How to Create SharePoint Document Library

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sharepoint document libraries are an absolute must if you've got a business and you want to collaborate and share information in this video i'm going to show you how to create your own sharepoint document library how to assign permissions how to migrate your old files and folders over to your new sharepoint library and much much more but before we start just a quick introduction my name is jonathan edwards i'm a business it consultant from yorkshire in the uk i've got an i.t company called integrality and we help our clients with the i.t support and the cyber security so before we begin let's have a quick chat about what sharepoint actually is well sharepoint is one of the tools that is provided with lots of microsoft 365 packages if you've got microsoft 365 you're probably paying for sharepoint so what is it well it's a huge collaborative tool you can create websites in there and it's a place to secure and store your documents and in this video we're going to be focusing on storing your documents in a sharepoint document library why would you want to store all your files and folders in a sharepoint document library rather than store them on a server in your office or a nas drive or an external hard drive well if you store them in a sharepoint document library you don't have to worry about hardware failing so what happens if you've got all your files and folders on a server and the server goes kaput you've got to buy a new server and also when that server gets old you've got to replace it so why not just store all your files and folders in the microsoft cloud using sharepoint and why would you store your files and folders in sharepoint rather than another cloud solution something like dropbox or google drive well sharepoint integrates as you'd expect really well with microsoft office that's things like microsoft word excel powerpoint and outlook so if it integrates really well and you're using those products sharepoint is the best way to go so without further ado let's get stuck in and create a sharepoint document library first of all you want to log into microsoft 365. once you're logged in if you just click on this button here and you can see that sharepoint is here so we click on that you can see i've got some sharepoint sites already but i've used for testing creating a document library is really simple you just go to the top left hand corner and click on create site you've then got an option you can have a team site or a communication site a communication site is for sites that are kind of one-way communication so it's like portals and things like that when it comes to document libraries it's always going to be a team site it wants a name for the team site so i'm going to call this youtube and once i do that we can give it a sight description if we want and then we've got some privacy settings so it can be private where we can invite members to it or it can be public where anybody with the link can see it i'm going to keep that as it is and i'm going to click on next now at this point we can start adding different members into our site it's creating at the moment i'm not going to add anyone else but you would then go down the list of people who you want to add to the site you just add them here once that's finished we'll click there and there we have created our youtube sharepoint site now we've got documents here so just click on maybe later now let's have a quick look round so we can obviously click on new here and we can create folders so we can call this folder one and create different folders we can also create word documents excel documents and powerpoint documents so we've got the full office suite over the web browser this is comparative to google if you've used that before that is predominantly done over a web browser well this is microsoft's answer to this so we can open word documents we can open excel documents and we can open powerpoint documents as well all over the web browser so you wouldn't necessarily have to have microsoft office installed to use this you can use it over the web browser so the next thing i want to show you is just the permissions you notice when i set the site up we could add members into there i chose not to but if i want to do that anytime i can just click on here where it says one member and i can add members now when i add a member i can give them different permissions we can have a site owner which i am because i've created the site and i've got full permissions over the site so i can actually delete the entire site if i want to there are there's also the site members permission and they've got various dumb down permissions over the site so they can edit the compute site content but they wouldn't be able to delete the site so anytime you can give people permissions over the site now i showed you the folders here and the various office applications here over the web browser i know that lots of people still like to work on the computer using file explorer i'm actually one of those now if i look at my file explorer now you can see i've got a jonathan edwards and i've got a couple of sharepoint sites here that correspond to just go back here and click on sharepoint you can see that i've got a sales team and an account sharepoint site and they correspond with these here simply because i have synced these down to my local computer and you can do that as well so all you've got to do is open your new sharepoint site and click on that and we can click on documents and simply we click on the sync button here now once we sync that that will sync down to the local computer so if i now go to file explorer again you can see that my youtube thing is here so i've got my folder and i've got those documents that i created so i can work in the web browser or i can work on the computer now at the start of this video i spoke about moving all your files and folders into sharepoint if you've got a business and you've got an on-site server or if you store a lot of your information on your computer hard drive it's better to move that into sharepoint if you've got lots of files and folders and some of our customers do they've got gigabytes and gigabytes of storage how do you get that from your server into sharepoint well microsoft have created a tool for this and it's called the sharepoint migration tool so i'll show you how this works here so you simply go to the web page to start with and you download the sharepoint migration tool i've actually done that already and it's here so if i click on there it'll launch the sharepoint migration tool so if i just enter my username password and once i do that we get to this bit here where i can start a new migration now just as a test on my c drive of this computer what i've done is create a folder called server data now if i go in there i've just created a few files now obviously if you've got a server in your office you're going to have lots more files than this but this is just an example so that's the folder that i want to migrate into my new youtube sharepoint site so i'll minimize that and i'll click on start and new migration now i'm copying content from a file share that is a file share on my local computer and i'm just going to browse that file share now so c drive and it's server data okay so that is the folder that i'm migrating next thing i want to click on next and i'm migrating this to sharepoint now it's going to ask for the sharepoint site in question so it's actually created this sharepoint link here this doesn't exist so if i go ahead with this it will create a new site but if you remember i want to migrate the data to the site that i've just created so if i just go back to my site now which is youtube there it is i'm just going to click on up to here so that is the name of the site i'll copy that and i'll paste this into here click on next now it's asking me where i want to move it to well obviously i want to move to the documents and i will click on next i will click on next now i've got a few more options here that i'm not going to go into on this video but there's just a few settings that you can choose to fine-tune your migration after that i will just simply click on migrate and that would run through the migration so as you can see that has now finished with migrated three files out of three it's just an example so i'll minimize that now i'm gonna go back to my sharepoint site you can see that that server data folder is there and my files have been migrated so that is how you easily migrate all your historic files and folders into sharepoint now one of the great advantages of using sharepoint over an on-site server or storing information on your computer hard drive is the backup functionality microsoft include a couple of features that mean you can really look after your data the first one is called version history let me show you that so we're going to server data i've just got a word document that i've thrown together here for test purposes now if we go up to the top here you can see that there's a version history now microsoft include all the different amendments that have been made to this document so i can go on here this is the original document you can see at the top i can save a copy or i can restore it so if i've made some changes and i'm not happy i can just go into the version history and i can restore the previous one that's a really good idea so the other one is called the recycle bin so if i delete my monthly budget so click on delete there that has now gone so unfortunate that's gone from the web portal and again if i look at my local sync in server data it's also gone from this folder as well so how do i get that back well simply microsoft have a recycle bin so if i go in here you should see the monthly budget i can right click on there i can delete forever or i can restore it and that will restore now a word of warning data only stays in this folder for a limited period of time thinks about 90 days and after that it deletes forever once it's restored i can go back in here i can click on server data and you can see that my monthly budget is back and i can go in here and you can see that it's back here as well so that's been restored so i hope that video has been really useful creating a sharepoint document library is a really good idea if you've got lots of information that you want to share and collaborate on i hope you've enjoyed this video i look forward to seeing you again soon
Channel: Jonathan Edwards
Views: 22,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: office 365, sharepoint online, sharepoint document library, create document library in sharepoint, how to create a document library in sharepoint, sharepoint tutorial for beginners
Id: MW3orwpxY4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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