"Prophesy Again" - by Pastor Stephen Bohr

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I'll bet you can't guess what we're going to do of course we're going to review for those of you who have the syllabus this would be paid 16 where you have a list of events in Revelation chapter 10 you have a mighty angel who descends from heaven what date does the angel descend from heaven 1798 at the beginning of the time of the end at that time the little book is open which little book is that the little Book of Daniel 12 verse 4 what is the central content of the book the 2300 day prophecy the beginning date for the judgment so now what was sealed is going to be revealed it's going to be unsealed in other words so he descends from heaven his physical characteristics are given who is this mighty messenger the message comes from Jesus Christ himself according to what we noticed and then this mighty angel plants his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land and what does that mean that the message from the little book is going to be global it's going to go to every nation kindred tongue and people what does the act of planting the feet mean it means that he's saying this planet is mine and of course in the seventh trumpet he takes over because the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of Christ so after planting his feet saying this world is mine and this message is going to go to the whole world then this mighty angel lets out a roar like what a lion because he's the Lion of the tribe of Judah right and when he roars the aftermath is what seven thunders and as we notice the seven thunders our events that occur primarily between 1842 in the fall of 1844 the fact that they were going to miss calculate prophecy first by saying that Jesus was coming back in a team around 1843 afterwards saying he was going to come in the spring of 1844 that is New England spring and then that he was going to come on October 22 1844 those were the seven thunders who called the Millerites to proclaim this message did God call them to do it did God know that they had made mistakes in calculations so was that a good thing or a bad thing it appeared bad but it was good what was the purpose of sealing the thunders nots what people could not understand the message of the thunders which means that they if the thunders had not been sealed they would have understood that there were going to be disappointments and then they wouldn't have been disappointed because they would have calculated the time periods correctly so what was the reason why these mistakes that they were going to make were concealed to them because their faith needed to be tested so when God conceals God also has a plan right and so the message of the seven thunders was concealed John was told don't write it even though he understood what the seven thunders uttered and this happened primarily between 1842 and 1844 although you could go back to when William Miller started studying 1818 1831 when you really started preaching and then we find that this mighty angel after the seven thunders after the miscalculations he raises his hand to heaven which hand probably the right hand why doesn't he raised his left hand because he has a little book in his left hand and he swears an oath in name of who does he swear the oath in name of the eternal God who what who created the heavens and everything in them the earth and everything in it and the sea and everything in it when the Bible says heaven earth and sea it means everything so the oath is proclaimed in the name of the Creator you say now wait a minute then he's swearing by himself because Jesus was the Creator but we need to understand folks that the Bible some places says that God the Father is the creator in other places it says that the son was the creator the father was the architect and the son was the master builder the son executed the will of the Father in the creation of the Angels and then in the creation of all of the beings of other worlds and eventually the creation of Adam and Eve here on planet Earth so in if you read Revelation chapter 4 verse 11 the father sitting on the throne and the heavenly beings are seeing in a song of praise to the one who was on the throne and they say you know they're praising him because they say you created all things but then it says and by your will all things exist see he's the creator because he revealed his will to Jesus and then Jesus implemented the plan and the Apostle Paul says that all things are from the father through the son there are many texts that emphasize that point and so Jesus is swearing in the name of God the Father and what does he say in the oath he says in the earth that time will be no longer what time is this referring to prophetic time what was the longest period of prophetic time so when would this oath be proclaimed it would be around October 22 1844 because that's when the time was fulfilled so he's not gonna say time will be no longer before October 22 1844 so around October 22 1844 he proclaims the Olfa time will be no longer now when it says time will be no longer is that referring to the close of probation no is it referring to the second coming of Jesus the end of time we say no how do we know that we gave two reasons what is the first reason this is happening during the period of which trumpet the sixth trumpet when there's Jesus come to take over the kingdom in when does probation closed right before the seventh trumpet sounds so the oath is given before that Pros close of probation and before the second coming of Jesus and the second reason is after the Little Book episode where John is told to eat the book it's going to be sweet in his mouth and bitter in his belly he's told to prophesy again well if the oath means that the end of the world has come or probation is closed why would he prophesy again are you with me so this must be as Ellen White says the little lady is always right people you know people sometimes don't like that and basically there's two kinds of people that as related to Ellen White who criticized her number