The OBJECTIVE Warframe 2024 Tier List | Contains 0 Bias

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good morning to everybody except you what did you say booy so here we are with the first ever seismic wrath tier list boys Warframe tier list um I'll probably think of another intro later you guys can read the title and thumbnail we're ranking all of these warframes based on their objective quality so if you disagree feel free to type out how wrong you think we are in the comments and we can laugh at how wrong you are we're not taking weapons into account all right just their abilities no no weapons no helmet just the Warframe themselves so with the rankings we got Sonic Adventure 2 the goat we have hollow Knight the top tier Elden ring which is great Naruto which is also great but with drawbacks fucking prouns because I couldn't think of anything else that described perfectly mid so I just went with a meme I know Naruto shapin which is um watchable Dragon Ball super which doesn't need to exist in OverWatch 2 he hey hey pause hold up what zamasu is cool zamasu is like an egotistic dickhead exactly that's his whole point all right that's his character Goku black was also dope I mean all right I'm not really interested in Evil Goku but to each their own um and then we got last one OverWatch 2 dog shit any objections on that one I can agree with that no I fully agree with that one Perfect all right so where do you boys want to start nothing personal kid well I mean I never played Ash myself so I I wouldn't be able to give an opinion on that Ash is honestly I'd put him like I'd say he's a great War Warframe like invisibility is like one of the best survivability tools in the game because it just shuts off enemy's AI his for is pretty strong um I wish they'd make it so you didn't have to Target every individual enemy to you know use it but but even without that like ash is like a really good Warframe armor strip armor strip with his augment fatal teleport is actually a good augment too my name is General C oh fuck um Atlas I don't mind him he's not a frame I use often though I would probably use him on missions where it's like I just want to go punch stuff instead of like using a gun like on easier missions or something like that yeah he's not really good for higher tier missions um he does good damage when he's modded right so I I want to say he's like he's a great Warframe but he's got drawbacks his other abilities aren't really worth mentioning like you're only bringing him so he can punch stuff through some and then just use low and then just let them run through trying to get to it and then any of the range dudes I disarm them so they have to go melee and then they have to run through the the L field and get put to sleep where do you guys like top tier of the goat personal I'd agree with that pretty much either one I really like him I could see other people not liking we're putting him in the G but I don't really care it care about it I don't see it as that much of an issue the only time it's really oh yeah the only time the restraint is really an issue is if you have people that are able to just nuke stuff off the bat to where you can't build it but at that point if people are nuking stuff then you don't really need to do anything anyway caliban OverWatch too his Forest is only good thing like he's cool his the idea of that frame is like really cool literally a sentient Warframe but it was executed in the wrong way like being able to summon stuff like the other sentients that's really cool but they don't last long and don't deal nearly as much damage as they could all right I'm going to hit you guys with the hot take sentient wrath is actually a really really really good ability damage vulnerability and it SE es people only don't like it because it has like an enemy cap but it's like you're not going to be fighting like you're not going to be surrounded by that many enemies anyway so where were we thinking mid I would probably go mid cuz I bet there's some abilities if if you wanted to helmet him you could probably make him pretty good personally I still see him as OverWatch too but all right so what about chroma he used to be good but now so many people can do what other what what he from what I've heard chroma used to be really good and then they started to add some frames and he's just kind of like he's there little PR like really hard you're bringing this guy for vex armor and nothing else but other war frames have similar um damage buffing potential I think he's pretty cool like his whole aesthetic and idea he's cool and all but literally like he is the DND Dragon Warframe is AB isn't his passive literally just an extra double jump too yeah I was about to bring that up for his passive the absolute disrespect amember I like I still like Ember I haven't used Ember a whole lot but from what I have I I like Ember and is pretty cool I like uh being able to just throw Fireballs her enemies is pretty funny but her uh her armor strips pretty nice heat damage in general is just pretty strong as well yeah that's probably where I'd put her good surviveability our pronouns are they them not because we are nonbinary but because we are literally two niggas Equinox Equinox Equinox is ien used Equinox at all Equinox really good uh is pretty good yeah they're pretty good with uh but uh Equinox is like a really good nuke frame or well used to be a really good nuke frame her rest is like one of the best sleeps in the game if I remember correctly yeah cuz that one definit that one puts everyone to sleep like the second it hits what was the one that Buffs your ability strength I think that one like that one pacify and provoke yeah I don't really have a strong opinion on this one she requires a lot of management because of her two sides but with the augment is actually really