journals written by his brother alongside a ton of radioactive waste that allowed the grifter to reactivate the portal and finally retrieve his brother ford was back but he clearly was no longer the same man he was all those decades ago he initially remained distant from his family by choice he believed there was no one left to trust and he wanted to upkeep the image of a lone wolf a solitary hero but why what happened during those 30 years across dimensions that caused ford to double down with his misguided mindset instead of coming to terms with his own faults that brought him here in the first place what did fort see what did ford do that's what we're here to break down today thanks to the information provided in journal 3 special edition we're going to take a deep dive into the escapades of fort pines taking a look at his time in not just the nightmare realm but every dimension he encountered his time with a resistance his interdimensional allies and even his rematch with bill cipher that was undocumented in this series proper strap yourselves in because it's time to go beyond gravity falls and before we begin please be sure to subscribe if you haven't already for some of the best gravity falls and cartoon content you'll find on youtube we're ready to go all out from here to the end of 2021 ford's final moments on earth known in the multiverse as dimension 46 apostrophe slash were filled with fear and anxiety that he never felt before as the portal had its grip on ford reeling him in like a fish out of water he felt weightless a helpless terror would fill his body as he quickly prepared to face the mysterious forces that drove mcgucket to insanity suddenly ford would find himself swimming through a zero gravity sea of lightning and ever changing colors but it wouldn't be until he whipped out his spare pair of glasses that he could fully process where he was and he was in the center of a literal living nightmare the dimension between all dimensions the in-between space the gateway to other worlds ruled by the king of nightmares this was the faded place he swore to protect the world from the nightmare realm ford would describe the nightmare realm as something that's not entirely a dimension but rather a boiling shifting intergalactic foam between dimensions home to the most elusive strange lawless creatures the portal to earth closed itself behind ford trapping him in this unruly wasteland and to make matters worse he quickly noticed that he was in the presence of his greatest adversary perched on a throne made of illusions surrounded by silhouetted beasts was none other than the three-sided demon himself bill cipher look who came to pay me a visit bill taunted care for a game of intergalactic chess this time you're the pawn at the snap of a finger ford would be attacked by a 60-foot ball of fingers and teeth howling like a humpback whale ford bought behind an asteroid field and makes a mad dash evading a multitude of bill's minions fortunately the creator of a passing asteroid would serve as a shelter for ford hiding himself deep within its stony caverns bill would continue to mock him in the distance sixer wants to play hide and seek first one to find him and bring him to me against their own galaxy despite ford's gut reaction telling him to rush out and give himself up to bill just for a chance to cuss him out his impulses were quelled after discovering his shared space with a family of refugees gathered around a glittering purple fire this group of war-torn aliens would recount their life story to stanford the refugees were once asteroid miners who got sucked into a wormhole ending up lost in the nightmare realm as a result apparently when most things in the multiverse go missing they tend to end up here the refugees would have a visceral reaction to hearing bill cipher's name the leader explaining that cipher is one of the most feared beings throughout the multiverse cypher conquered the nightmare realm for the purpose of a hideout but its definition as a lawless space is quite literal there are no laws of physics or rules and thus it's destined to self-destruct this is why bill aimed to make earth his new personal playpen ford explained his own history with bill and his new goal to put an end to the evil dorito once and for all despite the extremely slim odds of returning home the refugees aided ford and his aspirations giving him rations and a dimensional translator model k 127x ford quickly formulated his plan he'd travel to as many dimensions as possible gathering as much information as possible on bill's strengths and weaknesses when he's finally ready he'll return to the nightmare realm and appropriately settle the score even if he never sees home again at least the multiverse will be at peace as ford departed from the refugees and swam to the nearest wormhole they would bless his endeavors by chanting praise the axolotl invoking the strength of the most powerful extra-dimensional creature in the gravity falls multiverse essentially saying god is on your side ford claims in journal 3 that his time in the multiverse felt like living a hundred different lives traveling with bandits learning to speak 13 different languages getting into fist fights with talking chairs and he even got a tattoo of all star by smash mouth with a tribe of octopus armed piglets and hey scuff of that if you want but i think it's quite impressive that smash mouth made a song that transcends our own galaxy ford studied ancient text studied with multi-dimensional scholars and was crowned king of the finger dimension thanks to his six fingers until he was dethroned by the arrival of a seven fingered man you know dems be the breaks ford's journey also saw him slip into some habits found in the rest of the pines family especially his twin brother much like stanley ford found himself smooth talking his way in and out of food and shelter and in classic pines fashion was outlawed from numerous dimensions if you ask me being a wanted man and even a single dimension outweighs your brother being banned from most states in america but to each their own ford even racked up a wanted poster of his own that when decoded provides two interesting messages the one across the bottom of the poster reads return for bounty armed and dangerous and the one next to fort's face simply reads rick was here which is of course from one of four's partners during these 30 years rick sanchez gravity falls and rick and morty have had plenty