"The Oath in Daniel and Revelation" - by Pastor Stephen Bohr

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now we want to review what we've studied so far before we get into the angels oath Revelation chapter 11 begins with a mighty angel that descends from heaven who is that mighty angel that mighty angel is Jesus Christ and we know that by the description that is given of this mighty angel in verse chapter 1 now this angel this mighty angel Jesus Christ has probably in his left hand because he swears with his right hand in his left hand he has what a little book and this little book is what portion of Daniel Daniel 8 through 12 particularly what aspect of Daniel 8 through 12 the aspect that has to do with the 2300 days and the beginning of the judgment we've already noticed that the sequence of events that lead to that moment could be understood before the time at the end but it's primarily the sequence of events that leads to that point that is sealed that point is sealed until the time of the end so basically it's the portion of Daniel that has to do with the 2300 days and the beginning of the judgment on October 22 1844 so this angel descends with this open book and when does he descend what date does the angel descend at the beginning of the time of the end when is the time of the end when does that begin it begins in 1798 so Revelation chapter 10 the beginning point of this chapter is 1798 the beginning of the time of the end and so the angel descends from heaven he has this little book that is going to impart a message and then he places his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land what does that represent that this is going to be a glow message there's going to be a worldwide message is it necessary to have a worldwide church to have a worldwide message that's the reason for the existence of a seventh-day Adventist Church is to proclaim the message of Revelation 10 so then Jesus plants his feet on the sea and on the land and by this he's saying that this message from the Little Book the judgment our message has to be what kind of a message has to be a global message what does the act of planting the feet mean it means that the angel Jesus Christ is saying this world is mine and I will soon take it over and when the seventh trumpet sounds he actually takes it over we're gonna notice now after the angel has descended with the open book which means a message a judgment hour message is going to come from the book after he's planted his feet saying this world is mine this message is gonna be global then he utters a loud voice like a what like a lion's roar and when he lets out the lion's roar what comes forth seven thunders come forth now did John understand what the seven thunders uttered yes because we are told that he was about to what to write what the thunders uttered so he must have understood in order to be able to write it but when he's about to write what the thunders uttered he was instructed by this mighty angel don't write down what you've heard seal it because it's not best for the people who live during this period to know the things that were uttered by the seven thunders now what was uttered by the seven thunders we read a couple of statements from the severe prophesy yesterday what what was this issue of the seven thunders what was what was revealed to John which he did not record because it was not best for the people to know these things okay remember that they first believe William Miller first believed that Jesus was going to come what what date about the year 1843 William Miller never set a date he said about the year 1843 was he right no he was wrong both with regards to the event and he was wrong with regard to the time what happened after 1843 passed how did the people react to this all they were deeply disappointed right and that was a bad thing was that a bad thing no why did God allow them to go through this could God have revealed the mistake that they made of course why didn't he because we noticed that their faith needed to be tested and it needed to be revealed who truly longed for the coming of Jesus and who was along only for the ride or because of fear right so did the seven thunders utter that there was going to be this disappointment yes was it best for people to know that no so God said seal it then they expected Jesus to come when in the spring of 1844 they're getting closer right were they still wrong about the event were they still wrong about the time yes they were wrong about the time jesus was that twenty-two hundred days was not fulfilled in the spring of 1844 that's right yes we're talking about the spring in New England you should know better New England okay from the perspective of the eastern portion of the United States Jesus was not going to come in the spring of 1844 thanks very much for making me make the correction when was Jesus when was the prophecy going to be fulfilled it was going to be fulfilled in the fall so when the spring passed what happened with everybody again they were what disappointed said Jesus didn't come where did we go wrong and then early summer 1844 men by the name of Samuel snow started studying the feasts and he said now wait a minute the day of atonement was not in the spring the day of atonement was in the fall so it must be that Jesus is going to come not in the spring we were wrong about the timing but he's going to come in the fall in the fall in the eastern United States and and so now you have the midnight cry you have a great revival the five wise virgins that slumbered suddenly wake up and they say the bridegroom cometh prepare to meet him they still didn't understand that the coming of the bridegroom was not to come here it was to go in heaven to the Father for the marriage see for Jesus to a partake of the marriage is the same as him taking over the kingdom two different symbols the symbol of marriage and the symbol of a king so to receive the kingdom is the same as to marry his kingdom are you with me or not and so and so there was this Great Awakening was it best for them to know that Jesus was not going to come in the spring of 1844 was it best of course it was best why was it best for them to not to know that Jesus was not going to come in the spring of 1844 because once again their faith needed to be what tested it needed to be revealed who was along for the ride who was there for fear and not because they really loved the coming of Jesus so was the mess was the message that there was going to be a disappointment in the spring of 1844 was that revealed to John