good because one of them just breaks free and just starts like killing everything in sight what about xcal basic Warframe the most basic of warframes he not like he's bad though but he's fun would even I would even say yeah you're bringing him in for exalted blade so radial blind and Radial how for Umbra like they're good don't get me wrong like those are some really good CC's I would probably say playable but outclass just above like basically above chroma I don't know I feel like little value I feel like I don't know I'm kind of a George on that he's not difficult to play like I mean he's a starter Warframe so he's not difficult to play or anything I would say he's easier to play play than some of the others I want to say he's great with drawbacks because like he does great damage with his exalted blade and when you're using exalted blade slide attacks also do a radial blind but in a like shorter range I think so it's like he has great survivability and I think his passive or whatever just gives you a buff with bladed weapons or sword specifically or whatever it is too right so if you if you're using a melee weapon that's aord uh it gets buffed doesn't it so he's not the best but he's not bad either um you say you can say that but with barook barook does the exact same thing but way better we've already established that Brook is the goat say that's why barook is the goat I know but [Music] like I never got the chance to play Frost uh personally I really like frost Frost is like my go-to for defenses or even survival some of the time depending on what else other people are bringing in not even just defense but just in general the defense for the globe he can crowd control people by slowing them down one of his abilities can armor strip I would honestly say he's great with drawbacks because like his his fourth is by far his best best ability it armor strips and with yit it gives you overguard which is basically god mode he gives a overgard yes with that's insane so he's great with drawbacks but honestly I don't even think his other abilities are all that bad his passive is dog shit I would I would I would put him in great just because his I would say all of his abilities are pretty good Gar of the desert the gar be honest with you a really good if you know how to play gar she's pretty good uh I feel like it's also one of those where playing with people can kind of fuck it up sometimes not is one of those people that you that you're going to screw up people for playing CU she can nuke with her four her one's pretty good her three is but like she gets really good damage resistance with her two and you can stack up so much I would I would kind of go like at the the lowest I would do great with drawbacks just because there's kind of like I guess not really a skill ceiling but she's not one of those frames you can kind of just pick up and play I would honestly put her in top tier her damage is really high but it takes a lot to like build up to it set up yeah all of her abilities are just slow I think that's it like Splinter storm doesn't do much damage at the base but once you ramp up that damage it's like so broken you can just walk into enemies it kill them guda guda Bai now I'm going to go ahead and put this one in the goat I don't think she'd beting goat personally yeah like but like so she so her three sacrifices health for energy that's pretty nuts her two blood alter I think blood alter is really good personally granted yes you got to stay in one spot for it but you're getting heals perfect for defense missions or survival missions where you I mean defense you kind of have to be in that one spot survival you ideally want to be in that one spot for all the enemies to come to you yeah and you can use the blood alter to generate energy while you're using blood letting her oh there one again dread miror right yep dread miror is like nuts like it can stack up to a lot of damage but I feel as though it's targeting is questionable yeah it it it struggles with line of sight issues yeah but her four her four is like it's pretty good I think and her passive is also nuts just getting a flat damage bonus over time that's ridiculous what's even cooler too with the introduction to incard in weapons you can uh Char a head shot and Caron weapon on her blood altered enemy that's pretty neat yeah nidus has the same thing actually you can't catch me I'm the fastest thing alive H I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in speed running huh I want G Prime dude I want him so bad look cool anyways my boy Goss how do we feel about him I put him in between top tier and a goat what is that o OverWatch yes gos is the um OverWatch Warframe he's he's Tracer shut up his entire you need his entire kit to be able to make him good and he's good with his entire kit yeah um like you can't change any of his abilities out of helmet without screwing something up he gets Synergy from every one of his abilities some people say SWA off mock mock rush and I'm like why that's literally the staple of his kit um kinetic plating makes you invincible when you fill the battery thermal Thunder is thermal Thunder and red line is is one of the most broken buffing abilities in the game it just Buffs every part of his kit excuse me Ed but is this your good Lord [Music] man ah hit the spot what about his homeboy grindle whose Powers is based off the most degenerate albe it funny fetish pre-rework I would have said pretty bad oh no no no pre-work grindle is like all the way down here if there was a tier below it it would go there yes he's he was the worst Warframe in the game without question I would honestly put grindle top tier 100% nourish alone is like a top tier ability it's like one of the most sought after abilities for a frame don't tell me I can rant about helmet then another video and he's got armor