Sharepoint vs. OneDrive vs. Teams - Differences Explained Between Sharepoint, OneDrive & Teams?

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hey everyone Amy here so whether you have been using office apps for a long time or if you are new to using apps such as one drive SharePoint or Microsoft teams then the difference between the three can be confusing and in this video I'm going to show you how they are different and how you can use them effectively so with that being said let's nerd out all right so here we are in Microsoft 365 and if we had on up to the app launcher on the top left and select one drive so here we are in one drive and this is the home page so we can think of one drive as our documents library for everything that we create and collaborate on within any Microsoft product so you'll see at the top here that we have for you and these are just some suggested documents that Microsoft things that you might want to work on next so next we have this recent area and this allows us to search for all of the documents that we've recently been working on there's some easy filters at the top where you can easily filter the document type make it easier to navigate now there's one key area here that I'd like to highlight so you'll see here that we have the document name and then below that we have oswa what is that so this is the file location and you'll notice here that this one says my file so when it says my files that means that it's stored in your one drive whereas if it has something else then that is going to be the name of a SharePoint site so for example let's click on this oswa then that is going to actually take us to a SharePoint site but we are still able to locate those documents from this one drive dashboard so they are a little bit interwoven but it just makes it easier for you to locate documents and then for example if we click on this one that says my files you are going to notice that it just opens up the same page and not because it is stored in one drive which is this page right here where we are and you'll notice as well just to compare and contrast the SharePoint sites in the URL this one says- my. SharePoint SLP personal whereas previously it said sites slth site name so if you are ever in a document and you're not really sure where it's located or where you are at um in Microsoft then you can just take a look at the URL as a little bit of a hint to pinpoint your location so here we are in the my files area within one drive and one of the key differences between SharePoint and one drive is the sharing component and I think that this dashboard really highlights it because we have this sharing column here so we'll see that a lot of these say private and that means that they are stored in my one drive and they are not shared with anybody so by default if you store a document in your one drive that isn't in a site then only you are going to have access to it whereas here for this General oswa file folder we can see here that the sharing the owner is actually oswa so that means that anybody that is part of that OS W site I'm going to show an example of that in just a moment we'll have access to this file folder and then going down even further we have this file folder that we can see has been shared in one drive let's just keep on scrolling down I've got this picture of Rue here and she's just looking Majestic as ever at a waterfall but say I want to share this with somebody so if we click the share then we can specify who we want to share this document with and if we expand this section here then there are some different settings you can Define who you want to share it with you can Define what they're going to be allowed to do with that document you can even Define an expiry date for the sharing link which is super handy especially if you're going to be sending like sensitive information and you only want to give a limited access and this is just a nice way to put a timer on that um you can a password and you can even block them from downloading so lots of really cool things there but now if we click apply then now we can close that out and we will see here that now that document is showing as that shared status so it's a big really nice big snapshot of who has access to all of the documents that you are able to view within this one drive dashboard so now in contrast if we select this own owner oswa we know that this is a SharePoint site because we've now navigated to the SharePoint area within the Office 365 Suite we can also see that we are in that oswa site there also showing here but what is a SharePoint site to Define that I think it's going to be easiest to create a site and here we can decide what type of site we want to create so you can use a communication s this is for a broad audience and there's not that many content authors so I would say that this is something better for like your whole company like a a communication of what's happening at the company in a bigger aspect whereas a team site is a private space to collaborate with your team so we could think about this as say like a marketing team site or a finance team site or an operations site so there are a handful of site templates here I'm just going to stick with the standard template and we are just going to select you template so let's keep with the theme of the marketing department and we don't need to add a description here but you'll notice right away that this is automatically populating a marketing email address so the nice thing about SharePoint is that when we add people to this site then we can communicate with all of them in one email this is going to be the site address and in addition to that email an shared one notee notebook is automatically going to be created as well as a team calendar so this is just a really nice way to streamline the collaboration area within SharePoint on this next page here we will have some privacy settings so we can say that anyone in the organization can access the site or private members only so because I only want this to be the marketing team I'm going to keep it as private but if you wanted to have a site where anybody that you know joined your company could access that site then you would want to make it public we'll keep that with private and now we are going to create the site and this is where we will just get to add some members so here I will just add myself but you can just easily Define everyone that is going to be a part of that marketing team so this is where you would just add the marketing department and then now anything that is going to be added into that SharePoint site all of these people are already going to have access to it so um you'll notice here as well that there is an option to say a member or an owner and there is just a brief little description here so an owner would have full control of the site uh whereas site members are going to have some limitations there so I'll make myself an owner um but of course this will just be your personal preference so we click finish then here we are in the marketing area and this is now going to be that collaboration space where we can add all of the marketing documents and then once we add documents they are going to show up in my one drive so now you might be wondering how Microsoft team fits into all of this so here we are within SharePoint on the left and I've got my Microsoft team opened on the right if we scroll on down to our frequent sites and you'll notice here that any of these frequent SharePoint sites that say group also are represented in my Microsoft team so we have dog boarding which is here we have human resources which is down here and operations and then we have oswa basically when you create a new team within Microsoft teams it will automatically create a SharePoint site and that is where you can you know access all of your contents within that team so teams is a house for everything and there are a ton of different features within Microsoft teams so you can create a SharePoint site like we just did for the Marketing Group um without creating a team they do just kind of provide a different way to visualize all of your documents so for example if we click on that oswa site because this is ALS Al a SharePoint site that is Created from teams if we select this little teams icon button then we can open up Microsoft teams here and then we can go to those files and locate those documents I've also created this little diagram here and I just thought that it helped create a visual to highlight the differences so of course we have Office 365 at the top and then we have the one drive which is your document library and that's where we store personal files and we can share them from the one drive um also highlighting that you know you have SharePoint here which is your SharePoint sites as well as teams and those are part of the Office 365 but also your documents within those areas are also accessible from within your personal one drive all right so that wraps up this video and I do hope that I've helped you discover your inner nerd today and I do hope that I've also helped you distinguish the difference between these three apps if you found this video helpful then I would really love it if you could give it a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button all right we'll catch you next time
Channel: Office Skills with Amy
Views: 4,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: office skills, technology skills, how-to video, Microsoft 365, 365 apps, productivity, microsoft teams, microsoft sharepoint, microsoft onedrive, onedrive vs. teams, how to use sharepoint, how to use onedrive, how to use teams, one drive, onedrive, share point, sharepoint, sync files, file management, spo, how to setup sharepoint, sharepoint site, sharepoint 2024, sharepoint vs onedrive, onedrive vs sharepoint, onedrive sharepoint
Id: sd5DKYZYtjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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