yes but what was he told sealing because it's not best for people to know this we read statements from Ellen White that shows that this is true and by the way folks what's happening in in this movement this Advent movement it's not that about 50 years later they're reading all of this back into revelation chapter 10 no this is happening and then later on after it happens they say oh wow this is revelation 10 are you with me so they're not simply inventing this after the fact to say see all of these events were fulfilled in Revelation 10 no they're actually fulfilling the prophecy and then later on they say wow our movement fulfilled this particular chapter of the Bible so the seven thunders out of their voices there was a delineation of events Ellen White says very clearly and it was not best for people to know this because their faith needed to be tested and so this angel this these are primarily things that are happening between 1842 and 1844 although William Miller in 1831 had already said that Jesus was going to come about the year 1843 but this intensified between 1842 and 1844 there was a tremendous revival and enthusiasm as you neared the date that William Miller had predicted that Jesus would come in general terms about the year 1843 now the angel that utters that that utters this sound of a thunder this voice that sounds like thunder and now he raises his right hand to and he swears an oath this is after the seven thunders right are you seen that the sequence here revelation 10 begins in what date 1798 then we've moved to events that take place primarily between 1842 in the spring of 1844 and now we're going to move a little bit further forward to the time when the angel actually raises his right hand and he swears an oath and this is what we want to take a look at now so let's go to the screen you have it there after the angel descended from heaven with the open book what date is that 1798 and the seven thunders had uttered their message what what years was that primarily 1842 - 1844 when they went through the first two disappointments because they it was not best for them to know these things because their faith needed to be tested the angel then raises his right hand to heaven and swears an oath in the name of the eternal God the Creator that time would be no longer so what I want you to have in mind now is that the angel raises his hand probably his right hand because he has the little book in his left hand and he swears the oath that time will be no longer now the question is when is this taking place - what time was this was this oath of the angel be referring to was that the close of probation was it the second coming of Jesus no it referred to the closing of the time period of the 2300 days it referred to the time element of Daniel 8 through 12 isn't that the central theme of the book absolutely what the angel is saying is that prophetic time will no longer be a factor there will be no more prophetic time let me read you two statements from Ellen White where she makes this explicitly then I'll prove to you that Ellen White was correct the first statement says this time which the angel declares with a solemn oath it's not the end of this world's history so it's not saying time comes to an end no neither of probationary time but of what prophetic time which should precede the advent of our Lord notice this time that comes - and the end is before the coming of the Lord she continues explaining that is the people will not have another message upon definite time after this period of time reaching from when to win from 1842 to 1844 see there you have that period of the seven thunders there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time the longest reckoning reaches to win to the autumn of 1844 autumn in New England now here comes another statement and the angel which I saw she first of all quotes the verse in Revelation 10 5 and 6 and the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven and swear by him that liveth for ever and ever who created heaven of the things that are therein and the earth and the things that are therein and the sea and the things which are therein that there should be time no longer and then she explains this message announces the end of the prophetic periods what are the prophetic periods with the 1260 days be a prophetic period was the time times and dividing of time be a prophetic period would the three and a half days of the French Revolution be one of those prophetic time periods with the 2300 days be one of those prophetic periods yes what she's saying is this message announces the end of the prophetic periods the disappointment of those who expected to see our Lord in 1844 was indeed what bitter to those who had so ardently looked for his appearing and I'll notice it was in the Lord's order that this disappointment should come and that hearts should be revealed so was a disappointment in 1844 October 22 also intended by God absolutely so there were three of them eighteen fifteen year 1843 the spring of 1844 and October 22 1844 now how do we know that Ellen White is right in saying that the the time will be no longer does not refer to the end of the world neither to the close of probation how do we know that she's right two reasons reason number one you have it there on the screen the announcement that time would be no longer was made by the angel during the period of which trumpet during the period of the sixth trumpet but let me ask you when does the mystery of God finish and when does Jesus take over the kingdoms of the world the mystery of God finishes shortly before the seventh trumpet blows and then Jesus takes over the kingdoms of the world at the time of the seventh trumpet so when does Jesus come to take over the kingdoms of the world during the seventh trumpet but this is happening during which trumpet the sixth trumpet so must it be happening before the second coming and before the close of probation absolutely because it's happening under number six not number seven secondly well let me read you this statement first from revelation 11:15 2:17 this is the seventh trumpet it says then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever notice they have become so during the seventh trumpet does Jesus take over the kingdoms of the world yes verse 16 and the 24 elders who said before gone and their thrones fell on their faces and worship God saying we give you thanks O Lord God Almighty the one who is and who was and who is to come because you have taken your great power and reigned so when does Jesus take over the