strip on his fourth ability and his third ability for some reason so it's like everything you do to enemies is going to be doing significant damage it's easier to eat people if they don't have armor so got to keep rolling rolling rolling okay not the goat I don't think he goes there all right I think that's pretty I would say either top tier or GRE yeah I'd say that's pretty good for [Music] him G she's one of those like really heavy snowball frames but once she gets going she can get going being able to get red crits or and orange crits off of abilities is pretty cool yeah and with her augment it just makes everything better as well she's really powerful she's another one of those frames that can just walk into a group of enemies and delete them instantly her two is not really useful at all because like her fourth ability already does AOE damage like you don't need to group enemies up um the only reason I wouldn't put her in the goat is because she does not have an armor strip because when you put like terrify or pillage on her she's literally Unstoppable so like you literally need to kill enemies or CC them with shocks I I would put her in which means she gets cucked hard by grineer so she's great but she's got drawbacks I have brought peace freedom justice and security to my new Empire boy my boy herrow my boy the goat but he he's great is where I would see him yeah his his one is like in his great CC overshield gain is really nice his two which one is two two is his pen if I remember correctly getting increased fire rate and then healing off of it the healing from it not bad and just the high fire rate for like let's say the Goa Prime it's so good and nice uh yeah like if he deletes your Shield then it doesn't Pro Shield gate then like that's dog shit but if it does then that's fine his tho is also really good like one of the best energy supports ever like giving everyone in in your vicinity energy based on kill extra on head shot like the only issue downside I would say would be how long it takes to channel it in there ging invincibility for a short period of time while damage builds up on you and after that damage is built up on you and it gives it to all like players in I think it's Affinity range yep so we're going to go with great I I would agree with great mostly because he is another frame that how do we feel about hilden the shield mommy yeah like when she uses pillage like all armor and shields are converted into the shields you gain from it yeah I I would say perfectly M CU if if you do play hildren it's not a bad frame but it is one of those where it's like that has to kind of be your play style I think h 's mid like her fourth is like completely underwhelming it's slow it locks you out of your weapons and you can only use her balefire charger and the balefire charger like is fine but it's not all that great um hydroid goat goat goat go after rework so good yeah after rework he just strips armor with like everything he does even his weapons he's so good dude he is so good like I don't think like I would say his one is his most underwhelming ability and even then it's still pretty good yep so yeah hydroid the goat uh you forgot it's here I just realized that what it goes underneath OverWatch 2 and it's called inaros I was thinking that too I'll be honest no for it I don't think he's that bad we'll see where the rework he's getting before rework I would personally say at the highest little value yeah the only good thing for him is he's easy to make quote tanky like he he he cannot die easily there's no doubt about that but he can also not kill easily when you're being tanky he's a nice Warframe to just like slot on and like not pay attention cuz you don't have to worry about abilities you don't have to worry about anything and unless you're doing like high level steel path you're not really in danger of anything but he doesn't really do anything beyond that yeah I think little value is fair he doesn't really do anything to stand out at all no no not AB wise ability wise now I'm scared to see who's in OverWatch 2 oh I meant to point this out before um nobody's GNA be in OverWatch 2 I just wanted to shit on OverWatch 2 all right that's [Music] fair um Ivar I don't know the next one I I I would put that in OverWatch too all right Ivar is in OverWatch 2 hold up hold up does everybody feel about Sean doesn't like stealth missions n get outar is not iara is like she's good she has say either perfectly mid or great with dropback Beed like momentum while you're invisible since she can't spr yeah she would honestly be so much better if she didn't get the movement penalty also automatically like Pick Pockets enemies too while he's invisible which is pretty handy her quiver is all right too her sleep arrow is pretty good Dash wire dashre is okay I think there's like a I think there's an augment that gives you bonus uh was it crit chance or crit damage on a dash crit damage yeah Ivar is one of those warframes that she's really good but like you're not going to use her unless like that slow stealthy play style is your thing which I just don't see being a part of yeah it's not really warframe's thing most people just like to flip in and blow shit [Music] up um Cor that bitch SL her her strangle dumb is good uh for cc it's not as like powerful as like frost because enemies can shoot through it yeah benari is really strong and being able to have two companions so you can you have two modable companions it's pretty strong I think barari bodyguard is pretty good too being able to cheat death with barari yeah cor is like really good I wouldn't call her the goat cuz she has some drawbacks but top tier has top tier it is yeah mother it's yeah get it get some r up your bitch ass you guess who just discovered a new element Lavos I love him he's so fun I would defitely say the