8 Times Sheldon Was WRONG - The Big Bang Theory

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thank you this is really delicious isn't it still can't talk to me unless you're drunk huh oh sweetie you are so damaged I'm damaged too about a hug for Howie Raj hug Howard something you'd like to share huh a tale of woo perhaps 15 years old Dennis Kim is 15 years old and he's already correcting my work today I went from being Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to you know that other guy Antonio solieri oh God now even you're smarter than me you know Sheldon you don't have so many friends that you can afford to start insulting them just eat Sheldon you'll feel better why waste food in Texas when a cow goes dry they don't keep feeding it they just take her out and shoot her between the eyes I'm confused did Sheldon stop giving milk can't let this kid get to you you always knew that someday someone would come along who was younger and smarter yes but I assumed I would have been dead hundreds of years and that there'd be an asterisk by his name because he'd be a cyborg so you got a little competition I really don't see what the big deal is well of course you don't you've never excelled at anything I don't understand exactly how did he get any friends in the first place we like Leonard what are you gonna do Sheldon just give up yes that's what a rational person does when his entire life's work is invalidated by a post-pubescent Asian vanderkin it ceases his fruitless efforts he donates his body to scientific research and he waits to die you know I'm confused again it's eating or do we get to shoot him between the eyes yeah foreign big boy someone touched my board foreign oh God my board Leonard Leonard hey what's the matter my equations it's almost tampered with my equations are you sure of course I'm sure look at the beta function of quantum chromodynamics the sign's been changed yeah but doesn't that fix the problem you've been having are you insane are you out of your mind are you hey look that fixes the problem I've been having foreign you did this yeah I noticed it when I got up to get a glass of water so I fixed it now you can show that corks are asymptotically free at high energy pretty cool huh cool thanks for a great night thank you I'll see you at work you dead hold on hold on what who told you you could touch my board no one I don't come into your house and touch your board there are no incorrect equations on my board oh that is so so I'm sorry I gotta run if you come up with an adjective text me inconsiderate that is the adjective inconsiderate [Music] hold in my hand the final question the score now stands a a 11 50 PMS 11.75 so for 100 points and the match please turn your attention to the formula on the screens solve the equation holy crap what the hell is that it looks like something they found on the ship at Roswell oh I think Leslie Leonard it's not gonna work if you rush me you have to let me get there you are never going to let that go are you 10 seconds PMS sorry I panicked then guess um eight point four I'm sorry that's incorrect hey if you can answer correctly the match is yours he doesn't have it he's got squats hey I need your answer the answer is minus eight Pi Alpha hang on hang on a second that's not our answer what are you doing answering question winning physics Bowl how do you know anything about physics here I am janitor in former Soviet Union I am physicist go polar bears [Music] that's a delightful little story but our Arrangement was that you sit here and not say anything I answer the questions you didn't answer the question hey look now maybe you have democracy now in your beloved Russia but on this physics Bowl team I rule with an iron fist ow hey I need your official answer well it's not what he said then what is it I want a different question you can't have a different question formal protest denied informal protest denied I need your official answer no I declined to provide one well that's too bad because the answer your teammate gave was correct that's your opinion all right the winner of the match is hang on Sheldon is proving that you are single-handedly smarter than everyone else so important that you would rather lose by yourself than win as part of a team I don't understand the question go ahead keep on fighting [Music] Dr Leonard hofstetter you are officially charged with two violations of the roommate agreement do you wave reading of the charges yeah fine hang on no my client does not like reading of the charges oh cool I've got a lawyer and us and they're naked proceed very well count the First on or about the 28th day of April the accused did knowingly end with malice a forethought deny access to the shared bathroom in a time of emergency to wit my back teeth were floating to the second the accused exceeded the agreed upon occupancy of the shower to wit one unless we are under attack by water-soluble aliens can I see the roommate agreement it's fairly technical top of her class Cambridge University license to practice law in three countries and your face doesn't look like you have much of a case Sheldon do so do so I'm afraid not section 7 here on the right to enter the bathroom in emergency situations is not specific as to what constitutes an emergency no that's ridiculous a bathroom emergency is self-explanatory is it if Leonard forgot to trim his nose here could he budget him while you were showering irrelevant Leonard doesn't trim his nose hair he thinks because he's short nobody can see up there my point is Sheldon the legal principle is the ambiguity in a contract benefits the party