kingdoms at the seventh trumpet but when does the angel declare that time will be no longer under the sixth trumpet so can that refer to the end of the world no can it refer to the close of probation it can't refer to the close of probation either reason number two and this is very significant here we can know that it's not the close of probation either you say why because after the angel the mighty angel says time will be no longer he tells John to eat the book it's sweet in the mouth its bitter in the stomach and then John is told to do what to prophesy again let me ask you what good would it do to prophesy again if probation is closed are you understanding the argument so time no longer cannot refer to the close of probation because they're in the sixth trumpet John eats the book it's sweet and then bitter and then he's told the prophesy again if probation is closed he would never be told to prophesy again it wouldn't do any good are you following me or not and also reason number one that we noticed very important is the fact that this happens during the sixth trumpet and Jesus takes over the kingdoms of the world during the period of what of the seventh trumpet now unfortunately all modern versions of the Bible including the Andrews University Study Bible translate the expression time will be no longer as there should no longer be any delay what this does is it disconnects the comet the time will be no longer with the time of the 2300 days in Daniel chapter 8 because delay is different than time will be no longer now is this a correct translation that there will no longer be any delay absolutely not look at the next paragraph in the book of Revelation the word Chronos which is the word time we get the word chronology from that is use three other times in Revelation none of the modern versions translated delay in the in those references one of them is revelation 221 where it says that God gave Jezebel time to repent the other is in debt in revelation 6 verse 11 where it says that the martyrs are crying out for them to be judged and avenged and they're told to rest still a little time or a little while and the third reference is revelation 20 verse 3 where it says that the dragon will be released after the Millennium for a little time or a little while in other words all the other references in revelation of the word Chronos they don't translate at Dulaney they translate at time who do you suppose wants this text to be mistranslated it's the devil because he doesn't want people to connect Daniel 8:14 with Revelation chapter 10 because it identifies the remnant movement it identifies the true church in other words another interesting detail the word coronis time in over 30 other places in the New Testament it's translated time never delay so you might think that the translators have an agenda furthermore there is a Greek word for delay the word crone ezel it's used for example Matthew 24 48 where the servant says my master delays is so if John had wanted to speak about a delay he would have used clone ezel but he didn't he use Chronos prophetic time would be no longer now let me ask you would the oath of the angel that time would be no longer be given after all of the prophetic periods had been fulfilled when the angel says time will be no longer referring the prophetic time must all of the other time prophecies have been fulfilled by that point yes because then he couldn't say the time will be no longer yet there are Adventists it Adventist expositors that are playing games with the prophetic periods mister well the 1260 to 1290 and the 1335 those are still future there is no more setting of prophetic time there are no more events that are marked by time so if somebody comes telling you you know that that certain event is going to happen at a certain date you can know that that person is misguided you know there was one individual who who even took the story of of Egypt the seven years of plenty in the seven years of famine he said the seven years of plenty began 2001 through 2008 and then in 2008 you had this terrible economic downturn and he said this right after 2008 by the way he said the seven years of famine are 2008 to 2015 and in the United States Marshall Law is going to be proclaimed and the government is going to confiscates everybody's property and people are going to have to live off the government well here we are in 2017 and it hasn't happened so that person is a false prophet are you with me or not don't believe anybody who's setting specific dates or time for the fulfillment of prophetic events there is no more there are no more time prophecies after 1844 so the 42 months have been fulfilled by this time the 1260 days the three and a half times time times the dividing of time the three and a half years of the or days of the French Revolution and the 2300 day prophecy have all been fulfilled when the angel proclaims the oath the time will be no longer now you'll find that non-adventist accused adventist of being time setters there was all your the church that said Jesus was going to come back October 22 and 18 1844 and Jesus didn't come near the time setting Church well surprise surprise the seventh-day Adventist Church has never set a time for any prophetic event because in 1844 the seventh-day Adventist Church didn't exist there was a multi-denominational multi national movement there were individuals who became Adventist later from the movement the aftermath of 1844 but 1844 was not set by the seventh-day Adventist Church as the date for the coming of Jesus rather the seventh-day Adventist Church corrected the misconception are you with me let me read a couple of statements from Ellen White review and Herald July 21 1851 this is very early the Lord has shown me that the message of the third angel must go and be proclaimed to the scattered children of the Lord and that it should not be hung on time you know there's some people are saying that Jesus is going to come before the Year 2031 because they try to figure out how long Adam lived before he sinned that is not our message tell my cells don't hang the third angels message on time is what she's saying she says for time never will be a test again I saw that some were getting a false excitement arising from preaching time because let's face it when you when you set a date people get excited do you know there's an individual who's been corresponding me up by email and by a very convoluted method of calculating the different time periods in the Bible he has said pastor Bohr Donald Trump will never be inaugurated