drawbacks are definitely with the cool Downs Lord knows why his four has a 30second energy cool down it's because if it had any less it'd be pretty broken it wouldn't especially with if you you work your efficiency the way you uh like to allow your transmutation uh probe to give you more cool down reduction he would like throw out fours like no tomorrow and nuke boards I mean yeah but you need to Prime enemies before you actually use this four yeah and here's the thing though if you if you're able to spam your four you can prime the enemies with your four and then throw out your four again to kill them I mean that's why it wouldn't kind of don't want to avoid it like I'm not saying remove the cool down completely I'm just saying lower it I wish it'd be a little lower too cuz I love the guy he's cool I wish he'd get a skin like I I want he needs a fucking skin please give him a skin he is not ugly he is so ugly those knees are so ugly all right limbo B's going to say Dragon Ball super yeah you don't like limbo yeah he's one of those warframes that you hate to see in the lobby because nobody knows how to play him but if you know how to play him he's actually really good cuz like he his he's good like he can avoid damage by going into his Rift he can freeze enemies except for X obviously yeah but you're still not taking damage from those enemies Rift Rift surge is basically like when you take the training wheels off the frame and you're not just spamming bubbles you put enemies into the rift you use Rift surge you pop them out of the rift and then everything around them is in the rift now um Loki all right mag hold I was going to say hold on hold on hold on hold On's going to have something on this one bad look he's pretty bad he's no okay so his invisibility is great like he has one of the best invisibilities in the game so does every other Warframe with Arcane trickery Ben let me stop you right there I'm going to I'm going to spare you the breath whis literally has his invisibility on her passive yeah but she has to be airborn for it which you're going to be doing anyway it's Warframe you're jumping constantly okay hey I know that but here's the thing don't just like don't just like toss Loki out like that I'm 100% tossing him out like that because zaku has his fourth ability and it gives him a range limited Aimbot yeah this Warframe needs to get her work is what I'm saying I was going to say Loki would only go in Dragon Ball super if a Naros was in OverWatch 2o uh that's fair that's fair I guess we got to move down then no no I mean you can always put Loki back up one and leave anaros there so like anaros level three gravity squeam you are defe Galactic how do we feel about mag Mesa um shatter Shield produces the damage you take from all all projectiles except explosions and melees obviously um I love I love the augment for her one cuz it allows the SE those blazes to one shot or to Red crit but Shooting Gallery is really good especially when you pair it with muzzle flash it's basically like running around in god mode cuz all the enemies are stunned and when they're not stunned they're blinded let's go ah the babies they're everywhere I P up um Mirage okay higher put great with drawback I would I don't know if I'd put a great withd drawback yeah I mean I'd almost put her in Elden ring I mean cuz if you have a really strong weapon and you have multiple clones and you have your survivability it's it it can get pretty fun I would honestly put her a little higher but like she kind of struggles with survivability if her three wasn't so buggy still she would be higher it's not even that it's buggy it just scales off all of the light around which is like really inconsistent but at the same time it's like the best damage buffing ability in the game they had to balance it somehow I will command a great and ter terrible Army and we will sail to a billion worlds we will sail until every light has been extinguished um how do we feel about neck WS I haven't used him in ag he I mean we all know he used for one thing and one thing only yeah it's not combat he's also a good tank frame with his uh Shield of Shadows Shadow Shield whatever vers four um you can always use Soul punch to like um kill certain specific enemies like eamus and then you can just have an army of ecus following you around well what's your answer num Noms uh well well at least I'm not a girl slander slander NE okay let let's be real the Trap is the Trap Is God don't do the whole measure trap thing it's so old no but no no but but but for real but for real he he is s tier that armor like I no problem bringing him into sail path or thing I well you get hit by a strong enough attack and then your armor shoots up to like 100k and it's like well I'm not dying it just won't happen not only that but fir Walkers also like really strong too especi if you watch the videos on the seismic grth YouTube channel you'd see that it absolutely dicks on acolytes 2 self plug over subscribe right now right here right now let him know you think anyone but me could do that ever in a billion years do you think if God existed he could do it the answer is no if God exists it's fucking me all right nidus nidus is I so where are you putting where it it's not even a skill thing it's you he's sucks playing with people put them put them where you're putting people with that because if if you get your Stacks fucking Invincible if you would if you're playing with say at the lowest great with drawbacks because his big drawback is playing with people let's just put him in great a lot yeah [Music] yeah well it's been fun Jacko but I got to move on oh that's French FL you're dead babe NOA good all round and with her like four being able to choose between speeding everything up or slowing everything down I know that she's really good like her first ability