one are those who never read her and number two those who read her with the intention of criticizing if you go to the writings of Ellen White with those two objectives you're going to find plenty of reason to doubt because there are things that Ellen White said that unless you study them carefully you'll say well she's contradicting himself there are things in the Bible that are apparent contradictions apparent she knows that word we give you an example if you read the Gospels were told that Judas committed suicide he hung himself in the book of Acts it says he fell a great distance and his belly split open and his innards came out so people say see two different authors they didn't get their heads together Ellen White explains beautifully the relationship between the two she says that there was a branch over a Ledge and Judas placed the rope over that and when he jumped off a Ledge the branch broke and he fell headlong and his innards came out so did he commit suicide of course he committed suicide he expected to hang himself but he not only hung himself but he fell a long distance and his belly split open so you know don't just assume that the Bible contradicts itself until you look at all of the evidence don't assume that Ellen White contradicts herself unless you have examined all the evidence and when you examine all of the evidence you'll see that she doesn't contradict herself now so you have here the oath in the name of the creator then we talked about the finishing of the mystery of God what is the finishing of the mystery what is the mystery of God it is when the preaching of the gospel word and the finishing of the mystery of God because the mystery of God is the preaching of the gospel remember we read a passage from Romans chapter 16 where the Apostle Paul speaks about the mystery hidden from the ages we read a statement from Ellen White where she says that what was hidden from the ages it was first revealed and hidden was the gospel of salvation so what would the finishing of the mystery of God mean it means that a plan the plan of salvation has well it has come to an end there's no use preaching the gospel anymore because nobody is gonna choose to be what nobody's going to choose to be saved so the finishing of the mystery of God is the closing of human probation and that happens when right before the seventh trumpet sounds the seventh trumpet is when Jesus takes over the kingdoms right before he takes over the kingdoms the door probation closes you know and I have a I have a topic that is titled open and closed doors you know probation always closes before the punishment comes the flood let me ask you why did God allow seven days to pass actually started reading on the eighth day early in the eighth thing why would he do that why didn't he cause it to rain right after the door closed it was testing their faith but what he was doing he was revealing what was going to happen at the end as it was in the days of Noah so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man asked the door probation closed before the destruction came and the deliverance of no and his family came in the same way at the end of time probation will close the door probation will close God's people will go through a severe time of trouble their faith will be tested and then the world will be strong and God's people will be delivered so in the Bible consistently the verdict is given probation closes the time of trouble passes and then God's people are delivered now is revelation 10 verse 7 in correct chronological order no verse 7 is to be understood as a parenthesis between what occurs in chap in verse 6 and what is going to take place in verse 8 in other words it breaks the flow of thought to explain something that's going to happen after the little book episode are you following me and we're gonna see the reason why now we are going to take a look now at this little book episode this bittersweet experience is what I call it now you have this on the screen is this large enough for you not large enough well let me make it a little bit larger so that we can all see it here is that better or more that good alright let's just skip the first two paragraphs because because we already discussed that specific issue actually let's just skip the first paragraph where it deals with the issue that verse 7 is a parenthetical statement and let's go to the following paragraph the assimilation of the little book by John causes a bittersweet reaction in them up the judgment book this is a judgment book right so would it be the judgment hour message yes the judgment book is sweet but when it reaches the belly it gives him in digestion we have already identified the contents of the book as the prophecy of the 2300 days especially the time element that marks the beginning of the judgment that's why we dedicated the time to Daniel 12 verse 4 in our first couple of sessions this means that the judgment hour message was sweet to John but in the aftermath it became bitter so somehow the the 2300 day prophecy the judgment hour message was going to be a sweet experience for those who proclaimed it but then it was going to become bitter have you ever had an experience of eating something that is delicious and in the aftermath that causes you in digestion well then you can understand what John went through in vision now when it says eat the book nobody goes around eating books it is symbolic of assimilating the message now you have read in Revelation chapter 10 the description of the little book it said the angel says to John take the little book it will be bitter in your stomach and sweet in your mouth and then John takes the book he eats it it's sweet in his mouth and it's bitter in his stomach now what does the sweetness as honey represent I have three texts here Jeremiah 15 verse 16 says your words were found and I ate them so what does it mean to eat the book it means to eat God's Word right and which message does a little book contain primarily so it's the assimilation or the eating of the judgment hour message and it says and your word was to