as president of the United States Obama is going to have a third term well tomorrow's a day or is it today see tomorrow's the day right no no today's the day's Thursday right in the United States it's Friday here it's Thursday there so the inauguration is today new according to New Zealand time so so if Trump is inaugurated what happened with all of his convoluted method of calculating the prophetic time periods he's proved to be a false prophet but I'm sure many people got excited you remember Harold Camping Jesus was going to come in 2012 and even set a specific date and there were people that were selling their stuff and there were people that were that were moving out into the country and they were sending all their money to family radio because family radio needed to share the message with the world and Jesus didn't come in 2012 people just don't learn and Adventist don't learn that's a sad thing Ellen White these are only two statements from Ellen White there are multiple statements where Ellen White says don't set dates for prophetic events yet some people are saying well the 1290 revealed when the National Sunday law will be the 1335 revealed when the the International or worldwide Sunday law is going to be proclaimed no no no don't go there she continued saying I saw that some were getting a false excitement aroused arising from preaching time that the third angels message was stronger than time can be I saw that this message can stand on its own foundation and that it needs not time to strengthen it and that it will go in mighty power and do its work and will be cut short in righteousness does the third angels message need us to attach time to it no in another statement letter 28 1897 it's finally selected messages volume 2 page 84 she writes there will always be false and fanatical movements made by persons in the church who claim to be led by God those who will run before they are sent and will give day and date for the occurrence of unfulfilled prophecy are you follow me or not the enemy is pleased to have them do this for their successive failures and leading into false lines cause what confusion and unbelief so it creates a false excitement but what happens after the excitement the people are worse off than before let's not fall into that trap now let's talk about the oath in daniel and revelation as you compare Daniel 12 verse 7 where there's an angel that proclaims an oath in the name of the eternal God you'll find there that the angel raises both hands to heaven when he proclaims the oath where as in Revelation chapter 10 the angel raises only one hand to heaven when he utters the oath in the name of the eternal God so why does the angel revelation 10 raise only his right arm in swearing the earth and not both arms because in Revelation 10 the angel already has what he has the little book in his left hand are you with me details are important now there's a difference between the Olsen Daniel and the Olsen revelation in Daniel the oath is done in the name of the everlasting God but the book of Revelation adds in the name of the everlasting God he who created the heavens and the things that are in it the earth and the things that are in it and the Seas and the things that are in it where does that language come from it comes from the fourth commandment of God's law which means that this movement is going to bring to light to the world what he is going to bring to light to the world the Sabbath commandment do you think it's a coincidence that shortly after 1844 individuals within the seventh-day Adventist Church there was actually no church but within the advent movement discovered that the Sabbath is God's day of rest it was already predicted here when the angel made deals he attracts attention not only to the everlasting God but also to the God who is the creator and it's a reference back to the fourth commandment almost quoted verbatim and it takes you all the way back to Genesis 2 where God instituted or established the Sabbath now we have to link revelation 10 with the first angels message you remember I mentioned that revelation 10 is a judgment hour message because it's a message that comes from the little book well what does the first angels message announce the hour of his judgment has come is this message of the little book a global message yeah for it on the scene foot on the land is the first angels message a global message to every nation kindred tongue and what and people does revelation 10 attract attention to the Creator yes does the first angels message attract attention to the Creator are you with me so the proclamation of the message of the little book in Revelation 10 is which message the first angels message and of course you have to add there the second and third because they all go together now let's talk about the mystery of God that's the next point in the vision but let me emphasize once again that the mystery of God does not follow the old chronologically chronologically what comes after the oath is the eating of the little book sweet in the mouth and bitter in the stomach in other words revelation 10 verse 7 the finishing of the mystery of God takes us to a time after the eating of the book in the book being sweet in the mouth and bitter in the stomach you're gonna see that so basically revelation 10 verse 7 which speaks about the mystery of God is a parenthetical statement it's a statement it's it's it's in other words to clarify what is going to happen when the message from the little book comes to an end in the book of Revelation this happens sometimes where you have a parenthetical statement let me just give you an example can some can I just borrow your Bible a minute go with me to Revelation 20 see when we study the Bible we have to be careful because you know sometimes the sequence is broke and so we need to make sure that the sequence is the way that we perceive it to be as we study Revelation 20 let me ask you who resurrects in the first resurrection the righteous for the wicked the righteous well let's read it revelation 20 verse 4 and I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus for the word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their forehead around their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years and this is the first resurrection because it says in verse 6 blessed and holy is he who has part in the what in the first resurrection because the second death has no power over those who resurrect in the first resurrection so the righteous resurrect in the first resurrection but now we have a