that did not draft it in this case Leonard so much for count one but there's no but Sheldon that's how the law works it's cool as for the shower capacity issue I cite addendum J when Sheldon Xiao was second any and all measures shall be taken to ensure an adequate supply of hot water I believe there's super seeds the occupancy issue superseded this isn't over no offense but shower sex with you is now the second best thing that's happened today one one two three four five no way that's your card right seven of clothes that is amazing it's not amazing all magic tricks are merely a combination of manipulation and misdirection with the occasional dwarf in a box wiggling his feet really so how did I do it but I don't care how you did it yeah I have more important things to think about clearly the cards are marked I thought you had more important things to think about but I do it just did you happen to have caught me on a break oh let me see those cards it's a big deal not knowing is part of the fun well knowing's part of the fun was it the motto of your community college hey guys what do you think Freya took me clothes shopping never get that stupid hoodie off him when we were well you look great thank you let's go hang everything up yeah good new contacts I should have done this years ago foreign ly getting used to them doing it on a daily basis I'm not going out with them you can sleep with whoever he wants yeah I was talking to Raj oopsie all right this deck is rigged in some fashion get another deck and I'll do the trick with that so you're saying this is a regulation day I'm saying believe in magic you Muggle yeah well I'm happy Leonard's found someone foreign not that anybody asked and was your card the jack of diamonds unbelievable know how he did it yet um oh he has the same look my little nephew gets when he can't figure out how I got his nose foreign you know I have some remedial magic tricks that might be more your speed like oh hi I think I know how you did the card trick oh please if I don't know you don't know that's axiomatic you're right not too bad for someone who doesn't know what axiomatic means laughs don't knock just walk in why be polite to the world's leading expert on the dung beetle excuse me are you Professor Crawley who wants to know Dr Cooper from the physics department couldn't wait huh I'm sorry I haven't even packed yet and you're already measuring my lab from one of your Godless laser machines now you don't understand we just want to ask you a question let me ask you one first what's a world-renowned entomologist with a doctorate and 20 years of experience to do with his life when the university cuts off the funding for his lab huh ask rhetorical questions that make people uncomfortable shot to Bangalore I'm from New Delhi you should find another entomologist no no we're here let's settle this professor can you identify our cricket of course I can I can identify every insect and arachnid on the planet not that that's going to keep me from having to move in with my daughter in Oxnard and we're not talking Oxnard at the beach no we're talking Oxnard in the onion fields well could you look at Toby Toby the stupid name for a cricket told you it's a field Cricket yes the wait Dr Crowley are you sure young man I've been studying insects since I was eight years old you know what they used to call me in school creepy crawly cruel as that may be that is not in itself a credential let me show you something you see that spending six months slogging through the Barney and rainforests while my wife was back home shacking up with a two-bedroom s cut jeans so when I tell you that that's a common field Cricket you can take that to the damn Bank cause God knows I can't that took me for everything foreign congratulations enjoy Oxnard I'm sure your daughter is looking forward to having you Professor Hawking it's an honor and a privilege to meet you sir I know I want to thank you for taking time to see me my pleasure I enjoyed reading your paper very much you clearly have a brilliant mind I know your dishes at the next person is select all accelerating Fabrics through time that's fascinating thank you I just came to me one morning in the shower that's nice too bad it's wrong what do you mean wrong you made an arithmetic mistake on page two it was quite a boner no no but the the thing can't be right I I don't make arithmetic mistakes no of course not it's just I was thinking oh gosh golly I made a boo-boo and I gave it to Stephen Hawking great another feature sausage uh uh bratwurst oh a hot dog Penny aren't you gonna Draw Something relax we got time this is so fun a solar system uh uh uh uh unidentified flying liverwurst now soon come on Leonard I am spoon feeding this to you I don't know um Casper the alcoholic ghost all right that's enough uh hands uh nail polish oh and the word is Polish see look Polish sausage and the model of the solar system developed by Nicholas Copernicus a Polish astronomer finally that wasn't enough which it should have been this is Madame Curie killing herself by discovering radium who although she was a naturalized French citizen was polish by birds excuse me the word is Polish see small p oh so it is I guess we both share blame on this one
Channel: Shelly&Penny
Views: 5,484,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the big bang theory, big bang theory, big bang, tbbt, kaley cuoco, kunal nayyar, aarti mann, stephen hawking, card tricks, jim parsons, best of, johnny galecki, simon helberg
Id: VlRpgr0NOXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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