me the what the joy and rejoicing of my heart was that true of the millwrights yes for I am called by your name o Lord God of hosts psalm 119 103 is even closer to the little book episode in revelation 10 here the psalmist says how sweet are your what are your words to my taste sweeter than honey in my mouth and then I mentioned here Exodus 16 31 what did the manna represent God says in Deuteronomy 8 verse 3 I gave you manna that you might know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God so the manna represents the Word of God what did the manna taste like Exodus 16 31 says and the house of Israel called its name manna and it was like white coriander seed and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey so eating the book means assimilating the message and at first the message from the little book the judgment hour message because we've already proved that the central thought of the book is the 2300 days in the beginning of the judgement when the message is assimilated it's what it's wonderful it's sweet Ellen White manuscript 59 1900 had this the same the comprehension of truth the glad reception of the message is represented in the eating of the little book and then she says the truth in regard to the time of the advent of our Lord was a precious message to our souls so was the preaching of the millerite message as sweet experience fact Ellen White wrote many times in her writings that the year that led up to October 22 1844 she said was the happiest year of my life because she expected on that date to see her beloved Savior Jesus Christ now the act of eating the scroll not only represents assimilation of the message but it also represents the impartation or proclamation of the message in other words eating the little book doesn't mean that they're only understood and assimilated the message it means that they are war also supposed to what to proclaim it did the Miller writes only understand the message and assimilate the message no did they preach it Oh far and wide the closest parallel to this is Ezekiel 3 verses 1 through 4 see we loud scripture to interpret scripture when the texts deal with common themes so we have a little book sweet etc so we if we find another text that has similar terminology we can use it to explain the verse under consideration notice Ezekiel 3 1 through 4 moreover he said to me son of man eat what you find eat this what scroll is that similar to revelation 10 yes now what does that mean eat this scroll notice what it continues and go speak to the house of Israel so what is Ezekiel supposed to do supposed to eat the scroll and then he's supposed to proclaim the contents of the scroll verse 2 so I opened my mouth and he caused me to eat that scroll and he said to me son of man feed your belly and fill your stomach see the common theme was revelation 10 so it says he said to me feed your belly and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give you so I ate and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness now verse 4 is critically important then he said to me son of man go to the house of Israel and speak with my words to them so what does eating the book represent it means assimilating and understanding the message and then what proclaiming or preaching the message now you all know that the millwrights misunderstood the meaning of the sanctuary they thought the sanctuary was the earth even though no place in the bible is the earth spoken of as the sanctuary it was an assumption on their part and they believed they lacked Oh on October 22 1844 Jesus was going to come from heaven and he was going to cleanse the earth with fire and he was going to set up his kingdom that's what they believed but we all know that they were wrong about the event were they right about the timing of the event were they correct in saying October 22 1844 sure they were they were right with regards to time but they were wrong with regards to the event and we'll come back to that in a few moments but when October 22 1844 came to an end they believed that the day ended at midnight see they didn't even have that straight at midnight the clock tolled and Jesus let me read you some statements from some of those who went through this experience first of all Hiram Edson and you can you can sense the disappointment we confidently expected to see Jesus Christ in all the holy angels with him and that his voice would call up Abraham Isaac and Jacob in all the ancient were these and dear friends which had been torn from us by death and then our trials and sufferings with our earthly pilgrimage would close and we should be caught up to meet our coming Lord to be forever with him to inhabit bright golden mansions in the golden home city prepared for the redeemed our expectations were raised high and thus we looked for a coming Lord until a clock tolled 12:00 at midnight the day and then passed and our disappointment became a certainty our fondest hopes and expectations were blasted and such a spirit of weeping came over us as I never experienced before it seemed that the loss of all earthly friends could have been no comparison we wept and wept till the day dawn so did the sweet experience turn into a bitter one did it have to do with the timing of the judgment the central message of the little book is this just an officer afterthought that we're just trying to expand the explanation back into this no it's not this is the way it happened he continues writing we wept and wept till the day dawn I mused in my own heart saying my Evin experience has been the richest and brightest of all my Christian experience if this had proved a failure what was the rest of my Christian experience worth has the Bible proved a failure is there no God no heaven no golden home city no paradise is all this but a cunningly devised fables is there no reality to our fondest hope and expectation of these things and thus we had something to grieve and weep over if all our fond hopes were lost and as I said we wept till the day gone and there are people who are critical of them they say well you know these people