of overlap through easter eggs before such as stan's items flying into forge portal and coming out of one of ranks so i'm sure for many fans this won't come as a surprise but seeing that an official crossover is extremely unlikely in our lifetime given one show is on disney channel and the others on adult swim i'm cooking up another video that maps out a potential timeline of fort and rick working together that ties up both of these easter eggs together so stay tuned and be sure to keep an eye out for that on the channel as for what forge crimes were in particular they were centered around amassing stolen supplies to work on his most difficult invention yet the ultimate weapon the quantum destabilizer which if you recall we did see him attempt to use against bill and weirdmageddon part one but alas he missed and the shot hit bill's top hat instead ford states that a complete catalog of his adventures would take up 40 volumes of literature which today sounds like disney plus movie potential so instead we're provided with the highlights of the most bizarre and significant dimensions he encountered you know if ford's journey happened today he'd at least be able to listen to some rocking tunes to keep himself remotely sane he may not have had a walkman on him in the 80s but i imagine he would have had a phone on him if he was pushing to the portal in 2021 and the best airbus to pop in while traveling the multiverse are none other than raycon thank you to raycon earbuds for sponsoring this video it's hard to break away from copious amounts of screen time nowadays but raycon makes it easy to unplug just by popping in their wireless earbuds whether you're jamming to an anime playlist while working out listening to the news or binging an audiobook recon makes a huge difference my biggest hurdle over the last year has been cooking at home and resisting the temptation to order out and luckily with recon i'm able to unplug put on some rocking tunes that sound great with these earbuds and just focus on whipping up a delicious meal recon earbuds give you six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design for a comfortable noise isolating fit and just look at how durable they are their wireless earbuds come in a range of fun colors and patterns with a variety of fit options and no dangling wires or stems raycon is doing things differently than other brands out there by designing premium wireless audio for half the price and they have a 45 day free return policy the company was co-founded by ray j and celebrities like snoop dogg are obsessed with ray cons click the link in the description or go to buy roundtablevids to get 15 off your record order again that's 15 off at roundtable vids the m dimension to describe this dimension in two words would be according to ford extreme frustration in the m dimension everything is based on and in the shape of the letter m from the inhabitants of the world to the shape of the cars to the windows on them to even the vacuum cleaners the alphabet of the m dimension is nothing more than the letter m 26 times most words and the sentences begin with the letter m ford being frequently told to have a wonderful mime needless to say this dimension quickly caused him to feel muicidal though he cited that the residents were relatively kind aboard considering how much of an outsider he must have looked to them the do-over dimension also known as the yo-yo dimension in this world time moves both forward and backward without rhyme or reason essentially imagine that one scene from avengers end game of scotland's time travel trials but as the rules of existence itself senior citizens can be transferred into babies and then back into senior citizens at the drop of a dime you could have the worst week ever but then have the opportunity to start it all over or you could complete high school and find yourself back in kindergarten time can progress at a normal pace for a long spans of time or yo-yo back and forth several times in a single day there are professional timelineologists that function similar to weathermen trying to accurately predict what the time will be like on any given day and the kicker is that you remember every time you relive a section of your life which can quickly go from a nice perk to right some wrongs to being stuck in a cycle of madness your progress in a situation getting constantly erased as you have to do it all over again i mean just imagine having to complete a big project three times in a row because time keeps setting you back each and every time sure you may have the memory of how to complete it but the emotional bandwidth will deplete rather quickly after the second or even third time knowing that this wouldn't erupt my weekends is enough for me to go absolutely insane but i digress lotto con 9 aka the gambling dimension is quite literal in name and law gambling isn't just legal it's mandatory the central government and authority of the dimension rise in sin city spell s-y-n-n instead of s-i-n this city is encased within the giant ship that lands on whatever planet wins the yearly lottery to host it ford describes the government itself as effective the galactic senate gathers every saturday at the racetrack to bet on their favorite laws which seems like it would open up the gates for sabotage and competition but to each throne every aspect of life is left up to chance babies are forced to learn how to roll dice before they even learn how to walk and once you're over the age of five it's encouraged that you carry your lucky deck of cards wherever you go even soul mates are left up to chance this is also the dimension where ford won his infinity sighted die that appeared in dungeons dungeons and more dungeons but ultimately ford was removed from this dimension by bouncers who caught him counting cards ford you little cheat the two-dimensional dimension otherwise known as xylia should not be confused with the second dimension the origin pointable cipher though it is extremely similar as everything is flat and 2d in this world instead of three-dimensional due to ford's 3d body he clipped right through the 2d world as they have no concept of above no sky no sun no shadows ford practically saw nothing what four did see as a straight checkered line x y lands would view as different shapes and objects ford was considered to be in a regular shape in this world which to the inhabitants is considered offensive and was quickly under attack ex-wilians are