The Ones With Rachel the Waitress | Friends

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let me tell you about a couple things I learned while working at the coffee house um first of all the customer is always right a smile goes a long way and if anyone is ever rude to you sneeze muffin thanks rage hey look you guys are just terrific you know now how about clearing out of here so I can get some new customers huh it's all about turnover Joy seriously can I get my coffee I'm sorry Ross I'll get it for you right now and since I made you wait I'll toss in a free muffin don't tell me don't tell me decaf cappuccino for Joey coffee black latte and a nice tea I'm getting pretty good at this excellent girl good for me does the knuckle cracking bother everybody well I I could live without it was it like a little Annoying or is it like when Phoebe chews her head oh now don't listen to him fees all right I think it's endearing oh you do do you you know there's nothing wrong with speaking correctly indeed there [Music] isn't I should really get back to work yeah otherwise someone might get what they actually ordered well the hair comes out and the gloves come off Terry I I I know that I haven't worked here very long but I was wondering do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance on my salary an advance so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family see every year we go skiing in Veil and normally my father pays for my ticket but I've sort of started this whole independent thing you know which is actually why I took this job Rachel Rachel sweetheart you're a terrible terrible waitress really really awful okay I I hear what you're saying I'm with you um but but I'm trying really hard and and I think I'm I'm doing better I really do does anybody need coffee yeah over here yeah I do okay Chandler mon there's only one banana nut muffin left oh well order mine first yeah but I'm I'm so much faster give it to me no give it to me okay you can have it there you go enjoy your coffee that was there when I got here here hey you guys you will never guess who's coming to New York cck Phoebe tell us before you can swallow okay Ryan that guy I went out with who's in the Navy you went out with a guy in the Navy yeah I met him when I was um playing guitar in Washington Square Park Ryan threw in saltwater taffy cuz he didn't have any change hey is that when you wrote saltwater taffy man no no he is my submarine guy he resurfaces like every couple years and we have the most amazing 3 days together only this time he's coming for two weeks two whole weeks which means yay so wait this guy goes down for like two years at a time that'll teach you to lick my muffin hey check look at the window there's my name hi me I remember the day I got my first paycheck there was a cave in in one of of the mines and eight people were killed wow you worked in a mine I worked in a Dairy Queen why God isn't this exciting I earned this I wiped tables for it I steamed milk for it and it was totally not worth it who's F why is he getting all my money I mean what Chandler look at that oh this is not that bad oh you're fine yeah for first job you can totally totally live on this oh yeah yeah hey by the way great service to Rachel oh my God I swear I've seen birds do this on wild kingom what are you guys doing here well we were in the city shopping and your mom said you work here and it's true look at you in the apron you look like you're in a play God look at you you are so big I can't believe it I know I know I'm a duplex so what's going on with you well gu so my dad making partner in his firm well we're on the subject of news look look I have [Music] elbows oh Rich we're running low on resumes over here do you really want to job with Popular Mechanics well if you're going to work for mechanics those are the ones to work for hey look you guys I'm going for anything here okay I cannot be a waitress anymore I mean it I'm sick of the lousy tips sick of being called excuse me RA did you proofread these uh yeah why uh nothing I'm sure they'll be impressed with your excellent compuer skills oh my God oh do you think it's on all of them oh no I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a Fu everybody sh uh Central Perk is proud to present the music of Miss Phoebe [Applause] bouet thanks hi um I want to start with a song that's about that moment when you suddenly realize what life is really all about okay here we go [Music] okay thank you very much hey b hey Hey Oh How It Go um not so good he walked me to the subway and said we should do this again what he said we should do it again that's good right uh no Loosely translated we should do this again means you will never see me naked since when since always it's like dating language you know like it's not not you means it is you or you're such a nice guy means I'm going to be dating leather wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you or or or you know um I think we should see other people means I already am and everybody knows this oh yeah cushions the blow yeah it's like when you're a kid and your parents put your dog to sleep and they tell you it went off to live on some Farm that's funny that no because uh our parents actually did uh send our dog off to live on a farm uh Ross what hello the Milner's Farm in Connecticut the milers they had this unbelievable farm that they horses and then rabbits that he could Chase and it would oh my God cheat CH when you have a second later I want to show you why we don't just trap spiders under coffee mugs and leave them there I'm training to be better at a job that I hate my life officially sucks but ra wasn't it supposed to be a temporary thing I thought you wanted to do fashion stuff well yeah I'm still pursuing that how exactly are you pursuing that you know other than sending out resumés like uh what two years ago well I'm also sending out good thoughts if you ask me as long as you got this job you got nothing pushing you to get another one you need the fear the fear he's right if you quit this job you then have motivation to go after a job you really want well then how come you're still at a job that you hate I mean why don't you quit and get the fear because I'm too afraid I don't know I mean I would give anything to work for a designer you know or a buyer H I just don't want to be 30 and still work here yeah that'd be much worse being 28 and still working here Rachel yeah remind me to review with you which PO is Decap and which is regular can't I just look at the handles on them you would think okay fine Gunther you know what I am a terrible waitress do you know why I am a terrible waitress because I don't care I don't care I don't care which pot is regular and which pot is decaf I don't care where the trace spot is I just don't care this is not what I want to do so I don't think I should do it anymore I'm going to give you my week's notice what Gunther I quit does this mean we're going to have to start paying for [Music] coffee
Channel: Friends
Views: 154,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oPShIwE0VKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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