serious problem when we go to verse 5 it says in verse 5 but the rest of the Dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection are you perceiving the problem it gives it the perception that the first resurrection is after the Millenium which is the resurrection of the wicked this problem is is solved very simply by placing parentheses like the NIV does and other modern versions you put parentheses where at the beginning of verse 5 where the word but is and you close the parentheses with the word finished there is a parentheticals it's an explanation of what happens with those who resurrect after the thousand years it's an explanatory note what is the purpose of parentheses it's to add an explanation that breaks the flow of thought right and you say to a pastor Bohr you're adding parentheses to the Bible there were no punctuation marks when the writers wrote the Bible the punctuation marks have been placed where the translators feel that they should go are you with me like there's no chapters in verses in the original writings so it's perfectly proper to put parentheses around this now let's read verse 4 and skip what we put in parentheses and see if it makes sense and I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus for the Word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image and not received his mark on their forehead are on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years this is the first resurrection that make sense so so revelation 10 verse 7 breaks the flow of thought it doesn't happen after the right after the oath it happens after John eats the book and it's sweet in his mouth and bitter in his stomach following me okay let's talk about the mystery of God it says in Revelation 10 verse 7 but in the days of the seventh a sounding of the seventh angel when he is about to sound notice it's not when the seventh trumpet sounds would this be very close to the end of the sixth trumpet that this is going to happen very close to the end yes because it says in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel when he is what about to sound this is very close to the sounding of the seventh trumpet but it's not when the seventh trumpet sounds what it's gonna happen when the seventh trumpet is about to sound when Jesus is going to take over the kingdoms of the world it says the mystery of God would be what would be finished as he declared to his servants the prophets so what's going to be finished when the seventh trumpet is about to sound the mystery of God so is it important to understand what the mystery of God is what is the mystery of God fortunately the Apostle Paul uses the word mystery very frequently in his writings I have one example here in our syllabus Romans 16 25 to 27 in short folks the mystery of God is the preaching of the gospel the preaching of the message of salvation that's what the mystery of God is so let me ask you when with the mystery of God we finished at the second coming or when probation closes when probation closes because after probation closes nobody can be saved are you with me or not so Paul said rights now to him was able to establish you according to my gospel my what Paul say my gospel and the what and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the what mystery kept secret since the world began what is the mystery that was kept secret since the world began the plan of salvation when was the plan of salvation laid when Adam and Eve sinned God says Oh what are we going to do now let's devise a plan folks know had a plan been devised in the ages of eternity past but it was held in secret I'm gonna read a statement from Ellen White so now to him was able to to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now made what manifest and by what could I get some water I got this bug from my son you know it's the gift that keeps on giving anyway I'll get over it verse 26 but now made manifest in other words that's revealed by the prophetic scriptures made known to all nations according to the commandment of the everlasting God for obedience to the faith to God alone wise be glory through Jesus Christ for ever amen thank you that's a little lemon in it too so what is the mystery it is the gospel and the preaching of whom the preaching of Jesus now notice this statement from Ellen White this is a beautiful statement signs of the times March 25 1897 the incarnation of Christ is a what a mystery the union of divinity with humanity is a mystery indeed hidden with whom with God even the mystery no she quotes Paul even the mystery which hath been hid from ages it was kept in eternal silence by Jehovah and was first revealed where where would that be where where is that reference found in the Bible genesis 3:15 so it says and was first revealed in eden by the prophecy that the seed of the woman should bruise the Serpent's head and that he should bruise his heel to present to the world this mystery that God kept in silence for eternal ages before the world was created before man was created was the part that Christ was to act in the work he entered upon when he came to this earth and this wonderful mystery the incarnation of Christ and the atonement that he made must be what declared to every son and daughter of Adam whether Jew or Gentile so the mystery of God is what the preaching of the gospel of Jesus the gospel of salvation what would the finishing of the mystery of God mean it must mean that there is no longer any use for preaching the gospel because the door of opportunity has what it's closed so what's going to happen shortly before Jesus takes over the kingdoms of the world probation is going to close and the preaching of the gospel is going to come to an end now they're stupid Babylonian preachers are still going to be preaching but as far as preaching for salvation there'll be no more preaching for salvation because the door of Mercy has already what closed incidentally you know the seventh-day Adventist Church has a unique belief that no other church has and that is that the Douro probation will close before the second coming of Christ and that after the probation the door of probation closes there's going to be a time of trouble such as never has been seen in the history of the world what do the churches teach they teach well the church is going to be raptured away before that seventh-day Adventist Church teaches no the preaching of gospel will come to an end probation will close and then God's people will be here during the great time of trouble but at the end of the time of trouble Jesus will come