razor sharp and ford's mouth was stuck outside their plane of existence unable to communicate and explain himself so it was only a matter of time before they began slicing into his head but thankfully ford would be quickly sucked out of the 2d dimension being rescued by none other than the oracle ford blacked out and awoken dimension 52 noticing that he was in a mountaintop shrine surrounded by clouds and before him stood the seven-eyed oracle jaisal brahm the unswerving now the cryptogram on her page decodes to the opposite of bill which makes it sound like a yin and yang scenario makes sense as even visually they are exact opposites the oracle provided great insight about bill cipher and suggested that before ford faces off against him again he would need to have a metal plate implanted within his head as a means to prevent bill from possessing and wandering into his mod of course ford mentioned the metal plate in his head in the episode the last mabel corn and although bill was able to interact with him in his dreams it appears that the surgery did prevent the triangle from taking control of his body at will a huge advantage i'm sure the oracle informed sanford that bill cipher actually destroyed his own dimension including his parents and anyone he's ever known as a result of his thirst for power the oracle didn't seem to hold anger towards bill but knew that his reign of terror had to be put to an end she also informed ford that he had the face of the man who was destined to destroy bill something that only fueled ford's ego and his hero complex when in reality she was of course referring to his twin brother stanley and the events of weird magetta just like bill cipher's on omnipotence it's clear the oracle possesses similar abilities as she clearly holds knowledge of the past present and future much like bill does as his final moment saw his body flash a glimpse of his own fate after recovering from a surgery and partying hard with the oracle ford awoke in a brand new dimension with no trace of the oracle in sight now throughout ford's 30 years he encountered many parallel earth dimensions that are largely similar to his home dimension with major differences sprinkled in there are earth where dinosaurs still exist and thrive taking humanity's place in evolution just to give an example but ford stumbled upon one dimension near the end of his journey where everything was the same except stan never pushed him into the portal and actually heeded ford's advice hiding journal one in this reality ford reunited with fiddlebird and created a dimensional vortex neutralizer that allowed them to use the portal without any ties to bill or the nightmare realm the fort in this world is a superstar of science and his home in gravity falls became an international institute of oddology far forward came into contact with parallel puddleford who immediately had stanford detained as he recognized ford wasn't from this dimension as it turns out this fiddleford went on his own portal expedition where a security officer bumped into his parallel self in another dimension once they touched hands the entire dimension began to warp and to stabilize the officer ceasing to exist along the entire dimension as fiddleford and the rest of his team escaped back into their proper home so although ford couldn't meet his famous counterpart he worked with parallel fiddleford to finish the quantum destabilizer and was soon ready to return to the nightmare realm ford returned to the dimension and immediately began to raise hell as soon as he arrived bill immediately recognized ford and sicked his minions onto him luckily with his weapon of mass destruction ford leveled the playing field with bill's minions scrambling for safety ford had his chance to attack bill directly so bill ran into the quadrangle of confusion amazed at the fight the laws of physics and sanity trying to strike before bill's forces regrouped ford took advantage of the unruly world and with the defied physics lunged right at bell preparing his weapon for the final blow this was it bill cipher was finally going to meet his end ford was ready to pull the trigger fiddleford's mind broken dimensions destroyed ford's trust forced pride betrayed and humiliated it all comes down to ford taking the shot however right at that moment the night run began to shake thrown further in disarray a vortex begins to open up it's forged portal sands reactivating it at a time like this [Music] so that's why the first thing stanford did was slog his brother stan may have ultimately been aiding destiny but to ford his crowning moment was ruined by the person who always ruins everything the person who caused ford to lose 30 years of his life in the first place ford thought he had affirmation that he was destined to be a hero he was on the cusp of achieving multi-dimensional fame by taking out the bastard he despised most and instead here he was back on earth back to square one so naturally he went back to what worked most for him being a social recluse however thanks to a niece and nephew he wouldn't be getting away from his family so easy and well the rest is history if you want to see more content like this please be sure to throw this video a like and subscribe to the round table for more great cartoon content to go the extra mile you could always help us grow by heading over to patreon.comroundtablevids thank you for watching and be sure to give us a follow at social media over at roundtable vids and you can find me at ultravox see you next time special thanks to art with coda for creating an awesome thumbnail for more of his wonderful art you can find him on tumblr and instagram art with coda and subscribe to his youtube channel link down below in the [Music] description [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Roundtable
Views: 314,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravity falls, gravity falls journal 3, bill cipher, ford pines, the author of the journals, stan pines, stanford pines, nightmare realm, gravity falls portal, a tale of two stans, not what he seems, gravity falls lore, gravity falls theme song, gravity falls ending, gravity falls episodes, journal 3, gravity falls explained, gravity falls season 3, journal 3 special edition, dipper pines, mabel pines, weirdmageddon, bill cipher theory, gravity falls axolotl, mcgucket
Id: mGGbNDLhY4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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