they had no theological education so of course they got it wrong but let me tell you the piety of the Millerites far out shines ours these people sold all of their possessions to invest the money in the proclamation of the message they believed in they left their fields unharvested they sat and studied the Bible all night they use their money to pay the debts of other people so that they wouldn't have debts when Jesus came they confess their sins to one another asking for forgiveness these were pious people so before you're critical you better have the same level of spirituality that they had it's very easy to throw stones but people who live in glass houses don't throw stones let me read you what Washington Moors had to say also he went through this experience the passing of the time was a bitter disappointment since he uses the word bitter true believers had given up all for Christ and it shared his presence as never before the love of Jesus filled every soul and with an express inexpressible desire they pray come Lord Jesus and come quickly but he did not come and now to turn again to the cares perplexities and dangers of life in full view of jeering and reviling unbelievers who scoffed as never before was a terrible trial of faith and patience when elder Himes visited Waterbury Vermont a short time after the passing of the time and stated that the Brethren should prepare for another cold winter my feelings were almost uncontrollable I left the place of meeting and wept like a child do you sense the disappointment notice what William Miller had to say it passed and the next day it seemed as though all the demons from the bottomless pit were let loose upon us the same ones and many more see this is the reason why it was okay for them not to understand and you say well what do you what do you mean it was okay for them to go through a disappointment yes it was okay God placed his hand over the mistake well that doesn't sound like God listen it was necessary to reveal who's who notice what happened William Miller says the same ones and many more who were crying for mercy two days before war now that should be not-not-not but now we're now mixed with the rabble and mocking scoffing and threatening in a most blasphemous manner did they really reveal the intentions of their hearts they sure did did the disappointment help reveal that yes so wasn't all bad now what happened in 1844 this bittersweet experience is very similar to what happened to the disciples at the triumphal entry there's a striking parallel between the two so let's take a look at that who orchestrated the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem who told the disciples to get the donkey Jesus who sat on it Jesus who allowed the people to proclaim him King because they proclaimed him King did Jesus know that they that they misunderstood working he was going to be by the way do you know that on the the cross was the throne of Jesus in the kingdom of grace he was going to be king because he said now the ruler of this will be cast out I'm going to be the king of the kingdom for grace not the kingdom of glory the kingdom of grace have you noticed all of the kingly language that appears in connection with the last days of Christ they put a kingly robe on him they put a sceptre in his right hand a reed they said hail the King of the Jews Pilate said behold your king they placed a crown on the head of the king and they put in an inscription Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews was Jesus really gonna be king yes because he was going to cast out legally the rule of this world and he was going to take over the rulership of this world did they misunderstand the kind of king that he was going to be yes they thought he was going to be the king of the kingdom of glory but it was the king of the kingdom of grace so Jesus orchestrated this event knowing that they were gonna be disappointed did he know it you better believe he knew it so why did he do it if he knew that they misunderstood what he was going to be and they would be deeply disappointed why did he do that because the hearts of those who enthusiastically proclaimed him even King needed to be what tested how many people were left afterwards a little remnant of people in the upper room a small remnant now let's go through the parallels was the triumphal entry a sweet experience all you have to do is read Matthew 21 Paul the people and say they were singing Hosanna and they were praising and you know the disciples were in front and Lazarus was Li Lazarus was actually leading the procession according to the spirit of prophecy and they were they were just having a wonderful time praising Jesus but let me ask you was Jesus going to fulfill a specific time prophecy which time prophecy in the middle of the week the Messiah will be cut off by the way is that the same prophecy as the 2300 days it's the first part of the 2300 days did they have the timing right yes did they have the event right no are you seeing the parallel now were they mistaken about the kind of Kingdom yes after the triumphal enter when Jesus is crowned king of the king of grace with a crown of thorns on his head and the cross were they deeply and profoundly disappointed you can sense this by listening to what of what one of the disciples not one of the twelve but one of the followers of Jesus said on the road to Emmaus when Jesus caught up to them they said he said we thought he was the one who was going to redeem Israel had Jesus redeemed Israel had he ever but they didn't understand it so what did Jesus do now it says in Luke chapter 24 that beginning with Moses from all the prophets in all the scriptures he taught them the things concerning himself and now when Jesus explains all the prophecies that they had misinterpreted they say wow how could we be so blind did they gain a new understanding about what Jesus was going to do that Jesus was indeed the Savior yes they got a new understanding and then on the day of Pentecost Jesus entered the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to begin his