has damage reduction on it and it staggers enemies lies heat to him I think it's one of those her second ability is really good like you pump this little white ball full of damage and then it just blows up annihilates everything in a 15 M radius that does not scale with range she's amazing in NR cells she just speeds everything up and stop your brain dead teammates from killing enemies outside the circle he's so true I'm going to start bringing NOA now because Warframe players don't know what a circle is a skill issue unlucky anyways Nick she is shockingly survivable being able to mind control something too is also pretty nice like you can just instantly mind control of exus if he broken the overgard for it I think her main drawback is just like having targets to shoot at you for her four and her uh I feel her I think it's the two the one that shoots out that bolt I think her two is pretty uh the bolts that's what strips the armor I think she's great Ben thinks she's mid so we're going to put her in the center the point is different warframes Excel and kind of suck dick in different scenarios I mean there are a few War FRS that I feel are like Universal but Oberon is not one of them no personally I I I just like his idea no no no guys guys he's literally the goat shut up get out get him out of no he's not he's the king of fairies bring him down yeah that's where I would put him I would honestly I disagree with your your Naruto being one of the lower ones that's shapin yeah Chapin's the better Naruto but that that that that that is a different discussion it's watchable but it's out class by the better enemies cap yeah he's not wrong that is perfectly accurate No shapin Shin's goat and if you can't accept that I'm sorry you would rather watch shapin over bleach Thousand-Year blood War that's only because I watched watch shipin so much I my yeah um overon is a really good support frame the problem is he's just outclassed by every other support frame yeah um speaking of one there's one now yeah I know honestly before we go to Octavia I just wish that they would have made his abilities more you know in theme with the name yeah like the only one I feel like you could consider in theme would be the uh the ground one but it's just like grass and stuff that grows there isn't really anything special about it other than it's grass how do we feel about Octavia it's our first dog shit go go dog sh will dog shit I'm coming to South Carolina soon I will fight you I will go all the way down towards you and fight you let's be honest bro you would get your ass beat I I I mean personally I wouldn't put her super high just because most people I see playing her just play her as pure support when you can if you build her right you can actually like kill shit with Octavia really well I mean most people just like build her with high duration some strength and they just teabag the whole thing but her Mallet just does stupid damage because it scales every enemy that attacks it I would I I would kind of say great with drawback yeah the drawback is me trying to stay awake while playing this Warframe uh proty hot EG proty is topped here honestly I agree she's great her uh her Blaze accelerator does some pretty nice damage and like builds up pretty well her one can shred enemies while also giving you some pretty nice overshields they also gave it an augment that lets it strip armor her four is definitely the one you subsume of yes yes it is like it's yeah know there's no point in her for um it's just like it's good for like defense missions but like for most missions that require you to move forward and progress an objective you don't want to use it at all Revenant all right I all right rhino his Mesmer skin is like the only thing really going for him I'm over here running around looking like I mean yeah but it's like the best ability in the game I mean yeah but it's like it CES enemies it makes you immune to everything in the game it's basically like having prime sh footing on you're not even taking status effects um like I don't know know but like Mesmer skin is just broken I mean it's strong it's broken and strong I know and then every time every time an enemy takes a stack he gains full invincibility rhino rhino you can make him stupid yeah Rhino is really strong and tanky and Roar is also like one of the best like was isn't it both damage and ability Buffs yep it's basically just like a universal damage buff iron skin is also like really really good since they converted it to overgard because fuck you [Music] sarin SEO OverWatch 2 OverWatch 2 shut fuck up [Laughter] you no I'm going to say it SE goth is the most underrated Warframe in the whole game lies he is not underrated he he really really is like people think he's just helmouth father because of Gloom but it's like you can literally take this Warframe anywhere he has amazing crowd control he does great damage with his abilities his abilities buff the damage you do with your weapons and Shadow is just like insane like I think he's weak compared to like what other warframes can do with less investment shut up Trinity I want Trinity in great withraw backs Trinity is one of the best support frames no one will complain about having a trinity on their team she does great healing gives a nice damage resist from then that's based on Affinity range honestly think she's great like there are other warframes that do like the energy and health better than her but she she's really good uh I'd say great with drawbacks I think that's fine yeah West goat the goat there you go the goat with Reservoir giving such a nice buff Reservoir does like um crowd control it speeds it's uh does movement speed fire rate now will whisp is actually a really really great ability like honestly broken like when you use it you become invisible and then once you activate the