to take over the kingdom God's people will be delivered every one who is found written where everyone who has found written in the book so let's go to the next paragraph the mystery of God the preaching of the gospel to the world will come to an end shortly before the seventh trumpet begins to sound at that time Jesus will remove his high priestly robes and clothe himself with his kingly robe this is the moment that is described in Daniel 12 verse 1 where the expression stand up means that the kingdom of Jesus is complete and now he is going to rule over his kingdom which are his people how was that determined who was a member of his kingdom in the investigative investigative aspect of the judgment now the moment is also described in Revelation 15 5 through 18 5 through 8 when Christ's work of intercession comes to an end in the heavenly knows that's the heavenly temple the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary so what is the sequence there's a preaching of the message of the judgment probation closes the mystery of God is finished no more preaching of the gospel for salvation the time of trouble and then the seventh trumpet sounds and Jesus takes over the kingdoms of the world now revelation 15 5 through 8 describes the moment when probation closes remember now we're going forward we still haven't dealt with the eating of the Little Book the eating of the Little Book happens before this because this is a parenthetical statement so maybe I should have left this in the syllabus even though I'm following the order that's found in Revelation 10 maybe I should reverse it and leave this till the end but anyway I want you to have clear in mind that this is a parenthetical statement of things that happen after the eating of the Little Book now Revelation 15 5 through 8 is very interesting let's read those verses and I have some explanatory notes in brackets after these things I looked and behold the Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony stopped there for a moment what is the tabernacle of the testimony what was the tabernacle the tabernacle was the tent right a sanctuary tent how many apartments did the sanctuary tent have to the tent I'm not talking about the court a sanctuary tent the tabernacle had two apartments did you notice here that this is the Temple of the tabernacle it gets out or not it's not the tabernacle what is opened the Temple of the tabernacle is opened in heaven what is the Temple of the tabernacle the word temple is the Greek word nas it's used 16 times in Revelation always refers to the most holy place one example revelation 11 19 it says then the temple of God was opened in heaven and the Ark of his Testament was seen in his temple so this is happening in the most holy place so it says the Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony heaven was opened what is the temple opened for all so people can go in by the way can we enter the temple today can we enter the the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary yeah we can by faith so you're saying all this is saying that that the most holy place is open in heaven so the people can come in faith to Jesus and be saved no no mm-hmm the temple is open for a different reason verse 6 and out of the temple temple isn't open for people to go in the temple is open for the plague angels to come out does that mean that probation is closed when the plague angels come out yes so it says and out of the temple came the seven angels having seven plagues clothed in pure brightman and having their chests girded with golden bands then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God has probation closed when the cups are filled with the wrath of God absolutely and a continuous saying here who lives forever and ever the temple what is the temple the most holy place the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power and no one was able to what to enter the temple can we enter the temple today can we claim Jesus as our intercessor in the temple we can enter today by faith right we can come boldly to the throne of grace the Bible says but this is speaking of a time when the Templars filled with smoke and no one will be able to what to enter the most holy place by faith until where till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed and you say well will will be able to enter the temple after the seven plagues yes 144,000 says they serve in his temple day and night will be able to enter literally there in the temple now notice revelation 22 this is another passage that deals with specifically with this issue of three stages close a probation time of trouble and second coming and then the reward it says in revelation 22 verse 10 and he said to me this is at the end of the book of Revelation and he said to me do not steal the words of the prophecy of this book what book is he referring to the book of Revelation can a message of salvation come out of the book of Revelation today for the world absolutely so when it says don't seal the words of the prophecy of this book can people still read the book and understand it and be saved yes but then it says for the time is at hand don't seal the book a message he'll come forth from the book but it says the time is near the time is about to come which time is about to come the next verse tells us he who is unjust let him be unjust still he was filthy let him be filthy still does that sound pretty final he was righteous let him be righteous still he was holy let him be holy still what he meant is that the clothes of human probation is that the second coming of Jesus this is the same as when the mystery of God is finished and then notice after after this sentence is given Jesus says and behold I am coming quickly and my reward is with me to give everyone according to his work Jesus cannot being to bring the reward without first heaven have have revealed what the reward is and it's in the investigative judgment that the reward is revealed Jesus simply brings his reward when he comes do you see three stages here the door is opened the book of Revelation is not sealed it can present a message to the world but the time is near when what in every case is decided and then Jesus says I will come exactly what we saw in the prophecy Daniel chapter 7 fact our time is just about up but let's go to this next passage because I don't want to come back to this because it's the last little part this evening we're going to deal with a bittersweet experience now this will be revealed because we covered this when we talked about the little