intercessory ministry there and Ella white explains that the Jewish nation was left in total darkness because they did not follow Jesus into the holy place are you with me she says that a darkness Ville it ultimi ultimately it led to the destruction of Jerusalem have you read the first chapter of great controversy other than the French Revolution this is the closest example of what happens when God has withdrawn his spirit from a city or from a civilization Ellen White said that he had that Satan had total control of the Jewish nation why because they refused to enter with Jesus into the holy place what about the Christian world at the end of time hmm well we need to draw the parallel now by the way did the disciples now have to go prophesy again had they preached the kingdom of God is at hand you know Jesus sent them out to preach yeah did they understand fully what they were preaching well they said this this means that the Messiah has come he's gonna sit on the throne but let me ask you after this appointment when Jesus explained prophecy to them and they understood it where they commanded to go prophesy again to all nations go ye therefore and teach all nations it says in Matthew chapter 28 but with the new understanding of what had occurred and listen carefully after the disappointment a small remnant was left which became the nucleus of the Christian Church of course this bears no relationship to 1844 you think who orchestrated the Advent movement that led up to 1844 Jesus did didn't he he did did he call William Miller have you ever read the story of how William Miller was called you know why not God God had told him he felt impressed God tell it to the world tell it to the world well Emerson I know I don't know how to talk I'm just a farmer I don't have a PhD of course he didn't probably say that I'm just that's my addition and he continues here and go tell it to the world go tell it to God is telling him say that Jesus is coming about the year 1843 he's how could how could God be party to such a deception are you with me and finally William Miller goes out to his backyard says okay Lord if I get an invitation to preach somewhere I'll go within a half an hour his nephew was there asking him to go preach at a church God answer the prayer quite quickly so who called Miller and Josiah Lich Charles Fitch and all the Miller rights to preach God did God know that they were that they didn't understand fully what they were preaching incidentally let me ask you is this the John the Baptist understand what he was preaching not fully you read what he says in Matthew chapter 3 he says his winnowing fan it is is in his hand and he's gonna take the wheat and he's gonna put it in his barn and the chaff he's gonna burn with unquenchable fire he believed that the coming of the Messiah was to just to destroy the wicked and to set up his kingdom and so then he ends up in prison and all fight says that he was dejected this man I know that I said behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world but is he he starts having doubts so he sends two of his disciples to Jesus to ask him are you the Messiah or are we to expect another she didn't even understand what he was preaching but God told him preach and then people will understand so while he's in prison he sends it to disciples and Jesus according to the desire of Ages tells the two disciples I'm not gonna answer your question of whether I'm the Messiah or not stick around all day and then go tell John what you saw and during that day he opens the eyes of the blind the ears of the Deaf he heals the lepers he resurrects the dead and then Jesus says go tell John what you saw and so he goes and it tells John they go and tell John and all Wight says that suddenly something clicked in the mind of John the Baptist he said this is a fulfillment of Isaiah 60:1 God used scripture to explain to John the true meaning after he was disappointed there's many more stories that we could use from the Bible that show how God God operates so the event in 1844 was orchestrated by God was the preaching of Jesus coming to set up his everlasting Kingdom a sweet message to those who proclaimed it absolutely was Jesus gonna fulfill a specific time prophecy yes he was gonna fulfill the prophecy of the 2300 days whereas with the Jews he fulfilled the first part of that prophecy so it's the same prophecy basically were the Millerites right about the timing were they wrong about the event is that parallel to this triumphal entry absolutely when Jesus failed to meet their expectations was there sweet experience turned into bitterness absolutely all you have to do is read the Gospels now here's what's interesting Jesus caught up to two of his followers on Resurrection morning on the road to Emmaus we know the name of one but we don't know the name of the other the name of one was Cleophus we don't know the name of the other they were they were walking in the country towards Emmaus after the great disappointment in 1844 there were two individuals crossing a field in the country we know the name of one of them but not of the other one of them was Hiram Edson the other one we don't know who it was and then I romancin as he as he describes it later he says we don't know whether it was a short vision was about whether it was a thought that God planted it was a momentary thing he said I saw distinctly and clearly that instead instead of Jesus coming to the earth on October 22 1844 he went into the most holy place to begin the final phase of his ministry in the sanctuary and so now Hiram Edson goes back to where all of the believers are he says I received this this momentary insight from God let's look at the passages again and so now they study the passages they study for example Daniel chapter 7 they say how could we miss that the Son of Man doesn't come to the earth he goes to the Ancient of Days hello how is it that jesus said to his followers wait here until I return from the wedding the wedding takes place in another place and then he returns to get his people from the wedding see how could we miss