ability again you'll teleport to wherever your wisp is and you'll be completely Invincible when you teleport and her her four I think it's one of the best bonai in the game all right I gotta go all right bye see you guys later tell everyone to subscribe first subscribe all right um let's put this bitch down in dog shit while he's gone how do we feel about Titania Titania I think is a pretty interesting frame just because you can not only like fly around with her I think she's a really a really Niche frame like she has to be like the whole flying thing has to be like your play style like what you want to do yeah but her uh pistols are really strong there's really not much else to say about her she can give herself status immunity or give it to an ally she has a good crowd control with her three I'd say she's great there's not really he doesn't really have any like major drawbacks other than she can't really take a hit but she's not gonna take a hit at all balk here I haven't fucking pron fucking pronouns like she's got some one of the strongest melee abilities in the game but it's like that's literally all she's got going for I mean she's got insane armor and this boosted it even further with war cry her passive is like okay whatever softer Landings and she's got got two abilities that aren even there's some frames that I feel like they need to even just change the passes on like the frame itself doesn't need like a big rework or anything they just need a different passive because their passive just kind of sucks um ban now this guy is the one with the orbital strike and I honestly want to put him in top tier just because of that anything with High ragd doll capabilities I would say the goat the problem with volon is that his survivability sucks like if you get if you're just surrounded by exus you are not going to have any fun uh Vault vault is another one I haven't played but I've seen from what I've seen I mean let's let let's be honest vault is he he he's idolon yeah he is the idolon frame Wukong whenever I think about him I think about the one quote from the Planet of the Apes movie where he says Apes together strong all right and that's TI's coming up next yeah I would definitely put Elli up there she's great with drawbacks uh um her secondary does a lot does really good damage with her passive and with Marina's Buffs I'll be honest I don't even mind the controls I think that urel would be better if you could at least use her primary weapons instead of just her secondary mhm yeah you just got that one major drawback so Zephyr I would honestly say at most top tier because if you play Zephyr right you can do some incredible things with Zephyr her one basically lets you just stay in the air forever and if you give it the augment you can just like bounce up and down with scaling damage it sucks against certain enemies like aites but hey that's just the name of the game you're not going to struggle dealing with them either because of tornadoes um turbulence basically makes you not take damage from any projectiles just they just all bounce off and you're not going to have to worry about melee at all because you're in the air so yeah I think top tier is pretty is a pretty good spot for her Styx four B veruna the Warframe that actually has war in the name I will say some like her utility like I feel like she's one of the ones where there is some skill to it because you have to use your abilities a certain way but she is kind of I guess not capped but she is at a disadvantage like almost severely if you don't know how to play her correctly yeah I mean her four is actually outclassed by keros for first ability like wrathful Advance is actually so good yeah like if you subsume roar onto him he's just a universal Warframe you can take him anywhere um Collective curse basically makes all your attacks AOE how do we feel about zaku um this warframe's gimmick is literally just like evading like you have to build isn't it evading but isn't zaku the one where one of the like main things you do is you take people's weapons and then you yep yeah I think that's cool because it's it's a damage dealing AB ability and a disarm ability all right we got three warframes left so I'll tell you what I'm going to switch around this tier list to piss off all the people who Skip through the video all right that's enough rage bait I think um how do we feel about Catrine Catrine I think is like the best support frame in the game she gives energy regeneration she gives energy generation not regenerate on like the player but she can proc a lot of like energy orbs to drop damage reduction for allies and a Affinity radius Catrine just does everything that you need a support Warframe to do damage buffing survivability energy generation she's just got it all dag yeah she's just pretty strong she applies a crit buff and when with her grave spirit and when she takes lethal damage she gets that one hard reset how do we feel about corvex I I I would say only great with drawbacks if like if you take into account purely the fact that he seems more situational because of being in one place but I think perfectly mid is pretty fitting too anyways that's all of them um any closing thoughts other than like And subscribe none that I can think of you know that's an amazing closing thought actually acting like I didn't just watch you move your relity to the goat why do you put goth in dog shit I told you I'm just going to swap them around a lot to piss off all the people who skipped through the video you want to know where we actually place these warframes you have to watch the whole thing
Channel: SeismicWrath
Views: 1,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #2024, #Warframe, #tierlist
Id: aCoYrmOfzP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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