book what are the three stages of the judgment where is the first is the door open during the investigation is salvation open yes what's the second the verdict what's the third the execution or the implementation of the verdict based on the investigation did we find that in revelation 10 does a message come forth from the little book in Revelation 10 can people be saved sure but it's the mystery of God gonna be finished is the mystery of God gonna be finished before the seventh trumpet sounds yes what is that the close of probation and then what is Jesus going to do he's going to come to take over the kingdoms it's the same thing same thing with different terminology now let's go through this passage quick I've added explanations in brackets and when you add brackets it means that it's not part of the text I'm not embellishing the Bible I'm just adding explanatory notes this is what happened October 22 1844 right here what we're going to read is October 22 1844 this is what happened in heaven now listen Daniel chapter 8 gives us the date 2300 days the sanctuary cleanse Daniel chapter 7 says hey I'm going to tell you what happened in heaven at that date and revelation 14 says now you need to proclaim this to the world I watched your Thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days was seated where the Thrones there before by the way who's sitting on the thrones Thrones plural 24 elders the representatives of the worlds that never sinned they're there the heavenly jury of course the angels are also watching every trial has a jury has people who observe to make sure that the judge is doing things correctly so it says I watch the Thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days was seated where is this taking place Nevin danger the release lives in heaven we pray our Father which art everywhere no we pray our Father which art what in heaven so this is happening heaven his garment was as white as snow the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was a fiery flame its wheels a burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a thousand thousands ministered to him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him who are those the angels where do the angels live in heaven and then it says the court was seated so was the court seated before this the judgment takes place before this is this happening after 1798 yes because it's after the 1260 years of the little horn Daniel seven doesn't give us the date but it says after after 1798 Daniel 8 will give us the date the 2300 days verse 13 so the books are open one of the books open for the investigation whose cases are going to be investigated those who claim Jesus right why is there an urgency to do that before the second coming because when Jesus comes he's going to take him with him but before he can take him with him he has to reveal who he has a right to take does he have to do that with a wicked no because the wicked are going to be left here they can be dealt with later seventh-day Adventist theology makes all the sense in the world folks simply it's it's simply the fact that we've become evangelical non-thinking we become superficial and I think we don't dig deeply into scripture into prophecy and many times we simply repeat Beauford over and over and over again we don't go to the text and study it for ourselves there's so much more to see in prophecy than what we're hearing in evangelistic meetings now I know the evangelistic meetings are for non evidence that's good it's not a criticism of evangelism but we have to go beyond there as Adventist notice verse 13 father moves sits books are open and then in verse 13 it says that was watching in the night visions can be an old one like the Son of Man who's that Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven who are they the angels he came to where is he coming to the earth no he's going to the ancient days in heaven what apartment do you think the Ancient of Days went to the temple of God was open in heaven and the Ark of his Testament was seen hello what apartment is that the most holy place of the sanctuary so it comes to the Ancient of Days and it says and they that is the clouds brought him near before him that is before God the Father why does he go there then to him was given to him was given to Jesus who gave it to him the father what is the father gonna give Jesus when Jesus goes beginning in 1844 to judges the cases judge the cases of all those who claimed the name of Jesus it says then to him was given Dominion glory and a kingdom that all peoples nations and serve Him his domain ian is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away in his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed are you follow me so Jesus goes to the Father to receive the kingdom when will Jesus receive the kingdom what is the kingdom his people the totality of his people are his kingdom so when does Jesus receive the totality of his kingdom once every single case has been decided this kingdom is complete are you follow me it's not rocket science we just have to think not read think and reason there's very little reasoning in the world today one thing that frustrates frustrates me beyond knowing sometimes I go to preached in certain places and you know Adventist who have been evidence for 40 years things that we should that we should be well-versed on and and it's because we become we become junkies I'm speaking to clear to blame there you know we we want junk food easy stuff a smooth message go let's get back here no more criticism notice verse 18 by the way where is the kingdom given to Jesus before we read verse 18 where is the kingdom given to Jesus it's given to him in heaven so in this kingdom is complete let me ask you this is the mystery of God finished when this Kingdom is complete yea if the mystery of God is finished because nobody else is going to be saved the mystery of God is finished probation closes the verdict in favor of God's people is given in heaven not on earth but is a time coming when the saints will actually possess the kingdom notice verse 18 but the Saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom when does that happen when Jesus comes and possess the kingdom forever even forever and ever and then notice verse 21 repetition I was watching and the same horn was making war against the Saints and prevailing against them until the Ancient of Days came came to where to earth right no what did weari previously after the little horn immediately after the little horn it says the Ancient of Days comes he