it now they have a new understanding of Scripture what happened with the majority of those who were excited about the coming of Jesus on October 22 1844 the majority forsook the movement and if you read early writings pages 52 to 54 you find that Ellen White says that the Protestant world that rejected the message was left in total darkness why because they did not follow Jesus they took their eyes off of Jesus they were looking at the cross instead of following Jesus see you have to follow Jesus you don't go to the most holy place first you go to the camera you know the law says if you're a sinner you must die so all of us are in death row so we needed someone to to live a perfect life that we can offer the law so Jesus came and lived that life in the camp in our midst he develop a perfect life that we can claim as our own but we have to claim it so then we need to follow him not only did he need to live a perfect life which is the life that we should live which he can give to us if we repent and confess our sin and trust in him but somebody had to pay for our sins too and so Jesus then goes to the cross and he dies for sinners then he goes to the Laver I don't have time to go into this but the Laver represents the resurrection of Christ si washes himself of death to enter the next phase of his ministry so now he goes into the Holy Place what does he go into the holy place to do he goes to apply the benefits of his earthly work see his perfect life and his death for sin was for everybody in the world Jesus lived and died for every person who has ever drawn breath but here's the catch you have to through repentance and confession and personal trust in Jesus you have to claim it and that's what happens what that's what Jesus does in the holy place we come to him in faith Lord I blew it I'm a sinner please I'm sorry forgive me please take your righteousness and place it to my account and at that moment Jesus takes his life in his death and places them to my account and God considers me as if I'd never sinned but you have to claim it see we have to follow Jesus in the steps of his administration you can't just say look cross I'm just gonna stay at the cross well the cross is central I mean without the cross there's no salvation but without his perfect life there isn't either and without his ministration for individuals in the holy place there isn't either for individuals you know John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so so what Jesus did was for the whole world but then it says that whosoever believeth in him see it's for all but only those who claim it throw repentance and confession and faith in Jesus will benefit from it so the Protestant world was left in darkness and Ellen White explains in great controversy that Protestantism has become more and more dark as time has gone by until you have the description Revelation chapter 18 where it says that that Babylon has become the habitation of demons Satan will be in control of Protestantism and it's and it's reaching that point and God calls the people to to announce this to Roman Catholics and to Protestants saying listen you better get out because if you don't get out the plagues will fall upon you of course they shouldn't get out because they're afraid of the plagues but that's what Revelation chapter 18 says now let me ask you after the great disappointment did the did the those who remain faithful have a new understanding was it necessary for them to go forth and once again proclaim the message with the new understanding that's where the seventh-day Adventist Church comes in do we have the fullness of light now of what they misunderstood absolutely and basically the seventh-day Adventist Church began with that small remnant that remain from the great disappointment just like the Christian Church began with that small remnant so the bottom line is this when somebody comes and says how can you be the remnant Church if you started with a disappointment you say how can you be a Christian because the whole Christian movement started with a disappointment are you with me now we have to advance profit sign again so far so good isn't this magnificent how everything was fulfilled in its exact order the way it happened is it useful to use Ellen White is it allowable to use Ellen White why not she was there she was an eyewitness no you're not gonna use it with somebody that you being in studies with because they Ellen White come on don't you go by the Bible that's what they're going to ask but you know show them the sanctuary you talk you give a man Venice history and so on and then you go to Revelation 10 they say wow the whole the whole history of the advent movement is there in its proper order now let's go to the next section there is something strange about the Angels ordered to John he told John that the book would be bitter in the stomach and sweet in the mouth is that reversing the proper order yes because you have to first eat it before it becomes bitter why does the angel reverse the natural order in verse 9 in order to understand this we need to understand that verses 9 and 10 are a chiasm say what is the chiasm it's where you have a b c c ba a repetition of the same that you had an ABC in reverse order now let's take a look at this here you have the chiasm the angel tells John to what take the scroll and eat it he says it will be bitter in your stomach that's the b-line in your mouth that will be sweet as honey that's the see line now you have the see line in reverse order John says it was as sweet as honey in my mouth is that equivalent to C yes it was bitter my sump stomach is that equivalent to be and what is equivalent to eating the scroll the angel tells John you must prophesy again are you understanding why the order is reversed so what what does it mean when when the angel tells John to take the scroll and eat it it means that you must what you must prophesy again others you must assimilate the message and you must share the message now the word must is very important you must prophesy again let me read you a definition from the exegetical