sits on the throne the books are open so this is a repetition of an idea until the Ancient of Days came where did he come to the most holy place from where from the only place you know I never cease to be amused by Adventists who say Jesus went directly into the most holy place that is the most absurd thing that you could ever think because Jesus came to live his perfect life in the camp that's that's a part of the sanctuary that we never never think of we always begin in the court sanctuary begins in the camp because before the lamb could be sacrificed the lamb had to be without blemish the lamb without blemish represents a perfect life of Christ in our midst his sacrifice would have had no value if he had not lived a perfect life in our camp the word was made flesh and dwelt among us tempted in all things like we are yet without sin so when he goes to the cross he's a perfect lamb are you with me so his life is lived in the camp his death is in the court and then suddenly whoop he jumps into the most holy place so he had no holy place ministry it's absurd the holy place is the place where the priest intercedes and you say well what happened in 1844 the fact is that on the day of atonement the high priest continued interceding he just added another function Jesus after into the most holy place he continues to intercede but now he's also performing a work of judgment he's added a function let me ask you is the death of Jesus based on his perfect life is this perfect life indispensable for his death is this death indispensable for his intercession is it intercession indispensable for the judgment yes because only those who have confessed their sins and repented and place them in the sanctuary through Jesus will be found not wanting in the judgment so you know people say the cross the cross only the cross no no it's a package deal without his perfect life the Cross has no value the cross without his intercession were lost and the judgment to determine who are his based on whether they accepted the sacrifice of Christ and the life of Christ is worthless as well it's everything and that's what makes the seventh-day Adventist Church unique is that we get the whole picture we're not stuck only at the cross we see the whole process of salvation beginning then every aspect of the functions of Christ quickly verse 21 I was watching them the same horn was making war against the Saints and prevailing against them remember that we already read this before until the Ancient of Days came and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High what is the purpose of this judgment it's to give a verdict in favor of the saints of the Most High when is that verdict given it's given on earth when Jesus comes right no because it continues saying don't miss this point a judgment was made in favor of the Saints of the Most High and the time came for the Saints to possess the kingdom how can it be clearer do you see those three points of the judgment investigation verdict both of those in heaven investigation verdict in heaven and that possessing the kingdom when Jesus comes last point verse 25 and then we will go to eat the food that perishes speaking about the little horn he shall speak war pompous words against the Most High shall persecute the Saints of the Most High shall intend to change times in law then the Saints shall be given into his hand for a time times and half a time set a repetition of things that we've read before in the chapter see Daniel seven runs in cycles each cycle explains some aspects of the previous part verse 26 but the courts shall be seated where we've already read it in heaven but the courts shall be seated and they shall take away his Dominion notice it says they shall take away his Dominion the father the son of man and those that sit on the thrones will take away his Dominion and then it continues saying but the courts shall be seated they shall take away as Dominion to consume in destroy it forever then the kingdom and the Dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people the Saints of the Most High is that when they're actually take over the kingdom yes and then it speaks about Jesus and says his kingdom because ultimately it's his his kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey Him are you following me are we doing all right is it becoming clear as we go along see as we start putting the pieces of see it's it's the study of Revelation 10 is like like a jigsaw puzzle you know when you put the first two or three pieces you're kind of lost you see what is this but then as you add more pieces you start catching the pictures oh no now I get it so when we finish all of this suddenly it's going to click now I got it so was this some invention that was made after the great disappointment this is not some invention this happened and then afterwards the remnant people when the seventh-day Adventist Church was formed they said wow look at revelation 10 that's exactly what happened to us they saw it so it's not that they're just projecting they're trying to invent a scenario no they're seeing the fulfillment of their movement step by step with in Revelation chapter 10 so is it clear what we study now don't miss it don't miss tonight tonight will be great it's the bittersweet experience and the measuring of the temple let's pray father in heaven we thank you for the wonderful things from your word we thank you that you've called us all of darkness into your marvelous light we thank you for the awesome privilege of belonging to your remnant people but father we know that it's also an awesome responsibility when we have much light much is demanded from us so I asked Lord that you will help us to take these things into our minds into our hearts and to feel that passion that will lead us to share them with others who are in the world confused they don't understand what's happening their hearts are failing them for fear because they don't know where things are leading we have such a comforting message for them to know exactly where we are and where things are going help us Lord to proclaim this message with power because it's time for Jesus to close the door probation Jesus to come he's been delayed too long and so we end this prayer by saying even so come Lord Jesus in his name we pray amen you
Channel: Aaron
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Id: HkzbFyoRSZQ
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Length: 70min 53sec (4253 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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