dictionary of the New Testament about the word must it says it designates an unconditional necessity sentences with this verb have fundamentally an absolute unquestioned and often anonymous and deterministic character you know this is not saying you should go and prophesy again says you've got to do it you must prophesy it's an order it's an unconditional necessity is the meaning of the Greek word now where is the prophesying again to be found where do we find the prophesying again how about the three angels messages does the first angels message repeat what we have in Revelation 10 is that a global message is it a judgment message does they call attention to the Creator so where is the prophesy and again the three angels messages so what is the mission that God has given to the seventh-day Adventist Church what is the reason for our existence to proclaim those three news messages if we're not doing that we have no reason to exist I'll be politically correct the way I usually a.m. if we are not prophesying again concerning the judgment the three hundreds messages which includes the average judgment the Sabbath calling the people Allah babbling and warning about the beast his image and his mark we are not doing what we're supposed to be doing bottom line because the angel said he didn't say it would be nice for you to prophesy again you should prophesy again among others things prophesy again he said you must prophesy again it is the reason for our existence know one more thing before let's see how far well good tomorrow morning we'll deal with measuring the temple that's revelation 11 one which belongs to chapter what belongs to chapter 10 remember 11:1 now some people say yeah but revelation 10 everything centers around John John is the one who's doing all this Saul can you say that applies to an endtime people two reasons william saying it was my teacher at the seminary many years ago good scholar conservative having a scholar wrote this john lived at the beginning of the Christian era that would be during the period of the first trumpet right John lived at the beginning of the Christian era when he received this vision but the prophetic scene itself looks down toward the end of time long after John's death this is happening under which trumpet number six was John alive during the sixth trumpet no so it must represent not John but a movement are you with me here's the second reason he should there he should there we'll be taken as representative of those who will bear this final message the part he was acting out under those circumstances here comes the second reason it would have been physically impossible for John to have borne this message to all the groups he was told to address you actually think that John could go to every nation kindred tongue and people with a message he's a prisoner in Patmos books a global message demands a global church and so he says it would have been physically impossible for John to have borne this his message to all the groups he was told to address we may therefore look for a group or movement to fulfill this commission in the end of time so far so good isn't this a fascinating prophecy it's it's the most magnificent prophecy in the Bible to prove that this is God's movement there's no other that is better than this because it gives us the sequence of all of the events and it's proved by what happened actually during that period during history now what is the next event to take place what happens that was a great disappointment they have to prophesy again prophesy about what John is then told measure the temple what does it mean it measured the temple and the altar and those who worship there what does it mean to measure the temple what does the word measure mean judge not that ye be not judged for the measure that used to judge will be the measure that we used for you same word in Greek so revelation 11 verse 1 is telling us what the message what the prophesy again is about it's about measuring a temple by the way when it says measuring the temple the temple is to be understood in two ways there is a literal heavenly temple where Jesus ministers today but the earthly reflection of that temple is the church are you follow me or not so what it's supposed to happen while Jesus is examining the cases of those who profess Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary what should God's people be doing on earth Ellen White says they should be doing in parallel fashion while Jesus cleanses the heavenly sanctuary God's people are to cleanse the sanctuary of their soul we'll talk about that tomorrow see we emphasize so much what happened on the day of atonement with the high priest in the most holy place that we forget what God told the people to do are you with me see oh yeah Jesus is up there he's cleansing the sanctuary what does that have to do with me has everything to do with you because Jesus is not going to cleanse anything up there that you have not cleansed here that will be our topic for tomorrow let's pray father in heaven we thank you for this wonderful message you have given to your church Oh father we have gone so far astray from the reason of our existence bring your church back Lord work in a wonderful marvelous miraculous way as we see the trials and problems in the church we say how can this ever be resolved but we know that you're sitting on the throne this is your remnant Church it's the apple of your eye it's the only thing in the world upon which you place your supreme regard Oh Lord please act cleanse your church and prepare us for the proclamation of your message the three angels message to the world in loud cry power so that the end can come and we can go to the kingdom thank you Father for having been with us for hearing our prayer for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus amen
Channel: Aaron
Views: 11,321
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Id: d1VYj-aED6M
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Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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